june monthly report

Press Coverage June 2013

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Page 1: June monthly report

Press Coverage June 2013

Page 2: June monthly report

Publications Title Date Automática e

Instrumentación The PLM concept continues to expand May

Automática e Instrumentación

New version of Solid Edge May

El Correo The industry, in every revolution May

AutoCAD magazine The new Teamcenter Rapid Start accelerates

the implementation of Product Data Management


AutoCAD magazine More efficiency by simplifying the

management of product development projects


Autorevista newsletter

New Siemens PLM approach for launching applications


Autorevista New Siemens PLM approach for launching applications


DesarrolloCAD Siemens simplifies the implementation of

PLM Teamcenter software 06/06/13

DiarioTI Siemens presents new version of

Teamcenter Rapid Start 12/06/13

El Correo Gallego Sea Economy 15/06/13 Elcorreogallego.es Sea Economy 15/06/13

El Diario Montanes Twenty students will receive diplomas in the

course ‘Siemens PLM Software’ 04/06/13

El Economista Siemens PLM Software launches Tecnomatix 11


ERP-Spain Siemens simplifies and facilitates the

implementation of its Teamcenter PLM So 10/06/13


Siemens launches Teamcenter Rapid Start, which accelerates the implementation of product data management, streamlining

product development


Estrategias de inversión

Siemens PLM Software launches Tecnomatix 11


La información Siemens PLM Software launches Tecnomatix

11 04/06/13

Pedeca New Teamcenter Rapid Start 18/06/13

Periódico Twenty students will receive diplomas in the course ‘Siemens PLM Software’


Qué! Twenty students will receive diplomas in the

course ‘Siemens PLM Software’ 04/06/13

Page 3: June monthly report

  T h e   P LM   c o n c e p t   c o n t i n u e s   t o  e x p a n d  

Automatica  e  Instrumentación,  May    Circulation:    n/a  Print    



Page 4: June monthly report

  T h e   P LM   c o n c e p t   c o n t i n u e s   t o  e x p a n d  

Automatica  e  Instrumentación,  May    Circulation:    n/a  Print    


























Page 5: June monthly report

  T h e   P LM   c o n c e p t   c o n t i n u e s   t o  e x p a n d  

Automatica  e  Instrumentación,  May    Circulation:    n/a  Print    


























Page 6: June monthly report

  T h e   P LM   c o n c e p t   c o n t i n u e s   t o  e x p a n d  

Automatica  e  Instrumentación,  May    Circulation:    n/a  Print    


























Page 7: June monthly report

  T h e   P LM   c o n c e p t   c o n t i n u e s   t o  e x p a n d  

Automatica  e  Instrumentación,  May    Circulation:    n/a  Print    


























Page 8: June monthly report

  T h e   P LM   c o n c e p t   c o n t i n u e s   t o  e x p a n d  

Automatica  e  Instrumentación,  May    Circulation:    n/a  Print    


























Page 9: June monthly report

  T h e   P LM   c o n c e p t   c o n t i n u e s   t o  e x p a n d  

Automatica  e  Instrumentación,  May    Circulation:    n/a  Print    








Page 10: June monthly report

  N ew   v e r s i o n   o f   S o l i d   E d g e  Automatica  e  Instrumentación,  May    Circulation:    n/a  Print    




Page 11: June monthly report

  T h e   i n d u s t r y ,   i n   e v e r y  r e v o l u t i o n  

El  Correo  español,  May    Circulation:    435000  VPE:  6.588€  Print    


Page 12: June monthly report

  T h e   i n d u s t r y ,   i n   e v e r y  r e v o l u t i o n  

El  Correo  español,  May    Circulation:    435000  VPE:  6.588€  Print    




Page 13: June monthly report

  T h e   n ew   T e am c e n t e r   R a p i d  S t a r t   a c c e l e r a t e s   t h e  

im p l eme n t a t i o n   o f   P r o d u c t  D a t a  M a n a g emen t  

autoCAD,  18/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://www.autocadmagazine.com/articulo/el_nuevo_teamcenter_rapid_start_acelera_la_implementacion_de_la_gestion_de_datos_de_producto#.UdFwDGlsPss    



















