-^jwhj-falls’county’s f h 1,980 tons pacific sea battle...

-^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA . 1,980 TONS BO fnr 829 Iona Nine Irritated Idaho Coanlles FH VOL. 25. NO. 167 » »»d / ’•M»v TWIN FALLS. IDAHO. .WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1942 PEICB 5 CEBITS PACIFIC SEA BATTLE SPREADS Allies Drive Deep Into Axis Defense CAIRO, Oct. 28 (U.R)—The imperial ciffhth artfty tonijfht waa reported drivlRR deeper .wcdRCs in the Alnmcln line, nUemplin'fT to brinp Marshal Erwin Hommel'fl main tank forces into decisive balUc. '' Armored fiffhtlnff was reported on an cxpondinR scale but II had not rcach«rf the point of an all-out effort. CAIRO, Oct. 28 (/P)—The Britiah eighth army made “fur- tlicr proKrcBs" Monday night in it.5 drive to open up the oxis defense line.H in the Egyptian de.icrt and tank battlcs_ dc- • vclopcd on a mrger'^tcak* yesterday than'previously, a joint British bQadquarter«-RAF communique said today. “After heavy liRhtiHK the enemy, waa driven off with con- «iderable loss,” the communi- riue said todRy. Brltljh lossM 111 UnlLi ... .. portM light vid Uie communique ftfttd Uiat. the ftgUUnj con- tinuing, TJie Brlliih rfportec! Uist Uie twrlous <lrtve to op»n \ip n j»Uh ol Jieovler Rniiored fonnatloru eon- unufd with ‘’no eijattment" \hrou8hovii Montlay nljhl ftnd Tuw- My. SuperiorPo^cr Tlie superior ftllled »lr JirtngUi wfts lued night, and day agnlnat tncmy' conecntraUons nml fore'nrd landing (.Tounds and llftlii bomMrs and flciyer-bombcr.i raided Uie Mitnih dock arm . Nlglu ttithiers thol down a Junkers 37 during Uie niglit, Uie conununlgue uld. Allied planes .ahoi davn IS a.xla plincj yesttrday. 13 of Uiem during t dive bomber atwek on lirliuh foru’ard Uoopi. U\e ccawnwlque nald. Tills nltack «cas one oi Uie few (iBSre.islre operations undertaken by the ftxlx. lottts ' - "m»lnly on Uie defensive." 1 Mid. WUtd ISshtera inltrcepled the German dive bombers, escorted by nglit«r», apporcnUy btfot» Uiey reached-um r objecUve, dlipmUie them. Most of the planes sliot do*rti * <iperttl6tu over norUi Atrica uid In dtfenw of .MaJtn. »lie« the «J*. bombing conUnUfd wlUi Wltle dafiitce'reported, the communique uVd. Slew Progreii •m e jJOW, Hard /ilfuggle ncroM mllea pf itrongly-held desert pa'll* Uoi4 w u cxpected U continue lor aomj^ Ume belorc Bufllclenl Kround v u 'd a r e d for an allied tank blow , it.liia armored backbone of Hem- army. AUlcd ftlrcra«. Inutudlng Ameri- can bomber* and frghtcr*. were con- ulanUy scourinft Uie bnltic area and the desert reaches beliUid It. MaJ. Oen. LcwLi H. Drertlon <![.»• closed that UnUed States air forces wtr« using Amttlcan bonib.^ lor flnt time' to emiuOi ot axis concen- traUons behind Uie lines. 'TlrftcM Knergy" 'n iie tiling that lias lmp^e^.^f<l itfe most about our men Is Uielr cum nnd UreleM energy." Brtrelon said iMt niglit o f a 'pre.vi conference. * "niP (lamfi ciualUlea are po.WMed by the RAP. but Uie Oemian plIoLi' Ability In tills Uientcr h not so good ftj e. year rro. poisibly due w ‘ and Uie fact Uiai tlie new ..... liavtn't got the stuff the others One of the American fllrrs, Cn'pl. ^Tlinma.^ W. Clark of Suffleld, Conn., ^fshoi ilown two itnnan liithlera Montiaj"to bccome the first united Sinics flKhter pilot with U o con- tlrmed Mclortes over axU tighten In the battle of norUi Africa. RESULTS DOME, Ida.. Oct, 2S (UiU-BlUy Bacli can t«lJ )iU dad a thing or. Uirte about this hi»«fi8 busl- Blily. H. w«»l hunting yester- day for LJ)c flrat time In his life n-Jth Ills dad, Robert S. Baclt of Dolse law enforcement agent for the U, S. full and wildlife sen’lce. pother Bach placed his son In a bUnd and told him how to blast away when the ducks come over. Pretty soon., something did come over. Billy' raLwd his gun and "blasted." He killed »1Ui hU tlrtit ihot a. 13-J»ut\d Canvllan honker. Inventor of New Type Alarm Clock Gets More Sleep ORRICK. Mo.. Oct. 23' (;n-A mouse trap glvn Joe Albertson, ornrr ot a small coal mine here, another hour's .<Ieep each mom- . lug. - A string ruiu from an alarm clock to the mouse trap. Wheji the alarm goe.^ off. the vibration of the string springs the trap. Ttie trajr throo-s a switch Uiat (Uirts an electric motor. Dy Uie lime Albertson and his helpen arrive ail the water irlUch h u seeped In ovemlgut had been pumped out of the mine—and Uiey can start trork immediately. liJaps Smash U. S. Planes on Ground NEW DEUII. IndU, Oct. M (ff-r- nie Japanese were d'sflwfd today lo hive destroyed or damaged ut teu t SO gixiund^ IlyhttTs be-^^du the previously announced "scitral transports" In raids oil American alrfltids In norUieasl India, balthrlr 'attemptd to smash these buses of Uie U. a army bcmibcrs and ferry serv lee to Chto» were regardeO as lu- The new figures « r e made known to a Mjpplanent to an earlier 'Dnit- (d Stales army communique atid dls- :Iosed also (hat about &0 Japonr.<^e twmbei* aod fighters engaged in me tUack eunday- wWlo 37 enemy lighten escorted riw reconnoKianfe jianes in a ieeond attack on Uie wne fields Monday. U. S. Children Will Be Quiet On Halloween By Onlteil Presi A growing arrny of children with the slogan "monkey buUneu is si^b- otaeo" pUmr>e<l a prankle.^ '.Hal- tew tfn >n rtii'es fci.oss tfw naUi*. today whlla police warned adults to avoid wearing masks or risk arrest II susplclmi of being saboteurs. Youngstern from Albany. N. Y, to Bentlle, Waili.. responded enUius- la.iUcally to appeals from police lo refrain from tiielr usual pranks and in !^ome citle.i subsUtui^ a scrap Iron salvngc cninpiilgn on bcKgns's night for Uie usual ''tricks'or IreaCs." Warnings X iw kS Police in cities from Chicago, III., lo Jnck-uinvllle. Fla., and. Dallas, Tex.. .wamed‘a<lulii that any grown- up caught In A mask would be ar- rested on siMpIclon of sabotage. llltiioLi civilian defense auUiorf- es said saboteuni might easily con- ceal tlielr Identities as Halloween celebranLi while they struck at vltaL war plants. The children ofOleiicoe, III. de- elded to ring doorbells and ask for acrap and If the houieholiler didn't have any, to ask hicn lo buy «, war stamp. ru n Entertainments SUidenl.1 of Seattle (ichools sub- sututed community enterulnments and home parties for vandalism. Community leaders of Toledo. 0„ arranged 3,000 parUes as an antidote for Halloweon mischief. At Cleveland children decided to stop scraping wlndslilelds and save soap and greaia; fbr Uie war etfort. Tliey were cauUoned to avoid ring- ing doorbelLn Uiat might dbturb the rest of RleephiR war wotktrs. J»ollcp chiefs of Albany, N, y„ Kjio*v11I c. Tenn.. Port Wayne, Ind.. and MarUi\% PS:rry. ,0.. warned Uial any danioRe to tires would be con- sidered iL-i .an attem pt to help the axis, Tliey coined the .Oogan: "Don’t hiake HlUer and Mus-wllnl smile," DCSTnOVEIt LAUNCHED SAN niANCISCO, Oct. 28 iTlie destroyer Bush, namtd lot a marine corps officer on the hbilorle frigate ConstltuUon, was launched yesteMay at the BeUiIehero ahlfn yard*. The warcraft was christened by Mlsx Marlon Jackson. Alston. ila»a., a grtat-BTeat-Brandnleee of Ueut. WlUlam Bush. RUSS l TROOPS lURN IMSON II By llE.Sny C. CASSIDV MOSCOW, Oct. 2fl < ^ » ^ e d army defendtn of the cIlff-Mded mouii- Uln rojd 10 the Black «ea port of 7\iups< Imve liinied Uie Ubies on, the natls in the we.slem Caucajtu with a sma.nhlng counter-as.%ault which forced'tile aerm ans Into a retrcikt Uiat sitirled aeveral days ago. batUcfront dUpatehe^ reported In Slallnsnid, a Oennun ... slauKlit renewed at dcinlly cost gain- ed the Invaders Iwo more debrls-Ut- tered street, but the mnln RifAlar llne.s held, and norUiwcst of Uie bC' sieged clly the Red army's relief of- fensive bit menacingly deeper Into the Oerrnan flank acros.^ Uic sodden Jteppes, . s Timed wlih the re.surgrnt Hu.Mlan thrust along t)ie roiui npproAChIng Tuapse UitouBti pabses to the north- east, oUier RiL«lon force.i struck de- terminedly Into German-guarded poslitcns tisl of Uie port ol Nov. orov'Isk. 80 miles farUier up Uie coast. Usit Attacker* Red ^tir .uild that In Uie flghl for the approach to Tuiipse, provl. slonol bai.e of the Soviet Black se:. fleet. 0 siubboni red army defense forced RiUcklng Alpine'troops to fan out Inlo Uie wooded mountains In a flnnklnK attenipu Wien the main body of Uie Uclcerx started to swln? southward to follow up the orlciiinl flanking pcnetroUom„thB jtrtfeH.'Sin'lmportant'TOoiBitArn po- altlon wrested from the Oennani, and the entire alUick forcc wu.s taught olf balance and rolled back wIUi heavy losses, the nrniy newsp.i-. per reported, livesUa, the jjovemment nowipa- jwr. aald autumn ralna had turned Uie DonVoIga steppe.s norUiwesl of SUllngrad into a qunKwlre where Uie enemy s m^chajilicd forces bog- ged dcro-n. .......... Score Steady' Gains Mandial Bemeon Tlmoslicnko'j nt- tack on Uie nftzl flunk was said lo have scored steady giilnii. Pm vda dls- closed Uiat the aerrmins were driv- en from a key defeme position Uierc Uiree days ago, and }ifid lost 1,000 ■n.ln.a hatl of m orur and rifle 1. ,) 3,125 Tons Scrap Avetage of Avery School’s Students WALLACE, Oct. 28 (,7^-F\)ur of BhMhone county's smallest achool.i were deelareit wlnuem today of J25 war bond prlies In Uie school scrap eoUectlon contest sj«ii.%ored by the Wallace Prew-Tlnits and the Sho- shone county sali'Bge-for-vlctoo' commlture. The sthoob—Avery, Jack Waite Black Cloud nnd E.-iKle-all . .sur- passed the per capita collection of •^e rtil ol ihe county's 18 schools, t a t 333 pounds. Avery with an enrollment of 33 students collected. 3,i:i pouiid.i i>er caplU: Jack Waite *lUi 13 s tu d - ents. 2J05 pounds: Black Cloud with 16 .•'tudent', IJOO pounds, luid EagleriB students, 873 pounds, Kellogg high school’s <22 sludents turned In the largest poundage, 275,- 750 pounds. Tommies Pause in Drive on Nazis in Egypt SENO.S L tC K send leiicrs i friends. He Is mailing i eacli of them. rabbit’s foot lo . The Tlrtt pietare. sT tbe new BriUah drive in north Africa—(moke ot bailie haugi ««er Ihif scent aa ilrllUh ieldlera with rlflea aad (anny gntu pause after eaptarinr a German fonrard'atrenc point on the El Atamein front and prepare for a fresh adrsnee. A dead German lira beside bit e^lpuent In (he eenter. Photo radioed Calro-New York. (JfEA Cable-Telepboto) ISA IFA llS ,1LBESM0 .Acting In coopcniUon-wlth eWllan defeiw aulliorlUes. the Idaho,Power coiniiony announced tbls afternoon' Uiat the big floodllglit^ at Ohoslione falls will be tomed olt,'. ...'nie.-aiO:*. whu.‘-5C5Uilruiu Uie falls area.and the .site of Uie ex- temlve power pUuu there, make the region a landmark from Uie olr for a dbtance of many miles. Doas- Ing of the big Klobe.s will come "In tlie next ilay oc two?’ according io Ralph W. Carpenter. Twin Palls dl- vblon manager of the power con- Carpenter explnlnol that "it's a long trip to turn off ilte.'-e llght-s In c ot emergency iintl would take . . Ifa.''t half ati hour." A jxjfter employe from the falU plant would have to cro.NS llic river ami a.scrntl Iho slght.ieehiK platform to which Uie lights arc nttiirlied. Because little nater Is flowing at :>resenl and toiirbt travel Is du'liid- llng almoit to iiolhliig. the uumbor (if spectators ilcwliiB the falls has been vco' small. Idahoans Laud Order Freezing Farm Labor BOISE, Oct. 28 (/P)—Idaho affriculturnl icadcru received jAvith favor today the news of W ar Wnniwwicr Chief Paul V. ‘McNutt's atinounccmenl freezing \vorkers in livc-stock, poul try and dairy farmLn;f. !fhc frccztny tvnnoiunccmcnt yestcnlny oirtlincd steps tiTjc taken to relieve the “shortage FLASHES of LIFE, Chinese Bombers Blast Jap Bases CHUNGKING, Oct. 28 (U.PJ - Chinese bombei.s, oiJcrating wlUi a fighter,tseort,from an undLiclo.sed base, succcxsfuUy raided Uie blegest Japanefe air b.v.e In north Clilna yesterday, the C;ntral News agency xcporic<l todny. The big planfs drooped tons ol tploilves on .the air field at Vimg. Cheng, ^m1th f^ l Shnnsj piovliite. scoring hlt.s on the runways,.hang- ar.\ and grounded planes. The Slghler pbiiea maclilne gun- Ml Uic Held, fl.viiiK so low they could dIsliiiKUl.'li dum m y alrpl.tnes set out by the Japanese as decoys. Germany Reports Hong Kong Raid BERUN, Oct. 20 (U,R>—A Trafts- ocean news iiKcncy dispatch fro.ii Tokyo today siikl th a t Hang Kosig was raided ogaln by 11 planes " noon today. (American plswcs raided Hong Kong twice within a few hours Sun- day night and Monday.) Salary Freezing Order Started;' Ban Put on Pay Rise, Reduction By MERRIMAN SMITH WASHINOTO^f, Oct. 38 (U.PJ-nie ar labor board and the ireisury depanment today u>ok over one of Uie most Blgontto Job* In history— control of wAgea and salaries of vlr> tually all Americans and tha pre' vervuon of any a&lary higher thaif «i,ooo a year.' The rulen were placed before tbe pubUc by Economic StaWUsaUoa D|. rector James P. Byrnes who tald the order was *o-aU toelualw Uiat "II comes damn near tctUng every- body." The order reaches tlio small week- ly wagei of the shop girl—by pre- venUng further lnerease.i except In fpeclal cases~a.s well na the mlUlan* i*lro indtistrlUllel—whose net »al- ary.afier payment of federal taxes and dedlicUons fcir prior fixed obll- gaUons mu.1t not exceed «23,000. starting Jan. ]. Byrnes publlcittd Uie regulaUons at a press conference. He revealed that; Salaries below M.OOO a year were froica as of yesterday'wlth reduc- Uow below the highest raie.pald between Jan. 1 and. Sept. IX 1M3 forbidden along with Increases above present leiTls. flalariea above M.OOO a year were pre\-ented .from rising, buC reduc- Uons to Ui6 U.DOO a year level wer« expressly permitted. The atnblllsa- Uon date for those sal&rlts waa OcU S-when President Roosnelt set up the office of, economic suiblllratioo by exeeuUve orttfi Employes working In pbuits empied from, Uie order but reasotiable" increases stUl will be disallowed. The blf slx-flgure incotries o f . . " • ■ and moTle uudkw disappeared automatically under Uie orders. At the same Ume. the small wage and salary camera Itamtd that before Uiey can se t a raise, they must have government ap- ptwai. wlUi the excepUon of etttain erempt , categories ouUlned by Byrnes, The »,'aT labor , board was given Jurisdiction over all wages and sal- iria under |i,oOO covered by labor. contracts and going to employes “not employed In a bona fide 'Ive, a<lmlni.str«Uve or profes in.icli}-.“ Control over all oUicr .... -------- - „iih jsaiarifji »cnt to. the treasury de- lesa Uian-elJht workers ,wcr«..ex* Iparunent. QUICK pELIVKItV. NBW.'SOIUC, Oi.'t. 28-Kenneth Porter. P. was locked out when he gut home from .school. He went to Uie roof ol his niari- mcnt house, climbed. Into the dumbwaiter and prepaml l« lo»cr awny, but his strengili was no matdi for the contrniitloii. He and It zoomed downuard. KenneUi grabbc<l at a .vlll nnd hnng on until'his cries ailnicl'Kl neighbors who called ]>oIlcc lor Uie rescue. He waan't hurt. GOOP . PHILADELPHIA, Ocl. 28 - A tall blond entered Uie ^tii^e door canteen and Introduced Ucr ell as •'.Mrs. Helen Da.w. a Mnscr." Slie sang for 20 mliiutrs and the senlcetnen shoviicil an ova- tion. . "W<wl" a coVpornr ^houtcd. "Tli&t tiame oughtta l5e in the movies,” After she’d lefl a commlltee- woman explained that Mr;.. Helen Da,-j In public life Is Helen Trau- bel, famous metropoliiin oijcra sopraco. .MASK RUf.ES SVJCHITA. Kan.. Ocl, :&-San- la Claus can near his mask in a department store, but if lie steps Into the street, he will break the law. The city council has p.l^.^cd an anU-ma&k ordinance, but Sanu (JIauses, w ho’remain on jirivale property won't be affected. Police Chief Tliomas Jaycox asked for Uie law. prtinarlly to hamper Halloween. He ^^ays crim- inals &nd saboteura could lurk un- detected behind the masks. UOUDLE DUTV OALLUP. N. M.. Ol -1. 38-Polly Ryan volunteered fM Uie WAACs while her brother. I* M.. Jr.. took his preliminary eiamlnatlon «s sn aviation cadet. If boUi pass Uielr test.i, they will be sworn In togeUier at a public ceremotiy. , ' SWAP NEW YORK. Oct. 28 OJPi-Mrs. Eleanor-Roosevelt has'been dios- en “best-dresswS woman In lour* nallsm" and Clare BooUie Luce, wife of the publisher. Henry n. Luce, has brrrt de>l8nalMl "best- dressed woman In politics,’' Uie fashion a rt' de.slgn school- a n - ' sounctd today. Mrs. Roceevelt. author of Ilie daily calumn. "My Pay," and Mr*. Luce. who.Ts a Republican can- dltlate for coi^grcs-s from Con- necUcu'l. merely swapped roles. Last year Urn. B A w elt won the “pollUcs" desUSpailon and Mrs. Luce Uiat for Houmallsm." Vivian KelleiM. Mrs. Luce's'op- ponent. for the Republican con* gre.salonal nomlnaUon.' was call- ed "beslrdressed biislnciu woman," Loreiu younfta-on the deslgna- UoaforQovieaJtr^ <>f csscutittl -farm workers. "The order Ls s step In Uie rlglit dlrecUon. ... Dairy products are very vital to the war effort," W. L, Hendrix, president of Uie Idaho Dalrj'men's association, declared, "it will have a 'Kholtsome elJeci on \hi dair)’ Industry and will tend to en courage farmers le keep dairy sftjck,’ KhoulJ Be WIdrf. Jamc.s B. Ncwpori. Idaho coiiiinl.'- .'■loner of agrlciiUuie, ^ald:‘ "Idaho agriculture will be pleased wlUi the admlnl.itraUoii's auliude, . . . T7ie action Is rciv-Oiinble and will be, efffctjve If Uie final draft ,U Inclusive enough to apply t< types of rriiular farm aorkers, "Tlie order Is verj- necessao'. " ‘e need to kieii sufficient manpower In Uie agricultural Industry to main- tain aJid rven liierea:ie prodUcUon for the war effort," Elacl H. Brock- man. general manpger of Uic Idalio ngg producers Coflperallve Market- a.^s,ocl&Uott. d«clare4 at, CaW- Lecellng Off of Pay ■•Wiet'lier the present order is bkiad enough to covefTlie problem remains to be seen," he odded. "Tlie most lm|)orl4iil aspect Is Uie leveling off of wages lo more nearly corre- spond wlUi lho.*.e In defense areas." A. J. Tillman, U, 6, <mi>loymcnt r^rtlcr director for Idaho. Indicated Diat deuiled Infonnatloii on freere order was eipccted he; day or tomorrow. Frank L. Wlnwltr. secreUiry of Uie Idiijio CatUemen'a a.v.otiaUoti. declined lo comment iiendliiK study of the order, but said that eatUemen planned to meet in J3oLie Friday for a district Rrattui; eoti- ference nml Uiat Uie matter would be dlscu.vwl Uien. Captain Wins on Cpin Flip; Last To Leave ‘Wasp’ SWAMP3C0TT, Mats.,'Oct. 28 t/T^ •A toss of a coin by two Nea- Eng- landers determined who should be me last to leave Uie alrcrafl Car- rie;- Wft-sp after ahe was torpedoed, John J. Davh. aviation ma;tilnlst's mate, third class, a survli-or of the sinking, had reported today. Home on furlough while recover- ing from bums. Oavls said that CapL Forrest P. Sherman. Melrose, Mass., commander of Uie carrier, and * rear admiral, a naUve of New England flipped the coin. Sherman won. and Uiua waa t(le la^t man to .•er the side. Yanks Turn Back. Jap Smashes in Solomon Mands WASHINCTON, Oct. 28 (/P>—'The navy reported ’to- day that troop.*) on (iuadalcunal i.slund in the Solomons have been InfllctinK “very heavy" lo.ssc« on the Japanese in comparLstyi with what n naval xpokesman t>ald were comporotWciy light caflualtiof amonff American forces. Br SANOOR s. KLEIN WASHINGTON. Oct. 28 (U.PJ—The buttle of the Solomons, raKinjT furiouHly on and mound Guadalcanal island where a Japanc.'4o brciik-throu^rh wa.s turned back, today has spread hundred.'! of niilc« lo the cast toward America’a Pacific com- munication linc.i, , A m erican flit-r.H have attacked .tlronK Japanese naval forcc.s north ol the Now Heb- ridcR and the Fiji islands on which arc United States ad- •an c e base.<(. The penetratloti of Uie American Itiirs on Otiadalcanarocurred Sun- day night (bland Ume) afl«r a 'day* long atui(k on the souUi side of the airfield. But V. B. army troops de- fending Uiat sector chased the en-' emy back and "regained Uielr po«l* Uons." Mirioes defending Uie west- ern side of Uie airfield.^ were en- Saged In heavy fighting, but tho na\-y reported Uiat Uiey had scored "small gains.’ Ftght ExUsied . AlUiough the focal point of the battle into which Japan has throws numbers of troops,' alrplanu 1BE0181N lUN ffiCRAS LOS ANOELES. Oct. 28 (-T>—A congreulonai cammlttet, .after a col-oner's Jury had decided ^Uiat -an army bofober struck a liug'^iAmerl* can airliner, causing It to crash near Palm Springs Frldsy, killing 13, be- gan I'ls owo InvcsUgaUba today. "We find," laia Uie Inquest ver- diet returned late yesterday at Palm Springs, "that all 13 died from crushing and cretnsUon due lo the craah to the trauiul ot an American alrUner. takl airliner haring been slruclc by a U. 8. army plane pUotod by XA. W. N. WUioa and fluff Bat. R. n. Ulghf A war deparlment announcement aaW- U « pilot, attatheil to the air traiwport command. slxUi ferrying group. Long Beach, had been pUced under aneJV penfilh* compleUon ol I Nichols of oklaDotnst., army 1: m ltiee. said Its hearing will bo closed and none ot the lesumoay aUl bo Immediately releajed. "I had seen the imcr In Uio itlr before, but not for some time." Wil- son told Uie coroner's Ju^f. "1 had. no Idea it was so close; no Ideo I was going to contact It, , "Afterp-ard 1 could tee eeruihi damage to my ship. I did not w-hat part tlie alrlliicr was tacted, but I realized a contact had been made." ' BOARO lLP lC il GAS CARD SIS The service stations, garages, tire shops nnd oUier plscfs In Ta-|n Palto county wbett molorlsls may obtain cards on which to pledne Uiat they will -drive no faster Ulan 35 mllM on hour, l»ep Uielr tires in repair and nol pavjes.i more Uian five Urea per car. w-iu be announced soon by Uie T ttln Falls county raUoiilng board. The places Mil be .selected by the board, nccordlng to Carl N, Aiider- soti. chairman, who .ulcl he expect- ed to receive Uie plcdce blanks wlUi- In ft few days. Tliey nave already gone put from Wiililngton. •• M ust Be BlpiMl '• Tlie forms will coiulst of a Ure recorti and an application for b^lc Ka.-iollne railoiu and must be signed before permits to purthaw tires, ga.solltie and autumusUe iviru eaii be ls.<ued by the rationing traard. Tire buyina. of coursr, li .^crlctly limited under Uie rxUlliiK raUoii plan, Tlie Rau3lUie application must be prcjriited to admliiliirators aho will be siiflloned at all elementary -vchools In TH'ln Palls county dur- ne Uie reglsiratlon {leriod ou Nov. }. 10 and II. .Mrs. Doris Slradley. county su- perlniendetit of jiublic itisicucUou. 5 In charge of the reglstraUon and slie hUB appoljited all superintend- ents of Indeprtvdent dlstrlets and principals of common schools - ad- nlnlsirators. Tliey will be as.vL'ited by tlielr leaching slalls. five 'Hres White Unable to Return to Idaho WASHINGTON. Oct. 28 M>-Bep, Whlto. D.. Ida., annotlnced he would be unable to return to Idaho to take part In the final elecUon campaign, Tlie representaUve uld he had found himself to bu.sy with matters of Interest to tiU district he would be unable to pet them concluded tn time to return. Ha expecU to vole by abser-tea ballot. \ must dispose of Uie extra Urea be- ore receiving a gatoMe raUsti. Tires may be sold to the govern- ment by noUlyfng the RiUway Ex- resi agency to eiU Joe them. On the tire Insiiection record, which Is separate from the gasoline ration apphcaUon Icmn, the appli- cant must list by serial number all Ures'he oa-ns. “35 Club” Now Has 110,000 Members CIUCAGO. Oct. 28 W ~ Judge Cra-ln J . Hasten, vhose name be- Uea hla wartime effotu In the courts, aaj-s his Infonnal H elob* now has a membership of orer IIB.- 000 motorlata idedjed not to dffw over the 53 m ui an houf Ufflil.'^ ; The Judge lootj ttie blU.rflr.wlwl*. iMetd •tlcken uid taaJtffic cmt*. . ________ UiB flghUn* extend* .... hundreds of mllea at lea which Uie enemy conUnuea to domlnau. , TJjs but report by .U« nary tn lu eommunlqi;* lu t Bicht showed that ttu Amerleani have lunk tfo Japaoese destrojeta aqid damaged. ' three - other ship*, toeluCtng a baU tleshlp. Jn •iidiUoB-hlu\were ''rc- pcrted oci>«T-«ul*m »ad.»n »lt- craft catneV wtilu piajr h»v^1w<n damagrt;^U ■ ■^T^^merfcfan gaged three Japanese destroyers OuadaUanatmUl navalVid Karlntr aircraft JiAn^lhe fray and sank two of Uie destroyera 4)nt»ycr Sunic inoUier acUon on the same day tSiintlay). a Jopontse destroyer sank Uie U. 6, 6. Seminole, a fleet I tus, nnd a small harbor patrol boat I near Tulagl, Tlie deaUoyer was bad- 1 ly damaged by shore batteries which scored Uiree hits and Orumann, ’W lldcaf fighters from Ouadal- a n which stfafcd tbe ship as It fled. Monday monilng American bomb- -.-a and fighters on Ouadaleanal took off for Uie Uilrd Ume In two.- dnys to attack an enemy task force of cruiser* and destroyers that lias beenjn Uie waters north of Florida bland.'! Oil Hielr Uilrd Ulp, the American airmen scored a direct hit on an enemy cruliet. Tlw day tie- ' fore they had hit and stopped A cruiser, hit onoUicr crulscr and left iC<nlln>«4 «ti r a n t. C^lma » Bulletins WABHINGTON, Ocl. t« ThB war prodocUon board loday revoked prierlly ratlnp for seven power and.lrrm ilen pr«)etts In the weal. Including the Anderson ranch dam In Idaho, fn line wllh ll* poHry ef turtalllng the we ef critical materials. LONG BEACH, Calll.. Oct, 23 I/'T) —Tlie nnny today formally placed a charge of matuJaughtcr against the pilot ol B bomber which collided with an airliner, killing 13, last Fri- day. ef sU of hfa.corapanisns In the aal»aUge mlaalan agftlnst the United Nlates of hts own free will and wlUieot any premises ef Immnnliy frem the V. S. goterniaenl. BERLIN (Prom German Broad- :astai, Oct. 2# w>—Oerman broad- .. coM^ saUI today that the number of Briaili tants destroyed In the new nortli African balUe had Increased to 300. MOSCOW. Oct. M (/Ti — The Momow radio said teplxht that the rrd army had eenUaowi tta advance narlhwesl of SUllngrad after fierce hand^to-hand fi(ht- \ng wbteh cut tbe Germans 1.200 dead. WASUrmrTON. Oct. M.(/D-Sen- ntor Hlnun Johnson, veteran Call- i fomla Republican, branded aa *.r • "base fabrieatlon" today a sU(e- m ent that he would resign i the senate to pare the w* * polntment of former, Hoover as hb RIO. DK jA W taft W " ^

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Page 1: -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S F H 1,980 TONS PACIFIC SEA BATTLE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA . 1,980 TONS BO fnr 829


■ 1,980 TONSBO f n r 829 Io n a

N in e Ir r ita te d Idaho C oanlles


VOL. 25. N O . 167 » »»d / ’•M»v T W IN F A L L S. IDAHO. .WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 , 1942 PE IC B 5 CEBITS


Into Axis DefenseCAIRO, Oct. 28 (U.R)—The im p eria l c iffh th artfty tonijfht

w aa rep o rted drivlRR deeper .wcdRCs in th e Alnmcln line, nUemplin'fT to brinp Marshal E rw in Hom m el'fl main tank fo rces in to decisive balUc. ''

A rm ored fiffhtlnff was rep o rted o n a n cxpondinR scale b u t II h ad n o t rcach«rf th e p o in t o f a n a ll-o u t effo rt.

CAIRO, Oct. 28 (/P)—The B ritiah e ig h th a rm y made “fur- t lic r proKrcBs" Monday night in it.5 d r iv e to open up the oxis defense line.H in the Egyptian d e .ic r t a n d tan k battlcs_ dc-

• vclopcd on a mrger'^tcak* y es te rd ay th a n 'p re v io u s ly , a jo in t B ritish bQadquarter«-RAF com m unique sa id today.

“ A fte r heavy liRhtiHK th e enem y, w a a d r iv e n o ff w ith con- « iderable loss,” the communi- riu e s a id todR y .

B rltljh lossM 111 UnlLi . . . . . portM ligh t v id Uie communique ftfttd Uiat. the ftgUUnj con­tinuing,

TJie B rlliih rfportec! Uist Uie twrlous <lrtve to op»n \ip n j»U h ol Jieovler Rniiored fonnatloru eon- unufd w i t h ‘’no eijattment"\hrou8hovii Montlay n ljh l ftnd Tuw- M y.

S u p e r i o r P o ^ c r Tlie superior ftllled »lr JirtngUi

wfts lued night, and day agnlnat tncmy' conecntraUons nml fore'nrd landing (.Tounds and llftlii bomMrs and flciyer-bombcr.i raided Uie M itnih dock a rm . Nlglu ttithiers tho l down a Junkers 37 during Uie niglit, Uie conununlgue u ld .

Allied planes .ahoi davn IS a.xla p linc j yesttrday. 13 of Uiem during t dive bomber atw ek on lirliuh foru’ard Uoopi. U\e ccawnwlque nald. Tills nltack «cas one oi Uie few (iBSre.islre operations undertaken by the ftxlx. lo tt ts ' -"m»lnly on Uie defensive." 1Mid.

• WUtd ISshtera inltrcepled the German dive bombers, escorted by nglit«r», apporcnUy btfot» Uiey re a c h e d -u m r objecUve, dlipmUie them. Most of the planes sliot do*rti

* <iperttl6tu over norUi Atrica uid In d tfenw of .MaJtn. » lie « the

« J* . bombing conUnUfd wlUi Wltle da fiitce 'reported , the communique uVd.

Slew Progreii•m e jJOW, Hard /ilfuggle ncroM

mllea pf itrongly-held desert pa'll* Uoi4 w u cxpected U continue lor aomj^ Ume belorc Bufllclenl Kround v u 'd a r e d for an allied tank blow

, i t . l i i a arm ored backbone of Hem- army.

AUlcd ftlrcra«. Inutudlng Ameri­can bomber* and frghtcr*. were con- ulanUy scourinft Uie bnltic area and the desert reaches beliUid It.

MaJ. Oen. LcwLi H. Drertlon <![.»• closed tha t UnUed States air forces wtr« using A m ttlcan bonib. lor f ln t time' to emiuOi ot axis concen- traUons behind Uie lines.

'T lrftcM Knergy"'n i i e tiling th a t lias lmp e . f<l

itfe most about our men Is Uielr cum nnd UreleM energy." Brtrelon said iMt niglit o f a 'pre.vi conference.

* "niP (lamfi ciualUlea are po.WMed by the RAP. bu t Uie Oemian plIoLi' Ability In tills Uientcr h not so good ftj e. year r ro . poisibly due w ‘and Uie fac t Uiai tlie new .....liavtn't got the s tu ff the others

One of the American fllrrs, Cn'pl. ^Tlinma.^ W. Clark of Suffleld, Conn.,

^ fs h o i ilown two itn n a n liithlera Montiaj"to bccome the first united Sinics flKhter pilot with U o con- tlrmed Mclortes over axU tighten In the battle o f norUi Africa.

RESULTSD O M E, Ida .. Oct, 2S (UiU-BlUy

Bacli c an t«lJ )iU dad a thing or. U irte abo u t this hi»«fi8 busl-

Blily. H . w«»l hunting yester­day for LJ)c f lra t time In his life n-Jth Ills dad , Robert S. Baclt of Dolse law enforcem ent agent for th e U, S . f u ll and wildlife sen’lce.

p o th e r B ach placed his son In a bUnd a n d to ld him how to blast away w hen th e ducks come over.

P re tty s o o n . , something did come over. Billy' raLwd his gun and "b las ted ." He killed »1Ui hU tlrtit ih o t a. 13-J»ut\d Canvllan honker.

Inventor of New Type Alarm Clock

Gets More SleepORRICK. Mo.. Oct. 23' (;n -A

mouse trap g lv n Joe Albertson, o rn rr ot a small coal mine here, another hour's .<Ieep each mom-

. lug. -A string ru iu from an alarm

clock to the mouse trap. Wheji the alarm goe. off. the vibration of the string springs the trap.

Ttie trajr throo-s a switch Uiat (Uirts an electric motor.

Dy Uie lime Albertson and his helpen arrive ail the water irlUch h u seeped In ovem lgut had been pumped out of the mine—and Uiey can sta r t trork immediately.

liJaps Smash U. S. Planes on Ground

NEW D EU II. IndU, Oct. M (ff-r- n ie Japanese were d'sflw fd today lo hive destroyed or damaged ut te u t SO g ix iund^ IlyhttTs be-^^du the previously announced "scitral transports" In raids oil American alrfltids In norUieasl India, ba lth rlr

'attemptd to sm ash these buses of Uie U. a arm y bcmibcrs and ferry se rv lee to Chto» were regardeO as lu-

The new figures « r e made known to a Mjpplanent to an earlier 'Dnit- (d S tales arm y communique atid dls- :Iosed also (hat about &0 Japonr.<^e twmbei* aod fighters engaged in m e tU ack eunday- wWlo 37 enemy lighten escorted r iw reconnoKianfe jianes in a ieeond a ttack on Uie w ne fields Monday.

U. S. Children W ill Be Quiet On Halloween

By Onlteil Presi A grow ing arrny of children with

the slogan "m onkey buUneu is si^b- otaeo" pUmr>e<l a prankle.^ '.Hal- te w tfn >n rtii'es fci.oss tfw naUi*. today w hlla police warned adults to avoid w earing m asks or risk arrest

II susplclmi of being saboteurs. Youngstern from Albany. N. Y ,

to Bentlle, W aili.. responded enUius- la.iUcally to appeals from police lo refrain from tiie lr usual pranks and in !^ome citle.i su b sU tu i^ a scrap Iron salvngc cninpiilgn on bcKgns's night fo r Uie usual ''tricks'or IreaCs."

W arn ings Xiw k S Police in cities from Chicago, III.,

lo Jnck-uinvllle. Fla., and. Dallas, Tex.. .w am ed‘a<lulii th a t any grown­up caugh t In A mask would be ar­rested on siMpIclon of sabotage.

llltiioLi civ ilian defense auUiorf- es said sabo teun i m ight easily con­

ceal tlielr Iden tities as Halloween celebranLi w hile they struck a t vltaL war p lants.

The ch ild ren o fO leiicoe , III. de- elded to r ing doorbells and ask for acrap and If th e houieholiler didn't have any , to a sk hicn lo buy «, war stamp.

r u n Enterta inm entsSUidenl.1 o f S ea ttle (ichools sub-

sututed com m unity enterulnm ents and hom e p a rtie s for vandalism. Community leade rs of Toledo. 0„ arranged 3,000 parU es as an antidote for Halloweon m ischief.

At C leveland children decided to stop scrap ing wlndslilelds and save soap and greaia; fb r Uie war etfort. Tliey were cauU oned to avoid ring­ing doorbelLn U ia t m igh t dbturb the rest of RleephiR w ar wotktrs.

J»ollcp chiefs of Albany, N, y„ Kjio*v11Ic. T enn .. P o r t Wayne, Ind.. and MarUi\% PS:rry. ,0.. warned Uial any danioRe to tire s would be con­sidered iL-i .an a tte m p t to help the axis, T liey coined th e .Oogan: "Don’t hiake HlUer a n d Mus-wllnl smile,"


iTlie destroyer B ush , nam td lo t a marine corps office r on the hbilorle frigate C onstltuU on, was launched yesteMay a t th e BeUiIehero ahlfn yard*. T h e w a rc ra ft was christened by Mlsx M arlon Jackson. Alston. ila»a., a grtat-BTeat-Brandnleee of U eut. WlUlam B ush .



MOSCOW, Oct. 2fl < ^ » ^ e d army defendtn of the cIlff-Mded mouii- Uln rojd 10 the Black «ea port of 7\iups< Imve liinied Uie Ubies on, the natls in the we.slem Caucajtu with a sma.nhlng counter-as.%ault which forced'tile a e rm a n s Into a retrcikt Uiat sitirled aeveral days ago. batUcfront dUpatehe^ reported

In Slallnsnid, a O ennun ... slauKlit renewed a t dcinlly cost gain­ed the Invaders Iwo more debrls-Ut- tered stree t, but th e mnln RifAlar llne.s held, and norUiwcst o f Uie bC' sieged clly the Red arm y 's relief of­fensive bit menacingly deeper Into the Oerrnan flank acros.^ Uic sodden Jteppes, . s

Timed wlih the re.surgrnt Hu.Mlan thrust along t)ie roiui npproAChIng Tuapse UitouBti pabses to th e north ­east, oUier RiL«lon force.i struck de­terminedly Into G erm an-guarded poslitcns t i s l of Uie port o l Nov. orov'Isk. 80 miles farU ier up Uie coast.

U sit Attacker*Red ^ tir .uild th a t In Uie flghl

for the approach to Tuiipse, provl. slonol bai.e of the Soviet B lack se:. fleet. 0 siubboni red arm y defense forced RiUcklng A lp ine 'troops to fan out Inlo Uie wooded mountains In a flnnklnK attenipu

W ien the main body of Uie Uclcerx started to sw ln? southward to follow up the orlciiinl flanking pcnetroUom„thB

jtrtfeH.'Sin'lmportant'TOoiBitArn po- altlon wrested from th e O ennani, and the entire alUick forcc wu.s taugh t olf balance a n d rolled back wIUi heavy losses, the nrn iy newsp.i-. per reported,

livesUa, the jjovem m ent now ipa- jwr. aald autumn ralna had turned Uie DonVoIga steppe.s norUiwesl of SUllngrad into a qunKwlre where Uie enemy s m^chajilicd forces bog- ged dcro-n.

