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Recap…….Process Taxonomy

Strong Moderate Strengths Weak

RA SD Code Test

Project Support Processes

RA SD Code Test

Project Planning

Estimation Configuration Mgt.


Organization Process Deployment


Organization Support Processes

Project Line Processes

Risk Management

Project Monitoring


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Why Measure?

Need for measures

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1. Why do we need measures?





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Why Measure?

• If you don’t know where you are going, any road will do - CHINESE PROVERB

• If you don’t know where you are, a map won’t help - WATTS S. HUMPHREY

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Why Measure?...contd.

• Management implies measures / quantitative control

• Think of all management functions• Measurement has been the Basis of all

Scientific & Engineering progress

What you cannot measure, you cannot manage - DRUCKER

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Why Measure?...contd.

Do we have the answers to the following:

1. How much did we produce?2. Are our products of high quality?3. Are we improving?4. How well do we compare with other


Can we really do without measures?

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Why Measure?...contd.

A management view:

Dashboard • Tells at a glance• When Situation is out of Control• Key Elements to focus on• Understand what they are doing• Know quality and productivity levels

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Why Measure?...contd.

An engineering view:

Measures help to:

– better understand attributes of software that we have produced

– assess the quality of our product

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It is not really a question of “Why measure?” but “Why not measure?”

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However, Management Dilemma

1. Information Overload– Low level data– Too many measures

2. Selecting key indicators:– Quality?– Size? – Progress?

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But Who Needs Measures?





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Everybody needs Measures• Top Management• Project Managers• Testers• Quality Assurance• Auditors• Marketing • Software developers

Who needs, most of all?

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Ideal Metrics:

• Simple , Precise, Definable• Objective• Easily Obtainable • Valid • Robust

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A few examples of metrics

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Product Metrics

– Measurement of Size• Function Points• Lines of code• Many others..

– Measurement of Quality • Based generally on defects data

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Defect Metrics

• Life cycle metric

• Extremely valuable for describing product “health” and process improvement opportunities

• Derived from Quality Control activities

• A large no. of such metrics

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Defect Severity Metric

IBM’s Severity Code:

Severity 1 System inoperableSeverity 2 Major functions

disabled / incorrectSeverity 3 Minor functions

disabled / incorrectSeverity 4 Superficial functions

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Defect Age

Time from Introduction to Detection

• Can be done in terms of time

• Can also Normalize this Metric

e.g.. Phase Numbers Method

Average Age = Phase (Detected - Introduced)

Number of Defects

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Defect Density

• Defects per KLOC (Kilo Lines of Code)

• Defects per Function Point

• Defects per module / program

Points to Error Prone Module

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Defect Removal Efficiency

• Points to QC effectiveness before shipment

• DRE = No. of Defects found prior to delivery/Total No. of Defects

Good companies have DRE > 90%

How do you find Total No.?

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Process Metrics

Key processes that we will focus on:

• Project Management

• Estimation

• Quality Control

• Quality Assurance

• Configuration Management

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Project Management Metrics

• Schedule slippage

Completion (Actual - Planned)

No. of planned elapse days • Effort overrun

Effort (Actual - Planned)

Planned effort in mandays• Productivity = Size / Effort

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Project Management Metrics


• Cost overruns

• Human resource utilisation

• Project Management Effort overrun

• Frequency of major replanning

• Frequency of major adverse impacts to project

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Estimation Process Metrics

• Changes to size estimates– either FPs or LOCs or others– initial estimate / reestimate– Re estimate with same scope of

work– Re estimate with altered scope

• Changes to effort schedule estimates

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Customer Satisfaction

• Once in a while activity

• Requires active soliciting

• May be done by other than project personnel

• Impact may go beyond product

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An Interesting Metric

• Combine Customer Satisfaction and Defect Data


Customer satisfaction

Something else is wrong


Deep Trouble How do you do it, guys!!

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When To Do ?

• Throughout the project

PAs – Measurement and Analysis

Also, OPF / OPD and Engineering PAs

+ PAs at Level 4 and Level 5

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Recap…….Process Taxonomy

Strong Moderate Strengths Weak

RA SD Code Test

Project Support Processes

RA SD Code Test

Project Planning

Estimation Configuration Mgt.


Organization Process Deployment


Organization Support Processes

Project Line Processes

Risk Management

Project Monitoring
