kara2mijael - trip to tarija 2012

Kara2Mijael Mission Trip to Tarija, Bolivia August 2012 Kara Patrovic

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Mission Trip to Tarija, Bolivia August 2012

Kara Patrovic

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My name is Kara Patrovic and I am a 15 year old Sophomore at Miller Place High School in New York. Since I was 9 years old, I have been sponsoring a young boy, Mijael Derek Guerero

Mercado, through ChildFund International. Mijael lives in a very poor neighborhood in Tarija, Bolivia. Mijael is now 6 years old. All this time, I have kept in touch with him and his family.

In January 2012, I decided that I would try to reach my dream of visiting Mijael so that I could meet him and bring him, his family, and his community much needed toys, clothes and supplies. I

began to fundraise and the project took on a life of its own with fundraisers, media interest, a website, and a logo. And, of course, great support from family, friends, my church, teachers, local

businesses and organizations, and many people who just wanted to help.

In July 2012, I passed my fundraising goal and in August 2012, I traveled to Tarija, Bolivia with my Dad and met Mijael! With the extra money raised and extra clothes and supplies donated, I was

able to help an additional 55 children in Mijael’s community, as well as contribute my time to ChildFund. I am hoping to continue to help the needy people in Tarija in the future.

Thank you to all who have helped with your donations of money, clothes, supplies, yard sale items, time, and encouragement. You have helped me reach a dream and together we have

made the world a better place!!!

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• Sponsoring Mijael • Planning the Trip • Fundraising • Meeting Mijael • Mijael’s Community • Other Communities • Healthcare Fundraisers • Living Conditions • Next Steps • Overall Accomplishments

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Sponsoring Mijael

• Idea of Sponsoring

• Selecting ChildFund

• Selecting Mijael

• Keeping in Touch

• Idea of Visiting

• Mijael’s Family

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Mijael Derek Guerero Mercado

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Mijael’s Family

Mom (Yuli) is 22 years old Dad (Efron) is 33 years old Live in a 1 room apartment

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Planning the Trip

• Estimated Costs • Organizing (Binder, Spreadsheets)

• Fundraising • Visa Requirements

– including Certificate of Good Conduct

• Bolivian Consulate Communication • US State Department

– Tense diplomatic relations with Bolivia

• Flights – Discount Websites

• Kayak, Orbitz, etc.

– NY to La Paz • AA (American Airlines)

– La Paz to Tarija • Aerosur (out of business May, 2012)

• BoA (Bolivian Airlines, government-run)

• Websites in Spanish only

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Planning the Trip (cont’d)

• Hotel/Bed & Breakfast

• Health Insurance

• Cellphones & Service

• Shots

• ChildFund International – Communication, Coordination

– Time with Mijael

– Other Volunteering

• Sponsor Shirt

• Donated Items

• Shipping Limitations & Packing Limitations

• Contacts – In-country Contact & Soccer Contact

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• Communication & Donations – Church (St. Anthony’s) – Friends & Family – Local Businesses

• Donations, Supplies, Fundraisers

– Local Organizations • RP Lions Club, MP Civic Association

– Local MP School Organizations • PTO, Friends of the Arts, Booster Club

– Local Media (e.g., Patch) – MPHS Service Club – Mailing List – E-Mail Distribution List – Facebook Website – Name of Fund (Kara2Mijael) – Logo

• Fundraiser Events – Bolivian Flags – Wendy’s – Car Wash – Yard Sale – MPHS Health Fair – Joe Keany Run – Other Selling

• Donations: – Money – Toys & Supplies

• Work – Soccer Refereeing – Babysitting – Mowing Lawns

Target: $5,400 Final Raised: $6,250

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Fundraiser Event – Wendy’s

• Wendy’s Night – Wendy’s donated 15% of all earnings from 5:00-8:00 on a weeknight

• Many customers donated money also • Miller Place Wendy’s set an all-time

Wednesday night sales record • Proceeds: $745

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Fundraiser Event – Car Wash

• Applebee’s allowed me to use their parking lot and water on a Saturday

• Advanced Auto Parts donated supplies • Many friends helped on a 95 degree day! • Many customers donated money also • Proceeds: $382

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Fundraiser Event – Yard Sale

• 33

• Yard Sale with proceeds to the fund. • Many people donated items to be sold

in the sale. • Many customers donated money also • Proceeds: $823

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Fundraising – Letters

• Solicit donations & help • ~30 different formats • ~200 letters mailed • Hundreds distributed, posted, e-mailed, Church bulletin

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Other Fundraising

• Bolivian Flags – MPHS Bulletin Board • MPHS Health Fair • Joe Keany Run • Other Miscellaneous Selling • Jobs – Soccer Refereeing, Babysitting, Lawn-

mowing • Proceeds: ~$900

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Communication – Media

Special Thank You to Rich Arleo & the MP-RP Patch!