.......... Score Steady' G ainsMandial Bemeon T lm oslicnko'j nt-

tack on Uie nftzl flunk was sa id lo have scored steady giilnii. P m vda dls- closed Uiat the aerrm ins were driv­en from a key defeme position Uierc Uiree days ago, and }ifid lost 1,000

■n.ln.a hatl of m o ru r and rifle 1. ,)

3,125 Tons Scrap Avetage of Avery School’s Students

WALLACE, Oct. 28 (,7^-F\)ur of BhMhone county's sm allest achool.i were deelareit wlnuem today of J25 w ar bond prlies In Uie school scrap eoUectlon contest sj«ii.%ored by the Wallace Prew-Tlnits a n d th e Sho ­shone county sali'Bge-for-vlctoo' commlture.

The sthoob—Avery, Ja ck W aite Black Cloud nnd E.-iKle-all . .sur­passed the per capita collection of •^e r t i l ol ihe county's 18 schools,

t a t 333 pounds.Avery with an enrollment of 33

students collected. 3 ,i:i pouiid.i i>er caplU: Jack Waite *lUi 13 stu d ­ents. 2J05 pounds: Black Cloud w ith 16 .•'tudent', IJOO pounds, luid EagleriB students, 873 pounds,

Kellogg high school’s <22 sludents turned In the largest poundage, 275,- 750 pounds.

Tommies Pause in Drive on Nazis in Egypt


send leiicrs i friends.

He Is mailing i eacli of them.

rabbit’s foot lo

. The Tlrtt pietare. sT tbe new BriUah drive in n o r th Africa—(moke o t bailie haugi ««er Ihif scent aa ilrllUh ieldlera w ith rlflea aad (an n y gn tu pause a fte r eaptarinr a G erm an fonrard 'atrenc point on the El Atamein fro n t and prepare for a fresh adrsnee. A dead German lira beside b it e ^ lp u e n t In (he eenter. Photo radioed Calro-New York. (JfEA Cable-Telepboto)

ISAIFAllS ,1LBESM 0.Acting In coopcniUon-wlth eWllan

defeiw aulliorlUes. the Idaho,Power coiniiony announced tbls afternoon' Uiat the big floodllglit^ a t Ohoslione falls will be tom ed olt,'. ...'n ie.-aiO:*. w hu.‘-5C5Uilruiu Uie falls a rea .and the .site of Uie ex- temlve power pUuu there, make the region a landm ark from Uie olr for a dbtance of m any miles. Doas- Ing of the big Klobe.s will come "In tlie next ilay oc two?’ according io Ralph W. Carpenter. Twin Palls dl- vblon manager of the power con-

Carpenter explnlnol tha t "it's a long trip to turn off ilte.'-e llght-s In

c ot emergency iintl would take . . Ifa.''t half ati hour." A jxjfter employe from the falU plant would have to cro.NS llic river ami a.scrntl

Iho slght.ieehiK platform to which Uie lights arc nttiirlied.

Because little n a te r Is flowing at :>resenl and toiirbt travel Is du'liid- llng a lm oit to iiolhliig. the uumbor (if spectators ilcwliiB the falls has been vco' small.

Idahoans Laud Order Freezing Farm Labor

B OISE, Oct. 28 (/P)— Idaho affriculturnl icadcru received jAvith fav o r today the news o f W ar Wnniwwicr C h ief P aul V. ‘M cN utt's atinounccm enl freez ing \vorkers in livc-stock, poul try and d a iry farmLn;f.

!fhc frccz tny tvnnoiunccmcnt y es tcn ln y oirtlincd s tep s t iT jc tak en to relieve th e “sh o rtag e


Chinese Bombers Blast Jap Bases

CHUNGKING, O ct. 28 (U.PJ - Chinese bombei.s, oiJcrating wlUi a f igh ter,tseort,from a n undLiclo.sed base, succcxsfuUy raided Uie blegest Japanefe a ir b.v.e In north Clilna yesterday, the C ;n tra l News agency xcporic<l todny.

The big planfs drooped tons ol tploilves on .the a ir field a t Vimg.

Cheng, ^m1th f^ l Shnnsj piovliite. scoring hlt.s on the runways,.hang- ar.\ and grounded planes.

T he Slghler pbiiea maclilne gun- Ml Uic Held, fl.viiiK so low they

could dIsliiiKUl.'li dum m y alrpl.tnes set out by the Japanese as decoys.

Germany Reports Hong Kong Raid

BERUN, Oct. 20 (U,R>—A Trafts- ocean news iiKcncy dispatch fro.ii Tokyo today siikl th a t Hang Kosig was raided ogaln by 11 planes " noon today.

(American plswcs raided Hong Kong twice within a few hours Sun­day night and Monday.)

Salary Freezing Order Started;' Ban Put on Pay Rise, Reduction

By M ERR IM A N SMITH WASHINOTO^f, O ct. 38 (U.PJ-nie a r labor board a n d the ireisury

depanm ent today u>ok over one of Uie most Blgontto Job* In history— control of wAgea a n d salaries of vlr> tually all A m ericans and tha p re ' vervuon of any a&lary higher tha if «i,ooo a y e a r . '

The rulen were placed before tbe pubUc by E conom ic StaWUsaUoa D |. rector Jam es P . B yrnes who tald the order was *o-aU toelualw Uiat "II comes da m n n e a r tc tU ng every- body."

The order reaches tlio small week­ly w agei o f th e sh o p girl—by pre- venUng fu rth e r lnerease.i except In fpeclal cases~a.s well na the mlUlan* i*lro indtistrlUllel— whose net »al- a ry .afier paym ent o f federal taxes

and dedlicUons fcir prior fixed obll- gaUons mu.1t not exceed «23,000. starting Jan . ].

Byrnes publlcittd Uie regulaUons a t a press conference. He revealed tha t;

Salaries below M.OOO a y e a r were fro ica as of yesterday'w lth reduc- Uow below the highest r a ie .p a ld between Jan. 1 and . Sept. IX 1M3 forbidden along with Increases above present leiTls.

flalariea above M.OOO a year were pre\-ented .from rising, buC reduc- Uons to Ui6 U.DOO a year level wer« expressly permitted. The atnblllsa- Uon date for those sal&rlts waa OcU S-when President R oosnelt set up the office of, economic suiblllratioo by exeeuUve o rttfi

Employes working In pbuits

empied from, Uie order but reasotiable" increases stUl will be disallowed.

The blf slx-flgure incotries o f . ." • ■ and moTle uudkwdisappeared autom atically under Uie orders. At the same Ume. the small wage and salary cam e ra Itam td tha t before Uiey can s e t a raise, they must have governm ent ap- p tw a i. wlUi th e excepUon of e ttta in erempt , categories ouUlned by Byrnes,

The »,'aT labor , board was given Jurisdiction over all wages and sal- ir ia under |i,oOO covered by labor.

contracts and going to employes “not employed In a bona fide

'Ive, a<lmlni.str«Uve or profes in.icli}-.“ Control over all oUicr

.... — -------- - „ iih jsaiarifji »cnt to. the treasury de-lesa U ian-e lJh t workers ,w cr« ..ex* Iparunent.

QUICK pELIVKItV.NBW.'SOIUC, Oi.'t. 28-Kenneth

Porter. P. was locked out when he gut home from .school.

He w ent to Uie roof ol his n ia ri- mcnt house, climbed. Into the dumbwaiter and prepaml l« lo»cr awny, b u t his strengili was no m atdi for the contrniitloii.

He and It zoomed downuard.KenneUi grabbc<l a t a .vlll nnd

hnng on u n til 'h is cries ailnicl'Kl neighbors who called ]>oIlcc lor Uie rescue.

He w aan't hurt.


tall blond entered Uie ^tii^e door canteen and Introduced Ucr ell as •'.Mrs. Helen Da.w. a Mnscr."

Slie sang for 20 mliiutrs and the senlcetnen shoviicil an ova­tion. .

"W<wl" a coVpornr ^houtcd. "Tli&t tiam e oughtta l5e in the movies,”

After she’d lefl a commlltee- woman explained th a t Mr;.. Helen Da,-j In public life Is Helen Trau- bel, famous metropoliiin oijcra sopraco.

.MASK RUf.ESSVJCHITA. K an.. Ocl, :& -San-

la Claus can n e a r his mask in a department store, but if lie steps Into the street, h e will break the law.

The city council has p.l . cd an anU-ma&k ordinance, but S an u (JIauses, w h o ’remain on jirivale property w on't be affected.

Police Chief Tliomas Jaycox asked for Uie law. prtinarlly to hamper Halloween. He ^ ays crim­inals &nd saboteura could lurk un­detected behind the masks.

UOUDLE DUTVOALLUP. N. M.. Ol-1. 38-Polly

Ryan volunteered fM Uie WAACs while her brother. I* M.. Jr.. took his preliminary eiamlnatlon «s sn aviation cadet.

If boUi pass Uielr test.i, they will be sworn In togeUier a t a public ceremotiy. , '


Eleanor-Roosevelt has'been dios- en “best-dresswS woman In lour* nallsm" and Clare BooUie Luce, wife of the publisher. Henry n. Luce, has brrrt de>l8nalMl "best- dressed woman In politics,’' Uie fashion a r t ' de.slgn school- a n - ' sounctd today.

Mrs. Roceevelt. author of Ilie daily calumn. "My Pay," and Mr*. Luce. who.Ts a Republican can- dltlate for coi^grcs-s from Con- necUcu'l. merely swapped roles. Last year U rn. B A w e l t won the “pollUcs" desUSpailon and Mrs. Luce Uiat fo r H oumallsm."

Vivian KelleiM . Mrs. Luce's'op­ponent. for the Republican con* gre.salonal nomlnaUon.' was call­ed "beslrdressed biislnciu woman,"

L oreiu younfta-on the deslgna- U o a f o r Q o v i e a J t r ^

<>f csscutittl -farm w orkers."The order Ls s step In Uie rlglit

dlrecUon. . . . Dairy products are very vita l to the war effort," W. L, Hendrix, president of Uie Idaho Dalrj'men's association, declared, " it will have a 'Kholtsome elJeci on \hi dair)’ Industry and will tend to en courage farmers le keep dairy sftjck,’

KhoulJ Be W Idrf.Jamc.s B. Ncwpori. Idaho coiiiinl.'-

.'■loner of agrlciiUuie, ^ald:‘"Idaho agriculture will be pleased

wlUi the admlnl.itraUoii's auliude, . . . T7ie action Is rciv-Oiinble and will b e , efffctjve If Uie final draft

,U Inclusive enough to apply t< types of rriiular farm aorkers,

"Tlie order Is verj- necessao'. " ‘e need to kieii sufficient manpower In Uie agricultural Industry to m ain­ta in aJid rven liierea:ie prodUcUon for the war effort," Elacl H. Brock­man. general manpger of Uic Idalio ngg producers Coflperallve Market-

a.^s,ocl&Uott. d«clare4 at, CaW-

Lecellng Off of Pay■•Wiet'lier the present order is

bkiad enough to covefTlie problem rem ains to be seen," h e odded. "Tlie m ost lm |)orl4iil aspect Is Uie leveling off of wages lo more nearly corre­spond wlUi lho.*.e In defense areas."

A. J. Tillman, U, 6 , <mi>loymcnt r^ r tlc r director for Idaho. Indicated Diat deu iled Infonnatloii on freere order was eipccted he; day or tomorrow.

Frank L. Wlnwltr. secreUiry of Uie Idiijio CatUemen'a a.v.otiaUoti. declined lo comment iiendliiK study of the order, but said that eatUemen planned to meet in J3oLie Friday for a district Rrattui; eoti- ference nml Uiat Uie m atter would be dlscu.vwl Uien.

Captain Wins on Cpin Flip; Last To Leave ‘Wasp’

SWAMP3C0TT, Mats.,'Oct. 28 t/T•A toss of a coin by two Nea- Eng­

landers determined who should be me la st to leave Uie a lrcrafl Car­rie;- Wft-sp after ahe was torpedoed, John J . Davh. aviation ma;tilnlst's m ate, th ird class, a survli-or of the sinking, had reported today.

Home on furlough while recover­ing from bums. Oavls said that CapL Forrest P. Sherman. Melrose, Mass., commander of Uie carrier, and * rear admiral, a naUve of New England flipped the coin. Sherman won. and Uiua waa t(le la^t m an to

.•er the side.

Yanks Turn Back. Jap Smashes in Solomon Mands

WASHINCTON, Oct. 28 (/P>—'The navy reported ’to ­d a y th a t troop.*) on (iuadalcunal i.slund in the Solomons h a v e been InfllctinK “very h e a v y " lo.ssc« on the Japanese in comparLstyi with w hat n n av a l xpokesman t>ald were comporotW ciy light caflualtiof amonff American forces.

Br SANOOR s . KLEIN WASHINGTON. Oct. 28 (U.PJ— T h e buttle of the Solomons,

raKinjT furiouHly on and m o u n d Guadalcanal island w here a Japanc.'4o brciik-throu^rh wa.s tu rn e d back, today has spread hundred.'! of niilc« lo the c a s t to w ard Am erica’a Pacific com­m un ica tion linc.i, • ,’ A m erican flit-r.H have a tta c k e d .tlronK Japanese naval

forcc.s north ol th e Now H eb- ridcR and th e F iji islands on w h ich arc U nited S ta te s ad- •ance base.<(.T h e penetratloti of Uie American

Itiirs on O tiadalcanarocurred Sun­day n igh t (bland Ume) afl«r a 'day* long a tu i(k on the souUi side of the a irfield . But V. B. army troops de­fending Uiat sector chased the e n - ' em y back and "regained Uielr po«l* Uons." Mirioes defending Uie west­e rn side of Uie a i r f i e ld .^ were en- Saged In heavy fighting, bu t tho na\-y reported Uiat Uiey had scored "sm all gains.’

Ftght E xU sied . AlUiough the focal point of the

b a ttle into which Japan has throw s numbers of troops,' a lrp lan u

1BE0181N lUNffiCRAS

LOS ANOELES. Oct. 28 (-T>—A congreulonai cammlttet, .after a col-oner's Jury had decided Uiat -an arm y bofober struck a liug'^iAmerl* can airliner, causing It to crash near Palm Springs Frldsy, killing 13, be­gan I'ls owo InvcsUgaUba today.

"We find," laia Uie Inquest ver- d ie t returned late yesterday a t Palm Springs, " that all 13 died from crushing and cretnsUon due lo the craah to the trauiul ot an American alrUner. takl airliner haring been slruclc by a U. 8. army plane pUotod by XA. W . N. WUioa and flu ff Bat. R. n . U l g h f

A w ar deparlment announcement aaW- U « pilot, attatheil to the a ir traiw port command. slxUi ferrying group. Long Beach, had been pUced u nder aneJV penfilh* compleUon ol

I Nichols of oklaDotnst.,a rm y 1:

m ltiee . said Its hearing will bo closed an d none ot the lesumoay aUl bo Im m ediately releajed.

"I h a d seen the imcr In Uio itlr before, bu t not for some time." Wil­son told Uie coroner's Ju^f. "1 had. no Idea i t was so close; no Ideo I was going to contact It, • ,

"Afterp-ard 1 could tee eeruihi dam age to my ship. I did not w-hat p a rt tlie alrlliicr was tacted, b u t I realized a contact had been m ade." '


The service stations, garages, tire shops nnd oUier plscfs In Ta-|n Palto county wbett molorlsls may obtain cards on which to pledne Uiat they will -drive no faster Ulan 35 mllM on hour, l»ep Uielr tires in repair and nol pavjes.i more Uian five Urea p e r car. w-iu be announced soon by Uie T ttln Falls county raUoiilng board.

The places Mil be .selected by the board, nccordlng to Carl N, Aiider- soti. chairm an, who .ulcl he expect­ed to receive Uie plcdce blanks wlUi- In ft few days. Tliey nave already gone pu t from Wiililngton. ••

M ust Be BlpiMl '•Tlie form s will coiulst of a Ure

recorti and an application for b^ lc Ka.-iollne ra ilo iu and must be signed before perm its to purthaw tires, ga.solltie and autumusUe iviru eaii be ls.<ued by the rationing traard. T ire buyina. of coursr, li .^crlctly limited under Uie rxUlliiK raUoii plan,

Tlie Rau3lUie application must be prcjriited to admliiliirators aho will be siiflloned a t all elementary -vchools In TH'ln Palls county dur- n e Uie reglsiratlon {leriod ou Nov. }. 10 and II.

.Mrs. Doris Slradley. county su- perln iendetit of jiublic itisicucUou. 5 In charge of the reglstraUon and slie hUB appoljited all superintend­ents of Indeprtvdent dlstrlets and principals of common schools - ad- nlnls ira tors. Tliey will be as.vL'ited by tlielr leaching slalls.

f ive 'Hres

White Unable to Return to Idaho

WASHINGTON. Oct. 28 M >-Bep, W hlto. D.. Ida., annotlnced he would be unable to return to Idaho to take p a rt In the final elecUon campaign,

T lie representaUve u ld he had found himself to bu.sy with m atters of In terest to tiU district he would be unable to pet them concluded tn tim e to return. Ha expecU to vole by abser-tea ballot. \

must dispose of Uie extra Urea be- ore receiving a gatoMe raUsti.

Tires m ay be sold to the govern­m ent by noUlyfng the RiUway Ex-

resi agency to eiU Joe them.On th e tire Insiiection record,

which Is separate from the gasoline ra tion apphcaUon Icmn, the appli­can t m ust list by serial number a ll U res 'he oa-ns.

“35 Club” Now Has 110,000 Members

CIUCAGO. Oct. 28 W ~ Judge Cra-ln J . H asten, vhose name be- Uea hla wartim e effotu In the courts, aaj-s his Infonnal H elob* now has a membership of orer IIB.- 000 motorlata idedjed not to dffw over the 53 m u i an houf Ufflil.'^ ;

T he Judge lootj ttie blU.rflr.wlwl*. iM etd • tlc k e n u id taaJtffic cmt*. .

_______ _ UiB flghUn* extend*. . . . hundreds of mllea a t lea which Uie enemy conUnuea to dom lnau. ,

T Jjs b u t report by .U « na ry tn l u eommunlqi;* l u t Bicht showed th a t t t u Amerleani have lunk t f o ■ Jap aoese destrojeta aqid damaged. ' th ree - other ship*, toeluCtng a baU • tlesh lp . Jn •iidiUoB -hlu\w ere ''rc - p c rte d oc i> «T -«ul*m »ad .» n » lt- c ra f t catneV w tilu piajr h»v^1w<n dam agrt;^ U ■

■ ^ T ^ ^ m e rfc fa ngaged three Japanese destroyers O u ad aU ana tm U l navalV id Karlntr a irc ra f t J iA n ^ lh e fray and sank tw o of Uie destroyera

4 )n t» y c r Sunic inoUier acUon on the same

day tSiintlay). a Jopontse destroyer sank Uie U. 6, 6 . Seminole, a fleet I tu s , nnd a small harbor patrol boat I n e a r Tulagl, Tlie deaUoyer was bad - 1 ly damaged by shore batteries which scored Uiree hits and O rum ann, ’W lld c a f fighters from O uadal- a n which stfafcd tbe ship as It

fled.M onday monilng American bomb-

-.-a a n d fighters on Ouadaleanal took off for Uie Uilrd Ume In two.- dnys to attack an enemy task force of cruiser* and destroyers th a t lias b e e n jn Uie waters north of Florida b la n d .'! Oil Hielr Uilrd Ulp, the A m erican airmen scored a direct h it on a n enemy cruliet. Tlw day tie- ' fo re they had h it and stopped A c ru iser, h it onoUicr crulscr and left

iC<nlln>«4 «ti r a n t. C^lma »

BulletinsWABHINGTON, Ocl. t«

ThB war prodocUon board loday revoked prierlly r a tln p for seven power a n d .lrrm ile n pr«)etts In th e weal. Including the Anderson ranch dam In Idaho, fn line wllh ll* poHry ef turtalllng the w e ef critica l materials.

LONG BEACH, Calll.. Oct, 23 I/'T) —Tlie nnny today formally placed a charge of matuJaughtcr against the pilot ol B bomber which collided w ith an airliner, killing 13, last F ri­day.

ef sUof hfa.corapanisns In the aal»aUge mlaalan agftlnst the United Nlates of h ts own free will and wlUieot any premises ef Immnnliy frem th e V. S. goterniaenl.

BERLIN (Prom German Broad- :a s ta i, Oct. 2# w>—Oerman broad- .. coM^ saUI today tha t the number of B r ia ili t a n ts destroyed In the new n o rtli African balUe had Increased to 300.

MOSCOW. Oct. M (/Ti — The Momow radio said teplxht tha t th e r rd army had eenUaowi tta advance narlhwesl of SUllngrad a f te r fierce hand^to-hand fi(h t- \n g w bteh c u t tbe Germans 1.200 dead.

W ASU rm rTO N. Oct. M .(/D -Sen- n tor H lnun Johnson, veteran Call- i fo m la Republican, branded aa *.r • "base fabrieatlon" today a sU (e- m e n t th a t he would resign i th e senate to pare the w* * p o ln tm en t of form er,H oover as h b

RIO. DK jA W ta f t W " ^

Page 2: -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S F H 1,980 TONS PACIFIC SEA BATTLE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA . 1,980 TONS BO fnr 829

Page-Two T1MES.?JEW8, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Wednesday, October 26, 1943



— liw L OCT. H enry H. Araeld, w m m uidln t gener»1 <rf the tn n y *ir rerCM. Mid todtjr U » t ttu &nny'i a ir t m wiU h m 3 ^ ^ --------------

• *nd m tn by Uw sW of 1. .. .one«thlrd of U » - to U l prtdjstcd im j r itren flh .

Amcdd'i w U m tU . g l r i n in

r ch b«(or« S jOft rn d u tU a o( t (ore* onicer e tnd ld iU Kiiool.

n i MO.OOO h lfh tr th u i oreTlmu d r u m reveftlcd by S e c re iv r o r W»r H enrr U Sllmson belore ihe house. mllllAry affairs commlllM in W ash- Irutoii tv o weckJi ({o.

Arnold (ave it im ph le tlliutnU on or th i hugt Jump In «lr fore* per* «onn«l wh»n h i told tho ir*<lu«ia Uiat tJiclr claw klene outnumbered the tnllr« air force o tfletr liat of 103S, vhich had only Ijoo Damw.

lUady to r i f h lHi ' aald the. n tv ofricen w«r«

■"ready to get off the bcneh and take your place In the game—and It Is the rougheii, tou|I)»»t. fame you will *Tcr be called to jilay In."

Ho« rouRh and toiiith Die game v a i. he Ba]d. he found out on ,h is, reecftt lour of the Pacific war theater.

Arnold pralBcd tho work of pilou, gunner) and englnsera In tKh Pa* clflo area, and l a i d the TJnlted e u ie t 'h o d coniinict«d a chain of lUand air baku linking Hawaii and Aujitralta. to replace ths route broken by the Japanese capture of W aki UlNid;

Clly Alrp«ri en Isl* "On one Coral Island, which

refused to name because th i Jip< anew probably did no t know about It. he Mid engineers had built run-

. m u ’i comparable (o tjioie o t' any JiUfe e ltr aJrppri. g n fin t tta also talvaged lumber from a wracked ahip to oonatnict • plans holit, and repaired a rallrout and buUt- two good iocomoUrM out o f the ruins of Tour to provide frM transportation forso ld lan artd tuppliss, he said.

Am&ld found the morale and fighting ability of U. 8 . farcM good. 71fht«r and bomber or*w« wer« ac­counting for alx Japan ti« j>lans4 t£ •very one of th tl r own number lc«t,

^ h « aald.

Good Stuff Being U. S. Prisoner [[ SPBEADS

NPACI(rr*H Oa*>

burning and dead In th e water a U|hi cruUer.

ou t th i U taat d iv ilo p n tiit aetm i (0 be th i presence o t apparentb’ Urge enimy surface force* aboui 400 tnllu northwest of auada]quiiU >

Club Has Look at Japanese Center

Packing memb«n. , v i m and fu eits In BUtomobllei to tlghUy UUI three arftllable c a n wera li f t behind In order to go all*o(it la saving lAioUnt and Uii IV In T alii notary club want on a vUlt to tho Japantifl relocation camp a' H unt yejterday. The tr ip thtr* wn

' In Utu of th i club'i noonday Iun< cheon .meeting held regularly a t Ui* Parlt houi.

At the camp, t h i R otarlani par* took ot a regular meal terved of< ftcloli of the oenCer—tomato aoup. BwUs steak, creamed peas, potatoes, apple eauet, graham crackers and coffee. They dined In one of the large meerhaUe and were lervtd by JapancM waitresses.

Philip Schafer, a w litan t to H. t . SUtfforrtrdlrcctor of the cainp, discussed the camp life after the luncheon and then took the Ro. tarlans and their gueitj on a lour of tha cinter.

There were 45 In the Rotarlani'

Twin falls News in Brief

far from the m ajor aeene of action. <n>(re w u no official explantUon. •but 11 * u r ^ t e d uu l th a t from the point where thoae forcea wtra Inurcepud by A m erican airm an, the jip o n n e could have struck a t Ea> plrltu 8anU), an American base In b e New l i t b r l i} ^ or a t the FIJI Islands. A short ta llln f distance 10 the east a n the Bam oaa Ulanda. an> olher major American base and key point In the aupply U nt beiwtin iiawiU and A uatralla.

Allaek jNaval fe rea The lait action a i a l n e t Ih a t

enemy force was Monday n igh t when navy Consolidated "CataltnM ” at* uck td It. The foree^waa the lam t one believed a ttack ed the day before by a naval c arrier a ir force ea it e( th t Stewart Islande.

The n ifh t a tU ck of th e "CaU* H n u ' retulied In a torpdo h it on ar enemy cruiser. T hota w ire admln' liiered In tha m ids t of heavy anii: aircraft fire during w h i c h one Amirlcan p lan t waa damaged.

‘n i l navy revealed further r«'poru on the earlie r a ir tiatUe wlt}i presumably th a t lam e fo^ee earlier In the day. One en im y a ircraft u r -

P ra ra V lsllen IbSrt. Ralph Dixon and two ehll*

dren ore i;ursta of (.tr. and Mr*,george J . W ard, parents of M n.

At W eddlni• Mr. and Mr*. Riuuvsll •PUll and

daughter. U nn le , Hoaolton. wen among the gu rsu a t the Ward' Caldwell wedding here lost nlglit. .

Visit flon Mr. and Mrs. U A, Chapin havi

gone to Palo Alto, Calif., to vbU m eir eon. Bd Chopin, student a t S tanford unlvcnlty.

rrvBi CMSt ‘Mrs. B. Welle and Mrs. Junior

Wooten and children hav* relum ed

party. In addition to Uielr wives, guesta w in Mre. A. J . Peavey, Leo

. AnderDon, ll, 0. an(t JcmEastman, the ta tU r a member of the Buhl club. E dw vd D. Rogel, presi* dent of Uie club, presided. *

SERVICE• litre. Cliarlte Merkle, 30 WA.ih«

Inglon CcurU. who la to ' receive a medel from the Embltm of Honor asaoclMion'In recognition of having four eon« In the armed forces, ha. even more to b o u t of.

4 Icnmed today. addlUtm loTiavl

..I svrrlce, Mrs, Meri.>v i.m >num n d jo n j In the navy, a son-in- law In the army, nnd a niece who Is an army nurse.

Tills WIU revealed In a letter from Mrs. Merkle lA -Mayer Jo«

of RecordBIKTIIlf

To hfr. and Mrs. C]wood Bobler. Ta-ln rails, a girl, th is morning, a t (he Twin T^lls county general hos­pita l m aiem lly home.

W E A T H E R Twin Falls and TlclnltT—CotAer

. lo n l ih t UUh ycaterdaj <7, low 4L te w Ibis morning M.

O ronftr* Dina ,Twin ra il s o H in s irs will m(«t a t

7:10 p. m . today a t tha I.O.OT. hall for a h a rv s it pot-luck d inner, fol* lowad by a plnochla party .

J«mlor 1. 0 . p . r .'- ‘Tw in PalU Jun ior Odd Pillows lodge No. 11 win m e it today a t « p. m. In th i Odif Pellows h ill . All m em ben are requested to ba presont.

Mokta H bru lia r* 'U n . K . O. lAUt«il)ach, Hansin,

hod established n s ld in e i In Twin PalU for the w inter m on ths . Her huataanil, Col. U u U r ^ e h . Is with tha arm ed forcea In Australia.

Aakj fUBJ7 J

Club Mm U rriday •The Oem aiale a&eli) club will

meet Friday a t 1:30 p. m. a t Uie home of M n. Ruuell Hamm, 931 Third avenue north.

Her* for Nnptlali James 8mlU], Ooleda. CaUr..Ji the

house i t i i i t of Mr. and Mrs. Robert e . .Caldwell, h li brother-ln*Uw and »UUr. He came hero to a ttend the

Itoo Court anlt Bam Relder, jr., le defendant In

a probale court suit filed by the

In which J u i . .................................The account w u assigned to the plaintiff for collecUon by the estate of the late Dr. 0. R, Weaver, the pclltlon stnlfd. A. J . My tomcy for Uie plnlnUff.

court BRftlnst W.'W. Campbel Ins Judgment of t02, the nmouni said to be due'on a doctor MU In-

To PertUnd Ool. and Mrs. James Dee. new

3mmand*rs of the Oregon 'a n d aoulhrm Idalio dlvbloa of Uic SiO< vatlon Army, relum fd to Poritond,

Judgm ent for a to u l of 1118.37 lid c to> l>« due for gromrlai and

m otor ^ar repaira and acee>.-orlia U asked In a su it filed by B. R. Stevens In probaU court against Ralph Pord. Earl E. Walker li ' tom ey for the p laintiff.

Berfcanl lU UngRoyal Ru llf jc r . son of Mr. and

Mrs. R. 0 . Ileyer. 6 0 M ain avenue w rit, T*-ln FnUs, baa been promoted lo aerKtant a t Greenville. B. 0., where he Is stationed w ith tho a ir corps. He Is materia) officer In the headquarte r company there.

Caurt of Honor A court of honor for Roy Beouta

In the Ttt'ln FnlbL dlatrlct of the Snake river area council will be

Cai\ Track Cra.ihA truck driven by Dick R. Brmm-

field, route three, nnd a car driven by John Cate, Twin Falls, collided today a t the -intersection of Plflh ......... north and PourUv street

.. fron t fender of the paMenfter car, A[id (he front end ' the truck. No one was Injured.

Albg Uff Oc AtUniA _ llkmink .

Sfc-.IS!!*.-::Tft-IK TALU WatblMtoa ,

■ K e e p th e W h i te T fa o o f '8 a } c t v F lv in g

Now 99 iaw witHcui a total tn/fle wM ent in our U a ffie V fia ty .

Poem Interpreted To Townsendites

■The m an with the hoe"*, was the theme oC a U lk given a t a m eet. Ipg of Townsend club No. I last n igh t by Fitch Ball, who presided a t th a meeting.

Ball gave the various phases of the poem a slgnlflcanca In connietlon w ith p n sa n t day eondltloru, and also mada the poem applicable to the principles of t h a T w m w nd creed.

Membara of club No. i wera ruests a t tha m iatlng.

Ball U aeUng nrasldent of the elub during th i lUnasa of Albert; Putcler, who Is reporlad recover*: Ing a t hla heme.

rltr was badly damagofl. another" -m au d , -----------------— .......... — •

dly dan - j s hit.

T hi last cocnmunlqui. ralsat th i total Japan iie w arship cuualU ea to 73-13 sunk, th ree .probably aunk and ft7 dam agtd-4 lnce Aug, T. In tha t eame period the navy hai acknowledged th e loss of la w lp*~ three heavy cruU en. th e aircraft carrier Wasp, six destroyer*, four tran iporu and a fleet '-tug. Ad< dltlonally aA unnam ed carrier wu "severely dapaged,:; two diitroyere

CallfomU Trip Mr. and Mrs, T ruman Oreonhalgh.

737,Bhojhonc street nnrth, l i f t to ­day for U>ng BescU, Calif., where Ihfy will visit .Mrs. GreenhalRh's sister, Mrs. Vivian Laird, and her father, M. O. Conover, boih former >eslden(j of Twin Falls. Mr. Con­over has been 111 but li reporl'ed Im­proved; - ......................... —-

Keep Draft Card With You, Board

Executive WarnsCnpt, J, H. Seaver,. clerk of T«iii

Falla count)- eeloctlve service board No. 1. bxlny warned rcglstrnnta of the local board to keep ihe lr regli- trntlon cards on their .person a t all tim ts.

'T ver^ week I have lo h e lp get «l lea.tt two r ts ls trsn tj of' the local board out of Jnll In some p a rt ol Uic countrj- bJcause Uiey were un ­able lo show their reglitrntlon cnnlBf' Capinln Beaver declared,, A telegram ftCTO Uie police .. HollLiter, Calif., came to Captain Beaver's office oiklng w hether a Twin Pall,i young man In jnll there

• gislered. He's reglgtered a ll rishi the young wifn evidently hod

touod away hts enrd when he was deferred because of a physical dis­ability Kveral months ago.

Salvation Army Leadiers Greeted

____ and - leu e r" damage■uffered b y ^ th e r unidentified

w anhlpi.

Russia^ Troopers Push Enemy Back

IfnM F a n !>■•>fire which beat off the ir attem pU lo recuplurc It.

In OiLi M ilent alone Ujo Germans ..ere said to have !a«t 37 Unks de. stroyKi and IM damaged and •cap­tured.

Bovlit m orlnei were credlM 'w lU i Moylnit 600 Oermnns nnd caplurlng ■ xunienta In nn n ttack udctmi na il-;BUglocl commurUty casf BlSNovor-

Slsilnfcmd's northern de fuw s held sRalnit a ttack a fte r attack' by numerically- superior Infantry onJ tank forces, bu t "a t a cost of heavy lo u u , th i Oermana succeeded advancing along two ntrecU,” comiQuniquft aald.

n u vy Kntmr hottn 'Summing up tho figh t within Uie

..ly on t}|e esth day of tiie sKge. ihe,communl<iue said a battalion of enemy in fan ln ' was yvlpod out a:i(' five unk», S3 blockhouacs an<l dUB' ouU and 4o supply trucks were de< etroyed.

Mn.1.1 atU cks have been re.iumed.Two attacka by G erman Infantry

and .lanks wera dic isred beaten off by the Jtusslatta holdtnit a sectar of th e nnrU iw utem fr^ii,_bBhw L*n- Insrad. Tlie commtinlque sa liP ll ofthe as ■ ■

Schools ReopenTwin Palli public aehoels and

fiL Edward's parochial school will rwpen Thursday morning fol-

• lawlnr th« harvril vacaUon which ‘has seen hundreds of ■tudents and seoru of Instructora working In the potato and beet har>cst,

Supt. A. Vf. Morson of the pub­lic (chooU aald that the new openlni time would go Into i t f K t with t h i rw im ption of c la im . The a lem enta^ sdiooia will start a t to a, n . and the^.^nlor and senior high schools ax9 a.- m. The luncheon period will be ba. tween I and 3 p. m.

EL Edward's also wlU sta rt c uuen a t 10 a. m.. witli the luncheon period beiwcfn t and 2 p. m.

Atkinson Charges Govertflr-Failed

To Pay off DebtBOISE. OcU 3t (ilvR epubllcan

Blale ChaliinBn Reilly Atkinson to ­day had a t t ^ d in a oresa i u t« - m ent suppOrnng C. AHiotMlfsen'a candidacy for govimor th a t Gov. Chase Clark had an onportu'nlly to pay.^ff the sU ta debt two ye an ago and did no t tak i It.

‘‘I t Is Intarestlng lo nola the exact attuatlon of, the slate two y e m ego. Ju it SO days prior lo Uie ex;AraUon of Gov. Botlolfsin's t«rm.'‘ Atkin­son said, “On the l u t day of O cto­ber. 10(0. Mrs. Myrtle P . D iking, sta le treasurer, publlthed a report showing tha t Bottolfsen had In the treasury th a t day m on than inoush In hard cash to p iy ih i entire iia te debt—Just a trifle less than 13,000,-

^ W o u ld it not have bein nice," he u ld . “If Oov. C la rrh a d Uken ad- vanU gi of th is dtuatlon and paid off s u te boAds u Dottolfsen did. Ha m ight have found'htmsalf In a position lo stop the tjem w dous

“ cUdn of lakM which took from people of Idaho more than' four on dollara more than ljottolf>

aen look from Uiem.‘in stead , however, Oor. Clark has

had to repeat figures over and over again In this campaign to attem pt to explain the eacesilvs colIeeUans,“ he declared.

t shot

R ites fo r In fa n tfunera l aerrlcei for to r a n Dale

A rm stron?. four-m onih-old aon of N r. a n * M n . Oil* b . Armatrong, were held ycaterday a ttem oon a t the While m ertuarv chapcl. Re*. H. O. MeCalllstcr. p u W of th e Meth­odist churoh, officiating.

In term ent waa In Ptler cemetanr.

The HoepltalXAicrgenoy beds dniy were avail­

able a t the ‘Twin Falla eounty gen­eral hoepitAj today.

ADMITTKD Charles Meyer, Mrs. A lbert Cain,

a W. ColUns, Tw in PalU; Herman Jaeohaon. Buhl; » n . W. T . Wllllam- •on, p u e r; H n . 0 . T urner, M«r-uuibt■ DijanssRD •

Bakjr pa jncla C rabtree, Maxln« P u r ftw ^ J > ^ O. T . I/Uke w id ton,

Oregon and southern Idaho division of the Salvation Army, were corned a t a breakfast thU m ... Ins n t the Rogerson hotel, a tlcndf^ by members of ih i Salvation Army advbory Iward. '

Mrs. Ehima C lou^ek, member of tho board, gave a brief a d d iw of welcome, and Col. Dea responded, Adj. W. .Roswall, of Uio local post,

............... brief business seailon.

Clouchsk. Mr*, o e n i____ ______ _Bert A. Bwtet, H. B. Delia. Elmer ........... •• 0 , P. Duvall. H. R.

.. Chapin, a n o th e r ........ber of Ui» boicrd, waa absent from Ihe clly.

Adj. Roewall pnM nled Salvation

Organizer of PEO Feted a t Jerome

JE R O M t Oct. M - I n compliment to Mni. G. O. PliJppcny. stale PEO orconlzer. members of the Jerome SLiierhood of PEO were hotU ucs on Monday a t a luncheon and a banquet In the McUiodUt church.

Tiitre were 31 m em ben In a ttend­ance a t the homo of Mrs. 8. o . Dnvts for the special mteUnR to hear Mrs. Phlppeny speak. Mrp. Mno J^lel and Mrs. Und.ney, W«n- dill, wore guests.

At Uie home of Mrs. De Witt Quereau. a luncheon was arrangld honoring Mra. phlppeny and of­ficers of tha organluU on. Two char­te r members, Mrs. W. H. siurges and Mrs. William N. Hardwick, a t­tended.

Bott Will Speak en'Meeting

O. A. Botlolfsen. form er novcmor and Republitfm cnndid^itc for tha t office in next week’s election, will />peak a t the Twin Pall* hlxh school audlirrlum Thuraday n t I p. m.

Dottolfsen wlU be th i only speaker on>ihi pco(rram. bu t the county ean* dlates wlll'b* Introduced. I t waa an ­nounced by Jass Easlm an. Buhl, Ri< publican eounty chairm an, Eastman wUI presldi a t tha mtoUng.

C. L. Schoenhut. Republican caji’ didato for sjalc auditor, may attend tha m ieting but will no t speak, East­m an said.

Soldiers,7aycees Have Stag Party

Forty members pf Uie mlUtAfy po­lice company a t the Japaneta re ­location camp a t Hunt and a like num bir of^faycees made merry a t the Jun ior Cluunber of Commerce's s lac party a t the Rogerson hot«l last n lih t . The party was for the soldiers.

Alton Young served as toaalmas- te r and master of ceremonies, while

Joe Koehler wolcomra the

.......- .............. ..O.IdsllDaer>-es, t h M i ^ e sol ...................cooperation given In th i voIs‘ drills,

Bll! G arnett entertained with reodlngs ami dialect monologues, all flavored wlUi plenty of ‘'(nbasco sauce." Community Mnglng w u led by Jim Reynolds wlUi H arry Wa|. te n aocompanylng on Iho'p iano.

Dingo was played and refrcih- menis were seri'td a t ilie cloja o t the party.


Navy day was a “grand success so for as Chief M schlnbl's Mate Edmond Bannon,,head of thelucul navy rciru ltln i staff, was concern­ed. I t not only brought eJgnt rrerulia h u t with Uicm c«n» w hat Binoon te rm td • real -priie." ■

T jia real ‘•prise' was John How­ard Payne, who waa bom in while the echoei of Dewey's guns WQT« lUll lloallnr over ftfie bay u' M anila and who himself serrru ir the fumous btcuse-Argonue olfen- slve of Uie f in i World war.

