june 28-29, 2005ihe interoperability workshop 1 integrating the healthcare enterprise consistent...

June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Work shop 1 Integrating the Healthcare Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise Enterprise Consistent Presentation of Consistent Presentation of Images Images Ellie Avraham Ellie Avraham Kodak Health Group Kodak Health Group IHE Planning and IHE Planning and Technical Technical Committees Committees

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Page 1: June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 1 Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise Consistent Presentation of Images Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise

June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop1

Integrating the Healthcare EnterpriseIntegrating the Healthcare Enterprise

Consistent Presentation of ImagesConsistent Presentation of Images

Ellie AvrahamEllie AvrahamKodak Health GroupKodak Health Group

IHE Planning andIHE Planning and Technical CommitteesTechnical Committees

Page 2: June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 1 Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise Consistent Presentation of Images Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise

June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop2

The Visual Appearance of grayscale images displayed on different types of softcopy display devices or printed on different types of hardcopy output devices is in general inconsistent and may impact the clinical Diagnostics Reading

Consistent Presentation of Images Consistent Presentation of Images Abstract/Scope: The Grayscale Abstract/Scope: The Grayscale

Consistency ProblemConsistency Problem

Page 3: June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 1 Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise Consistent Presentation of Images Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise

June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop3

Problems of Display InconsistencyProblems of Display Inconsistency

mass visible mass invisible

VOI chosen on one display device

Rendered on another with different display

Mass expected to be seen is no longer seen

Slide Provided by David Clunie

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop4

Problems of Inconsistency in Problems of Inconsistency in Display Luminance rangeDisplay Luminance range





Not all display levelsare perceivable on alldevices

Slide Provided by David Clunie

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop5

Problems of Inconsistency in Display Problems of Inconsistency in Display Luminance rangeLuminance range





Not all display levelsare perceivable on alldevices

Slide Provided by David Clunie

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop6

Problems of Hardcopy-Softcopy InconsistencyProblems of Hardcopy-Softcopy Inconsistency

Digital Modality Laser Printer

Printed images don’t looklike displayed images

Slide Provided by David Clunie

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop7

Causes of InconsistencyCauses of Inconsistency

1.0 .66

Display devicesvary in the maximumluminance they canproduce

Display CRT Luminance vs. Film Optical Density on a light box is an extreme example

Slide Provided by David Clunie

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop8

Consistent Presentation of Images Consistent Presentation of Images Value PropositionValue Proposition

1.Consistent distribution of Images across the healthcare enterprise

- Consistency among Hardcopy Images Printed on different Printers

- Consistency among Softcopy Images view on different Display devices

- Consistency among Hardcopy and Softcopy Image view

2. Maintain and Improve Image Quality

- Calibrating the Display/Print Device

- Use Presentation State for Display and Presentation (P-Val) LUT for Print.

3. Improve Throughput

- Preserve the Display Setup parameters in the Presentation State

- Apply the Presentation State automatically before the Images Display

The cost effective solutionto ensure that image quality is maintained across

different monitors and film producing devices

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop9


Image Archive

Image Manager

Image Display

Image Creator



Q /RPresentation







Print Server

Print Request withPresentation LUT

Print Composer

• Consistent Appearance of Images:– Display Devices– Printed Output

Consistent Presentation of ImagesConsistent Presentation of ImagesTransaction DiagramTransaction Diagram

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop10

Consistent Presentation of Images Consistent Presentation of Images DICOM Standard UsedDICOM Standard Used::Calibration of the Softcopy Display and the Hardcopy Output Devices using DICOM Grayscale Standard Display Function (GSDF)

Creating Hardcopy Output Using DICOM Basic Print with Presentation LUT (P-LUT) Support

Preserving/Using the Softcopy Display Viewing Parameters in the DICOM Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State (GSPS) container




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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop11

Consistent Presentation of ImagesConsistent Presentation of ImagesStandardizing/Calibrating DeviceStandardizing/Calibrating Device

The DICOM Standard Defines: A standard curve, the Grayscale Standard Display

Function (GSDF), against which different types of display and hardcopy output devices should be calibrated – Adjust their Characteristic Curve to the GSDF curve.


Devices Have to Be Properly CalibratedDevices Have to Be Properly Calibrated

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop12

Standardizing a Display/Print Standardizing a Display/Print Device to GSDF CurveDevice to GSDF Curve

Slide Provided by David Clunie






0 50 100 150 200 250

DDL or P-Values


Characteristic Curve

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop13

Consistent Presentation of Images Consistent Presentation of Images Images Printed, the DICOM Standard Images Printed, the DICOM Standard


Basic Print Management with Presentation Look Up Table, for controlling the consistent appearance of preformatted images on printed output


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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop14

Basic Print Request with Presentation LUT Basic Print Request with Presentation LUT ActorsActors









DICOM Presentation LUT N-CREATEDICOM Presentation LUT N-CREATEPrint Composer

Print Server

Print Request

Printer StatusHardHard

Print Presentation LUT

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop15

Actors:Actors: Basic Print Request with Basic Print Request with Presentation LUTPresentation LUT

• Print Composer – A system that generates DICOM print requests as a DICOM Print SCU.Print composer has to apply image processing manipulations, and requests to Print server will specify P-Values in the form of a Presentation Look-Up Table (Presentation LUT) or implicitly by Presentation LUT Shape.

• Print Server – A system that accepts and processes DICOM print requests as a DICOM Print SCP and performs image rendering on hardcopy media.The system must support pixel rendering to optical density according to the DICOM Grayscale Standard Display Function.


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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop16

Consistent Presentation of Images Consistent Presentation of Images Preserving Display Parameters:Preserving Display Parameters:

Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State (GSPS): an object for storing and communicating the parameters that describe how an image or set of images should be displayed.

A GSPS object contains references to the images it applies to, and the transformations (grayscale transformations, shutter transformation, image annotation, spatial transformations, and displayed area annotation) that should be applied when the images are presented on a softcopy display, or printed on film.


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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop17

Consistent Presentation of ImagesConsistent Presentation of ImagesReporting Radiologist Referring Physician or

Reviewing Radiologist

Presentation StatePresentation LUT

Grayscale Standard

Original Image

Window Level



Area Of



WithoutConsistent Presentation

AchievingConsistent Presentation

Area Of



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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop19

Consistent Presentation of ImagesConsistent Presentation of ImagesActors: Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State (GSPS)Actors: Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State (GSPS)

Image Acquisition / Evidence Creator Creates Images with GSPS Objects and Store them on

Image Manager/Image Archive

Image Manager /Image Archive Store and Query & Retrieve Images with GSPS Objects

Image Display Query & Retrieve Images with GSPS Objects and Apply

the GSPS on the Images

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop20

Acquire DisplayPrint

Consistent Presentation of ImagesConsistent Presentation of Images

Slide Provided by David Clunie

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Interoperability Workshop21

More information….More information….

IHE Web site: http://www.ihe.nethttp://www.himss.org/IHEhttp://www.rsna.org/IHEhttp://www.acc.org/quality/ihe.htm

Technical Frameworks

Technical Framework Supplements – Trial Implementation

Non-Technical Brochures :

Calls for Participation IHE Fact Sheet and FAQ IHE Integration Profiles: Guidelines for Buyers IHE Connect-a-thon Results Vendor Products Integration Statements

