kad ljubav prevari

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  • 8/12/2019 Kad ljubav prevari


    lma Reki

    Nijedan razlog da oprostite prevaru

  • 8/12/2019 Kad ljubav prevari


    page 2 of 24

    C O N T E N T SIntroduction (message from the author) ................................................................................................... Page 0

    about my familyFamily Tree .................................................................................................................................................... Page 0

    Family Story ..................................................................................................................................................... Page 0

    Fathers Story.................................................................................................................................................. Page 0

    Mothers Story................................................................................................................................................. Page 0

    My Parents Courtshipand Marriage ......................................................................................................... Page 0

    My Brothers and Sisters .................................................................................................................................. Page 0

    Medical History ............................................................................................................................................... Page 0

    Family Traditions ............................................................................................................................................. Page 0

    Military Service ............................................................................................................................................... Page 0

    Heirlooms ......................................................................................................................................................... Page 0

    special events: the complete story

    Family Gatherings and Reunions ................................................................................................................ Page 0

    Vacations ........................................................................................................................................................ Page 0

    Weddings ........................................................................................................................................................ Page 0

    Religious Events .............................................................................................................................................. Page 0

    photographsPhotos of Myself ............................................................................................................................................. Page 0

    Photos of My Family....................................................................................................................................... Page 0

    Photos of Ancestors ....................................................................................................................................... Page 0

    Other Photos ................................................................................................................................................... Page 0

  • 8/12/2019 Kad ljubav prevari


    Poglavlje Ipaganstvo, legende, historija

    U trenutku nesanice, koja je u posljednjih nekoliko mjeseci ba uestala izabrinjavajua pojava u mom ivotu, ove veeri 14. juna 2013. godine, odluih daiskoristim neprospavane noi pisajui knjigu o mukom paganstvu -prevari. Oprostiete, vimukarci to ste ba vi na udaru, ali ukoliko budete traili neki vid ravnopravnosti,odjednom elite ravnopravnost pretpostavljam, moraete nai nekog da vas izmajmunie pada i vi uzvratite udarac. Do tad, budite neprihvaeni idioti.

    Ono to me je podstaklo da krenem sa pisanjem jeste film Vudija ElenaManhatteniz 1979. godine. Naravno, i lino iskustvo, ali to nije bio primaran razlog. Da jeste, knjigabi ve bila napisana i izdata. Moda je i bolje to nisam dola na tu ideju u avgustu prolegodine, jer bi vjerovatno na sve liilo samo ne na knjigu.

    Manhattenje jo jedan film u nizu o naoj, naalost, svakodnevici prevarama, bili

    mi istih svjesni ili ne, htjeli priznati ili ne priznati samima sebi pa tako i drugima. Janajbolje razumijem da se teko pomiriti sa injenicama koje je Vudi prezentovao putemovog filma: varanje u vezi, vanbranoj ili branoj zajednici, razvod zbog prevare. Zatim,postoje i druge teme jednake teine: matorci sa klinkama, neprihvaanje homoseksualizma,ljudski egoizam do mjere beskonano izazvan strahom od samoe itd. Neu analiziratipomenuti film, samo u dati najprostije izvuenu poruku:


    Ali, ono to se ne moe izvui iz ovog filma, jeste to da, ako se ipak odluite da neprihvatite prevaru kao normalnu pojavu i normalan nain nastavljanja sa vezom i brakom,uinite apsolutno sve da uzvratite udarce, samo na civilizovaniji nain. To je pouka kojumoete izvui iz ovog mog dokumentarca od ivota.

    Neu se izvinjavati princezama, dodue i ja sam bila jedna od njih do jue, kojimau poruiti, ili poljuljati temelje, izgraenih kula u vazduhu, ali prevariti vas nee samo onikoji su kastrirani, koji imaju brnjicu na ustima i kojima otkinete prste (sasijeete, daslikovito objasnim). To su uglavnom dijelovi tijela uz pomo kojih se dolazi do prevare.Iako to ve znate, moram ipak da napiem. Neke princeze koje itaju Bravo i slinemagazine toga nisu svjesne iako su ve seksualno aktivne. Ne znam kako, ali eto,kontradiktornosti me zbunjuju strano. to se tie one prevare u mislima, neka se tamoslobodno kurvaju. U svojim glavama su svi oni svakako bogati biznismeni sa egom veliinegalaksije, natprosjenom ljepotom, Ajntajnovim mozgom, umjesto auta vozaju ih uspejs ahtlu, drogiraju se drogom koju samo oni uzgajaju i uz pomo koje ponekad lete nazmajevima, esto su i ginekolozi po zanimanju u slobodno vrijeme itd.