In Prance Payne, a- iiaUve of Kaiuas who

haa Ijcen tesldlnB o t route two, Bur­ley. served in the Amrrican army from June 3, IDIT. to May t(. IBIH. m ost of which period was ipent In Pm nce.

O ther.U ian.giving Uie.bore facts o f .h l s prcvlouii’mUltary scrylcr, Payne had lltUfl lo say. "Juji my I believe It's my duty to my country and let It BO e t ihat," Paym lold the raerulters.

H e was scheduled to h«ve lOtTay for Boise for final examinalion and sweortng-ln, "nie rocniltcr* here found him to b« In excellent condl-

buryT Neb., as his next of kin.Others Join

AUo enlliUng laie yesterday were A rthur Richardson. II. »on ol Mr. un<J Mrs, Alva Rlchardjon, Men; M arvin le e Bheria»n, 18. mw of Mra. B nm a Shorldan, rouia one, FI- ier. nnd William Evrrett Conmti, jr., -aon of Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Connid, rout4i one. CasUcford. Tho latter en- n sled lo the radio technician branch.

n v e oUier young men Xeninwd earlier In Uie day.

Elmore-Woman Takes Own Life

MOUNTAIN HOME. Oct. 23 (U.R)- Coronrr MUo O rem today decidfd Mrs'. Oeorgc Donnell, 73, Mountain Heme, had taken her Oftn life by riroailliig. Her body w»s fbund ye.i- tirday In an Irrlgatlcn ditch near here.

Mrs. Donnell had betn dejpond* .it. O rren aBld, sines the dentil of

h e r hu.'.bnnd liu t April. Burvivori in-

Bert Miller Will Be Rally Speakersrt Miller, seeking reeiectlon as imey general, will iptak a t Ihe

auditorium of Ui» high school in Filer tonlRht under Uii auspices of lha Twin Psils eounty Democratic central commltt^t.

Last nlRht. Ed D. Baird, candldata for lleutcnsnt gavemor, waj ih« chief i)pcaker a t a Democratlo rally held a t th i American Legion hall in Buhl.


......T>lti F*Ik m l (%t u n .BILL COUBEBLT

.Ml 4Ui Av«. N. Ph. it l -R

Want To Sell Your Car?Jerome ts the hottest m arket In Southern Id ah a Wa always have a I ir te stock of good, laie-m odil. low-mUeage used and truck* and whiUiar you w ant to buy, m U o M n d a , I t will pay you to drive to Jerome and tare .


NORTH SIDE AUTO CO.y:haTraUt 104 BaJcfc . I m a a - R iw a lU

Meets ThursdayHANSEN. Oct. J t—The meetlnir

of the Women’s Community council, which WM postponed a week over Uie regular date, will be held Thurs­day of Uili week a t th i Hansen Community church. AH women of the community who are Intercatad In qullUnc, arc-tnvltad to com* and help compirtp the iiullt being madi fo r the R«d Cross.

Malone’s Divorce Upheld in Ruling Of Supreme Court

BOISE, Oct. » (,K/-The stale supreme court lotlay had afflm td an ItU i district (Twin Falls county) court decision awarding a divorce to Dula Molone from E. Milone nnd adJudlcaUng a property i«i- llem enl between the two'princlpals.

T he opinion, wrlli«n by juitici^ WllUatT) M. Morgan before n li d«iUi Oct. m, w u concurred In by Chief Ja itlce Raymond L. Otvens and all o lher JusUeu.

M alont loushl a divorce from Mr». J a lo n e June 24, IS30 on chsriei of cxtremq cruelly. Mrs. Nslani waa awarded the divorce on a cro^ • complaint aUo charging exlrime

’cruelly, but appealed Uie dtelilon as lo terms of the property iiltlt* m ent.

H er appeal asked a different dls- trlbuUon of cnmmunlty property a* related specifically to a ^ece of land purchued by Maloni sfler the ir m ar(la ii In Jsnusry. m i.

Howard Services ■' To Be ThursdayOOODINa, Oct. 38 Funoral

wrvlcM for Mrs, Addii Kowird will be held TliurHley a t } p. m. at the ‘Tliompron clmpel. Gooding, Hev. Dallas MacNell, W mdill, offlolstlng. Inlcrm ent will be In Shoshone cemcien'.

The .MpthodLit church, Wendell, .nnd..ths.Wcnd«ll Q rania wUl-ba.ln cliargo of UiB music,

Sho Uie moUier of .’ohn Fran­cis Howard, who has nnt been heard from ilnce he left here two ytars ago for Wike Islsnd.

Surviving are anoUier ion, Csrl- . VI Howard, and a daughur. Helen BeUi Howard, One non. AUguat Dale Hownrd, dlod Aug. 8, 1038,

Free Methodists Plan Conference

Quarteriy conference of th i Free Methodist church of the Columbia River conference will be held this week-end a t U 'l Free Metherilit chapel, 338 Blue U k e i , It wm an- nounced -loday b>' Rev. Gerald Blck- a rd . ' pa iior of th i local church. The Rev. Robert Hayei. presldlnf elder of a WashlnRton confer*ee, will be the speoker. Sen'IcM will be hold Friday and Saturday a t 8 p. m..- and Sundsy a t 11 a. m, and « P- m .

‘rU P E B T YOUTH ENLIITI SALT. LAKE C m r, Oct, 31 iTh-

Jam cs. Heber Williams. 30, Rupert. Ida_ enlisted yesterday -In Uii navy, dUtriol recTUlUng officer* an­nounced.

Seen TodaySugar bowb coming out o f re­

tirement In one certain restau­ran t. . . TtM Prrsco lt aU aso t alter opening letter and finding Uie boy frtcnd jw a been promoted to se rgean t., . Nfyy Reeralter E r­nie Termunde t4u n « ulephooe coiivirtaUon In sho rthand .. • C in- didatas Lowery and By Barron chuckling U fiU ier o v e r lome- Uilnf. . . Driver a t InteraeoUon undecided which way to go. fl*

•Tialiy m aU p i on# and one-haif furn* around e en U r.. . PU W rt of one doc stuck In middle of lota of- humans In photo studio display window. , . Clnud P ra lt. roUng an alueniee ballot a t county audi* loi'ji office, leaning far down so he e»n write on counter* bum onlj- for crdlnary-sUad folk. . .^ — . . . - — I-.,

his watch, face very serious.

Woman, Shot in- Holdup of Club, Dies of Wounds

SANDPOINT, OcU 37 OPKMri'- Ruby Dgv, wife of Ihe proprlclor of Nlla‘s m sh l elub near here, died last nlRht, vlcUm of a holdup by August Hago Monday. R agt later 'OS slain.Mrs. Dew. 34. was ahot a t the n ifh t

club wlicn she defied Hage'a hold­up order fhorUV a flc r midnight bundoy. nnd waa left for ctsad- Hagi kidnaped h e r husbuS tond fled.

AfUr two hours nloni, Mrs. Dew recoVuTt^ enough to call Ute sheriff Uld W0.1 taken ib a hospital wlUi a bullet wound through the c h n t.' Tlio husband, Arthur Dew. waa (ortcd to accctnoony Huge from the nisht club, bu t escapcd by diving UirouRh a window a t a beer pftrior near AUiol which H ejo planned t ^ rob. ^

Monday momlnR, Hage attempted lo drive past guards a t the Sand- n ln t brldk’c. south of town, and wai :llled by Bpanlsli W ar Veteran Pnul W allen a fle r woundlnif Deputy Sheriff George O'Donnell lo a pis­tol dual. ^

O'D ornell. shot through Uii chest, iQ the arm and hand, wns consider­ed I lig h u y -b « u tr a t the hosplul last night,

Gooding Ships 323 Finished Garments

OOODING, Oct. 28 — Ooodlnjcounty Red Cross production chair­man. Mrs. n . W. Lyon, Ooodlng. annoi|need tlie shipm ent of 323 finished Barmcnta to the O jden Red Cros.1. warehousi.

‘The gannenta sent were tiemlzed as follows; two chlldrena‘ oor. .. ricen t robes, II bed nhlrt- , five pairs men’s pajam as. 37 opcrntmi: rowhs, 79 Rlrl’s woolen sk lru . <7 child woolen dreslBcs, five boy'a shirts, -- boy's woolen shorts, 13 women'i knllUd Sweaters, 97 children's knit­ted sweaters, one chlid‘i knUtfd m il, 30 p a ln ofao*. U army V»neek fweatcri and nine pair* o t army sox.

Also ready and a fa lU ng iWpplnll instruDtlnns are 30 arm y iw eaur* and 30 pairi of sox. . .

,Mrr. Lyon announced th a t there Is plenty of rAiterial on h»nd for Uiose who desire lo de this work.

RESERVEWayne Tucker, m anager of the

rial «><**'•". ^g lnn lru ! tofeel th a t he U tnlly a "naval re- smre." On Auf, 34 he rccelvad a commission a* ensign in the U. navaj reserve 'w iui a m i n i of slsta^t paymaster. Up la Uils mo Inr he had received no noilfiaallon to report for duty, ot aty> oUitr word oonceniing hl» sU lus In the navy. He believes Uie noUflcatlon lo re, port for duly will come soop. how-

Mrs. TuDker, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wegener, will re ­main here for the time being when Tucker goes into training or on ac- Uve duty u n naval resen'o. Tucker has been a resident of "Twin Falls niarly throe years.


Farm Ruling Catches Navy Reciuit SquadEUbt rcenilis tenuUvely accept­

ed by the Twin r a il , navy rK n iit- Ing lU tioo marked Umt in Soisa to d a y -a t Ui* fovernmenl^ e ip ^ M .

•nie.tlBht, K n t lo B olH ’for final ptU’sleal .examlnatlona and m a r * ' Ing-ln, ran afoul of Uie new V . S. manpower eomml«lon‘a regulations govemlno agricuUural w o r k e r a . Meanwhile. Chief Recruiter Edmund Bamon'a staff here waa obtaining sUtemenU from the d ra ft boarrta in Uie dlstricta where the boys re­side Uiat Uiey are or are not essen­tial to the dalrylni,. livestock nor poultry Industry. If any of the eiglit Is ^ n t l a i . enllsUnent win be refused.

Dannon was Instructed In a com- mimicatlon th a t came from tho navy's buriiU of personnel, via Uie Bolw «Ul« headQuaners, tha t henceforth enlistment papers m ust show w h ith ir an applicant is In 3-A. 3>D or 3-A and a statement obtain­ed from Uii d ra lt board Uiat the recmll is not essential to dairying, livestock or poultry Industry.

First Two Heads Of Rotary Speak

told of Uielr expertraees In eatab- ll3hln)( Ih i orgitnlMllon here In 1073 I t the weekly lurfcheon of the club.

Ouute of the c

Jerome Pres- ‘ byterlan church; J. H. aasklll. Morrlson-Ke^urtsen Conitrucllon Co. ▼ superintendent and Dr. E. L. Simon- ■ ton. Jorome-Wendell physician. Ro- Urian guests were Bid Smith and

OJerl-JClni, boUi p( the ShoUione club.


Open l i l l — Bernlar Prieei

,'31 m ' v 'K r t . ' «

*«Tlt>n iik4 nuain. <n4 Ik ---------irltl*. Nsf-CrtI


|X l M ILLER18 Trnt MAN ron

CORONERQ u a im i® - coM rm jfT

IH EP J I D ' P J P E R ^m i t t NMUr AN» IHKUlit


rriw -Oiitt Ytikr" h*ji


I Boy TIakela New Per Onr I BIO MIDNIT*

jIAM/OWKEN P.ARTf gatarday 11(39

IDflHOT L W .rU U IA M /M ft,''

J— m r o r^ BpM>mTivr K'rksrit 01 TVi Vtti-

Page 3: -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S F H 1,980 TONS PACIFIC SEA BATTLE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA . 1,980 TONS BO fnr 829

WcdnradM. October 28, MJ2 TIMES-NEWB'. t w in f a l l s , IDAHO Page^T hrcg -

O N W l L f t l E l K. •WABHJMOTON.Oct.3®nih-Ben. Burton K. Wheeler. M oiit, pre- PtftTl lU rbor leader of Uie len&te non 'ln terrenuonlsu , today pralMd< Wendell L. WUlkle's crlilcUin o: ihe admlnlstraUon'i war policies &nd n t d Unlletj Natioti's RilliUO' lead­ers n t« s lo t» txpoACd U) Uie l»ah of public opinion," , z'

Wlieeier wld reporiers. Uml Will- kie'» radio report, to Ihe n«Uon on hU w e n t trip lo llie bftltlesrounds o! Europe *nd AnU ''drservM Uie ecnm u consldemUoii of m e AmcrJ- cun people." He enilo istd U « ctUS- clam of "ArWlrary and undcmocr#- tlc eenwraWp.’'

~I cait ftbo aeree wlUi « 'h t l Mr. Wlllkle nays about Ui'o adm lnlitra- tlon 'i lUieiice on Ind ia." h e eald, " It wc really believe In Uie four free* dom5. now to Uie Ume to tay «l»*t »e tlilnk about India."

, Oplnlona Vary O lhV collSI^^^Qltal cotnmetil on

WlllKlfs radio artdrcM ranscd frwij a flsV'"{lHC »P<ech” by Sen. EHfrrS D. n io m n i. D . UUUj. to fciier-

' tlon % Sen. Oernid ^ Nyc. V... N. D.. tftnt "American w'd

' moLliem fc-111 not Imvc mercy on any­one «Iio Biicwed^ In proddUic out.

• military i n d e r s Into the McrlflceA n teeon^^ront wpiuld rntiill before we were ^cpnrw l for U."

TrcsWent Jlod'.cvrU replied one of Wliikle'* flilef c rlllcbm s when he ttUlliorlifd repoi'lent « l a preu conference to quote 'him directly aa. laylnK; "D ie Atlantic charter «p* pllea lo all humnnlty. a.i the /lecre- tary of male and I Imve said be- lort.I.WlHlile had M»ld th e peojile of Clilnn and RuMia ore ••bewilder­ed and anxious" about th l^countrya war aloji. , ..

W otldCTitrterT •'Many of them hove read tJie Al-

. lontlc charter." Wllllcle n a i d "RlghUy or wronKly. lliey ore no >atl.iflPd. They a*k; W lmt about i Pacific ctmrler? W liat about i world charter?''

ChMminn Tom Coiinally. D., Tex. of th e .m in ir forclKti rcIallon.i coin-

. 'm lttp f. prahefl Wlllkic'" iipeccli a i

* “ .1 chnllrnRc lo Uie m lflu ry . naval and dvlllRii leaders of the iiallon,” but addPtl:' "U's ft lotiR way to China and Rui- nlj. We hftvy not been able to trana- poft tanks and heavy artillery In

■ prlvatPly cliarlercd nlrplam a iUcli M Mr, Wlllkle wed,-

Education Goes oli at Relocation Center

TTilf b one of the t i ^ l f l h rrade claM ri In the rlenirnWry kIiooI a t llu n l. where <4 ehlldrrn alt on ben«l>ea balU onto (he «ooden to tiln a t «‘hlcti they wrltt. M lu tona Silton. the icacher, i ta n d i a t the rifh t a t tbo far end of Ihe roenr Sli»» K atiuko KoJIkado, Ihe a iilitan t teacller. la wrltlne word* which the pupiU will ream 19 tpell a n Jp ro p o u n ff . The room U nol a t frowded a^ IL ap p ea n In Ihe photofrspb, Ihe children haTlnj Been honehed for th e p irtu rr. (Staff rholo-EnjravIn*)


' BOISE. Ocl, 28 < -r/-rn n moi aid on the AKrlcullural liome front 111 Idaho where ji labor aliortauc llirciiU-n.i, DrlR. G rn, M. a . McCon- iirl, liliiho «lccllve mtvIco director, luday (inlrred all bonrd.i to make rvrry clfort to defer nsrlcultura! v;orkfTTi. Otn,- lAcConnrt- w id h t would<hnrge local board* w ith the ir<pon!ilblllly of a.vurlni; tiin t the fcl.aie “has •aufflclent labor le ft on the farm* to produce n lOO crop abo\’e'even Hint of 1043."

"1 would much la tlje r have _ board ithoffon tl* m on^ily quotA'of

* men than lo take e.vritUnl rcjrls- trant* off the fnmi, Tlie alttintlon Li becomlnf tjiol-e de.iporate every

•day." he dtclarfd,Idaho ha.1 now given nearly S.OM

defennenla lo men in ewcnUnl farm and llTe.itock |iiduitrle.-i. McConnel lndicaU<l. l!e Mid Uie deferm enti must continue on an "ever wldenlnc flcope" to a m r c the nation Idaho'* pa rt In food production for th e war procram. . • ......... ..... ;__________

FILERDr, and Mrs. C, R. F^x. foiroer

Filer re!tUlct\u Uut now tiAiSoned m Pendleton wiicrc Dr. Fox Li In i t jce. were reccnt su « ta of frlejida.. &(lu Viola Eliersole. who «'iu hom t tor the harvest vacation, hitfl turned W Rupert where pih« Ja In- itn icto r In the city ichools.

Edward Shraff. Pocatello.■ (ue.it of relatives.

Betty Ortliel, Betly John.ion. Mary Miiiffmve. Patricia BeiSn and C lar­ence Showers have relum ed to the ir aludles a t Uie souUiem branch. Po- c.-ilello.

F . E, Albln jubmllUd to a m ajor operation Sunday a t the county hoi- plUl, '

Orval Malthle^ien U tta tloned In the mcchanlcal dlvlilon Ot the

A 'corpd a t Ro'.well. N. M. -----* Marletla' Ander.wn en terta ined U

(IrU a t a Halloween party . Onmes and a acavanger hunt provided en^’ teriAlnment. A wiener roost fol. lowed.'

M n. Ktorrtj Ca:l»oh and dftugh' t£f. Judy, Portland, Ore.. a rc v lslt- ItiK Mr, and Mrs. Earl S. LaJIuc.

•Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bunce and daURhter, AiIm Sue Q lcnn Dunce, spent tlie week-end a t O sden, Utixh.

M ._W lU lam »-and-w n. Cliarle*. Chico, CftUf, h a t« arrived for a vLill w ith her parents, Mr. and Mr.v D. N. Englebrlght.'

.\tr. and Mrs. Mark a ravea . Pico, CaM,. are vlsllins a t Uie Jim 1/ong home and wlUijjUier friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon 0 . Boyd en- te rulned honoring. Mf. and M rs. Mark Orftve.i.

John MacKfty. who haa been em». ployed a t Lockheed A ircraft cor- poTaVlon a t Oleraialt. CaMt., ftcenU y Vlilled Mr. and .Mrs, Donald A!ac. Kay.- He left Tue.iclny for San DlfRO to cnltit In the United 5t«lei marines.

Filer Rrade school puplU are edit* hiK a weekly school paper. E ditor of

J ^ \ l s paper "FluaV' Is C lare Fife; A ssociate editor. M argaret Sm ith;

reporters, Janies lU ^ c y and Oeorge WJlaon, (pcfrts: Marietta Ander*on and Oene Ollck. news; M argaret and Gene Suddreth. a rt; Barbara MAcaw and Bill Winkle, jokes; Edna Hattian. secrelaxy,'W id 'M rs. Je n -

. sen, sponsor.Mrs. If. L. Ingle, Kendrick, who

'has been vUlUng a t-U ie hom «-or her son, Honald Insle. and daughter, MLu Gall Ingle, left for S t. Louis. Mo.

Mrs. John ile«Uir and Mrs, Jo h n DaTis left for Salt l^ k e City for Uie ireek>end. M n. Davis will vUlt he r son. Cllft«D. who Is staUoned a t Port Douglas.

MfB. O. 3; Chlld.< enlerw lned her contract bridge club a t ft de}.iert luncheon. Mrs.* J . B. Bcennan was I a p iK L — I

Women Take Men’s Pla4;es as Fire Fighters

H'oBien fire flfh lrm a^e rrplaclng men a t th e Mlnldnka relocation ,renlfr. while Ihe werk In the brrt and npud (Irldi of socllliFm Idalia. Here Uiey show hon- Jliry would a ltsfk a lilase men- aeltif Ihe hundred* of frame bulldlnci uYileh make up the center. Authorities ' say they are m pondlnc wen lo Iralnlnf. and wiU make valuable aux ilia ry forces when men return lo camp. (Staff rhoto-EngraT-

Capable Girl “Fiiemen” ori Duty\at Hunt

' HUNT, Oct. :8 -H ow th e beet *nd ipud liar>ejt have d ra in ed awaT Uip maupcTtr cf Uw M IttW ok* n - locsuon ctiiter is emphaaJred by UiC fact Uiat one of ilw flre .f lg h U n s c «» i Is fomposed of young women.

■Jliry nlan one oJ th e tw o III® sUUoiij, rarrjiiis out a ll duties

'ftotii driving a truck to h o ld ing the nonle of a hU li-pressure hose, »li|ch is a Job Uiat grown m en dop t msiief n iu iou rtrk in lng .

They DriU hi a piaclice deino iuU atlon

cciiUy the glfls *en t U irough Uielr rtiuUne in »liow camp v laltora how Uify n-ouia attack a b tw e mcnac* inj Uie safely of Uie frafne building communily. T lit truck sp e d up to one of Uie liydranls whlcJi d o t Ine K(». as\d I sStl iW ppcd off Uie rear footboard with a lengtiJ o f hoae to '»rup around Uie liy d m n t.

Tlie driver itopped th e tru ck , al- Uiotish in case ot a r e a l l i r e sJie would have driven im m edia te ly to Uie locuilon, letUng ho»« ru n ou t tlie back of Uic truck. T w o *lrU grabbed the nozzle, and tw o others broke ilie hose m Uicy w ould do at tlie scene ot a fire. I n a al»ce

time *0 si)ori as lo com pllnient Mr liuiruclorii. Uie glrU h a d the

noule ready lo play a a trc iun on a fj»e, and the girl a t Uic hydrim t had her coiiiiecUoa m ode wrench ready to turn on Uie w.

Adventure to T hem Tlii sUls liiowed'tbUv attcnU on

to builnew and a spirit o t adventdre ai.U iey went Uirough Uielr drill In Uie routlne^,Ahai m ig h t 'bccomc necessary for an actual blaze at aJiy lime.• According to capip auUiorltier. UieJ are making progress Mid 'WUl aen.'#

raluable auxiliary forces when men have returned fro m h a r-

, 1. and camp manpower la l>aclr on a normal tooUng.

H ihitCenfeFl^lies AlieatTilT Big Jol) of Educating Youths

HUNT. Ocl. C9-Re:v\riti-rt5> ot Ihe Minidoka relocaUon ccnlcr are find­ing Uie Interruption to education of thelc chlWrrn measured only by Uic lengUi of time it takes to organize- a wrhool syMnn In a bmnd new t of nearly 10,000 population.

By till.* week lije relocallnn thorlUK had provided fnclIUIra iiiid a feaeher staff for tli? klnriergnr- icn Ihroiicli the slilli grade, and were working on p laru to open tlie hlRh school In one'cnUre block of buildings. A block coasliti of 13 bar- tftck-lype

nd a laundry btilkUng,The laundry bulldlnR, Incidentally,

..'111 serve a.i Uie hlah r<l)(»l science laboratory, Tliepeeled to open I f i th e near future, with an enrollment of .ipprnxlmalely UOO In Uie sevi*nih to IW i grodcf., IncUMh-e,

Principal of Uie elcmenlnn' uchool Is Mls.1 Mildred £. Bennett, who spenl nine years In Uie Pendleton, Ore.; elementary ocHools. Ihe latter port of that time M principal. Tlicre are 10 outside teacher:i. with an As- s tiU nt of Japanese ance.itry for each feaclier, Tlie aaslsUints are either former college student*, o r fhow ell- Rlble for eucli tra,lnSng, and they nl- tend te.icher training classes hfid dally after school hours a t Uie cen­ter. Arrangements are to be made, If ^H lb le, lo r Uiese girl* to <*taln University of Idaho credit for Uila w o rt

A room typlcarbf Uie enUre tie- mcntary department Li Uie flfUi grade das.i tAught by MLm Iona Slf- ta i . wlUi Miss Katsuko Pujlkado as B.*4lstant. Miss Pujlkado wsw n Jriah- man a t Uie Unlvenlty of Wa.iliing- toii before coming to Uie ccnter and her /aUier was emploj'ed Jn a fur­niture More in Bcaltle, wliere tlie' family Jived. •

Pumlihlngs for Uila fifth grade TOm ^ nearly adequaie, but far f ra n elegant, and the 44 enrolled In Uie e lM . whkih U one of two fifUi grade classe*. Indlcato th a t the

.teacher stJiIJ couldn't .•,lnnd much eutllnf:, T lilrty lo Uilrty-flve puplLi constitute w lini la ordlnnjlly con­sidered o good-slued cla.vi ekewhere. Tlie happy fnce.i of the youngsters Ind lratc to visitors Uiat teachers are •doing n Kood Job with Uie morale problem i l ia t U twunrt Id exist whtn thm ^nntls of j)crsoni are movc<l from one locnJliy and esUiblWied In

Many niiUiorlllPs coiiilder main- leiinticr of belief In American Ideali on the p a rt o f ihc;-c folks of Japa- tie.v unceslry ii.n nni' of tlie uio.\t im- portnnt pha.'.r;p ot the relocnUon ac- tlviiy, Hcnce the Imtiortance of tJic e<llic;iUonnl .'.y.-.ii^ a t Bunt.

Building of Ships Not Fast Enough,

Says Navy H ead.•NEW Y O rS . O ct, 38 {/I")—Secre- tary ot Uie Navy Frank KnoK de­clared a t a Wavy day d in n e r last nmiii Itiat alUioilgh ships, a irc raft and Gained men were comlTK faa ltr now .'lfw as not la s t enough to do

"vast, wiria-wlde J08."Jn his speech, over a nnUonwlde

mutual BroaScasUng system hookt up from the W aldorf-Astoria hotel, Knoj summed up U. 3- ' nccoinp- Jlsliment.s In Uie lOUi m onth of war by taying; *

"We arc producing m erchan fslilp s fa.iief Uian the enemy can -ih ik Uiein. and he Isn't sinking them so fasl anymore. elUier. '

-We tire producing a lrc n if t and bombt and tralne<t crews In siicli q\iwMlly ti\M GcrniRny no losiKtr has unchnllrngetl mastery of Uiealr.’ C ,

To ciprect any Impreilon tlin t he might sound too optliiiLitIc, Knox sold “Ike have a long and neonlzing rood shead of ai," and “ Uie price In hlwd and iteosurc wUl' be atiig- gering,-

L IQ rO a TAX .MONEY RECEIVED JraOM B, Oct. JB--C!iarloUe Rob-

r.wn. county audlid*. h w rrcclved U,Mf07 from Ihe s ta te nu tllto r In liquor Qp;)ortlonment money which will be (iivtrlbutwl) a.1 follow.s: C u r­rent tJpeii.w of Ui'a county, 12.037.03:

)f Jernme, »t.C«J!7; village of , J18U.65, and vlVinge o t Hazel-

ton, _________


carefully‘^ In e d lo desuoy Ameri­can w ar plants. ralMInea and uUI- tUes had been lold In ‘full detaU today by one of Uie Gennan agenU. 'T l ie account was g lftn by Ertiest Peter Burger, a grauuate of Uio rflcli's Brandenburg school of sab­otage. a t the federal cmirt u la l of six Chlcftgonns charged 'wllh son.

Speaking wilh a heaiy accent, Uie dark. SS^year-old plotter related how he and.hli lieiicHinen rtliCArjcd de- sUutllve deeds In Uie abortive a t- tm p i to cripple war producUon In getieral und *irp5»iir ouipui in par- Ucular—a plot Umt emied wlien Burger and one nf his cotilederate.i were nenteuced 10 prl.'ciii and 'lh e lr sU aMoclates were eitculed Aug. 8 In 'Vajtiingtan,

InduU lei UrmarkedBurger, ll\e t lr it goverrtraeiiV wit­

ness. «a.i ajketl by Dl.itrlct Attor­ney J, Albert Woll It any Induitrlea were e.\[)ecUlly earniarkcd for jab- Otage.

"Vej," lie replied. "Tlie Alcoa Aluminum corporaUoii ptnnis marked. We also were liwlnicted lo Alow up rail llne.i connecUng alum­inum plant-1."

Tlic liliihllgUls of Burger I word ptclure ol llial ualiilng lor laboiage In thb coumry were Uiesc;

'Ilie school was on an eatulc , side Brandenburg. He and Uie oUiers were tralne<l Uirre from April a to 35, 1912. On Uie grounl^ were pits, lowers, railroad tracks and simQlat- ed buildings uied 111 p iaciw ag blast.1.

Told ilow la MU Chcmleali“nie pupils were tutored by

Lieut. Koppe and oUiers in Uie arts of handling explosives and Incen- dlarle], buying, mlxing.and ignlUng chemicals, matlpg ItaMpg d c v ltn atid detonators from pen and pencil sets and watches, and pracUclng rubber boat landings on a lake.

Tliey also toured Ocrmun Indi trial areas to learn how to sabotage U-ansformers and lo pul locomouves and cars ou t ot commlssloii by plac­ing sand In Journal boxes lu id ^ u U Ing oil .iystem.1, Tliey evcn/w cre given d raft and social security cards to eiUbllsh talie IdenllllcaUons In Uie U, S.

Benes Says'Nazi ’ Losses 4,000,0

LONDON. OcU 38 </T>Pour mil­lion German soldiers hud been .kill­ed or put put of nilllUiry ucUon by Mvcre wounds up to Uic end ot Au­gust Uiis year, Eduard Beiies, preM- denl of Uic Czech goveniment In London, told h li g>eople last n ight In a radio broadcast on Uie eve of Cteciiwlovnkla's lnde|x*ndence day.

Uc said Uie-se ligurcs hud been obtained through a "QulilltiR" atate-


Driver Fined $100 In Jerome Qpurt

jn iO M E . Ocl. 3ft-Nornmn Woixl, Burley, pleaded gulliy bclore Pro­bate Judge WlHlnin O. Coiaslock a charge of operating n motor a hide while iinder the influence of liquor, l ie was finrd *100 pliu costs and hla driver's ilceiue revoked.

O fficers reported liiaf^Vnod's l . struck a machine being operated by John Jerome.


BOISE, Oct. 38 (U.RI—Prgsceutor James Wt BliUne <t«clded today to , c o ^ m io the lnque«t Into th « deatb of Ura. Jooeplitne Sliarpe of Port* land. wtiOiie badly decompoud bodr was found In a ravine of th e Bolst ’ tooUUlK Itu^t week. , •

No daU" has been act for the Jury'i drliberations. The empaneled Jury hn.i alrendy viewed th e body.

-We hnve decided lo le t Ui# Jufy decide how Mnt. Sharpe came to her deaUi." suld Dlalno a fte r ecn* ferrlng w ith hiT lyuband, LdwrenM Sliarpe. /

Coroner Clyde sununera said th» woman died of gtraiigulaUon. A , noose taaliloiied trom U\o b e lt ot her drew wn.% knotted around h er neck and tied to a nenrPy aagc^nish.

Truck Sign-up fn Gooding ExtendedOOODINO, Oct. 2fl-N o t more

lhan niic-fourth of the MO farm* trucks In Gowllns; county Imvc :«*• l-.tered for certificates of w ar neces- .Mty, according to Charle.i P . Baker,

.rlm lrnian of Uie cpunty farm tTan»- ■porUiUon commlltce.

Time for regbterlng liaa been ex­tended. A.1 islancc in filling out Iho appUeatioiui lor ccfllflcate-i may be obtained a t tne court room In Good­ing, tlie city hull In Wendell and At the Cady Auto company In Ilager- iTuvn.

AllCTIONEEft DIKS LONDON, Oct. 2a M'.--'nic death

of Edmund .8. T^ttcr.ull, 73. one- ot the w orlds bc.st known racelwrsc ftuctloneers, had ben'n announced today. He wft.1 Uie fctilor partner

flrtti founded In ITGO, -



K T F I 8:45 P .M .


\m cmHasaCold

way.jUfkTt n o a c f . .

^ ® * * racT R A mto upper breathing «

paisagts ^ ! th lotdl- clnal \-apfra.

' mKULATM \ ch n t and back au \ ficea llk ea w an .

‘o s pouU lce.

Now to iret a ll the beneflls of

Kl i c o m b la e d ruiTUTlXO- HUUTIMO a e tlo n as shown above, lu st rub throat, chest ••4

fcatk ^ t h Vlcka VapoRub a t bed-H Ume, T h en . . . seeiiov this fam­ily standby goci to work b n t u ^ -a « T * a t* » e ^ ti) rtU m o w g h - j n j ip a n ^e aa e .B u scu la r aor»- netf or U«htae*«-bring grand relief from d i s t a l ItssooUiiia medleaUon Inrltea restful, cow- fortln* aleep-*ad often I7 mom.

CORA E. STEVENS,County Treasurer,XwiiT Falls County. ^


W c notico in j 'o u r politicnl adverti.icmcnt in th e

. T im cs-N cus tm d e r tialc of October 25th, 19-1'J, you

o f fe r to Ihc public an njwloffy of havinjr hired n

Japanc.se girl to w ork in the County Trcasurer'a o f­

fice . Yoii iry to cxcuse.th i.i cofidition by .laying th a t

th e Jni>;inc:'o s i r l ’ i.'? a . citizen nnd th n t lier fam ily

a re tn.\p;i>'crs. A rc you s tnxpnycr? I t may be tru e

'■fhftt .•'he i.i a citizcn, b u t i.'f i t not tru e th a t o u r Gov.

c rn m cn t has fipcnt miiiion.t upon millions o f dollars

to retnove Japancso (m ajority of which a rc A m erican

cltixcns) from vlta.1 w ar ind&Rtrics and fro m any

connection w ith o u r w ar effort-i and from Utkinjr

an y pu rl in our governm ental affairs?

• W c u n d e rs taT id t h a t your son is n o t in th e Mili­

ta ry Service and therefo re , you may n o t understand

how th e fa th e rs and m others of boys who lost-thcir,

lives n t I’cnrl iHarbor, Wake Island, Midway, Guam

and Solomon islands,, and o th e r points of w ar, will

■feci w hen tiicy have to walk into tlic County T reas­

u re r 's Office and pay th e ir taxes tg a Japanese.

W e arc inform ed t h a t M rs. Rose Wilson, who i s

y o u r opponent fo r th is officc, can, and will, hire

w hite , Am erican help in th e T reasu re r 's 'o fficc if

elcctod. • '




Page 4: -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S F H 1,980 TONS PACIFIC SEA BATTLE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA . 1,980 TONS BO fnr 829

r a g e f o u r TIMES-NEWS. T w m FALLS, IDAHO Wednesday. O ^ b e r 28, 1942

II. II L u J U x T

(k* Mate E tm Iu U U m . tiUilUwd


>I(M la 7*1* faJlt. liUba. sftdM Ux ȣ suBscK im oN u r e a

j r aB R rtB -P lT A B L * W A0V4NC*

BT MAIL-PAYAD1.E IN ADVAI Wltfcla Id«bo ud Elk* CeaoU. N rrt^ iB , Ik. BK>ntli --------------------------------------


r« Mrrlca or Um A^ltUd tnm *04 Uslt*/'

isira] kr t>« or frr e /in ct eeurt ef o b. rsblUh.) k. (mbll. . BjiklUkxS la

RMtlsn U-lOl t. I l» BMlaai U n


Hlllf. Te*«r, K9 Pa»b (timl. Saa rrastlxe. CaUf.

'AMERICAN W A R PLA N ES Evidence Is accum ulRtlng th a t A m crlcan-

- m ade bombers and flghterS really a rc good, an d th a t the violent criticism to which they were subjected for a tim e was erroneous.

I t has been difficu lt t o get a t th e tru th becausc so m any of th e p e rtin en t fac ts were he ld to be m ilitary secrets. Some o f 'th e m

- unquestionably should n o t be discussed. O th - '■ crs were held back, apparen tly , through th a t: 'sam e, excess of secrctlvcncss which In o ther ■ flelds and on o ther occasions hcCs proved un - •- necessary, unjustlfloble and harm ful io th tr . na tiona l morale;- Now, siung by criticism , American brass J. h a ts h ave perm itted publication of d a ta com -• parab le to w hat the B ritish never held back.- In the ligh t of th a t Inform ation , experts are- ab le to say th a t the la te r Amciacan planes are- a t least os good os th e ir counterparts In Eng-

land , Oerm nny and Jap an .I f our planes were as bad os rum or said,

th e n we could n o t he lp w ondering w hether “ o u r pilots and tlie lr crew s were being de- !T stroycd wholesale. B u t th/s fac t Is th a t on l\ every fro n t our plon'cs have taken toll of the

enem y two, th ree and fou r to one.;; American pilots a re g o o ; l^ o n o are better.

W e 'can be excused if we feel th a t none a re r qu ite so good. B u t m an fo r m an. A m erican ' fllc rs arc n o t th ree o r fou r tim es os good os- G erm an anU Jap an ese filers,. T hey a re n o t

enough be tte r to In flic t th e dam age they• h av e unless th e ir p lanes w ere substan tia lly ■ a s good a s the enem y’s.* T hen there w as th e u n fo rtu n a te story —- could It have orig inated w ith a p.sychologlcal : sabo teu r? — th a t the B ritish w ere try ing to ' d iv ert us from th e bu ild ing of large, long- 1 ra n g e p lanes so th a t a f te r th e w ar we should* n o t be In position to dom inate th e In tem a- > tio n a l airlanes.

The facjs, fo rtuna te ly , dl.spel these wbn- dcrs and rum ors. Tliey show th a t our planes

i w era designed fo r pro tection of a country s h u t off from p o ten tia l enem ies by broad oceans, while the* B ritish were designed fo r a natlorfcjust over th e board fence from In­te rn a tio n a l crim inals.

They show, also, th a t ou r o lder m odels . w ere being contrasted w ith the new est B rit­

ish and G erm an adap ta tions, and d id n o t show up well, b u t th a t m odel for model a n d

^___ uae-lot_u5e„we..now have p lo n cs .a tJe igood as those of any o th e r country, and In m o§t instances better., A pparently we did ge t away to a slow sta rt, b u t now have more th a n caugh t up. W hich Is a ll to th e good.



W H I R L I G I GTEMPTATIONS—Oeiu O eorte O. MAi’thall pre-

luch an eloquent v id elfccUfe vg^mrnC ■ g iln jt me “Jo ih" Lm prolilblUon rider to Uie tten- &se dn ift Uw U u t ibe upper chunb«r re jtcu d Uie m m u re ,tw o to one. TaUcJn* to • group of m jiIot slatesnKn » pr1vAi« luncheon In Uie seijttc rulAU- rant, h e conrlziced Uiem th a t the a m e a d a tn t by Uie concUdato fo r reelectlon w u Cotaily unneceaur>'.

n ie anny, • General M arshall (zpU ln«], ha« f»r ilr lc le r regulaUon* A«alnil drlnkini than h a re civilian auUiortUw. Wherea* a police c tjort Judge niiiy »end a vlcUm of alcohoUwn up for only 10 day*, or even l»t lilm off w iui a amall Xlae. th e milliary ol- JendtT-t o . o . can lodge him in

--------- -------- tor 30 to flO days la

- ....... ............ armed:omrades. He aho polnl«d ou t t lu t

exliUng ordlnancM forbid the sale or i t r o n j itu f f 10 minors and th a t. 11 would be quite fcoAlble Xor the

w ar department to Usue a card liidlcnUnfi whether or^not Ui« bearer la cllsible for a hlghbaU or even

Di^M r.'Lce'a propoaal puckl a :i umlprjlandaWe ap- peal.^3 Ictten pouring Into m cm berii-\nice» tesUty.

•MoUiers and fatliera do n o t w ant Uielr soiu exposed to tenipUUona which qultU nj the home n u t »ouie- tlm w bHiip. Dejplto proteata irom O rneral Marahnll and Secreiary SUm*on. the Oklahoma man'* *ugne»* Uon commanded »trong early jupporl on both iides of the able,

C lM CK D OW N -aaw Ilne raUotilng experts Wajhliigtoii have devl*<d % leemlnKly sound »cli for poUclng Uie anU-drlvlng rrsulatlona which wlU promulgal,© for naUon ahorily. TJiey contem­plate d ecen lra lb fd /and ‘neighborly enforcemi Uidr cdlcu.

Wherever a factory or,Dullness offlc« hlrw more Umn a hundred person* a "p lan t Uan*porUUon com­mittee" wlU be *et up. I t will arrango lo r the pooling of automobile facUlUet without regard to whether the poMcnRcrs are high offlclnla o r only w ater boy*. I t will map the dbtance th a t each worker travel* froni' home to nia Job, On the basU of Its'tludle* the group will deterjjilne which card an Individual is to receive —A. B or G—and lt4 recommcndBtlotffl’'^wlll be au- th o r lt^ v e and flnaJ.

8 ^ n lyjUm -will eliminate the necessity for a burkaucrnUc orsantaiUon conilatln* of many thou- eanA of frderal employe*, l i U also expected to make tlje (Vacirioivn more paJatabJe. iniim uclx 1C wlU have ' ^ e mocraile flavor.

