judy and the robbers script

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  • 8/12/2019 Judy and the Robbers Script



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    Drama Script

    Narrator : Once upon a time there was a girl named Judy and she went

  • 8/12/2019 Judy and the Robbers Script


    out to seek her fortune. Judy walked and walked. She went

    went along until she met a cat.

    Cat : Meow..meow..meow..Where are you going Judy?

    Judy : Im off to seek my fortune.

    Cat : May I go with you?

    Judy : Certainly! Come along!!

    Narrator : And off they went.

    Choristers : Jigllety-jot..3x

    Narrator : Until they met a dog.

    Dog : Woofwooooof.woooooof. Where are you going, Judy?

    Judy : Im off to seek my fortune.

    Dog : May I go with you?

    Judy : Certainly! Come along!

    Narrator : And off they went.

    Choristers : Jigllety-jot.3x

    Narrator : Until they met goat.

    Goat : Baaa.baaabaaa..Where are you going, Judy?

    Judy : Im off to seek my fortune.

    Goat : May I go with you.

    Judy : Certainly! Come along!

    Choristers : And off they went.

    Choristers : Jigglety-jot3x

    Narrator : Until they met a bull.

    Bull : Baawww ! Baaaawwww! Baaawww! Where are you going Judy?

    Judy : Im off to seek my fortune.

    Bull : May I go with you?

    Judy : Certainly! Come along!

    Narrator : And off they all went.

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    Choristers : Jiggety-jot. 3x

    Narrator : Until they met a rooster.

    Rooster : Cock-a-doodle-dooooo 3x Where are you going Judy?

    Judy : Im off to seek my fortune.

    Rooster : May I go with you?

    Judy : Certainly! Come along!

    Narrator : And off they went.

    Choristers : Jigglety-jot..jigglety-jot..jigglety..

    jigglety..jigglety..jot 2x

    Up the hill and down the hill and through the valley 3x

    Narrator : They went until it was dark.. The animals were getting tired.

    Cat : Meoow.Im so hungry.

    Dog : Woof..woofIm so thirsty.

    Goat : Im so sleepy

    Bull and Rooster : We are so tired.

    All animals : Wherewhere shall we takea good rest Judy??

    Narrator : They expected Judy to take care of them. And she did.

    Judy : Dont worry my friends. Leave that to me.

    Narrator : On the hill Judy saw an abandoned hut and she

    spied through the window. Judy saw two robbers sitting

    counting out their gold and money.

    ( Inside the house )

    Robber 1 : Haha..hathis people must be rich..hahahaha.I am going to

    be rich toohahaha.

    Robber 2 : Hey..where is my part..this is not fair at all!

    Robber 1 : Hey come here you sillyone for you..two for me..two for you..

    three for memuaahahaha

    Robber 2 : Haish..you are cheating me..! I want it more too..

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    ( Continue with the action of stealing things inside the house )

    Narrator : Judy was so excited that she called the animals.

    Judy : Yes! Yes! My fortune is made..! I must call the animals! Yes!

    Action : Show excitement and start to call the animals.

    Judy : Hey cat! Hey dog! Hey goat! Hey rooster! ! Hey bull!

    All animals : What should we do now Judy??

    Judy : Oh! I just saw two robbers.

    All animals : What???

    Judy : There are two robbers inside the abandoned hut behind the hill.

    All of you must help me to scare them out of there now.

    All animals : What should we do? What should we do?

    Judy : Just make as much noise as you could. But.all of you have

    to wait until I make a signal. Come on lets go!

    Narrator : And off they went.

    Choristers : Jiggelty..jigglety jot (2x)

    Narrator : When they reached the compound of the house , the robbers

    were inside the house. Judy came nearer to the house. All the animals

    were hiding behind the bushes

    Judy : Are you ready my friends? (Give signal )

    Narrator : The animals started to make noise as loud as they could. They

    made such loud noise that frightened the robbers away. The

    robbers were shocked and run out of the hut and left all their

    stolen things behind.

    Judy : ( Laughing ) That was so funny friends. Hey..come here.

    The robbers already ran away..

    Dog : Woofwoof that was so fun!

    Cat : Meowthe robbers were frightened!

    (Judy and other animal are laughing loudly)

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    Judy : Wait!! Why dont we go into the hut. I am afraid the robbers

    will come back.

    Goat : Thats right Judy. We must stay in the hut tonight. By the

    way it is getting late

    Other animals : Yes. Thats a very good idea.

    Judy : Ok..so tonight we are going to stay in the hut.

    ( Started to walk and stop suddenly )

    Judy : But!!

    ( All animals stunned and look at Judy curiously )

    Judy : All of you have to stay at different places.

    Cat : Meowwwhy Judy?

    Judy : Just in case the robbers get back into the hut again.

    ( Judy think for a while on where to put her friends )

    Judy : Alright my friends..listen .Catyou are going under

    the table.

    Dogyou arel not going to be inside the hut. You have

    to protect us okey? So..you just stay in front of the


    BullI need you to stay behind the bushes.

    Goat you will be on the chair.

    Rooster..you will be inside the basket.

    Narrator : Judy also take her own place on the floor. All of them were

    taking their rest.

    Choristers ( Song Mulberry Bush- 2 X )

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    What happen to the two robbers?

    The two robbers, the two robbers,

    What happen to the two robbers?

    Where are they now?

    Robber 1 : I wonder where does the scary sound come from?

    Robber 2 : Hey silly!

    ( Robber 1 turn around pretending looking for someone)

    Robber 2 : I am talking to you!

    Robber 1 : Huhme? (Scratching his head) I am not that silly..

    the sound just frightened me

    Robber 2 : Forget about that sound. Dont you realized that we

    just left our luck behind there..We should return to

    the hut and get them.

    Robber 1 : Return to the hut? No..no way..That could not be me!!

    Oooo..I am so scared to get back in there..

    Robber 2 : You coward!! Fine! Then I go there myself. But..you

    must stay here. Do not go anywhere!

    Narrator : One of the robbers went back to the hut where they left

    the money and jewelries behind. When he reached the

    hut he looked around . He quickly opened the

    door. He saw the jewelries and money were still on the


    Robber 1 : Yes..you are still here my precioushahahaI am rich!!

    Narrator : The cat under the table scratched his leg. The robber

    was shocked. He moved backward to the chair. The

    goat butted him with his horns. The rooster flew

    around him. The robbers screamed for help quickly and

    ran out from the hut. When he reached the gate

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    the dog bit him and the bull jumped out of the bushes

    and kicked him.

    Robber 1 : Monsters!! Monsters!! Monsters everywhere!!!

    Narrator : He ran for his life. He thought all he saw were

    monsters. The other robber saw what had happened and

    ran away too. They both never turned back again.

    Judy : Yippie!! The robbers ran away!!

    Cat : Meowww. They were so frighten..I could see it clearly

    in his facehihihi

    All animals : Hoooraayyy!!

    Narrator : Well that is the end of the story. Judy and her friends

    returned the jewelries and money to its rightful owner.

    The owners were happy and thankful to them. He gave

    Judy and her friends some money inreturned. And that

    was Judys fortune

    The end.