jv evaluation presentation final media a2 2010 horror project


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Jv evaluation presentation final media a2 2010


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Teaser Trailer Redrum3X.com Movie


Redrum3X.com Movie Publicity Cover

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Video url link

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Vladimir Prop in 1928 identified 32 basic categories of action and the 8 common character types were thought of in this as well .Main hero (tom who is on quest finds mystery of redrum3x. Villain is death himself the force behind redrum3x. The girl Susan is false hero and acts as a donor. The head is the helper and princess could be part of delusions of ghost like children and voices.

Tzvetan Todorov suggested 5 key stages to each story 1-The equilibrium,( calm and quiet in ordinary school, high achievers play on net war-games online etc.).2-The disruption of this equilibrium by an event -student Jayne find website and tries to guess password .keeps trying and enter site after no heading warning.3-Realisation that a disruption has happened- (murdered student violent news hits staff and school. Funeral and cemetery scenes some say gang victim relevant to news trends)4-an attempt to repair the damage of the disruption - tom teacher is plagued as to why police after him with the email saying redrum3x.He is gone mad delusions after guessing password.5- Restoration of equilibrium which may be new equilibrium how- police find body of teacher but he is not dead but nearly at end tip off after text message to head from redrum3x site.

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Icons:Blood , knife , deathDarknessGoreMask (hides identity “the unknown" had seen with masked man looking at audience removed due to early comments of inappropriate and out of place)

Music & sound:Atmospheric suspense musicLoud bangs caused by fireworks and sound effects. ScreamsHeavy breathing (chase scene)

Mise-en-scene:Isolated settings (Cemetery)Dark atmosphere (in house & night time scenes)

Characters:Innocent girl although killed later in act2Victim become hero. Final girl theory (subvert john survives) Psychologically damaged characters(Tom goes mad, crazy) Themes:Good vs. evil (redrum vs. john v) Unfinished business with a redrum coming back for revenge (relevant for sequel film) Challenged the good triumphing over evil.

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The use of strange varied camera angles and use of fast cuts, blood and varied shots enabled me to show the complexity of film and show that film may have twist.  Use of blood and gore allows me to target older audience and young 18-24 . If we look at aliens or terminator 2, both films are action horror with James Cameron at helm of directing . lead stars had Boyish looks ,body language and clothes conveyed this. Short masculine-style haircut Smart , Sexual reluctance Unisex name: Ripley, Sidney ( from scream 1,2,3) or Sarah Connor (mainly use surname in film) Short masculine-style haircut Intelligent, resourceful, becomes stronger through film. Natural sequences showing outdoor setting. Survives all three films shows character deep will to live and fight. 

In the teaser trailer video, the characters are important representations of good against evil common theme. The evil killer is an unknown entity force like the grim reaper "death" unseen presence in Entity, final Destination . Usually victims are innocent teenage girls who are simply enjoying a party, this stereotype is challenged again by having a gifted and talented student who does not heed the warnings. First edit showed the graphic violence and killing of lead hero, but comments early on about why would audience see film if they seen killing was challenged again I went to re edit the footage.

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My locations suited with the horror genre and creates that scare factor. I chose to shoot in an isolated area which was realistic for a murderer to kill without being seen. I chose the cemetery as one location because it should be realistic that the killer could strike anyone, anywhere. In this film, various cutaways is for the interruption of a continuously filmed action by inserting a view of something else and is often popular in horror films. I used numerous crosscutting for suspense sequences including back to fireworks and Ghost. For our chase scene ,fast cuts showed sense of danger. The combination of the close shots with the short duration between cuts makes the sequence feel longer, more uncontrolled, and more violent rather than if the images presented alone or in a wider angle. Other techniques I used was that I sliced different shots together making it look distorted also adding the filter to youngster face. I edited the video to tell story but although I don’t like narration films recently like wolman 2010 with Anthony Hopkins set scenes faster. Unlike The Blair Witch Project which was a big inspiration for our teaser trailer, I paid homage including scenes from that and paranormal activity.