E.VE.MY-A U PoUette r idef designed to expand the ;ield of Bovcmment ownerahlp of public utllltl** waa amptllated from Uie 10<3 revenue-bill a t Uie Iwt m in­ute. Con.«n'atlve house conferees—Mesam. Doughtoii (D.) of North Carolina, Cooper <D.) of Tennes-iee, Bochne (D.) of fndlana and Disney (D,) of Okli —engineered a liackstnge revolt ngdln.it Uie Pro- grcMlve WUcbnsJn senator's propo.ial.

Youn(f Dob's amendment, which won slipped In dur­ing tlie final hours' of senate debate, provided tha t the sale of a hydroelectric company to a “nonprofit orKanlzntlon" should be exempt from taxation. Whlld' the added clause did not'define a "nonprofit ofVanl- ratlon." I t was framed to fac lllu to Uie U-ansfer.of concerns from prtvato Intereita to cldrs, (tatoi, co* operaUves. eU;. Tlie s lgna tu rti of only 10 per cent ot 10.000 of tJie voters In any area were aU Uint wa* needed to aU rt Uie La FJsUette program In motion,

AIlhoURh Advanced by an enemy of corporation*, Uie plan WO.-I favored by many firms which would like to sell out while the aelllng U good—or be tter Uiai may«be n f iy Uif war. But hardlisaded 'hoiuo De; crata balked. Uhiis administering one of the fU^t and m ost severe s^tbaciu to New Deal UUlltarlans.


W E STILL H A V E TO WIN • M ilitary s tra teg ists agreed m onllis ago t h a t if H itler w ere to w in th is-a-ar he m ust do so by this au tu m n . T he nazis have n o t w on yet. and i t ’ is W concelvablo th a t they can achieve tW E lem ents of victory, between now and winter.

So It seems reasonab le 'to believe th a t 'H l t - le r has lost his chance of w inning. B u t on th e o ther hand ho h a s n o t yet lost the- w ar. O n the 'c o n tra ry , as of today the U nited N ations s till are losing.

By the succcssfui fe roc ity of (heir In itia l a ttacks. G erm an y jin d J a p a n bo th won huge p relim inary victories. We. the U nited N a­tions, have not even begun to recapture w h a t the axis h a s conquered.

T hanks first to B rita in ’s and China's dog­ged endurance, we have slowed th e pace of Japanaz'i progress. We ha.ve forccd the axis to w aste so m uch m anpow er a n d m aterie l th a t — In all probability—H itle r an d H lrohlto can n o t possibly grind th e U nited N ations in to

— subm ission......................... — --------- - •Nazi spokesmen now a d m it th is by c lear In­

ference. H itler's la te s t speech was a c lear declaration th a t from now on h e p lans to p la y for a sta lem ate. ' \

IX we perm it H itler to achieve his s ta le ­m a te , then he will n o t have won his m ajo r goal—world conqucstr-bu t ho will have gone fa r tow ard it. T he best te rras on w hich wo could obtain peace in such a sta lem ate would leave G erm any and J a p a n m astffrt o f th e

• w orld, w ith B ritain a n d th e U nited S tates econom ic vas.<als o f the fa sc is t new o rder and con tin en ta l Europe subm issive cogs In the iia*i mmfhlne.

, . H itle r cannot w in everything. B u t we can. We can destroy fascism as*a-^mllltaht world

.force. But w en av e n o t done th is y et. We have n o t even s ^ t e d to do th is yet. W e have so m uch<M ha lted th e m ilitary advance of

•n az lsm .'Bo f a r a s we in th e U nited S U tes flro con­

cerned , th e h a rd es t p a r t o f th e Job s till lies - a h e a d . We. m ust fin ish stopping H itler and

th e J a p s , we m u st undo a ll th a t they have accom plished th u s fa r , a n d th en we m u st d o to th em w hat u p to now they havo been d o in g ; to u s—only we m u s t -finish th e job H i t le r p roved Incapab le o f fin ish ing , and

’ p re s s on to com plete v ic tory .

e m e u s —Hnsel Vandenberg, nttrnctlve and ener- gelle helpmeet of the Republican senator from ^Uch- Igan, ha-Y sketched In the N ational Republican maga- d n e one of Uie tnUi’ vivid pictures of \Va.ihln8lon. She w ys: ^

•T he typical week of a senator's wife about which I wrote r.0 blithely a b it over two year* a«o la no more. T liosi Tliursdny afternoons a t which I s r n ’rd liomc-' made douRhnut-i are but a nieinoo'. Hut Uie nnnir of Uie rtouRhnuu seemi to live on. as I stlU Rot requMLi for the recipe. So n\uch for Wi> power of douRli In polltlc.0" (ArUiiir p robably/fiflped he r with tha t spicy line:) '• "There l.i ni>lhlnK." slie explains quite correctly, "of th a t ea.tyKolng southern atmosphere of -Uio past. Crowds It) thp buses and streetcars th a t are belns used by evro'bo<ly, InclticlliiB supreme court Justices. Crowds In the reataurants where you w ait Interroln- abiy to be ser\'cd. Crowds In the store.'* where, Uio

T ycpjia.x been enuallv d h n in lrd , Dcllverlea twlco ilic slrecu Just

rate<l clrciu days, espcclnlly a fte r govern- ny."Juat crowdst* '

PROGRAMS—A hiRh naval official handling de­fense problenvn In a southern stat< received Informn- tlnn Umt n ’ccrtnln family o f foreigners wa.i lllrgall>- oprrntlnK n short-wave, radio station.

Socri'tury Knox's aide Invcstlsnted Uie complaint. He (Ihcoverfd tlial Uie alleged offender* were dlslajit relaUvcs of Uie Marqula de Lafayette. Since all of hLi (ler.cendnni.1 automaUcally become citizens of the

BtntPS nniler a specialnch hud <

they are stI- such c

O th e r P o in ts o f V iew


A m a n s ta n d s u p a n d ta k e s w h a t's com ing - t o lilm —a y o u n ^ r ]e a n s over. ■ ' .

eCItAP BLACKElt'E\'er7 now and Uien someone says th e American

.people are only too El:^d to cooperate w ith tlielr em m eni' In Its war prosram, but they do not k iiw w hat to do. In some respects this Is a plausible arsu- ment; but tliwe are several hlWhea In It.

O ne of Uiem la Involved In the scrap m etal cam- palsn . R>’cr)’one U aware th a t tlie nation's steel mills a re drsperaw li' In need of tc rap in order to keep pro­duction a t a victory level. Some areas.of the country Iut\‘e responded most generously to the appeal; others have been scrap slsckers. Nez Perce county Is amone Uie la tter. While* many cltlscns of thl* county have g hyn Uielr ihare and more, th^ .'how ln j. on the whole, b no t Rood. By comparison w iu r what .some of tlie ni^ghborlfls counties'liaVe''acMmplutied, I t hx t been downright discreditable. T he cailses'of this failure are less ImportAnt Uian the remedy. One w ay for the county to redeem Itself will be by an outpouring of m etal for Uie vjcton* scrap day celebraUon and parade to be held in LewUlorj this afternoon, as a climax la. the monUi's campaign.

T lie (m al responsibility for Uie success o t Uils ef­fo rt rests with Uie individual. He mu*l n o t only col­lect the scrap but lee to Jt Uiat i t Is delivered to Uio scrap yards or Uiat It Is collected from lUs premlse.i by an auUiorized agency. If the offlclsl agencies are slow to act. It Is his right and duty to pester them unUl they do.

No clUtten ot this county would like to thlnk-U iat even a single life was endanserc<l because a uldler, u i lo r or marine lacked essential fighting material. No true American would take a single poslUve action to deprive a man fighting for his country of necessary equipment. But there ore many careless o r thought­less cltUens who. by oeglecUng ccrap salvage, ..have failed to take positive acUon to old the fighters in the field. I f you are a scrap slacker you are no t doing your pa rt for victory.—LewUton Tribune.

' BIO OR U TT LC CARS?A t Uie moment Uiere isn 't much Interest In what

kind of automobile we'll drive a fte r Uie w ar, for un- Uw Certain parUes are brouglU low there won't l>e any—or any bicycles.

However Uie president of the Packard company m ade an obsen-#Uon the oUier day th a t m ay be worth two or thrco inches of comment; It wai so thoroughly reahsU c..

“If v t have a silk sh irt e ra where wages and prices are high your auto* will be big and powerful." he said, add ins, "bu t if taxes are to rem ain a t th e rate now Indicated, look for a lighter and smaller car. more

\eeonom lcn in operatlnc costa and purchase price.” l . 'W e 'v a go t a hunch I t wlU be th e la tter.—Nampp R i e Press.

MUTINY J N TliE RANKS Dear Pot Shota:

Being one of your collum's foins I na turally never miss rending It, so UiouRlit I t wouldn’t be amLia to send the nmte to. the Item -aboijt Uie Jap.-inri>e boy a t Hunt.

T lie school clUIdrcn a t Sboshoiie took to playing ,war evc'ry day at noon ond recti.^, Uicre was-Ameri­cans on one side and Japanese on tho other, Amonwl them one Jnpaitfse boy ami he was alwnyi

■lit ( o ^ io Jap side.B ut one clay he niarclied boldly to

th(' opposite side and sliouled. Ured of being a d—

Jap;" ■—Jerome Pot ShoU Fan

SA n COINCIDENCE CnnccmlnR one Errol'Fl)Tin and

Uir two young Indira who say Ihlnps ibout h im . we snitched Uie follow. Int! off th e United Prew. teletypes;

LOS ANGELE6, 0cl.-£2JU a,— - One U iealer chain whirli h a d bookrd Klynn'n eurrfnt picture. “D m perale Joumty," a i one ha lf of a dAuble bill, raneeltnl th e ae^end feature.

The second pieture wa* “GIrJ T rouble.-

A rflG H T Y KOOSTKR Dfnr P o t Shnt-i:

I don't Uilnk I .snvp any 'money-— but I don 't tinv* to buy guas a n d sho tuw sliella and I cet niy pheas-

' i . I trained my pet Icdhom ter to Kct Uie birds, ik up on Uiem belter tli

doc. And he'A such a flchter, h is fame has spread among Uie phcM

they Just give up whei Uiey see h im . he Just gives on iwLU of h is beak and bresk-i th e ir neck's and b r ln n them to mt.

Only I have to keep him ofi lea.ih a.1 h e never wnnU to s t« when he gets Uie limit.

B u t he Is such a good huntei he Is h a rd e r to keep Uian a good dop. E \ery one wants him, I have to keep a Rood bull dog to guard him. And I da believe It would be cheaper to buy shells!

> —Katie the Kook

p n ifX )so p in r '> -Pot Shots:

T lic tinnncinl.philr'.'ophy of Yeo- E m est Terrounde is as fo l­

low;M enUlly weighing a letter U u t

he was about to send out as chief clerk of the local navy recrulUng gu js and. eyclnc n book of itamps. he placed one stamp- momentarily on the le tte r. Tlien grabbing a *ec» ond stam p ond pounding It on th e le tter, he remarked: ■\V7iat'* th e difference—it's like taking money out of one pocket and putUng It ir

■.her. I t 's all United SUtM any ­way."

—T a i n


Dear Pot Shota: 'I t was- robbery pure and slmpli

for a T-N news report to give Pros­ecutor Ev Saeeley the deer UiaP Assistant Prosecutor Roy Agee made Sheriff Warren Lowery help carr>- out of Nevada.

Tliey say Agee lowered Ills rifle after shooUng th e deer a t the end of a long walk and said: "There' (puff) T hat'll show those gu}-i <puff) who>e been saying I wouldn': get a deefr fpuff),"

And Uien the T-N new dept Rives \he deer to Sweeley wlUiout due process of law or even a your leave." I t not only Injures Agee's feelings, b u t It geU the pro­secutor In a Jam a t home, becaiue l)i had tolil hLi wife a different sioo of where he w as-Sunday. And nl.w hLs friends are hinting for deer steaks, i t Just tan't jasUce—and don't ask me why n couple of lawyersjh o u ld be dcm aad ln s JusUrc.__

But Iri'.s give tlic d rer buck to Agco nnd get >Ir«. Sweeley otf prosecutor's neck.

—Canlrite lUren

WE FAVOR'A CRUSADr.-:,^. O n olly-volced-^anriUlntM w!

don't know Uiat the flattery sti: went out 10 years ago.

On small-time candidates wl drag flftg-wnvlng. Pearl Harbor and whatnot Into campaigns for strictly local offices th a t liaven 't got a thing to do wlUi sudi.

On people who nre hoardlni; cof. re now that raUonlng l drflnlie On people who are railing at the

svemment l>ecauao they can't keep lore ihan one spore tire.On people (most of whom are pre­

sumably Intelligent and should know better) who sUll p .In paulng along rumors of .wlia happening at Ihc war fronu wh they have no earthly means knowing whereof they apeak.

On Democrat.1 and Republic.i who use smear tactics.

On people who get sarcastic L , luse the mall hasn 't causht wlUi Uielr soldier sons abro.id.

And on wise guys who know In this war sliould be run but w hoven't voted for four years <a: will probobly be too la iy to vc Nov. 3),

B in .Llear Poti:I f I may be so bold, may I a h a t In tunket Is « “registered Du. am MdLmllk stra ined , coming 3

years"?”If you're wondering, too.

cla.-allled aclverailng page for Sunday. -InquU IU ve .MIm

FAMOUS LAST LINE . . . U t'* refls le r »o we i acalnit U ial p iy l . . . '



27 YEARS AGO. OCT. I t . l»15, At h e r home on Blue Uke.s boule-

vard M n- Leonard Smith entertain (d for jp few Intimate frieiidi 8al urday.

In honor o ( her daughter. Orsce's, birthday. M rs. O. E. Bn-ant enter­tained 10 gueats a t dinner Monday.

Mr*. B. A. Hamilton was hostess Tuesday « id Wednesday a t lunch- ecm . M rs. Jack Bhrout. Mrs. Charles B urton. Mrs. Houard Skeets and Mrs. M cLain were prue win-


‘ is YEARS A G O -O C T . S*. IKT7 Marlon Jo liaum and DoroUiy

Houston, teacher* » t Ooodlng. TlslUng friend* w id relatives Ui« week-end.

MLvi Lulu Leland. who has been the o t her homo of h e r broUi- er. deorge Leland, has returned to Buhl.

M n . Oeorje BaJch entertained wlUi a bride luncheon a t Uie Park hotel today.




Home is a form o t school, the first school tlio continuing bondage (jf child life w i th 'I t s rouUiles. rule*, tasks and rew ards and punishments. Parents a re teachers, and relaUves ;oke on th e d u ty of supervisors. Thi ;hlld goes from the bomo school to iie comniiinlty school. His early day* are days o t discipline, supprej- ■ II and labo r wlUi now and Uien

hour of freedom , none .toq free. Vc Ju-stify th is b>- Ui« child's

need for he lp , InstrucUon and dli- clpllne, a n d we nre right In doing 0, But we m iu t accept Uie fact If Uie ch ild 's -bondage and allov

those h o u r» o f freedom and recreiv- I h is condition demands. II 2o nd t. .Ui'e child .w llU hnd. Ir extrem ity, a way of escape foi

lilm.self. His Inexperience and help- les.sness m ake th a t dangeroas.

A girl. somcwhtvV backward, ihad to be supcrvbed carcfully o t home

school. Her every hour ^ for. proKrnmnied and

guarded,, S h . . .'rom K hcol .....................ar. One day siie slipped frliwd ojitl did not | '

vcniiig, CTe Tind taken Umc out to h it in Uils frlcijd's house.'

She F e lt A d^ua te The choice she lind made was In-

;rciUng, In th e homo she visited cr manners were fine, her ways ap­

plauded. h e r accomplishm ents prais­ed becau.sc Uie standards there were vcrj" much lower than In her own home. She loved It Uiere becau-ie she could feel adcfliiate. Nobody Hatched her. nobody criticized her. She niu. apjiroved and honored. Bui

good place for

-d away wli t home uiit

TANKS - D on't loedc n o r , Onde Sam and John Bull are pirenUy tpriasing the t u p on the desert fox. Rommel auapected the worst; this wiu U franUe c ffo ru 'o t hi* fliers to knock out U alU A n d open Uie Mediter­ranean Ilfs lino for badly needed men and suppUea.The ail* radio ,nd Vichy's D tr -

,u i .are hlntlnc Uiat Dakar, Mo> nxco, Tunis, -Cy- renaica or almost any d a t e - p a l m oasis In the Sa­hara is our obJecU' nihlng expedlUon to m ake us pose our secret so Uie m a n b a l beat .us to the punch. \

After months o f s tm iu o tu toll, United States englneen completed i network of truck h lghxaj-s and rail- rosds leading td certain tirinamed African fronta. In m any cases two or three parallel tracks a re laid where there were only camel .hoof prlnta when the nazis began th e ir B c^U an gusble. One New York firm which shared In the..constructloa miracle sU t6 Uiat British. F ighting French. AustralUna. New Zealanders. SouUi Africans, Indians ttnd naUves were employed'ln addition to Americans.

The slgnlJlcance of solid roods in mechanized.warfare In notoworthy.

course ordinary m aterial Is sped iie advance zones. B u t of Kreat- Importance: T anks need not

Jounce over rough te rra in or Ijo -jolted In trailers Uiua damaging treads and englnes.<FQrmerly,morB land batUeshlps were pu t ou t of commts.Oon b y - ru t a j i f tn by shells or bombs. Now they m rlve unln- Jifrcd^and feady for Immediate

SIZZLING^W hlle Uie eye* of Uie pubJIs—and of the axis—ere riveted in -Libya, allied topnotcheni - w( itlcklng thumbtacks In the map lorthem Africa, from Liberia to Sudan and from the Congo to Al­geria. The southern w astes had s i rays protected Rom m iPi 'right ring, but a t long last we are on Uie ergo of conquering h is guordlai

desert. In fact Uie F igh ting French onoe struck the O ern ia iu there In

great flanking m aneuver.De Oaullist fifflcera now In New

York who took p a rt In th e first sally from French equatorial colonies to the El Cheblr and El O aU um o i ' posts tell how they m arched Uiouaand mile* nortli through blinding heat and sandstorm s, driv­ing their catUe wiUt th em for food and often hunUng In va in fo r water holes. This conUngcnt.was too small to hold-Its gains bu t today Uie' Chssscurs Alplnit, Bsiteks, foreign legion and oUier dartdnvlls are mo- blllied In force.

The United SU tes a rm y trained a picked outfit—our own A frika korp«. —In the sizzling wilderness some­where west of'C olorado . M any of Uie troop« were bom and brought up In the 'American badlands. Motor velilcle.s devised especially for wadI countrj' were built. Including imlque cater wagons w ith purifying sya- tem.t. The FlghUng F rench say that sddltlonal aids" to tho th irsty aro now avBlUble. The special body of South Africans called th e .divining corps Is equipped w ith electrical

tnitrumenU to locate and tools to drill wells. Tliey ha re unearthed refreahlDf. »prtaf* la tpou -which even the Arab* said wtr« dry.

GA S-Tbere Is more Uian a p s e a n Immedlaltly behind .Uii raucous Jap threats to m urder our aviators. Hew Y orkm who finally returned on Uie .Qripsholm declare U iat the blustering U really a dem onsu^uon of Uie itate of mlQd Uiat was no-> Ucesbl# when the Americans were In Tokyo: 'Hie Nlppone*e are te r ­rified a t Uie proflpect of ano ther , Doolittle itrallng. ’I lie lr fire b rea th ­ing broadcastji are aim td to .aca r* < us off

Refugees Insist Uiat high ran k ­ing Japanese believe Uncle Sam will attack their bland .at the earll- eat favorable opportunity raU iet Uian wa*U years creeping through the Indies archipelago. A m ilitary organlzaUon similar to our civilian defense held pubUc meeUnga to warn Uie nailon of Uils menace. I ts lead- ers explained Uiat Uie United S U tes would not swoop dqw n.from the AleuUans because even in. clear wcaUier the foe does not lift ex­cept between 10 a . m. and 4 p. m- In addlUqn to Tojo's navy a host of fishing boats .equipped wlU) d l« guards the empire f ro m . a frontal assault.

The authorlUes forecast Uiat from Chinese air bases we would s tr ike , f irst a t Formosa and from there attem pt to annihilate Japan . T hey frankly admitted experiments to camouflage Identifying r a i l r o a d tracks had proved unsuccessful os had smoke screens. evacua*Uons were recommended because dwellings are too .inflammable to wlUistand ineehdlarles. ApporenUy their worst fear Is Uiat we will drop gas bombs Into subway a ir raid shelter* filled »1th crowds. T he ex­perts bewailed th a t there were no adequate venUlatlon systems for re - • moving noxious fumes.

From Uie American point of view the moit dfciturb/ng Mpect o f th w e revclaUons Is Uie reference to le thal vapors. If the enemy expecta ua to release such horror*, he m ay be plaunlng to Jump the gun a n d use tWniWlr*t. Tho CTilnese swear th a t J small quanUUea already have/been showered'on Uiclr troop*. I t may

Is being saved for us.

SHAKEN — Because the brave _Iftvs hsve held ou t marvelourJy a t Stalingrad I t,is only natural th a t most Americkna should overlook Oic prowess df Uie German arm y. I t is still a deadly th rea t. The wlde- ■ held opinion th a t Uie nazl aoldlera _ .e robots who are browbeaten by the arrogant Pni.islan officer cnstc

-as In 1814-18—Is Incorrect.United States nationals Interned

in Europe but<jQto before Incarcer- aUon ohservf* the relcliswehr de­scribe It as a “new model" force. Re­cruits are enrolled from tne labor :orps of healthy youths. I l ie men tre usually well-fed and well-

housed. Social distinctions and red Upe ha\-e been MJmlnated. O ff duty a buck private dines and fmtemlM s with a colonel. The capUlns join the mess lines wlUi Uie enlisted personnel and receive the same ra - .lons. But Uie drain of Uie R ussian It«ppes h a i miutrd U ie 'i^ k s . Bald- heads and beardless kid* are now conscripted—and the old cocksure | ;onfldenee h u been shaken.



Umt little girl ) be.■ •%oy wliB

■ oultl not KQ home w hen, school■ ft.1 out? H e w ent vlsUlng, or

playing In tlie lots with boys ofchoosing. Usually these boy*

vere a b it below family standards. TOt quite on th e rlnht side ot the Tncis. E \'ery Ume he got Uie chance he w en t -to Uiem. He ws!

f ffec t. - I must lUve re­lief from th e loo rorifled atmos­phere of hom o And *cnool. I must relax."

Needs Chance to PlayIt-Is well to protect children, to

Irain them In uaefuh figh t,liv ing according to decent lU ndards. School must be routined ivnd lu B tandords m int be ' main-, jilned for th e d illd ren 's sake. Home must be a school wlUi Its own rou> Line. But th e living child m ust hni A-chance to play, to strc tch Ills body and m in d In freedom, Bc-surei UiBt school a n d homo m ake room

iec_. —..... _^-v ls ltlns andInto trouble.

Allow room for a body and mind peculiar to themselves, to expand.

I lltUo space for the child to live accord ing to his felt needs

1 when tlio.ie needs Jar you. Hi ~».its to U .«rn to swing; he wanu crude movies, cruder comics, loud talk and louder laughter, compro­mise wlUi h im w ithout looking down your nose. !

He I* a ch ild yet. He has no 1 j f dirt, no sco rn for Uie vulgar. Xotlon of caste . Compromise with

He Is y e t * child. And he msy beTj^lghter U ian you tnow —for hla


tnd nsian


QUARTERS. A-ustralla. Oct, 28 ( f l v Maj: W illiam O . Benn,* leader of th re* d e ra s ta tln g raids on the Jap-' anese s tronghold of Rabaul, New Britain, In w h ich 100,000 tons of shipping were believed' blasted, w u awarded th e dL^tlngulshed service crcaa Ijy O en . M acA rthur yesterday

The CaUiollo club of hlfth school students enterUIned >t a Halloweenparty Wednesday n igh t a t the h o m e ------ ---- - ........... ^ • - ...............of Miss Gladys H anlon. Mias A nnfor “ex ttao rd lna ry heroism, courage W a c n e r l e a d e r s h i p . * *

W A siu :_____ _ever anyone discus-ife • the- ques­tion of censorslilp and the with­holding of news in warUme, he Is

:lieate ground. He may find :lf unwltUngly asking for the

disclosure of loformaU on that ould aid Uie enemy.On the quesUon of w hat will

aid Uio enemy, civilians m u s t give Uie benefit of tho doubt to the mlUtory. Yet In doUig th is It is a.1- sumed Uiat the m ilita ry will al- Iways have In mind I Uiat Uiere Is pub-

inxlety about

'28—■Whm* I *trlctly^nitiiTy“ onH.— T h e '-p m - — m----- e n t handling onb' encourages ru - .

mors'U iat other news Is held back.

people ough I to know a t al times how th e wa: Is goingi so fa r & th a t c an be doni

ulUiout aiding Uie enemy.

Incident.^ of news n 'lthheld havi n some cases aroused doubts as t( iheUier'OS much news has been given out as would have been pos­sible.-The speech of Elm er; Davis, dl-

.rector of OWI. In M ontreal recenUy was Interpreted widely as an In- dJrtct complaint. Mr. Davis empha­sized rather p o ln t^ ly h is congrat­ulations to the Ciinadlan govetn« ment •'on Its prompt disclosure of Canadian casualties In th e Dieppe raid. I t Is generall>' ta lked around Washington th a t he is "

rspects a t the wlUihoIdlng lere. W lfliout douOt Mr.

Davis came to W ashington deter­mined to carry out his a lig n m e n t to tell UiB American people as much about the war os could be safely done. I t becomes more c lea r around here tha t he has been frMstrated at ■'m'es In tha t purpose. '

One of the m ait disturbing Inci­dents was Uie long-delayed release by Ui8 naiy of Uie news of Uie loss of three cruiser* in the Solomon Island landing last August.

Au.itralla Io.it a cruder In Uie same nssgemcnt and announced i t 10

dnyi later. We -walled more than two months to announce ours. MeanUme thr Japanese radio had broadca.'tt, slnUIar -although exag* gerated claims. O ur navy explained Uie news cf the looses h a d to be n-llhheUf unUl repU cem enU had been provided. . Perhaps so, yet Uiat very explanaUon give* apmt InfcnnaUon to the Japs. T h m w u 1 Uiree-monthi delay In announc* ing the loss of the o lrcra rt carrier Yorktown. If Uiese delays are «*• scnUal from a m lliU ir of view, then more ought to be done to re­assure the country on -that po in t and to make It clear U u t new* Is no t wlUUield fo r policy reasons beyood

During Uie recent G uadalcanal campaign, communiques have clK ^ minor succes,se.t, Uie bringing do*Ti of enemy aircraft and such, bu t without balancing, them to Indicate the grfMlty of Uie situation o.s d* whole.

Unquestionably newspaper head ­lines are partly a t fault. Newspaper men here working on the OuadiO- canal story'hnve a pretty good Ideii of what l4 ifoing on and are nblo to convey In thel^ dispatches • tho fact Uial the underlying picture is not too raiy. YeC Uie headlines seize upon official opnouncement of a small IncldenUr success, and the casual newsp.ipcr reader wlii goe* no farther than Uie headlln< or the first paragraph or two l«y» 'w down Ills paper wlUi an Impression m j tlm t all U well, when Uie opposite ^ a y be Uie case. So that in tho naiT there is some feeling, w hld i Is well ba.sed, that newspaper head ­lines contribute to m ls t^e n Imprea-

Uia: situation, , ill the more advis­

able that Uie navy Include in it* communique a KUldlng slzcup of the real iltimUon. T hat would.transfer the burden of wrictng In cautioning Upoffs. T ie reporter's spcculaUon would be transferred to u official basis.

Tlie latest holding back of new: omes.from the army In connectlor lUi Uie DoolltUe raid on Tokyo

last April, We did no t announcD tho t some American filer* were held by I the Japanese unUl Tokyo re ­vealed U, a few days ago. Yet th e United P ttss quotes,Uie moUier of me of the nier* as having bien n o ­tified by the war department la st August that word had come from

International Red Cross th a t . . . . son w u a Japanese prisoner. , T lie new. 1* releued Just now, a f te r ^

withheld from Ui# enemy. It^w ijs i wlUiheld -only -from Ui# American f people, who h a « u much In - | te ra to d In the Tokyo raid u In any J one Uilng we have don# In th ti w a r . f

sem e J f our officials ^ Uils a L people's war. I t would help If w eH also considered this an A m erican ! people's war. '____________


Robinson h u .been named president of Uie Idaho Public HealU u ^ a U o n . He succeeds Mr*. Etr*'* Clouchek. Twin Palis. He and 1 Pearl KirkpaWck. Ooodlng fhealth curse, attended the a____mecUng of (ha assodaUon held 1 PoateU o.

Page 5: -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S F H 1,980 TONS PACIFIC SEA BATTLE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA . 1,980 TONS BO fnr 829

Wednesday. October 28, 1042 T iM E S - N E W S .T W I N F A L L S . ID A H O ' ' . ■ l*a£e-F lve^|

ARMYT P M n r n n n n i i

COMPLETES1 / * r r t - ^ A D r * n f

EVACUATION OFJ l ______ r» . . • ’ n i - i i m r . T A T i -

110,559 COAST JAPANESli • ■ ■

r r . n — ------ ------------------- B irrre n pecune ^ cOLOS'MiSERTIS. i ^

wmimm.' SAN rnANCISCO. Oct. J8 W >-In

» movement w nhoui p m lle l In the■ natlon'a Jitstoo-, llO JW p«reoM ol

Japm w e anccstry have been tr»n*. IcrrwJ tiy Uie arm y Ironi the iti* - Itglc mlUlary h tcm o l lh« west coiut.

The t m j Ui«l»y lunuiitQ w. opem iotu. covering eJsIU tnonUis, In »hlch the MOdus was Mcomp- liiUtil. T lw of 3ip»ne5« »ere moved' Inland Uila week Irom 8 « iU Anil* w w Presno assembly

" V c ” f r before had mlUUuy ti *!ty dictated Rich a proBram, army remarked. “I t enn now be ioltl

. th a t the iw isfe rence lo relocation centefJ hM been e/tectcd wtthoiil IneldenC on time, aiid'w lUi a proper retard ft»r Ihe comfort of the per- toni moved."

Affects All Japanese Tlie order of cxcla-ilon from /itra-

tegle.Jiillltary nrcaa. L«ucd by U■ o e n . Ij . U D eW ltt. conjmatitllnB

sencral of the weatem de/enac command, affccted a ll Japanese.

' A)1 now are In ten huse reloca­tion ceoiera In -Hie Interior, maln- lalnlns the ir own qunrteni, opcrat- Ins their own factllUe.i, m a l^ a ln ln : hosplUli. recrtaUon arcfu and soi-- emlns councils. Tlicy rccelve their hotuln;, food and medical atlen- tSon •KWhout cwv. and In 'tidtSllion. tboae who work are paid 1)9 month (or profe.ul6na] people, t: foe rtlUtd m tn wvd « o » tn . ftwJ t\3 a month for the iinakllled.

B lonce Amtifec]Tha anny arraneed, for ilflrase

and eoniervatlon of properlv of nit bf lho.^e moved, took unfrgifArds to pre«r\'c property rlRhta of iiie Jhp- anese. and to mliilmUe reaultlni economic dlslocntloiu.

.About 8.000 j^ p iu iw now are Kosed la BRrIJwltiire Inbor ouWde the relKatlon camps In aeve^al WMtern jtaie.i.

TTie relocnllon centers eaUblLih- « l Incliitle eenlrnl*UUi>». In the pln-

, ^ n u Brtii n t Abruhnm: Minidoka, In Jerome county. Idaho, on CB,000 ncrcj of public land ew t of Twin ra lli: Heart MountAln. In tlie Quf- J»io Bill country of Wyoming, north- eaat of Cody. i

JEROMEMr*, none Bruckner avone. a for*

mcr Jerome rc.^ldent and returned nilwlonnry from China, will «peok before members of Jerom e Civic club 'Nov. :o. Her topic will be ''Chlnn^ 'T W hcn .ihe went Before and Since the War."' JeromDJayceea will en tertain nt

a Iltilloween dancc n t Moose hall pAvlllon. Oct. 39. Will WrlBhf* or*

■lelif.urn will tum hJi nia-slc.Potfttce.i and onlotw are needc<l

fur the tiol lunch projoel for Je r­ome ichool children. 'niCRe com- nio(Illlej will be accepted n t the Burkhalter wnrehouxe.

Mr. RRd Mrs. Victor DtngwtUca and Mr. and Mm. Tpku)o Alxawa a rt ll)<v,parentfl of /ions born a t St.Valetiltne'R Uasiillal.,WetwleU.

Mrs. WlllUtm UooUt wn.i honored^ " “ •I- uouu« 11U11UH.-U y.iry/ wllh a handkerchief .Miowcr durlns' who mnde i^.npecch of uelcome from

■ ' Uie dnL^brldgB club meellnc. She pliuis to leave r*o:) to ninke h e r home In Wyoming.

Julius Seven, a tJ■nIl. lcnt, wn.i fined 120 on a chiirKe of l:ito>ilcn* ^ n by Justice of the Pence Clark

■ JC. Stanlon./ Mrs, Frnnk V. nilbi, a recent

J bride, was honored n t a mbcel- laneou-i shower a t the re."'lilence of nev. and Mr.i. Forreit Hill of the Hazarcne cliurch. Prc-icnt were Mrs. Sadie £hnnnon *atid MLu Lottie Shunion, Boise; Mrs. P lo jd Oruver, Columbia, Utnli. and Mrs. Lota Mln- tun, Nnmpn. Mr.v yilts Is the for­mer OeoTRla JoliMon.

Wllllnm O. P h o e n l;^ iid e a biwl- ne.« trip to Portlnnd.**^

Mr. niirt Mrs. D ick ' McCoiintll, Carey, fomion Jerome re.ildentvi. vis­ite d 'a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Connor,

rritnd.i have Icarneil Uint M bj Blanche Ciillen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, TaW Caltrn. JeroiHe. Uax been cho.<icn for the glee club Colorado Women's college, Denver.

Lenjulcr ChrL'.topljcr:>on. Jecome, has left for Pocatello where he-will be employed la wnr'work. y is farfi- lly Bill reiunln In Jerome.

0 . A, Vliilnn and DoiiglM liiirk.-i, PocnlelloT'arc ninoiig |t>e sludciit.-. home to help In the hnrve.U work.

Mrs. E. J. Dnicc ha.i returned home after a lO-dny vacation trip to Sail Lnke City, where .ilie vhr llert her son-ln-lnw and Oaugh'ter.tr-V ______ _ *1____



O ntyear . U coupon* valid tv t r f . .two mcmlhl)

Gallasvalsi•fead teoBp»

All motoriila. Nin«tr miles a n tu tb U

MolorliU who esn prove liielr occupa* tlonjl drivlne needi ar« "■470 mllet e a » month.

•itolorljti who mu»t drive more than <70 miirt a month. C books are '•tailored.” by adding or removing eoupons, lo e x a^ driving need* etch three-month period.

Molcreycle owner*. If needi are greater thin 240 mile* ■ mo^lh, additional D boolu can be obtained.

Here arc tlie A. O. C» of saaall^a e ito f iln s «W th i t t a Into rJleet to r a» the nation’* molAriiU next m onth. Cat (h it chart oat and keep It In ro ar wallet u lth ;a u r drlver'i llcrnie. If 7«u have two r a n jo o can i r t two A r ttlo n book* (or two n or C-Jf you can proye the nerrttlly ). There are «Uo E and II books, deilgned l« meet guoU na needa foe non-hlihw ay ^etilcle» like tractor*, pnmpt, boats and so on.

Brass Hats Thwart Mrs. FDR’s Plans to See ^British Peoplp

A w riltr fo r the London IHlly MlrrorjljJihe at«llnrul»hed herw lf In coVerlnf the bpanUh elvll war and the Ruaso-Klnnljh wat.l '

ny lULD^JirAnCHA.ST W ritten for The United r te w

LONDON. Oct. 28 nJ.l>i-OoId braid and brass ha ts are thwartlnR Ken-

Roosevelt In h t r senulne at^ tempt lo aee tho British people a t

ar.She is nwrrounde^ by Roverrvmenl

offlclaLi, m lnktry of Informntlon watch doB-i and members of the American embassy. She Utu been kept definitely under wrajvi.

She ha.1 Keen the BrltUh pcopli nt 10 foot ranRc. ^

Here arc w m c Instancrj;theauxlllnry

tcrrllorlnl service In cnmp she n.ik- ed them If they wrre comfortable nnd if they enjoyed army. life. With the commandlns- officer of the camp n t her elbow and re<l-tnhbed (itaff officers slhndlnR by, whnt could ’they answer bu t yes? ,

She visited yesterday tha t m w t nctlve nervlcc. civil WUhher went Herbert^ M o r r f i ^ mlnl»- te r lor home necurltv^Rid EUen Wilkinson. hLn n.-,-,lslnH t.rv^ '

.Hee* U llte I’eoplc w the nSr trnnNport niiiil-

llh tlip -orgnnlzjitlnn’s hrntl

con\ltlrr je.stcrdny moreClOSflj'.

neniior-U ocfevell tl>e m ile people M London uli^ r.nved Ihelr own clt>^the typUB". shop glrl.ii ficrk.s and plumbers of clvlt detente. But she d ld j io i^ a v e time to talk, with thrm . The band wm plnylnp nnd Mie wn.i watching Uie brlllliinllv edlclent Uill-drc.-Li cxercUrs • they were pultlnB on.

She iflw rescue jitiiiacL'i recon.striicl with dummies smeared wllh red p.ilnt those .'cene.<,of blood nnd dcnth they knew Id the blitz. Hut there was not tljile to ii lk .with them.' except In the stereotyped pMrnses of grecLing.i nnd good wlihes,

I talked wlUi those people later— a man who had earned tlie OeorRC medal I'or to« lng a delayed action bomb from n bridge—n girl cleri; who had m otor-cycled. through a •wnU of llnme lo shotv Mrs. Hoor.e. velt how Ahe carried dispatches In the blltr. day.s—a rer:cue .V]uad lend­er jjived \he Uvts of a t le.-ut''yO trnpped per^op.i. ,

And Iho.ve people^have stories lo tell Etennor tlooMvelt—nnd lU:o\iKh' lier to Americ.m';

I kjiow .■ihe wants lo hear their storlei. I t Li no t her (au ll tliat i.tje Is not- given time to henr ihem. At her first press conferenre ;.he told how .«ihe wanted to break too .e atjd go nmoiig tliem unofficially. I bo- lleve she would like to niepl thrm like she ha.s met the people nt the ' United State.'! In her Infonnn! travels up nnd down tha t va.*.t land.

Worn and Tired •But;.io fnr her schetiuie has,been

planned minute by minute every hour of tlie day. She hn.s'had to inarch through, seeing people but not knowing them, tnlklni? to them, but never setting^beyond me first



• In NR (Nature'* Ilcmedif) TsSleti. tbera are n» chemical*, na mineral*, no phenol dertvsUve*. NR Tbblet»aredif- f e re n t -« j dilTettat. Puttiy nttlaiU —■ comblnaUon of 10 vegctablo Intro- dienliJormulaled over CO y ta n apj. l/ncoated or candy coated, their actioo U dependable, ihorwigh. yet gentle, as miihoni ol NR's have p r o ^ . G< t a 2SJ box today . . . or larger econoay «be.

formal phrajcs wlUi which _____ _llshmnn hb feelings.

I doubt.thnt she Is enjoying her- w ll. She looks worn and tired. Her little formal spctchcj. even life at- tempts to converr.e wltli Individuals liftve liecotneShe r.eeiai numb nnd nnaejtlietlzed by the nriluou.1 progmm which of- StclivUlom hrts ntsliei) licr through. She has seen fo much, heard so much nnd met mnny people In ro it\o ri R iln\e tha t \ know impies- nions mu-'t be whirling through her brain like' n photo>mo,ntaec In Hen riecht movlf.

She erOojed her^elf. this lively, energi'ctlc. gny woman, when «he tnet United Stales private* lt\ the Wn.slihiRinn club becaiL'e they were unabn.'hccl and could talk lier ian- gunge. nnd did. i

Du.1 there Is the s.ime spotnnelty, Ihe .•.ame welcome In the nrtllsh peoplr, If lliry were given a' chance lo meet Her beyond Ihe shroud of offlclnldom. She goo<l enough, we nre good ennngli a n d ' we have enough niiil we have nothing to hide.

No n//ictal pennll4j nnd

Wheat in Storage Below Last Year

BOISE. Oct. 2B <-1’) — Idiihn hnd11.000,000 biuhels of w heat In nge In elevntoK. warehouses . . Jnlerlor mills on Oct. 1. th e bureau of agricultural economlc.s reported toilny. The total Is 800,000 le.-. than fc year r rh . the isp o it f.alii.

