jpiitt f - university of hawaii · box 130, ti.ophono 349. 0010m l? king fethi:;t, 3..t. ava-i-ijk,...

v. ft. t . V (wL . jpiitt f f f ilf 3 nniMt, f?"1 Von. IX. No. 1277. HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY EARNING, MARCH 10, IS! ii. 60 CENTS SUBSCRIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN N printed mill piihlWhud ut thu olllce Queen Street, llonoliilii, 11. I., overv iifturtiuon (Suinhiya excepted). ' Subscription. 50 cents pet Month. Address nil Uoiiimiiniciitlfliis Daily IlUI.M'.TIN. Advoitlomeiits, tc emittc insertion, should lid huntlcil in licforo ono o'clock r. M Danlol Logan Miuitiglng l'dltor Norman Logan Associate Editor mill Ac countniit. W. A. S. Boals Collector and Shipping ltcpurlcr Bulletin Steam Printing Onioc. Newspaper, 11 ink nml Job Printing of nil kinds ilonn on the mo,t fuorulilo JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager. Hell Telephone N"'0f; Miituul Telephone ' "- - Commission iu ouants. T. WATBUHOUSB, JOHN Importer und Dealer In General Merchandise, Queen t.. Honolulu. 1 Clttuo Hrcckel. 'n. O. Irwin. IRWIN S5 COMPANY, WO. Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. L OLEGHOBN & GO. AS. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers In Gcneiul Merchan- dise, Queen und Kiialiuiniinu bts., Horn), lulu. ll 3i CO., WILDER Dealers In Lumber, I'.Unts, Oils. Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. fort and Queen sis., Honolulu. i H.N. Castle J. U. AtUcrtoa. fit OOOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King St., Honolulu. IS. 11U1C1IISON. M. A. OOKSVLVKS. M. A. GONSALVES & CO., "Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 280 Beaver Block, Honolulu. GRINBAUM & OO., MS. ItnportoM of Gcnoral Mer chandise aud Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and UMCallfoiuU street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. J LYONS, Auctioneer and General Commission Merchant, Masonic Block, Queen st., - Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Heal Estate and Gcnoral Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Solo Agent for Amcricau and Euro-pcii- n merchandise. J18 BREWER & COMPANY, 0. (Limited) UKNUUAL MlUtUANTlI.K AND Commission Agents. i.isr ok oKKicnns: l 0. .Links, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. O. Caktku Treasurer & Secretary diukcious: Hon. 0. It. Bishop. Hon. II. A. P. Cakteh tiiia iy Geo. V. Macfarlaue. II. 11. Macfurlanc. q. w. macpahlanl & Co. IMPORTJBHS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS and Stiff ar Factors, Firo-Pro- Building, - 52 Queen street, Honolulu. II. I. AGENTS lor The Wnikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The lleula Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maul, Puulo.v Sheep Hunch Co., Hawaii, T. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow ami v able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlees, Watson &Co's Sugar Ma nn cry, Glasgow, Glasgow aud Honolulu Lino of Pa, 185 A O. BERQER, 21 MllKOHANT Stkket. General Agent for 1'ho N. Y. Life Insurance Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(liralt'd South British and National Flic it Ma. rino Insurance Co. Macnealo & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. The Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Tho Commercial Fire & Marino Iiuur- - unco Co. 2U8 C II. WOOIiMlXWTOX, GENERAL PURCHASING AGENT. Special notice to Island orders for McrchandUoof every description, at tho very lowest rates of commission. Semi for samples of Dry Goods, etc., etc. Catalogues and price list free by mall overy steamer. Address 309 CALIFORNIA STREET, 101 tf Room 10, San Francisco. i&ivriiifrj.; Professionals. A LBEllT O. SMITH, Jr. Attorney at Law and A?cnt to lake Acknowledgments. No. 0 Kaahti. lll.Ulll Btll'Lt. 102 (Jin J Alfred Maooon, ' ATIOHNEY AT LAW. 171) 42 Merchant street. Honolulu. Iy JOHN A. HASSINOER, Agont to take Acknowlcdgmunti to Con ti nets for Labor. Interior Ofllce, Honolulu. 