
4. Downloading and installation Of JUnit with Eclipse How to download and install junit with eclipse step by step We have already learn how to configure eclipse for webdriver, Creating new project, new package and then adding new class in my one of the previous post . In that post you can see how to add external jars of webdriver in eclipse. Also you can view how to run your first webdriver test in eclipse for better understanding. Generally you do not need to install junit with eclipse if you have already added external jar files of webdriver with eclipse. Because required jar file for junit will be already there with webdriver jar files. How to verify that required jar file for junit is in my build path or not For junit jar file verification, Right click on your project -> Build Path -> Configure build path It will open java build path window as shown in bellow image. In that window, go to Libraries tab. Here you will see all your jar files. In jar file tree view, look for the jar file name which is starting with junit. Java build path window

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4. Downloading and installation Of JUnit with Eclipse

How to download and install junit with eclipse step by step

We have already learn how to configure eclipse for webdriver, Creating new project, new package and then adding new class in my one of the previous post. In that post you can see how to add external jars of webdriver in eclipse. Also you can view how to run your first webdriver test in eclipse for better understanding.

Generally you do not need to install junit with eclipse if you have already added external jar files of webdriver  with eclipse. Because required jar file for junit will be already there with webdriver jar files.

How to verify that required jar file for junit is in my build path or notFor junit jar file verification, Right click on your project -> Build Path -> Configure build pathIt will open java build path window as shown in bellow image. In that window, go to Libraries tab. Here you will see all your jar files. In jar file tree view, look for the jar file name which is starting with junit.

Java build path window

If this kind of junit jar file is already there then you do not need to install junit jar with eclipse and you are ready to use junit with eclipse. But if junit jar file is not there then you need to add it.

Downloading junit jar fileGo to http://junit.org/ website -> Click on download and install guide link will redirect the page at junit jar file download and install page. Here you will find

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the link like "junit.jar". Click on it will redirect to junit jar file downloading page. From this page download the latest version of junit jar file.

Installing junit jar file with eclipseGo to java build path window as shown in above figure. Now click on Add External JARs button to add your downloaded junit jar file with eclipse. After adding junit jar file, click on OK button to close java build path window.

Now you are ready to use junit with eclipse for your webdriver test of software application. Click here to view all articles on webdriver.

--5.1 Creating and running webdriver test with junit

Creating and running webdriver test with junit and eclipse step by step

We have already discussed about how to download and install junit in eclipse to run webdriver test in my previous post. Please note that you need to add junit jar file only if it is not available in webdriver jar file folder. If it is already there with webdriver jar file folder then you not need to do anything to create and run junit test. Now let me describe you how to create webdriver test case using junit.

Webdriver test case creation using junit and eclipseYou are already aware about how to create new project and package in eclipse and if you are not aware then please visit this post page. To create JUnit Test Case, you need to add JUnit Test Case at place of Class inside your package. Look at bellow given image to know how to add JUnit Test Case.

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As shown in above image, Select JUnit Test Case from Select a wizard dialog anf then click on Next button. On Next page, Enter your test case name and click on Finish button.

When you add JUnit Test Case, your eclipse project explorer window will looks like bellow given image.

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Now replace bellow given code with your original code.

package Testjunit;

import org.junit.Test;import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class Mytest { WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

@Test public void test() { driver.manage().window().maximize(); System.out.print("Window maximise"); driver.get("http://only-testing-blog.blogspot.in/"); System.out.print("Site Open"); driver.quit(); System.out.print("End of Test"); }


Running webdriver test case using junit in eclipseAfter replacing above code with your original code, click on Run button in eclipse. It will show you Run As dialog as shown bellow.

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Select JUnit Test from Run As dialog and click on Ok button. Eclipse will run your test case using JUnit and on completion of execution, you can see your result in JUnit pane as bellow.

VIEW THIS POST to know how to create and run junit test suite in eclipse.

--5.2 Creating and running junit test suite with webdriver

How To Create And Run JUnit Test Suit For WebDriver Test - Step By Step

If you are planning to perform regression testing of any application using webdriver then obviously there will be multiple test cases or test classes under your webdriver project. Example - There are 2 junit test cases under your project's package. Now if you wants to run both of them then how will you do it? Simple and easy solution is creating JUnit test suite. If your project has more than 2 test cases then you can create test suite for all those test cases to run all test cases from one place.