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Communication – Website http://www.facebook.com/Kara2Mijael

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The Trip

• Extra Baggage (Donated Items) • NY to Tarija: 4 flights, 23 hours

NY (LaGuardia), USA Miami, USA La Paz, Bolivia (Overnight flight) Cochabamba, Bolivia Tarija, Bolivia

• Tarija to NY: 6 flights, 2 ½ days Tarija, Bolivia Cochabamba, Bolivia La Paz, Bolivia (Overnight layover) Santa Cruz, Bolivia Miami, USA Wash, DC, USA (Overnight layover) NY (JFK), USA

• Visa Clerk (Cash only) • Altitude Sickness (& Cocoa Tea) – La Paz altitude of 14,000 feet • Shorts in La Paz Airport (winter in Southern Hemisphere)

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Landing in Tarija

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Tarija, Bolivia

• Largest City in the Tarija Departmento de Bolivia (like a US state) • Population of about 170,000 • Broken up into Barrios (neighborhoods) • Costs vs. US:

– Taxi - average ride = $1 – Full dinner for 2 at fancy restaurant = $10

• Indigenous People • Gringos • Indignoramus game • Residencial Altiplano B&B • Taxis, Micros • Plazas • School sessions • Shopping in the Markets (Mercados) • Very religious – many old churches:

– Basilica San Francisco – Catedral de Tarija – San Roque Church – Fiesta de San Roque

• Lake San Jacinto • Avenue Quince de Abril (April 15 Avenue) • Internet Service

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Tarija – Residencial Altiplano

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Meeting Mijael

• ChildFund Proyecto Guadalquivir • Lunch with Community • Tribute to guests

– Traditional Dances – Musical performances

• In Tarija with Mijael • Parque Infantil (Children’s Park) • Provided:

– Toys – Clothes & Shoes – Toiletries – School Supplies – Sporting Goods

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Meeting Mijael

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Meeting Mijael (Video)

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Tribute to Guests

Customary to welcome guests with traditional dance renditions. Many dances were performed at many locations to welcome us.

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Meeting Mijael

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Meeting Mijael

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Time with Mijael – Plaza Principal

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Time with Mijael – Plaza Principal (Video)

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Time with Mijael – Walking through Central Tarija

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Time with Mijael – Bonding (Video)

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Time with Mijael – Fiesta de San Roque

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Time with Mijael – Church de San Roque

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Time with Mijael – Parque Infantil (Children’s Park)

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Time with Mijael – Parque Infantil (Video)

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Time with Mijael – Community Center

Proyecto Guadalquivir (ChildFund Community Center)

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Time with Mijael – More at the Community Center

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Time with Mijael – More at the Community Center

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Time with Mijael & Friends – Community Center

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Time with Mijael & Friends – Lunch in Central Tarija

Dad Kara

Glody (Interpreter)


Teresa (ChildFund Director)

Yuli (Mijael’s Mom)


Alberto’s Mom

Lionel Guardi

Hector Lorena

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Time with Mijael & Friends – Central Tarija

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Time with Mijael & Friends – Tarija Parks

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Time with Mijael & Friends – Suburban Tarija

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Time with Mijael & Friends – Parque Juan Pablo Segundo

Park named for Pope John Paul II, who celebrated mass here in 1988

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Time with Mijael & Friends – Parque Juan Pablo Segundo

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Time with Mijael & Friends

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Time with Mijael & Family

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ChildFund in Tarija

• Originally Christian Children’s Fund • 8 Proyectos (Projects) • Implemented via Community Centers • Community Centers provide:

– Food – All day activities – Library – Healthcare facility – School

• ~1,700 kids directly sponsored • ~3,600 kids benefit from services

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Mijael’s Community

• ChildFund Proyecto Guadalquivir • Community Center – provides:

– Food – All day activities – Library – Healthcare facility

• Proyecto Needs – In need of many things – Computers – Books – Camera – Money

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Proyecto Guadalquivir

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Proyecto Guadalquivir

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Proyecto Guadalquivir – Tribute to Guests

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Proyecto Guadalquivir – Teaching & Learning Dances

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Proyecto Guadalquivir – Teaching & Learning Dances (Video)

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Proyecto Guadalquivir

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Providing for the Community

• Additional money raised • Additional Toys & Supplies Donated • Opportunity to provide toys & supplies to an

additional 55 children • Two healthcare fundraisers • Helped at other ChildFund Community


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Providing for the Community – Shopping in the Mercados

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Providing for the Community – Organizing the Toys & Supplies

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Providing for the Community – Toys & School Supplies for 55 Kids!

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Providing for the Community – Toys & School Supplies for 55 Kids!

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Providing for the Community – Toys & School Supplies for 55 Kids!

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Tribute to Guests

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Tribute to Guests (Video)

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Proyecto Corazan de Maria

• Rural Community Center and School • Provides 2 Meals (Breakfast and Lunch) • Minimal City Funding • Helped teach a Kindergarten Class (La Planta) • Distributed Lunch to the school children

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Proyecto Corazan de Maria

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Proyecto Corazan de Maria

Proyecto is also the school. Here, helping teach the parts of a plant (partes de la planta) to a Kindergarten class.

