judgments of the legislative arbiters final 2

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  • 8/10/2019 Judgments of the Legislative Arbiters Final 2


    Judgments of the Legislative Arbiters

    We as three arbiters. Did vote and the majority of such votes, non biased judgments on behalf of

    and for the benefit of the people of this legislative/judicial/arbitration panel were made.

    Ruling were made solely from review of case history, once enacted law over a judicials currentapplication or interpretation or practices of law practice and testimony of witnesss.

    From such deliberations and the logic that an inaction to an issues is also willful action. Thisbody does concur with the United States Government and the 6th District Southern Courts

    findings. That the judicial system, within the United States has been compromised. Unable tolocate any non-compromised judicial or court, to provide a non-biased judgment, ruling or trailby ones piers since at least 2004. Denying the citizens of this nation from the abuses and acts ofintimidation. Access to a free and non-biased judicial or legislative body, the ability to hold atrail. Or obtain a fair or non-purchased judgment within the existing system to resolve disputes ofits people as evidenced and acknowledged by the existing system as in this case.

    So this panel and court does find and orders these judgments in the matters before them to betheir decision under the powers of the United States constitution under the Bill of Attainder

    provisions of the people if this court refuses to accept finding in fruition of this case :


    #1, #1 a, #1b, #1e, #1f, #1g, #1h a N/R in #1c, #1d, #8. This Legislative Arbitration court findsthe United States a valid Government. One that may have failed its people in regards to theJudicial Branch and its functioning for our people. Yet as a mandated government of its peoplemust provide constitutional rights, law and enforce contracts between all parties. Regardless ofthe next expect claims of immunity of such and the Judicial denial to accept an employee beingempowered to represent, sign and obligate or undertake acts on the Judicial or Government byany employees entry as relates to any position or by order of a superior. The opposite of what itnow does that is uncontrolled. Wherefore this panel finds that all government bodies under equalpractice of law, or law must honor any agreement decree or contract and must take actions torestore Ohio to State within the union of states.


    This legislative arbitration/ court panel must set forth as part of it finding. That the 6th Districtcourt, failed being a legal judicial body of the people from the first day of submission unto it.

    As such any ruling or other acts past or future. Including obstructions of justice as they haveundertook similar to conspiratory acts with the Internal Revenue Service , U.S. Attorney

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    General office or other government agency. Last being Federal Marshalls visits to witnesss. Toinform that this judicial believes that being held accountable for crimes they chose to undertake.Are threats upon them. Which the Federal Marshals wanted to find what kind of threat if any wasa of issue. They we comfortable no treat was to cause personal harm and all matters will be ofthe people either under enacted law, the practices of law presently used which defies enacted law

    or by a Tribunal convened under the Bill of Attainder to try people for treason as set forth bythe constitution in an non judicial atmosphere. As Ohio has been found to fail all tests of being astate within this union known as the United States. Whose legislative body cowered at threat ofintimidation by this organization in control of the Judicial with great concern of control over theUnited States Government.


    tampering, obstructions of justice and what this court feels treason. To prevent themselves andothers from accountability under the laws enacted by the people of the United States. Using thepeoples system against the people, denying a free and non-biased judicial. Thereafter claiming tobe immune as they are a class of citizen above the United States Citizens! Records of the courtsand testimony and or recording of Senator Schuring, informing a citizen of this claim as told tothe Legislative body of Ohio by Mr. Moyer or his court. For which Ohios elected capitulated.

    So whatever the finding may be of this 6thDistrict by this legislative body. The United States byits constitution must follow, honor and assist in restoration of law and constitution and restoringof fair and non biased judicial and not prevent execution of any sentence issued.

    It is found the 6thdistrict has no standing as a legal or valid judicial body of any government. Aseven with following some governmental instructions it is found it held hidden agendas for selfprotection over duty to the American people. As relates to the court of Mr. Graham and themembers of the court of Appeals. As evidence surfaced it was compromised by this organization.thereafter undertaking acts of abuse by their position, defying and harming American citizens.From these finding the 6thcircuit is equal to any other tainted government office. That conspiredor solicited to commit a crime or illegal undertaking to silence, discredit or undertakeinvestigations as attacks upon citizens to intimate them not to testify and capitulate to the crimescommitted, under the United States governments name.

    As such 6thcircuit and District has failed the American people they had sworn to protect anddefend. NO decision as relates to this case can be legal, or of constitutional value. Except forevidencing criminal abuses of entrusted position and concern of treason by the people whoundertook such and those who conspired with them.

    Further as this 6thcircuit / District. Has refused to hold its own members or other organizationalcolleguges accountable for crimes committed against the people of our nation. Electing to use

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    the practices of law that first exposed this organization. To trump enacted law. Claiming enactedlaw prevents them from being accountable for crimes committed by use of the practices of law ithas upheld for 7 years.

    When the only duty to the 6thDistrict was to locate a non-compromised court. Once found asrequired under the agreement with the United States. Would be the court to hear the matters thiscourt has tried to illegally rule upon , defying their duty unto the people they swore allegiance.Choosing to side with members of an organization that controls the judicial within in Ohio andthe United States. Thereafter using this court authority to prevent accountability of the criminalacts undertook by fellow members. Over their sole duty of service unto the people, providing aavenue to resolve such matters. Evidencing friends trump the American people.

    So the Ohio territory or State as well as the United States Government is herein ordered toundertake the revamp., of the Judicial and government agencies to ensure the future people ofour nation. Will have a free and non-biased the judicial and government office will not be

    wielded as Gestapo units upon any citizen. A judicial, wherein no person knows another exceptby number and any judge or juror is of number. All testimony before a hidden audience andvoice. So no person can recognized including the identify any witness or person threatened orintimidated, bought or sold as pertains to any judgment rendered. Making a judicial that is free toissue judgments for the benefit of the people of this nation. Not for organizations or person withunsavory intent within agencies of said government.

    Ensuring that Government agencies are never again compromised or used as weapon upon theAmerican people. In Gestapo or SS was used under the Nazi Government.

    Wherefore the United States and Ohio if it wishes to rejoin state hood. Must prepare plans,setting forth how they will return these bodies of government to the mandated and requiredservices within its judicial to its people. Permitting a fair and non biased Judicial and noncorrupt government unto the people as mandated. Preventing government agencies from acts ofintimidation, solicitation and threat upon citizens or witnesss as the process now is burdened.

    Such Plan to be delivered within 30days of judgment and to be implemented within 90 days ofsuch. Subject to other change after that period of time. Repairing the scales of justice so theywork without influence or corrupt act. A system wherein empowered persons cannot and will notfrom fear of accountability. Solicit or if solicited by others capitulate to such. In participation of

    crimes against the laws of its people.