1IOHARD F. BIOKERTON, and Counsellor at Law. Hnuy to lend on Mortgages of Free, holds. Olllce. No. 11 Merchant St. 1 BROWN, ' Attoruer and Counsellor at Law Notary Public, aud Agent for taking Ac kuowledgmeuts of Instruments for the Island ol Oahu. Meiclmiil street, Hono- lulu. 1 M THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, mill Solicitor In Chancery. Ofllce Campbell's Block, Second Story, Rooms 8 and It. Entrance on Merchant an cut, Honolulu, II. I. 031tf WILLIAM AULD, to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for the Dibtrict of Komi, Island ot Oahu. at the oilleo of the Honolulu Waterworks, footot Nuu unit street. 1S1 JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW aud Nouuy Public. Real Estate in any part of the Kingdom bought, sola and li used, mi commission. Loans nt'jgoiib led, Legal Documents Diawn. .No. 21 Merchant st. (Utucttc Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands IM WO AKANA, aud Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 7 King street, near the Bridge. Translations of either of the abovt languages made witli accuracy and dls patch, aud ou reasonable terms. 209 P P. GRAY. M. D., A PHYSICIAN AND SUfiGEON, Olllce, llrst door west of Library Build- ing. Heurs, from 0 to 11 a.m., nml 2 to 4 ami 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a.m. Residence, cor. Kiniiu and Pcusacola Strcuta. 948 ly DR. A. MOWAYNE, Physician aud Surgeon, Olllce and residence 31 Alakea street. Olllce hours, 0 to 11, 0 to 8 p.m. Wly DR. EMERSON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, litis removed his Residence and Olllce to 11)0 Fort Street (lately occupied by Cipt. Hayley). ( 8 to 10 A.M., Okvici: Houna-- j 1 to 3 p.m., (7 to 8 Evening. Telephone (Bell and Mutual), No. U9. 177 tf JAMES I3KODIE. Veterinary Surgeon. OFFICE and residence, 100 lung St., Kauulalino Church. Mu- tual Telephone, U51. Olllce hours from 7 to !) a. m., and 1 to 2 i . m. Ordeis left at the Pantheon Stables will be prompt- ly attended to. P. O. Box tU. 813 tf Mercantile. CHR. GERTZ, - No. 80 Fort street, Honolul,VC" Importer and Dealer m Gent's, Ladies' ami (JlilHlicH's uoot.s, snoes and slippers. Robert Leu ore, U. M. UooUo, L EWERS Si OOOKE, (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumbpr und all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 HOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, llono-21- 6 lulu, H. I. J. M. OAT Jr. & Co. Dealers In all kinds of Tin Latest Foreign Papers always on tmiii ut the Gazette lilock Muchiint fttnei :j"Thu English Admiralty Charts .il ays on hand. 1 by WM. JIcCANDIjKSS, No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Ilccr, Vent. Mutton, FIhIi, Ac, ilr. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at bho-- t notice, nnd Vegetables of nil kinds sii plied to order. 310 ly THE FISHER CIDER COMPANY Factory, 13 Lilihn street. now prepared to furnish this rilcbratul Chninpagno Cider at short notice, and in miantitics to suit. All orders will meet prompt attention by addressing The Fisher Cider Co. M.T. DONNKLL, Moger. Mutual Telephone iJUfi. 139 ly TO BUTCHERS, GRAZIERS i "J(S?5 T. W, RAWLINS, ffi!j&A Soap Manufacturer. The highest Cosii Mil no for any quun. tlty of Tllow. llonoliilii WoniiAoiliM, 1.1'Ivo Bell Telephone 211. P. O. Bos 1. 