Page 14: June monthly report

  M o r e   e f f i c i e n c y   b y   s im p l i f y i n g  t h e  m a n a g emen t   o f   p r o d u c t  

d e v e l o pmen t   p r o j e c t s  autoCAD,  18/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://www.autocadmagazine.com/articulo/mas_eficiencia_simplificando_la_gestion_de_proyectos_de_desarrollo_de_producto#.UdFwXWlsPss    



















Page 15: June monthly report

  N ew   S i eme n s   P LM   a p p r o a c h  f o r   l a u n c h i n g   a p p l i c a t i o n s  

Autorevista,  24/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://www.auto-­‐revista.com/?p=50417    



















Page 16: June monthly report

  N ew   S i eme n s   P LM   a p p r o a c h  f o r   l a u n c h i n g   a p p l i c a t i o n s  

Autorevista,  24/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  Newsletter    

















Page 17: June monthly report

  S i em e n s   s im p l i f i e s   t h e  im p l eme n t a t i o n   o f   P LM  T e am c e n t e r   s o f tw a r e  

DesarrolloCad,  06/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://www.desarrollocad.com/siemens-­‐simplifica-­‐la-­‐implementacion-­‐del-­‐software-­‐plm-­‐teamcenter/    


Page 18: June monthly report

  S i em e n s   p r e s e n t s   n ew   v e r s i o n  o f   T e am c e n t e r   R a p i d   S t a r t  

Diario  TI,  12/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://diarioti.com/siemens-­‐presento-­‐nueva-­‐version-­‐teamcenter-­‐rapid-­‐start/65003?lang=en    







Page 19: June monthly report

  S i em e n s   p r e s e n t s   n ew   v e r s i o n  o f   T e am c e n t e r   R a p i d   S t a r t  

Diario  TI,  12/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://diarioti.com/siemens-­‐presento-­‐nueva-­‐version-­‐teamcenter-­‐rapid-­‐start/65003?lang=en    







Page 20: June monthly report

  S e a   E c o n omy  El  Correo  Gallego,  15/06/13    Circulation:    449.000  Print    


Page 21: June monthly report

  S e a   E c o n omy  elCorreoGallego.es,  17/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://www.elcorreogallego.es/opinion/firmas/ecg/una-­‐economia-­‐del-­‐mar/idEdicion-­‐2013-­‐06-­‐15/idNoticia-­‐811906/    






















Page 22: June monthly report

  S e a   E c o n omy  elCorreoGallego.es,  17/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://www.elcorreogallego.es/opinion/firmas/ecg/una-­‐economia-­‐del-­‐mar/idEdicion-­‐2013-­‐06-­‐15/idNoticia-­‐811906/    






Page 23: June monthly report

  T w e n t y   s t u d e n t s   w i l l   r e c e i v e  d i p l oma s   i n   t h e   c o u r s e  ‘ S i em e n s   P LM   S o f tw a r e ’  

El  Diario  Montañés,  04/06/13    Circulation:    190.000  Print    


Page 24: June monthly report

  S i em e n s   P LM   S o f tw a r e  l a u n c h e s   T e c n oma t i x   1 1  

El  Economista,  01/06/136    Circulation:    n/a  http://www.eleconomista.es/interstitial/volver/directm12/empresas-­‐finanzas/noticias/4871533/05/13/Siemens-­‐PLM-­‐Software-­‐lanza-­‐la-­‐version-­‐Tecnomatix-­‐11.html    






Page 25: June monthly report

  S i em e n s   s im p l i f i e s   a n d  f a c i l i t a t e s   t h e   im p l eme n t a t i o n  

o f   i t s   T e am c e n t e r   P LM  S o f tw a r e  

ERP-­‐Spain,  10/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://www.erp-­‐spain.com/articulo/73583/siemens-­‐plm-­‐software/todos/siemens-­‐simplifica-­‐y-­‐facilita-­‐la-­‐implementacion-­‐de-­‐su-­‐software-­‐plm-­‐teamcenter    