    Ensuring the failures seen over the last decades. Never again allow or breed new methods toabuse the power entrusted to an office or person. Preventing power of position from becomingthe alter ego of that Judge or person. Ensuring our nations citizens, will never again be told by anemployee. I am above the you, the law and I am in a class of citizens above fellow countrymen.

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    This legislative arbitration/ court Ordering the forever removal from record and credit reportingof both Bankruptcies under the name of Wade Snively the fruit of a organization and this 6thdistrict and other governmental agencies crimes.

    This legislative arbitration/ court Ordering the United States Treasury and the treasury of theState of Ohio to make immediate payment unto State Farm Insurance the sum of $750,000 plusinterest at 10% from January 1 2005 forward. To the benefit of policy # Lf-0893-9856 on issuedon the life of Wade Snively.

    Thereafter once such payments are recorded. The Ohio Department of Insurance taking controlof such policy from State Farm Life Insurance. Until then owner of such policy picks an insurerno cost to the owner, payment for such transfer paid by either its department, State Farm LifeInsurance or the receiving company. Reissuing such policy of equal date in 1987 so to preventany issues as to insurability or immediate availability of coverage in the face sum of$3,000,000.00 as issued by a reputable insurer, whole does not violate law and protects the

    interest of policy holders as required under law.

    By order of garnishment against each of Ohio as a state or territory and the United States OfAmerica. To restore such policy so to live out its life as issued, which is failing from the theftundertaken by acts of its employees and that of State Farm Life Insurance Company. Stolen fromlegal entities never served nor party to any legal suit or process as such funds were protected bythe congress of Ohio and the united States. If such becomes a surplus under law then the facevalue of the policy so ordered to be increased so the policy remains under the laws as issued. Orany surplus refunded to Collateral assignee or owner.




    This Legislative Arbitration / court finds in regard to #1Ohio, # 1aohio, #1bohio finds that. Ohiois not a valid state within the Union of States as denies rights of law and constitution as requiredto applied to its people in order to be a state. Further it judicial operates under practices of lawthat defy the laws of people of the United States and at time Ohioans as well. That it Judicialclaims to within a class of citizens above the people of Ohio. Being able to sell ruling for a profitor abuse position for personal benefit or gain.

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    This Legislative Arbitration court further finds. That since the United States government is awareof Ohio defies enacted laws, acts of constitution of that Nation and uses practice of law notallowed for under their constitution. Having failed to force compliance to providing rights of lawequal unto other States. That is has the awareness and knowledge OHIO is not and has not been

    a valid state. AS SUCH ALL no tax obligation due the federal government can be accessed upona citizen of Ohio. FURTHER ALL TAXES COLLECTED BY THE UNITED STATES OFAMERICA FROM AN OHIOAN SINCE 1968 MUST BE IMMEDIATELY REFUNDED TOTHAT PERSON OF THEIR ESTATE.

    FURTHER FOR FEDERAL LAWS TO BE APPLIED TO CITIZENS OF OHIO. IT HAD TOBE A VALID STATE. AS IT HAS FOUND NOT BE STATE. Any person tried or convicted ofa federal crime or offense since 2004 must be immediately released and compensated for the costand hardships they undertook. A committee must be formed to review cases back to 1968 theyear Ohios judicial claims it became immune to accountability to its people. Thereafter deciding

    if such was a trail able case under law and applicable unto them. As this court body finds for anyFederal law to applicable upon an Ohioan. Ohio had to be valid state within such union of states.





    This Legislative Arbitration court finds in regard to #2 , #3, #4, #5, #6. Our nations leadersemployees, hired, appointed and elected people from 1968 forward. Must have their service untothe people of this nation reviewed. Those who are found to have failed the people by their selfact or act in unison with another. From obeying instruction or fearing retaliation or abuse of

    position and powers or other criminal act. Must be held accountable, for such act or inactiondispelling they are above the law and they immune from accountability. As they are a servant ofthe people, not of organizations or government bodies created and administered for the people.

    The court finds no person is above the law, even those hired, elected or appointed to a position.From any law or passed by a few for the benefit of that few without vote of the people. Nor doesany such person have authority to deny right of law or constitution, grant immunity for

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    testimony or other benefit. Laws providing immunity or that contradicts laws our citizen liveunder Unconstitutional.

    This court finds each person as well as OHIO and the United States are equally liable unto naycitizen harmed or denied law, constitution or uttered false testimony or other abuse by mis-use ofpositions held or the reposting of such activity without placing the character of the citizens abovethe comment of employee within nay office of government. As employee are taught of want andwield power without justification. Making it the reporting agencys duty unto the citizens ofAmerica to filter out what is true and be liable unto that person and world for the decision theymade. Other than this they violate the laws their industry was created under.

    As an employee, hired elected or appointed must be held to the same or higher standards of law.as relate to the citizens of this nation in regard to equal activities associated to such employment.As No employee can use secret or insider information for their personal benefit, or make moneyoff such knowledge. While they allows others to be imprisoned under the people name for an

    equal or lesser act to prevent loss not make money. As once a citizen invests in a commodity orstock. They are at the Mercy of those insiders and if they are not are held to equal practice oflaw. Or allowed to act on any gut feel or information found after the fact to be true, they arelonger an investor but animal awaiting slaughter.

    From not administering this equal application. The people inherited what they now have.Systems of government used to cloak a friend or solicited testimony from an employees activity

    in pursuit of personal benefit. Then prevent accountability for what they did claiming immunity.As they claim exclusion by the employee granting or soliciting and undertaking acts to defraudits employer, the citizens.




    This Legislative Arbitration court finds as relate to #7, #7a, #7b, #7c, #7d, #7d1, #7d1a, #7e, #7f,#8, #9, #10, #10a, #10b, #10c, #10d. That citizens as set forth herein were harmed or causedharm in violation of position and power and denial of law, constitution, act of solicitation orundertaking of criminal acts.

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    This Legislative Arbitration court finds. The government of Ohio and the United States mustundertake change to ensure a non-compromised judicial applying right of law and constitutionand non abuse of citizens within the judicial system and government offices including but notlimited to the Internal Revenue Service and the Attorney General office within the Ohio, state

    and federal levels preventing more taint, corruption or criminal act as set forth under law.

    Preventing Not only corruption but the sale or solicitation of those agencies powers. Openlydefying the people of our nation and denying right to law and constitution. Finding this power,intimidation, threat and solicitation they undertake, is more than corrupt. It is unconscionableabuse, of self patrol and unchecked allowance to abuse of the entrusted powers and positions.Being unconstitutional, self beneficial or supporting acts undertaken in unison to preventaccountability for criminal activities they or colleges undertake.