217 NEW GOODS, NOW READY FOR INSl'KCTION AT THE Popular Millinery House, 101 Fort Street, : : : llonoliilii, N. n. SACHS, PROPRIETOR. Every Department He-Stocke- d, LEGANT DISPLAY OF Embroideries, Luu8s, Shawls, SSLK HANDKERCHIEFS, Corsets, G-love- s, TMCit;t, oto., A complete line of Lad s and Chlltlrun's Hosu; Tin-lates- t Novelty Red and Illtto AU-- ( ver Embroidery, for yokes and sleees, with edging to match. MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, Our Millinery Department is now complete, and arc now showing the Latest Stj of Ladies and Children's Hats, trimmed and nut, ' umed. Also, a large assortment of Plumes, '.'?ips, Birds' Wings, etc. Native Mraw Sewed in the latest Shapes. Mrs. Mollis' Dr vsinaking Department on Premises. UNION -- EED 0 Hmj, irtain and of and 175. Inland order nollattnd. nnd goodM delivered iiromptly. sn.z l. j j.j II. M. UENSON, & k H3 il 116 FORT STI.JET, Depct for & And Toilet ItcquI ites, Tlio Common Sonso Nursing Bottles, Ami Allaire Woodward & Go's Products. & Grocery and Fot Store, Corner King and Nu nu streets. Fresh Groceries und Pro lions received by every Stcr. ur. P. 0. Box 130, Ti.ophono 349. 0010m L? KING feTHi: ;t, 3. .T. AVA-I- IJK, i vopvlutor. Choicest Meats from l'inost Herds. Families aud SI 'pi'ing SUPPLIED ON SHOilT NOTICE and nt tli i LowcKt jVlsirlci 4, PrlceH. All meats delivered f 'mi this Market are thoroughly chilled li i edlatcly alter killiug by means ol a 1 ti.CoIeiiian Pa- tent Dry Air II .'frige itor. Meat ho treated retains all Its j oy j ropertles, and is AfcLl' LoNonn AKTElt Dni.IVKKY THAN HUlllILV-KIM- r- khMkat. 71 ly ! J. W. Cigar Formerly of iho Pio'ucr Cigar Fan tory, lias moved into of the Crystol Soda Wot . , where ho Is prepared to till nil orders iitlho loweit wholesale prices, JS3 Island oirbrs 'ollcltcd and promptly filled. 100 ly Chicken Feed. Corner Queen Edinburgh Streets Telephone BENSON, SMITH CO.. Disiensii HONOLULU, Booricke Schreck's Homoepathic Fi3edicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes Pharmaceutical Wolfe Company, Metropolitan Me GUAKANTUEDTU Patronize Home Mnstry KINOLEY, Wanukcturer, t'olrontpart COMPANY. a. w. SMITH, i S. M. CARTER, Wood iiutl Conl Ulurclimit, No. 8'J King Street. Telephone Number, in both Companies, 187. Wood and Coal Orders are hereby solicited, and will bo delivered at any locality within tho city limits. Departuro Bay Coal, Newcasllo Coal and Charcoal. Hard and Soft Wood, Sawed and Spill, always on hand, and sold in KM quantities to uit. tf LAINE 6c CO. Havo u Lit go Stock of the VERY BEST HAY. 3rrain, Etc., Which is offered at Low est Market Prices AND-Deliv- erod Free to any part of the City AGENTS FOB THE Pacific Mutual Life Insurance- - Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for tho Hoover Telephone. CommissionerofDoedsforCalifornia Telephone No. 147. 700 LIME ! LIME ! Patronize Homo ManutiicLiiro The Hawaiian Stone Comp'y Aro now prepared to furnish fresh Lima In quantities to suit purchasers, and satisfaction warranted as to both tho kind and tho prlco. ALLEN & ROBINSON, 03 ly Agents. Mechanical. 1;?.owi. & PHILLIPS, Plumbers, Gas Fitters ami UoppiT-Finltn- Wo. 71 King trect, He lolulu Jg House iimi bhlp Job W"-- pro' ' !y executed. 10J nOADH & MACKENZIE, JLl C la LNTEHS & BUILDKUS. .I'lildng , oiniill' attended to and all wor( giiiit'i'.icil. Plans and spcelllci-tlo'- n Iiirni 'i d at siioit notice. Queen Sti . t, nu . hikea. P. O. llox .WJ. Mn i HTi ' JmnuiMB. 141 ly Hrnoluli Carriage Manufact'y L'i 230 I'oit Street, II." oltilt - Hawaiian Is, W ' PAGi:. Proprietor D.SO "r-?- l i.u..;olulu Ironworks, ifcj.UlS i a enginei.,sugar mills, boil-i- t i 'ioIe iron, lira8 and lead iait-In- , inn uery of every description in. U to imI . Particular attention p.iid to ')'sb ' ,; smithn. Job work uxe. cu ' at s notice. 