julie hannaford, [email protected]@oise.utoronto.ca meryl greene,...

Julie Hannaford, [email protected] Meryl Greene, [email protected] Kristian Galberg, [email protected] T-Space: What You Need to Know About Electronic Submission http://homespace.oise.utoronto.ca/~hannafo3/e-Theses. ppt

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Page 1: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

Julie Hannaford, [email protected] Meryl Greene, [email protected]

Kristian Galberg, [email protected]

T-Space: What You Need to Know About Electronic



Page 2: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

General Overview of ChangesAs of November 2009 convocation,

thesis/dissertation submission must be made electronically Upload will be done via T-SpaceUpload will be publicly available after


OISE Library will no longer require 2 bound copies

Microfilming fee will continue – this fee is to produce the microfiche version of your thesis and other administrative costs

SGS website: http://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/informationfor/students/finish/final.htm

ETD workflow

Page 3: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

What is T-Space?

University of Toronto’s research repository

Intended to showcase and preserve scholarly worksPreservation and migration of multiple file


Provides permanent URLs – no more broken links!

Searchable via Google or other search enginesResult: more opportunities for your work to be

found, read and cited

For a detailed tour click here

Page 4: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

First StepsT-Space, requires that your thesis/dissertation

be in PDF formatUse Adobe Acrobat Writer or Acrobat

Professional software

There is a naming convention that you must use for your files:

If you have accompanying material, make sure that it is also available electronically – scan images, prepare audio or video files, etc.

Follow the naming convention for supplementary files

Image credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/stjernesol/2726886107

Page 5: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

Next Steps

Ensure that you have all necessary copyright permissionsSGS provides a sample permissions letter Copyright FAQ

OISE Guidelines: http://www.ro.oise.utoronto.ca/OISE_Theses_Guide.pdf

Submit to SGS:Written confirmation that that your thesis is in final form

and approvedAll copyright permissionsSigned and dated Library and Archive Canada

Theses Non-Exclusive LicenseProof of payment of your submission feeIf necessary, a Restricted Release Form

Page 6: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

Ready to Upload!Create an account on T-Space here

SGS will be notified via email and will approve your account

Once approved, you will be sent an email to let you know that you can login

Once you are logged in, click on ‘Start a New Submission’

Image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zhurnaly/196310475/

Page 7: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

Choosing a Collection

You must first choose whether you are submitting to the Doctoral or Master’s collection

Page 8: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

Choosing the # of FilesT-Space assumes that you are just

uploading one PDF file – if this is what you are planning, just click ‘Next’

If you have supplementary files, check the box next to ‘The item consists of more than one file’

Page 9: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

Describing your ContentFill in the fields to describe your thesis or

dissertationBe as complete as you can; search engines

will pick up information from what you input and use it to find results

Page 10: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

Describing Your Content cont’d. Some of the fields require that you type

information in; others require that you to use drop-down menus

Page 11: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

Describing Your Content cont’d

To choose a subject code, use this site: UMI Subject Categories

Note that you can add more keywords (click ‘Add More’); the more keywords you can provide, the more can be used by end users when searching

Page 12: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

Browse and Upload your File(s)Remember that the thesis itself must be in

PDF formatRemember that it must follow the naming


Page 13: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

Verify your File(s)

Ensure that the file upload is correct before you move on

Image credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ebolasmallpox/240477265

Page 14: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

Verify Your Description Check what you have input in terms of a

description – correct anything that is incorrect or needs editing

Page 15: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

Select a CC License (Optional)

Page 16: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

Grant T-Space License

Page 17: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

Now What?

SGS will review your submission and let you know when it has been approved

Once you have attended convocation, your thesis will be made public

Search the collections: Masters theses:

https://tspace.library.utoronto.ca/handle/1807/9947Doctoral dissertations:


Image credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/carbonnyc/143186839

Page 18: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

For the future…Be aware of copyright issues when you are

seekingpublicationDid you know that when you seek publication,

the copyright release form often signs the rights to your work over to the publisher?

When working with publishers, you can negotiate your copyright so that you have the right to self-archive or otherwise distribute your work, see the SPARC Author Addendum

Protecting your rights as an author allows you greater flexibility with forthcoming publications

Page 19: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

Open Access“Open-access (OA) literature is digital, online, free

of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions” (http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/overview.htm)

Open access increases the availability of your academic work to the research community

Prioritized  indexing of T-Space content by Google and other search engines improves visibility and citation impact – more people will read your work

Granting Councils are increasingly mandating wide dissemination of funded research outputs. CIHR now requires institutional open access archiving of publications.

Image credit to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wakingtiger/3157622608/

Page 20: Julie Hannaford, jhannaford@oise.utoronto.cajhannaford@oise.utoronto.ca Meryl Greene, mgreene@oise.utoronto.camgreene@oise.utoronto.ca Kristian Galberg,

Interested in learning more?

Check out some open access material here:http://delicious.com/OISEOpenAccess