    This Legislative Arbitration court sets in this nation record. That No person nor judicial memberis above any law as applied to the people. Nor do they hold by constitutional amendments, theright to undertake criminal acts or practices by use or entrusted power. From insider trading, tothe claimed existence of constitutional right placing them above the law and the Americancitizens. As such these claim are found to be unconstitutional. Any such law passed without thevote or peoples knowledge in deceptive practice. Creating the class of citizen the judicialclaims to be one unconstitutional and above our citizens without accountability. Applowinguntold avenues to undertake unconscionable crimes and abuse. Violating their sworn oaths touphold the constitution, law and free and non biased judicial.

    As such the U.S. Attorney General, the Judicial Branch of Government, the Internal Revenue

    Service and the President of the United States for and on behalf of the people of the UnitedStates and their government. Must create a five person panel made up of common citizens and towhich they will present an outline to address the failures of these agencies and branches ofgovernment with dates of obtainment to enact these changes within 30 days to this court.

    Setting forth how they each independently and as three separate bodies of government will againregain separation. Restoring the Judicial, Executive and Legislative Branch.

    Such plan will address the failures within the three branches of government, the AttorneyGeneral office, Internal Revenue Service and judicial of these governments. So they canadminister their agencies and court systems creating a fair, non biased system and a free judicialwhere in the people can afford judicial avenues for recourse of grievance. Not being deniedconstitutional rights or access to the courts due to fees, cost for counsel or other hurdles as nowexist by the system now seated that places money before duty or country.

    The Internal Revenue Service Federal Bureau of Investigation and Attorney General Own officesneed to present plans as to how they intend to, return to mandated purpose of said department of

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    government. Forever preventing the use and abuse that departments powers making that agencyas Gestapo agency over the people.

    Plans that detail unlimited funds no longer shall be allocated to these agencies as they haveproved to be in capable of administrating such trust of the people. These plans must for no betterterms. Provide for the cleansing of these agencies as well as restoration of them along with thejudicial and government. Restoring justice fairness, equal application of law and constitution.

    That the Department of Insurances in Ohio and the Department of Justice shall undertake steps toensure all licensed companies adhere to the act of Congress enacted for their creation and willnever again for dollar sell out a policy owner, collateral assignee or beneficiary to a policy issuedwithin that State, nation or territory. Bring sanction in excess to t set forth herein to warrant theywill not be lightly taken. If ever again solicited to join in crime over spend a dollar.

    Be it ordered that the Federal Bureau of Investigation immediate being investigating. The UnitedStates government and state governments. Utilizing at least 50% of its people or reserves toassist in identification of issues of criminals within such agencies. Hereafter answering unto abody or citizens not to a colleague. So to ensure a proper routing is undertook and restorationmade whole.

    If the Federal Government or any Sub Agency in it or any state agency fails to provide a initialplan to restore all divisions of the judicial. Providing for the mandated administration of law andconstitution without infection or bias. This court will have no choice but rule on question does

    the united States hold a valid mandate of its people as formed, or has such bee had been

    violated. Thereafter making ruling as to a Trustee for the benefit of the people be placed over thePresident and government offices to ensure enforcement actions to restore this mandate.

    This court orders the Legislative Branch to establish a Special Counsel of citizens to oversee therestoration of law and constitution and mandates of our nation. So the government conforms toits peoples will and order of creation. Thereafter rectifying any state that may not be complianceas Ohio is in question of being a valid State.

    As no employee, hired, elected or appointed can hold greater latitude or protections than theiremployer or the American people. Or in lay terms no hired, elected or appointed person. Can

    make laws that are not or cannot be equally applied to all people.

    It is found. Our nations laws are similar to Gods law. They cannot of great numbers nor can theybe interoperated differently from one court to another. Nor can law be changeable at a whim of ajudge or judicial member. Regardless of race, sex or desire for vendetta. All people must beeducated so to be accountable unto the same law, code or ethic.

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    As the people elect, appoint or hire citizens to perform jobs. Not actors nor are professionalpoliticians permitted to exist under our original mandate. Inheriting untold powers over another.Form our President to his janitor. All hired person have a job to do and they agree to serve thepeople as and when hired. It is the people who change the job requirements and instruction notthe employees.

    Those are who fail the people after employment and must be accountable under the same laws asthe people are accountable. Without any protections of personal assets nor immunities.Otherwise the government has proved incapable of functioning as mandated and cannotperpetuate to new generations.

    As God does not bless adultery. The people of America cannot bless these politicians, judgesemployees forgiving the rape they have undertook form our treasury to our constitution.

    This arbitration court finds that any public employee must hold the logic and presence of mind tounderstand. What is right and wrong as interpreted by the common citizen. Failing this test ofunderstanding and holding such position. Our nations fabric and the trust of its people in itsgovernment. Will continue to tear until the fabric is shredded beyond repair.

    That corporate citizens must also bear an equal responsibility and test as an public employee. Sothat within each industry, like a soldier. They must at all times question the validity of an orderor sense as to what they do, get paid or undertake. Using self tests to determine if such isbeneficial, fair or earned as unto the logic of people of this nation. As well as being legal andconstitutional.

    This Legislative Arbitration court finds that State Farm Life Insurance failed this simple test.Electing for the promised immunity and saving of a dollar. Ignoring right, wrong, legal, illegalThey joined with governmental bodies who as one and together agreed to undertaking an illegaltheft against a policy holder. Defying state and Federal law and act of congress. Common manknowing as the insurance company told. The acts they undertake are illegal and by undertakingthem. The policy holder and beneficiaries who had never been served nor party to any suit.Would be forever harmed. Along with every person who owns a whole life or paid up policyissued by any insurer within the United States and especially within Ohio and its territories.

    In defiance of law and the acts of Congress that created their own industry. State Farm LifeInsurance Company for itself, by its employees. Did undertake unsavory and illegal acts harmingthe citizens of America. To save a dollar or fear of retaliatory aggressions upon them, ignoringlaw, duty, act of congress and most importantly the people they solicited to trust them. That theyabandoned all contractual obligations causing harm by what they did for that dollar.

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    It is further found State Farm Life Insurance Company. By their election chose to capitulate orworked with corrupt judges to void law, and assist in an act of grand theft. As Federal JudgeKendig recognized his court. Along with using the powers of court to Teach an Lesson by useof then power or the courts and with agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service. He did havecontrol over by the association with employees.

    As one and as all State Farm and other participated within an ACT OF GRAND THEFT.Ignoring right over wrong by consciously assisting in this criminal theft.