1 "1 &.. Mt 3N2IE, J PKACT1CAL PLUMBEIt nu i ' is 1 ii ' .. Il oid for House or Ship work pi- - ..vtly jutul. ." Sh- - . next to Post Olllce, Bethel St -- t. 1 ). o IM) 154 ly mm& & co. .IIiii uVrtiirlni: .lMcIlprH, ?.. t)v. iOlC'X' UTIUSCT. itni on hand a largo assortment of l lpliou of Jewelry, Watihes, O i t aud er Plated Ware, &c. 9T,S ly '70. f. STKATKJIKVKkl, Ali'lISTJ SIGV A SPECIALTY. 78 .ng Street, Honolulu. 175 P. O. Box 10. ly TLos. Lindsay, JdANWJJACTUItlNa JEWELBll. 1W X HO Xunann ttretl. ly "V?IOiS3131dIt SIB;! OAfflY FACTORY -- JJ JtAJCJOllY. F. 1IOIW ' radical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and "linker. 71 Hotel St. &;:' Tclephono74 ALViKH. 11AS12MA1TOT, Book-Bind- er PAPEIMtLLEH and LLAXK-BOO- K Maiiufacturi r. Hi'OL Dh.inug of all description neatly uj i proMiptly eeuted. G. 7."tto Bi.tldlng . . ilirchnnt street 7'J3 ly 1 ". F. BURGESS, 31 K i street, : : Honolulu. Ci'iK-ii- l ' anil Itiitlili'i'. IliigKasu and ' eiK'ral i:prcHH. D lying id Meamur Fi eight carefully handled. C i'iaf;e lintlng done by n first-cla- wo. i'i,ui ut 78 King street. J ) jbing . above lines attended to with p omptn , and charges according to he a nit and quality ot work. C'Ueo T."i i none, 2(ia. Itesidence, 152. 1431y li, Ji. RYAN, . ;oat Jlullfl:r. Tats B" and Eopaired to Order. AA U'..,iH ol Itout Jlluterial, 'J i alien 'ni'i's, Stems, Keels. Also, 1 J cUcd 1 1' Boat, 1 Largo Twelw-To- n '. jw, 1 nr.Onriil Ibice Boat, 2 Small h'fl'S J Pwi'lvo-To- n Sloop in pi.rfcct i i it, i li sails, anchors and chains ( plet For fnlo cheap lor cash, 1 fitiiu et, Honolulu. 10J5 ly (.ROl'.OZ LUCAS, aM i Ci rictor -- &ifig$!L and Buildcr,aq49 ilonol.- - i Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, llonoliilii, I fa . es all kinds of Mouldings, 'Irael ,u, Window Frames, Blinds, li.. lew. oois, aud all kinds of Wood-wiikll- i. i. Turning, Sci oil and Band ".a vlng Ul kinds of Saw lug and Plan-- i ., Mo.n'.Jng and Tenanting. Jrder jomptly nttviided to and work l.ttauinfi' Orders from tho other solicited Telenlione 5IS. "Ttol P N.ERPRiSC 9 PLANING MILL, I "Al-'Ueu- , near iifeii 9M. L t J. Haudkk, Proprieior. Contracting: & Building; Mod .n;3 nnd Finish always on hand. tf? Oi 'oil promptly attended to. -- 88 kok hai.i: i'l'M-t- l ml Soft Stove Wood, W4 Cut aud Split ly FOIt SALK. AXNING'S ISLAND GUANO In F quantities to suit. Apply to the PACIFIC NAVIGATION CO. 10!) lyr R. MORE & Co., Ship's Blacksmith & Gcnoral Machinist. (J IS" All work Promptly and ncntly Per- formed. 205 "Jm ALEX. FLOHR, Practical Gun m and Lock Smith, Bethel St., next to Post-Olllc- c. Sowing Machines of all kinds repaired. All kinds of Light Machinery repaired on Short Notice N.B. Good Workmanship nnd Charges Strictly Moderate. P. O. Box 100. 124 Iy WILLIAM MILLER Cabinetmaker Anil UpholHtcrer, No. 03 Hotel street, Opposite International Hotel, Canes and "Walking Sticks, Made of every kind of NATITE WOODS rackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c Hindu ot tho latest designs. Miscellaneous. ALEX. ARTHUR, Queen St , next Bulletin Office. Horses broken to Sad- dle and Harness, -- Jte Horses boarded bv tho - day. week, or month. Horses Clipped. Z2T Telephone 181. 20 tf Bearer 3!ii& The Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at All Hours Tho lnest Brand of Cigars & Tobacco always on linnd. II. J. XOLTE, Proprietor. & r , a. y m 13 :v . orders for Cartage promptly to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices Ofllce, cor. Kaahttmanu & Queen sts, Hawaiian Bell Telephone No. 33. 932 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. ILLEB&MLBE'S Ice Cream Parlor AND- - Confectionery Lincoln's Block, Hi st. A Fine Amiortineut or Candies & Cakes Ahvuyn on I In ml Irtiefa Snxpliea iy 'A.- - .- - ..Otow iiiifflflfaft,Vv .,. . i 1 x Vg .f 4 'i

