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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya) Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 1 Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna_Vijaya (2013-2014)

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Jyothisha Prakaasham



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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha



Editorial .................................................................................................................... 3

Jyothisha Vivaranam................................................................................................... 5

Bhava Vivaranam - 6 .................................................................................................. 8

Sarvartha Chintamani – IV ........................................................................................ 17

Jaimini Upadesha Sutras - I ....................................................................................... 23

Rahu and its fierce effects ......................................................................................... 31

Effect of various Planets in different houses ................................................................. 34

Heading spiritual organizations .................................................................................. 38

Horoscope Analysis ................................................................................................... 45

Prashna Tantra V ..................................................................................................... 49

Anukramaanika ........................................................................................................ 51

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha



Today we are in a world where every minute counts and making the right decision is the

difference between life and death (life denoting happiness and death denoting sorrow).

From children to older people, everybody struggle to make the right decision. The only

option available for people today is to visit great masters in order to get the right decision –

but often such decisions aren’t achieved even from great masters. And masters like AMMA

also direct people to astrology. Thus it is important that we understand this science of

astrology – if not learning and practicing it ourselves, at least understand it so that with

help from an astrologer we will be able to make predictions for our future.

Though it is true that only Brahmaa can know exactly what will happen, still if we know as

to what is in store for us in the future, even if remotely, we will be able to prepare ourselves

for the future. Such preparations will ensure that we don’t face problems in worldly life or

even if we face problems, we don’t face big problems (so big that it changes our life itself).

If only many of the youngsters were provided with advice in astrology, there wouldn’t be

people who would be working in a field totally different from what they learnt; even if such

people are there, they would be happy knowing their future or what to expect from the

future. If only the various married people would have consulted astrology then problems in

compatibility and even divorce could have been avoided. There are horoscopes for whom

married life itself isn’t good – they could take resort to either parihara or propitiations to

mitigate the problem or they could take resort to a life without marriage. But not believing

the science of astrology, we find today many marriages ending in divorce (and often many

divorces for the same person). Therefore it is important that we learn the simple details of

this science of astrology so that we will be able to consult an appropriate astrologer to find

out our future, know what to expect from the future and either through propitiations go

ahead with our actions or choose a different path itself than what we had in mind earlier.

Astrology or jyothisha is called veda chakshu or the eye of Vedas. Considering Vedas as a

human being, eyes are the vedanga of astrology (there are six vedangas or those sciences

that will help in understanding the Vedas better).

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Why is it important to have a smooth worldly life?

A smooth worldly life is something that we all crave for. Moreover the ultimate goal of life

being moksha, we cannot strive towards moksha unless our worldly life is smooth. If our

worldly life is filled with all sorts of problems then our focus will only be on solving or

getting rid of them than progressing towards moksha. It is when our worldly life is smooth

that all our focus will be on moksha – such total focus on moksha is essential for everybody

(as the ultimate goal of life for everybody is moksha, whether they know or not, accept or


The purpose of this magazine is to bring out the nuances of astrology so that normal people

will understand the importance of this science and those who are striving to learn astrology

will be able to learn astrology through the various articles in this magazine. Those who are

already learned in the science of astrology will be able to improve their knowledge through

the articles in this magazine – that which they already know will be strengthened and that

which they didn’t know, they will be able to grasp. Therefore this magazine serves

everybody in the world (as a result of the grace of Lord).

In this era where people are shying away from astrology, we should encourage ourselves

and others to learn and implement this science of astrology – if not learning, at least to

seek an astrologer to get guidance in the same. Thereby they also will be benefitted and the

entire world will also be benefitted.

May we all strive to learn and implement this science of astrology so that through the

prediction of future (problems of the future) we will be able to anticipate the future and

thereby smoothly progress towards the goal of moksha; thereby may we all be able to ever

rejoice in bliss here and now itself.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Jyothisha Vivaranam

Arudha Lagna

The analysis of chart is also done through various lagnas like arudha lagna, bhava lagna,

Hora lagna, Ghatika lagna varnada lagna, nisheka lagna.

Arudha lagna of a given chart will correspond to the sign arrived by counting so many signs

from the ascendant as its lord is away from it.

Ex: If lagna is khumbha and lagna lord Saturn is in Taurus. Then Saturn is 4 places away

form lagna. So then the arudha lagna is 4 places from Saturn which is in Taurus. So Arudha

lagna is leo.

When pada falls in same house, one should take 10th from it as the arudha lagna. Similarly

if 7th becomes the pada then 4th from it should be considered as arudha lagna.

For example : Sagittarius in certain bhava has Jupiter in it, with the pada having fallen in

sagittarius itself, so we count 10 signs from it and reach virgo which is the arudha lagna.

One can even calculate the arudha for each house as well.


The arudha rasi for 12th house from lagna is called upapada.


Each planet is said to be a karaka for particular event in life. The functions of the karakas

are similar to the functions of the houses. They play important role in horoscope analysis.

There are natural karaka for each event in life.

Planet Karaka

Sun Father -- pitrukara

Moon Mother --- matrukara

Kuja Brothers -- bhatrukaraka

Mercury Profession –

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Jupiter children -- putrakaraka

Venus spouse -- kalatrakaraka

Saturn longevity

Rahu maternal relations

Ketu paternal relations

Karakas as per Jaimini

There are 7 main karakas in Jaimini 1) Atmakaraka 2) Amatyakaraka 3) Bhatrukaraka

4) Matrukaraka 5) Putrakaraka 6) Gnathikaraka 6) Darakaraka


The chief or prime lord or indicator is all important. Of all the planet in the chart the planet

having highest longitude in a sign becomes the atmakara. The general strength or weakness

of the atmakaraka reflects the strength and weakness of the chart. So the position of

atmakaraka is very important. The natural atmakaraka is however sun.


The next highest degree of the planet after Atmakaraka is Amatyakaraka. We can assume

mercury to be natural karaka


The planet whose longitude is next to the Amatyakaraka becomes the lord of brothers. All

events regarding brothers and sisters can be read from bhatrukaraka. Mars is the natural



The planet that gets the next highest degree is matrukaraka. Moon is however the natural



The planet that gets next highest degree is called Putrakaraka.Jupiter is the natural karaka.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha



The longitude of the planet less than putrakaraka is Gnathikaraka. This is karaka for

relations, cousins etc. The natural karaka is mars.


The lord of wife is one whose longitude is the least. Natural one is venus. This is for spouse.

As per Brihat parasara Hora sastra, the order of eight karakas is as below

1. Atmakaraka

2. Amatyakaraka

3. Bhatrukaraka

4. Matrukaraka

5. Pitrukaraka

6. Putrakaraka

7. Gnatikaraka

8. Streekaraka


It the navamsa sign occupied by the atmakaraka. It represents the desire of the soul.


