jquery: accessibility, mobile und responsive

jQuery Conference 2015 in Berlin Accessibility, Mobile and Responsive @webinterface jQuery Image from: http://www.kinderfilmwelt.de

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jQuery Conference 2015 in Berlin

Accessibility, Mobile and Responsive



Image from: http://www.kinderfilmwelt.de

Peter Rozek

Work at ecx.io (Digital Agency)

Skills: UX

Usability Accessibility




Accessibility = Dark Side


Mobile First Responsive


Where are the Elements of Surprise between

AccessibilityMobile First

Responsive Design


Designing for Responsiveness, Mobile First and for Accessibility are not the same thing.A responsive site is designed and coded to respond to devices with different screen sizes. Is not automatically accessible.


Responsive design is an additional way that you can apply to solving accessibility issues.


Responsive Web design, mobile first and accessibility are ways of making a site flexible.


Myth:Accessibility = less

andTechnological Restrictions


Designing withprogressive enhancement


User Experience

Browser CapabilitisBasic Advanced


Think and Design about Device Agnostic

Think about Interactivity


Content is design for Readability

Think about Design (Color, Contrast)



Design is like Water


Interactivity is like Water



A device-agnostic approach also takes into account infinite combinations of screen resolution, input method, browser capability and more…


Learn from people about their needs and



Accessibility is often as part of person`s need.

Mobile First is opportunity, focus and innovation.

Responsive Design is clear goals, frequent communication, and solid collaboration.

User Experience build personas of what users are like and what they want and need.


A simple example about the combinations of Responsiveness, Mobile First and Accessibility.


type=“email“ type=“url“

Source: http://diveintohtml5.it/forms.html





Mobile First

Responsive First

@webinterface Source: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/05/....

In <form> Not in <form>


Mobile First

Responsive First


In <form> AccessibleExperience




Source: http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/



Soziologie: Diversity as normality

Web: Diversity of the Devices is normality

Accessibility: Flexibility and universal UI-design


Benefits of Inclusion


Automatically adjust to user’s device

Designing first for mobile focuses on key features and accessibility


Progressive enhancement

Inherent inclination to follow web standards

Scalable and operable


Device Agnostic

Technical Solution

Inclusion Strategy

Progressive enhancement


In the context of the Accessibility

is not new.


What is Accessibility?


Essential things about the documentation.WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)

WAI-ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications)

Image from: http://www.ew.com/@webinterface

Robust OperablePerceivable Understandable

WCAG 2.0 and the 4 Principles


What is Accessible JavaScript?


Without semantically and accessible markup there is no accessible Javascript!

Source: http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/


What is Accessible JavaScript?

You use it fully with keyboard

You use it with user defined colours

You use it with Screenreader


Accessible JavaScript for a Screenreader with


Source: http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/


Using WAI-ARIA to be optimized for a Screenreader.

You can use it the same way as without a Screenreader.

A Screenreader gets additional information about actual state and how it works.

Source: http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/aria

@webinterface Source: http://www.webpagetest.org/


Accordion header: role=tab aria-selected (is header selected or not) aria-expanded (is selected header open or not) optional: aria-controls

Accordion content: role=tabpanel aria-labelledby (with header) aria-hidden (is content visible open or not) 


Enhancing Forms


<label for=“lastName“> Last Name * </label> <input id=“lastName“ type=“text“ aria-required=“true“>

Required Fieldsaria-required


<label for=“emailAddress“> E-Mail Address * </label> <input id=“emailAddress“ type=“email“ aria-describedby=“emailFormat“ aria-required=“true“>

Input-level Instructions and Expected Data Format

<div class=“instruction“ id=“emailFormat“>Example: [email protected]




<label for=“emailAddress“> E-Mail Address * </label> <input id=“emailAddress“ type=“email“ aria-describedby=“emailFormat“ aria-required=“true“ aria-invalid=“true“>

Validation and Error Messaging

<div class=“instruction“ id=“emailFormat“>Example: [email protected]


<div role=“alert“><label for=“emailAddress“ class=“error“>

Please enter a valid email address.</label>


aria-invalid and role=“alert“


Button controlled input with live feedbackaria-live="assertive" and aria-controls

<form action="">

<label for="number">Current value</label><input id="number" type="text" role="alert" aria-live="assertive"

readonly value=„0">

<button type=„button" title="add 10" aria-controls=„number“>Add


<button type=„button" title="subtract 10" aria-controls=„number">Subtract



Button controlled input with live feedback

<form action="">

$('[aria-controls="number"]').on('click', function() { var button = $(this); $('#number').val(function(i, oldval) { return button.is('[title*="add"]') ? parseInt(oldval, 10) + 10 : parseInt(oldval, 10) - 10; });});



Think about interaction

@webinterface Source: http://hanshillen.github.io/jqtest/#goto_dialog

Fully accessible with keyboard:


<div role=„alertdialog“ aria-labelledby="dialogTitle“ aria-describedby=„dialogDesc“>

<h2 id=„dialogTitle">Your personal details were successfully updated

</h2><p id=„dialogDesc">

You can change your details at anytime in the user account section.</p>


Design patterns alertdialog

<div role="dialog" aria-label="Password Confirmation“ aria-describedby="dialogDesc">

Source: http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#dialog_modal


Dialog role is used when the user is expected to provide data.

Alertdialog role is used to announce the contents of a dialog to the user.


User should either explicitly dismiss the dialog (for example, selecting "Cancel" or pressing ESC) or close it by taking a positive action, such as selecting "OK" or "Submit".

When the dialog is displayed, focus should be placed on an active element within the dialog.

Modals Focus Management

Source: http://juicystudio.com/article/custom-built_dialogs.php


The viewport must permit zooming


Do not add parameters like:

“maximum-scale=1.0” or “user-scalable=no”


Optimal code looks like this:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />


Fluid Layout


Browser zoom and fluid experience with Flexbox

flex-wrap: wrap;


Use em, viewport units or % for layout, not pixels.

width: 60em;width: 60vw;width: 60%;


Last Words


„You are not your user. Watch people interact with your site“

Peep Laja, @conversionxl


Not building for browsers Not building for devices Building for users


Focus accessibility, responsiveness and mobile first efforts on delivering quality user experiences.


Designing for accessibility, is not about disability, is not about restrictions, is create a pleasurable digital experiences.


„Design the Priority not the Layout!“Ethan Marcotte

Image from: http://www.space538.org/events/ethan-marcotte

„It is the nature of the web to be flexible, and it should be our role as designers and developers to embrace this flexibility, and produce pages which, by being flexible, are accessible to all. The journey begins by letting go of control, and becoming flexible.“


John Allsopp, A dao of webdesign

Image from: https://responsivedesign.is


Making Flexibility Your Goal.



…dear Ellen