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Page 1: jpiitt f - University of Hawaii · Box 130, Ti.ophono 349. 0010m L? KING feTHi:;t, 3..T. AVA-I-IJK, i vopvlutor. Choicest Meats from l'inost Herds. Families aud SI 'pi'ing SUPPLIED




V (wL . jpiitt f f f ilf 3nniMt, f?"1




N printed mill piihlWhud ut thu olllceQueen Street, llonoliilii, 11. I., overviifturtiuon (Suinhiya excepted).

' Subscription. 50 cents pet Month.

Address nil Uoiiimiiniciitlfliis DailyIlUI.M'.TIN.

Advoitlomeiits, tc emittc insertion,should lid huntlcil in licforo ono o'clockr. M

Danlol Logan Miuitiglng l'dltorNorman Logan Associate Editor mill Ac

countniit.W. A. S. Boals Collector and Shipping


Bulletin Steam Printing Onioc.

Newspaper, 11 ink nml Job Printing ofnil kinds ilonn on the mo,t fuorulilo

JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager.Hell Telephone N"'0f;Miituul Telephone ' "- -

Commission iu ouants.

T. WATBUHOUSB,JOHN Importer und Dealer In GeneralMerchandise, Queen t.. Honolulu. 1

Clttuo Hrcckel. 'n. O. Irwin.

IRWIN S5 COMPANY,WO. Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. L

OLEGHOBN & GO.AS. Importers and CommissionMerchants, dealers In Gcneiul Merchan-dise, Queen und Kiialiuiniinu bts., Horn),

lulu. ll3i CO.,WILDER Dealers In Lumber, I'.Unts,

Oils. Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. fort and Queen sis.,Honolulu. i

H.N. Castle J. U. AtUcrtoa.

fit OOOKE,CASTLE Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King St.,




"Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

280 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

GRINBAUM & OO.,MS. ItnportoM of Gcnoral Merchandise aud Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

UMCallfoiuU street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

J LYONS,Auctioneer and General

Commission Merchant,Masonic Block, Queen st., - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Heal Estateand Gcnoral Merchandise promptly at-

tended to.Solo Agent for Amcricau and Euro-pcii- n

merchandise. J18

BREWER & COMPANY,0. (Limited)


Commission Agents.

i.isr ok oKKicnns:

l 0. .Links, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Caktku Treasurer & Secretary

diukcious:Hon. 0. It. Bishop. Hon. II. A. P. Cakteh

tiiia iy

Geo. V. Macfarlaue. II. 11. Macfurlanc.

q. w. macpahlanl & Co.



Stiffar Factors,Firo-Pro- Building, - 52 Queen street,

Honolulu. II. I.AGENTS lor

The Wnikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The lleula Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maul,Puulo.v Sheep Hunch Co., Hawaii,T. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow ami v

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlees, Watson &Co's Sugar Ma nn

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow aud Honolulu Lino of Pa,



21 MllKOHANT Stkket.General Agent for

1'ho N. Y. Life Insurance Company,

The City of London Fire In. Co(liralt'd

South British and National Flic it Ma.rino Insurance Co.

Macnealo & Urban Safes,

The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine

Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.

The Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Tho Commercial Fire & Marino Iiuur- -

unco Co.2U8



Special notice to Island orders forMcrchandUoof every description, at thovery lowest rates of commission. Semifor samples of Dry Goods, etc., etc.Catalogues and price list free by mallovery steamer. Address

309 CALIFORNIA STREET,101 tf Room 10, San Francisco.



A LBEllT O. SMITH,Jr. Attorney at Law and A?cnt tolake Acknowledgments. No. 0 Kaahti.lll.Ulll Btll'Lt. 102 (Jin

J Alfred Maooon,' ATIOHNEY AT LAW.

171) 42 Merchant street. Honolulu. Iy

JOHN A. HASSINOER,Agont to take Acknowlcdgmunti

to Con ti nets for Labor. Interior Ofllce,Honolulu.

1IOHARD F. BIOKERTON,and Counsellor at Law.

Hnuy to lend on Mortgages of Free,holds. Olllce. No. 11 Merchant St. 1

BROWN,' Attoruer and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, aud Agent for taking Ackuowledgmeuts of Instruments for theIsland ol Oahu. Meiclmiil street, Hono-lulu. 1


mill Solicitor In Chancery. OfllceCampbell's Block, Second Story, Rooms8 and It. Entrance on Merchant an cut,Honolulu, II. I. 031tf

WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for the Dibtrictof Komi, Island ot Oahu. at the oilleo ofthe Honolulu Waterworks, footot Nuuunit street. 1S1


aud Nouuy Public. Real Estate in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sola andli used, mi commission. Loans nt'jgoiibled, Legal Documents Diawn. .No. 21Merchant st. (Utucttc Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands IM

WO AKANA,aud Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 7 King street, near the Bridge.