    So this being cited and evidenced from the review of the records of the court and documentssubmitted to State farm and the judicial or in court record. This panel has made it judgmentabove and as follows. Which are non-appealable and immediate upon all a parties listed withinsuch ruling. Realizing such ruling a Band-Aid upon our bleeding judicial and constitution.

    The evidence established. State Farm Life Insurance and or it employees and counsel.Knowingly violated laws and acts of congress. Breaking the backbone of the Life Insurance. Byits participation after solicitation by members of the judicial they knew to be against law.Thereafter uttering false statements, creating documents to be used in such theft by this court andfailing to properly defend the policy holder.

    In such pursuit they Violated State and Federal law and acts of congress. Gutting the lifeinsurance industry by such action and making all citizens subject to equal illegal act and makingthe cash value of all insurance the next target of theft by unsavory members of the judicial.

    For this acts monetary solutions are not adequate. In addition to The United States of Americathe US Attorney General and the State of Ohio and its Department. Assisting in correcting whatthey damaged. The following judgments are made;

    The Ohio Department of Insurance and the Attorney General of Ohio and the United States ofAmerica. Shall revoke the License for State Farm Life Insurance Company to sell life insurancefor a period of 5 years beginning January 1st2012 through December 31st2017, within theUnited States. Thereafter creating a TRUST FUND to be funded by State Farm with adequateamounts to ensure all death benefits on all policies ever issued. Will be paid in full and inAdvance, such amounts being deposited into such trust. So to prevent any government body from

    being liable for any failure of State Farm to ever pay a death benefit.

    This court finds at President Obamas sole discretion. Either State Farm must fund this amountor if he allows them to share or not contribute towards funds. Then the total assets of all electedstate and federal government within the past 40 years. Must be seized, forfeited used to fund thistrust. As their combined failures allowed for these crimes to be initiated and upheld.

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    This Legislative Arbitration court finds State farm or our politicians from personal assets. Mustmake the initial payment before 1-30-2012 of $100,000,000.00. Paid into this LIFEINSURANCE BENEFICIARYS TRUST. Thereafter settingdaily payments into said fund by asum determine by a citizen review panel of three people before 1-30-2012. Determining the dailyamount needed over the next Seven years to fully fund this trust.

    So the American people are protected and ensured that all life insurance policies issued by StateFarm Insurance Company. Will be fully paid when a claim is submitted. The trustees of said trustto be paid from any income generated by and in the sound investment of such money. Anybalance reaming after all polices are paid must be paid to the people of America. As a partialcompensation for the damage unto the citizens of this nation.

    For any policy to be excluded from such trust. State Farm or our politicians must receive fromeach policy holder a signed release. Wherein the policy holder acknowledges State Farm shallmaintain said policy and be solely obligated for the payment of any death benefit without any

    reliance upon the State Of Ohio Insurance or other governmental funds. Informing such policyholder State Farm has violated the LAWS AS ENACTED TO PROTECT POLICY HOLDERSAND THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY.

    As for Monetary damages the following are hereby found to be due, non-appealable andimmediate. Upon submission of Garnishment by this Legislative Arbitration or the 6thDistrictCourt but will not be duplicated if issued by both.

    This Legislative Arbitration body of this court finds. That lien and garnishment shall be grantedUpon any asset or accounts of State Farm Life Insurance Company. As well as upon thefollowing persons individually or corporately. Who participated within this crime.

    So be it ordered and decreed that State Farm Life Insurance Company, Tom Wilson, David C.Comstock, Lawrence R. Springer his in partners and The Law Firm of Comstock, Springer &Wilson Co. LPA., Harrington Hoppe & Mitchell. Ltd, and Michael Mc Gee And LanceMorrison, The State of Ohio, its former Governor Robert Taft and Attorney General JamesPetro, Charles Pike ( the Columbiana County Human Society a entity believed from testimonyhas established concern this is a puppet entity used to filter, hide and prevent assets of he and hiswife for tax or creditors). Earl Miller , Robert Herron and Roy Paparodis The United StatesGovernment, The Internal Revenue Service, the Attorney General office. The United State

    Bankruptcy Court Canton, Ohio Federal judge Russ Kendig, and Experian. Trans Union andEquifax for its failing to maintain correct credit reporting files and in concert t with Russ Kendigutterance of his court unto them which evidence available to them disproved.

    THIS LEGISLATIVE ARBITRATION COURT FINDS AS RELATES specifically to #8. Thatthose who violated law and constitution using practices of law not equal to those within otherstates in the union of states. MUST BE TRIED UNDER THE SAME PRACTICES IF LAW

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    That All individually were served and acknowledgement of non answers from all served,imputed by order of this court. Under the practices of law as used within Ohio and ColumbianaCounty on before and after the calendar year of 2004 forward. Judgment being issued by defaultas none filed a brief. Under the equal and identical practices of law as applied during the removalof these funds in deference of law from the State Farm Policy as exists and practiced within Ohioand Columbiana County on before and after the calendar year of 2004.

    All payments due from any Banking Institution upon submission and under the same guidelinesas any garnishment within any state and federal jurisdictions of the United States. That ifmonetary funds are not available to satisfy the judgments as granted. This court retains venueupon all these matters. Resolving them by seizure of assets to pay the Plaintiffs.


    Judgment is granted in an amount of $3,000,000.00 as the initial award and $9,000,000.00 beingthree times this award being three times the life benefit issued on this policy unlawfully andunconstitutionally garnished by contrived methods of these people. For punitive damages and anadditional $9,000,000.00 for compensatory damages. Form each party listed above unto eachindividual, plaintiff, owner, collateral assignee or policy holder. Including but not limited toWade Snively, The Wade Snively Family Trust and Ohio Industrial Supply Inc. and VentureEleven Inc., said sum due from each of the following entities.

    Upon presentation of garnishment order of this court. By issuance and the use of any standardState of Federal garnishment form. Bearing either judge or arbiters signature or mark against

    State Farm Life Insurance Company

    The State of Ohio

    The Untied States Government, Federal Judge Russ Kendig

    Thomas Wilson, David C. Comstock, Lawrence R. Springer partners

    The Law Firm of Comstock, Springer & Wilson Co. LPA.

    The United States Government

    Experian, Trans Union and Equifax

    The State of Ohio, its Ex Governor Robert Taft and former Attorney General JamesPetro. Columbiana County Judge Charles Pike. Prosecutor Robert Herron and AttorneyEarl Miller and Roy Paparodis.

    Harrington Hoppe & Mitchell. Ltd, and Michael Mc Gee And Lance Morrison.

    This court reserving judgment against other individuals at this time who may be associated totheses unlawful acts with.

