june 29th, 2012

The scientific The scientific production of NOVA: production of NOVA: evolvement and evolvement and prospects prospects Update of the bibliometric study Update of the bibliometric study of NOVA of NOVA June 29th, 2012

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The scientific p roduction of NOVA: evolvement and prospects Update of the bibliometric study of NOVA. June 29th, 2012. Bibliometric analysis. Main objectives: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: June  29th, 2012

The scientific production of NOVA: The scientific production of NOVA: evolvement and prospectsevolvement and prospects

Update of the bibliometric study of NOVA Update of the bibliometric study of NOVA

June 29th, 2012

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Bibliometric analysis Bibliometric analysis

Main objectives:

Assess the impact of NOVA publications (articles, letters, reviews) in journals indexed to WoS and compare with the results of the previous studies (2000-06 & 2002-08)

Identify areas of excellence, strengths, and weaknesses

Benchmark NOVA with other Portuguese and European Universities

Map collaborative research and design instruments for research management

Page 3: June  29th, 2012

WoS “coverage” of NOVA and unitsWoS “coverage” of NOVA and units

P (04-10) % Refs WoS

NOVA 4671 80 (79)

FCT 2521 76 (75)

FCSH 54 19 (10)

Nova SBE 203 57 (57)

FCM 430 89 (90)

ISEGI 69 52 (49)

ITQB 1301 89 (88)

IHMT 284 86 (86)

ENSP 37 66 (67)

Solid conclusions can be withdrawn for the majority of the Natural and Exact Sciences, where the coverage of Web of Science is excellent

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WoS “coverage” of FCT departmentsWoS “coverage” of FCT departmentsP (04-10) % Refs WoS

FCT 2521 76

DCSA 15 33

DQ 999 88

DEC 50 52

DI 141 36

DCR 67 68

DCT 41 46

DEE 212 57

DCEA 158 64

DCV 162 84

DCM 422 81

DM 175 58

DEMI 56 38

DF 212 83

DCTB 40 75

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Production and normalized impactProduction and normalized impact

CPP/FCSm, Field Normalized Citation Impact - this indicator compares the average number of citations excluding self-citations (CPP) obtained by a research unit to the international reference value (FCSm, the mean field(s) citation score). It is a normalized indicator that corrects for differences in “citation habits” among scientific areas

MNCS, Mean Normalized Citation Score – New indicator that replaced CPP/FCSm in 2010. It is also a normalized indicator, but the calculation method is different

If CPP/FCSm or MNCS values are between 0.8-1.2 the impact is similar to the international average. A value >1.2 means that the impact is above average

* percentages are relative to 2000-2006

Publication period Production Impact CPP/FCSm


2000-2006 3350 0.87 0.95

2002-2008 3995 (+19%)* 0.95 (+9%)* 1.0 (+5%)*

2004-2010 4671 (+39%)* 0.98 (+13%)* 1.02 (+7%)*

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Evolution of impactEvolution of impact

The impact of NOVA publications has been increasing and reached 1.05 in 2007-2010

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Highly-cited papers (2004-2008)Highly-cited papers (2004-2008)

** 2004-2008 papers counted in 5 years; all other data corresponds to 4 years

Top20% - 559 (9% lower than expected)Top10% - 283 (9% lower)Top5% - 133 (14% lower)Top1% - 35 (13% higher) – 17 with corresponding author from UNL

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Scientific areas Scientific areas of highest impact and productionof highest impact and productionIMPACT PRODUCTION

Arrows identify areas with significant output (>200) and impact close / above international average:

Biological Sciences-Animals & Plants (1.51), Chemistry (1.17), Geosciences (1.07), Applied Physics & Chemistry (1.03), Clinical Medicine (0.99), Biological Sciences-Humans (0.97), Engineering (0.94)

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Subfields of highest impact and productionSubfields of highest impact and production

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00-06 02-08 04-10

Impact Production Impact Production Impact Production

FCT 0.79 1901 0.84 2265 0.91(15%) 2521(33%)

FCSH 1.39 26 2.03 32 1.60 (15%) 54 (104%)

Nova SBE 0.7 124 0.84 163 0.94 (34%) 203 (64%)

FCM 0.56 169 0.78 279 0.90 (61%) 430 (254%)

ISEGI 0.72 22 0.77 30 0.95 (32%) 69 (157%)

ITQB 1 1053 1.09 1161 1.10 (10%) 1301 (24%)

IHMT 0.73 217 0.89 243 0.96 (32%) 284 (31%)

ENSP 1.52 25 0.7 36 0.55 (-44%) 37 (48%)

NOVA 0.87 3350 0.95 3995 0.98(13%) 4671(39%)

Units: output and normalized impact (CPP/FCSm)Units: output and normalized impact (CPP/FCSm)

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The number of publications increased 39% from 3350 in 2000-2006 to 4671 in 2004-2010

The field normalized citation impact of NOVA, CPP/FCSm, increased 13% from 0.87 in 2000-2006 to 0.98 in 2004-2010. The Mean Normalized Citation Score, MNCS, increased from 0.95 to 1.02

The number of highly cited papers has been increasing consistently

The impact is above international average (>1.2) for 8 subfields: Applied Physics; Material Sci Ceramics; Chemical Eng; Food Sci & Technol; Plant Sci; Physical Chemistry; Elect & Electr Eng; Multidisc Chem