Translations of either of the abovtlanguages made witli accuracy and dlspatch, aud ou reasonable terms. 209

P P. GRAY. M. D.,A PHYSICIAN AND SUfiGEON,Olllce, llrst door west of Library Build-ing. Heurs, from 0 to 11 a.m., nml 2 to 4ami 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a.m.

Residence, cor. Kiniiu and PcusacolaStrcuta. 948 ly

DR. A. MOWAYNE,Physician aud Surgeon,

Olllce and residence 31 Alakea street.Olllce hours, 0 to 11, 0 to 8 p.m.



litis removed his Residence and Olllceto 11)0 Fort Street (lately occupied byCipt. Hayley).

( 8 to 10 A.M.,Okvici: Houna-- j 1 to 3 p.m.,

( 7 to 8 Evening.Telephone (Bell and Mutual), No. U9.

177 tf

JAMES I3KODIE.Veterinary Surgeon.OFFICE and residence, 100 lung St.,

Kauulalino Church. Mu-tual Telephone, U51. Olllce hours from7 to !) a. m., and 1 to 2 i . m. Ordeis leftat the Pantheon Stables will be prompt-ly attended to.

P. O. Box tU. 813 tf


CHR. GERTZ, -No. 80 Fort street, Honolul,VC"

Importer and Dealer m Gent's, Ladies'ami (JlilHlicH's uoot.s, snoes and slippers.

Robert Leu ore, U. M. UooUo,

LEWERS Si OOOKE,(successors to Lowers & Dickson,)

Importers and Dealers in Lumbpr und allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, llono-21- 6

lulu, H. I.

J. M. OAT Jr. & Co.Dealers In all kinds of

Tin Latest Foreign Papers always ontmiii ut the Gazette lilock Muchiintfttnei

:j"Thu English Admiralty ays on hand. 1 by

WM. JIcCANDIjKSS,No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestIlccr, Vent. Mutton, FIhIi, Ac, ilr.

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at bho-- t notice, nnd Vegetablesof nil kinds sii plied to order. 310 ly

THE FISHER CIDER COMPANYFactory, 13 Lilihn prepared to furnish this

rilcbratul Chninpagno Cider atshort notice, and in miantitics to suit.All orders will meet prompt attentionby addressing The Fisher Cider Co.

M.T. DONNKLL, Moger.Mutual Telephone iJUfi. 139 ly


i"J(S?5 T. W, RAWLINS,ffi!j&A Soap Manufacturer.The highest Cosii Mil no for any quun.

tlty of Tllow.llonoliilii WoniiAoiliM, 1.1'Ivo

Bell Telephone 211. P. O. Bos 1.



Popular Millinery House,101 Fort Street, : : : llonoliilii,


Every Department He-Stocke- d,


Embroideries, Luu8s, Shawls,SSLK HANDKERCHIEFS,

Corsets, G-love- s, TMCit;t, oto.,A complete line of Lad s and Chlltlrun's Hosu; Tin-lates- t Novelty Red

and Illtto AU-- ( ver Embroidery, for yokes and sleees,with edging to match.

MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS,Our Millinery Department is now complete, and arc now showing

the Latest Stj of Ladies and Children's Hats, trimmedand nut, ' umed. Also, a large assortment of

Plumes, '.'?ips, Birds' Wings, etc.Native Mraw Sewed in the latest Shapes.

Mrs. Mollis' Dr vsinaking Department on Premises.


Hmj, irtain and

of and175.

Inland order nollattnd. nnd goodM delivered iiromptly.

sn.z l. j j.j



H3 il 116 FORT STI.JET,

Depct for &

And Toilet ItcquI ites, Tlio Common Sonso Nursing Bottles,

Ami Allaire Woodward & Go's Products.

&Grocery and Fot Store,

Corner King and Nu nu streets.Fresh Groceries und Pro lions received

by every Stcr. ur.P. 0. Box 130, Ti.ophono 349.



KING feTHi: ;t,3. .T. AVA-I- IJK, i vopvlutor.

Choicest Meats from l'inost Herds.

Families aud SI 'pi'ing


and nt tli i

LowcKt jVlsirlci 4, PrlceH.

All meats delivered f 'mi this Marketare thoroughly chilled li i edlatcly alterkilliug by means ol a 1 ti.CoIeiiian Pa-tent Dry Air II .'frige itor. Meat hotreated retains all Its j oy j ropertles,and is AfcLl' LoNonnAKTElt Dni.IVKKY THAN HUlllILV-KIM- r-

khMkat. 71 ly


J. W.


Formerly of iho Pio'ucr Cigar Fantory, lias moved into ofthe Crystol Soda Wot . , where ho Isprepared to till nil orders iitlho loweitwholesale prices,

JS3 Island oirbrs 'ollcltcd andpromptly filled. 100 ly

Chicken Feed.