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    For other matters between Ohio Industrial Supply Inc. and State Farm Life Insurance Company,Tom Wilson, David C. Comstock, Lawrence R. Springer his in partners and The Law Firm ofComstock, Springer & Wilson Co. LPA., Harrington Hoppe & Mitchell. Ltd, and Michael McGee And Lance Morrison, The State of Ohio, its former Governor Robert Taft and AttorneyGeneral James Petro, Charles Pike. Earl Miller , Robert Herron and Roy Paparodis The United

    States Government, Russ Kendig.

    All individually having been served and acknowledgement of non answers from all, imputed byhis court as under the practices of law or law as used within Ohio and Columbiana County onbefore and after the calendar year of 2004. Additionally empowered by the United StatesGovernment and the 6th District Southern. Demanding this issuance of a default judgment.Under the equal and identical practices of law as applied during the removal of these funds indeference of law from the State Farm Policy as exists and practiced within Ohio and ColumbianaCounty on before and after the calendar year of 2004.

    It is so ordered and decreed that State Farm Life Insurance company, Tom Wilson, David C.Comstock, Lawrence R. Springer his in partners and The Law Firm of Comstock, Springer &Wilson Co. LPA., Harrington Hoppe & Mitchell. Ltd, and Michael Mc Gee And LanceMorrison, The State of Ohio, its former Governor Robert Taft and Attorney General JamesPetro, Charles Pike. Earl Miller , Robert Herron and Roy Paparodis The United StatesGovernment, Russ Kendig, owes unto Ohio Industrial Supply Inc. damages in excess of thoseabove in the sum of any award for damages set forth above. In their illegally and willfully beingremoved as the owner of the policy based upon conspirator acts with the Judicial membersundertaking this act.

    Acts including but not limited to perjury in testimony and based upon forms created by StateFarm. Then solicited to be signed as instructed by State Farm Personnel so the CollateralAssignee could obtain its funds. Which was denied after consummation or agreement to disperse.The Collateral assignee there after being removed. Based upon the forms and perjuries andtestimony State Farm employees gave. As a valid Assignee. So that this theft could becompleted. Which ultimately cost said corporation $250,000.00 dollars in legal fees and anexcess $1,000,000.00 dollars in other damages as determined by this court from damages directlyresultant to State Farms Non Performances or payment as agreed. For such, this the corporationis awarded an additional sum of $1,250,000.00 tripled for punitive and for compensatorydamages for a total of $3,750,00.00 each or an additional $7,500,000.00 solely against State farmand the state of Ohio.

    Said sum due and non-appealable in state and federal court orders. From each of State Farm LifeInsurance Company. The State of Ohio, the United States Government reserving issuance againstindividual at this time who associated in these criminal activities

    For matters as relate to Venture Eleven Inc. State Farm Life Insurance Company, Tom Wilson,David C. Comstock, Lawrence R. Springer his in partners and The Law Firm of Comstock,

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    Springer & Wilson Co. LPA., Harrington Hoppe & Mitchell. Ltd, and Michael Mc Gee AndLance Morrison, The State of Ohio, its former Governor Robert Taft and Attorney GeneralJames Petro, Charles Pike. Earl Miller , Robert Herron and Roy Paparodis The United StatesGovernment, Russ Kendig.

    All individually having been served and acknowledgement of non answers from all, imputed byhis court as under the practices of law or law as used within Ohio and Columbiana County onbefore and after the calendar year of 2004. Additionally empowered by the United StatesGovernment and the 6th District Southern. Demanding this issuance of a default judgment.Under the equal and identical practices of law as applied during the removal of these funds indeference of law from the State Farm Policy as exists and practiced within Ohio and ColumbianaCounty on before and after the calendar year of 2004.

    It is so ordered and decreed that State Farm Life Insurance company, Tom Wilson, David C.Comstock, Lawrence R. Springer his in partners and The Law Firm of Comstock, Springer &

    Wilson Co. LPA., Harrington Hoppe & Mitchell. Ltd, and Michael Mc Gee And LanceMorrison, The State of Ohio, its former Governor Robert Taft and Attorney General JamesPetro, Charles Pike. Earl Miller , Robert Herron and Roy Paparodis The United StatesGovernment, Russ Kendig, owes unto Venture Eleven Inc. , damages in excess of those above.

    This court has found State Farm Life Insurance and the other listed Parties above owes untoVenture Eleven Inc. compensation for destruction of such policy sold with the original intent ofthis policy. Being for the establishment of a retirement and disability program for itsshareholders or officers retirement. Which policy has been made in soluble, by the original theftand all compounding thefts thereafter in defiance of enacted laws. Voiding the warrant between

    State Farm Life Insurance Company and Venture Eleven Inc. the promise and basis under whichVenture Eleven Inc invested the initial $400,000.00 funding and purchase of the policy.

    For which a judgment is grant unto Venture Eleven Inc, against each party listed above inaddition to all others awards or judgments of $3,000,000.00 Dollars to compensate for theirdisability program.

    For which a judgment is grant unto Venture Eleven Inc, against each party listed above inaddition to all others awards or judgments of $3,000,000.00 Dollars to compensate for theirretirement program.

    For which a judgment is granted unto Venture Eleven Inc, against each party listed above inaddition to all others awards or judgments of $3,438.614.94 . As compensation to VentureEleven Inc. for the investment of $400,000.00 plus interest at 8% since June 19th1987compounding monthly. As State Farm assured the money was safe and non garnish able untilthey conspired with the other listed parties in manufacture of a process. To Willfully defy

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    enacted laws and acts of Congress to consummate the theft and thereafter cause the failure ofthis policy without compensating Venture Eleven Inc., for this investment.

    For which yet another judgment is granted unto Venture Eleven Inc, in addition to all others forthe sum of $1,000,000.00 for compensation and loss of growth or inability to access thesemonies for investment and for costs and other deprivations or reimbursement of costs fees anddamages from the acts State Farm these parties undertook.

    For Matters as relate to The United States Government and one or more Plaintiffs and damagesto are found to be due by this court from The United States Government. Owing unto All S

    Snivelys, Hivelys and Shivelys or any associated entity or corporation including but not limitedto those within these judgments as outlined within the agreement with the Bush Administrationand thereafter ratified under the current practices of law with the Obama Administration.

    Full and unquestioned protections under the Whistle Blower Acts. And equal support as itsAgent, Marshall or Special Prosecutor or Attorney General. Extending the same powers andauthority and protections unto any person as appointed as is given unto any other employee agentor judge within an equal capacity. With the authority to arrest, detain and undertake all and allother actions as required to safeguard witnesses and the government for the people of this nation.If the judicial or government fails to adhere to this Legislative Arbitration / courts finds.