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Before creating junit test suite, you must have to read my post about "How to download and install junit in eclipse" and "How to create and run junit test in eclipse". Now let me describe you how to create junit test suite in eclipse for your junit test case.

Step 1 - Create new project and packageCreate new project in eclipse with name = junitproject and then add new package = junitpack under your project. VIEW THIS POST to know how to create new project and add package in eclipse. Add required external jar files for selenium webdriver.

Step 2 - Create 1st Test CaseNow create JUnit test case under junitpack package with class name = junittest1 as bellow. VIEW THIS post to know how to create junit test case in eclipse.package junitpack;

import org.junit.Test;import org.openqa.selenium.By;import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class junittest1 { WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

@Test public void test() throws InterruptedException { driver.manage().window().maximize(); driver.get("http://only-testing-blog.blogspot.in/2013/11/new-test.html"); driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='fname']")).sendKeys("junittest1 executed"); Thread.sleep(2000); System.out.print("junittest1 class is executed"); driver.quit(); }}

Step 3 - Create 2nd test caseSame way, Create 2nd test class with name = junittest2 under package = junitpack as bellow.

package junitpack;

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import org.junit.After;import org.junit.Before;import org.junit.Test;import org.junit.Ignore;import org.openqa.selenium.By;import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class junittest2 { WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); @Beforepublic void setup () { driver.manage().window().maximize(); driver.get("http://only-testing-blog.blogspot.in/2013/11/new-test.html");}

@Afterpublic void aftertest() { driver.quit(); }

@Test public void test1() throws InterruptedException{ driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='fname']")).sendKeys("junittest2 class-test1"); System.out.print("\njunittest2 class-test1 method is executed"); Thread.sleep(2000); } @Test public void test2() throws InterruptedException { driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='fname']")).sendKeys("junittest2 class-test2"); Thread.sleep(2000); System.out.print("\njunittest2 class-test2 method is executed"); }}

Step 4 - Create test suite for both test casesNow we have 2 test cases(junittest1.java and junittest2.java) under package = junitpack.To create test suite, Right click on junitpack package folder and Go to ->

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New -> Other -> Java -> Junit ->  Select 'JUnit Test Suite' as shown in bellow image.

Now click on Next button.On next screen, add junit test suite name = junittestsuite and select both test cases as shown bellow image and then click on Finish button.

It will add new test suite class = junittestsuite.java under your package as bellow.package junitpack;

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

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import org.junit.runners.Suite;import org.junit.runners.Suite.SuiteClasses;

@RunWith(Suite.class)@SuiteClasses({ junittest1.class, junittest2.class })public class junittestsuite {


If you see in above suite class, there are 2 junit annotations added with name = @RunWith and @SuiteClasses. @RunWith annotation will references junit to run test in class and @SuiteClasses describes classes included in that test suite.

Now your junit test suite is created and project structure will looks like bellow.

Step 4 - Running test suiteSelect junit test suite class = junittestsuite and run it in eclipse. When you run junit test suite, eclipse will run both test cases (junittest1 and junittest2) one by one. When execution completed, you will see bellow given output lines in console.

junittest1 class is executedjunittest2 class-test1 method is executedjunittest2 class-test2 method is executed

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junit test execution report will looks like bellow.

This way we can create junit test suite to run multiple test cases from one place. You can view all Junit tutorial posts for webdriver on THIS LINK.

VIEW MY NEXT POST to know how to ignore test from execution.

--6.1 Using JUnit Annotations in webdriver

How to Use JUnit Annotations in webdriver test case with example

Unit testing framework JUnit has many annotations to control the flow and activity of code execution. You must need to insert JUnit annotation inside the java code to execute your test case as junit test case. You can look in my previous post where i have used JUnit @Test annotation before test method. Let me describe you mostly used 3 JUnit Annotations with example. You can view more details on JUnit at http://junit.org/.

1. @Before2. @Test3. @After

2 other frequently used annotations are @BeforeClass and @AfterClass.

Depending on annotation names, JUnit framework will decide the code execution flow. i.e. First JUnit framework will execute @Before method, Second it will execute @Test method and at last it will execute @After method.

1. @Before Annotation As name suggest. method written under @Before annotation will be executed before the method written under @Test annotation. Based on @Before annotation, JUnit framework will execute that before method first. Generally method under @Before annotation is used to initializing website and other environment related setup. @Before annotation method will be

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executed before each @Test annotation method means if there are two @Test methods in your class then @Before method will be executed two times.