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    page 4 of 24

    Dakle, postoje i te uvene definicije prevara koje, iskreno, ne razumijem emuslue.

    Prevara se deava kada mukarac nije zadovoljan u vezi... pa, izai brate iz veze. Daobjasnim kako: kae raskidam, ne elim vie biti u ovoj vezi. Taka. Niste ak ni duni daponudite objanjenje zato odlazite. Zar nije jednostavno i na nivou? Tako bar sebi

    ostavljate prostor za povratak istoj osobi.Za prevaru nisam kriv samo ja, MI smo u vezi, nisam sam sa sobomi... naravno da, sreo,nisi samo ti kriv. Kriv ti je polni organ koji si odnio kurvi, s kojim, sigurno, ne upravlja

    tvoja djevojka. Naprotiv. Mala digresija, prije nego to krenem dalje. Rije kurva, koju uvjerovatno esto da upotrebljavam, u mom rjeniku to je persona, non grata naravno, kojase uputu u talasanje sa mukarcem za kojeg zna da je u vezi ili u braku. U ovom primjeru,vea persona non grata je mukarac. Te non grate su takmiarskog duha, oigledno.

    Dalje, jedan moj prijatelj (koji je bio u toj danas toliko uestaloj vezi na daljinu) ponudiosljedee mogue opravdanje za prevaru: Nismo se esto uli, ona skoro pa nikada nije

    imala vremena, ima posao dok ja po cijeli dan nita ne radim i morao sam na neki nainubiti vrijeme itd., da ne nabrajam dalje s obzirom na to da mi je ve muka. Ukoliko stejedni od onih kojima se ova teorija podudara sa ivotom situacijom poruka je: ko vam jekriv toste besposlene paenike ljenuge? Zato niste traili djevojku svojih nekvaliteta,neku nesposobnu, kojoj se naravno svijet vrti samo oko vas i vaeg jadnog slobodnogvremena? Da vam i rijeima nacrtam vae opravdanje: zamislite, zarati se (ne daj Boe),vas lijepo smjeste u logor, ena negdje protjerana u inostranstvo i nema ovama ni traga niglasa. Pa, voena vaom teorijom vi joj ne posveujete dovoljno vremena, ne piete joj iodlui naravno da nae drugog (da su nam takve majke bile, vie od pola nas ne bi imalodva roditelja pod jednim krovom). ta je sad? Ne ide ni tako? O, da, oprostite, vi momcikoji niste u brakupravdaete se sa tim TO NISTE U BRAKU, a vi to ste u braku koje jevae opravdanje? Zapravo, nadam se da neu biti prinuena na to da ujem isto.

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    page 5 of 24

  • 8/12/2019 Kad ljubav prevari


    page 6 of 24

    F A T H E R S S T O R Y

    headingIf your father has written his life story, type or copy it here. A lot of what makes you who you are comes from

    your parents, so their story is also your story.

    Insert headings as needed. The heading above uses the Sub Heading 2 style. For subsequent headings, use the

    Sub Heading 3 style. Use the Text style for paragraphs like this.

    If you have pictures to go with your stories, insert them as appropriate.

    Photo Here

    If you have a scanned photo of your father,

    insert it into the cell to the left. Or you can

    paste a photo on the page after printing.

    Replace this paragraph with information about

    when and where the picture was taken, and

    anything else that is interesting or important.

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    page 7 of 24

    M O T H E R S S T O R Y

    headingIf your mother has written her life story, type or copy it here. A lot of what makes you who you are comes from

    your parents, so their story is also your story.

    Insert headings as needed. The heading above uses the Sub Heading 2 style. For subsequent headings, use the

    Sub Heading 3 style. Use the Text style for paragraphs like this.

    If you have pictures to go with your stories, insert them as appropriate.

    Photo Here

    If you have a scanned photo of your mother,

    insert it into the cell to the left. Or you can

    paste a photo on the page after printing.

    Replace this paragraph with information about

    when and where the picture was taken, and

    anything else that is interesting or important.

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    page 8 of 24

    M Y P A R E N T S C O U R T S H I P A N D

    M A R R I A G E

    headingWhats more fun than learning about how your parents met, courted, and married? Get them to tell the story

    with all of the little details, and then include it in this section.

    Insert headings as needed. The heading above uses the Sub Heading 2 style. For subsequent headings, use the

    Sub Heading 3 style. Use the Text style for paragraphs like this.

    If you have pictures to go with your stories, insert them as appropriate.

