karsten grunewald - meteocosmap sofia · source: grunewald et al. 2016, ecol. indic. parameter...

Implemenation of ecosystem service indicators in Germany Karsten Grunewald, Ralf-Uwe Syrbe, Benjamin Richter IOER Dresden, Germany MAES Conference in Sofia, 6./7. Febr. 2017 Session: Mapping of ES and general assessment frameworks

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Page 1: Karsten Grunewald - MeteoCosMap Sofia · Source: Grunewald et al. 2016, Ecol. Indic. Parameter Results Wood accrual in the forests as quantity of potentially usable raw wood (Indicator

Implemenation of ecosystem service indicators in Germany

Karsten Grunewald,

Ralf-Uwe Syrbe, Benjamin Richter

IOER Dresden, Germany

MAES Conference in Sofia, 6./7. Febr. 2017

Session: Mapping of ES and general

assessment frameworks

Page 2: Karsten Grunewald - MeteoCosMap Sofia · Source: Grunewald et al. 2016, Ecol. Indic. Parameter Results Wood accrual in the forests as quantity of potentially usable raw wood (Indicator

1. Background

2. Framework

3. Classification

4. Template

5. Example wood provision

6. Conclusion/Experiences

Implementation of Action 5 of the EU Biodiversity

Strategy. Development and implementation of a

methodology for capturing and assessing

ecosystem services (ES) at the federal level in

the context of the implementation of Target 2 and

Action 5 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2020

„Project“ (BfN/BMUB)

potenzielle Auenretention (2013)

Verfügbarkeit der Flussauen (78. größten Ströme Deutschlands) für Hochwasserretention

Datengrundlagen: Flussauen in Deutschland ©Bundesamt für Naturschutz (2009)ATKIS Basis-DLM ©GeoBasis-DE / Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (2014)Gebietsstand: Rastergrundgeometrien (INSPIRE Grid 1 km); Karte: B.Richter, U.Walz, IÖR (2015)

0 - 33

>33 - 66

>66 - 100

Nationwide ES-statements of

relevance in space and time

Page 3: Karsten Grunewald - MeteoCosMap Sofia · Source: Grunewald et al. 2016, Ecol. Indic. Parameter Results Wood accrual in the forests as quantity of potentially usable raw wood (Indicator

Framework – cascade, EPPS, IPBES…

Evaluation schedule

Mapping of ecosystems

Assessment of ecosystem conditions

Assessment of ecosystem services

Integrated ecosystem assessment

MAES (What to map?)

MAES (2013) 6 dimensions of biodiversity

Page 4: Karsten Grunewald - MeteoCosMap Sofia · Source: Grunewald et al. 2016, Ecol. Indic. Parameter Results Wood accrual in the forests as quantity of potentially usable raw wood (Indicator

Framework for ES indicator selection

Syrbe et al. 2017

Page 5: Karsten Grunewald - MeteoCosMap Sofia · Source: Grunewald et al. 2016, Ecol. Indic. Parameter Results Wood accrual in the forests as quantity of potentially usable raw wood (Indicator

Classification of Ecosystem services

CICES V4.3 (2013): 48 ecosystem services classes

44 ES relevant for Germany (Marzelli et al. 2014)

Prioritization regarding

Territorial/spatial importance

Importance of the ES for people

Position of the ES in the scheme

Communicability of the ES-concept

Data regularly available (for monitoring!)

21 ES-classes to be processed in Germany

Page 6: Karsten Grunewald - MeteoCosMap Sofia · Source: Grunewald et al. 2016, Ecol. Indic. Parameter Results Wood accrual in the forests as quantity of potentially usable raw wood (Indicator

Principles of the description of indicandum and indicator

Parameters/factors which determine the ES

• Supply/capacity/potential (in the sense of the performance of nature)

• Demand (in the sense of the intensity of demand)

• Stock/flow (actual use – this is the ES in the original sense). This parameter can

be roughly estimated by a superimposition of supply / demand


• Name

• Calculation and analysis steps

• Results (values, maps) and interpretation

• Relationship to other sustainability and

biodiversity indicators

Grunewald et al. 2016 (Ecol. Indic.)




Template (includ.

Target setting,

Biodiversity etc.)