Should be understood as navamsa lagna. It is also called lagnamsa. It represents what the

person can easily achieve or which is easily available.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Bhava Vivaranam - 6

The house that has to be looked upon for long lasting diseases and ailments of the body is

6th house, also called Roga sthana. Highly afflicted 6th house and lord will lead to diseases.

The stronger the 6th house and 6th lord the more disease free the person is. If the 6th house

and lord are strong with benefics , then the person will be free of diseases, if otherwise will

have diseases. Dangerous diseases like cancer, kidney failure etc to normal stomach

problems, periods problems to digestion and constipation problems can be diagnosed from

the 6th house.

It is also called the house of enemies. Troubles from enemies, defeats at the hands of

enemies, the kind of enemies whether male female and nature of enemies can be

determined from this house. Mars and Saturn play a significant role in identifying indications

of dangerous ailments in a person.

For people in sports the 6th should be strongest. This means they will have victory over

enemies. Sports field is like a battlefield between people. Bad planets in 6th indicate defeat

of enemies. Mandi in 6th house indicates that enemies can never win over the native. This is

the best location of mandi in a horoscope.

Various planets stand for various organs in the body. Based on the connection of the planets

with the 6th and depending on the strength thereupon, the diseases are determined and


This house is also considered for paternal uncle.

Venus plays role in diseases of sexual organs, mouth and stomach.

Planets and organs associated

Sun—right eye, heart, bones

Moon— brain, blood, lungs, left eye

Mars – tissues, bone marrow

Venus – generative organs, sex organs

Jupiter – kidneys, flesh, digestive organs

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Saturn -- nerves

Mercury - skin

Rahu/ketu – ketu – throat, rahu - lungs

Small health issues like cold can also be determined through the analysis. 6th house is roga

sthana but to find out ailments of body, strength of body one should even look at the lagna

lord and its strength. Lagna lord weak or neecha planet in plagna may lead to weak body

constitution. Cold is due to moon in dusthana’s like 3rd, 6th ,8th and 12th, such people once

they get cold it won’t go so easily for them. They are more susceptible to cold.

If benefics in 6th house, then no danger from enemies. If Jupiter is in 6th house, then person

will overcome enemies. Malefics in 6th means lot of danger from enemies. Mars is the karaka

of 6th house.

Let’s now see what our ancient texts show us.


Brihat Parasara vol 1 – chapter 17th

Sloka 2: if the 6th lord is in 6th itself, or in ascendant or in 8th house, there will be ulcers or

bruises on the body. The sign becoming the 6th will give the knowledge of the limb.

Relative’s suffering

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Sloka 3 to 5:

When a bhava lord joins 6th lord or be in the 6th house or 8th house, the relative signified by

the bhava house will incur bruises and ulcers.

Notes Ex: if for dhanus the 6th lord venus is with 4th lord Jupiter, the natives mother will

have ulcers or bruises.

The native will have afflictions to particular area of the body signified by the planet

associated with 6th lord. If sun is with the 6th lord or in 6th or 8th house or sun is lord of 6th

house, the person will have head injuries and so on.

Facial Diseases

Sloka 6:

Should the lord of the ascendant be in sign of mars or mercury and aspected by mercury

the person will have facial diseases.


Sloka 7 to 8:

Lord of lagna is either mars or mercury and is with moon, rahu and Saturn, will cause

leprosy in the person. If moon is in ascendant which is not cancer and with rahu then white

leprosy happens. Saturn in place of rahu will cause black leprosy and mars gives blood


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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Sloka 9 to 12:

If the ascendant is occupied by 6th and 8th lords along with sun the person will suffer form

fevers and tumours.

Mars replacing sun will cause hardening of blood vessels, swelling, wounds by weapons.

Mercury so placed will cause bilious diseases. Jupiter so placed will destroy all diseases.

Venus will cause diseases through females and Saturn windy diseases.

Rahu danger through lowercaste men and ketu through navel diseases. With moon

drowning, cough, asthma, tuberculosis and lung disorders.

Replacing the ascendant with bhavas the predictions can be made to the relatives.

Ex: If the 6th and 8th lords are in 3rd house with moon, the coborn may have problems of

drowning or lung disorders.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Sloka 13 to 19:

The person will be afflicted by diseases throughout life, if Saturn is with rahu while the 6th

lord and 6th house are with malefic.

One will suffer from fever at age of 6 and also 12 if mars is in 6th and 6th lord is in 8th.

If moon is in dhanus or meena and Jupiter is in 6th from lagna the person will suffer from

leprosy at age of 19 and 22.

If rahu is in 6th, ascendant lord is in 8th and mandi is in angle, consumption will trouble the

native at age of 26. Spleenary disorders will be experienced at the age of 29 to 30 yrs.

If 6th and 12th have exchanged signs, moon and Saturn in the 6th will inflict blood leprosy at

age of 45.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Troubled by animals

Sloka 20 to 22:

If moon is with 6th lord while 8th lord is in 6th and the 12th is in ascendant, the native will be

troubled by animals at the age of 8.

If rahu is in 6th and Saturn in 8th from rahu, the child will have danger from fire at age of 1

or 2 yrs.

Sloka 26:

Loss of wealth will happen in 31st yr if there is parivarthana between the 6th and 11th lord.

Son ones’ own enemy

Sloka 27:

One’s own son will be enemy if the 5th lord is in 6th, while 6th lord is with Jupiter.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Fear of Dogs

Sloka 28:

If ascendant and 6th lord are exchanged there will be fear of dogs for 10 and 19th yr.


As per Jataka parijata vol 3 – chapter 8th

Sloka 71: If Jupiter is in 6th person will overcome enemies. If 6th lord and mercury are with

rahu and in some way connected to lagna lord the person will be impotent. Mars in 6th with

lagna lord will cause damage to generative organs.

Sloka 72: if the 7th lord is in 6th house with venus, the person will be impotent with wife. If

mars in 6th is aspected by Saturn, person will have liaisons with enemies wife. If 6th bhava

aspected by benefics, person won’t have trouble from enemies, if aspected by malefics,

trouble from enemies and ulcers can be formed in the body.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Sloka 73: If sun is in 6th, identical to sign of depression or unfriendly, be inimical to lord of

lagna, the person will have no strength and has to face the enemity of his father’s party.

But when sun is exalted or in friend’s house and friend of lord of lagna, the person will be

unhurt by enemies.


Sloka 75: if the 6th lord, the planet in the 6th house and one aspecting it, if all are malefic

and weak, they produce destruction of cattle, diseases and danger from enemies. If these

planets be strong and benefics, the effect will be wealth of cattle, horses etc.