W heat In storage on Idaho'.' farnL-, wa.i estimated n t U.OM.OOO bushels, or 5,7<Q,00i) more .Ujan on Jariiis-a-yiiar oflo.-------" \

IR K E R DIES INpocAmeus

* POCATELLO. Oct. 28 UV> — An exp!a-.loi\ a t Ihe liln h o ItetlnlUR com p.iny 'plant yeslerdiiy resulted In the death of Lester Pope. 34, of Pocatello. Pop» wm tnkrn lo the hospital In a critical condition njid died shortly nft(?r^\ftrds.

Tlie explosion was nurlbniert to 'electric su tlc '— which occurred

when a spaNt from sieani, hose, th a t WM belnK IsnUed »lU i

vapors In n cnitle oil car. whlclt - men had Ju.'.t finished unload-

Intt. according to P . V. p lan tsu|>erlntendent.

No damage xv.ri reported afl liic oil c&f >».•&» empty and no lire lol> lowed the explo.'ilon.. which Sriiltlj described as "one blB flash."

J . EriW^ Hartman, who was wortc- InB Will Pope n t the tlipe nr*ttie

:plodbn. .suffered from .shock and i« lakfn lo Hie ll0^pltnl tor ir to 'l- ent nnd relra.-.ed n few- hours

later.Pope, 'xho hM been tmpSoytd on

constntctlon Job.-i for u inmiber of )'enrs, moved to Pocatello only n Vcur 9R0 ttom Atc«. Idaho, v.herc he hnd resided for 20 ycnrs. Beildcii Ills widow lie Is /itir^lved by hl.s mother. Mrs. Snrnli Pope, PotaicUo. and two .-.oii.s, ntind:ill, Salmon, nnd DennW, Pocatello. ,


atiiLiDW.ASlllNOTON, Oct. 2fl W —

Staliiicnid will hot fall, the Qroxny oil f ir lii nt the Caucasus will r«- inalu In rtu.v,lan hands and the .Crmiaiu will not get to the Baku oil renion Uii.i winter. United Blntes Amb:i-,'.i<inr Wllllnm H. standley lolij jjrwspnpermen here last night.

Admiral Siandley returned re- rcnilv troin Morscow to confer with Prr.-i(!fni Hoosevelt..Admiral .Standley was asked how

he r. (llnnIed Ihe RUiislan military i,liuaiion In the light of the most rccetii dcvelopnients. W ithout he»l* tntlon he replied that In his opinion the Oerpmn^ would no t be nble'to drive tlie {iiu.slnius ou t of Stalin- criid. that Uiey would not be able lo tnke the Orori)y oil fields and certnhily would not get to Baku tills winter.

Oeniian troops hive occupied tJ'e Miiikop oil field* and made wme Aogrr.-j toward Ihe Ororjiy fields, fnrlher to the east. Baku, the heart of fluwln's nil Indaslo '. Hcs still farther to the eait. on the *hore; of tlie Caspian.

In Rcnernl he rflteniled with em- p)iii,^bhli prevlou-sly exprev.eil coii' slctlnn thnt riiw ln would fight to the bitter end, would not fold up nnd ihnt evVry mnn there puuiiig even Uillig^ie has Inty the fight.

Women of Moose’s Associ'dte Regent Speaks a t JerotneJEROME, Oct. 2& -'nie Loyal Or­

der of Mocje and Women of. the Mfw.e held llielr nnnnnl phca.'sni b:iiif)iiei follOT Cd by n brief buslne.'s meeting nnd program.,GucM spe?iV;iT win F.rj.iil Cnrnril-

.von, Rrnclunte n.twijnie regent of the collfge of regenl.s. W i?n ^ of the Moo:e. She toUl « t OTr many Bchlevemeni.s of the. Moo.se,

T l;e dinner nif.o was nrninged to honor the blrtlulay anniversary Oct. 27 of James J. DavU. A blograp- plilcnl ^ketch of Uie founder of ,Moo;;ehenrt. Moose H nven . at\d Women of the Moaie u m rend by Pearl WlllU, jenlor regent. KUirl Uuinphrle.i. Junior regent, rend nn article on tlie alumnae n.isoclatlon nnd Its puriw.-e of helping grnd- uate:; of ,Moo.-.thenrt to n fuller clu- catjon. Tlic 9 o'clock ceremony was exemplified by Qene Ball and tlie childhood pledge was given by the entire n-.-embly. Prayer wius offcreil by Hpr.scliel Stockton.-Mrs. Georgia Slot'ktoii wns lit chnrffe of tlie pro- gr.im.

ApproJhimtely .W attended, in rharge ol* nrrnngi.'mcnt« for the l/iij,q\irt v.ere Mrs. Myrtle Tlohbhn. Mr?;. Arituir HeiKlriclc,on. Mrs. Slockton and Mr?;. Ethel Humphrle.s.

More than 100 toivs of soil from eneh nrre of niodernl»-Iy sloping flekls nr'- lost throustv er<v-lon every jear.-.. J

L=rr. T D W ^L G lPr^ OJBQ.


BOIHE. O ct, 2S -WV-fehiTp de­clines wer« .noted In Idaho produc- Uon of crta jnery butter and clIeCM during 6eptember. due principally to Increased demands for fluid milk and ialea of dairy li«rd*. <

.S .


Amerlen'« nrmy ntul i**yst'*jualtles niiDouticed to ditte tolnl 47,it;} kill­ed, wounded nnd miMlng.

Capt. Lelnnd P. Lo\ette, chief of Ihe nnvy'.n bureau n{ public reln- tloiw. said In' a Navy day tpcecli ye:.ierdny Hint the nnvy. mnrine corps, nnd rox'.t giinrd have lo.\t n total nf l.').ni4 of whom 4.4U were klllrxl, 1.503 wounded and (l,7CS ml?.s- Ing.

A check of army ren>rd.V'<lLv:lo«d Uiat 3],C49 ca.*.unltles hsve tvrn nounced. of whom the ninjorlty t

.the 17.500 Anierlcaia and 11,000 Phlllpiili\e scouts of tlic U; S. nnny mls.'lng l?wu:lion In the Philippines. Most of these probably were taken prisoner by the Jap.inese on Oi»taan (ind Corregldor.'- In addltlnn there were l/in-c ntJtnber.s nf Phfllpplne cnmmonwraltli anny iroops killed or eaptureil, of whom the nrmy hn.s no record.

Arlde fnim tlie.se. Inr nnny JUls l.OIC killed Ip nctloli, 1.401 wounded, 01 prl!,oiier" o f wnr nnd Oil ml.-Jlng In nctlon in combat ro/ies in all part-s of the world, Inclwllng the PhllhyjUies,

JEKO,'ME COl'PLE WEDSJEnOM E, Oct. 2 8 -E v an Olseti.

nnd MLvt M argnret Oneida obtained a ronrrlnBC llcease hrre Monday nnd were m arried the same day by Dbhop A. Leo-4)lMn nf the Jerome Latter Dny Saints cliur,-li. Wilnesse.s were D. C. Plnk.'.ton *nd Juanita Corplon,


Oet our quotnUoiis before . you nel!. We are always ln_,

the tnurUct.

MACK BRIGHTTw lj; Fnlli. Ofllce Ph. 7U ' He^ldcnce Ph. 029S-JI

nuV E R for II. H. ZIMMEnLI


PENETRflFofmidi'eou(bs,u«alcotic«Mloe.<Da*eU I— ----------------

p— W HAI_AR E the FACTS ^

W. W. LOWERY, Sheriff,Twin Falls County.


W e notice in your pdjitical ntivcrtisetncnt you s ta te th a t th e public has co-operated with you in Iftw en-' forccm cnl.

In it true tlittt slot-mncliine.<i are bcinfj o pern ted throuffhout the County in open violntion o f law ?

I.s il tru e tliiit gam bling club.i arc bcin^ o pera ted in tlii.s County-in violntion of tliis,lfi»v7

1m il tru e Ih'nl liquor is being sold openly nnd noloriou.'tiy in many pInccH tbroufehout th is C o u n ty ?

la it tru e th n t many of the above m entioned places have youc political c»rd» and advertis ing i n ' their.w indou '.i nntJ pincca ofj)u«irtf»8?

I.H it tru e thnt' you arrested the manQffer o f th e N Club n e a r the Twin i''all3 hospital, where i t w as a l­leged, liquor wn.s sold in violntion of law a n d open gam bling wua being carried on; th a t ho w as to k e n before a Ju.itice of Peace in Kimberly; tha t he p lead­ed g u ilty and paid a fine o f 5200, and you p e rin iU cd him to continue to operate.?...............................

1.1 it t ru e th a t the Tivin Falls Timcs-News quoted you wherein you ntated th a t you were n o t closinff' the-place, b u t tha t he would be permitted to co n tin u e ' in bu8in'es.s7 . ■ /

Ih it po.s.HibIo th a t you claim tluit Jou know noth* ing of th e se above m entioned violations?




f f t r K O V M i

MH n - f m r . - n u d M o tr »m o h t ,

T h e wcU>drc88cd womgn will bo wearing ovcra lla r-v riU h g ly — if th a t's w hat it

ta k e s to canj fo r h e r country’s car*. And on h e r <d'viUnn d u iits ^ doesn't go fasicr th a n 35— sam e as oU o ther pittriot0.'35 goia y o u th e ro vitJhout unduo w w . B ut thcro’s

' etill an o th e r m ain b attle fro n t against wear . . . a t cxactly 00 niiloa p er hom l

W hen y our car’s stock-still, with tho eng ine 8tarti:-g cold, 'n h a t’fl faster—your W in te r o il or ra ir n t ,rr ic t i ' 'n .’ You csui Imvo hope —o r yovt c r" Lavo your tn g ino^ OIL-PLATED by the quick aimplo chango to . ConocoN ^ft m otoroilSEnrichcdbyanadded syn tlie tic , th is palcnt<Jd Conoco oil flScms to "magnetizo” oiL-l^^WWO to inner cngino surfaces as closcly and smoothly as durable chromo-plating on bumperfl.

\Vhcro docs an y good plating go during nll-dny parking o r overnight? I t doesn’t go.I t Btays.' And neither does yiL-PLATiNa all go d ra in in g dow njo_tho cnmkciiao a t every_. I

— chance.'“ Long 'hour8 after you stop—long m inutes before any oil £rom below could clim b all th o way up—tho o il -pla tin o tha t's s tay ed u p q m 'b o easing cold atartfl. Tliis

• fa ith fu l OIL-PLATINO is ctill thero a t 35-an- hour, o f courso, asBsting tho high-duty liquid film o f Cohoco oil lo koop wisar juBt t h a t m uch farth er a ./ay .

------ N o t-m u ch chanaj n o w * ^ d i a n ^ g to a -new ca r. S m a rt stra tegy is changing to on OIL-PLATED cngine.^'Got Conoco oil for W in te r a t Y our M ileago M erchant’s Conoco

^ ^ ^ U o n . ConUncntaljO il Com pany .

Page 6: -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S F H 1,980 TONS PACIFIC SEA BATTLE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA . 1,980 TONS BO fnr 829

P ose Six TlHES^NEW tj. 'I'WIN FALLS,, IDAHO W e d n M ^ ; October 28, » 4 2


HOLLTWOOD, Oct. 38 U fy-TbtI M b« Chat BoUr*

FacultyiMiJ, tooj Go out to Work^Beets'

}ut«d to hold ou t pUtloum -Wle Uit7 «11 BOld it»a P*n-

.dU . win miiuBe to stru«Ble ■ alon* on the >».CCiO »nnu*l snU rj top

•*hlcb the sorem m cnt will invoke Jan . I.

Tlien'a no doubt th a t Uie reilrlc*• tloa will eiuse no end o t m k l r ' .kmortg the flnctl brntns In Ihe 111 itudlos, »tircli oftefl feature coi 't fw u nm nlns heavily to options at M much Increaie, bonus elnusei, re­newal provbloia and what-not. These will probably require a lo unUinilUiR. ( '

But there was no evidence o( due worry nmona the boys and girls drtwlng. down the corpulent pay checks, and there arc proh&hly - number of reiuions for thti.I To betln wlUi there ore the In­

come taxei, THe way Uiey uniler- nUind It hrre. Uie J25.000 wlJl be net lnco[n^ aJier Uncle Bam tnke.i hU bile, and Uncle Sam takei an awlul mouthful out of tlioee (op- heavy aalarlei. KurUicrmore, there are cliarltable contrlbuUoiis, and puyments on life Insurance jwllHf.i and other lived obltcatlons. Ad­ditional paymenla of M lary may be made to lake care of thw e. pro­viding the Ml«r>'-eamer has no oU»er ilncome with which to rili- eliarse Uie "obllRallon.1.

There U another angle, loo. Bome of Hollywood’s very hlRheat priced ■tars, and mnny a director and pro­ducer as well, are now In Uie arm­ed forces, olf the itudlo payrolls and drawing from Uie (toveniment monthly a num they m lsh t tn u off In an hour or so In a n igh t club.

e S ’ L i O ROKLAHOMA CrTV, Oct. 28 W^—

Oov. Leon C. FhUUpa no t only has dlrccifd the itrabhlng of 8.400 pint* of Uqaor dratined .to r the offlcen* m eu (I Fort 8111, but ha« Instructed sta te scentf to enter the federal resen’siion If nece im y to enforce Oklah'oraa dry laws, he had a nounced today.

Tlie vhlslcry w is seized a t warehouM here.

-n iry had an Idea." tald the" gov- fmor, a m ilitant dry. "tlia t they R-ere to tough th a t If It w u ahlpped 10 a mlllury resen'a ilon we couldn’t ;ome In and se t li.

"But I Uutructed Stale Safety ■ ■ • Waller B. Johnston

lilailenU all orej forcet the leaehen «f other* lis

fouth Idaho have received lo ll o f pralw for helplnc Seam of them (Inelndlnr m any women Inilnicton) . . -

doliic even more dirflealt beet labor. The *r«ap of Twin FalU -lilch achool itnden laanil teachera abnre lyplfles wlial lias occurred In practically every tchoot dlXrlA. Lefl to r ich t. snapped as Ihey topped beets on the A. S. Martyn farm , w ere Wetle^ Marlyn. Mudrnt: I- H. Taltenion, teacher: lUchanl Alarlyn, teacher; Dirk Rice, iladenl; M. C. (Dode) Cranney, leacher; George Tharp, s todent; John r u n , teacher and Tlee-prlnclpa) of Ihe high sehool. (S taff rbBto-EnnavIni)

Gable Wins Commission

In Air UnitIHAMI BEACH, ria ,. O ct. 38 (IM

—Clark' Gable becama a second lieutenant In t h e tJnlted Stales »nny a!r corpi today a n d thereby won the right lo crow again Uie famous moustache which he had to shave off when he Joined ths ed fprcet.' ‘ ,

• The fonncr heart-th rob of the movlei was presented h is diploma aJona with several hundred meni- ben of orrieer candidate class 4J'E of the Miami Bcach arm y a ir force technical training command.

Tlie n e x t 's tep In the colorful carter of America's No. l screen star Is a mlUlary secret. He will b« at> signed .to duty, maybe on one of the loreljn battlefroots, or perhaps at « domestic post.

UU c om ir^lon came almont n days to the hour from the tim e tha t the Hollywood favorite donned the U iaU of an officer can d ld a u . He bad arrived hero from California Aug. 17 and was processed Immedl- •Uly. HU classmates had a lO*day

•a tart on him.At f irst his fellow men looked

him with awe and wondermenL But ■tnpplnc.- ffoodinatured O able soon pu t (hem a t eaie.

“He's a regular euy—a swell genL' was the word which spread quick­ly through the a f i ^ circles of Miami Bcach, /

Oable found today th a t a pro­phecy of a hujky tenteant, who had Blven him his first arm y uniform, had come true. Tlie se ftca n t had tW tn Wm an over-s ite d . pM r_o!

I-------psntriW hlch 'O aW e'lja tndolced a tqulalcally.

“Theyll nhrlnk—and so will you,! the non-commlssloned offleor sahh-

Tlie pan tflhave -andw hasG ab le,Ha liaa lost 18 pounds.

Rites Held for Noted One-Time . Rider of Range

BTTHIfc Oct. 28—R. O. Jones, whosa | . l la ft rttcs were conducted a t Ihe

■Buhl ’Baptist c h u itir w ith ReV. K. James Cain, the pastor, o fflclatin;,

_ was known a t one .tim e as one of 11 the best rlden in the Biddle and

Duck valley cattle ranche* fo r miles annind. » -~

Mr. Jones w u stricken by a heart atUek while working near h is home In CasUcford. He was UkciT to hLi home and a phyirfclnn' autnmoned bu t he died ahortly afterwards.

He was bom In K lneston. Tex» March 8 .18J7. and came to Bnineau Valley.' Ida^ with his paren ts. Mr. and M n. David P. Jonra. w hen a small boy. With hl» f a th e r 'a n d

, brother*. Ruben and U Jones, he operated a ranch In th a t a rea for aooiB time.

With his family he moved to Buhl In W n and on June 24.1024. h e was m a n ^ to MUs_.JvIfaijGr..Ha>-a .a t BdWTPor 13 years the couple farmed the ranch now known as th e s in k ­ing Canyon ranch and alx ym rs a m purchased their home n e a r Cas- Ueford.

In ’addlUon to hU wife, h e leaves three children. Pauline, 16; Bobby, H . and Preddy. is ; h is m other, two brother*. Reuben. D uhl. and : Jones, Battle Mountain, Nev.. and slsUf.

Fascism Far From “Place in Sun” on Its 20tli Annivcrsai y

Dy The Associated Prc*sBom of violence and expanded by

the sword and donea of ca.'tor " to Its opponents, fasclam came lU SOtli annlvcrsan’ In Italy today saddled with war and farther than ever from the "place In tJie iiun" so proudly promised by Benito Mu.tso-

II WM on Oct, 38. 1023. tha t the blick-shlrted fascist legions mnrcli- ed on-Rome (M uvollnl hlmMlf en> tered by train) shouting Ihelf bom- buUc boasu of a rclncam atloii o .Uie glory of the ancien t Roman empire.

But today was only a somber day _f reckoning for lia ly ’a people who have lived throURh 20 ye an of fas- clsUe war and preparations for •— —and unrealised proniLies.

Tlirrc was no glory for ihe armies of II Ducc—"the c h le f-o n c B clilled Europe’s most benevolent dictator but now a deluded lllUe man re< duce4 to Uie stature of Kauleltcr to anoUier dic tator-ram ed Hitler.

Brooiht Only TorertyTor Uie war-weary Itn llan people

fascism has brought only lmpo\-er- Ishment, an Influx of Rtrange men

DETROIT, Oct, 28 MV-Nlnetcen .crsont. Ini^udUiB-gevcral—acim ' pupils, weroNdlletl Ih li momInK

pa.uenjer train sliced UiroUKh Owd«l Detroit Streep-, railways

■molotbus.Bodies a-cre strewn alone the

tracks, for two blocks, and aome were mangled against the front of the locomoUva as tho train , a Orand Trunk ^Vestem pa.i5cnKcr train arriving from Chicago, pulled to a stop a quarter mile pa.->t tho cnxulng.

The bus. driven by William P. Clos of Detroit, had stopped a t .the Oanltl avenue or&sslng while norUibound freight train piLved.

E-ye-«’Une.«es aald th a t tlecu lc flaalier slgnolii were operatlni;. but that after the Ire lsh t pa.v<ied. tlie bui started acrou the tracks into Uie path of the southbound passenger traliu-The front end of the bus cleared

Uie track.1. bu t tho locomoUve smuhed through the vehicle a t Its middle doors, cutUng It In half. Moit of the dead were pa.wngera 1 the reaf end of the bus. Schoolbook.^ of Ui* younsei' pas*

.jMiRtis ww»*KBtlered along the rljht-of-way. Monj' oV the bodies, some dccnpltated and'^oUicrs with llmhs severed. VTre Impossible to identify Immedlateb’. —

Official of Lions International a t

Meet in Jerom tJB tO M E. Oct. A W halen.

Sault StB. Marie, Ont.. repre.ienU- . Uto of the Lions Intem aU onal. and

H am r Balach. Twlti PaUa. depu tjdUtrlct goremor, were Buests or thelocal U o ai club Monday,

Whalen, la an address, explained w hat LloDi club* h a te been aeeonj. pUiblnc In war aetirlUes. a n d out- Uaed a num ber o f o b je c tlm of th«

— in te s s tto u U t s ba feflswed Jn he lp .' t o f win w . "

.. B tlK b explained ttM T v lB T U It U o n i ' war aOlTiUta.

ApftfaiauBtt ot t t m t m «n to HHi n e a n e la t on tbe b a trd o f d ln 6 to n and tW po rt o f W aQ ue w w to , n-A •iBUd t»enUrr. wen a m o a u a d im M xd E . s l ^ a n d B «r. O b w le t H o tJ i w ert ntffled . d l n e t m a n d

“Social-SecuritJ'”- Magazine Ffgfits Pension Proposal

BOISE, Oct. 28 OT>-Earl W. Mur­phy, secretary of the sta te Chamber o t Cotntntrce. In r p r tss rtlea it , said Uie Sepiember-October ls.iue ol

:lal Security" will hove Uie fol- ng to say:

rcontlnuous cpposlUon of the lerlcan Aasoclailon for Social Be-

aiTlty~to-craekpot penticn -tthem ea submerged the cult of panacea ped- d lm who enjoyed high favor only a few years ago. This November pre­sents Uie clUtens of Idaho, MLi.'^ouri and Washington w ith an excellent opportunity to sma.ih once and for, all the attempts of perulon mongers to disrupt the orderb' p r o e n u of pMvlilons (or the atfed."

■Ihe sU te chamber oppoies the •enlQt dUtens g ran t ac t srounds It wUl necesslu te poaftlon of new taxes.

•Social Security.- M un plained, la a pubUcatlofi oX Uie American Aa«xUUon to r Sodal SC' euiyy, iBc, New York."

thou,iands o f them . Uie gaudy unl/orm of H lU cr’s gcstapo jind the realUaUon U iat the war, Iwlead of being won as Mu.uollnl Ihcughl when he -ilabbed Prance In llie J)nck on Ju n e 10, 10<0, has only sUrled.

The British a ir force gave them reminder of w h at lay abend witli

the heaxlest a ir rald.i of Uie/Kar agaliu i lin llan Industries lust week.' Milan, Genoa, T urin , Savcteh, sU bear great new scars le ft b ^ c s e nltacks and hundreds olNvleUmj He In ffe sh -tum ed (iravc.i,/

LengUicnlns casualty ifsla from norUi Afrlcn, w here Uiousands upon Uiousands of young Italians already have died or been taken prlsoneni, prc rcjulUiiff from the new allied of­fensive In U iat desert Ihealer.

Huge Public Debt Tlip preM has m ade mucli of pub­

lic works expendliurc.1 XotnUng 3],- 000,000.000 Ure (Uie lira has about Die same value . a.5 an American flve-cent piece) during the past JO years. But I t h as failed lo menllnti Uint Wiwt outlays w tre dwtirltd a total public deb t of 314,5:8,000.000 lire OS of M arch 31.

Tlius far I ta ly h a s 'lM l all lier African empire except Llbyn. 01b- rallar And Uie Sues, which Uie Itallnn people have been loltl im- K l'oned them In the Mccliifrmnenn, "prUon," s t l l f a r e In BrUKh lininl'. and tiny M alta nUll standi dfs|ilie more than 3,000 ax is a ir raids. -

In the G reek cnmpalgn, Miissallnl was resclied by Oerma'ny. Vlctorlfs o t 'n a i l M arahal Rommel In Africa don't mean any th ing to llallsw, T l ^ W TLrmbtT_hto_ssnliL-y.vt»vTve done could be done only with Oermon soldiers.”

Hundred* o t Italians DyingIh the B alkan "sphere of Itallsn

influence" tiundreds of fascists are killed'each m on th by Yugoslikv aiiri Greek patriots.

Despite h e r owri dire need for I&bor. lU ly h a s s e n t 800.000 workrn to Germany and 50 per cent o t htr total exports, m uch of i t food which her own people need. Her dally'

■bread raUon Is h a lf th a t of QC' many.

Qermisiy. Ihough aendlns coa^ t6 kefp Iinlian faciorlea going. Is re­ported lo owe tho Rome govern­ment 3j00.000.000 tire of exchanse. H ^ a n n GoerlnR’s recent quip tlu t

th iu undrratandable thnt "If anyone Sftes hungrj-. 11 »-on't be Germans’* >^s rank led the Ilatlaftj.

* im ier Senda MetsageROMR (From I ta lian Brondcastj),

Oct. 28 (,n—A dolf KlUer sent t lonal message to Bcnllo Mu.«o-

to d a r thrgugh the nail labor leader, Robert Ley, who headed i Oerraan depuiaUtm here lo observt Uie 20Ui anniversary today of the rise of fascism.



long range bombers blasUng Japanese Invasion- bases In Uie New Guinea area while land flghUng In Uie Owen Stanley m oun­tains rem ains staUc, O en. Douglas MacArthur disclosed today.

Bristol Beauflghters cro.wed Uie m ountain' range by daylight 'yester- dny and blasted Japanese Installa­tions a t Lae. on Uie north ahores of New Guinea, he said In a c munjnue. _They strafed beach la r- gels a n d ’ destroyed three barges. One pUne was lost.

The raid cnme close on the lieel.i of the fourlii tucee.Mlve Japone.se nlghl bombing on Darwin. In no rth - wesleru. Australia. Nine Japane.se bombers fltw over Uie city 'ahorUy Ijefore dawn yesterday, bu t were' able lo cause only m inor divmage

no casualties. They ra n Into Austrt^llan antl-olrcratl, fire.

Jierfi •*>& no allied a ttem p t a t liiicrccpUon.

Tlie lull In aerial opc ra tbns against enemy shipi)ln« conUnued Into Its third day. For Uie aeconil

that If he had info'rmaUon th a t liquor waa In the officers' go gel It.”

PhlUlp* did not explain whcUjcr by ’•they'’ he meant Uie offlcem of the big southwestern O klahoma field arUllery center—who so far

.hive declined cdm nen ton the long- smoldering controversy —Importers.'

Phillips took Uie pcelUon. U iat when Oklahoma passed Its liquor permit law in lOM, the federal gov- emmenl was morally bound ta keep Intoxicants out of the state and added: ‘I t Is up to Uie war depart­ment lo acl now,"

County Attorney Le«ls R. Morris, backing up the govenior, filed charges of Illegal posie.i^oij against the operator o t the ^ ^ e h o u se a t which tbf n Jn ire was made, a w are­house dockman v id a truck driver. The three pleaded Innocent and were released on bond.

A cc id en ta l Shot K ills F a ther of Heyburn ResidentHEYDORN. Oct. 2 5 -^ . W. H ol-

gten was .called to CentJral. I d a , by the death of his father. Charles nolslen, who w m accidentally ahot by John Van ’Vleet. Orace.

Mr. HoLilen was vUlUng another son. Charles, 'a nd the two decided to go deer hunting. Mistaking Mr. HolsUn for a dee^ Van Vleet fired a JS caliber rlflo a t him as,he stood l>ehlnd a clump of bushes. TOe bul­let struck him In the h ip and lodged In his stomach. He was dead on arrival a t the liospltal. Ho Is survived by the ti^o sons, end a daughter, • Mra. O. V. Hammond, Denver.


CORP. RANDEL K. W L 80N . . , Twin FalU teldler who Is

new drum major of the foDrlh cavalry band a t Fort. Sleade. S. D. (Staff C ncnvla tl

¥ * * M

This Soldiet'lsBusy Fellow atBig Army Fort

_______________ :_________ !______


Olson had called upon Californians n a proclamation today to observe

voluntary me8lle.<s Tuesdays for the duratlon.i beginning next Tuesday, whictf l(iBMm« to be elecUon day.

Bucce.vlv# time. MscArthur's tlally communique made no m ention of operations against Japanese sh ip ­ping toncentratlons In the harbor ot Rabaul, “New Britain, which his plijnes pounded thoroughly last reek. Headquarters spokesmen re* tued to ccmment on the continuing ull.

He-s a fuU-fledged soldier wlUi regulaUon combat training behindhim —but Corp. Randel K . Wilson. . . .........

«Twln Falls. Is also one.of the busie r uallsUc services ___ .meix In teveral- oU «t Unea a t P o t t <he. I.OXIP. membera.Meade, 6 . D; • ^ * ......... ..

Here are some of Uie Jobs h e holds a t the big fort;

D rum major of'U ie band, fourth cavalry. ,

•Member of Uie orchestra, both In- xum enlaliu and vocalist.Assistant librarian for the big fo rt Corporal Wllnon has relum ed to

P o rt Meade after sponjllng his fur­lough here a t the home of hla broUier. R. G. Wilson. Hlj parents,M r. and Mrs. H arrr Wilson; Rich­mond. Calif,, and broUier. ■ R. A.Wilson. Ogden, came t o ^ l n Palls to complete Uia family uunlon. Also present was his slster-fn-Iaw, Mrs.R. A.S.Wl'wn. \

WliUe home Uie soIdiV visited Greenwood school near/H azelton, w here he was teacher before he en- ll.ilfd, He abo addressed Uie Grange there the same evening.


CHICAGO, OcL 28 W ^R u ro c n U u l S u i ta a a u s « - u n t going' u cUmb dojvn any -chimney* this C3u1slmas w ith a bagful of toys on h ti back were spiked today.

True. SanU has been working agalnat wur-lnduced handicaps, and manv of his liiUe elves have gone to mUlUiT senrlce or war Industries, bu t jie’s n o t going to let the kids down.- M anufacturers and distributors In Chicago's mertliandlse m an , the source of tnformaUon on Santa's acUvlty, reported he was pro*re#s- • ig handsomely In hla toy-making uslness.They.iaald Uiat despite shortage

of materials, sever loos of helpers and dearth of ahop* to work In, toy m anufacturers were meeting the heaviest aliead-of-season dctnand In liistory. •

■nicy said that chances w e« celleni to m aintain retail tales vol­ume for Uic year a t Uie 1941 level of 8323,000.000, the highest alnce 1B29.

M anufacturers long since adjusted Uie crlilcal matcrlaLi altuaUon by subsUiutlng wood and cardboanl.

There will be enough playthings S) Uiat no child wlU be toy or Kam) hungry a t Christmas.

Fuqeral Services ForE . A. Ambrose

A t Jerome LodgeJEROM E, OcU O fr-Punerar « r -

Vlccs for Rupert A. Ambrose, pioneer rejildenl,. were conducted Sunday afternoon a t Uie Jerome I.O,OJ». lodge hall.. Offlelatlng was Uie Rev. Earl J . K aurln , BapUat pastor, as­sisted by T .'A . Crawford. Jerome PcntecosUl preacher.

Interm ent was In Jerome ccme-/ lery under dlrecUon of Uie Wiley funeral home. At the cem'itery ril-

----- -------------conducted by

A quarte t. C. O. Minor, Ralph Hafer. U rban Port and Harvey Fort, accompanied by Mr*. Urban Port, sang 't h r j e selections. The p tll- bearers *cre William H. Claar, O., W, Dougherty. M.' K. Jones. David’ Pulkerson, Lon piudyvln and Roy ShllUngton.

Youth, Scolded F or His Repott Card, E n d s ^ e

BERWYN. HL. O c t 3S a m — Howard Rola. IJ. b ro u th t h ( ^ e ha report card and proudly a tfived his mother U u t A« v a t p a s ln c a ll his courses In the alxth fiad*.

Ills moUier^ Mrs. Helen Rola. wile ol a toolmaker. Inspected th » card and scolded him. fo r bis low mark In English. She Insisted h» could earn a better grade U b« w ould 'itudy more.

Creatfallen. Howard spent an hour pracUdng hU com et lessons and disappeared. Mrs. Rola sen t his broUier. Robert. M. t t 'a e a rc h for him when he failed tb re tu rn for dinner. Robert bunted wlUiout success.

Mrs. Rola later went to the basement and found Howard dead, ha nglnf from a water pipe. He h a d tied a rope to Uie pipe, slip­ped a noose around his neck and Jumped from a chair.

-His marks resOly weren’t bad .' Mrs. Rola sobbed to police. ~A11 of them were passlhg.- but I Uiought he could do better.”


Prealdent Jorge Ublco today had ap- p*oved an agreement alcned by Guatemala and Uie United Btatea O c t l i for bulldbg a mlUlary road through this country. The United States gov#r000,000 tor t

At Last For Your Cough

pxTiU M en pmegrn, and Kid n a tu n U soothe and heal raw, tender, id* flamed bronchial m u co u a m e m - b i jn e t TeU your druggist to sell you . R bctUo of Creomulslon wlUt U u u n - i derstandlM you m ust Uke Use w ay u ^

CREOMULSIONforC ou«fii,O iM tC ol(Jj,B roncftiH i



Has moved hi* dlflce lo ROOM 2. SMITH BLDG.

Over Brunswick Cigar Store



WOQL CABDINO ' KVXBTON U A T Z W 8 8 C a t B>eaBdA w .a R io a e n - f 7

|*1nal Tribute for „ M r s .J ^ ^ n c y & a ts

Held a t Jm m eJEROhfE. Oct. 28—Puneral ser­

vices for Mrs, N ancy Coals, resident of Idaho for 70 years, were con­ducted Bt th< Jerom e funeral chapel here Monday afjornoon by Rev. Charles HocfiJs-oT th e .Presbyterian cliurch. In term en t was In Jerome cemetery.

Music was fum Lihed by M n. S. O. Davis and Mra. A. D . Moseley. Floral offerings were In charge of Mn, Lee PursTeyrMh!. ArThur 'Hehdrlck* ton and Mra. Joe Moore.

Pallbearers were E. A, Easterly. John Prj-, E m est J . Ot't. Ed Robin­son, Arthur H endrickson and P. E Jones. ■ . .

Attending were m any relaUvej ind friends from Brunenu. Moun>

lain Home and Id ah o Falls. >

- * -B U Y F O R L E S S ^ — .

S T O V E O I LGasoline. O ils & C lo s e s O PEN D A Y & n R h T

K im berly R o ad . P h . 957



TAYLOR^S INSINUATIONS' C H A L I t lB N G E D • • by Friends

qf Sen. John Thomas ^

We notice th a t banjo playlnj^vaudivlll# acUnp. Glen Taylor (he of the big h a t) has r e a c h r t Into Ws highly developed imaglnaUon ,(ind recklessly‘and un­truthfully throw n It a t Ui« manAvho for more than fl years has faithfully rtp rs- se n ted 'th e Interests of Idaho in Uie United Slates Senate. He says by Insinuation th a t Senator Thcm aa opposed the fomlshlng of equipment for our boys in lUa service, while ho should know, If he keeps hlmr.e:f a t all Informed of Uie facts, t l i a t th a t Inal^uaUon Is a vicious falsehood. T^ie record shows tha t Senator Thomas has voted for every appropriation bill th a t «,*u presented for th a purposa of tho m anufacture of war equipment Taylor should know and probably does know, a lthough .he will not admit I t Uiat Senator 'Qiomaa long before Pearl Hartwr *-aa no t only voting for Uie ipRroprlatlon bllU necessary for creaUog arUcles of war. l]ut was one of those most persistently asking th a t the bureaucruUc redlape of governm ental aff&lrt b« severed so th a t m anufacture could actually progress, and this a t a Uma when he (Taylor) was giving ou t Interviews from his homo In M ontana to th e iffec t Uist this,country should no t In any manner participate In European troubles. He was no t even In favor ot the so-called Neutrality Act which 'pcrm lU ed friendly nations to purchase arm am ent,m anufactured In this country. Then, much later, after h e had decided to re tu m to Idaho and toss his big

- h a t - l n to T h r r ln r to r 'l^ e n a lo f la l seat"aHa~found hU stand was not popular, l io ~ wired Uie President saj'lng he had changed his mind and Hi-ould "try to catch up with him.” ^ /

We wish Uie ^ s eould be here to vote on the senatorlalXlssue. 'n iey would answcr'M r. Taylor's qucsUon as to how they would vote In no uncertain Urms and

•Uielr vole would be for, Senator Thomas, whose record Is ttxll known, and no t for a ffrandstonder and pollUul opportunist who o b u in s h is minority primary vota through th e e n tc r t( ln ^ B t furnished by h is atiracU ve wife and child. In his desperate e ffo rt to nnSBomeUilnj to complain o f concerning an opponent whose duUea kept h im la Wasiungton, h e criUcltes Senator Thom as for t>erformlng UieSuty of any represenuuve by sendlnc ou t Coagresslonal Records for the purposa of keeping h l i eonsUtuency advised of w hat U going on In ConBress and w h a u u senator Is doing In connecUon wlUi vital y fa lr s . In h is tirade, however,'%)e carefully refra ined In minUonlng th e clrculaUon of one of these records, from UlUng you what the .transcript clearly aUted—U iat It w u "Hot p rln led-a t government expense.: S ena tor Tliomss paid for th a t prin ting and Uiere was noUUng Irregular or unusual In lU distribution.

•Glen Taylor has demonslrated by bU cam pal«n apeeche* Uiat he Is neither whoUy truUiful no r dependable. U he la no t >o be rcUed upon In one rcspect he cannot bo-depended «p«j In dth’era. Buiiely'tlio pw p le of Idaho, proud'of our sU te as we axle, w in no t seriously oonsldtr aendlng *uch » m an u Glen Taylor to Washington to c laim for a six-year t ^ . tb e Senatorial aoat ooce occupied by Uia p e a fB o ra h . •


(PiW m Adr.)


so THE VOTERSof Twin.Fdlls County.

MAY KNOW THE FACTS^ By adverUsemenls Uie county treasurer Is seeking to giva

the voters of Twin Palls County the Impression th a t ahe Is being «ued by the county for poUUcal reasons. And Uiat. th e su it haa been teijnlnaled In her favor. T hat la ghblly. a mistake on her pari. Tliere Is nothing either personal or

^pollUcal In tho action. I t Involves Just one quuU on:

^ M ust Uie treasurer ot Uils county do her work a t the ^ Umea the law requires?

^ The record, a t the Ume the su it 'waa-atart|Cd:^ T he law. Sec. 61-1803- ICA requires the treasurer, on the

f irs t Monday ef each month, to eetUe with ;h e county auditor for all taxes coller;**'* iinrj- ’thu Ibh *t>m.

-------•oH bat u u lllChey coilecteQ cf - - - ........................ ....

*Jl Of her November, 1041 colIecUons. the treasurer, who Is ^ ex-offlclo lax collector, made no report a t all in December.

of he r December. IM l. collecUons report of which «* th* ISfh nf .tanuary. IWJ WftJi nnl

lays late. : tax ^ illecto r did her work.

^ The Uw, Bee. SO-1912 ICA, requirea Uie ejiunty Measurer to make a full »«,tilement of all accouftls wlUi tho auditor. In the presence of the commissioners' on the f ln t Tnesday a fte r the (U«t Monday of Janaa ry . The commissioners recessed, Uielr meeUng to Uwt Tuesday. No report waa forthcoming.

^ TTie new fiscal year opened the secend'M onday' In Janu - ^ ary. SUll no Treasurer's report. •The delay of Uie treasurer's

office was holding up not only Uie county but every taxing, un it In the county. - j

X 'R ie-law . Sec SO^lOK ICA provides a penally of iiOO.OO ^ upon the treasurer for her neglect or refusal to make her

report, and further provides Uiat tbe commlsslenera MUST Inatltnte spit for tbe recovery thereof.

.X The commlsiloneVa'ild w hat Uie law compels th*m to do. ^ Thex. ordered-a suit b rought.,;n« it s u l t 'ls pending.In

Court. I t has not yet been tried, b lit It will be. On the trial the 'C ourt will determine wlieUier the. excuses the Ueas- u r rr offers for her delay are true, and whether If they are true they do excuse her delay. UnUl the Court rules finally upon the trial the m atter Is by no means ended. The next step walls the aeUon of the treasurer's attom ej’s In pre­paring orders whjch Ihe Cff’ ^>. which

______ the-tfJttHrtirprW eedJ --------------

If th s Court decides th a t the treasurer was no t able to dcTthe work of her offleo on Ume, and Uiat Uu delay waa n o t from her neglect or refusal to do her work, no penalty will, be Imposed. If the Court finds oUierwlse U u penalty follows M a m atter of law.

J L Tho county Is not greaUy InUrested In Uie penalty but U ^ very much Interested In having Uie work done on time. And

one result of U « suit Is Uiat the county treasurer, alnce - February, IM2, h a s t e n getting heri.TeporU la nearly on Ume. '

^ T r^ ^ on OcioberigU i she prw fnk d .tg .U ie commlsalonera a list of 159 errors she had found and corrected in her records up » August 1, 1M3. The commlssloaati approved the correcUons.

^ U nder our U w , when a ault U fUed. and Uie Defendant comes Into a Court and admits the allegations, many times the Court win render Judgment upon Uielr a<lmls»lons, wlUiout Uio necessity of a trial, and from her admltalOM, this acUon aeemed to be on i of Uiat kind. However. Uia C ourt held Uiat he wanted to -h ea r U»a evidence befort

■- finally p tsiln* upoo the m atter.