Page 7: Karsten Grunewald - MeteoCosMap Sofia · Source: Grunewald et al. 2016, Ecol. Indic. Parameter Results Wood accrual in the forests as quantity of potentially usable raw wood (Indicator

ES Class Main indicator Subindicators Structure

1 Crop production Crops and crop products Soil fertility Farmland Counties

2 Meat production Livestock Grassland share Livestock load Counties

3 Water

availability Freshwater provision Water use balance Nitrate content Counties

4 Timber


Vegetal and animal row

products from forests Annual wood accrual (6 sub-ind.) Federal states

5 Bioenergy Bioenergy plants Energy crop area Energetically used


6 Grassland Vegetal and animal row

products from agricult. Grassland grow Share of grassland

Provisioning Ecosystem services

Page 8: Karsten Grunewald - MeteoCosMap Sofia · Source: Grunewald et al. 2016, Ecol. Indic. Parameter Results Wood accrual in the forests as quantity of potentially usable raw wood (Indicator

Main indicator:

Annual wood accrual

average 2002-2012 in m3 ha-1 a-1

Example: Germany Raw wood provision

Grunewald et al. 2016 (Ecol. Indic.)

idea of the magnitude of sustainably extractable raw wood (9 to 13 m3 ha-1 a-1 ) in frame of the Biodiversity Strategy the developed indicator should not be communicated alone, because a causal relationship between the indicator and the naturalness of forests cannot be established

Page 9: Karsten Grunewald - MeteoCosMap Sofia · Source: Grunewald et al. 2016, Ecol. Indic. Parameter Results Wood accrual in the forests as quantity of potentially usable raw wood (Indicator


S1 Forest area (in ha at the state, county, or community level)

S2 Wood stock 2012 referred to the forest area (in m³ ha-1)

S3 Development of the annual logging (in m³ timber)

S4 Change in wood stock (2012-2002 in %)

S5 Proportion of near-natural forest areas (in %)

S6 Percentage of unfragmented forests > 50 km² to reference

area (in %)

Grunewald et al. 2016 (Ecol. Indic.)

Page 10: Karsten Grunewald - MeteoCosMap Sofia · Source: Grunewald et al. 2016, Ecol. Indic. Parameter Results Wood accrual in the forests as quantity of potentially usable raw wood (Indicator

Tab. Selected results to describe the ES wood provision in Germany

Source: Grunewald et al. 2016, Ecol. Indic.

Parameter Results

Wood accrual in the

forests as quantity

of potentially

usable raw wood

(Indicator M1)

Wood accrual is at a high level in Germany with 11.2 m3 ha-1 a-1 or 121.6 million m³ a-1

(only describes the status quo; a certain wood accrual could be realized at different stock

levels, e.g. by changing the tree species and age structures = “managed potential”). Of

the widespread tree species, the spruce grows most quickly, followed by the beech.

Douglas trees and firs have the greatest accrual, but they only account for 4% of the

forest area together.

Forest area

(Indicator S1)

Area used for forestry currently amounts to 11.4 million ha (about 31% of the land area of Germany) and is relatively constant. From 2002 to 2012 a slight increase by 0.4% (50,000 ha) was recorded (note: forest area increased in rural and peripheral areas, mostly at the expense of valuable, extensively used agricultural land, tended to decrease in conurbations).

Wood stock

(Indicator S2) Wood stock in German forests: 3.7 billion m³, or 336 m³ ha-1.

Change in wood


(Indicator S4)

Wood stock increased by 7% from 2002 to 2012. The increase in stock (accrual

minus use and mortality) is specified at currently 11.23 m³ per hectare and year.

Use values

The production value of raw wood production in the German forests amounted to about

3.5 billion € in 2011, predominantly from softwood. More than 1.1 million people are

employed in the cluster forest and wood in Germany. In practice, every inhabitant is an

“end user” of raw wood production.