2. @AfterMethod under @After annotation is known as after method and execution of @After method will start as soon as completion of @Test method execution completion. Same as @Before , @After annotation method will be executed two times if there are two @Test methods in your class.

3. @TestMethod under @Test annotation is known as test method. Execution of @Test method will start as soon as @Before method execution completed. Generally we are writing all testing related activity under @Test. We can use multiple @Test methods in single class too.

4. @BeforeClassMethods under @BeforeClass annotation will be executed before the any test method starts execution. It will be executed only once even if there are multiple @Test methods in your class.

5. @AfterClass@AfterClass method will be run on completion of all the test method's execution from that class. Same as  @BeforeClass, @AfterClass method will be executed once only.

VIEW EXAMPLE OF DIFFERENCE BETWEEN   @Before vs   @BeforeClass AND   @After VS   @AfterClass ANNOTATIONS

Execute bellow given example in your eclipse as a debugging mode to verify its execution.

package Testjunit;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.junit.After;import org.junit.Before;import org.junit.Test;import org.openqa.selenium.*;import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class Mytest { WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

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@Before public void beforetest() { driver.manage().window().maximize(); driver.get("http://only-testing-blog.blogspot.in/2013/11/new-test.html"); } @After public void aftertest() { driver.quit(); } @Test public void test() { driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS); driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@value='Bike']")).click(); boolean str1 = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@value='Bike']")).isSelected(); if(str1 = true) { System.out.print("Checkbox is checked"); } else { System.out.print("Checkbox is not checked"); } } }

Here @After method is written before @Test method but JUnit Framework will tells eclipse to execute @Test method first and then @After method

--6.2 @Before/@After VS @BeforeClass/@AfterClass Difference

Example Of Difference Between @Before/@After VS @BeforeClass/@AfterClass In JUnit With WebDriver

Many readers are asking me the difference between JUnit annotations @Before VS @BeforeClass and @After VS @AfterClass in webdriver test. If you have read my JUNIT ANNOTATIONS POST, I have clearly described difference between @Before and @BeforeClass annotations and @After and @AfterClass annotations in bold text. Now let me describe once more and then we will look at practical example for both of them.

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Difference between @Before and @BeforeClass annotations

Test method marked with @Before annotation will be executed before the each @Test method. Means if there are 5 @Test methods in your class then @Before test method will be executed 5 times.

Test method marked with @BeforeClass annotation will be executed just before the class. Means @BeforeClass method will be executed only once before the class even if there are 5 @Test methods in your class.

Difference between @After and @AfterClass annotations

Same as @Before annotation, Test method marked with @After annotation will be executed after the each @Test method.

@AfterClass annotation will be executed only once after last @Test method executed.

Execute bellow given @Before and @After annotations example in your eclipse and observe result in console.package junitpack;

import org.junit.After;import org.junit.AfterClass;import org.junit.Before;import org.junit.BeforeClass;import org.junit.Test;import org.openqa.selenium.By;import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class junittest2 { private static WebDriver driver; @Beforepublic void openbrowser() { System.out.print("\nBrowser open"); driver = new FirefoxDriver(); driver.manage().window().maximize(); driver.get("http://only-testing-blog.blogspot.in/2013/11/new-test.html");}


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public void closebrowser() { System.out.print("\nBrowser close"); driver.quit();} @Test public void test1() throws InterruptedException{ driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='fname']")).sendKeys("junittest2 class-test1"); System.out.print("\njunittest2 class-test1 method is executed"); Thread.sleep(2000); }

@Test public void test2() throws InterruptedException { driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='fname']")).clear(); driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='fname']")).sendKeys("junittest2 class-test2"); Thread.sleep(2000); System.out.print("\njunittest2 class-test2 method is executed"); }}When you execute above example in eclipse, Bellow given result will be displayed in console.Console Output :Browser openjunittest2 class-test1 method is executedBrowser closeBrowser openjunittest2 class-test2 method is executedBrowser close

Based on above given console output, we can say each @Before method is executed before each @Test method and each @After method is executed after each @Test method. Now let we replace @Before annotation with @BeforeClass and @After annotation with @AfterClass in same example and then observe result. Replace bellow given @BeforeClass and @AfterClass part with @Before and @After part in above example as bellow.