Corner Queen Edinburgh StreetsTelephone



Booricke Schreck'sHomoepathic Fi3edicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes


Wolfe Company,

Metropolitan Me


Patronize Home Mnstry





a. w. SMITH,


S. M. CARTER,Wood iiutl Conl Ulurclimit,

No. 8'J King Street. TelephoneNumber, in both Companies, 187.

Wood and Coal Orders are herebysolicited, and will bo delivered at anylocality within tho city limits.

Departuro Bay Coal, NewcaslloCoal and Charcoal.

Hard and Soft Wood, Sawed and Spill,always on hand, and sold in

KM quantities to uit. tf

LAINE 6c CO.Havo u Lit go Stock of the

VERY BEST HAY.3rrain, Etc.,

Which is offered at Low est Market PricesAND-Deliv- erod

Free to any part of the City

AGENTS FOB THEPacific Mutual Life Insurance- - Co.


Agents for tho Hoover Telephone.

CommissionerofDoedsforCaliforniaTelephone No. 147. 700


Patronize Homo ManutiicLiiro

The Hawaiian Stone Comp'y

Aro now prepared to furnish fresh LimaIn quantities to suit purchasers, andsatisfaction warranted as to both thokind and tho prlco.

ALLEN & ROBINSON,03 ly Agents.


1;?.owi. & PHILLIPS,Plumbers, Gas Fitters

ami UoppiT-Finltn- Wo. 71 King trect,He lolulu Jg House iimi bhlp JobW"-- pro' ' !y executed. 10J


.I'lildng , oiniill' attended to and allwor( giiiit'i'.icil. Plans and spcelllci-tlo'- n

Iiirni 'i d at siioit notice. QueenSti . t, nu . hikea. P. O. llox .WJ.Mn i HTi ' JmnuiMB. 141 ly

Hrnoluli Carriage Manufact'yL'i 230 I'oit Street,

II." oltilt - Hawaiian Is,W ' PAGi:. Proprietor


"r-?- l i.u..;olulu Ironworks,ifcj.UlS i a enginei.,sugar mills, boil-i- ti 'ioIe iron, lira8 and lead iait-In- ,

inn uery of every descriptionin. U to imI . Particular attention p.iidto ')'sb ' ,; smithn. Job work ' at s notice. 1


nu i ' is 1 ii ' ..

Il oid for House or Ship workpi- - ..vtly jutul.

." Sh- - . next to Post Olllce, BethelSt -- t. 1 ). o IM) 154 ly

mm& & co..IIiii uVrtiirlni: .lMcIlprH,

?.. t)v. iOlC'X' UTIUSCT.itni on hand a largo assortment

of l lpliou of Jewelry, Watihes,O i t aud er Plated Ware, &c.

9T,S ly

'70. f. STKATKJIKVKkl,


78 .ng Street, Honolulu.

175 P. O. Box 10. ly


1W X HO Xunann ttretl. ly



F. 1IOIW ' radical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and "linker.

71 Hotel St. &;:' Tclephono74


Book-Bind- er


Maiiufacturi r.Hi'OL Dh.inug of all description neatly

uj i proMiptly eeuted.G. 7."tto Bi.tldlng . . ilirchnnt street

7'J3 ly

1 ". F. BURGESS,31 K i street, : : Honolulu.

Ci'iK-ii- l ' anil Itiitlili'i'. IliigKasu and' eiK'ral i:prcHH.D lying id Meamur Fi eight carefully

handled.C i'iaf;e lintlng done by n first-cla-

wo. i'i,ui ut 78 King street.J ) jbing . above lines attended to withp omptn , and charges according to

he a nit and quality ot work.C'Ueo T."i i none, 2(ia. Itesidence, 152.


li, Ji. RYAN,. ;oat Jlullfl:r.

Tats B" and Eopaired to Order.

A A U'..,iH ol Itout Jlluterial,'J i alien 'ni'i's, Stems, Keels. Also, 1

J cUcd 1 1' Boat, 1 Largo Twelw-To- n

'. jw, 1 nr.Onriil Ibice Boat, 2 Smallh'fl'S J Pwi'lvo-To- n Sloop in pi.rfccti i it, i li sails, anchors and chains( plet For fnlo cheap lor cash,1 fitiiu et, Honolulu. 10J5 ly

(.ROl'.OZ LUCAS, aMi Ci rictor --&ifig$!Land Buildcr,aq49

ilonol.- - i Steam Planing Mills, Espla-nade, llonoliilii,

I fa . es all kinds of Mouldings,'Irael ,u, Window Frames, Blinds,

li.. lew. oois, aud all kinds of Wood-wiikll- i.

i. Turning, Sci oil and Band".a vlng Ul kinds of Saw lug and Plan-- i., Mo.n'.Jng and Tenanting.