Page 26: June monthly report

  S i em e n s   l a u n c h e s   T e am c e n t e r  R a p i d   S t a r t ,   w h i c h   a c c e l e r a t e s  t h e   im p l eme n t a t i o n   o f   p r o d u c t  

d a t a  m a n a g emen t ,  s t r e am l i n i n g   p r o d u c t  

d e v e l o pmen t  ERP-­‐LATINO.com,  14/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://www.erp-­‐spain.com/articulo/73595/plm/todos/siemens-­‐lanza-­‐teamcenter-­‐rapid-­‐start-­‐el-­‐cual-­‐acelera-­‐la-­‐implementacion-­‐de-­‐la-­‐gestion-­‐de-­‐datos-­‐de-­‐producto-­‐agilizando-­‐el-­‐desarrollo-­‐del-­‐producto    



















Page 27: June monthly report

  S i em e n s   l a u n c h e s   T e am c e n t e r  R a p i d   S t a r t ,   w h i c h   a c c e l e r a t e s  t h e   im p l eme n t a t i o n   o f   p r o d u c t  

d a t a  m a n a g emen t ,  s t r e am l i n i n g   p r o d u c t  

d e v e l o pmen t  ERP-­‐LATINO.com,  14/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://www.erp-­‐spain.com/articulo/73595/plm/todos/siemens-­‐lanza-­‐teamcenter-­‐rapid-­‐start-­‐el-­‐cual-­‐acelera-­‐la-­‐implementacion-­‐de-­‐la-­‐gestion-­‐de-­‐datos-­‐de-­‐producto-­‐agilizando-­‐el-­‐desarrollo-­‐del-­‐producto    









Page 28: June monthly report

  S i em e n s   P LM   S o f tw a r e  l a u n c h e s   T e c n oma t i x   1 1  

Estrategias  de  Inversión,  01/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://www.estrategiasdeinversion.com/comunicados/20130531/siemens-­‐plm-­‐software-­‐lanza-­‐version-­‐tecnomatix-­‐11    













Page 29: June monthly report

  S i em e n s   P LM   S o f tw a r e  l a u n c h e s   T e c n oma t i x   1 1  

La  Información,  01/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://noticias.lainformacion.com/economia-­‐negocios-­‐y-­‐finanzas/software/siemens-­‐plm-­‐software-­‐lanza-­‐la-­‐version-­‐tecnomatix-­‐11_0SS1VtCA3OaUC6Sd3Y4w37/    



Page 30: June monthly report

  S i em e n s   P LM   S o f tw a r e  l a u n c h e s   T e c n oma t i x   1 1  

La  Información,  01/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://noticias.lainformacion.com/economia-­‐negocios-­‐y-­‐finanzas/software/siemens-­‐plm-­‐software-­‐lanza-­‐la-­‐version-­‐tecnomatix-­‐11_0SS1VtCA3OaUC6Sd3Y4w37/    





Page 31: June monthly report

  N ew   T e am c e n t e r   R a p i d   S t a r t  Pedeca  Press,  18/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://www.pedeca.es/2013/06/18/nuevo-­‐teamcenter-­‐rapid-­‐start/    


Page 32: June monthly report

  N ew   T e am c e n t e r   R a p i d   S t a r t  Pedeca  Press,  18/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://www.pedeca.es/2013/06/18/nuevo-­‐teamcenter-­‐rapid-­‐start/    


Page 33: June monthly report

  T w e n t y   s t u d e n t s   w i l l   r e c e i v e  d i p l oma s   i n   t h e   c o u r s e  ‘ S i em e n s   P LM   S o f tw a r e ’  

Periodico,  04/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://www.periodico.com/veinte_estudiantes_diploman_curso_siemens_plm_software_rssc-­‐1979881.html      


Page 34: June monthly report

  T w e n t y   s t u d e n t s   w i l l   r e c e i v e  d i p l oma s   i n   t h e   c o u r s e  ‘ S i em e n s   P LM   S o f tw a r e ’  

Qué!,  04/06/13    Circulation:    n/a  http://www.que.es/cantabria/201306040005-­‐veinte-­‐estudiantes-­‐diploman-­‐curso-­‐siemens-­‐dmon.html