    Further finding and ordering that the reaffirming and ratifying all contract and decrees or otheracts and assurances as extended under of the Bush and the Obama Administrations. Is orderedratifying and agreeing with the non-response judgments or replies or acknowledgments. As

    granted by Judge Graham within the 6th

    District Southern Ohio. That set forth by non responsefrom fear of retaliatory act. That all agreements shall be honored as written and extended to saidgovernment under equal practices of law as upheld by said government. Including but not limitedto the granting of Pardons by the President of by his Power of Attorney and empowering anyperson, corporation agent , counsel or other related party or persons working with anyone namedSnively, Hively or Shively .

    The court finds and recertifies and orders the public acknowledgment within said agreements.Wherein Wade Snively and all associated person under such agreement. Are agents of thegovernment. Working to hold accountable unsavory elected hired or appointed persons and trail.By use of the Bill of Attainder and Private or Special Attorney Generals and other agents ofthe people of the United States. Who are now due payment for such service, expenses, stipulatedas in the agreements or other damages and costs as set forth within the agreement. Immediatelyupon presentation of invoice. To the Department of the Treasury of the United States.

    This court in the strongest expression possible Declares. The United States and OhiosGovernment, including but not limited to the Internal Revenue Service, Office of AttorneyGeneral or other offices. Shall within 96 hours of receipt of this judgment. Undertake steps to

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    remove from office parties listed hereafter without compensation or benefit. Further providingassurances unto the President Obama, this court and All Snivelys, Shivelys or Hivelys. Thatthese offices will no longer undertake the illegal pursuit of solicitors such as Russ Kendig.

    Destroying all records from any investigation of an Snively, Hively or Shivley and ceasing allinvestigations that anyway related to Mr. Kendigs solicitations and threat of using The InternalRevenue Service as tool in abuse of his position authority and powers. As done in fruition of thethreat to teach A lesson using this agency and others as set forth in 2006 within the filingwithin the 6th district by Wade Snively. As these are tainted beyond credence born from theseillegal abuses of position and power.

    Such being the weapon of choice upon American Citizens by Russ Kendig and associates. Hevoiced and his act and their association has evidenced, certified that the integrity of thegovernment offices including the Internal Revenue Service and Attorney General office. Isbought and sold at will by employees at his command or solicitation.

    Who as one organization did undertake false and illegal investigation based upon. Twobankruptcies filed by counsel to prevent the act of Grand Theft from the State Farm Insurancepolicy. Which Mr. Kendig did use his court to assist in by canceling of the initial case, thereaftermaintaining a second filing made while Wade Snively was out of the country. Identical to onedismissed as being insufficient to maintain a case days earlier. Thereafter his court not denying itwas maintained solely for the teaching of the lesson as promised. Even issuing Wade Snivelywished the case to proceed in defiance of his and counsels filing to dismiss as the they hadalready been completed. As evidence by testimony and court records.

    So these government agencies. If they truly have any case besides bad gas or they believe thesematter are of importance and not equal to other citizens unto the government. Can revive andstart a new a valid investigation under law and equal practices unto the American public. Canseek an order to begin a new with new agents or representatives. Unto this LegislativeArbitration body or a court once found that is non-compromised. With any new evidence notknown as of 12-16-2011. That they believe would support such an investigation and not be inviolation with the agreements that exist between the person being desired to be investigated andthe United States Government.

    As these solicitations from Mr. Kendig though the Attorney General Offices s and the Internal

    Revenue Service a unto Wade Snively. Present new quandaries similar to Mr. Kendig solicitingof the theft from third party, to be left alone. All the above intimidated and solicited unlawfulact and theft. That opens a Pandoras box of concern. Of will a Snively be charged or become ascapegoat for such crime. As in the property being stolen by Kendigs act and court. Was latterfound not to be the money of Wade Snivelys. The court did nothing to restore the crimes they

    committed. Choosing the commission of yet more crimes to cover it up.

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    Such as the documents in record wherein Mr. Kendig tried to intimidate Wade Snively andcounsel into stating he actually signed document for the bankruptcy petitions. After Kendigs

    court had sanctioned the Attorney for his not signing them. Now record showing his name forgedunto documents within this court. So signing the document Kendig presented was yet anothersolicitation of yet another crime. Thereafter Mr. Snively and Mr. Kendig both agreeing the

    statement that the bankruptcys were wanted after the addition and acknowledgment that Mr.Kendig that the filing were made only to prevent a act of Grand Theft by mis-use of the courts.Mr. Kendig then soliciting criminal cohorts within the Attorney General and Internal RevenueOffice s to try to silence and TEACH THIS PROMISED LESSON.

    Undertook soon after Mr Snively winning the 2ndappeal to take to trial the case wherein Mr.Kendig could face charges of TREASON. Mr. Kendig solicited the people he controlled withinthe Internal Revenue Service to undertake these supposed investigations. That conflicted with hisown courts finding. Identical to and this courts interpretation of the furthering the vendetta ofCharles Pike II and Mr. Moyer. As well as the promise of Mr. Kendig to Teach a Lesson . Toprevent his accountability to his crimes. Who undertook false investigations attacking family

    and friend of Wade Snively and allying with person who owned the stock in the TimberlanesInc., the company they were intimidating witnesss and people to collect the second payment fortaxes from.

    As these investigations were identical in nature as fruit from the fraudulent claims in and ofPikes court. That Wade Snively various corporations including but not limited to Ohio IndustrialSupply Inc., All American Health Care Inc., Timberlanes Inc., and other companies That theInternal Revenue solicited undertook the same attack even though found not to true. Causingliable slander and intimidation of persons into undertaking the theft of records. After thesepeople knew multiple courts had found them not to be the property of Wade Snively.

    The only logical explanation is. They knew as group were well seized and knowledgeable ofanother acts and desire. Of the solicitation to do unlawful acts to silence witness and citizens. Asthey all had to know and are found to have known. That what they were doing was illegal,knowing such they or another was immune for committing such act or crimes. After five years ofa false investigation have not any item of substance or even traffic ticket. Now alleging:

    no records exist to establish money processed by or though Chase / Bank one.

    Alleging that documents under their control as taken from Timberlanes Inc. which thehave the original. Are false and Wade Snively must have manufactured. Even thoughthey Have been in record for over 10 years.

    Alleging that he must have done something. Even though no money could be due fromany concerns as calculated by independent auditors. They instructed counsel WadeSnively must plead to criminal acts with monetary penalties.

