katib: a distributed general automl platform on …this paper presents katib, a distributed general...

This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 2019 USENIX Conference on Operational Machine Learning (OpML ’19). May 20, 2019 • Santa Clara, CA, USA ISBN 978-1-939133-00-7 Open access to the Proceedings of the 2019 USENIX Conference on Operational Machine Learning is sponsored by USENIX. Katib: A Distributed General AutoML Platform on Kubernetes Jinan Zhou, Andrey Velichkevich, Kirill Prosvirov, and Anubhav Garg, Cisco Systems; Yuji Oshima, NTT Software Innovation Center; Debo Dutta, Cisco Systems https://www.usenix.org/conference/opml19/presentation/zhou

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Page 1: Katib: A Distributed General AutoML Platform on …This paper presents Katib, a distributed general AutoML sys-tem based on Kubernetes. The key idea is to abstract Au-toML algorithms

This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 2019 USENIX Conference on

Operational Machine Learning (OpML ’19).May 20, 2019 • Santa Clara, CA, USA

ISBN 978-1-939133-00-7

Open access to the Proceedings of the 2019 USENIX Conference on

Operational Machine Learning is sponsored by USENIX.

Katib: A Distributed General AutoML Platform on Kubernetes

Jinan Zhou, Andrey Velichkevich, Kirill Prosvirov, and Anubhav Garg, Cisco Systems; Yuji Oshima, NTT Software Innovation Center; Debo Dutta, Cisco Systems


Page 2: Katib: A Distributed General AutoML Platform on …This paper presents Katib, a distributed general AutoML sys-tem based on Kubernetes. The key idea is to abstract Au-toML algorithms

Katib: A Distributed General AutoML Platform on KubernetesJinan Zhou Andrey Velichkevich Kirill Prosvirov Anubhav Garg

Cisco Systems, USA{jinazhou, avelichk, kprosvir, anubhgar}@cisco.com

Yuji OshimaNTT Software Innovation Center, [email protected]

Debo DuttaCisco Systems, [email protected]

AbstractAutomatic Machine Learning (AutoML) is a powerful mech-anism to design and tune models. We present Katib, a scal-able Kubernetes-native general AutoML platform that cansupport a range of AutoML algorithms including both hyper-parameter tuning and neural architecture search. The systemis divided into separate components, encapsulated as micro-services. Each micro-service operates within a Kubernetespod and communicates with others via well-defined APIs,thus allowing flexible management and scalable deploymentat a minimal cost. Together with a powerful user interface,Katib provides a universal platform for researchers as wellas enterprises to try, compare and deploy their AutoML algo-rithms, on any Kubernetes platform.

1 IntroductionAutomatic Machine Learning (AutoML) determines the op-timal hyper-parameters or the neural network structure fora specific task. Thus it enables less technical users, and candiscover state-of-art models that are almost as good as hand-crafted ones ( [21], [14], [16], [4], [10]). However, we have along way before AutoML becomes mainstream. The first isthe diversity of AutoML algorithms. Algorithms for hyper-parameter tuning are generally different from those for neuralarchitecture search (NAS). Even within NAS, different algo-rithms follow separate structural mechanisms. This diversitymakes it difficult to reuse infrastructure and code, thus in-creasing the cost of deploying AutoML widely. The secondproblem is the prohibitive computational cost. The algorithmproposed by Zoph [23], for example, is expensive. This is avery active area of research.

To solve the first problem, we propose to build a generalAutoML system. We show that it is possible to integrate bothhyper-parameter tuning and NAS into one flexible frame-work. To help solve the second problem, we enable usersto plug in their own optimized algorithms and we leveragemicro-services and containers for scalability. With the help ofKubernetes [1], each component can be encapsulated inside acontainer as a micro-service.

Our contributions can be summarized as follows:• We integrated various hyper-parameter tuning and neural

architecture search algorithms into one single system.

• We standardized the interface to define and deploy Au-toML workflows in Kubernetes based distributed sys-tems.

The implementation of Katib is available athttps://github.com/kubeflow/katib.

2 AutoML WorkflowsAutoML algorithms share the common ground that theyrun in an iterative manner. The user first defines the searchspace, metrics target and maximum iterations. The algorithmsearches for the optimal solution until the target metrics orthe maximum number of iterations is reached. However, theymay vary in terms of their internal mechanisms.

2.1 Hyperparameter TuningIn hyperparameter tuning, we have a black-box function f (·)whose value is dependent on a set of parameters p. The goalis to find a p̂ such that f (p) can be minimized or maximized.In each iteration, a search algorithm service Suggestionwill generate a set of candidate hyperparameters. The can-didates are sent to Trial that provides training and valida-tion services. The performance metrics are then collected bySuggestion to improve its next generation.