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Proyecto Corazan de Maria

Proyecto provides school & breakfast and lunch. Distributing lunch to the students (Egg & tomato sandwich with Jello).

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Healthcare Fundraisers

• No Health Insurance • Very limited government-provided healthcare • Need to fundraise when major health issue

• Fundraiser #1 – Stella

– Needs knee operation – ChildFund Proyecto Guadalquivir – Street “fair” - Selling homemade food & crafts – Helped with the booths – Donated money to the fundraiser

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Fundraiser #1 - Stella

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Healthcare Fundraisers (cont’d)

• Fundraiser #2 – Giovanna – Girl needs foot operation – ChildFund Proyecto Corazon de Maria

• Anniversary Celebration • ~1,200 in attendance • 4 hours of traditional dancing

– Kara Patrovic as Guest of Honor • Honored at beginning of event • Guest of Honor seating • Included in all dancing

– Donated money to the fundraiser

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Fundraiser #2 – Giovanna Guest of Honor

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Fundraiser #2 – Giovanna Guest of Honor (Video)

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Fundraiser #2 – Giovanna Traditional Dancing

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Fundraiser #2 – Giovanna Traditional Dancing

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Fundraiser #2 – Giovanna Traditional Dancing (Video)

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Living Conditions

• Tarija broken up into Barrios (Neighborhoods) • Barrio Types:

– Urban – Like US small city – Suburban – like US very small city – Rural – Agricultural, Sparse – Barren – Desert-like

• ChildFund Proyecto Guadalquivir – Serving Suburban & Barren Barrios

• ChildFund Proyecto Corazon de Maria – Serving Suburban & Rural Barrios

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Urban Areas

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Urban Areas

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Urban Areas – Plazas

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Suburban Areas – Slums

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Rural Areas – Slums

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Barren Areas

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Barren Areas – Slums

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Barren Areas – Slums

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Barren Areas – Slums Day Care

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Barren Areas – Slums Meeting Barrio Elders

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Barren Areas – Slums

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Barren Areas – Slums A Plea for Water

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Aqua Es Vida

“Por favor…Aqua es vida” (“Please…Water is life”) – Neighborhood elder pleading for help getting water (8/21/2012)

• Barrio 27 de Mayo (Neighborhood of May 27) • Community of 366 families, >700 people • Living in Tents, Huts, Shacks • Met with Neighborhood President and

Neighborhood Elders • No running water in households • Currently use a central water spigot

– Turned on 1 hour/day Monday – Friday – Water Truck (cisterna) on weekend days

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Aqua Es Vida (cont’d)

• Pleading for Water Source – NOT water to living area, but well

• Needs / Costs (total needed $5,700) – Well (120 M) - $5,000 – 2 holding tanks - $350 each

• Approach – Fundraising – Company Match (Dad’s company) – Contact mayor directly and request dollar-for-dollar match – Lions, Rotary Joint Project

• Contact Tarija sister clubs • Contact mayor

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Next Steps

• Continue & Expand Kara2Mijael • Updated / New Website

– Multiple Projects – Links to Other Sites – Mailing /Distribution List – Online Pledging

• Annual Fundraising Events • Wendy’s Fun Day • Car Wash • Yard Sale

• Multiple Projects – Mijael – Mijael’s Community Center – Community Center 2 – Aqua es Vida

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• Mijael – Toys, Clothes, Shoes, School Supplies, Food, Sporting goods – Restaurant lunch/dinner – Play time

• Mijael’s Family – Clothes – Toiletries (1-2 month supply) – Restaurant lunch/dinner

• Mijael’s Immediate Friends – Toys, School supplies – Restaurant lunch/dinner – Play time

• Mijael’s Community – ~55 children – Toys, School supplies – Play time

• Mijael’s Community Center – Met with President and staff – Volunteered with children and played with them – Taught American customs, music, dance

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Accomplishments (cont’d)

• Additional Community Center / School – Met with President and staff – Volunteered with children and played with them – Helped teach a Kindergarten class (La Planta) – Distributed lunch

• Healthcare Fundraisers

– Stella Knee Surgery • Volunteered time at booth at Stella Fundraiser • Donated money

– Giovanni Foot Surgery • Honored at Giovanni Fundraiser • Learned Traditional dances • Donated money

• Barrio 27 de Mayo

– Met with President and Barrio elders – Commitment to provide water

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Partners – Thank You You have made this possible!

Sponsor shirt given to Mijael & family

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More Information

More information and ways you can help:


[email protected]



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Thank you…from Kara and Mijael!

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More About Tarija

Tarija, Bolivia Other Sites

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Tarija – Basilica San Francisco

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Tarija – La Catedral de Tarija

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Tarija – Lake San Jacinto

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Tarija – Lake San Jacinto

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Thank you…from Kara and Mijael!