judy and two aborigines who play and sing for tourists

Judy and two Aborigines who play and sing for tourists.

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Judy and two Aborigines who play and sing for tourists.

Luna Park is an amusement park on the other side of

Sydney Harbor.

The Russells didn’t visit the park, but the ferry stopped

there, so we shot some photos as passengers got

on and off.

The Park looked clean and

interesting—probably a

great place for families to take

their kids.

Across the harbor from the Aquarium and WildlifeWorld, there was a National Maritime Museum. A submarine and destroyer were parked near an old sailing ship. We didn’t visit the museum, since we aren’t

much into naval history, but it looked like an interesting place.

Sitting next to the Maritime Museum main building was a

very pretty lighthouse.

The lighthouse looked a lot like the one we saw on the

Ocean Drive west of Melbourne.

In The Rocks shopping area, a candy store made small candies from large ones!

The huge candy was reduced to thin candy, then cut into small pieces.

This strange bicycle was sitting near a harbor-side


Left: A sign on a building reflected Tiger’s problems.

Below: Bob’s favorite Australian beer.

One night, we ate on the harbor; Judy had some great Barramundi.

Bob opted for a Mediterranean dish—steak strips and veggies and fruit.

There was an aerial tram that circled most of the Sydney downtown—sadly, we never did ride it. Here, it passes near the harbor.

Under the steps leading to the Sydney Opera House, there was this police paddy wagon. Lots of these were seen in Melbourne also.

We shopped all over for opals—but found them to be extraordinarily expensive. Here’s a very nice chunk we saw in a


Here are some more chunks of opals—they are really gorgeous stones.

Here’s the ‘Down Under’ travelers near

the Sydney Opera House.

The Russells have some other tourist shoot

them with the Sydney Opera House in the background—on a

gorgeous “summer” day in January!

Judy enjoying one of our many rides on a ferry in the Sydney Harbor.

Bob enjoyed seeing seaplanes come and go in the harbor. What a fun job—flying people around a gorgeous harbor and out near the

ocean, then landing on the water and taxiing back to land!

We spent our last two nights in Australia at this Sheraton—very nice.

The entry to our hotel.

The Koreans have some good barbecue places in Sydney.