Theae are aU q f.pu lille:rw t:d ._

Signed E. M. SW EELEYproBecuting Atiamey, T m n FaJia Courity


Page 7: -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S F H 1,980 TONS PACIFIC SEA BATTLE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA . 1,980 TONS BO fnr 829

WedoesdajTr Oetot>er 28, 1942 TlM K S-N b’WSrTVVI.N FA L lS H -D A H d■ l l


, Many Distinguished Guests Present When Head of Idaho O.E.S. Visits Chapter Here

Worthy Grand Matron HonoredS everal g rand lodge o f f i­

cers, a s ■‘well as m em bers the T w in Foils, H o llister, J e r ­ome a n d Buhl chap ters. O rd e r of th e E aste rn S ta r , w ere p re se n t w hen M rs.' V in e ttc Ilan sen , W inchester, m ade h e r offic ia l v is it to th e T w in F a lls ch ap te r Ikst n igh t a t th e M a­sonic lem plo .v A . banque t in her h o n o r w as served preced- in;r th e buHinesa session, and y este rday afternoon sh e w as jfucst o f thc .cha(lT ^ o ffice rs a t a lunchcon a t the JloKcrson hotel. ''

Other honor guests v t n Mra. Lula M. Bardtty. Burley, pasl grand .inri- CTOn; M « . U lllan Barton. Wendell. BMoclate grand malron; Mrs. O mce Johnson. T»1ii Pall*, nstoelale btmkI conductress: Mm. Vera OvcrbouslT.. Buhl, grand orgaiiut; Mrs. Leona StnlUi. Jerome, grand represenUiUve o! Loublann.

D bllsculshea G unU • Mrs. Marlon Vincent. Filer, g rand reprtsentailve of Maryland; Mrs.

« May Co*. KoIlteCer, gratvrt rtptesetiU alive of MaswchuietM: Mrs. Ada Raybom, Filer, worthy m atron of Filer clk ijte r: Mrs. Mary SmlUi,

« Jerome, worttiy matron of Uie Jer«• ome chapter. I

Mrs. Hansen made her official od- d reu dUTln: ch« cU&pUr &»Mon. Itefrciliments were served la ter In. tlie dlnlUK room. nIUi Mrs. EUa M. Willie and M t« Laura Hoblnson fls co-clialnncn of the commlttec.

Otlirr members of Uie hostess committee were Mrs? F. T. KcUogg. M n. A. S . Htnson. Mrs. Carl' Boyd. Mrs. George Warberg, Mrs. RuUi Stevens, Mrs, Charles RiLwell, Mrs. W. n. WMtcotl. Mrs. Ed Turner. Mrs. Johnson and- Mrs. J . E. Jtoberis.

RmI' chrysanthemums In a l a r s t crysUil bowl, nanVed iff tnpcrs, ccn# iere<J Uic lace-covered refreshment table. ,

Kffeellvb Deeor I Honor guests were seated o t a d rt^U r table lor the serving of tlie banquet. From Uils central table five other tables radiated In. the lorm ol a star. ' • ^

, Each s ta r point pre.ilded a* host- e.« a t her table. wlilcU was deekcd with flowers and tnptrs to corre-

’ epood wltl) her official color. Dec- omtlnns were In cliarge of Mrs. H. A. Sevcrln.

HoBleascs were Mra. H. H. Burk- ha rt, Adah; Mrs. naj- Sluyter. Ruth ;

H Mrs. Claude Oordon, CiilAer: Mrs.^ Earl Walker. MorUm. ,and ISrt.

■ George C. Hallej*, Elcclrf. ' _During the dlnnrf

fluartct, DftJe 'W alcclnrEverctl Rice. C. W. AJbertJon and F. H. Slilrik sang two num ben.

M n . VJnottfl Itansea nf the Idaho (ratid chapter. Order of the E a i t-S tar. le ft. r«el»r» a cardUl freetlng from Sir*. B e r t A. Street, worJhy malron at Twin FpIIs ehapler.

0 £ .H > M>d Claode Gecdtn. w«nby patron, do rtn r h e r olitcUl ^IsU la the local cliaptfr. (.■jl.iff rh o lo and Eagr»TlDg) • ‘ -

Ing r ......... ..... _ ..l lm of ML-ar Juanita sulcllff. MLu MUge Robertson, honored queen,

• plfiyed the piano accompaniment.Mr*. J . A. .Johnson was chairman,

' assisted by Mrs. Ray J. Holmes, Mrs, Hf,ijry Champlln, Mn,^Ben Potter, M n . P. R. Thompson and Mrs. Christina Peterw n. Mm, Dale Wa- kem wits ticket chairman.

G O O ^ N G

Mr*. E. K. Kj-jer w#s host«.i to members of the Olivo Branch Sun­day school da .« of the MethodUt cJiurcli a t he r home In the countrj' Friday evening. Mrs. W'llllnm Brj'an and Mrs. Sherman Slump were co< hoKtesses. >

T hw e Btlcnding the B, P. W, conference held In Twin FalU were Mr«. Thelma Thompson. pre.'\ldpnt

* of,the local club; Mrs. Lleuru Lucke, Mr*. Myrtlft Turner aiid ML« Dor­othy Webb.

FoTtsl eW ckltog. Who Jias been employed on conitrucilon work In Utah, has returned to Qoodlng. Mrs, StrlcUlng m e t him In 8aJt l^ake City. Returning earlier In the week

R. E. Goodnight .Claims Bride at

Portland RitesLieut. R obert E. GOOdiilghl. Unit*

ed S tates nrmy, /onucrly of Tn’in FalLi, cUlinod Mlis Marian D. Tay. lo r as ills brWe Oct. 23 a t Trinity Epl.icopal c liurch, Portland, Ore,

H e wAJs grw junlcd from the Tr'ln Falls hlRli tcS'.col In ^539. awl h Uit jo n of Mr.v Irene Goodnight, Ox­na rd . Calir.■ Liciit. niid Mrs, Ooodtilslil #fe a t home a t Prescott, NVajii.

Among tiic Avedcling attendants were' M lis Irm a Ooodnlght. maid of honor, and MJsa M aitle .Oooanlglit, bridesmaid, slite rs of the bride- Rroom, and iU»o lonner rcslilcnls of


Cub Scouts PartyD en So. 1. paele six ct Ui« Culi

Scout* will have a Hsllovtefn parly In tJie basem ent recreatloo room nt the home ofT.^r«. Ed Gkli\R?r Thwtt* day from 7 to 8:30 p, m. It w(ll be In the form o f a masquerade.

At ¥ #Do not f.clect a rainy d»y to do

y o u r piicklnc. aarm eni.i must -be aUiolutely dry to be pre.ierrtd,

H- H- H.Be sure th n t nil clotlica .frcm the

troshore nre frc.ihly cleaned before packing, o r If n o t, are hung la stronj £un and wind lo r a whole day.

We The Women

Qy bU T U M tLLLTT .

from th e sam e were Glenn Sconlan and Virgil E o 'an l.-

M rs. M. W. Kelly. McCall, U e u e a t« l th e C . T . KnlRht hotne, Bl\t ,•111 bo here u n til Thursday.

Globe-Trotter’s E iT

W hat a re women supjxwcd to do —Slop lu k v lty ^a b le i?

•Tliat Ui wftat, <fcorocn arc wos\dti- Ins In oneW nicrlcan city, whose df' p a rancn t public works Jms Juit lOl^iU women employes th a t If Uiev bccomtf p regnant they m ust lake iB-months in a lem lty leave wlUioiii pay. -

' ^ l l n r U nfair,T hat pu ts ft m arried woman n'hese

pay check la essential to the family'* IM lhood In a tougli spot, especially If her htisba'nd has been drafted as

buck private.Tha ruling fu tU w aays th i l ,U«

woman m ust begin h e r leave ax scon os she becomes aw are o t her prcR- nancy. F ailu re to do so "shall w deemed neglect of du ty and oi^ act of IniulwrdlnaUon.". Th« women of a com m unlly ought U> light any ru ling a* un lalr to women a* Uiot one. At the same time, the women of tlie country ought u rw ork togcUicr to ga t a gccv- eral ruling on Uie,. question—one th a t will b« lo ir to th e employer and the employe.

As more antW nore m arried women go to worb'Cand they m ust If men's ;ob j'are to bo filled) the problem Is going to become vddcspTead and irgent.

Married women n r e iu u d y and wlUlng 14 step In' a n d t u e aver the jobs tha t m en oro leaving, But though they m ay do m en’s work, they are ttlU women, and same of ihem are going U> bo having babies.

I t will be necessary for »orae of those women to work u long before

child's bU th a s they arc abU, and ) go back to w ork aA >oon as tliey

feel physically capable. • -- Needed In In d o ttry '

“n icy ought to be allowed ta do $o, and they ought to be given a reason­able amount o f tim e off, w ith some a m ro f pay allow ance, to have their babies.

T h li U no tim e fo r anyone, even employers, to trow n on babies, or to

ob ju idej In the w ay of-women's . . . .’Ing them. W ith th e best of Amer- lr«t> tnnnhnftH .tO-«ar<-Vomtnshould be encouraged to have babies - n o t discouraged;

B ut whether they a re encouraged Of not, Uw fa c t rem ains th a t they'ir be haring them . And in a democracy a woman has a r ig h t to earn a llv. to j tm herself « J d h e r child.

Oysters on Bill Of Fare Delight

Autumn DinersBY MItS. GAyNOK MAI)<tO.X

NKA KrrvlcrAmerlrnn oy.Urm a rc ‘Uie IlnM t

In Uie ttnrlrt ar.d rotlay Utcy nn Uilppccl widely. U-e llirm on niciit IcM d.ivf— but tltit Ifl 's IcMU frcm Billy Ihr Oy.Mfrninii. one of yo^^('^ g reat .e.xprrw. luiw to niiikc a perfect cockt.nl wucf.

.Oyster <:>xklail Sauce(Sfne< C) '

Four oimcfs nt lonmlo ketchup, 2 ountM thW nne Ublrspoon Worce.it^T.^liIrr miijp, .1 rirop. lo lja '. CO sauce, 1 tal3>>pi>on ho^!'er.^dl^l^, one teaspoon suwr. onft-Ualf tc'a- spooifsalt. 3'ouiicfi vinegar o r lem­on Juice. S tir nil ud i.

Lohc I»!and Oynlert and njncaranl Ao O ralln

l.' rfTM 31T lili ma.'.l^rplrrc of Anierlcnn

cooking and ^nsy tomake. I t rrairy li n one dish meal for Sunday nielit supper o r any otlier-rfBy.

One-hnlf rf poiittrt, macaroni. IB met1lum-'i?»Tl' l«riK '‘l(iIand nV' stera (save the ov,»ier lltjiuvr), twi UWeflpoon.n nf huller, t^ ^ table •poons of flour, »«lt and pepper, one pint of milk and four ounces of — ;d ch rtff ,

)k Uie mncaronl In salted water

Experiences of 1st Postmistress Intrigue D. U. P_._

-M rs .-H .-0 : MllneK Twin fln t i»sUnUtm.v was guest speak- er a t « meeting o t C a m o - X ^ ^ * ^ ^ Call, DBUjhlers Of th e 'U ta h Wo* neeri, Monday evening a t tb t b o M of Mri, K. H. OabcoeL '

She told of living firs t a t tfU ner dim, tlien a thriving community, aad picturesquely dcscrtbed the ew lj s n U o ' mode oJ ttiw tJ. UTlog qu tritrt and battles w tlh dust stontu a n 4 ,^ u d ..

! r n t Lomb«t Y a r t Her KuJband, the laM H . O.

ner, A ned tlie f irs t lumber yard licrc.Uiid hU “working h o u n “ were rrom'4 a. m. to midnight, she re­called.

Freight was brought in from llalUy, a n d 'a day was req ^ rc d U> make the trip.

Mrs. Milner, as poatialitreu , -— alwBS’s ready to glv« or receive m ail a t any hour. W hen the f ln t took the Job, Uie dally maU averaged about a handful a day.

In a year's time, I t had lacreaaed to seven iacks of m ail daily.

OUier gufau- of tha camp were Mrs, Qtoige Miller, i lr a . R ichard Forbeu and Mrs. O lade lUllward.

Mrs, c . Lk Luke led tn s devotions. Tlie tllk quilt m ade b f the bers, v u dlspUyed. proceeds . sale 10 be sent to S alt Lake, for the memorial building funtL-<

n a rre s l Ttme The le«on on “H arrest

Pioneer Days'* waa led by Mi elyn um «ktd , and group _

I.D sv ldP oJfu rn ished th tfw ar savlnsi stam p 'ft'h lch was tlrs.'Forbcss.

Mrs, Thelma Anderson and Mr*. Nrola Bowers were hostesses during the soctdl '


Get Nylon Hose Card Pcom OPA

•n i . o K ltr t l ptico BilmlniilTaOon took steps today to protect Miss and Mrs, America from nylon hose •'bootleKKeni.'’ ■

'iU shopping card th a t every woman can tuck In her purse when th e ROes hosc-hunUng soon will be Lvsiitd, \he OPA announced to ­day. Llatliig the new celling prices on all tyi>Pii of nyloil*. the card may be obUlned % wrltlnK OPA hnidquurters In w i*liln«ton. '

"With thU addition to he r *ho> ping Keast a woman can take full iiUvnjitaRC of OPA's action SKainst tlic 'boWeg' prlcrs often dem and­ed forVnylon hose In recent n io n th '/ the BiwiQuncetncnt s u t - ' cd, -AiW lo mnCc h e r Job of price- cliccklnit easier, tlie card will show which faeti 'on type and quality niu.- t be marked or labeled on eaclj j)ulr.-

* * *

C alendar

Singing Mothers o f tlie second WWd of Ihe L atter Day Saints church ttlll meet Tlmrsday a t a p, m: a t Uie church for practice. .

* * ¥ ,Board of control Sf the Taen*

tleih Ccnvuo' c ) ^ will m eet Fri­day a t la a. m v ^ home of Mrs. P. B, Wlkoh,

* ¥Mrs. Eitlier Co* will be hMlci.i

to the V, P. W, auxiliary a t Uir home of Mrs, M, P. Bears, Ji3 8U th avenue east. Voday a t S o . m.

♦ » ¥ yEinanon club will meet Friday

aStemcion.aV the home oI Mr*. V. E. Morgl^. Mftfibers are a.iked to bring fruit for the Children'" home In Dolsc; donntloM for the Community Chest and their sew­ing kits,

Social Changes Affecting Art,

Painter Asserts“I I

Beatrice Caldwell Is Bride of Glen Ward

Before an. im provised a lta r a rran g ed in f ro n t o f th e lire - place in th e living room, M iss B eatrice Caldwell and Glcn IL W ard-exchangf^d m arriage vowa yeste rday a t 8:30 p. m. a t ^ o .B u b u rb a n home of M r. a n d M rs. G eorge J . W ard, paren ts o f th e bridegroom,

'A f te r a w edding trip to th e w est coast, Mr. and M rs. W ard retut-n to th e ir newly-com- pleted home on a farm n ea r Berger. B oth are■^ormer Twin Falls high school students.

Rhinestone Cip *nte trlde wore a blue organsi

frock, de-'lgned with a lace bodice, sweetheart neckline aad boutfant skirt. Instead of a veil, slie wore a rhinestone Juliet cap with a tlaru of sweetlieart roses, and carried a colonial bouquet.

The '•wcnethlng borro»-ed” of h e r ensemble was a handmade Belgian lace handkerchief, which Mr*. Hoes Ward cartted a t her wedding.' She w u given In marriage by her father. ’

Mrs. Ralph Dixon, sister of the brldegroero, came from Pro\'o, 'Otalj. to be matron of honor. She wore a white satin gown w ith a black sequin jacket and carried » bouquet oC roses.

In Uie role of best man was Har­old C»ld«e!l, Twli the bride, B lilio p - . - of Uie second ward L. D. S. churcli, officiated.

. NupUal Music ,Mrs. W arren Tonks c .

redding marches, and also accom- )inled Mrs. Charles Marshall. Jer-

•'I U v# You Truly."The bride's motlier wore an agua

bliwicrcpe dreas with a corsage of talisman rose.i. ond Mrs. Ward was goimed In a maroon velvet atyJ lacu model. H v flowers were also talij-

BUtamtT* extended Irora th e wtd- Ing cake tj the comers freslunent table, where cautht with clusters of rosebuds.

powerful out of the thought and emotton th a t pending social changes farte the a rtb t to.”

T h is w u a pertinent quotation from RockweU Kent, outstanding American artist, presented by Mrs, Robert L. Bach In cotwecUoa wiut a prpgram on "Artists a t the Coro of America," yesterday afternoon at a meeting of the Fine Arts depart­m ent of Ihe TwenUeth Centun' club,

M rs, Bach, chairman of thegram, w u assisted by Mrs. R ____

WlUlam Middle­ton In p rese n tli^ th e prograi

Life and worIX of Paul St . . . and Millard Sheeu were ccosldersd by M ri. Bach; Alexander Hogue, Mr*. Reese; RockweU Kent, Mr*. Bach; G ran t Wood, Mr*. Middle­ton. and John s teu art Curry and T h o m u H ar t Benton, Mr*. Bach.

Mrs. Bach pointed out th a t It w u significant th a t aU of these atUsls had studied In Paris; had reached U ieconcluslonthatParls a r tw u f ln e for th e French, -but returned America to discover and develop .art th a t America had -rlg h l here la ' er own front yard."

Scenes ol the ir childhood, an4 o ther familiar places, have intrigued tha MtUnliim o t these artists—and their a d m ires , also.

for 50 M inutes, rinse wltli cold water and drain. H eat the oj-sters In ih r tr lljuor until th e rdges curl. Maka a ssu » of butter, flour, milk and oysler liquor. Season. Place a layer of Ihe cooWd raacaronl In buttered baking dish or Individual c.uwrole. then place a layer of tlje cooked oysters, Ihcn nnotlier layer of macaroni, then oyjter.i. then macartMil. Pyur over the sauce and cover with grated cheese. Boke In SW deg. F . t v n for V to 30 mlnules

until cheesSls browned.-

The ItiM iy k it. eentUnlng a fnll o f cM m ellei In oaapact


•0 many women away from Ulelr hoaw dreasInf“ Ublefc Botirke-Wtiile.' ace phetorrapher. has carried th e flo e aUvcr Initialed ta*« plettired her* th ro a |h 22 borabUv*. Sba got I t In l(o o f &eoc.<'_.


WAKE UP ^OURi i m m -

ta rs ,?— 'C u tn 'f LfUl*

' - c .« R - ;5 5 i i2 i , s » £ r i i r S i5 ? -

M n. Caldwell presided a t the r«' frwlunenl toblc. anti reception tu. elslants wens Mrs. Fred Parmer. M n. Leo Klrkman a n d Mrs. Ralph Ward.

ArranKPment.Totrolfeii were group­ed UirouKliout the rotun-t. and n Ml- vcr eundclabra on tlKVniuintcl held six lighted white tapers.

GlfU Displayed Wedding gifts were displayed In

the recreation room n t the Ward home. As her going away ensemble, the bride a-ore a three-piece brown

lit wlUi tan and beige acces.'Mrlrs, Among Ui»^ out-of-tovi-n ffUfsts ere Jam es Sm ith, Coleda, Calif,,

...1 uncle of the bride, nnd Mr. and M n. Russell Dllte, Hiizelton, Mrs, Dllle Is (I sister of th ebridegroom.

Among the pre-nuptial courteslri ftff Mr*. Vfnrrt were U>e announce­ment tea pet, 13, a rranged by Mtj. Ward for 48 ruc»Ui: a lingerie Aliow- e r for Intimate (Hendn OcL H , iUan- ned by Mrs. Ralph W nrd; a aliower Gel. 15, with Mra. F red Janes a* hostess, aJid a shower Oct. 20, with Mrs, C lo u a r Brown and Mm. Leo Klrkman a.\ hOHieMc.i. a t the Brown home. , \

Steidfey-Wellg Vows Exchanged

M i« GnRe WclLi, daughler of Mr. and Mrs, B. Wells, T w in Palls, and Donald Bleldley, son of Mr. and Mm. M. Steldlcy, Novelty, Mo­wer* morrled Oct. 17 a t Uie pnr.'on. age of Rev, M. Flr.h, Clirlstinn church, Los Angeles,

A double r\ng ceremohy formed.

Mr, and Mrs, OrvLi McCarley. Lai Angeles, brotlier-in-law ana sLiier of the btW«, were U\c a tU ndanta.

The brlfje was graduated from the Twin Fails hW i /ichool.’ Mr. Steldley is a former resident of Twin Falls.

They will make their home In San DleKo, Calif., where Mr. Steldley li staUonfd with the United Stales arm y »lr corps.

WINDOW SHOP802 Slain A ve. So.

Open 12130 to 6 P. M. O nly ' Uhlll Nov. 1

All Day EatBrday* Vntl) >

C. A. BottolfsenRepublican Candidate

For Governor^W ill Discuss S ta te Issues

Thurs'day Nighta t 8:00 o’clock

Twin Falls High School ' Auditorium• E v e^ o n e cordially invited

Mr; Bottolfsen .will also speak a t 5:45 Thursday over K TFI

Staff Assistsmt.,#?. Red Crffss C lass 'l

.' Beginning F riday i• coune of InitrucUoo to e ' TDluntMf membei^:0t t b a - M ' Crass staff Qf udstanis* corpi Will begin FMday m onlD f a t tti* headquftrten offlce la tbt bu*> m ent d th e Tw in » « a i pahllo Uj brary.

T he class, f ln t o( a serlM la offle« routine. wtU b« held tcom B to U ft. m , and those »tt«ad- ing are u k e d lo bring not« bookt and pencils.'aocfirdIni 't « - U n . William Middleton, chalnnan«of this group, one of the fcJontM r special *erTlcefc

More than SO womra a ad ( ir is «have responded to Ihe call to join ■ the torps, she said. After » l(k-

hour c o u r^ o f instnictioo. the volunteers will take orer their duUes u aides to Mr*. Pearl Mo* Donald, 'executive ie crtttiy , a t headquarter*.

17)6' *i«pped*up aotirlCy ef wanlma has made it a n eceaa ir and highly Important service.

N ext *um m er>^w drobe may de­pend to a large extent on Just how well thl* last lummer's clothe* have been cherished. Packing garment* away correctly Is therefore Impor­tant. Unless clothing is absolutely unusable, do save i t G arm ents Uiat are n o t woshnble sliould be dty- clcaiied. ClotlUng whiel) may not b« worn ns Is, but’ part of which may be twed In c j^b lnaiion wlih lome other materlAlll^ Uie future, msy be rip<

portant again. Do not starch. Press­ing lightly before packing away makes peater storing.

Methodists Have Week of PrayerVeek of-prayer and self-denial,

beginning Oct. 33,1* being observed by the 35,000 women'* organisations ol the Methodist Women's Society ot Christian Senlce.

Special-all-day services will b» heUl Thurwiu-, O c t .» , a t the \ot»i MetliodLst church, beginning a t 10:30 a. m., Including a silent luneh a t noon, and tn afternoon program beginning a t 1:19 p. m. ,

General them# wlU be "We Build." Mrs. F. E. Sanders Is general chair- man>-Mr». 7 . T . Kellogg Is in eharje of th e piano music, and Mr*. Cath-* erlne Potter, the vocal number*.

Leader* wUl h* Ur*. a / P . Y a n - ' -is. Mr*. C. C. Dudley, Mrs. C. A. McMosler. Mrs. Joseph Slake MKd Mn.. a -e n rtt A. Rice. ^

Mrs. J. E. While will present In-* formation concerning the fire girls' schools tn South America and the two coUeses In the United States, TroJecU of the W. fl, C. a '







4New Styles

JUST ARRIVED!Modem M iss shoes com-

b!n« sm artncas j w i t h

quality to produce Am-

erica’s m o s t popular

sport shoe fo r g irls aad

women. Made o t selected

h igh quality k a th e ra i s

blacka. and browns.

Twd of the four\

new arrivals a re il­lustrated a t the le f t

$4.95IDAHO D lR l

STORi- “ I f I t l s n ’ t ^ f e B r i n g B B ^ : - .

Page 8: -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S F H 1,980 TONS PACIFIC SEA BATTLE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA . 1,980 TONS BO fnr 829

.P age,E ight , TiaiES-NEW S, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Wedn?fldiy, OctobM-28, 104J

east BOASTS ONLY -3 UNBEATEN FOOTBALL AGGREGATIONSAi-my, Boston College and Syi'acuse Tops


Boston COIICKC. A rm y mid Syrncuse were the only m a­jo r colkKC football tcnm s in the cast v itb porfcct records today — niui the stfiiiK' can

• run ou{ for Jill th ree th is wook.Tlie U. C. Earlr.', niicl the West

Sblai i Gains Eight Yard|^for Bruiiis

Rfd opp n i|.. Uu


oppo;.lllon llmii,Uir OrniiBr IIB.1


. Cnnifll, ColiiiK Liifn


iljlii niicl Hi y ^Pniii5ylviin

dfven SoUirOay in the lop pnmr • (tie Tilt Quakcrn arc jiiidi

ffflltd 111 foUrttinte compellllon, liavliiK Ijw i iifU nnly by Prlncr TliPir poivrrfiil i)I/cii;.lvr lin.' i) up 108 poltil.T <5 fnropponrnia. I’.vl P pmii, Army fi NnU-e Dflitif bcfnrr clailnK •» VPI, Pnncfton (ind Nt\>T.

Tou{h-ltow Ahrad Led hv tlirre f.cnlor.v Mlkc ll.

• vRk. Mlrkf)- Counolly nnd r Hitui. Dw.ion fOllcKe Im.i

.WMt VlrslnlA, Clrmsoii, Noi llna prt-fllKlii a n d Wnkf Tn Now com* llirrc toiipli ohm I row, oncp-drfrntpil Ornrprti dnnRfroiM Trmple ntul Fc.rdh JmpmvlnK Ilnmn, Pn;.t tliriii

• nhould be n brtrrc nKiilii.-.[ Bo V n r«ntoly Crw.i.• Syracaw movrd Into tomflicr c iwciy nuccMfully Iwl wppIc wlieii it ^Upprd by Cornell nflcr rinwiiliiR Clnrtvjn. D. U., Wpxtrrii Hcscrve and Holy Cross, 'flic road Rfl.i rock- Irr fiKnla-'t Knrlti Cnrolliin p rr- fllRlir. Prnti Stair nnd ColKale. fol- loftfd by niiiKfrs.

Pfiin Slatp'B rrrord lias b rrn m ar­red only by a tip with Conicll nnd It, too, fncci a Innd of.troi/ble from Jirre out aRsln.1t Wp'st Vlrjlnln. Syracaie, Ppim snrt n i l .

Tfnn Klrom Penn. hntiUns to rctfllo tlie.lv.v

leatiue Utlr. Li onf! of ti^c clubs In the »fcUon wlilcli have b rrn cle- icalctl only once.. Tlie olhrr.i are Brown. Fonlham. Ocoriielown mifj

. «Ba"iii[”2i'e^M V la tenin;Fordham Iwt loTennfw ce, Oeorgc-

: ton-n wai knocked off liu l S a tu r­day by Dttroll; W llilam i .tip.'.et Prtneclon nnd ihc TlKcrs came back to (moUicr DroA’n.

The Pcnn-Ariny ffanitf n t Plilla-. d tlphla ',1 Franklin Held aliould de- tcnnine Uio Ivy league champion. Army has wdii three while Penn has an cquaUnumbpr of rtclo rlrs and one lie In tlio mythical circuit. Prlncfton. one ol Uic mtwt im p w rd

. tcam.i In the enxt nfler a r.hnky

LSU Darkhorse Is Yoiitli Named Dark• BATON ROUGE, La., Oct, '2 0 - Nlnelefn-ycar-olil sophomore Alvin Datk bcKan hl.i football cnmpalim ftliproprliitc'ly chourIi - a.n n dnrk hor.-e with LoiiKhmn Stnle. T.'xiiH A. A: M.. a lP:iin lie hflppd loppli- IhL-i «rc\Qii. h:ul tiirnrd lilui down for nn athlpile fcholarfihlp,

\Vlilch( niakr.i the followlns *Ui- Uillcj u«ly rnilrc<l to loynl AvtkIp alumni: \ . •

Dark linn • avrrarp<l b rltc r than • i l ynrd.^ on more .tiian 25 piini.i.

nnd about one fourth of llio.'c iituit.'. ciiicrnccl out lii the cnffln cornrrs. AKnlnst Ole Mlvi he prcled on the onp, folIowlnR li will th a t .illfpd thp onc-hnir ynr cr. HLs toe kppi favored ML-.-il.wlppl SU\!£ jcmnibllnft unhnppll.v about

^ I n lt.1 o«-n back yard for the Ucltrr imrt o f an ex’cnlnc., .

“Dark.- s.T>-,L, S. U. Co.ich Dernle

II kick

S Rood va,i, !!<• k lr ts ni I ruiLi bt'ltpr." lilt rcfii-'.rd to .e :.UI paranri

Id pn:

Al Solarl (ICI, I 'n lvrnK y of California a t Los A ntdPi liairback. (alnrd r l f b t Tarils nn lay Btaln^t KanU Ctara. rarry ln t (he ball ton iie IlCt.A 4S-yjird llnr. No. 49 for \K or Kant* Clara, So. 15 l« Boland and No, 48 MeCalfray. l.'CLA won the tam e, played r a score of 15 lo & Tills wai SanU Clara's f ln l defeat of llie Maion.

Ration Sports For Duration, Director Urges

ny IIAROU) V. nATLI>>'UALLAS,-Oct. 28 m -E verytlilnK

1* beUiB rallojftd , why iporti? .

- .............................. direcloiKidd, the Tcxn.1 In pa'c.i the qii iould nt .lrii.i iiwrts proi


n^ldpr3 he war

Kidd Ieffort.


:hoolhlKh. po t.■l Qri;aiil7.atloii Uiat probab'' h the InrnPM In ih f u-orld - Ui.in new .'ichooU wllh iiinrp 20,000 boy.i plnyhiK football iilo

'■Inr.tcntl ’of forcliiK thr ,‘p|hooI.<i to quit thc lr IntcrKhool ifi!.! Ihitow IlK'lift’ay Iron) ho

to pl.iy I; thP

phy.',iciil condition, li;

Golfing Season Will End Sunday

Ofllrhil Kollijyjfc-n.-.in uill ron n cln^p nt the Twin r;ill'. niunlclpi oiir.'p on'Suiidrrv iiU'ht, It wii;. «i iniuicM today by CnrI N, llltclif Itv p.irkx comnil-'.-'l<fniT,On tlmt dntp thr- «iil> hna-.p on th iiks ttill Ijp cIcwciI fur (hr yrii, lltchry 'wy;;, n n d P t lr ilUkr'

Dark pa.-.'f,t wlih n putSently lojy itiollon

350 yardi. thr«- fo

down.All of, «hl< li

taculnr, If not pound ;,o:>ho:i;


but in foi ’C of 04 I.

touchdown nd.? wiuorely

. the L.ike Chnrlrs,

who I(X)k.s about

Garden'Schedulesvj JlS JloubleJIeader^

NE\V YORK, Oct. 2S a t -N ine .' te rn biL-ietbnll doublehfadtra. It uh lch 27 lcnin.» from out-of-towr will compete akila^ t New

today for the 1042-U .................Madison Square Garden.

Tlie collPicc ca.•<ln will open Dei 13. when Oklahoma A. t i M, ;neel^ City colleRe Uie fourth succpmIvi year in the curlaJn-raber and Brig' hum Young, one of Uie ilve teami appearlnc on (he resular Garden •chcdule th*-first time, tanglca with hong inland unlrenlty.

T lie schedule laeluda:Dec. 1 3 '— L o a f I tland v<. B rls-

b om Y oucf; Oltr coQese ts. O U a- b o n u A. A M.

Dec, as - SL John's .vs. Colorftdty; CUy course t"!. Oreeoh S late .

Dec. 30 — Netr yorJc u n lv m lty vs. W uhlngtOD fiUt«; P taocls ts. Wyomlog.

Horrell, UCLA Mentor, Named Coach of Week

•nr u :o ii. p k t k k s k nUnited I’rtss Sports Killlc.r'

NMW YORK. Oct. 28 <U,R)— Me .started «>iit'ii.s an insurance salc.snutn w ith ftjolbjiil* conchiiiK lii.s hobl,)y.

A nd now, bccmtsc he has hin team on the roaii lo thi RtiHC bowl, the United Pros.s hpIccIs a.s it.s coacli o f tin w eek, E(l\fiii C. (Rabe) H orrell o f th e Univer.iity of Cali

fo rn ia a t Los. Aiik'cli

Bowling Scores.MAJOK LKACil'i:'

ppedml«lity Brylins, althcKiKh

RwHr.i,Pacific C o e t Iootl)all rxpcrl

d pvcii ilinMKli Ilorrpll them I'trnlRht,

Ovcrlooknl Team I tlTc cxpcrli! dlsnib\fd I .itnrt of the spn.'.on ni ■,rk.i nnd ov-Tlooked th r

■•UkiI:," he s;ilil. ’1 nil In loflli bml. I'm ii VI- R(.i IB Iclirrmrn : lu<lliu; Bob \V(iI-rllf nrUlMK. And my llix r- Hum nnythliiK 1 u'

rlvr> wlu-ii Jcx iu

ItniliK II Tlicn (lift BrlllIl^

riii-y whipped Orr c.ir'.'t Ro.-.o t>ottl tiM

HoitpI! Iln^n•t ; ?osr bow Lyi't Ii iiirri ronO iitip.n ;t;iiirord, follow 1-,

^he Shorts Round-up. n r lU 'G II KJILLKRTON, J r . TOIIAVNL-\V YORK, Oct, 28 i-Vf-No mat

cr whnl may happen to nporl.i li

ir t ^ompthlnR will lmpi>en army, tiikw in a Jew

b:ilche.i of am ictr- '.- lh c bit; nlrcrnll


UinL'lhe men rpI rlvn lrle.i; jollball or bowlhiK nnd tl JiLti M hard to outdo on(

production line.City squads, had been annouiTT?* -iii^ employes like It? Well, they

treltit a noltbnll ri hree days by playlnn a fcti’.lni 'H£iL-l'inch hour: they'll wor

hours a vce;ic and try to train for bownc In the ir .^parc.U me ant tlify’ll s ta rt bowllns matches nt I a. m, when Uiey come off Uie nlKli'Rhlft.

DELAYED Dt'C K That sQ gsnllon of rrkhuffilne

tlie major league ban ctubi Into r&ilern and w estem lM>(n to cut doim on Irare l was an Idea this d rp a rta en t had been considering and aaring lo u e an some dull day . . . We atlll don’t th ink , (he Terr ceBMrratlre m ajor leagnen n lll eoaslder U seriaiB ir except as a b« ( m o r t . . . AU-this only prorei w hat 700' b e a r e re r^ day: “I t roa (rani io aaTe MmcUilng, b n / w v ta B te

iCiiUf.irC ST STAR

John J . Ppri, Stockto Record; ■Tlio.'.e who predlclfci tli DO-yenr-old Amo.s Alonro SUi would Po.ich nnttl he renchrd 100 nmj' hnvc.bceii proplip.iylns bcl lhaii they knpw, Coftcli SlnRs's 1 Kaiiip of Uie currcnlvica.v5n will hts 100th with the Collere cf

If football Li ' Mi.'iK'ndfdPnclf:next V'................................the Knme will br -Uin -Rrnnd mnn's* final, a t lea^l for the d tion."


CNK-MJNl’TE SrOIlT.S TAOK Mom of the lotrdown: lien

n 'a h rm an of (hr Itlehmalkd Ne<ri I<eadrr wires that a Itroailirajr play aptly described the George WashlnEtan-Wllllara a n d Mary game l a s t iialurday—"George \V».ihlng(en tlrp t hrre." . . . When T rx llQghion. (he Ked Sax pKeher, a ttrn d rd a banqo'et In his honor a t Kyle. Tex„ (be scher nlghl ho rrpe rtrd he had been harrrMlng ram an day and was (oa tired, (o

WIN. LOSK OR TIE For seven years when E.irl Blalk

w ent to ' Boston with Dartniouth teams he always wore a Ved Ue, and during tliat time the Indians never last to Harvard. . . A year nco he forgot his •‘mascot" and H arvard lieal army. . . Lost week when th e Cadets look o f f for an - oUier ilnh -a rd game. Earl wa.’sn't taking any diancea. He donocd the rod U» beTon h« left Wesl FolnU

STYMI15I)CHICAGO. Oct .V ,-n iere

I.W1S why thp St..•<•■11001 fnoUJall

•p Its riiR;ikTrnpnt

le kl.(;, <lidn-t o p arounil.

JF.NKINS IN COAST GI’ARD PO R T WORTH, Tpx., On, 2S (A', •I.CW Jcnk jm , former world UrIU-

welRht boxliik' chnmi)ion.,enlL'.ted li

Division Plan For 2 Lobps Draws Scorn


[K)rt that big league ba.->eball mlgh! •.rriimble the American ai>d Nation'

•asues Into "eaatem" and -west-t season In


T urner's Bon Jour, .loiier.^t priced of four stn rtc rs . won^ea-ilv y rs |p r. day In tlie fenlurrd IlnniilMl hnndl- cnp n t lim plrc Cllv. Porter's C.ip, Uie fft-nrlte. was thlnl.

n l -------r rn " cmeJeta to eonibat Uictlon problem rnbrd a tiorm oi .-.corjiful comment Irom diamond of- nclal^ today.

Only tlie first half-dozen Indlg- n.-»nt wires had h it Die desk wlier It became obvious that the men who n in ba.',cbBll w ant no part of any iilun tlint would submerge Uie Iden- ill lc j of the rival leagues. Loter, oi-iUie maunale-1 UiouRlit,Uie matter ow^r more thorouKlily, (hey jabbed ihe lr pens In paper and described

c scheme « ••silly" and aa .....her wartime braln.itorTO.^’

Not A Single Suppor(ei Tlie suppowl plan, reported by e Herald-Tnbune as having been itllned by an ••unnamed ba.«b«ll riclal.'.' did not draw a single

porter limong Uione sounded out by Uie A '.w laled Press. Even Presl'

J j n t Clark G riffith of Ui# Wwlv ■^igton Beiiaiora. who In his year* probably ha.i Introduced more rac" cfti b.vpball ldea.-\ than any mi hvlng, .*ald flatly hP dldn^t like It

Under thp icheme. Uie four ei .it- ■n American leag te clubs and Uie

four ensiern N ational league tnjt- flt.1 would constitute Uie "fa slen r Jpngue, playlnl: a regular schedule If Rames. Tlie eight western clubs vould do the r.iinie, tliu.i obvlaUng

Would Knoek Oat KerleiTtie plan would, of course, com­

pletely submerge the Identities ol th e National anti Amerlciin leagues nnd knock (he world series Into i cocked hat. tliough there presum' nbly would be no thlns to prevent f p ln y -^ .b r tw e p fi the eastern anc w cst/rn dlvWon champions. ■ ^C?flmml.v,i?iner K, M. LwindLs re

fused pvpn lo dl.scuM'such nn. nr rnnKPiiient, balking nbniptly whet told It had been thouRht up by at •'unnamed ofllclal," Will Harrldge president of the American league Mild ••there’s noUilng lo It." whllj Ford n ic k , still fpellnR mellow ovei 111.'. Nallonnl le.iKiir’s victory In Uie recpnt world fprirs, sURRC.sled enlm- Iv thnt U would not„*e npcr.wary to coif'ltler such n "rndlcal" propwal

Kcncy arortc. .unle.-.

Razzle-Dazzle Passing Fancy, Coaeli Asserts■ ATL.ANTA. Oct. 28 (-I’l-R aJ.lP - diizzle football U Jail a p.wlnK I.iiicy a,■ far ns P'rank Tlionins of Alnbiima l,i concrnicd — and when h is Crimson T ide meet-s Georgln iiCV'e S-aturduo' In ii battle of imbcat- «'H gridiron Rliint-H, h r cxi>cclii l< pl;iy hli foottiall dc.^c lo the ve.M

•-I don't play for the !,*|>f«=‘lor.s.' sjiys the chunky 'Bauia conch.

He whvi Uiem, too. HLi ry.ilem o pllr-ilrlvliiR power, occiuilonnl p:uM CM iinil plnylnK for (lip breaks ho: brouiiht 00 vlctorli •


: he t! yci >. HLs (I ihe Iio.- e bowl twice,

iwl 0nvlle^rouhleUrfu»es

Toirtiiivvico. .. a t till- lhouj:ht of dellbcrnteld. li vltliiK Inniblc bv (aislnR pawer. li r.lde jniir own 40-yanl line. TaklnK [V chiincp hke'G eorgia did aRnlnnt Cliicliuiatl* last week-end, H’hcn m in ):lr Slnkwlch p.nacd lo Uunai

uclidowi 11 hl^ o

•Tlil^ n itile-d iiiile -stuff li fhi


ic Atanilj;>^ie says wnii 1. hell on the o. iiWivnce. nrgiies Toiiit

nhrad C-0 or 7-0. whyt by bcin„ |Hl.'. lb y dcfcn

c mill fancy w ith IhE b.ill?•'I'lay 't m ‘Close to Veil '

'I tell my boy.i to play 'em cli the vc.st. ' he wild. "Run wish I i and k!ck on third down, \VI

iiahi’ by thrijxi

18-19 Draft Means Sure Collapse of Class C,D Leagues

C H IC A G O . O c t . 28 ( j ’>— Collnp.''e o f Cla.ifl C a n d D m in o r ba.>icball leaR U ca wa.n forc-icen to d a y b y B ill W ebb, su p e r ­v is o r o f t h e C hicuK o W h ite Sox f a r m s y s te m , by d r a f t in g 18 a n d 10 y c a i: o ld .i f o r w a r se rv icc .. .