@BeforeClasspublic static void openbrowser() { System.out.print("\nBrowser open"); driver = new FirefoxDriver();

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driver.manage().window().maximize(); driver.get("http://only-testing-blog.blogspot.in/2013/11/new-test.html");}

@AfterClasspublic static void closebrowser() { System.out.print("\nBrowser close"); driver.quit();}

Now run above example and look at console result. Console result will be as bellow.Console Output :Browser openjunittest2 class-test1 method is executedjunittest2 class-test2 method is executedBrowser close

As per console result, we can say @BeforeClass method is executed once only. Same way @AfterClass annotation marked method is also executed once only.

--6.3 Ignoring JUnit Test from execution

How To Ignore Test In WebDriver With JUnit

As described in my PREVIOUS POST, We can create junit test suite to execute multiple test cases from one place. See example of my previous post. junittest2 class have two @Test methods. Now If I wants to exclude/Ignore 1st @Test method from execution and wants to execute only 2nd @Test method then how can I do It? Ignoring specific test in junit test is very easy.

@Ignore annotationWe can use JUnit's has inbuilt @Ignore annotation before @Test method to Ignore that specific webdriver test from execution. Let we apply @Ignore annotation practically in our test and then observe its execution result.


My scenario is to ignore 1st @Test method from execution so i need to put @Ignore annotation in my test before 1st @Test method as bellow.

@Ignore @Test

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public void test1() throws InterruptedException{ }

Here, @Ignore annotation will exclude test1() method from execution.

Copy bellow given Ignoring @Test method(test1()) part with @Ignore annotation and replace it will @Test method part given on Step 3 (Create 2nd test case) of THIS EXAMPLE (Note : @Test method part which needs to replace is marked with pink color in that example post).

//To ignore this @Test method from execution @Ignore @Test public void test1() throws InterruptedException{ driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='fname']")).sendKeys("junittest2 class-test1"); System.out.print("\njunittest2 class-test1 method is executed"); Thread.sleep(2000); }

Now when you run full test suite(junittestsuite.java) then on completion of junit test suite execution, you will get bellow given result in console.

junittest1 class is executedjunittest2 class-test2 method is executed

As per console result, ignored test(test1()) is not executed.

JUnit test execution report will looks like bellow.

This way, Junit's @Ignore annotation will help us to ignore specific test from execution.

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--6.4 Junit Timeout And Expected Exception Test

Example Of Junit Timeout And Expected Exception Test For WebDriver

Sometimes you need to set time out for your webdriver test or you need to set expected exception condition for your test. Supposing you have written test for one module and you wants to set timeout for your test. Here timeout means allowed maximum time to complete full test. Same way, You are expecting some exception during your webdriver test execution and that exception is acceptable.If you are using junit framework for your webdriver test then you can do it very easily. We have seen example of - how to Ignore specific webdriver test using junit's @Ignore annotation in THIS POST. Now let me describe how to write timeout test and exception test in junit with examples.

Timeout Test In JUnit For WebDriverWe can specify timeout time with junit's @Test annotation as shown bellow. It will allow maximum 2000 milliseconds to complete the execution of test1() method. After 2000 miliseconds, it will skip remaining execution and test1() will be marked with error.@Test(timeout=2000) public void test1(){ }

Expected Exception Test In JUnit For WebDriverWe can specify expected exception condition with @Test annotation as bellow. Here my expected exception is null pointer exception so my expected condition is NullPointerException.class. You can write your expected exception like IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, ArithmeticException.class, ect.@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void exceptiontest2() { }

Junit Example Of Timeout And Expected Exception Test-Go to THIS PAGE-Copy example given on Step 3 - Create 2nd test case and paste it in your eclipse.-Remove all @Test methods from that example and paste bellow given @Test methods and then run your test class (junittest2.java).@Test(timeout=2000) public void test1() throws InterruptedException{ driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='fname']")).sendKeys("junittest2 class-test1");

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System.out.print("\njunittest2 class-test1 executed before sleep"); Thread.sleep(5000); System.out.print("\njunittest2 class-test1 executed after sleep"); } @Test public void exceptiontest1() { throw new NullPointerException(); } @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void exceptiontest2() { throw new NullPointerException(); }

On completion of execution, console will show bellow given out put.Console Output :Browser openjunittest2 class-test1 executed before sleepBrowser close

JUnit test result looks like bellow.

test1() method is display with error because test was time out after 2000 milisecond as per our condition.

exceptiontest2() pass successfully because we have placed expected exception condition with it.

exceptiontest1() display with error because there was not any expected exception condition.

