kanada nove priložnosti za slovenijo. program of today‘s meeting

KANADA nove priložnosti za Slovenijo

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Page 1: KANADA nove priložnosti za Slovenijo. Program of today‘s meeting

KANADA nove priložnosti za Slovenijo

Page 2: KANADA nove priložnosti za Slovenijo. Program of today‘s meeting

Program of today‘s meetingDoing business in Canada – Opportunities for Slovenian companies

Mr Brad Niblock, Commercial Counselor and Senior Trade Commissioner, Embassy of Canada in Budapest

Ontario – yours to discover

Mr John Doma, Honorary General Consul,

General Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia, Etobicoke, Ontario - Canada

Possibilities of doing business with Atlantic provinces

Ms Ginette Gagne Koch, Honorary Consul,

Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia, Irishtown, New Brunswick - Canada

Visit of Slovenian business delegation in Canada (November 2013)

Mr Marko Jare, Area Manager,

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia

Presentation of Slovenian participants and their interests toward Canada

Discussion, Q&A Networking

Page 3: KANADA nove priložnosti za Slovenijo. Program of today‘s meeting


- Not only local market with 35 million, but access to the larger market of 461 million consumers

- Ranked 1st in G7 and 6th among 142 countries in overall prosperity – no influence of the world crisis

- Stable banking sector – potentials for direct investments

- No.1 among the G20 countries on conducting business (Forbes Nov. 12)

- Excellent trade and business relations between the two countries

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The figures are growing up!



2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012(I-V)


TOP EXPORTS•Medicaments for retail sale

•Electrical thermal household appliances

•Hydraulic turbines

•Car parts and accessories

•El. lighting or signaling equipment

•Gambling machines

•Electric accumulators

•Bars and rods of metal alloys

•Other aircraft

•Medical instruments

TOP IMPORTS•Other aircraft

•Unwrought aluminium

•Medicaments for retail sale

•Dried leguminous vegetables



•Parts for planes

•El. Sound or visual signaling equip.

•Gambling machines

•Undenatured ethyl alcohol

Page 5: KANADA nove priložnosti za Slovenijo. Program of today‘s meeting

You can make it on

your own, but making

together will help

you to make it faster

and better…

… so let‘s go together to

Page 6: KANADA nove priložnosti za Slovenijo. Program of today‘s meeting

Visit of the Slovenian business delegation in Toronto 1/2

Organizers and partners:

Canadian Slovenian Chamber of Commerce

General Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia - Etobicoke

Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia - Ottawa

Two fairs during the time of the visit:

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Visit of the Slovenian business delegation in Toronto 2/2 PROPOSAL of the program

13 or 14 November(We – Th) – arrival to Canada – preparation of the Slovenian stand at the GFWET

14 to 17 November (Th – Su)– presentation of Slovenia at the GFWET

15 November (Fr)– business conference in Toronto ( Consulate of the RS)

16 November (Sa) – meeting with Canadian Slovenian Chamber CCI

17 November (Su) - Free

18 November (Mo) – business conference (Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters - partner EEN)

18 November (Mo - evening) - Departure or19 & 20 November (Tu – We) - participation at the Appro 2013 conference

20 November (We - evening) - Departure

Meetings and visits of the Canadian companies ???

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Costs ???

Travel and accommodation: self organized or within the group


Business conferences

Partly co-financed•Participation of the SLO companies at the GFWET and Appro•Local transports

Estimated costs (per participant): 1.500 – 2.000 €

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Applications and additional information

Friday, October 4, 2013


Gourment Food & Wine Expo Toronto: http://www.foodandwineexpo.ca

Appro (the Association of Power Producers of Ontario) konferenca:http://conference.appro.org

Canadian Manufactures and Exportershttp://www.cme-mec.ca

Doing business with Canadahttp://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/ci-ci/commerce_canada/index.aspxhttp://www.bennettjones.com/uploadedFiles/Publications/Guides/DoingBusinessinCanada.pdf

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