The impact of ITQB/IBET is clearly above world average (1.1)

The impact of FCT, Nova SBE, IHMT, FCM and ISEGI is close to average (≥ 0.9)

FCSH has a significant increase in impact when comparing with 2000-2006 but the

indicators are still based on a relatively low number of publications


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BelgiumKatholieque Univ LeuvenLibre Bruxelles

SwitzerlandETH Zurich

GermanyStuttgartTechnical Univ Dresden

AustriaTechnical Univ Wien

GreeceAristotle Univ Thessaloniki

SpainGranadaSevilhaAutónoma Barcelona

FranceToulouse 3 Paul SabatierParis 5 René Descartes



IrelandDublin City Univ

United kingdomBathSouthamptonLeeds

FinlandHelsinki TurkuAbo Akademi Univ

DenmarkAarhusUniv of Southern Denmark

The NetherlandsUtrechtTwente

NorwayBergenNorwegian Univ of Sci & Technol Trondheim

Czech RepublicMasaryk Univ Brno

PortugalPortoLisboaTécnica de LisboaCoimbraAveiroMinhoAlgarve

Benchmark universitiesBenchmark universities

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NOVA NOVA vsvs 35 benchmark universities: main scientific 35 benchmark universities: main scientific areasareas

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NOVA NOVA vsvs univs PT: main scientific areas univs PT: main scientific areas

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NOVA NOVA vsvs 35 benchmark universities: subfields with 35 benchmark universities: subfields with highest impact at NOVAhighest impact at NOVA

The impact of UNL is significantly above* the benchmark universities in:

Applied PhysicsMat Sci, Ceramics Chemical EngElec & Electr EngPhysical Chemistry

* Differences in impact higher than 0.15

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NOVA NOVA vsvs PortugalPortugal: subfields with highest : subfields with highest impact at NOVAimpact at NOVA

The impact of UNL is significantly above* the impact of Portugal in:

Applied PhysicsMat Sci, Ceramics Chemical EngElec & Electr EngPlant SciencesPhysical ChemistryMultidisc ChemistryParasitologyMicrobiologyOrganic ChemistryApplied Mathematics

* Differences in impact higher than 0.15

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Ranking: position of NOVA among Ranking: position of NOVA among 365 top world universities365 top world universities

universities that produce more than 700 publications per year indexed to Web of Science

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Ranking based on impact (2004-2010) and Ranking based on impact (2004-2010) and comparisoncomparison with 2000-2006 with 2000-2006

World Top51-75 Biol Sci Animals & Plants - Ranked 66 ↑

World Top126-150 Humanities & Arts - Ranked 140 ↑

World Top176-270 in 9 areas:

Economics - Ranked 189 ↑

Chemistry - 221 ↑

Geosciences - 226 ↑

Other Social Sci - 235 ↑

Social Sci Medicine - 242 ↑

Applied Physics & Chemistry - 249 ↑

Multidisciplinary Sci - 259 ↑

Engineering - 265 ↑

Biol Sci Humans - 269 ↓Rank in 2004-2010 and change in position compared to 2000-2006

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Research collaboration at NOVAResearch collaboration at NOVA

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Research CollaborationResearch Collaboration

External collaboration, in particular international collaboration,

is extremely relevant and with high impact

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Collaboration between NOVA units (2004-2010)Collaboration between NOVA units (2004-2010)


FCT 0 6 36 4 156 15 1 218

FCSH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Nova SBE 6 0 0 2 0 0 0 8

FCM 36 0 0 1 7 13 3 60

ISEGI 4 0 2 1 0 0 0 7

ITQB 156 0 0 7 0 6 0 169

IHMT 15 0 0 13 0 6 3 37

ENSP 1 0 0 3 0 0 3 7

218 0 8 60 7 169 37 7 506/2=253

253 (5.4% of total publications)

with FCT / Total = 86.1%

FCT-ITQB / Total = 61.7%

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Collaboration between FCT departments 2004-2010Collaboration between FCT departments 2004-2010

DCSA DQ DEC DI DCR DCT DEE DCEA DCV DCM DM DEMI DF DCTBDCSA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0DQ 0 0 0 28 0 11 19 15 21 0 0 11 2 107DEC 0 0 0 1 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 7DI 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2DCR 0 28 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 2 0 35DCT 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4DEE 0 11 1 1 0 0 0 2 80 0 3 0 0 98DCEA 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 22DCV 0 15 0 0 1 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 3 25DCM 0 21 1 0 2 0 80 1 4 1 0 16 0 126DM 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 6DEMI 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3DF 0 11 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 16 2 0 0 31DCTB 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 6

0 107 7 2 35 4 98 22 25 126 6 3 31 6 472/2=236

236 - 9.4% of total FCT publications

Multiple research cultures within FCT

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2000-2006intra UNL – 194 (5.8% of total publications)intra FCT – 192 (10.0% of FCT publications)

2004-2010intra UNL – 253 (5.4% of total publications)intra FCT – 236 (9.4% of FCT publications)

Research collaboration – comparison with 2000-2006Research collaboration – comparison with 2000-2006

How to promote a culture of collaborative and transdisciplinar research at NOVA?