No Disease

Sloka 76: If among the 6th lord, the planet in 6th and the planet aspecting 6th, any two are

benefic and occupy a Kendra, trikona or the 11 house in strength, they will quickly cause

the disappearances of diseases as spoken. If one among them is very strong, then the

trouble caused will operate only to some extent.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Thus we have seen the 6th house which is a house of health as well as enemies house. It is

also said that 6th house stands for mother’s brother i.e uncle. If venus is in 6th the person is

liable to have diabetes. We shall see the significations of next house in the next edition.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Sarvartha Chintamani – IV

We shall now move onto the 5th chapter of the text which deals with the 5th house and 6th

house. In this edition of magazine, we shall see the 5th house as per the text.5th house as

we all know deals with children, intelligence, family, memory, charity etc.

Fifth House

The wise should consider from 5th house, son, intelligence, ministers, mantra, eating, father,

heart, belly, power of discrimination.

Having son

The sun is in 4th house, the native gets wealth through father, if moon is then in 5th mother

dies soon. If benefic occupy 5th, with aspect of another benefic and 5th lord is also a benefic,

the person will have son.

Destruction of son

If 5th house is hemmed by malefic and and so is the case with lord of 5th house and Jupiter

is with malefic, the yoga denotes destruction of sons.

If the 5th lord is in malefic house of 6th,8th or 12th and aspected by malefic the yoga leads to

destruction of sons.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Discontinuance of Family Tree

If moon is in 10th, venus in 7th and 4th house has malefics and the lagna lord is with mercury

leads to discontinuance of family tree.

If malefic in 12th, 5th and 8th houses, the same can be predicted.

If 5th house has malefic then it will result in loss of son. If mars in lagna, Saturn in 8th and

sun in 5th house loss of son is indicated. Also if the planets are aspected by benefics the

native will get a son long after marriage. If Saturn in lagna, Jupiter in 8th and mars in 12th

house, the native gets son long time after marriage.


If there is highest degree of exaltation of the 5th lord aspecting the 5th house and 5th house

is between benefic planets, the native posses keen intelligence.

If the planet of intelligence mercury has full strength and 5th lord is apsected by benefic and

5th house has a benefic planet then the person is said to have keen intelligence.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


If the lord of the navamsa occupied by lord of the 5th house is aspected by benefic and is in

vaisheshikamsa, the person possess keen intelligence.

Learned and wise

If 5th house is between benefics, if 5th lord is aspected by benefics and Jupiter is in Kendra

or trine, the native is learned and wise.

If 5th lord is in Kendra or trine with a planet in exaltation, highly efficient in picking the

meaning of words uttered by others.

Retentive memory

If mercury and 5th lord are located in mriduamsha and aspected by benefic planet, the

person is said to have retentive memory.


If the lord of the drekkana occupied by 5th lord and mercury are benfics and located in

Kendra or trine, the person will be quick to understand with teh least hint thrown by others.

Little intelligence

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


If malefic in the 5th house and lord of 5th house is also with malefic and in malefic

shashtiamsa, the man has very little intelligence.

Note: Malefics here means Saturn and rahu and not mars.

If lord of 5th house is eclipsed by sun, if in debilitation, is with malefic and malefic in 5th

house, the person will have less intelligence.

Loss of memory

If there is no benefic in the 5th house, also this house contain Saturn or rahu or mandi and

lord of 5th is aspected by malefic, the native often looses memory.

Imparting Knowledge

If benefic is in 5th house and Jupiter and venus aspect the 5th house and 5th lord is also

similarly aspected, then the person imparts his intellect and learning to others.

Minister & a philanthropist

If the lord of the sign occupied by Jupiter is aspected by lord of lagna and if lord of second

house is strong, the man becomes a minister and a philanthropist.


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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


If Jupiter is with 5th lord and is located in gopuramsha in Kendra or trine, the native is a

minister and one that can foretell things.

If Jupiter is located in mriduamsha and is aspected by venus and mercury in benefic

navamsha, the native is capable of knowing past present or future.

No:of Children

The number of good points falling in the house of Jupiter or in 5th house tells the number

sons in the ashtakavarga, provided that the number of points contributed by debilitated or

eclipsed, inimical planets are reduced.

Enemity with son

If lord of lagna and lord of 5th are mutual friends then there will be friendship between the

native and son, else they will be enemies or if the lords are neutral there will be neutrality

between two.

Son serves Father

If the 5th lord and lagna lord mutually aspect each other and they are located in the

navamsha of each other, the son will serve his father i.e the native.

If 5th lord is in lagna or aspects the lagna or the lagna lord is in 5th house, the son carries

out the orders of the father of the native.

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Son disobeys father

If lord of 5th is in 6th,8th or 12th and is apsected by lord of lagna and also by mars and rahu,

the sun is always opposed to father i.e to the native.

Feeding others

If the 5th lord is in 9th and is located with benefics and also aspected the native is engaged

in feeding others.


If there is malefic in 5th house and lord of 5th is with malefic, disease in belly should be


If 5th lord is in 8th house and is with lord of 8th or is in debilitation or eclipsed or inimical sign

the person, the disease in the belly is indicated.

Ministers, fortelling, intelligence, retentive memory, loss of memory, children etc are the

factors that can be determined from 5th house as per chapter 5 of sarvartha chintamani.

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Jaimini Upadesha Sutras - I

Vedic astrology is said to have various schools like we find various schools in vedanta also.

Jaimini, Parasa, Tajaka, Nadi, Brighu are the various streams, some of these systems

literature is rather missing in many portions.

Maharishi Jaimini is said to be the disciple of Sri Veda Vyasa who is the son of Sage

Parasara, who wrote “Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra”. These sutras are said to be the

supplements for the Text written by Sage Parasara. Hence as the name suggests they are

sutras to indicate finer points in astrology.

This text has eight chapters in total with four quarters in each. It said to have been a

supplement to standard texts like Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra. This text is considered next

to Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra.

We shall look into the Third chapter first quarter which talks about Rajayogas. This quarter

has 30 sutras.

Rajayayoga arises by the conjunction of the atmakaraka and pitrukaraka or the lords of 1st

and 5th houses.

In following sutras the above sutra is further elaborated.

If the planets are exalted/debilitated or conjoining/aspecting the navamsa lagna or in aspect

to each other or aspected by benefics, Maharaja Yoga arises.

Maharaja Yoga means international stature.

It means either or both atmakaraka & pitrukara or first and fifth lords are as follows.

a) Conjoined or both debilitated or exalted.

b) In mutual aspects and only aspected by benefics.

c) Conjoining or aspecting the navamsa lagna and placed in strength.