W eb b b e lie v e d so m o 70 ball c lu b s w o u ld foltl a n d on ly 20 p e r c c n t o f th e i r -lOt) ph iyc ra

As far ta I know, there Isn’t i millionaire (.ports writer In thi counuo'-and Uie chaiiccs are Uieri never will be.

And you can 't u y about (hli buslneu whnt Ihe big league base­ball umpires always point out: “You ean't beat the hours"—be­cause a ij>flrls w riler'i houn are, tike th st of a hotuewlfe, never done.But there are some compeniaUon;

and Uiat coinM from the lntfre;l- Ing ppop.’e you tiieel—.tport? ceJplirl- Ues who are known internationally,

A.S s |» rls w riters go. I'm rei.son- ibly young yet—b u t for n man «t )lf here in th e stAcnlled -aUcka''nr ns blg-tlme athleUc compemion, rve Rccn aiid tnlked to my share.

A ll,*.tlnR, wlUt my renctlOQ lo son, >f thw e men, m ight run /.umctlUiig Ukp Uil.'i:

.■...••o Owens—Tlie Olympic cham­pion nnd probably one of the easiest

In fporw to Interview. Intelll- Rcnt, well educated and, mannerly,

vay nbo.vc (ho n :e aUi-lelc In nil (lepartmenls—physically

lid i^irntall.v.Ralph Mptenlf—anoUier Negro

jir. who i>*irfonned Olympics a t IjOti Angelps, Quiet, but not Uie InlcUlgent type represented by OwptiJ,

Jfmmy Braddock — former hravyweltht champion. Jotlal and Uien surly. Not loo bright In money matters—hut a hall-fello«, well-met.

Jack Dempsey—possessor of a ennlajlous penionalKy. Ea.»y fur th r pre<s (o meet and always will­ing (0 hand nut an in(ervlew-^n

all subirct-s. .Smarter (bsi

Cy Talllon—world's lop-ranktni (idco announcer. Unlvpr.-.uy-pducat cl with n wide vocalujlnr)’—but not ..... ...1. .. I.- .'-.,7T*. ......

ik-k|^iiria f lr ^ h i collrn (lay.i

i:M(lti;ilp, 11!. hobby of cam- 1 tin-, hl:n hl.i first .summer S:in Valley,I p<'ii<Jii-fc.nncrl)- Klmbcfly ;ul onp of th f world's clmm-

b.-ick II


1 forth

II iiniri. Probably •cl^trtul of all pcr- iiian-d-clrcle, lr,i;.pb.ill Immortnl. -c.'.iM'clally lo re- •aii to,s-> metiiorlrs d rr the rlRlit speU.

t llnlenlnic

have von iiat to

i r raJ.iV << ilc tV 'w hat I to win next Saturday, Ocort; be 11 favorite. Frankie Blnkwi comp.iny,' have thrown KM »Knhi.^l five m ajor oppoii sen.'on, ciiiniilellnfi 5* I< 030 i

Cubs May Have Great Shortstop

t r r . -O'u-lS. O ct. 28 (/V— 11 Iirei <leiit tnraiw nnvUilng, the Clilr;' C u b ' Imvi- bouitlU a major Ir.i? sLnr In Kd.lle Slnnkey. ^horL•.l of Ihc Mihv;\ukec BrewerK vlin v c h a e n the American a. .soci:itin m « .l vfthmble plnyer yeslenhy.

Stnnkry wiu th e Uilrd Buccrv. diorL-toii. fnllowlnR Phil ill.vuto Aiid Jnhnny Pesky, to be rrlecicd [or the honor bv a cominitiee o iporl.^ v.rlten scUng for Uie Sport- n s New'. niilnnal ba.sebnll weekly

A iir.tlvi- of Philadelphia, •liertfl. rcnr-old Inflcliler has'-been playlnK irofc'.'.lon;il b,-.iPball-Janec 1835. H'

jo o ld c - o u i

10 T>’ anil Al Schachi iiboiii hli Ira/ui' diiyn ns U iiboiit l,::itir«l ymirs (rnly :!o.-lf>r frlriKl ot Mr. Cobb's,

llrancli Klrker. Jr.—fiboM tor (h r llrooklyi SlMl unimpressive of a name mrn fvp met In baseball. Vel he ^rrms (o .get by wKb t,ho bis mniuli In (he nrooklyn front offlre: He m ight be hvlng on his rather'] name to dale.Chark.i Cnihiun—owiier of Uie San

"VnncL'w Seals, An ’'old shoe" (ypc, Gnihain lll-s In wllli miy enmpnny. Kr\- if> (nlk wllfi. he L'l quiet while offcrhn; vou nn opinion on anythlns you iisk,’Dt'veloi>fr of fuch stars ns Joe DlMnRKlo nn<' many niioUier blR Irngupr. he still hns a good word for Cln.’.n C player.', wlir) couldn't a big leaguer'ii glove.

Max Baer—form ers world'ii f pl6n boxer. T he 'original Aliow-o<f and bhibbff-mouU). B ui w that, well-lntenlloi'.od. Pov.i

fi, he ihort)f iiliyslqi. . oUier depnrtmpni-n wiipn ne coui and should have become one of Ui Rtpate.'.t of champions.

Billy Sunday—the former . bl aKUe ball player who turned evan “ll.' t. Probably one' of Uie .imarte; ■ UI n lh lele.i-nnil the -----

•. He of fet. who madtfield;

ball-plnylng days were over. Tj Cobb Is another.

Wlltle Hoppe—gray-halred [ler-

would su rv ive.A fter ta lking with' other firm

boues, W ebb opined, U ut tlie top minors—Chu»- B, A, Al and A-A leaguca, whtcli lean heavily on Uit majors lo r material u well as mon­ey—could be atrengthened greatly by seasoned p layrn. If Ui« majors t>oost«d Uielr reaen'e lists and re­duced Uielr acUM lists.

I Could.Trlm LUt 'niB IS m ajor league clubs must

not have tlUe to more Uian 40 play- en, including Uio« under option, contract o r rcserratlon. and UiU number m ust be reduced to 35 by the 31st d n y tif the playing uoson.

If each club trimmed ltd active list to 23 a to ta l cf 33 good men could tie released to Uie minors. Many more could be handed down In tlie process If Uie nuUlorlzed rosier of 40 were enlarged. i

■ C and- D players leh after Uie draft could be absorbed In the turn­over,’' W ebb said, " n ie need Is great for A closeb'-knltted working agree- mcnt between Uie majors and minors and w'lU poRc a problem at Uie basfbaU meeUngj here In De­cember." *'

Sure Doom Webb Uilnks Uie C and D leagues

are doomed despite many 17 yc old boys competing In theip.

."TJicso youUis will enlist," Webb obsen-ed, '•In order to pick Iheli own branches of jervlce, or wll turn (o defense Industries for mon money, or will regard It a waste o: Ume to p u t In a year dVbaseball to- wards a career which n*y never Ix remired.'* , '

Only m arried players wlUi chil­dren will remain, he luild. and Uiey c ln 't gam ble on n career for *85 month In ft D league.-

'About> 10 or 12 minors will oper- it« m 1043,'’ Webb guessed, ’Two

years ogo we reached a peak of 43, there ’u e ^ . "

Whirly Captures Pimlico Money Without Opposition

BALTIMORE. OcU 28 m - H t '

I 1940


_____ )ld Pimlico opened a 13-dny;fall m eeting today wlUi a race pro-, Krani fea tured by a walkoifr by WlilrlftWft'y In (he Pimlico Special iml th e tlrtrd running ot Uie Ex- rrn ilnator linndlcap,Whlrlnwfty, ' as the only entry

or the fif tli renewal of the Special, needed m erely (o circle Uie mlli nnd Uiree alxteenUis course lo wli for O w ner Wnrren WrlRht a purt.i >f J10,000 nnd the Mar^’land Jockey :hib go ld-cup . '

W lilrly’.i chlcf rival. Mrs. Al Snb- lUi’fi ■ AL'Jib. was orlKlnnlly RChed' jlfd to s tn r t In Uie Spcclnl. but pa-wed It u p In favor of Ui# West- liester hnndlcnp on Saturday. Jockey Georgle Woolf was aboard

the '-top motley winner of nil time he gnlloped around (he old Hill-

-.4 ,1 oval to take down the largest ‘bur.’ie ever recorded lo hai

In i» walkover.. Incidentally. It W oolfa Uilrd time atop a f

llco Speclnl winner. We won SeabL'.cult In his famed match w llh 'W nr Admlr.ll In 1W8. and nboard Challedon when Uiat

In Iront to 1040.


lick B artell. 8hnrt.Hop for Uie Ne York. O lnn t^ *howfd up a t Ui courUiou.ie yestenlay In a new rol: Deputy Slieriff.R ichard Darlell of Alameda .county. ^

ennlal bllllard i ehamp. The moU eonfldent of all the perfonnen. while In mrUoR around a bllllanl (able. Q uiet .acid affable when away.

Brbnko Nagurnkl—(he former ;ttinneM(4» and profe«>lDnal 'fool-

Jusl plain big. Thal'f)u t a ll I c 1 say.

Fretl KeIIy-1912 Olympic.^ dim Ion. Now (julet anil uiin.uumh

ReguJnr fellow and sUll an athlc

PAL insulation _ 0 _ material


lattlng champion UiLi I nvemge of J42,

writers’ commltti pclnt-i In Its voUiig

:a for Pitcher Charley W eii'Init of Kan.-uis City awl 31 ror F;r.-;-ha;.i>inan Johnny McCar- lliy of IiidlnnapolL'..

Potato - Onion — GrowersW E ARi: I»AVIN(J T O P CASH PR IC ES


Wo w'ill have potato s to ra g e a t Hnnsen’ cellnr on . hiffhw 'ay and onion storaRC o t Twin Fails.

E. S. Harper' Co.P h o r ie 2203

Ai-m sti-ong to Aiih f o r T i t le C o n flic t S o o n


Henry 'Armjlrong. the lltUe brown fighting man whoM rin g ' requiem was read early In IM l, v a a poiutS* ing on champlonahlp door« sgala todsy « Uie climax ta one of th* meat astounding comebacka In box­ing lilstor)'.

Itammerln’ Henry. Uie one-Uroe ai>^only triple title-holder, whipped Pittsburgh's Prltzle Zlvlc In JO rounds and a flurry of punches hers Monday nlRht tha t vaulted him dl- recUf (0 (he center of the fUUo stage.

The atocky N gro whose n»m» was only a rhi piemory a few montlis ago actu .lly beat two for­midable 'opponenli before' close to lOJXM fans crammed Into the Clvla • auditorium. One was the rival who battered the welterweight crown from his kinky head la te In and Uien stopped him In ■ match early Uie nex t year. oUier opponent was the age old axiom tha t "champions never com# i back.* I

quit la IM I .Beaten, weary boUi mentally and .

physically and with alarmingly li^- I paired vl.ilon a i th e resu lt "of his buzaaw give and U ke tacUcs, Arm- , strong quit the ring In 19<1. Ths last of hU three titles which hs had once held simultaneously, feaUier, light and welterweight, had been taken from h im . i

Today, after eleven comeback bat* tle.i, he wjulnted Uiroygh puffed but normal and uninjured eyes, and Informed Uia boxing world he was gblng lo win back Uie Ughlwelght cliamplon.ililp, yea auhl

He weighed In a t U3Hv p ^ n d s . four pounds lets than Z n le . but boUt he nnd h li m anager, Oeorgi Moore, claim he can make th e 135- W pound lightweight lim it easily. Q g h l ' monUis or so Ago, .In reUremeni, ArmJ(rong baUnced Ui# scalea »t J63 pounds, \ .

Gsntilng for Angoit . T he.little perpetual moUon » » n will begin gunning for Uie light­weight tlUe, now owned' by Sammy Angolt, because Uiero Li no chanea to bag the 147-nound championship. "Red- Cocliran. who deUironed Zlvlc In tlie division above, bi In Uia ••

Uie tlUe probably li locked ■ duration.

invy and th ip for the

Nampa-Pocatello Tilt Set Nov. 19 ^

(;r>-T he p 6 t -NAMPA, Oct. :

football game Will be played N ot. 19 ot Pocatello. Nam pa achool of- ficinti announced today, ‘

A wire from PocatiU - o ffertn f (o play o n 'th a t dato was acceptabli to the Nampa school, P r ln c l^ I 0, C. Cowin reported.

. . . early Biblical Ulnes, Cedar tym» bollard strengUi and worth.

Get your home nnd bulMing* I In watertight condition. Con-

len-ation of w hat you now have Is more Im portan t than ever before. G et all needed materials 'n t Bols# Paye tte .

PABCO Roof Coating

K k up a lenklns roof to t o through another W inter w ith this protective coating. Eaay to sppjy. Low In co.1t.

. M tlthold Mineral-Surfaced

80 Lb.


$ 9 '9 4 *J S h ' ^ c t Roll

(103 Bqoare Feet)

Page 9: -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S F H 1,980 TONS PACIFIC SEA BATTLE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA . 1,980 TONS BO fnr 829

WtdMBday, Octohcr 23. l i i z TIHES-NEW S, t w i n FALLS, n>AHO Pag»l


POCATELLO. Id » , Oct. 28 <UJ5— OW4 P u iile rt . « h o PoUee C hltf a . J. noubidouz sold admitted "the sc* cldentAl »Bootlng of his »tJe." returned to ChalUa Uxl«y by Cusler county S ictir'f M. II. ShuiL '

The body of his wl/e. Mrs. TwlU PuMt«rJ,.20. WM found In * shal­low srave n tu r h tr h im c tow a ot aiaU ls early Monday momlns.

Pusatcrl. a former CCC .worker »|ic»e home is In Buffalo. N. Yvwaa a nctte tl here a t a »ta«e depot ifU a atlcmpUn* to secure »ork t» ■ eowlrucUon project.

The youth has undergone almost consunt questioning since h is or- re-it and lost 'nlffhC (old Roubldoux the accidental dUclurge of a caliber pUtol caused her death. Pu»* a ten also said he vaa cam 'lng a

. ja rifle a t the time.He itl ll lnslst«d. uiid Roiibldoux.

the gun w ent off »l)en ttie two were IclulnK. He dented lie w u Jealous ot h is w lle.'Irom »liom he vas apparently Bcpamted.

Mrs. Pusatcrl returned from Buf. fglo with her mother. Mrs. C hnrl»

.Eb'ierts. about a irionlh ago. Pujn- 'te rl showed up in Challls Sunday and eontAcfcclthls wife. Tlie fnial shooting occurred Inter lliat day. •

Dr. S. T . Rlchftrrts, Clmlll:. cinn wlio conducteO tlic n u l^ y . said Mrs. Pu.iatcrl wn.i ^hot iwlci', once In Uie hend nml puce In the brcaM, ■

Pu.salcrl Mid lie "enuld noi re- nirmber the .'ccond sliot."

RICHFIELDO slom ^ em p to n . Kimberly, vh-

lltd his Wtce. KUa. OtOTBt McAt- Uiur, a t nichfleld recently.

Mr. and Mrs. 8 . J . Piper and Mr. and Mrs. J. T . McOaughey and daughter, Mor^'. have Kon« to W en­atchee, Wtuli., to vlalt Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McOniitfJir/. M eOnughry plans to stay In Wa-ihlng- t«n.

Mrs. E. L. Jncluon. Chcffelah, Waili.. Is a houne ruA I of her els. ter,' Mrs. Fred Pottell, niid family.

LouLi Steveai. AJo. Arlz.,' li epend- 1ns hU furloiidi from the aviation jfn'lco with hLi wife a t Richfield. He relunw to camp Nov. 3.

Mrs. Homer Hicks came from Po- estello to spend a week wlilj h tr motlirr, Mrs. Prcd Powell, and oUier relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Llylnt'^ton,■ Piovo. UiaJi. arrived W spend a week ,« l their home here;

Mrs. Jam es Dunn and Uirce dauKbters returned to Bol-« after vliWrig Jritnds- over the week-end.

Mils Tljclmn PctcHion returned to her tenclilns work a t lU jtby^un-

THIS CURIOUS WORLD B7 WUUam Ptrtnson LAMES D M YFlro of undetermined orljtn .ye»*

lerday dtsim yed I5ie blact»mlU» sliop of B in KUborn. Kimberly, w lta I low estimated a t «.CW.

Th« blMc was reported to the Kimberly mutual lire departm enl a t 3 a. m.. and the fire aas 10 fa r ad­vanced by then tliat m e root h*d fallen In. Nothing of the building or tw \ienla wa» saved #niJ UicT* wa* no Insurance to cover Uie loss. I t waJ reported by tli# fire department.

The loas J n addition to Uie build­ing. W duded aU the equipment. « 11)11 model pickup truckr a fishing boat wlih outboard aioior. and trailer.

KJlbom’s htxnt is about iO leet from tlie slt« of Uie shop, a n d U caught lire from Uie Intense lieat, but Uie blase w u estlngulshed. U Was neceiiary IQ break a window^ and enter Kllbom's house to wake the proprietor and tell him of the fire. Mr. Kllbom Is hard of hearing, and did not notice Uie coimnoUon.


What’s a Lai’ge Cigaiette? Tax Deputy Wonders, too

Cecil Pf.at, deputy coUcclor of In - Any Inrger In eircumterencc o r con-

dsy after awlsUng food m atket U\c past three weeks durlnB liar^eH vacation. Hey mo- Uier ftccompa'iiled her to AMiton to visit another daughter, Mrs. Afton

. Jenkena, and family.Carl Paulson ho)i gone to Oak'

land. Calif., to work as welder In a war plant.

Mrs. Kelly Jnckson. Caldwell Wash.. Is vUltlnB her sister, Mra.' Ben Crane. . • I

T. B. B nuB ha.1 received of Uie deaUi Ot Dr. A. Itykett of Quebec, Canada. Mr. Rykert li iw farmer Richfield resilient and er of range <<tnd here. Jlis Max Rykert, la welUknoa-n.here and is now In th e Canadian armed forces.

HEYBURNMr. and Mr«. Seldon Sorenson

• and family vWied a few dny.< in Ny.^sa wlUi Mr. and AJp. Mertln Sorensen.

Mr. and Mrs. Hoirold Holmes and bsby. and Mrs. Corn Knud.<en, Stockton, CnJM.; are here i-lsltln({ Mr, and Mm . Dell.Holmes.

Ralph W ilcox.and Dale Moffett . wpiit to PocntcIIo Ja.^t week nnd en­

listed In U\e a ir corps. Tl^fy wU\' be sutloned a t PlioenU. Arlz.. Mrs. William Hellewell left for Qilchso w herr she will vUll her hatband, who Is-wlUj Uje'arroy tta - tloned there.

Denn Croft left fo r Reno. Nev, to briMff b.ick hi.’ wife nnd baby who have been vLsltlne Uirre the p u t in 'eral weeks.

Ilan-cy Knowles left for Snn Pranclsco a fte r vIsltlnK friend? here the past week,

Mrs, L^e Helner nnd son. Larrj' are vWUng reI.itJves In .Morgan Clly. Utah. • ‘ -

•Mr. and Mrs. A. Mor>lym t Mm, O lio Pclerw n nre vhlvniR

atlves In S alt Laky th ti week Mm. ChnrlM Miller. Nnmpa,

^ few days.

l£mal revenue suuoned here, today seeking a rullnc on wliat is and

-U'hat U not a ■•large” cigarette. The new IlDOT'taa law w W tlkioe# iJito effcct Jan .1 , fixes a Ux of 35 cents per 1.000 io r unaU cigarettes and 60 eenu per Uiouiand for the largo vntltly . , ,

But wheUier or no Uie “k in a ' slM imoked by many Twin Palis resi­

dents now Is a "large" or " sm a ir clRMelle despite It.' apparent slse Pfost said he s m not prepared to

' He Tried Once ‘■Once before wlwn 1 asked auch

ft deflnlUon," Pfost stated, “I wa.-i told tha t not alt ’klnB’ clgarclles were 'large' In Uie meaning of Uio law. I waJ told Uiat while aome 'kings' were longer, they were not

PEANUTSJEROMB, Oct. 2 8 - If s prob-

iibli' Uie most unusual crop In Magic VaIIe<

Mrs. A . 'r . dfcimbcrlaJn. route one. Jerome, has "quite a l o f of peaniiU ready to harvest from (ler garden. Apparently Uie crop 1.1 good and the irfamits are ot normal site.-

Soldier’s Infant Daughter Passes

RlCH riElJJ. Oct. 'C 8 -0 r n « s to rites were held la Shwhono for leleen Ann Slone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. CeorRe 6lonf who died nt blrtli a t the Wendell hMPltal. Rev. J. H. Coulter of the Richfield .Methodtit rhurch had charge of the

vlcc-1. Tlje Jatlier la In Uie array Camp n ^ , CBW.. and wna un-

,,,,p to attend sen’lees. Mrs. Stone imn been vlr.ltlng her partnts. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pate. Richfield, for ihc pasl two roonlitf.

m n e d any more tobacco than n 'Regular sized cljarette. But whetli- c r Uiat Is true under the law. I ’m n o t rtady to say.”

Pfost- said that the big Uilng wasn't wheUier a 'king' c lgarettc Is or Is ndt a •large’ clcarcttc. bui w hether wholesaltts 'or Telalltn. take.Inventories of Uielr liquor, cigar and clgarettc .itock as of Nov. 1. TIie.KC inventories mu^l be taken then nnd retnlnul for tlimi;.

Tlie deadline, for flllnK Uic tnx Inventor)' with tlie reinlltance h Dec, 31, Pfo.ll ju ted. Tlie floor tnx Inventory Is to deirrmlne the dif­ference between Uie old and new rates, ho 'explained.

'CIpr*The tax on large ciRar* mo<\e to

sell a t 2 'i cents each is 50 ccntv per Uiou.'iuid, Uiosc selling between 3 ‘j and four cents t l per thou.\nnd And between 4 and 5 c»nU 52. The tax Is graduated up u f J6.30 Cigars telling for m<5rc Uian cents each,

Tlie new Lix on disUUed lltjuors Is >2 a galluii. femiented mall II I I a barrel, wine oT \fi-i " pe r cent alcoholic content ft gallon, wine beta-een M nnd '31 p e r cent 10 ccnb a gallon, winc be­tween 21 and 24 per cent 35 cen ti a Ballon, champiigne Uuec cen ts a ha lf p in t and arUflclally carbonated wine cents a half pint,

Colorndo's Black canyon of the Oilnnlson jiaUonal moniimcni wn.i vlsltwl by toao i pecMia* In

Friends in Jerome have Ic&med Uint MLw Belly Pliorrls. fonftcr fccretnrj-' to Proftccuilng Attorney Richard Seelry. Is now secretiiVy to flupenlsor Le Roy A. Frorler a t the army n lr b.uc. Poc.'itcllo. ^n.'U

'Plmrrlt had been working In Utah v.lUi lil t Red Cruw.

.Members ^ f the H.ipiLH Mi.uloi ary society will ineei Nov. a a t the home ot Mrs. Osrar Fort.

K etdlecrati cliib met today &t the home ot Mrs, John McConnell.

Mr, and Mrs, Roy Potter and children and ,Mr. and Mrs.' J “ Klngery and famllj-. tormec . dents, have returned to their home In Phoenix. Arli,

The Jun ior Dancing-ctnb's first dance of Uie seoson was held Tuea-

' (lay evening a t the American Legion liall.

Mrs. Je.'»e Buckles was held n t 11: Buckles -residence. Mr. Buckles .will

0 .-soon for Oregon to enter work. Ifrs . Buckles plani to re ­

main In Jerome unlit her daughter.Lola, graduates from high school. Pinochle wa.i p lijed aiiit retrcsh- mentA wen? fen'rd> Prr.'ent were M r. and Mr?. 0 \iy BiiHrn, John

tel. C, A. Mclnlyre, DotP.1U1 need. Mr. and Mrs, Te .......land. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Webster.Mr. Bivd Mrs. George Jacobs a n f l i j ' 1 Mr, nnd Mrs, Fred WebMer. Mrs. r ' Stickel. who la 111. was unable to be irescnl.'

H om e Nursing ClassesKlMDERLY,.tfct.;2a-A nyone In­

terested In tnting £fie Red Cro-«. home nursing course In Kimberly dUitrlct Is rcquc.'te<l to regtiter ol Slaughter's or Arnold's store.i lui

on as iKKjIble. .Mrs. Olen W hlt- •y. Red Cra .1 rh-ilnnan for Kim-


T U M ’SOROPMarkets at a Glance

Inli«di (.IM krV'»rlnd ralU.•Jr;« .trlw »t>a Ntw Or-

('»>» l c . r ; M ilix ••!•••C4I11.: stMn, m iU an *0

• to 16c ilffcef I lop

M W VORK. OcC M t/?V-Tlio Block market today extended Tue.i.

d a y 's decline, leaden generally Bild< Ing off fracUons to a point or more

Persistent heaviness of thp aUels helped to turn the uend downward f tfu r th e list had shown la ir stead ' Iness in the first hour <rf more op' tim lstle reports from Uie Solomons and other flghilng fronts.,

handJul ol IssMes itM lvtfi &I> support in the lsta<|roccedlni

being. Crucible ’Steel wlilc moved up more Uian a point to ticw \*cak Coe U\c K lew lead- era sliou/ti sflne recoveo’ from Ihe I0W.1 In /the final hour. Transfers

•nlboul 500,000 shares.. .1 tlie offside were U. a . S teel,

DeUilehcm. ChO'sler, Oencrul Mo­tors, American Telephone, ConsolU dated Edison, American Can, West- Inghouse, du ow . Allied Cheml. cnl. ESulman K c* k , S tandard Oil (NJ) and Texas A ,

Union Pacific mhda a lltUe pro­gress as most oUier rails fell back for fractional loi.ics.

Bonds and comnodlUes wer. regulftr.

M i n i n g S t o c k s

New York Stocks

- 23S

A laska Juneau .Allied Stores ....A llis Chalmers .American Can .....................■_ « ’American l^omotlv# ______ 8HAmerican MeloLv............... NosalesAmerican Rart. & Bid. San...... 5SAmerican Rolling Mills ...:..... 1 0 \

'A m erican Smelt, & Refining..- 39*«American Tcl. t: Tel...... ......... I23»iAmerlcartxTobacco D -........_... « ’iAnaconda Copper ...................2 8 \

^ U a n tle Refining ........ ........... J8'4Baldwin LDComolhe ........ ........13Baltimore & O hio........ _ 3%Bendix AviaUon ................... 34SBettilehem Steel .......... ., 37SBulova ...............................No sales

Burrouglis .......... .................... 0California Pacific .......... . NosaliCnnadlnn Paclllc .................... 'f i'J . I. Ca.*e Co................ ....;.,No«alesCcrro de Pasco Corp.Cliesapeakf * O hio ..... .....CJir^'sler Corp......................Coca Cola .............. ............ .Colorado P. & I................Commercial Solvents ..... ....CoHMiUdttiwl Copper............Conwlldated E.11.v)n ............Consolldnled Oil ...............Continental C;ui ................Continental Oil .............C om Pnxhicis ...:...............CurtL'.i WrlKlit ..................D it Pont ........... - ...............F lrr;lone Tire Ai Rubber ..F reeport Sulpliur ............1,G eneral Elecirle .........G eneral Fodds ...................O cneral Motors .

.. 31U

Goodyear Tire i Rubber______ 21'G reyhound'C p, ____ _______ l3^H ouston o il . . .1 ............ ......... *Howe Sound -../r.___ ................32’,

CopiJiT .................... No salesIntemailonAl Harveiter .... ...... 51'IiiteniaUoual Nlekel........_.;._.'29Intem atlona! Tel. / i Tel. *■Jo h n s Manvllle ...................... . (11K ennecolt Copper _________ _ 31K resse ...................... ................ 18'Lorlllnnl ........................ _____ IS'M uck Trucks _____________ 20S

Montgomery W a r d ---------------3Nash BilvUvator ---------------- 'National, Biscuit ---------------- 1NaUonal Cash R e g is te r ------- 1NaUonal Dairy P r o d u c u ____ 1National- DUUllers _________ 2New York C e n t r a l ------------- INorth A m e ric a n ---------------- ■NorUi Ametjcan Aviation — 1Northern Pacific ---------- -Ohio Oil ;........ ..........................Packard Motors -------------------P a ram ount-P u^.____________ 1

Public Service ol N. 3 . _____iniUman .- Pure OURadio Corp, of America ..........Radio K tlih O rp h tv iin _____Republic , Steel

BlwU Union Oil ............Simmons C o . ---------—socony Vacuimi ............


CHICAGO. Oct. 2t C/P>—Rye Prtee*' tumbled almost 3 centa « bushel Uy day to tnew low-s fo r the Kaion. carry-Ing all other groloa down frac ' tlonally In sympathy.

Stop aelhn* cnStrTB. -wttdi ' brokers bUmed on Uie record break* . 'g supply coupled, wJUi sbw de* uizTtd trotn disllllera and virtual ettnUualloti ot t l« expo rt macke;. U|Het r}e, Outstafidlng contracts in rye futures are unusually large, trad*’ ers said. In comparison with th* volume of commitment* In oHief cereaU,

Wheat closed l i - S lower Uian yesterday, December flJ4U -M . May llJS '.i-* ,: com dolrn,December 7B’<. May M S - b : rye

:-2 'l lower. December C l \ ; oaU nch:ingcd to h lower; aoybeans ^

' off to !i up.



Standard Oil of California .... S tandard Oil of Indiana .. .... Standard Oil of New Jcr.-.ey ..Studebnker ..............................sunslilne Mims ____ _______Swlfl i i Co. .Texas Coriwrntlcni ..........Timken Roller Bearing ..TTansamcrIca .................. .Union Carbide -------- -----Union Paclllc ...................United Aircraft CPUnited Airlines .•......... .....United Slatc.s R q b b e r ......United su ites § t c e \ -------Warner Brothers ..........W tile n u Union ......

lo--, ,10'rk


N, V. CURB STOCKSRuiikcr Ilill-Sulllvan ..v ......NoClUes Sen-Ice .................. ...... :....EHecUlc Bond A S hare ----------Gulf Oil of-^Vinnaylvnnla

•rillCAGO, «M. SH U7- N 0 »hf.l. r„rn; OJ.f. .V». 1 jWtrir TTe (u T»«<(.. : In 7h'.s«: No. S-7»'it; flo.

* Ur u, :su c ; Ma>P|» .(M.:*No, 1 No. i SIHelllarUri'*iliilUnc Slc'io t l.04N: tnd lUyif!'l‘.c<.l I»r huniJrnl»«lB(il. Mi«iliiill

Tlrtwil,» I,-..................... - ...................

Ked trIends he

i m ^ N T I O N

Cash PaidP’or W orthless ®r Dead

CoK-fl. ■Hordes an ^ Price of Pelts fo r Dead Sheep

Cal/ Collcct Nearest PhoneTWIN FALLS 3H. GOODING



RUPERTML-j Vlrnmla Hawk, Mnt. Rober

Snnpp iinil Mrs. Don Hawk vLiItet In I3olM with Mrs. Don Hawk's alS' Ur, Mni. lliiwk win leave, ^ocm U Join -Mr, l» CnlUPmln where he Is enk-HRed in war wofi, ’

Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed La Rue nnd Mr. and Mrs, I'aiil Pjench l\ave letun^- erf from a week's trip to nortb Idaho and Wa'shlnBlon.

Mr. and Mrs. Waltz-r Wilson of San Diego, Calif, arrived In Rupert Saturday nnd are house gueata of .Mr. and Mrs. Hennan Johiwon, V nnd Mrs. Wilson are on a buslni trip. Tliey were pioneer re.'ildenta of Minidoka county but have made their home nnd engnKCd In business for *o-eral years In the California city.

Mra. W. 0 . Ilunicn arrived home from a brlej visit In Omalia, Neb., wlih her daughter. ML‘-i Deon H an­son, who Li Uiere In nurse's training.

Mr, and Mrs, pelc 'Valdei-lelt by auto for Oklahoma City. Okla., where he will be rniplQyod..He liii.s been tmjiloyed for some time by the U. 6 . reclamalton f.cnlcc a t Amer­ican Palls,

Aaron Clements, accompanied by n u son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. ao y d Oardner. oil ot Kat- ey, vuited In Rupert w ith Miss E t­

ta Clements.Mr. and Mrs. piin Pirrotlo and

baby left for several days' vWt wlUi relaUi-es a t Rock Bprtngs, Wyo.

SPOT CASHKor.D cad or WorUileas Horaes,

Mules and Cows L-1 Call Colleei XwlaMART ALICE TROUT FARM

POULTRY CLINICt u t Wy E. atcDOWELL from C. U. McClelUn Laboratories. Los AngClM hold * poultry Clinic a t ttw GLOBE SEED-* FEED CO. on Truclc Lone In Twin Falls

Thursday, Octj29 from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.B ring tn'VoBr Ponltry T resU w • Chickens. Turkey* and R«bblU

a O B E iSEED & FEED CO. F e m la liu n e a b c r of U. 9. ftrm r algnal eoip» IntUlU nuUo In Unk, top. W eauui netccreioglsl, lower le ft, folloiri aacent pf free ‘baUaan relcM ed. fay girl a lrial e«rpa member, towrr r ig h t Balloan Car­rie* w ea th ir recordloc inslrement*, (Photos from special U .is . anay

I alfTWl c e tp t Im e , Badlo Neva rnacmilot.)

aoOD INO , O ct. » - C l a a e s In Red Cross home nuralns b av e been started In Hagennon wlQt M n . Ad*> /line n n t h w UtttrucU*. I n V ..........Mrs. Ida Taylor la tb i I tor, 4n BUsi. Ur*. F e a c t ' paW ct «od In Ooodto*. '•ubel F m L t -

A c l u la f l n*» . started 'at W a n d f lT ^ I PetanMn-m > te itn io ttr .

„ m k n m n iae ttr b o » l u . • above tiitf-.fartb Xba reache*,' b u t 'I t U-e3tlniat«d to ba ^ lo u t B3S mllea.

Page 10: -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S F H 1,980 TONS PACIFIC SEA BATTLE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA . 1,980 TONS BO fnr 829

- T r ? T F : s - N T s w s . * n m r f a l l s , t d .v h o Wetoeadajr. October 28. 19 «

! - • SER1>^ STORY ••


L THE STORV: JUjlha Mmcr, napicien*. f o llo n « itra n irr to

. ' the »pM1nicnt at Nanrjr lu le *tI ;U oeoln FteU. N inc r U ■ p r td r

;reDnx wldaw o( » u id irr, and •ww broDfbt to ihe fItU *Hh

, b fr yooiif M D i.hom flm »n«i p»n- |aU (u .-aflrr bclnc hurt In an anto IkCcldrnL S h r 'fa l l i In love wlCh Diuuie H oian. radct pllel and a

. ' t l i r of Ihe football team coarlifd :by. Blylhe'a fatlifr. Top Mlllrr. DIfIhe aUa ioTri Diuiic and U Jc^toua. O ut the al*o berjijnM rurleu* and frleh lrnn l « h ^ the heat? the »tran*rf offef Naiirr >1,000 lo {Irr lluanr and anotlirr player Mwplfn pIlH before the next football came—and hear* him make b {hreateninc remark abeat her father.

BLVTiic IS i>isn.i.i;s ioM :i> c h iip if i^ x in

Bl>Uie Mllirr Uioiinlil »he n-ouUt t aurely explwlr. T lili draiiin. liere

e ilAlra. Jliil coiihln'l bel It ke a liirlcl iiovrl. Or a Cliv-M

, B rpic down on -^iic of tlic side dtrcct ililrd-ruti inovlc'lioiisr.^ "

: woukln'l litive aurprlsrd lier If ti j orcliMtrn Imcl utorlfd mood music ; belilnil w en o . n.i on the m<lto:'or [ K evcnbody Imd Mi(5dcii1y I i t And Imiiilirti. Uir cadtU did ; wlirn tlicy ko to clowiilni:.

ttiii rrnll Dlylhe kncv nil im surely timt Nancy

I HaUi nnd ilic brnv'y^volcnl Rent I upMolrs were clinrnctcrs not from ! A »tor>’ Imt from real life. One of

Uiein had Ju st flnlahe<l his main : <lJecdi nnd cuctJ the oltier. She

w alkd breathlc-vily for Nancy's response.

»Io»Iy, ■■'i Nancy r tm n ln r t t^ u lm ,’ Jiowcvrr, "Ujat >'00 , . . . wn;jlc m« lo . . . <■016 Norman Dana nnd Duane

■ HoKiin. So • they cnn 'l play Kood footbaU and V.I11 the Kune. You

{ fJ/ico/n Field la lav.""•At's 111 . . . You «ald It rl«ht,

a b terl . . •. Ven-ii-n-hl Yoti^c ; amnrti"

A Uiunderoiw ^llcnre followed Umt.

"Whnttn yti Miy. sLsler? Olciiy for plajlntt M f lui. Jimm? Ttie boys'll trea t you r lsh t. You Just say the word now. nnd w ell s ta r t wit' tJilj jVnnd and no QuestlonA'asked, aec

Suddenly Nnncy Bnswerw! him. "All ri}5l4." alic nnU!. still cool,J’or i^moment-Uie brns.sy Rent be­

came exTMinslve. •• •A t-t-t-t-t' • fflrllel" lie chuckled nnd pnlU shoulder. Tlien qitlckly he turned grim.' "Bui no monkey baslae.«, t«r! W ell see I t done ourselve.i, ihLi lime. Now ,get UiLi—I kIvo yon

'rea l pllU. »ec. Olvc' em to you j riv e o'clock Wednewlny me nn pal come here. You fix It ro Tfe hide nnd «'it(ch whnt you do. We can Ullt In hnlf,Bn hour, these pills make 'em Iwy. see?. . . You set me?"

, "Yes," flttld Nnncy."At'a n Rlrll You pul u .^ym i aol

.* clwel, eh? Clolhes clowl. maybe, uHere we won'I be seen and we cnn sUU Wfllch? Okny then, ever>’flnB‘* Jnke, see. You Rll Uie douRti Wed- nerday nlRht. before we Irnve. Ko hah n done. Nobody ever know It. You cnn sail th e money do«n, scat­ter 11. do Whnt you like. Sure. I-nler —you nnd me. hunh? Sure. bnby. D on't forsct, 6 o'clock Wednesday. SI/p U.1 In."

He broke off w lih 'n low UuRh of victory w id ’ Dtythc iinw 'he would • ta r t back* flown. She heard Noncy any "All r ls lit” once more: hennl the word with quick, dlabblni'horor, then silently ned.

If Dlytha Imd been In mbutftl tur* —moll ycaterday.-alui.ulU-.to-hcrxclf.

ahr WM iieivrly Insjine now.Sobblni; quietly, but hyslerlcnJIy.

ahs icooted nloni: tho privet hedse. p u t tho ta lle r shriibber}' nnd Uirough the f l n l ttsnnrl that M , to tlie top of.Uie atndlum.

Up Ujcre nobody vnis In lBht. here In t]ie middle of Mondny mom- In*. - She fled y.lUioui reasonlnic •boutJL She Just knew shD c«uldn.'t

back to pop 'a ofdce and wait

for the buslneM caller«>or be thrre when Kancy Ilnle fam e In. Too much Inside h e n elf was like a hur- rlCMie. She had been snooptng'and —In common with most snoopers —heard only somethlns which Inilll d(«resi.

Tlie g rea t stadium yawned - In ItA em ptineis now like lomc r1. Ranilc drnson. • At lea.\t It ^ecln- ed horrlJylns to Blythe. Every, tlilnif, In fnct. r.eeined hnrrlfylng. Nancy Hnle.. T h a t bfa^^y man. TJie wnf, Mie In nenersl . , .

She wn.*! haJf running nloiiE row of srnL‘1. cllmblnit n.s she run, without direction. She came alons- ^Ide the prew box, Ai:aln.it the ntnfllum. the booUv^'aji corJiy smull. like an a ttic nook or a Imll ctMet lo which n ocnretf Illlfe child mlRlit

X nnd hide. Blythe ducked In. e enough, the cold wliiil wns

off here In here. The Kliu.''ed 1, touched by November even ,W|irjn, In a moment she leaning on the reporler.V long

from tnble, crj'lng In uiMr n'bnn* don.