Day 4 - Generate Test Report Using JUnit 7. Selenium WebDriver Test report Generation using JUnit - 3 Steps Generate webdriver test report in HTML by running build xml file : Part

- 3 We have seen how to configure system and eclipse in configuration

part 1 and configuration part 2 posts to generate webdriver test report. Now we have a test case and build.xml file in our project tree. Let me

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describe you few steps of configuring and running build.xml file in eclipse. Now follow the bellow given

build.xml file configuration steps to generate HTML report. Step 1 : Verify build.xml file work space Open External Tools Configuration dialog as bellow Right click on Build.xml - > Run As -> External Tools Configuration. It

will open External Tools Configuration dialog as shown bellow.

In Main tab, you need to verify that your current project's build.xml is

selected or not.My current project name is "JUnitReport" so it is correct for me. If it is of any other project then you need to change it by clicking on Browse Workspace button.

Step 2 : Set target execution order Go to the target tab and then set target execution order = build,

ForReport (My Project name), junitreport. If it is not in this order then you can change it by unchecking and checking and the check box or by clicking on order button. So now my target execution order will looks like bellow.

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Step 3 : Set Runtime JRE Go to JRE tab. Here you need to set Runtime JRE = JDK at place of JRE

as shown in bellow image. 

If JDK is not display in Separate JRE list then you can add it by  - Click on Installed JREs button. It will open Preferences dialog. - Click on Add button from Preferences dialog. It will open Add JRE

dialog. - Select Standard VM from Add JRE dialog and click on next button as

shown in bellow image.

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On Next window, Select JDK folder path(Which is located at C:\Program

Files\Java\ in my system) In JRE home field and click on Finish button. It will add JDK option in Separate JRE drop down.

Now build file configuration is finished and finally you are ready to run

your build.xml file and generate your  test report. Step 4 : Run build.xml Now you can run build.xml file in 3 ways. 1st way : Run from External Tools Configuration dialog as shown.

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Step 5 : View Report When you run build.xml file, eclipse will run your junit test case and on

completion of execution report file will be generated in your junit folder which is located in your project folder as bellow.

Open index.html file. It will looks like bellow.

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Eclipse And Ant Configuration Steps To Generate webdriver test

execution report using JUnit : Part - 2 Webdriver test result generation is very important and essential part of

automation testing and for that you need to configure your eclipse accordingly. Before eclipse and ant configuration, you need to configure your system as described in Part - 1. Now let me describe you the steps of eclipse configuration to generate web

driver test execution report using JUnit. Perform bellow given steps. Step 1 : Create new JUnit Test Case First of all, you need to create JUnit test case in eclipse as described in

JUnit Test Creation Post 1 and Post 2. Step 2 : Set Ant Home Entries To set ant home entries,  - Go to eclipse Menu -> Window -> Preferences. It will open eclipse

preference dialog.  - Select Ant -> Runtime from left side preference tree. Now select

Classpath at right side. - Select 1st class path Ant Home Entries and click on Ant Home button

and select 'apache-ant-1.9.2' folder path and then click on OK as shown in bellow image.

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Step 3 : Set junit.jar path in Blobal Entries of Ant Runtime Preference if

it is not there As described above, Go to Ant -> Runtime preference settings and

select Global Entries.  Now click on Add External Jars button and select 'junit.jar' located at

eclipse -> plugins -> org.junit_4.11.0.v201303080030 (This folder name may be different if you have different version of junit) -> junit.jar. and then click on OK as shown in bellow image.

Step 4 : Generate build.xml for your project Now you need to generate build.xml for your project. To generate it,

Right click on your project folder and select Export. It will open Export dialog as shown in bellow image.

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Select Ant Buildfiles from export dialog and clicking on Next button will

show you all your projects list. On Next dialog, select your current project and click on Finish button as shown bellow.

Look in above image. When you will run build.xml file, your test reports

will be saved in JUnit output directory = 'junit' folder. It will be created automatically in your project folder when you run build.xml file. We will learn how to run build.xml file in my next post.

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When you click on Finish button, build.xml file will be generated inside your project folder as shown bellow.

View my Next Post to see how to configure and run build.xml file to

generate your test case report in HTML view.