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If the yoga happens in lagna or 7th house, the effects will be seen later in life.

If the said yoga is in 7th or 1st house, the effects of yoga will be seen in foreign lands.

If venus/moon conjoin or aspect the person gets conveyances in the places mentioned.

If Rajayoga has conjunction with Saturn or ketu horses and elephants join the entourage.

If venus, mars and ketu aspect the atmakaraka in the 2nd or 4th house, raja yoga occurs.

If the lord of ascendant, 7th and 9th conjoins raja yoga occurs.

All yogas in 2nd and 4th house will fructify early in life.

If the 2nd and 12th houses have equal number of planets raja yoga happens.

Let’s see and analyse few charts here.

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Chart 1

The lagna lord venus and 5th lord mercury are conjoined in the 12th house. The atmakaraka

for this chart is venus and it is with pitrukaraka Jupiter. But venus and mercury are together

in the 12th house. So the person will see effects of Rajayoga in foreign lands.

As sun is a spiritual planet and is in strength, so the person will get fame in spiritual field

and in foreign lands later in life. This yoga gave him authority and luxury in life.

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Chart 2

The lagna lord is venus and 5th lord is Saturn aspecting each other along 1st and 7th houses.

Also the atmakaraka is Saturn, which is aspecting the pitrukaraka sun. So in both ways the

Rajayoga is there. As the yoga happened in the 7th and 1st houses, so the person

experiences Rajayoga in later part of life. As both the planets are debilitated and aspecting

each other and benfics venus and Jupiter are associated with it, so it’s a proper condition for

Maharaja yoga a international stature.

This person has experienced the fruits of the Rajayoga in later part of his life, during the

period of rahu, which gives the effects of Saturn, which is the atmakaraka. So the fruits of

the Rajayoga were experienced during the rahu period. Person is like a king, heading

responsible activities and has all comforts in life. This person is known by people across

continents and has fame among masses. The person is not a king in the specific sense of

the term, but does live like king in any place the person goes.

As the planets are debilitated and aspected by benefics, so the person is famous and faces

problems same time. As sun and Saturn are neecha, it’s not in spiritual field.

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Chart 3

Here the atmakaraka is the sun which is also the pitrukaraka. The lord of 1st house mars

and lord of 5th house conjoin in Kendra in 4th house. This leads to MahaRajayoga.

As it happens in the 4th house, the person has the fruits of this yoga early in his life. But as

the planet mars is neecha, the person suffers also or does not have the capability of this

yoga, but things are trusted on the person, due to this yoga.

This person has all the comforts and luxuries and lives like a king alone, though not in the

specific sense of the term. As sun is with planet in debilitation and also its enemy, so brings

down the power of spiritual orientation. Person only will shine at worldly pursuits.

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Chart 4

This is chart of akbar, lagna lord venus is in lagna forming malavya yoga. Mars exalted in

4th gave ruchaka yoga. The 5th lord is Saturn is exalted is in lagna with the lagna lord venus.

So this gives rise to Maharaja yoga. He became a great kind all across India he spread his

kingdom. As the yoga happened in lagna, he got fruits of the yoga only later in life. As

planets are exalted he got good benefits of the yoga.

He was an emperor of immense power and strength and ruled without much opposition.

Great kings apart from maharaja Yoga had much other yoga which made them great and

famous. Likewise rajayoga gives luxury and comforts and good lifestyle. Maharaja yoga

gives fame across the globe. People will be adored, praised and respected. Will have all

comforts in life and lead a life with people to serve them and listen to them.

If the Jupiter and moon are placed in 1st and 7th or 1st and 9th aspected by benefics, the

person will become an institutional head or heading few villages.

Mercury and Jupiter conjoining or aspecting the 2nd house produces head of a princely state.

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If the 2nd lord is exalted /debilitated in the ascendant/7th house, the native will be wealthy.

The moon and venus join/aspect the 2nd or 8th house, the native is wealthy.

The second occupies beneficial vargas, the native is wealthy.

If the moon is in the 4th or 11th from Jupiter, the native is wealthy.

If moon is in the 11th and Jupiter in 10th and natural benefic in 9th house or 9th lord in 9th

house, shows rajayoga.

A rajayoga is formed if moon, Jupiter and ninth lord are in 5th or seventh house.

If moon is in the 7th and aspected by benefics also produces a great person.

If first and seventh houses have benefics or malefics also, it gives greatness to the person.

Chart 1 – The first and seventh houses have many benefics and malefics. This person is

famous among the masses.

If benefics conjoin/aspect the second, the native is in the service of the king.

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In chart 4 – In 2nd house we can see benefics, venus and mercury. Exalted moon aspecting

the 2nd house. The person is an acharya in chinmaya mission, is very famous in the


If trines and quadrants have no benefics , the person should do service.

There are no benefics and malefics much in quadrants and trine. So such person will should

be in service. The person is doing service.

If the atmakaraka or other benefics conjoin the navamsa lagna , the native hails from a

noble family.

Chart 1 – We see that in navamsa lagna benefic is present. The person belongs to a noble


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Rahu and its fierce effects

Non-physical, shadowy planets, which are but nodes occurring due to planetary revolutions

around the sun, influence the natives chart in tremendous way. From effecting health, to

giving worldly pleasures, causing mental trauma, childlessness, generating Raja yogas,

Rahu and ketu have key roles to play. Being imaginary points they create unimagined

trouble and sorrow to mankind. Many people across the globe to whatever faith they

belong, turn towards God and seek his help in periods of their influence.

Many come to ashram and seek a Guru during the period of Rahu, as it hurls one into such

a condition that people seek solace through spirituality. It destroys the effects of the House

wherever it resides. Sorrow and happiness repeat themselves over and over again in life,

paving way for man to accept them both equally and raise beyond them. As day and night

are needed in life, as different seasons come and go, so also happiness and sorrow are ever

experienced in life. This prepares our mind to accept both equally.

Brighu Sutras By G.S Kapoor and Phaladeepika explain the effects of rahu in various

houses. Based on these texts an on the personal experiences we shall discuss here the evil

effects of rahu.

Rahu in lagna will cause the birth of still baby. It’s very difficult to say about the character

of the person. The person will have conflicts within his own character. Has kind of dual

personality. If malefic are associated the person will have marks on face. The person will be

short in stature. Person will be ungrateful, backbiter. He will remain under the influence of

others. Person will be selfish and self-centered.

Rahu in 2nd house native will be poor, will be dark in complexion. Words of the person will

be very tactful and diplomatic. Words will convey double meanings. He will suffer from

diseases of the mouth. Defective eight sight can be seen. No family happiness. He will be a

liar. He will suffer loss of wealth and family troubles.

