julian dadd's memory of the attack at ginchy


Upload: mike3124

Post on 30-Nov-2015




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The description written by my Grandfather Julian Dadd of the attack at Ginchy where he was gassed and shot through the throat and lost almost his entire command. He wrote this for his friend Siegfried Sassoon to include in "Memoirs of an Infantry Officer"Julian was a captain in the Royal Welch Fusiliers. During WWI he lost his father and both of his brothers in the "War to End All Wars" #irony


Page 1: Julian Dadd's Memory of the Attack at Ginchy
Page 2: Julian Dadd's Memory of the Attack at Ginchy

1912, The Battalion in Attack)

Page 3: Julian Dadd's Memory of the Attack at Ginchy
Page 4: Julian Dadd's Memory of the Attack at Ginchy
Page 5: Julian Dadd's Memory of the Attack at Ginchy