Characters:Innocent girl although killed later in act2Victim become hero. Final girl theory (subvert john survives) Psychologically damaged characters(Tom goes mad, crazy) Themes:Good vs. evil (redrum vs. john v) Unfinished business with a redrum coming back for revenge (relevant for sequel film) Challenged the good triumphing over evil.

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Introducing characters: close up, introducing the audience to the main character (s)Extreme close up: shows only one part of the subject in great detail. Shows the character’s emotions; audience focusing on the characters eye, shows fear.  Chase scene: They are a popular with the audience due to their intensity and the innate danger of someone running after you trying to catch/kill you.

Once I knew our synopsis, I researched into other films that was relevant to us. I spoke of Paranormal Activity independent horror film released in 2009 . The movie is presented using found footage by a couple who are haunted by a supernatural presence in their home. The Blair Witch Project which is a 1999 American horror film which was filmed all using a hand held camera in the woods a strong inspiration . The film is presented as a documentary pieced together from real footage. Similar settings: the cemetery – isolated, dark atmosphere, killer kills without being seen. The final girl is typically virginal lady character but I challenge this convention by already good girl will have a shared history with the killer. The final girl is the need of moving the narrative forward and, she shows intelligence, curiosity, and alertness.  The final girl is a horror film pattern that specifically refers to the last girl or woman alive to confront the killer, and usually the one left to tell the story.

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Conventions I used for our film poster: Tagline, date, movie title, a main image, a website, credits (cast/crew), Certification 18 ( important wanted blood & gore), and production logo or name .

 Conventionally many horror film posters have a black background to represent the darkness or evil of a character. Similarly I followed this idea by choosing to have a dark background of the fire iconic . The red writing is also commonly used in posters as it can symbolise blood and evil. I feel that my media products suited to the horror genre. Before starting my media products, it was vital that I did research into existing media products within the horror genre as example shows. Searching 1 hour max then collating resources from screen grabs from video clipsHelped finalise the main look of task . Pictures reworked to look better.

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Conventions I should try and include for the Total Film magazine cover: Masthead and total film logo . the price, realistic prices valid from current issue issue number, date (month and year), a main image of the director, a puff, people who take the picture of people in the magazines - made up david bailey as photographer a website url under barcode, pull quote (sometime used but not on this example). and bleeds (pictures at the edge of the magazine cover) I used ideas from an existing covers from Total Film magazine, where I used the design of the title to instantly create recognition as a established film magazine. Because it is magazine interview feature I used a typical studio style side profile shot looking at camera with appropriate suit in a mid long shot to ensure face is visible .To give more professional look I edited more and created links with up to date films in the news at the moment with horror links.

From this blue to black theme for horror reference part of my progression

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Some sample poster and links used to inspire final poster.

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For each of the three pieces (trailer, magazine and film poster) I used the main character Tom he was the focus of the plot.Logo shown through all three pieces; in the trailer the audience can see do enter signs or references, in the magazine cover the show tom face and fire represent a scene of burning with the film also referenceTo burning in hell fire is a horror symbol. All the pieces use the same colour scheme which is white, red and black through each project ancillary task.

The theme of the darkness is very prominent within the three products. This is due to low lighting with black and red effects to create the sense. This helps us to convey the meaning of a mystery waiting to happen; this appeared through all of our pieces for example the background, the images and the low lighting in each piece

Fonts; shadows of the word “redrum3X.com” is repeated. Font is blood Inspired special font called blood drip. This how I created a effective combination of my main product and ancillary texts.

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I used Adobe Premiere to edit our footage. This was one the hardest task as I had to consider the type of effects I used. Adobe Premiere allowed us to add music and effects including making sequences faster or slower. I used Adobe Photoshop to produce our ancillary texts (magazine cover and film poster), I found Photoshop difficult but experimenting pressing different tools I eventually got the hang of it. I used Photoshop to add text, crop photos, enhance text etc. The trailer is set in the mind of viewer and tom, which corresponds with the film poster.In order to create uniformity and a stronger brand identity.I used various tools for mediaI phone – some apps to create to do list.Mind maps on computer after doing it on paper to later upload onto blogThe use of excel (create lists to buy for crew list ,power point (present evaluation),word (write script) Tools for film makers – website by searching Google with keywords,Rough paper edit then edit on premiere cs3.(old analogue method means faster edits)Transfer and output to DVD. Convert from digital to analogue format.WMV to DVD (digital format shown as analogue Signal on TV). Practice makes perfect and more practice has helped me.Convert to wmv –finding right tools for right jobs.Upload website. I created mock online website with moonfruit.com for Redrum3x.com which was in the trailer.