Rahu in 3rd house the kith and kin of the native will suffer. Person will have throat related

problems. Not good relations with kith and kin. He will be courageous. There will be no


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Rahu in 4th house is not good for mother of the native. She may suffer from health issues.

The person will not have domestic happiness. Person will seldom be happy. Rahu in aries,

virgo and cancer gives beneficial results, the person will become a king. He won’t stay in his

house for long and his paternal property will be lost.

Rahu in 5th, the person will have trouble due to children due to curse of serpent god. He will

face the wrath of kings/higher authorities. The native will be hard hearted. Inspite of being

courageous he will be dependent on others. Headaches can also occur frequently. More

negative thoughts are entertained by the mind. Person does not have much trust in God or

Guru. Will have suspicious bent of mind, poisonous mind, unless benefics are associated

with it. Person will get into bad books of others. Will not achieve so much name and fame.

He may be childless or may loose children too.

When Rahu is in 6th house it causes stomach troubles. Such people suffer from indigestion.

They cannot digest heavy food like meat, dairy products etc and also cannot take hot and

spicy food. This position of rahu creates health troubles similar to food poisoning. Rahu

stands for serpent, so poison is represented by the snake. So such people should be careful

about where they are taking the food. Indication of ulcers in stomach is also possible.This

house also stands for enemies, such people will face problems from enemies. But native’s

enemies will be destroyed.

When rahu is in 7th house, the native will have two wives, if conjoined with malefic, else one

wife. The wives will suffer. Rahu and ketu in lagna means the person will have chances of

divorce. Conflict among the partners is also seen. This also indicates that the person may

marry a lower caste person if rahu is in 7th. If ketu is in 7th the person may marry a person

belonging to another religion also. The fertility of the spouse is also questionable. Person is

said to loose his wealth due to intrigues with women. Will be self centered, self willed.

When rahu is in 8th house the person will have stomach related troubles. Digestion

problems, food poisoning can be seen. Such people should not take spicy food. Effects

similar to rahu in 6th are seen here with regard to the health. Also it indicates bed-ridden life

at the time of death. They will suffer from long time ailments. Will have defective limbs. The

person may suffer from piles. Sickly body and life span will be shortened. He will suffer from

rheumatic problems, windy problems and will have few children. He will face obstacles in all

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undertakings. Members of his family will disregard him but will be treated well by kings. He

will not have good relation with relatives.

Rahu in the 9th house is not good for father. The person will not have good relation with

father or Guru. He lacks trust in Guru. He is not religious and doesn’t believe in god much.

He is more practical in life. Will be dependent on others for livelihood, Will have intimacy

with low-born women. Person will speak with bitterness and will not perform charitable

deeds. The person will try to acquire wealth through all means even through other religions.

Will be fatherless unfortunate and poor.

Rahu in 10th the native will not perform good deeds but will be fearless and famous. The

native will waste money on bad habits and enjoy company of beautiful women. He will face

difficulties at work place. He will flourish in social service organizations. It will make his

actions more selfless. He needs to develop the attitude of selfless work and service to


Rahu in 11th will be wealthy and long lived will have less children. Will have ear problems.

He will be fortunate, learned and well dressed. The person will have success in all

undertakings. His issues will be unfortunate. This is only place where rahu or ketu do good.

Rahu in 12th means the person will go to hell after death. He will incur wasteful expenditure.

He will commit sins secretly and spend on such actions. Will have eye problem. Will have

friendship with evil people.

Rahu and ketu give effects of the lord of house in which they are posted. If in trikona and

Kendra they are said to give good results and even more good results if with the lord of the

house in that particular house. But we should have understanding that along with good

effects the bad effects of the planet will also be seen during their periods.

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Effect of various Planets in different houses

Mars is a fast moving planet in the solar system and is also a hot and dry planet. Mars takes

18 months for one revolution around the sun, when moon takes 27 days and 7 hours. So in

each bhava or house mars stays for 1.5 months.

We shall see in this edition the effects of mars in various houses from lagna and also the

effects of mars in particular bhava positions.

Here have referred texts like Phaladeepika, Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira and Brighu sutras

to come up with below details.

Mars as a planet

Embodiment of courage, boldness, stubbornness and dynamism is Mars. It’s a fiery planet.

It also stands for discipline, martial arts, military activities, wars, weapons, blood, arms and

shoulders, brothers. Mars represents valour , it gives quarrelsome and aggressive nature,

loosing temper soon. It causes one of the pancha mahapurusha yogas called ruchaka yoga.

Ruchaka yoga makes a person kingly with lot of properties, power and courage.

It stands for base metals, rotten things, masculine in nature, orators, military personnel,

weaving, commerce etc. Friends of mars are Jupiter, moon and sun. Means if mars is in

house of sun i.e leo, in house of moon i.e cancer, or in house of Jupiter which is Sagittarius

or pisces it is in friend’s house. The inverse is not true.

Its neutrals are Saturn and venus. So In house of Taurus , libra, Capricorn, Aquarius mars

is not well placed. In house of virgo or Gemini it’s in enemies house as mercury is enemy of


It is a tamasic planet. It is commander in chief. The colors are red.

Let’s see now the results of mars in various houses in a chart. Effects of mars in various

houses is said to be similar to the effected of sun in various houses.

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Mars in Various Houses

If mars is in aries or Scorpio in its own house, then bad effects are reduced a lot. If mars

forms ruchaka yoga also bad effects are reduced to great effect.

1st House – He will have injured body, limbs, will be cruel and adventurous. He will have

marks or scars on the body. He will be stout, Will have dry skin. Will be stupid, angry

temperament and of wicked disposition. When mars is in its own sign of aries or scorpio

then will have healthy constitution. If mars aspected by malefic then person may have eye


2nd house – Ugly faced, devoid of learning and wealth, dependent on bad people. The

person will have bad food. He will like sour, pungent smell food. If with lord of 6th in the 2nd

house, eye defects can happen.

3rd house – The person born will be brave, possess good qualities and good wealth. Person

will have no brothers or sisters. The natives spouse will have questionable character.

4th house – Person will be without friends, happiness, mother, house, vehicles and lands.

Domestic disturbances, adversities in family, mother will have bad health, will live in

dilapidated houses.

5th house – will be poor, will have few children or no children, will be unhappy, back-biting,

weak minded, a person will lack trust and is aggressive and bad tempered. Person will not

get good name from governments. Mental disorders and diseases are predicted, if mars

happens to be a functional malefic. Natives wife can suffer from abortions.

6th House – He will excessively thinking about love. Will be Wealthy, famous, king,

victorious. If in the house of Gemini or virgo will cause leprosy. May also cause diseases of

stomach like acidity. Person may suffer from other diseases as well.