Page 11: Karsten Grunewald - MeteoCosMap Sofia · Source: Grunewald et al. 2016, Ecol. Indic. Parameter Results Wood accrual in the forests as quantity of potentially usable raw wood (Indicator

Indicator-based approach

Measures and sums up ES in their spatial expression and temporal

change (trend) and compares them with objectives

Data can directly be taken from governmental records (National Forest


Result only provides information about a part of sustainability (Trees and

timber are only a part of the forest ecosystem and wood provision is only

one of the multiple services of woodland)

Conclusion wood provision

Page 12: Karsten Grunewald - MeteoCosMap Sofia · Source: Grunewald et al. 2016, Ecol. Indic. Parameter Results Wood accrual in the forests as quantity of potentially usable raw wood (Indicator

Regulating Ecosystem services

ES Class Main indicator

1 Ground water


Filtering, fixation, and accumulation by

ecosystems Proportion of well-protected areas

2 Purification of flowing

waters Dilution by water High quality structure streams

3 Prevention against

soil erosion Stabillizing of soil Avoided soil loss

4 Flood protection River flood protection Area for flood retention

5 Climate regualtion Air exchange and transpiration Minimization of urban heat island

6 Pollination Pollination and seeding Density of small structure

landscape elements

7 Genetic materials Protection of populations

8 Pest control Pest control Density of small structure

elements in arable land

9 Water quality Freshwater quality Proportion of water quality areas

10 Carbon sequestration Global climate protection Proportion of C-storing areas

11 Climate regulation Micro, lokal and regional climate Access to urban green space

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(Revised) Universal soil loss

equation (R)USLE:

R rain erosivity: summer

precipitation (DWD 1981-2010)

K soil resistance: BÜK1000Ob

S slopeness: ATKIS-DHM25

C land use: LBM-DE 2009 (2012)

+ DESTATIS agricultural data

L slope length

(field + small elements)

No data: P plant cultivation factor

Modelling Water Erosion

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Main indicator

Avoided water erosion

Supplement indicators

Actual water erosion

Share of organic cultivation

Effect of small


Avoided wind


Results: Indicators of the ES water erosion

Page 15: Karsten Grunewald - MeteoCosMap Sofia · Source: Grunewald et al. 2016, Ecol. Indic. Parameter Results Wood accrual in the forests as quantity of potentially usable raw wood (Indicator

ES Class Main indicator

1 Recreation in

landscapes Experiences of landscape, animals, plants

Landscape potential for after-



2 Recreation in cities Utilization of green infrastructure Accessibility of green spaces

3 Esthetics Experiences of landscape, animals, plants Esthetic value of landscapes

4 Potential for

biodiversity Existence values Landscape diversity

Cultural Ecosystem services Ecosystem Service Capacity

“after work recreation” Ecosystem Service Demand

Green areas (>1 ha) Population density

Ecosystem Service Flow


Access to urban green for “after work recreation”

Access to urban green?

Yes No

Population density



Page 16: Karsten Grunewald - MeteoCosMap Sofia · Source: Grunewald et al. 2016, Ecol. Indic. Parameter Results Wood accrual in the forests as quantity of potentially usable raw wood (Indicator

Proportion of cities / dwellers with access to urban

green space near to residence (indicator M)

In total, green spaces

are accessible for daily

recreation for 74.3 % of

the inhabitants in

German cities, which

means that

underprovision affects

8.1 million city dwellers.

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Publication and implementation

Description by template (10 p.) and brief profile (1 p.)

Agreement and discussion with technical experts

Revision by Federal Agency and Ministry

Publication as papers (German and English)

If applicable: integration into national reporting

Further maintenance

Periodical calculation and reporting (triannual)

Reporting by the IOER monitor http://www.ioer-monitor.de/

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Spatial approach*

Timesheet First Trend DE**

Assessment of service provision IN DE BL KR GE RA

Annual wood accrual x x x 2002-2012 (2022) 3

Area for flood retention x x x x x x 2010-2015 (2020) 2-3

Avoided water erosion x x x x x 2009-2012 (2015) 2

Accessibility of green spaces

x x x x 2008-2013-2015

(2018) 2-3

* IN-international, DE-Deutschland, BL-Bundesland, KR-Kreis, GE-Gemeinde, RA-Raster

** Einschätzungsskala: 0-keine Angabe möglich, 1-sinkend, 2-schwach abnehmend, 3-gleichbleibend, 4-schwach steigend, 5- stark steigend

Synthesis of implemented main indicators

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MAES – dynamic field (What indicate the results for whom?)

Expections (practice) – high (at least in Germany)

Maps/quantifications – new insights, target values?

High aggregation values, basis for monitoring

Additional arguments for nature protection?

Negotiation with experts from different sectors (acceptance?)

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Outlook: MAES Germany (action 5 indicators):

Work in progress… - 4 of 21 ESS-classes finished

- ES-condition in preparation

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Thank you for your attention!

Karsten grunewald

IOER Dresden

[email protected]