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    Determining what some witness are to make up, find or testify to. So they can ceasebeing harassed and threatened and get a free pass for yet another act of perjury theyoffered immunity for upon Wade Snively.

    Wade Snively testified he waits being told through his counsel awaits what crimes Mr.Kendig or members with this organization and Internal Revenue Service. Demand heclaim he did so cease attack and can be used to discredit and whitewash their criminalacts to prevent their accountability under law for crimes they as one or in unisonundertook. Demanding a false plead from whoever is in control of these people and thisInternal Revenue and Attorney Generals Office demands to cease further attacks upon

    other family members.

    Other family members await Attorney Siegel completing of list of items if they she canfind, recall or testify too. Will bring any charges or even payment of monies they claimowed by them. For Timberlanes Inc., whose stock and operation was under the control of

    Roy Paparodis. A person the Internal Revenue Service has apparently made a deal. Totestify to items including the paper they have claimed to be forged and came from Mr.Paparodis on his partners letterhead. That IRS from confiscation of records must holds intheir possession.

    Thereafter alleging a second document may be manufactured but the party owing themoney too ill to testify. When the reality Wade Snively was a secured party underrecorded documents that went through foreclosure within the judicial process

    D. Alleging previous determinations by IRS staff and assistance in filing is incorrect as

    relates to fully taxed money under the process told to file under. Further claiming ifmonies were rebooked as advised by Internal Revenue Service people at the time couldcreate a taxable obligation for a corporation. That the Internal Revenue Service and theOhio Attorney General have already destroyed I and has no assets making this claimmute as well a contradictory as filed upon liquidation in 2010. Costing the loss ofapproximately fifty needed jobs in Ohio.

    So from documents and testimony unto this court. It is apparent Mr. Snively awaits hearing whatfalse charges he is to plead too to make this go away criminal attacks by United States agenciesunder the control of this organization. So to avoid the continued abuses of these criminals whowield our peoples entrusted power. In defiance of their sworn oaths of office.

    This courts finds this type of justice to be unfounded. As Mr. Snively fights for all Americansright to restoration of law and constitution. For a free and non biased Judicial and forgovernment positions entrusted with power. Never to be feared as the Internal Revenue Serviceis by its masses.

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    This legislative Arbitration / court further finds that. All persons who expose criminal activitiesor offer to testify against criminals within our government. Must be protected under the laws aspassed or acts of congress such as the Whistle Blower act. And the judicial cannot claim suchacts or law does not apply to them as they are above such. All government workers must beaccountable to its people who are its government. When they are found violating said agreements

    or using their power or position to further personal pursuit of criminal activities.

    As the government warranted they would bring to be a cease and desist.

    The 6thDistricts recent order removing counsel and compensation for Wade Snively followingthe order to trail after the 2ndappeal was granted unto the Plaintiff. An violation of theagreements as accepted. For the purpose of preventing accountable criminals within the Judicialsystem or others who exposed themselves in conspiratory activity with organizational members.

    This court also finds and despises. That after the winning of two appeals to bring these criminalsto justice. The 6thDistrict was so intimated and fearful of the criminals within the judicial andour government. That they coward and actually removed the order to pay for fees and counselEstablishing a clear capitulating to this organizations demands and threats upon them. Indeference to their sworn oath to the people of this nation.



    This Legislative Arbitration / court finds against the United States Of America and the InternalRevenue Service. That In addition to other judgments, specifically referencing the State Farm #LF 0893-9856 and a American States policies of unknown number. Are ordered to be foreverremoved from taxability by any government agency or body of government. When and as saidpolicies will fail due to lack of funding related to criminal theft and other activities of itsemployees, hired, elected or appointed persons.

    As the government and its employees including Federal Judges and the Attorney General Officeand Internal Revenue Service in Ohio and the Washington DC. Had awareness of the lawspreventing this crime and thus conspired to commit and then uphold and prevent accountabilityfor those illegal thefts from the State Farm Policy in deference to State and Federal laws and acts

    of congress. Which thefts are not a constant but perpetual increasing 8% per year. Eventuallycausing a taxable event. In a sum projected to exceed $750,000.00 of tax being due.

    As the government failed to ensure the application of law and allowed the gutting of this policyand others gutted to try to get a legal resolution. So as the government by its employees, elected,hired or appointed people. Worked in consorted efforts, in defiance of acts of congress. Passed toprevent what they undertook. No person or entity shall be obligated to pay any tax on this or

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    other questionable and related issues. Nor shall any person or entity be chargeable with anycrime, fraud or other claims that may be related to these polices or associated issues.

    So this court orders that due to the pending failures of these by illegal acts of the government andor it employees. The failure of these policies as sold on the life of or to Wade Snively or VentureEleven Inc. shall be forever immune from prosecution or collectability of any taxability. Hereinencompassing theses contracts or policies and in addition to monetary payments ordered by thiscourt that.

    This legislative Arbitration / court finds that all persons listed by Initial or otherwise associatedto the act of grand theft. As listed in the 6thdistrict suit when filed and joined thereafter byunlawful act. By themselves or with other associates, elected, hired or appointed persons of or bythe State of Ohio and the United States of America. Did in consort with these individuals who asone and as a whole conspired to commit illegal acts undermining of our Nations constitution andjudicial branch of that government. Equal to complicator State Farm Life Insurance Co.

    Therefore this court finds the following persons ordered to be removed from any office by theDepartment of Homeland Security and or United States or by Federal Marshalls. Thereafter heldunder house arrest by bracelet remaining confined, under order not to communicate with another,so to avoid further conspiratory acts. Until a jury of piers or tribunal can be brought by thispanel.

    To hear cases , indicted try or execute judgment upon these parties. Under Violation of theHomeland Security Act and for violations of Federal law including but not limited to section$2381 Treason, section $2383. Rebellion or insurrection, sections $2384. Seditious conspiracyand violating SECTION 73 OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE and subsections

    1503. Influencing or injuring officer or juror generally

    1505. Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

    1506. Theft or alteration of record or process; false bail

    1509. Obstruction of court orders

    1510. Obstruction of criminal investigations

    1511. Obstruction of State or local law enforcement

    1512. Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant

    1513. Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant

    1519. Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations andbankruptcy.

    Federal Judge Russel Kendig, Trustee Michael Demczyk.