7th house – Diseases due to afflictions. Performs improper acts. May loose wife. This is a

mark of kuja dosha for compatibility of charts for marriage. The person may have secret

sexual relationships with other women under influence of Saturn, rahu or ketu. Person will

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touch with mouth the secret organs. He will be fond of drinking liquor. If with benefics will

lead to foreign travels.

If 7th house is own house/exalted position, benefic aspects etc – loss of wife, failing which

relations with women may happen.

If mars in 7th and malefic aspects – leads to loss of wife.

If mars in 7th and conjoint with benefic or aspects – foreign travel.

If mars in 7th and connected with Saturn – sexual perversions

If mars in 7th and conjoint ketu – relationship with women in menses

8th House – Will have deformed body, will be poor and short lived and cursed by people.

Native will suffer from eye diseases. Father will die early in life and also have urinary

problems. He will have few children. Suffer from consumption and rheumatism. Person will

have accidents and suffer from wounds of body and operations.

9th house – Will be fatherless, though a friend of sovereign will be hated by others. Will not

be religious, his efforts will not prove successful. He will commit sinful actions.

10th House – Person will be aggressive at work, will face lot of oppositions at work place.

But will be ruler, liberal and praised also. If lord of 10th strong then the person will have

brothers. He will take interest in meditation and will be devoted to his preceptor. If with

malefic will have obstructions in the professional career. He will have stout body. If benefic

associations or aspects there he will be successful in his undertakings. If mars associated

with Jupiter he will be full of glory.

11th house – person will be endowed with riches and happiness. He will be brave will not

have sorrow and will be possessed of good habits. Native’s brother will be prosperous.

Person will be kingly.

12th House – Person will suffer for want of money, deformed eyes, cruel with wife, suffer

from rheumatic and bilious diseases. Property losses, loss of brothers can be there.

Now let’s see the effects of mars in various Bhavas.

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Mars in Aries or Scorpio – Will be respected by king, will be of wandering nature, will be

commander of armies, will be rich, body marks and wounds and will enjoy pleasures of


Mars in Taurus or Libra– A person born will be influenced by women, will not take advise of

men, interested in other’s wives, interested in magic, timid nature.

Mars in Gemini or virgo – A person born so will be of bright appearance, will have sons and

no friends, will help others, will be skilled in music and fight, will be feature and of begging


Mars in cancer – will be rich, will cross seas, will earn wealth, intelligent, wicked ,will be

defective of limbs.

Mars in leo -- will be poor, will bear afflictions, will have wives and children, will wander in

the forests.

Mars in sagittariius or pisces – will have many enemies, king’s minister, wide-spread fame,


Mars in Capricorn – suffer in grief, poor, will wander form pace to place, a liar,

Mars in Aquarius – rich and kingly, many sons.

Mars plays a key role in determining the diseases a person is liable to. Mars and his enemy

Saturn, together if placed create havoc and destroy the house and significations of it, where

they are located. Mars and its strength along with mercury also determines the blood

pressure levels in a person. They also contribute to the brain related problems.

Mars is also considered to check the Kuja dosha in a chart for checking the compatibility for

marriage reasons. This is one of the key factors which are leading to divorces in current


This brings us to the end of topic on Mars and its effects.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Heading spiritual organizations

We find many masters in the past and in the present who have been trend setters on the

spiritual path. These masters have revived the spiritual strength in India and have been a

means of great inspiration to people on the path. We can say that if not for these masters,

we all would have been directionless seeking the source of happiness in this mundane

world. These compassionate masters even build ashrams and ran many centers all across

the globe to uplift mankind from misery.

There are masters like Swami chinmayananda who established chinmaya mission for

spreading truth and his disciples like swami tejomayananda who is current heading of the

the mission and continuing the vision of the master. We see such instances everywhere.

AMMA has been instrumental in establishment of Mata Amritaanandamayi Mutt and her

disciples are heading the organizations in various streams of services. The sankara Mutt also

follows the lineage establish by Jagaguru Adi sankaracharya Bhagavad pada. Now its being

continued by his lineage which forms the four mutts across india. Any one taking sanyaasa

have to come under the lineage of one of these mutts.

So we see that great masters revolutionize the world and kindle the light of faith in the

sincere seekers. Through their influence many great acharyas the country has seen. Also

there are seekers striving to follow the path shown by these acharyas. Now let’s understand

who an acharya is. An acharya is a person who teaches knowledge in a traditional way and

spreads the word of truth. Avatara purushas need not be traditional acharyas. But Acharyas

sprung up under the influence of these great master. There are people who do spread the

word of knowledge and help mankind but are not traditional acharyas like Prof

Balakrsishnan Nair , who was a jeevan mukta and gave lot of discourses on sastras. So let’s

try to see what makes one a trend setter in spirituality and what makes one an acharya

traditionally spreading the knowledge through discourses, that we find in various spiritual

organizations. To even join ashram one needs Guru’s grace from previous birth to an


As we know each planet stands for a particular quality or Guna. Sun stands for self and

vitality, for eyes or vision and self-knowledge. A person having sun exalted in a chart is said

to have matured soul, means matured spiritually. This doesn’t mean people with sun

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


exalted will be spiritual, we need to consider all other factors in chart too. Likewise another

planet apart from sun to help one to spiritually grow is Jupiter. Jupiter stands for wisdom,

Guru’s grace, knowledge of truth, merits done in the past. The strength of these planets is

important as the positioning of these planets in the horoscopes.

If Jupiter or sun are in dusthanas, it is not at all beneficial for spiritual pursuits but for

materialistic growth. If the Planets are well placed from moon, then later in life a person

may shine well in spirituality, like the great master Swami chinmayananda Ji, who had

strong positioning of the planets from moon. When Jupiter and sun are placed in trikonas or

kendras they are good for spirituality. Trikona positioning of these planets is more beneficial

than in kendras. Also Jupiter and sun in exaltation is more beneficial than when weak or in

inimical houses in Kendra or konas.

The 9th and the 10th houses play key role in determining the profession of a person and also

the dharma or religious disposition of the person. Establishment of spiritual organization

requires lot of activities to be performed. The great masters and seers like Adi

sankaracharya Bhagavad pada has roamed all over India spreading knowledge establishing

centers and gathering his disciples across India. Thus huge amount of actions are even done

today by AMMA who is traveling across the globe meeting her children. Thus the two houses

one has to look at for establishment of ashrams, centers for spirituality is the 9th and 10th

houses. Varying on the strength of planets sun and Jupiter and locations of them also on the

9th and 10th houses and lords strength, one may establish ashrams and bring in a new

dimension in spiritual path, one may become an acharya spreading knowledge and one can

become a seeker joining the ashram for the same.