'Hie complete breakdown! l.i.\led qunrler hour o r so. then ebljed

'Hie I'olatlnn here atop the sliulhim hild been n bIrMliii;;

11 tears cun be. the completecli-eKny to thirii ho/J brrfi /ir«Jpd relief. Pre.iently she wn.i ilttlnR

slnrlnK down a t the Ilmc' striped field iind breathlnir nor^ mallj- hsain. But her de.ipondency WM deeper tlinn ever—and more bitter.

So frlendr.hlp, aacred lo decent folk, had been made n bloody t.vrl-

'T l ia t’a w hst It amounU Ifl.' niyilic whlspere<l. thinking auillbly. "Exactly th a t . . . I tried to be Sancy'ii friend. I Puanedid ihlnB-a for her In ever)' Rener- out wny . . . And Norman. ■ 100. Tlie whole team. Ui fact, look her and Scooter fn. Pop bc/rlrniJediier. Everjlxxty dU{. Picked her . . . picked her .literally out of the gut-

rl . . . Saved lirr life. Rave her ni'iv s ta r t In n new home. And

a t the sardonic, .sneering ' UihiRS Fttte can do.

She ceaaed trying to pu l nil the pieces of her putzlo togetlier. Still mlsalng were the porLs *lx)ul Poji’s anger In his office h u t week when shir aurprlMd him. S t li/u n a iu w rr- ed were que.niiotui about itm t fat envelope Jn hU desk. She hud dell- nll« hunche.i now—aJie. -ilioURht" she knewl But she would hnve to rea.son all th a t out lat*r, o r solve Jt in anoUier way. jwrhapa by ko* lug frankly lo Pop lilm u lf when he f.hould pgoln be well and o u t of bed.

I t wod Incredlhlel Nancy, p retty ,1 a picture,’ sweet a-i pie. TrimhiK

traitor like -like—no. worse than Uenedlcl Amoldl Benedict Arnold St did K'hat he thought tt-axrlKhl. history allows. He still rlake<l his life fighting rven Uiougli for America's enemy In th a t dlatan^ day.

O ut Nancy HaJe had ll.ilcned to the lure of.money and noih lng el'ir. And thU s’ame Nancy* waji tho girl who liad t made a fool of Dlyilie. Not only had she touuht Blyihe'.i frlcndvhlp. sl.e had .'.ought to -w in the mim BtyiJie loved, nnd harf the temerity lo ask Blythe's lie lp In winning hlm t I t wili nllogether the crualJe.?!, m a il /JjuJwnbJp pjei-e of lni.slncvi BIj’Uie hiul ever .cncount- eretl, she lold Jjerrelf anew.• Expose Nancy?’ . . . Go quietly

nmi tip off Pop, nnd Uie L incoln Field auUiorltlej, nnd Ihe dowiilown police? , . . Sol a trap for he r and the sneaking giunblcr.i who offered the Uiousnnd dollars?

■'Cerlalnlyl" Blythe whL'pered ve- liemently, alone there In the lilgh pre.ia box. "Il'a only Ja ifjq jt She ha.s It coming to her. Lei Nancy Hale be expose<ll _ And th e n —and then"-fthe W'fts bexlanlliK to sob iiKnin—"and Uien miiybe Du;ine Hogan will iome 10 hU sen.sesl"

(To Be Continued)



Page 11: -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S F H 1,980 TONS PACIFIC SEA BATTLE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA . 1,980 TONS BO fnr 829

WrinMiiwVOclober 28, 1042 TIM ES.NEW S. t w i n PALLS, IDAHO


atLOW c o s t !


A mrnimuai oi >0 wort* « required la w c leitiiltfl »a

' T ennj - Cm »i •IN TW IN FA Ll-3 Phona 38 o r 39


UBAOUNSa dii't, U B. m.

•u iid t ; , • p m Silu rd*!

«ode ™ .— - ........... ....... ..........-pf Newipoper CItuKled Adver- lUine Mwiagin ind rM im i in i right u>KtU or r«)4ct my eiM« »ine<J AdvKrtUJin -Blind A a r ' c*rn'W | I ■nww.Ne*’! DO* num- t«r ATI itrleU; ;onndcnU») and po infurmiuon cm | i«n ^ rCfin] to Uii idrerdJsr .

.trror* Uwuld iw reported Ira* moolitely No •Uew»nee'-»1I1 t» m»di for mgr« turn ont UJcor- r«cl Icuntlon.

Life’s Like T ha t By Nehei

BPECDkL NOTICESFREE eulUni of window ehodcji

»h»n pureh*t«s to Ki«s'» B w - menu —

PAPCB h w it r . palnltr, Work cuw. tn i« td . T ,'ToweKimberly. Phone lOj-J.


lo U » AMtit* W kt lv.0 p*»- ifflsers. Will pay •U Mpcn.ies. Home No. 8, L«bor Cnmp,

MAN, wife w«nt ride Bfro-vllle. Ar- kiin.iM or vicinity, eimn- cxprtiici. av d e M triln, care R. L. Ilmvlej-, Jloiiie 1. Jerome.

SCHOOLS AND TBAININGLEAHN shorthand, lyplni. book-

kreplns nnd ottlc* machine. Day MKl night clnsjcj, Kntoll now. T v ln Fnlh Biuilneji CJnlver«lty.

- o i i r o p r a c t o r s

AUE your, (ert tmd h«ndi cold? Ad* JuatmenU Improve clreiilatlon. Dr. }{«xdln.


f • KHMAWENT8, »: 00, Mr.v Beomrr, Phone n<7—over* IndciwAdciit Meat Uarkec.

VCTHA ipacltl prices on »II pcrmn* nenta. Benuty Aria Aeademy-Ar- U«Uo Beauty Solon.

roiM ANENTS, 11.50. JOO Jefrerron cireel. Phont IBOS'J, Maymp K lasi M cCabe,______________________

S?£ClAl.-4&.00 cU peTmantnv.' 13.00; IS.OO oU permanent |3 io Idkho Barber wxl B etu t; Shoppnon* t i t .

- I should Ihknk you'd b« glad I b ou |h t a n fw h n t . . . don’t you ev - ................ - t pid hat to B4W. maiqucrade pw ty i


a iX roomx. Heat, woter, dectdo mngfi. 151 Third avenue norUi.

f u r n i s h e dA PA RTM EN TS

HEATED on# room. EloctrJc range, relrlRCTaWr. 8J9 Tlilrd »tenuB norUi.

TWO Rooms. KefrlRcnitar. a a r t f * |( neoes.iarr. (OS Second *venu« north.

PLEASANT two I Bioker. Oloie Phcme 30}*.

APARTMENT, lullable for working BlrU. Sima AparUnenM. or phone_ __

TWO nnd < rwwu. atoker heal, wa*t<T IurTM»hfd. prlvMe bnUv »^8. 1318 Sixth ciiat before noon or af­ter S p, ni.

h o m F s f o r s a l e

MODERN Six room hoiuc. Fumnce and atoker, E u t pan, A rcnl buy. M,500.00. Roberta aiirt lUn'tm .

COMPLETELY modem hoa^r for wiJe. Vcrj’ rra.-otintil?. Pliou« BD-J nr Intiulrc n o 6cvrntli

■ inie ea.-.l.

On-firr IfftVliiK—mn.'Ufll n t once I New 9 rn\. Kitjcrnv liwelllns ulUi iti^knr. fireplace, ulr co;i- dlUonrr. full cnncrrle biisc- tnfnl, Sloiuiiltul sSiriiblicry w«l f rn m l bacle yard, G.imKC, Ncv district. »3J50, TonnJ.

C W IIi C. JONKS Sank i i m u t Oldg, phone 2011


80 ACHES, TNk-ln P^IU tract. Deans »nd h«y. fU fe rencu re<iulred. Ui- qylre 4J(I M ain north.


aouth Jlagerm an. <


NICELY riimlahed room and tood


LOST AND FOUNDOTRAYEDr 4 monUt okj fox terrier

pup, black and white, answera to .'■Tufty." Rcwird. rtwtw 20i7.

LOSTi Truck tire and rim brtttpeu Twin r a l l t and nonrrs MuUiwr:'t of City. Reward. Phone OlDl'RS.


>icep*T waTiUi pen'Hlon. nelereneei fumUhed. Box 10, Tlmes>Nevi.

, H E L P W A N TB O -W O M B N

WOMAN or Rlrl for housework.........o f child. Oo home nlghlJJ. ^ o n e •J61-J, es'enlnja.

G IflLS under tJilrty-flve for atoro

----- H r‘Kin({ CDliipany;

BEAUTY operalori o r girl* to learn beauty work. Apply’In person. Ar* tlatlc Beauty W on. •.

WANTED; Temporary homesi for children. Soclnl agency will pay board. Box 8, Tlmei-Newt.


NICELY fumW ied lar^e front room, aidtahlc for-tw o. OirU preferred, >{onta prlvllegei. Cloie In. 135 Tliird avenue ta^t or J lf-J a fter 0:30 p. m.

U N FU R N ISH E D HO U SESFIVE room houie, m odem axcrpt

h e a t Adu)ti. ))5. S. A. Moon, Phono 5 or 31.

TWO room plMteted housr, tnUJt.- Ini, range, cloiet. callar. S(0 Art*dl-wn.


OOOD BO to 160 acre*. References, equipment, finances. Box 11, Timci*Ntw».

BOUTH aide ranch. Hnve 'equip- metit. 31 year* eKperlence, P- C, A. financed, reference*. R. 0 , B\’- nn*. 1 niUa aouth Ouhl, Route 1;



S e t u» or PUT ftKenla a t Jerom#— Ooodln# - Burley - Rupert— Shoshone_Duhl


Bo« «I0 Twin m il l , Id*.

r e a l E ST A T E W A N TED

ntSPO N SIBLE lady for housekeep- Ins. Oood working candUlaM v tth TfTi' iroo<j waiai. room and board Included. Phone 533-;.

HAVE opening in local office o r . .

• tlonal eoncem, Steady work, good opportunity (or ndvancemenu Q lvs agt, education In bookkeep­ing >nd iienosraphy. tiperlence

s o y s wanted for TUnee-Newg ear- r t i r dcllrery route*. Apply In per- a w . Ttmea-Sewa olflcs.


CAPE, canplct«. KfU5t aell accotmt of^Ul h t i l th . Johaun CMi, »;ch*

OTOD four room houac to move. Jphn A. Btewart, Buhl. - / -

POOR or five room houAe. Close In.


Altrtetlve i room dwelllnff. t«(n< ropm In basement. Stoker, heavily ln.tulate<]. A ^ (u ty lor only *34)00.

c e o u * C, JOHES ■Bniik S: Trujl BIdg. Tel 3041

to ACUE3. unimproved. No weedj, K,000, tl.OOO down. Term*, £ . L, Lj'ncl). Built. A ct quickly.

PIHR Forty norUieaaV Jerome, 5 room home, well, preuure <y.Hetii. MilOO, terms, Ray Mann, Jerome.

CO ACRE^, 4 mile* from town r hlsUway, p« le riil lonn, trcro O’SJ er. Phone 3330.

TWO acre trnet, < room home, gar. age, chicken home, bnvxier houre, bam. and choice frulU. R. O, Loontjer, Box 123, Buhl-

30 ACRES.:’l8 Irrlgaled, 30 In benw, b.-ilnncc itf polAtoe* and nlffllfa. SmaJl lnu)rovemcnU. 3 mlli

LIVESTOCK, FOR SA I.BHCeELLEtm.y trained, lenU e.

lljhtwelghi. team tor m U . Phone 1H3-J.

3»g WHITCFACE twea, two and three yean, Iamb January , F^b* ruarj-. Phone 0J8T-R3, W. P . Jonea.

POULTRY FOR S A L E\v n iT 8 Leghom*-300 puJleU. 200

hen*. Ph-vie,n*y<. Eden- E- J- McNee.-

GOOD TH IN G S TO E A TDELICIOUS. *0c, you pick. 4 eouth,

(i eail. ea*t Main tr lg h l lid*!. ^ B ljg e rsU ir.

DELICIOUS wlndlall*. D. J e a a Day Oi-chard, 1 north, h ea*l KliH' brrly.

DELICIOUS, Rome*. Jonatiian* a t BrrnLi'. Rate* tor tr iic k m , 9 l u l , a ' i Muih Kimberly.

DELICldUS. RomM. Jonathan* . Bo* or to^ck loMl. 3 tvorU\. "J « u t , Jerome.

APPLES. 11.00 and up. Sweet cider —a gullon or a barrel. Public Market.

APPL£Bl M any-tnuies and-prlce*. ' bushel of truck load.< a t cellar

bloclTiouUi of railroad ifae lu on lilue Lake*. H, P. Long.


USED coal circulating heal«r» and furniture, aam ble s to re i. Phono eiS'J.

WAJtTEO: Wood or wire haiuer* . In good condition, IH e caeh. Troy or HaU&ntl p la n t

CASH paid for ii*ed furniture, atove* and clrculitit\s h ta le r t. Moon'i, Phone S.

USED fumllure bought, tcild nnd rxchmKed, BweetV Boiepient Slore. Phnn# 13J3. »•

USED matire**, bed-iprlng*. circu* Iniins heaiera, coal range*, radtna. Wesifrn Auto.




Ju s t w rite y ou r m€3snK« on a penny ixjsl

curd nnd ntail i t to th e Claaaified Dcpiirl-

m cnt of th e T im ea-N ow s tellln it us Itow

• m sny tim es you w a n t th e rui to nppoar. NS'a’ll

•do the rout.


' ' C O N V E N IE N T

CALL 38 o r 39 and

ASK FOR- A N A D TA K ERThe co.st is umall— 50c w ill pny fo r a 10 word

ad tha t will reach 16,000 Mnffic Valley honics

any day of th e week. **


W E HAVE A nice db[)Iay of BWln« c iialn . I16.S3 up to {39-50, Hiirr>- Mu*grave.

U IR O ^ Plrcalrie heatroln, In good rondlUon. Phone 4J-R3. Klmberjy, IdaJta

WANTED: old o r meloM llvo hor*ej. HIgtieit prleei paid. Idaho Ulde nnd Tsnov,

CAST and »«ap Iron. Jerom e Auto PtiriR. .Jtromfr—T *ln Fslla W rteJt- Ing Company. Twin P aUj .

WE PAY CASK .For Your U»ed Car

DE OnOPP-WOOD MOTOR 351 M{ila E u l '


CARS and TRUCKSMflKol Auto Com pany


FJIer. i , J . Knurniiii,

mlle^oi r neW' n


LETZ B urr Mill and two w u Bun; new DiU yciir. Abo 'Rtyxl hny wa ron. Phone 40-w . Buhl,

ONE McCormlck'Defrlng rtdlns 'leet puller. O nly UO.OO. See Harry Muigrave.

SEED S A N P "PLANTSBiU’cra or te e d i of all kind*- Owlottt. carroui, bran*, pea* Clovers, nlfoJfa and er^n.


HAV, GRA IN AND FEEDJU ST Q M grinding .-P tian a -la a -

m McKean BroLhar*. Milling Semce

GOOD alfalfa hay. wheat and bar­ley sirnw, 30-30 Fields, CMtlefonJ.

Custom ffrlodlng—tfrtnd anywhe^a over 3 ton 8c. Ph . 0403R1 Twin PalU or PUer T2J3. Pti. calls off grinding


>tOLAflSS3 u f i u i i o and .PEED ORINOINO

UORCIWIND MUiLlNQ sm V tC l Pa. 3i». pu«r< Ph. call* off r io d u if


5 m i. home, mod. e a x p t heat. c i» e in. on pavement. « j» o . Terms.

I m i. mod. except he«U fum tahtd, on DBVfd a lrteL H.7M. Term*, room hom e on graveled a trep t

ll^OO.-Term*, .One aero l r « t , < room house,.well,

located. 11,300 caali.S . A. M oon-R aat C tU U

901 w. Mtln

TWIN P A U ^ w ua bull *emce. de- lUarad to /arm . Ou*nj*ey aod 0 -1 ...,_ oiM-Rl,.........

50 OOOD Whlto face steer*, average ins. two Blzej. A, D, Hall. Olrrtns

■ rerry , T tlephw i* M ounU ln Home.

9 ^ 1 line* of re m td in and fi»loa for c a tu t , h o p , iheep and poultjy.-•AV|M OR D R U a erORB

AIR comuremr. new m otor and overhauled.'lituiirt U orrlion, -04 Pounl) ucsv. I'linne n s s .

TWO WUichfM'T rarblnrs wllli Pox M\cll» f « l i , U35Q each. OoodlJiK Hiinlwnrr.

1500 FIELD b.us, med. I 'm lle norUi. U weit, ’h nortJj, Cr>-*tal Springs m o .

BTOVE repalf’. order tliem nowl Bweet'a fMmHure Blore. Phone 1235.

STOVE Reti.tln can b« purcha.-ied nowl Large iloak on hand. Brink’ name and niimber of Atove and If

— OQstible-tiUl-iaU -wwUid. - Do»'i w ait until mtinufAclurlnR hns been a to p p ^ . Sec Mooiia todayl

SPECIAL Tinifs-New* BUbscrlp- . Uon raU s 'o te rrtee m eo -o n ly

•IJJO lor a monUis (payable in advance) Addretsat may oe changed at no nddlUonal coil, *0 place your <rder todaj'l

GOOD rirc.slric circulator IirnUr; a lto trash burner with water coll. Phone W30-J1.

STOVES, bedi, breakfwt set, llv- Infc room suite, rug, *53 F ifth norU i.,

EXCELLENT MaJtjtlc UJ«1 rcirlu- ernW>r for aale. 74314 Second nvc- nuc west. .

RECEIVED! new shipment lnexi>rn- alve solid oak dinette srlA. W est­e rn Auto.

USED General Elrctrlc refrlgeralor. Very good condlUon. Tentui, WlU hon Bales.

3 0 0 D mrd Monarch coal ronge. JlOiiS, Term*. WII*on-Biite* Ap - pllimce. .


A U TO S FOR SALEp x ru far cara and irucki

T«-|n PolU Wrecking. .Kimberly Road-

1041 CLD8MOBII.E rlub e(^|>e. R4* rtio, heai/ir. fot| Jlghl*. good tln-i,

T R U C K S ANDTUAILKHSFO R SALE; Dinmnnd T tn ic k .,

conrliUon. Inquire a t Henry lilue'*, riu.1 of Wiilkcrs Service Station, Jerom e. Idliho, f

FO R SALE: One 13 foot bert bod, Bood fi-i new. will diiiiiii frnni eliti- e r side. Jercnna ooopctauve Crenmer>-. Jerome.

OOOD Ocnrral Eleetrtc relrlKemlor. sewliic machlnr. Excellent cpiv dltlon, Phona 038U<,

WE HAVE leveril inexpensive llv- 1ns room *ullei til e l«e out p rie s. Tw o pitca »ulU a t tmly $15. Hnrry

HAND woven ftll ruw- Rainbow colors, largo BNorlment, flee Mn-e today special Introductory prices. Moon'*-

LlNOLfUM rugi, Bxl3, only »J-03, A .llm l|«d number of new wiir.hinu machine* and refrigerator*. Claude Brown.

M iniESOO, kaliominD In bulk Quy w hat you want, trln* back wiiat you have tefU Ae will loon your brufih free. Wp imve a larKo jtock

/Ol wall paper a t prloei vou can o l- ford to pay .Moon'*. Pliune 5. .

CLEAN upl Pnlnt upf Oft ready for the Indoor monili*. We have uvery- tJ i ln i W) brlghUn the home. A Ions cold winter I* eomln«, Bave cool by havlni; Uint broken rI.vli re- plncc<l while there h plenty of ■la**. Bring In your snsh. No charge lor lelUng, Moon's. Phono

ESTATE Haatrola ranRe. Charter O ak heater, like new. encycloped­ia act, ilvlng room, rilnelte and bMroom furniture Including dou­ble Rttrf aliiRlB b r tj . r(>\l sprhiRS, mattres.ie.1. leather brd, wttrclroPe closoc, linoleum and AXmlaner rug. Al^o ntw drape*. Phone o;B8-J4.


tJooery wlUi the emblem of hti eervlce at the top. The Ilnest in prlnUng a t Its# ea*t| 8a« u today


HOME FURNISHINGS a n d a p p l i a n c e s

HOSPITAL bed. like new, reason­able. ic 9 ^^ * ^a fter fl p. m.

EMALli dining room set. good cor dlUffl. Bil Fourth avenue cast.

dOLO e^AL r u ^ m d Sealex Inlaid linoleum. Sweet'S Pum lturo Slore.

■nd w ounw i a


Hew and Used PURNACM and / HEATERS ' •' Scn'lce and ^qiAlIatlons

Pa)rbank.i>M6rf'r coal iiokera . S nark OU burning elreulaior* HOBEIIT E, LEE BALES CO.

CO M ain BouPi. Phone ISS-'W

Since t)ie draUi of my wire, x am Mllinj out my


1 Olbson Kite. n ttf lie n \o r 1 H otpolnt B ee; stove I K itchen f^ortl R *n |t I Ctreulator H talet .1 Doubla bed. Spring!, Mattress I Lloyd Baby Buggy 1 Steal Baby Bed I S inger Sewing Machlni I 'T lio r BI»o, Wo.'Oier I d rasa tr. Plate Mirror O lnlng table, 4 chalr*W tchan U bjt. 3 chair*Caq. t n aettv a t .my ranch ^cme.

3 ml. Ea*t, 3 'i 8, Kimberly, n t any time.

c u r r o N LOWE


trwni»t.P> •19 l { ^ .

trailer hou»e. 3 ol<l. DoiiliU- wall con»w«cWoii. H unt lii,-,. 3 extra llrr i i t wIireL*. Ju.*.!. retu rned from defori'.c M.wk, C I.IPF HAMMOND, O. P. BknMii* o r OIB i: ih Bt. Buhl. IriaJio.


NOTICE TO CttEmTQRS STA TE O F P. Ur ViKUXH. DE­CEASED. /NoUca l*.*Kirhy^gWen by

derslgRcd A dm lnlitrsior of the Es> ta te of P. i l . Weller, debased, lo U\« cre<UtQr» of ami ^1 j»r«>n.*v h iv ­ing claim s aaiilii-''i the snlrt deceased, to exhibit Uiom with the necc.unry \oucl\en;, tl); jno^tlv.^ aKerthe fir;,I publication of ihl* notIre, lo the .‘:ild ndmlnlslratar. a t the o(Slc«-oJ W m iA M l i KINWRY, til- torney*, over Olo* Book Slore, Ts'In PftJt*. County of Ttt’ln Falls, Slate of IiSaho. this being the pltirjs llxefl lor the tron.nictloii of the bwliicM of said e.<ilale.

D ated-Oclobcr m , 19«,LE ROY WELLER.

PublUhr Oct. 14, 3U33, Nav, 4 .1»43.





CREDITOKS I the rredltoni of Alfred Wlllpri

t>rTw,'ln'TftlU, Idnlift, T«in Falls Couniy. a n d Dlilrlct aforesaid,

bankrupt:Nfiycc I* hereby given ihat on the

37ih day of October, tm:. the Mid Alfred Wllion Peck was duly ad- •JwilcaUrt bankrupt! and tha t the f lr it meellnR of hi* crediior* will be held a t th e office.of the unrler- slsned Reierec In tJie iSaln Palls Bank St T n iit Building. T ain FalLi. Idaho, on the 0 th day ot November. 1 » « , n l 3 o'clock In the aliernoon. n t which tim e the said creditors m iy a ttend , prove iheir clalmi. up- point m irw tee , examine the bank­rup t and tran.w ct such olher bu.*l- tie « aa may properly come before u id 'm ee iln ir.

D ated ihl* M th day. of October, 194S.

O. P . Duvnll.R eferee In Bankniptcy.

PublLih: O ft. 28 and Nov. 4. 1D43

WPB Order Puts End to Zoot Suit

W ABmNOTON, Oot. 31 (UJtt-'me ro o t lu l t finally came lo an end to­day w ith impoalUon of war produc­tion bdard re*trlcUot)i on the cut o f men's and boys' clothing made from all kind* of cloUl,

T jie W P P order rtqulrta »lmpllBl- cation of c lo th ing produced from non>«'ool m aieriaU . previously Uie W PB h a d bannciJ tii# manufacture of zoot sullA—ten t-llke covering gen* amlly Inhabited by Jltlertnits-froffl wool cloth- T h» M F order e ik n d i U lt m trioU oM t4.e tt> (r..m «tirta lh _


DIRECTORYBathi and Utauasn

The BW*Well. 837 Main W, Ph. 153

Bicycle Sales and ServiceBt-ABJOB CYCLERY.

CliiropraeloraDr. W yatt. 151 3rd Ave. N. Ph, IJTI,

DiamondsR. U R oberu . Jeweler, UJ aiw. N,

Ihsect ExterminatorBed Bug fumigation T. P, Floral Co.

/ n s iFor Fir* and Caiiially Insurinee,

Hutety and Fidelity Eo«iU, »« Swim Investm ent Co., Baugh BIdg,

K ey S7iop


PERSONAL STATlONZriY Engraving, le tte r prew , inhography

Biulnei.^ form-1 ft specialty.TIMCS-NCWS

Commercial Printing DepU

^fo n cy to. LoanAulo loan*. See Bob Rceie, Magel'i.

'^hney io Loon0 . JONES for HOMES M d MANI*

Rm. &, Bank i i T n u t 9 )« r. Tfi- 3041.

BALAnv lyOAMB strictly confidential

U to u o to fmplQ'sd pcopl« 00 your own slinaturt.

CASH CREDIT COMPAKY •2, Qurkholder BIdg. Ph. T7«.

$25 to $750 . .ON YOUR CAR



Consumers Credit Co.(0«hi*d by Padne Flnanc*)330-MAIN AVENUE NORTH

■Osteopathic PhuiicianDr. O. W. Bose; 33^ M. N. P&, «I7-W.

Flum ^ng and Heating ‘Abbott Plumbing Ph, ii - W .,

Schools and TrainingT. r. Business Phono 2iie

T ra lltnOrm Trailer Companyr Phono « fT

TypewrUertSalea, rentals and terflca.. F^/C


- C .

DECLOAugust Dcthlef*. Jr., Sheppard

Idd, T«»,. Is vLsliIng his narenu Mr/ and ,74n). August Detlilcfs. He 1* doing office .work In tlie air corps a t Sheppard Held. His broUier. Artliur UoUiIefs, 1* lervlnR w|Ui tlic mrrchnnt marine and It I* not known a t prc«ent. where h* U ita - Uoned.

Mni. R. P. W.shcr enlcrtalned a t dinner Sunday In honor of her daughter, Mr*. Louli Jone*, whs U leiiving loon for Cahfornla.

Mr, and Mr*. Forest Noble and son, of San Francl*co,'vlilicd durtns Uia'week w lU i.tho lr graiulmoUiar, Mr*. Ed Berlin, leaving lor North Dakotft w here 'tliey will visit rela­tive*.~LouUe and Wendell Rlcheni, SaU

Lake. vl«lt«l Uielr nioUier, Mr*. MaIjIs Riclieni,

Mr. and Mr*, Winfield Hurst and children visliod Mr. and Mr*. Donald Anrte^koii a t Blackfoot.

M lu u tahna sjocklng*. w'lto I* employed a* l>oakkeepcr a t the Og­den airport,. vl*ltart-h»r |)*renu,-Mfr nnd Mr*, B. R . Stocklnts, and family.

Hay Doman, son of Mr, and Mr*. Joe Doman,. le ft for tlia navy where • e rnlUtert.'

Blllle Well*, alx-year-old daugh­ter of Mr, and Mr*. Prank Well*,

Iheir brotlier and sitter, Adam and' Rsther Pflicrson. TTiey a rt baln*. cared for a t the LInqulst home la Burley.

Mrs. Lena Wooljtcnliulnie li*# gone lo San Olego., ClUlf-. (or u . jndefli)lt« «lay. •

Mtis May V allett. of t o i ^ h«* been vUttlna a t U\e liowe ot her broUier, 0 . V. Valleit, nnd family, Ic.-iving for Portland. Ore., where she will visit ano ther brother. Gene Vallett.

M lu Mary Ja n e LiUon h turned from Beattie where she vli* lied during h a rv e jt vacation.

M lu Uelty Chrlsten/ten. Hall Lake, a twcxt of Mrs. Louis Jonts.EUle. Erma and Eva Pclenon

*pent a^cw days hero visiting wlUi

pareiiU. Mr. and Mrs, R . P. FUher. Deelo, and Mr, and Wr%. OharUe. Powers, Burley'.

OivesUr Parke received word from hli broUier, Lloyd, who U In tho. u. S. army, Uiat he 1* In a hospital at Lo* Aniali* and hU oondlUon 1|, lerlou*.

Mr*. Oy Andereoa h u gona to Malad and TremonWn. UWi, to vlili relative*.

Mr. and Mm, Vaughn Widiworth. Pocatello, are vltlUng.at the home of her parenu.-Mf. arttf %If». Henry Norton.

Vosco Parke and Konnan Parke, who hnve spent the summer lo Olil* r'lgo, returned U> Deelo (o vl*ll rtbt- live*. '

Mrs. J«me* Dalloh and. ion,. Jimmy, who have tpeitc t)ia post montli vlilUng in Manhalllown, la.. jilU i-U r».-Da lion-M *tli»T r*n (rl»“ ' III, have relumed home. '

Mr, and Mm, Charlea Pulslptier and Mr. and Ur*. Earl OennoUey and family have moved to Salt U U , where they vlil maki Uietr hoioe.

Roosevelt Signs Huge Naval Bill

WAfiHINGTOH. Oct. 3» «W> - president RooseveU today had al^n- -■

aiul» amalUiutui

whlflh contains fund* for more.tljoa .• 14.000 naval planes and authorises t6n»irutllort of 600,000 ton* r t atr- c rif t carrier*, T!>U would provide' for around 23 carrlfm.

Tli« bill also coHtalns «mtr»ttunV auuipriiy for soo.ooo icna of cruU*

Crossword PuzzleI. Urnihrd

htavUy tn lin e

I. n«iieiou*____etpipsiiUeot

». Ch«rlft I. Vnunt f'af*

Page 12: -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S F H 1,980 TONS PACIFIC SEA BATTLE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · -^JWHJ-FALLS’COUNTY’S SCRAP QUOTA . 1,980 TONS BO fnr 829

P a ^ Twelve ' TIM ES-NEW S, t w i n f a l l s , IDAHO' ■n'cdncailay. Oclobcr 28, 1012


projnun d a lp iw l to hold dalnr. Urwtotk « id poultry firmtr#

I I Uielr work through drnft dclcrmcnt.

1 ' ii«bllluU on ftnd tin tU orl to b»n Uielr employment In other work

[ h»<J b « n ■nnouncfd todtir by the 1 » u m unpostr commlulon. i Hie proeram, nddlns sllll olhfr I eonli^ factors In /rttlng u|> Uie

bro#dfst plan y«t sdoptwl to riue tJie manpovxr ahortnce itrfccilns production detm rd \1tal to Die ffforl. called for;

1. Local draft boordt to srant occupational dcfcrmrnt to iifcrMar>' men on « .« n tla l farm.i of tlif.'e, three types and to wltlidrnw if If they cease to perform Uit woflt for which It was sranted.

2. “n ie umiy nnrt navy to refrain Jrom recrulllnii auch worker* or aceepllns them for voliiiiiary en- ll.'tment.

3. 'All olJier empli>yrrn to rrfrnin from hlrlnc »kll!ert workem who have been entsRcd Irs these three, types of fnrTii production. I

4. Tli« nRrlcullure. deparlmeiit to| "act toward xtnblllilnt; wagen on dalrj’, ItvMlock and pouUry faniw with a view lo awl.Mlnii tlw e farm- era in r^ecurlnk nnd mnlntalnlnit adequate supply of labor."

5. Tlie department to "take cAiar>' dlrp.' lo control unle cows for MaURhirr ao ns ‘ a trend which I* threaieni due* dnif)' production."

Hollywood Whim

j laur nr-iftl* PI dairy a.1 i f check rnliifc to re-

1 To Ruy, :tlDre I ^ d* In addition, Uie WMC snid Ihe ' program for building dalr)’, llvC'I stock and poultry production. In- ' eluded plan* for aiding producers

In building up llve.«ock. trnlnUiK unskilled workers buying or rrn tln i more productive farms, and Job' plocement oen’lce for Aklllrd farm operatnre ftlonj wSUr aid In porting them to farms where they are needed most.

Tlie \ m c expjalned that vital wartime rcitrlctloiis for dniry. live­stock and poulto’ productionrontlnulns to Increaie while I n .......arra.1 .production Li below tiie level pf last year. •

I t said tlint should prodiiclloii .. •ny other essential farm products reach an equally critical situation, it would consider appropriate ac­tion.

No AuUtnaUe Defennewl Draft boards itre not to defer

automatically all workers, even those cn essential farms, but to I "consider wheUicr Uielr , lenvlnsl

CompJeJo wliii - fo r Whom th» tu n TolW halreol. Verw Terina. whose lorka were shorn for Ihe riOe of M arta In Ihe llrmlnpray film, r r l u n i i lo New Vork opti' mlitlcally saying her iliorl •/ir t eaay lo care for. 7.orli r rp larrd by Injrld llerfman whi Ilollynrood rhanced Its mind i her sultablllly for Ihe psrL /


In ft broadcast lo Oermary l*.'t n igh t declared th a t Adolf HHIer had acn i an ultimatum Co the Vl'cliy chief of government. Pierre Loval. demarxJlng th e surrender Of all mrr- chan t ahlpi. Prencli or foreign, tliat T t naw In P r tn th harbor*.

The a e rm a iu backed down In the face of a tlireatened general strike by F rench worker* during Uie r ec rn l crisis m’er O rrm an Insistence on a quo ta , ©f IW.OOO -workef* lor n arl w ar Industries, tlie Dally Mall said today, quoting fighting French clrclei.

Chlefa of underground organlr- aU oai gnvo VJchy an ultimatum

British Leader Fears Breach With U, Si Over Leftist Issue

By DEWITT MACKENZIE LO.VDON. Oct. M—T h e Mchblah- of Canterbury. Dr. W jtuiua T em -

tejls me he believe* An«Io- AQierlcan friendship Is one of Uie flrt( iirnls In rebuilding the posU

ir »orld and he la concerned over report he has received th a t the

lhat a walkout would b« called O ct. 17 unltis plans for conscription of French labor were announced, the paper laid.

Three days of neirotJallons in an attempt to avoid the s tr ik e failed. Tlie lighting French c ircles aaid Uie Oerm&ns Uien w ithdrew th e ir Uireat of force and extended the deadline for the quota to Dec. 31.

■ Uiiiied States may draw away from /thU . country because of BntaUi’s

trend to 'the “lefU"W ien tlie archblshopr speaks of the

"left" he I4 not using the expreaalon In the political sense bu t In iks broad'i«clallst]e m eantng. lie has in mind England's social upheaval which 13 heading toward equal op- portunliy (or aU wlU\ special prtv- llfgea for none.

Ills crsce asked If tliere was dan ­ger of amity and rooperatlon be­tween Uie two countries being imrm- r t by this tendency.

U. 8. WIU Keep SKp I iLUured him th a t my obsen'a- on led me to believe th a t Uie

United .State* wa. surging forward wlUi the times and tha t we should

w p i U p w . .- lan itarian drrtlopmenla. .

The. archbishop ha* a very apeelaJ Interest In Uils 'leftist" movement In Britain because. fo r»3 th . he himself is a vital pa rt In It. In Dr. Temple we hare a curious bre«J( In generations of conservatism *Wch liave occupied Uie prlmate'a throne.

only has' been named member of Uie l ^ r party bu t i years has urged the rank and file to-____ I -

party bu t fo* __________ ________ .Ik and file to­ward a gdal o fpartnenh lp In Indus­tries In whlcli tliey serve and has called for llmlUUon of the proflU of capiuxl. \

. Doein't Bother Him . lie has done this while vested in ­terests liave roared "leftist" and " r^ Ica l." but tiib most outspoken liberal of a ll th tflong line o f,E ng­land's primates fiever has given a Unker's damn for harsh names.

He has kept on preaching lils »o- clallsUc brand o f practical Chris­tianity both Uirough his brilliant

tongue and U s equally brillian t wrlt- InS*.

FlnalU'. last F t tn ia ty . despite' the icnsaUonal m anner In which he had been standing diehard# on their heads, he « a i called a t the a«e of SO from Uie archbishop tif York to his present high poeluon upon Uie resignation of Dr. Ooamo U n « .

W h^l-frcally .called on Uie a r th - blslidp for *«« to get bla view* bn Uir delcctablB subject of hantflng Hitler.,

Tlie question of ih f “le f t la f move­ment Just cropped up IncldfntaUy.

I ’m glad this angle did appear before it emphasiiea w hat a lot of people fall to realize—m a t no t only Britain but Uie United S tates and many oUier countries ore tmdergolng a great social revoluUon which la belng'spurred on by th e war. '

As I travel about and m eet g reat leaders like Dr. 'TVmple I In crea s- ' Ingly encounter this “leftist" drift.

• Then arwe the quesUon of w heth­er lllUtt muii be im w td trocn U»e picture In one way or another as soon as Oennany has lurrender*

1 "I think to ' said the archbishop. “But It may' be difficult to hold trials which wUl give Impartial Jus­tice. , . . • •

T hereU a danger of horrible m as­sacres. Peopin may act against the Qulslingi and Uie nazls In the oc­cupied countries and there may t>e tucli an outburst of pauloti th a t ■ folks will recoil against any trial.

•This U ..th ls may happen un ­less the allies can act la Ume lo prevent It. Chrliilan influence m ust be thrown on tlie aide of JusUce. There m ujt be a period of policing of Germany and we must tijr to ere-


Tlie intinpowrr conlml■. lon pro­vided tliLi dennllloii r l nil e.wntlal fnrm ; ,

"One which hiu n t leiM 12 dairy cows, milking or dry. with a mini- mum nnniinl production of 4S.OOO pound.? of inllk or Uie cqulvslent. In llve.itock or poultry, or a combi- nntinn of anlmnl MnlUi which nieeU (S u standard."


Jerome have learned that Clilllon PlioenlK, yoimgejl son of Mr. and Mrs. William O. Phoenix. It ni In Fort IJennlng, Oa.. where tic fflklns irn lnJrg a ptiralrooper.


HOTFUSHESIf you aiilltr from hot fluhn. dUil- nn>. d liu ru of '‘lrrtc'Jl»<ltcs". an we»lt.nerTOii»—diiototherunellonsl••miaaie-»ee" pnloa m a womao'slife—trj' Lrilla T. VlnJtJi»m‘s Vej*- tabi* Conipaimil. U'a IiilpMl thou- unOf upon thauianai of women to ^ctlera such anaorlns trmptoms.rollow lalMl dlr'citoni. I'mklism’s Compouna U irorlh Jrylnjf i

Ira Masters Will Put Idaho In Step With Washington

Ira Masters Is the Mon for CongressHe knows -Idnho nnd her

needs and’ will f ig h t fo r the Gem SUitc in W iwhintfton.

He was born and rcnred on a farm and ha.s w orked hard fo r everythin;: he has. He puWi.shed two di'ffcccnt dnily

.newspapefn ui Idaho nnd mndc ffood: , l i e will make Kood in W ashington. Idnho and onr W ar I’ro^'rani lm.s been sold down th e river by trick poji^cuui.>i_jvho..pkco-

— partT'iiTjovc p a tr io tism .. I t’s ' tim e for ft chanRc in Wiush- inRton. D. C.

blasters ha-H never been an isolationist b u t hii-i advocat­ed the adoption o f the World Court and Leafrue of Nntioiw fo r years.

How can you hope for U nity and laiitinR pcace w ith ^ a t typo of contrresamnn ? vo te for a chariRc in Con-

' _ press.The Chri.stian Science

M onitor o f June IG. 1912. prepared a roll-call listing . o f the Tole on 18 Impor- ’ ta n l foreign and domestic questions. Y our present C ongressm an w as 100 per cen t wrong.

ConRTCssman Dworshak w iys he. is runn ing on his record . T h a t record shows he U an l.sotationi5t. His record in d ica te s clearly he h a te s , th e Com m ander in C hief a n d n early every- th ln ff he does.

You intend to vote. Do it! Remember— The "Road to H ell' is Paved with Good

. In ten tion /’VOTE FOR IRA H.

(Paid Pei. Adv.)

Y our ConCTcssman’s Ilecord o f Lvilnlion He V oted NO On:

Aid to Our K orrltn Allle*.2. KortUicaUon o f Goun

Harbor.3. ETpansSon ol khe V. S.

Air Forcca.4.-Repeal e t Hie Arm s.Em -..

------b»r*or"“ '5. Modiricatlon or Ihe Neo.

irallt}' Law.6. Com pulsorr M l l l t a r ?

TnUnlne-7. H ie Prrsldent’s Lend-

Lease Ulll.8. On. th e Lend-Lease Ap­

propriation.0. On Cxtendinc tiie Selee-

tlre Sertlce.JO. On A rm lnr U. S. Mrr.

chant m arine Ships.