    Photo Here

    If you have a scanned photo of your parents

    as bride and groom, insert it into the cell to the

    left. Or you can paste a photo on the page

    after printing. Replace this paragraph with

    information about when and where the picture

    was taken, and anything else that is interesting

    or important.

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    page 9 of 24

    M Y B R O T H E R S A N D S I S T E R S

    headingAh, those childhood days, when you fought with your siblings one moment, then vigorously defended their

    honor the next. Use this section to describe each of them, the fun times you had, the nice things they did, and

    maybe even the fights.

    Insert headings as needed. The heading above uses the Sub Heading 2 style. For subsequent headings, use the

    Sub Heading 3 style. Use the Text style for paragraphs like this.

    If you have pictures to go with your stories, insert them as appropriate.

    Photo Here

    If you have a scanned photo of yourself and

    your brothers and sisters, insert it into the cell to

    the left. Or you can paste a photo on the

    page after printing. Replace this paragraph

    with information about when and where the

    picture was taken, and anything else that is

    interesting or important.

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    page 10 of 24

    M E D I C A L H I S T O R YThe more you know about the medical history of your ancestors, the easier it is for doctors to diagnose health

    problems that you might have. Also, keeping records of immunization is essential for school transfers, traveling

    abroad, and some jobs. Use the table below to record such information as major illnesses, vaccinations,

    surgery, and family deaths.

    To add new headings to the table, select and copy the entire row of an existing heading, and then paste them

    into the table at the location you want.

    If you would like to clarify any of the information contained in the table, use these paragraphs to do so.

    Otherwise, delete them.


    First illness, surgery,

    immunization, etc.

    Date of event Name the illness, type of surgery, or type of immunization.

    First illness, surgery,

    immunization, etc.

    Date of event Name the illness, type of surgery, or type of immunization.


    First illness, surgery,

    immunization, etc.

    Date of event Name the illness, type of surgery, or type of immunization.

    Second illness, surgery,

    immunization, etc.

    Date of event Name the illness, type of surgery, or type of immunization.


    First illness, surgery,

    immunization, etc.

    Date of event Name the illness, type of surgery, or type of immunization.

    Second illness, surgery,

    immunization, etc.

    Date of event Name the illness, type of surgery, or type of immunization.

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    page 11 of 24

    F A M I L Y T R A D I T I O N S

    headingMost families create traditions over time. Some traditions are handed down from generation to generation,

    others are chosen because they seem like good ideas, and others just happen that at first you might not even

    realize that you've started one.

    Traditions can include special holiday activities, trips you take regularly, yearly visits to relatives, religious

    ceremonies, and so on. Use this section to write about the things that your family does regularly and that are

    important to you.

    Type a heading for each tradition. Write about the tradition and why it is important, how it got started, and any

    other information you would like to include. Insert headings as needed. The heading above uses the Sub

    Heading 2 style. For subsequent headings, use the Sub Heading 3 style. Use the Text style for paragraphs like this.

    If you have pictures to go with your stories, insert them as appropriate.

    Photo Here

    If you have a scanned photo that shows you

    enjoying one of your family traditions, insert it

    into the cell to the left. Or you can paste a

    photo on the page after printing. Replace this

    paragraph with information about when and

    where the picture was taken, and anything

    else that is interesting or important.

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    page 12 of 24

    M I L I T A R Y S E R V I C E

    nameService number: Type here.

    Rank: Type here.

    Fill in the information for each person. Use this paragraph as an introduction, or delete it. Most governments

    create and maintain extensive records and documents that you can access for the information you need.

    Also, talk to other members of your family.

    Date Inducted Branch of Service

    Grade Division

    Regiment Department or Ship


    Type stories or additional information here. To add more individuals, select the headings, paragraphs, and table

    above, then copy and paste them on the page below.

    Photo Here

    If you have a scanned photo of a member of

    your family or of an ancestor in uniform, insert it

    into the cell to the left. Or you can paste a

    photo on the page after printing. Replace this

    paragraph with information about when and

    where the picture was taken, and anything

    else that is interesting or important.

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    page 13 of 24

    H E I R L O O M SDoes your family have special objects that have been passed down through generations? Are you collecting

    special objects that you want to give to your family members someday? Describe each item, where it came

    from, and who it is going to. Replace this paragraph with an introduction for the section, or delete it.


    Photo Here

    If you have a scanned photo of the item, insert

    it into the cell to the left. Or you can paste a

    photo on the page after printing. To add other

    items, select the item heading and this table,

    copy them, and paste them on the page



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    page 14 of 24

    Photo Here

    If you have a scanned photo of the item, insert

    it into the cell to the left. Or you can paste a

    photo on the page after printing. To add other

    items, select the item heading and this table,

    copy them, and paste them on the page


  • 8/12/2019 Kad ljubav prevari


    S P E C I A L E V E N T ST H E C O M P L E T E

    S T O R YThis part of the book is designed to give you a place to fill in all of the

    details of family gatherings, weddings, vacations, and any other event

    you want to describe.

