just war theory.pdf

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  • 7/27/2019 Just War Theory.pdf


    Todays Checklist

    Take up Darfur Now

    Peace and violence continued

    Just War Theory Introduction

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    Violencelove/hate Where do you see a

    fascination with or

    interest in violence?

    Fans love violence

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    Violence what is it? Violence refers to harming or destroying the

    well-being or existence of a person, group or

    community. The harm is not restricted tophysical action; it can also be spiritual or

    psychological. Violence touches every level

    of human relationships, from the personal

    to the global, including our treatment of the


    Write this down

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    Is it permissible to fight for the Righteous?

    Can good come from evil?

    Who decides when war is justified?

    By what criteria do they judge a war?

    Does God bless conflict?

    Why does God suffer death and

    destruction in His name?

    Is war about justice or destruction?

    What is a just war?

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    Just War Theory St. Augustine, a 4th Century Doctor of the Church,

    set the bar very high. War should be the last, not

    first resort of nations. Many of his views are said to

    have influenced Thomas Aquinas, whose writingson the subject have come to be known as the "Just

    War Theory." As the Coalition powers continuetheir war of attrition with insurgents in Iraq, the

    Catholic Church and other religious denominationsare expressing strong reservations on the moralityof these actions.

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    Just War Theory theory from Doctors of the Church

    St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas

    theory set out by Aquinas to make war andhuman dignity in war moral necessities

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    In the name of God


    revenge power


    Wars throughout history

    For centuries, different religions, cultures and countries have

    waged war for a variety of reasons:

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    List as many virtuous reasons to start a war as possible.

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    Operation Overlord beginsJune 6, 1944. The Allies

    fight to reclaim France from Nazi Germany.

    Just Cause:force may be used only to correct agrave, public evil, i.e., aggression or massive

    violation of the basic rights of whole populations

    B le ssed be the Lo rd mys t r eng th , m y r oc k , w ho t r a i n sm y hands f o r ba t t l e , my f i nge r sf o r wa r .

    Psalm 144:1

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    A class poll

    How many agree or disagree with the

    following statement?

    Direct annihilation of the enemys forces

    must always be the dominantconsideration. Karl Von Klausewitz, 19th Century Philosopher

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    Proportionality: all

    subsequent conflict must

    be proportional to the

    original damage inflicted;i.e. torture cannot be used

    in a war, nor nuclear

    weapons. Also, only

    enemy combatants should

    be fired upon. Civilians

    should not be harmed in

    any way.

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    Probability of Success:Arms may not be used in a futile cause or in

    a case where disproportionate measures are

    required to achieve success.

    War is acceptable only when there is a strong

    chance of imminent victory and minimal


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    A militia group in Nepaldispatches with a rival faction.The group acts as judge, jury

    and executioner.

    White supremacists express theiradmiration for Hitler and declare

    a war of racial purification.

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    At the turn of the 20th

    Century, a lynch mob

    prepares to dispense


    The grim result of vigilante


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    In Los Angeles the Crips and the

    Bloods battle for territory and


    Hundreds die each year.

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    Legitimate Authority:

    Only a duly constituted public authority; i.e. a nations military

    or reserve units, may use deadly force or wage war. No vigilante

    or militia groups are morally justified to fight private wars.

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    Last Resort

    War is only acceptable when all other

    peaceful means have been exhausted;

    i.e. diplomacy, sanctions, referenda

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    I t i s easi e r t o m ake w ar than to mak e peace .Georges Clemenceau

    What could a country or coalition do before engaging in combat?

    Diplomacycountries meet in a neutrallocation; i.e. UN headquarters, andattempt to solve conflict peacefully

    Trade embargo/economicsanctionsa group of countrieswithhold vital goods and services toforce the offending country to comply

    with the general will.

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    I f the re m ust be t roub le , l e t it be in m y day ,tha t m y ch i ld m ay have peace .

    Thomas Paine

    Perhaps, in time, humanity will grow beyond itsinfancy and realize a lasting peace. Until then, thefighting will continue.

    B lessed a re thepeacem ake r s , fo rthey sh a l l be ca l l edch i l d ren o f God .

    Matthew 5:9

    Peace I l eave w i thyou; my peace Ig i ve to you .Donot l e t your hea r t sbe t r oub l ed , and dono t l e t them bea f ra id .

    John 14:27

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    7. Is war about justice or destruction?

    Choose any three questions and write 3-4 sentence responses for each.

    1. Is it permissable to fight for a righteous cause?

    2. Can good come from evil?

    3. Who decides when war is justified?

    4. By what criteria is a war judged?

    5. Does God bless conflict?

    6. Why does God suffer death and destruction in His name?

    8. Is the use of torture in war a necessary evil?

    9. Should a war be fought if there is no hope of victory?

    10. Is a war that lasts many years, with thousands of casualties, a success?

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    Countering injustice

    The prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

    Reflect upon the prayer

    What is St. Francis response to injustice? Writing your own prayer for peace

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    Journal entry

    Write a journal entry (not to be handedin)are you at peace with yourself,others, friends, family, or other groups of


    What steps would you use in order tocreate a climate of peace in theirparticular situation?