Lets see analysis of below charts of great masters and acharyas to understand the same.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: He is known world wide among Intellectual people and governments

as a spiritual leader. He has established various centers all over the world and travels across

the globe to spread his preachings. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar started the Art of living course and

many meditation techniques. The 9th lord is Jupiter and is exalted and is placed in kendra.

10th lord Saturn is in 8th house. 8th house also denotes sacrifice. So 10th lord in 8th shows

that a person shall perform actions as sacrifice to the mankind. It’s good for such people to

work for non-profit organizations. In this life they are bound to learn to serve mankind.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Also mars which is the lagna and 8th lord is in 10th house exalted. So there is an exalted

planet in 10th, 10th lord is in 8th house of sacrifice and 9th lord exalted is in 4th house and

aspecting the 10th house. Thus 10th house, planet in 10th and 9th lord are strong. Jupiter and

sun which are spiritual planets are exalted and well placed in kendras. Thus as all these

good combinations happened from lagna, very early in life the master had taken to the path

of spreading peace to the entire world. Thus he established a new trend in spirituality and

also spread message across the globe.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

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Darshika Ji

She is an acharya of chinmaya mission. She gives discourses, she is invited for. She has

gained reputation among people for her compassionate and soothing words.

We see that 10th lord moon is exalted and is placed in the 8th house. 10th lord in 8th house

also means that the person suffers from bodily discomfort due to the amount of work taken

upon oneself. She had to face lot of discomfort in the course of travelling to places to deliver

lectures. 10th house has mars which is debilitated, but has gained neecha bhanga for being

in a Kendra. Thus she is not founder of any organization but is now the acharya taking up

discourses and delivering lectures on topics and spreading knowledge.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Swami chandrasekharendra saraswathi :

The 10th house or karmasthana has three planets in it. Jupiter, sun which are spiritual

planets are located in 10th house. Sun has digbala being in the 10th house. 10th lord is in 8th

house and is exalted. Thus 10th lord and 10th house are very strong. 9th lord mars is in 7th

house Kendra and hence well situated as well. From lagna the 9th and 10th are well placed,

so from early age swami ji got into spiritual path. He travelled all across india like Adi

sankaraacharya bhagavad pada and revived and evoked the spiritual waves among the

masses. He is said to have contributed a lot to revive temples ,sanctify places and build

centers, during his entire Indian tour. Swami was the head of the Mutt and looked into

affairs of the mutt as also was an acharya for his disciples and continued traditional way of


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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Narayana gurudevan

From lagna the 9th lord mars is debilitated and is in 12th house. So he came into spirituality

later in life and also due to 9th being neecha, he belonged to a lower caste. 10th lord venus

is neecha and is in 2nd house. So not well placed. So both 9th and 10th lords are weak

from lagna. But there is kuladeepaka yoga in the chart with Jupiter. Sun ,mercury opposing

moon with Jupiter, this made him tread the path of spirituality and become famous and well

knowen among masses and trend setter. Hence he did not establish any ashrams or mutts

nor had any disciples. Nor did he preach the traditional way. But due to the yoga, he shined

as a spiritual master.

From moon also 10th lord mars is debilitated and 9th lord is also debilitated. So he couldn’t

do much activities in name of spirituality, nor was he an acharya in the true sense of the

term. He did not head any spiritual organization.

Thus we understand the role of 9th and 10th lords for becoming heads of spiritual

organizations. 9th and 10th houses and lords should be well placed and in strength to

become spiritual leaders and acharyas and heading organizations.

If 9th lord is exalted it shows that a person has guru’s grace. This helps a seeker to easily

join an ashram. If 9th lord or house is not strong, its not favorable for the same.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


If 10th is strong and 9th is not strong a person will be able to work for the activities of the

ashram. If 9th and 10th are strong but are in kendras or kona, the person shall preach

scriptures, but is not an acharya. If 10th lord is in the 8th house and very strong, the

person may head organization or lead certain centers in the organization. If 10th lord is

associated with 8th lord the person will be doing spiritual oriented activities. 10th lord in 8th

as we have observed has also given bodily troubles for all great masters during their

spiritual activities. If 10th lord is in 5th and Jupiter is associated with the same and some

indications of sanyaasa is there in the chart, the person becomes a mentor or guide to

others on spiritual path, though he may or may not be part of the order.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Horoscope Analysis

Swami Paramahamsa Yogananda

Though there have been great masters who have taken birth on earth and in particular in

Bhaarata or India, still none would be as inspiring as this great master of Paramahamsa

Yogananda. Though people are inspired by other great realized masters like Swami

Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi etc. still it is with this master that people are able to relate

themselves with – the master of Paramahamsa Yogananda. Though mostly focused on yoga

sadhanas, still the book of “Autobiography of a Yogi” is worth reading for all sadhakas. It

not only gives us a perspective into things that we don’t know but also shows us as to how

we also can grow from being a normal being to a spiritual master.

Generally we only believe what can be seen or proven through direct perception. There are

things that are beyond our normal perception and this is exactly what is shown in the book

of this great master. We can know that there are things beyond our normal perception by

the effects created by extra-sensual things.

Another greatness of this master’s book and life is that he never focused on the various

miraculous powers that we can attain and that will make us do things beyond the world

(extra-sensory things). The focus is always on the goal of moksha alone. Moreover we find

as to how this master keeps searching for his Guru and doesn’t stop until he has achieved

the guru and through the Guru, the ultimate goal of life as moksha.

That moksha is possible for anybody is known through the life of this master. The scriptures

say that the Consciousness which pulsates inside each one of us as I-exist, I-exist at all

times is Brahman and realization of this truth which is beyond all identifications and

associations is moksha. Therefore moksha, by being our very nature, is possible for each

and every person here and now itself. What is required is just the strong desire for moksha

and perseverance in the spiritual path towards moksha.

May this great master bless us so that we will be able to progress quickly in the spiritual

path towards moksha and through attainment of moksha we will be able to ever rejoice in

bliss. Let’s as a tribute to this master, analyze the horoscope of this unique master.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha




Ascendant Leo gave swami a very daring, strong and bold character and a kingly stature.

Moon is in 3 deg in ascendant. Moon in lagna has given him a feminine look with sharp

features. 12th lord moon in lagna made swami travel far and wide. He lost his mother at an

early age and was away from home and home country most of his life. 12th moon in lagna

also gave him weak constitution. The moon in 3 deg barely at the border lead swami to

have wide range of imaginations and hallucinations as we all know that in his child hood he

had undergone various visions and experiences of his Guru. Such situation of moon shows

extremities of mind. His introverted and quiet nature shows his emotional side of his

character. Moon in lagna made him a mystical saint.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


In navamsa moon is in mars house aspected by Saturn. This is one of the conditions of

sanyaasa yoga. Thus swamiji adorned the robes of a sanyaasi and was interested in path of

renunciation from childhood, due to the sanyaasa yoga in the chart and due to 12th house

being strong and aspected by benefics.