    And Stark Attorney Paul Harvey

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    Federal Judge James L. Graham Sixth District Southern Ohio


    United States Attorney General Dean Wieman or Wyman

    Internal Revenue Service Employee or counsel within Ohio

    Attorney John Seigel, Agent Jennifer Connor, Agent and or

    counsel BRAD KURZWEIL

    State of Ohio:

    Attorney James Petro and former Attorney General, Former Governor Robert Taft

    Ohio Judge Charles Pike II , Columbiana County Prosecutor Robert Herron associatesand Roy Paparodis. Judge Lee Sinclair, Judge Frank G Forchione, former GovernorRobert Taft, former Governor Ted Strickland

    Roy Paparodis, Attorney Lance Morrison, Attorney -Michael Mc Gee

    Northern district Federal Judge John R Adams

    In the 7th District. Judge Gene Donofrio, Judge Cheryl L. Waite, Judge Mary DeGenaro

    This court finds from the conspiratory acts and upholding criminal activity for the commission ofillegal act use of entrusted power and position to undertake or support criminal acts. Thesepersons must be held equally liable. Under their practice of law not providing those of right oflaw or constitution. Owing the sum of $1,000,000.00 a day as the government agreed to paywithout any immunity or protection of position. Finding these person as listed within this order

    Not only liable for monetary damages but obligated to honoring all agreements as written andextended to said government under equal practices of law as upheld by said government That allmatters as relate to this case shall be under the current practices of law or if they petition to betried under once existing practices of law. If granted cannot be combined with the other andeither by itself must address the governmental people holding them accountable for the crimesthey undertook.

    This legislative Arbitration / court finds and ordered the upholding of all agreements as entered.Regardless of who actually signed such agreement for the government as it changing and thesuccessor must be liable for the acts of the predecessor. So in addition to Pardons, damages

    Security and immunity of any person so related for any person named Snively, Hively or Shivelyand any associated entity agent or corporation This court orders the Whistle Blower act pertinentto members within the government and Judicial and that all person within such agreements mustand will be protected under such and the Government will provide counsel, investigators andreimburse of all costs incurred prior to this date and hereafter due and ratifying the stipulateddamage agreement and the payment under for and the powers passed unto these peoples as Beinga federal Marshall and attorney General for the benefit of the American People in routing theirgovernment of criminals and unsavory people as asked to undertake..

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    That effective 2-1-2012 if the government is unable to control its employees and staff within theJudicial and Internal Revenue Service. Then this court orders the agreed settlement of paymentsdue which the Damaged parties have not yet requested.



    This Legislative Arbitration Court finds that relates to #11, #11a, #11b, That all credit reporting

    agencies did violate credit reporting laws and did conspire with known criminals within thejudicial of Ohio and the Federal government including but not limited to Charles Pike 11 andRuss Kendig and from such association did maintain false, untrue and inaccurate creditreporting. Defying the intent of the laws and putting the credit ability of the person the foremostrequirement of their function and purpose. Rather continuing harm acts of liable. in denying atrue and accurate reporting by act with of one or more United States judicial bodies. Unto andincluding but not limited to Wade Snively.

    That they further have failed the purpose of their agencies and must immediately correctreporting so to accurately portray an individual credit worthiness without impact by government

    agencies or criminals therein.

    Therefore Experian, Trans Union and Equifax. Must present a plan to five panel committeepanel of this court to oversee and direct this cleansing and revamping. So to ensure proper andaccurate reporting unto the credit world.

    In monetary damages from each of Experian, Trans Union and Equifax who each shall payWade Snively and Melissa Pallard the sum of $1,000,000.00 in damages thru 1-30-2102 and ifthey do not correct their reporting an additional $1,000,000.00 per day until their credit reportingis corrected.

    This legislative arbitration/ court Ordering the forever removal from record and credit reportingof both Bankruptcies under the name of Wade Snively the fruit of a organization and this 6thdistrict and other governmental agencies crimes.

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    This Legislative Arbitration Court finds that relates to #12, #12a, #12b, #12c. that

    Ohio did file a timely response setting forth its replay as to Ohio within the 6th Districts case..Thereafter Ohio being liable without question damages as due. That if Ohio did revise the samenotice as the United States then it is found That the United States by its attorney General or otherleader or office elected not to file a brief as be subject to the judgment rendered by this courtbody.

    Further finding Attorney General Mike DeWine must immediately and with assistance of WadeSnively undertake the criminal prosecution of Judge Charles Pike II, Roy Paprodis and EarlMiller fro filling a untrue suit for the criminal theft of monies and those parties identifiedhereafter that compromised the Ohio Attorney Generals office up to this date. In any form or

    action that has prevented such prosecution for Judge Charles Pikes II acts of Perjury as wereirrefutability found to exist by Columbiana County prosecutor Robert Herron when he issued theSheriff taking of criminal complaint.


    This Legislative Arbitration Court finds that as additional damages and in agreement not to evict

    or seizure of public land. The government will begin the payment of $4,000,000.00 dollars perday being $1,000,000.00 per Snively, Hively or Shively or associated entity filing for suchpayments and $3,000,000.00 towards past due monies owed until the amount claimed are currentthereafter dropping to the $1,000,000.00 per day until they can control their employees and theJudicial and other branches of government that are astray and operating outside the constitutionand enacted laws or undertaking abuse of position and power in furtherance of personalvendettas or teaching of lesson as they presently hare undertaking.

    That if fails to control its employees and government agencies. Brining a forever cessation ofthe aggressions upon and Snively, Hively or Shively. The agreed stipulated damages of$1,000,000.00 per day shall be ten fold and if after 3-1-2012 20 fold and not cured by 7-11-2012shall be 1,000,000,0000.00 per day if cessation does not stop and if the monies due under anyagreement are not paid or the bonds posted to appeal. Then any Snively, Hively or Shivelyharmed. Is granted the right to print monies similar to currencies printed by the United StatesGovernment. By any means now known or hereafter devised, on similar paper or like paper.Which shall be as honorable as that printed by the United States government, valid and as legaltender to any citizen, country or person. Giving them the sole and exclusive right to print their orat their election the currency for the United States of America. So to ensure prompt payment of

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    all monies due them. As if such currency was printed by or under the United States Treasurydepartment order. So to ensure timely receipt of monies

    Further finding if the government is unable or unwilling to gain control of its agencies, isolatingthose to be brought to trial or those to be removed from position. Without pay or benefit by thisand the 6th districts order. On or before 2-1-2012. This court will hear the matters of Treasonagainst identified parties to date by order of a Tribunal With immediate execution of sentencefollowing judgment with the Unites States Government and Ohio each getting offered 1 of fiveseats on such Tribunal as created under the Bill of Attainder provisions of the constitution.

    As the government will evidence by the responses and adherence to these court orders. If it agovernment of law and follow the orders of its court and this court. Or Defy such lawful ordersand establish it no longer is nation operating under the original mandate of the people whoformed this government. Thereafter ruling on the other requested items before this court whichwere non addressed or n/a with the judgments found on this date