    Use these paragraphs to write an introduction for this section, or delete

    them if you want.

  • 8/12/2019 Kad ljubav prevari


  • 8/12/2019 Kad ljubav prevari


    page 16 of 24

    V A C A T I O N SWhere do you go when you want to get away? Do you head for the hills and solitude, or are you attracted by

    the bright lights of the big city? Wherever you go, the stories will make interesting reading for your descendants.

    In this paragraph, describe your vacations in general, what you liked to do the most, and how you planned



    Photo Here

    If you have scanned pictures of your vacation,

    insert them into the cell to the left. Or you can

    paste photos on the page after printing.

    Replace this paragraph with a description of

    the vacationwhere you went and what you

    did. Include any interesting events.

    Describe the pictures you have inserted, note

    the date and place they were taken and any

    other information. To add other vacations,

    select the headings and table,

  • 8/12/2019 Kad ljubav prevari


    page 17 of 24

    W E D D I N G SYouve already recorded your parents wedding now think of how great it would be to read about your

    grandparents or even your great grandparents wedding. As you write about the other weddings that are

    important in your life, you will be providing just such an opportunity for your descendants.

    names of bride and groomLocation of Wedding


    Photo Here

    If you have scanned from the wedding, insert

    them into the cell to the left. Or you can paste

    photos on the page after printing. In this

    paragraph, describe the pictures you have

    inserted, note the date and place they were

    taken, or any other information.

    headingAs you write about the wedding, insert headings to highlight and organize your information. Describe the

    service, who officiated, who attended, and what the bride wore. List the gifts, record the toasts, and so on. To

    add other weddings, select the headings, table, and paragraphs, copy them, and then paste them below. If

    you want to start each wedding on a new page, position the insertion point in the paragraph below and press


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    page 18 of 24

    R E L I G I O U S E V E N T SIf you have an active religious affiliation, then you probably take part in events that you will want to record.

    Describe individual events, the program, who participated, your special memories and feelings.

    eventPerson or persons participating


    Photo Here If you have a scanned photo of the item, insert

    it into the cell to the left. Or you can paste a

    photo on the page after printing. Replace this

    paragraph with a description of the picture,

    the date it was taken, the place, or any other

    information about it. To add other events,

    select the event headings and this table, copy

    them, and then paste them in the paragraph


  • 8/12/2019 Kad ljubav prevari


    P H O T O G R A P H SIf you have scanned pictures, insert them into the following

    pages. You can also paste photographs on the pages after

    printing. If the boxes on the pages are not the size you want,

    use the Table menu commands to resize, merge, or delete

    them. To create additional pages in any section, select the

    contents of an entire page, insert a new page, and then

    paste the copied text and tables into the new page. You can

    insert a new page at any place in the document by pressing


    Use these paragraphs to write an introduction for this section,

    or delete them if you want.

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    page 20 of 24

    P H O T O S O F M Y S E L F

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    If you have scanned pictures of yourself, insert them in the cells above, or paste pictures on this page after

    printing. For wider pictures, merge two or more cells (select the cells and, on the Table menu, click Merge). To

    create additional pages, select this page, copy it, and then paste it below.

  • 8/12/2019 Kad ljubav prevari


    page 21 of 24

    P H O T O S O F M Y F A M I L Y

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    If you have scanned pictures of your family, insert them in the cells above, or paste pictures on this page after

    printing. For wider pictures, merge two or more cells (select the cells and, on the Table menu, click Merge). To

    create additional pages, select this page, copy it, and then paste it below.

  • 8/12/2019 Kad ljubav prevari


    page 22 of 24

    P H O T O S O F M Y A N C E S T O R S

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    If you have scanned pictures of your ancestors, insert them in the cells above, or paste pictures on this page

    after printing. For wider pictures, merge two or more cells (select the cells and, on the Table menu, click

    Merge). To create additional pages, select this page, copy it, and then paste it below.

  • 8/12/2019 Kad ljubav prevari


    page 23 of 24

    O T H E R P H O T O S

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    Describe the picture, who is in

    it, where and when it was

    taken, etc.

    If you have scanned miscellaneous pictures you want to include in your book, insert them in the cells above, or

    paste pictures on this page after printing. For wider pictures, merge two or more cells (select the cells and, on

    the Table menu, click Merge). To create additional pages, select this page, copy it, and then paste it below.