2.2 Neural Architecture SearchIn neural architecture search (NAS), a neural network is repre-sented by a directed acyclic graph (DAG) G = {V,E}, wherea vertex Vi denotes the latent representation in ith layer anda directed edge Ek = (Vi,Vj) denotes an operation ok whoseinput is Vi and output is given to Vj. The value of a vertex Videpends on all the incoming edges:

Vi = g({ok(Vj)|(Vi,Vj) ∈ E})

g(·) is a function to combine all the inputs. It can vary in dif-ferent algorithms. In [23] and [16], g(·) means concatenatingalong the depth dimension. In [4], [21] and [14], a weight isassigned to every edge so g(·) is naturally the weighted sum.

Extensive research in NAS has lead to enormous diversityof NAS solutions. In terms of the search objective, the algo-rithm may search for either the optimal network or the optimalcell. The former constructs the whole graph directly while thelatter generates a subgraph G′, and the whole graph is built

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Page 3: Katib: A Distributed General AutoML Platform on …This paper presents Katib, a distributed general AutoML sys-tem based on Kubernetes. The key idea is to abstract Au-toML algorithms

by duplicating the topology of G′. In terms of evolving strat-egy, some NAS algorithms adopt a generation approach whileothers use modification. With the generation approach, thealgorithm will propose a new neural architecture in each itera-tion. With the modification approach, however, the algorithmwill modify the current architecture by adding or deletingsome parts of it instead of creating a brand-new candidate.Based on this categorization, the latest NAS algorithms canbe summarized as follows:

Strategy Search for Network Search for CellEvolve byGeneration

[23], [16], [20],[11], [2]

[23], [16], [24],[22], [13]

Evolve byModification

[9], [4], [18], [7],[3]

[17], [21], [14],[10], [15], [6], [5]

Table 1: Summary of neural architecture search algorithms

Diverse as they are, those algorithms can be integratedinto one system. Compared with hyperparameter tuning, NASonly needs one extra ModelManager service to store, con-struct and manipulate models. In each iteration, Suggestionprovides the topology of the next candidate or the modifica-tion decisions of the previous architecture to ModelManager,which constructs the model and sends it to Trial. Then themodel is evaluated and the performance metrics are fed backto Suggestion, starting a new iteration.

All these workflows can be summarized by Figure 1:


Neural NetworkTopologies


Model Manager



 / ModificationDecisions




Hyperparameter Tuning

Figure 1: Summary of AutoML workflows

3 Katib System DesignWe combine the requirements of these AutoML workflowsand the ideas from Google’s black-box optimization toolVizier [8], with the design show in Figure 2. The user startsfrom defining an AutoML task with Katib’s interface, thedetails of which can be found at http://bit.ly/2E5B9pV.A controller examines the task definition and spawns the nec-essary services. The data communication between differentcontainers is managed by Vizier Core. The searching proce-dure follows exactly the workflow defined in Section 2.

Consider EnvelopeNet [10] as an example of non-standardNAS algorithm . In EnvelopeNet, the neural networks areupdated by pruning and expanding EnvelopeCells, which areconvolution blocks connected in parallel. And these mod-ification decisions are based on feature statistics insteadof validation accuracy. The Suggestion and training con-tainers will be pre-built so the user only needs to specifythe structure of EnvelopeCells and other necessary param-eters in StudyJob yaml file. In each iteration, Vizier Core

StudyJob Controller

Vizier Core Manager 

StudyJob yaml file

mySQL Database


Model Manager

Persistent Volume

Metrics Collector 

Trials Trial 2Trial 1Trial 0


Reinforcement Learning

Bayesian Optimization



Data Flow

Dynamic Kubernetes


Static Kubernetes


User Interface

Module Spawning


Figure 2: Design of Katib as a general AutoML system

Manager first requests one or more modification decisionsfrom Suggestion and sends them to ModelManager. ThenModelManager calculates the current architectures, compilesthe models into runnable objects, and sends them to Trials,which will carry out a truncated training process. Once fin-ished, a MetricsCollector is spawned to parse featurestatistics from the training logs. Finally, this information isfed back to Suggestion via the Vizier Core and a new it-eration starts. During the process, all the model topologiesand metrics are stored in a database and presented to the user.Katib is scalable. The controller can spawn multiple paral-lel Trials in each iteration to accelerate the search. Theseservice components can be shared globally among all theusers.

The initial version provides hyper-parameter tuning withBayesian optimization [19], Hyperband [12], grid search andneural architecture search with reinforcement learning ( [23]).The user can also deploy customized tasks by creating herown algorithm for the Suggestion and the training containerfor each Trial. We will add more algorithms such as En-velopeNet [10] and integrate the support for advanced accel-eration techniques such as parameter sharing [16].

4 ConclusionsThis paper presents Katib, a distributed general AutoML sys-tem based on Kubernetes. The key idea is to abstract Au-toML algorithms into functionally isolated components andcontainerize each component as a micro-service. With thisextendable and scalable design, Katib can be a powerful toolfor both advancing machine learning research and deliveringturnkey AI solutions for enterprise users.

AcknowledgementThe authors would like to thank Cisco Systems for their sup-port, especially Amit Saha for help with the paper.

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