If we have a look at the 5th house, we see that mercury and sun are in 5th house from

lagna. This combination denotes peak intelligence. All great masters like swami

Vivekananda has mercury and sun in the 5th house. In bhava also from moon the 5th house

has venus and Jupiter and Saturn aspects. This also is a contributing factor for the

devotional aspect of swamiji. But mercury is at 0 deg In the horoscope indicating ups and

downs in thinking. Such people can go to either extremes easily. Such people should be

spiritually oriented or may land into problems. Moon and mercury in the border of the

houses shows the emotional and moody nature swamiji had during his early days. In bhava

venus is in 5th, the poetic tendencies of loving nature, being with nature nature and talking

with nature can be seen in his childhood days. Lagna lord sun in 5th also shows that his

character is influenced by his mind and he is mind oriented person.

We all know that swamiji struggled a lot to find his Guru. This can be attributed to Jupiter in

8th house. Jupiter in 8th is not favourable for spirituality. But Jupiter being in the own house

and 5th house being strong, made things favourable. In bhava Jupiter is in 9th. This is good

indication for spirituality. Trines from lagna and bhava have benefics, so the horoscope is

strong in spirituality. Jupiter in 8th also gave him huge body at the later stage of life.

Jupiter in 9th and in bhava chart with Saturn in 3rd house and mercury in 5th along with sun

have given swami ji the power of coming up with kriya yoga and propagating among

masses. 5th house influenced by sun and Jupiter influencing 9th along with Saturn or rahu,

will make a person bring out pranayama and meditation techniques.

The 2nd house of word power is aspected by Jupiter and mars. Saturn also is in the 2nd

house. Mars is the yoga karaka and is aspecting 2nd house. This made swamiji’s words,

powerful and influencing people at the same time. He was also aggressive when needed and

open and frank. Also the 2nd lord mercury is in 5th house. This shows that words and

thoughts coherence is there. This shows his word power. His word power is actually his

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


mind power, which is manifested in lot of his childhood incidents. So this brought him lot of

name and fame. Even his family got famous on account of swamiji.

3rd lord venus is a benefic and is in Kendra. So this makes swamiji brave and bold. Mars the

yoga karaka aspecting the 3rd house also gave him fighting nature and negative courage.

Swamiji was challenged by his brother to prove the presence of god and he bravely, just

depended on god and took up the challenge. All this shows his brave and daring nature.

10th and 3rd lord venus is in 4th house aspecting the 10th. This shows his passion at work.

Swamiji roamed all over and spread the truth. Saturn and Jupiter aspect venus, showing the

involvement of masses and spreading the truth to masses. Made swamiji establish many

centers all over America. 4th being house of learning occupied by venus and aspected by

Jupiter, made swamiji a learned man. Venus is strong on the 4th house giving wavery and

black beautiful hair for swamiji. Swamiji lead a comfortable life, and had good education

which is depicted by venus in 4th aspected by Jupiter. He didn’t had to undergo trials and

tribulations in the west.

In bhava 9th has Jupiter and mars, this made him the unpronounced Guru for many people

in the west and east. He had many followers far and wide and lead people on the path of

realization. Swamiji spent most of his life in America. The 4th lord mars is in 8th house along

with the 5th and 8th lord Jupiter. This made him be away from his place of birth. 12th lord in

lagna has also made swami spend most of his time in america.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Prashna Tantra V

The fourth house and its significations of prashna we shall see now.

� If a farmer puts a query “whether or not I shall successfully cultivate a certain land”.

� The ascendant indicates the cultivator, the 4th is the land, 7th rules cultivation and

10th the crops.

� If lagna is occupied by a malefic, the farmer loses by theft.

� If malefic in lagna is free from retrogression or acceleration, the beneficiary will be

the thief.

� If benefics occupy the lagna, farmer will benefit by the cultivation.

� If a malefic occupies the 4th house the cultivator will dispense with the land.

� If a benefic is located in the 7th, cultivation will be successful.

� If malefic then cultivation will be destroyed.

� If lord of 10th is in 10th or aspecting with benefics, then there will be good crop.

� In queries relating to leasing of the land, the ascendant signifies the querent and the

7th indicates the lessee, the 10th signifies the production and the 4th rules the final


� Benefits accrue if the lagna and its lord are connected with benefics.

� If they are afflicted contrary results are shown.

� Whoever be the lessee he will suffer if malefic in the 7th and in the 10th, the querist

will not derive benefits even though the crop yield is satisfactory.

� If malefic in the 4th the results are unfavourable.

� The fourth house in addition to crops and lesses also shows immovable property,

land acquisitions.

� With respect to purchase of property we can regard first as the querist or buyer, the

7th as seller, the 10th house the price and 4th the property.

� If 4th has malefic the buyer will not derive any benefit.

� If benefics are in 10th revenue from the property is indicated.

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� If question pertains to removal from one place to another, then 1st, 4th and 7th signify

respectively, the querent, the place he is currently in, the place he wants to move to.

� We can take 10th as representing any business and the 4th the place where the

business is carried on.

� The 4th also stands for conveyances.

� If the lord of ascendant and the 4th lord are under good aspects the querent is

advised to buy a new car.

� If mars is involved in a malefic aspect with the lord of the 4th, the idea of buying a

vehicle should be given up.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Mithuna (Vijaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sah aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha



1. Editorial

2. Jyothisha Vivaranam - This can be called Jyothisha 101 or a simple beginner's guide to

learning astrology gradually.

3. Bhava Vivaranam – analysis of various bhavas (a continuing series).

4. Sarvartha Chintamani – a brief analysis of the slokas/work of sarvartha chintamani (a

continuing series).

5. Jaimini Upadesha Sutras – a brief analysis of the Upadesha Sutras of Jaimini.

6. Rahu and its fierce effects – analysis of rahu and the fierce effects it creates.

7. Effect of various planets in different houses – analysis of planets and their effect in

different houses and bhavas.

8. Heading spiritual organizations – an article analyzing as to how a person comes to head

various spiritual organizations or centers of these organizations.

9. Horoscope analysis - brief analysis of the horoscope of a renowned person.

10. Prashna Tantra V – analysis of prashna tantra.

Opinions and Questions regarding anything in this magazine are welcome.

Suggestions to make this magazine better through requesting of articles on specific topics

are also welcome.