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Various screen shots of updating videoThen uploading on internet for feedback rather than just teachers or colleagues.

Email with feedback from professional graphic artist

Slideshare allows Others to seeDownload my

presentations.useful for schools.

Other multimedia Websites to create online website links

Vimeo multimedia Websites to allowed me to upload video to internet.

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To gain audience feedback, I tried to upload our teaser trailer onto YouTube. The advantage of uploading our clip onto YouTube meant that the video could be watched by everyone and appeal to a broader audience. It’s also a beneficial way of getting positive or negative criticism which you can improve from. I even email some professionals in film making.As a whole I all set up special info page to watch our trailer and then asked people to answer questions on You Tube. Facebook I joined few horror groups hoping they would respond to my request to view trailer; but no response may be due to my face book settings or status.. This would allow me to mix both detailed qualitative ancillary and quantitative data. To make sure I got feedback some people had to be offered incentives like sweets. I also allowed the group to speak out and say anything they liked/disliked about our trailer to get a detailed answer and opinion I spoke to various people. I was disappointed how some people do not respond.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?The feedback I received from the questionnaires, focus groups and the various internet sites such as You Tube and Face book, not as much as I expected. Photoshop to add text, crop photo’s, enhance text etc by adding colour or altering the nature of original photo then it becomes new creative work. Photo shop layers and use of plug-in and brushes adds to variety and ease of use make it difficult to learn but essential for making changes when time is running out.Premiere CS3 allowed me to edit films quick and with great new effects. Editing looks better with PremiereThe creative process is always a long time, so deadlines make you focus and stop wasting time.I went from a hobbyist, to paid camera man to director then to becoming a great editor thinking I knew lot of things without having to learn .doing this live project showed me that taking ownership leads to responsibility, creativity, time management skills and business critical thinking skills.Most of this not taught in jobs let alone in a small project. I do believe it useful life skills for the future only if the use it and update their skills learnt.

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

It looks realistic and some excellent use of relevant use of fonts and design layout to make it believable. looking at other text representations of existing media helped.How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? By doing ancillary products helps me to advertise the main trailer more accurately to my target audience. My previous music magazine task taught me more Photoshop skills and hence ancillary task was not main concern because of experience. I learnt lots and updated my skills.

What have you learned from your audience feedback? Lots and I constantly kept updating and at some time you have to let go can finalise or rush at last minute to get all corrections done. I Revisited some of the key words from media, convergence and most of all applied lot of theory taught and made it practical with real life problems. Learnt lots due to comments I missed or overlooked or thought one would notice.How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?In research the internet is king ,but most importantly thinking of the keywords relevant only to what you trying to do means you can focus on delivering a good product. In production terms the software still take a lot of time ,in new some tools updated or moved but on whole it is faster for complex bigger photos .Editing is still time consuming must have vision in head, and final uploading to blogs brings new set of technology barriers to overcome or accept and have it easier by upload it at home. Now new strangers can comment and input into the work and change it if time is there. I have learnt a lot and more appreciative of media and it bigger power and its effects on not just you as individual but to whole world and in light of new crisis media showed us that even mother nature can cause havoc to school and colleges and how news spread fast but cloud ashes means new traffic plans to be devised instead whole world coming to standstill. Learnt lots ,was challenging but great fun. Lots of new media technology comes and goes so need to use strong lasting tools and adapt skills..Time spent on project is long so backup work regularly and keep URL and passwords safe and secure.I learnt about media terms and know who to apply them properly. Media representation in films is not necessarily reality based and is a great form of escapism, for different target audiences.