Jrder jomptly nttviided to and workl.ttauinfi' Orders from tho other


Telenlione 5IS."Ttol


9 PLANING MILL, I"Al-'Ueu- , near iifeii 9M. L

t J. Haudkk, Proprieior.

Contracting: & Building;Mod .n;3 nnd Finish always on hand.

tf? Oi 'oil promptly attended to. -- 88

kok hai.i:i'l'M-t- l ml Soft Stove Wood,

W4 Cut aud Split ly

FOIt SALK.AXNING'S ISLAND GUANO InF quantities to suit. Apply to the


R. MORE & Co.,Ship's Blacksmith & Gcnoral Machinist.

(JIS" All work Promptly and ncntly Per-formed. 205 "Jm

ALEX. FLOHR,Practical Gunm and Lock Smith,

Bethel St., next to Post-Olllc- c.

Sowing Machines of all kinds repaired.

All kinds of Light Machinery repairedon Short Notice

N.B. Good Workmanship nnd ChargesStrictly Moderate. P. O. Box 100.

124 Iy



Anil UpholHtcrer,No. 03 Hotel street,

Opposite International Hotel,

Canes and "Walking Sticks,Made of every kind of

NATITE WOODSrackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c

Hindu ot tho latest designs.


ALEX. ARTHUR,Queen St , next Bulletin Office.

Horses broken to Sad-dle and Harness,

--Jte Horses boarded bv tho- day. week, or month.

Horses Clipped. Z2T Telephone 181.20 tf

Bearer 3!ii&The Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at All Hours

Tho lnest Brand of

Cigars & Tobaccoalways on linnd.

II. J. XOLTE, Proprietor.


r , a. y m 13 :v .orders for Cartage promptly

to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices

Ofllce, cor. Kaahttmanu & Queen sts,

Hawaiian Bell Telephone No. 33.932 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.


Ice Cream Parlor

AND- -


Lincoln's Block, Hi st.

A Fine Amiortineut or

Candies & Cakes

Ahvuyn on IInml

Irtiefa Snxplieaiy

'A.- - .-- ..Otow iiiifflflfaft,Vv .,. . i






Page 2: jpiitt f - University of Hawaii · Box 130, Ti.ophono 349. 0010m L? KING feTHi:;t, 3..T. AVA-I-IJK, i vopvlutor. Choicest Meats from l'inost Herds. Families aud SI 'pi'ing SUPPLIED

K "

m' ', uj7J,jjiyvMyyh.: ,"1 i













BISHOP Co., IJAKKEKSHonolulu, JIuWuiiuu Islands.

Diiw Exeht.itgo on tboOJuulv ol'OnllL'ofjila, S. 3l

And their hijuiiIs inNEW YORK, UOSTON, HONG KONG.

Messrs. N. M. Holhschihl A: Son, LondonTho Connncicinl Jltuik Co., of Sidney,

London,The Commercial Hunk Co, of Sydney,

Sydney, in

Tlic flunk of New Zealand. AiuUlimlChrlstehuich, mid Wellington

The Hunk of Urilbih Columbia. Ml- -

loi in, I!. C , mid l'oiiluml, Oi.ami

Transact u Genirnl Dunking IIusiiiiHs, SirCHUlv

1u gnilji gaiJUiin.Hedged to neither Sect nor Party,But tstabllihed for the ljcneGt of all,

TUESDAY, JMAHCIl 10, 1880.


This people residing in the noigh-ljoi'hoo- il

of the Lunatic Asylumhave long ngitnteil, through thepublic press nml otherwise, for tlioconstruction of a. ro:ul opposite theReformatory School, from King

btrect to the Abyluni. iS'ot longago the matter was laiil before thoMinister of the Interior, who ex-

pressed a readiness to do all in hispower, and suggested the prepara-tion and presentation of a petitionin iluc form, by those concerned.

This petition was prepared, signed,

presented and refened to a jury,according to law. "Wc learn from

this morning's Advertiser that the

jury have' made their report, and do' not recommend the prayer of the

petition on account of the apparentunnecessary expense." No doubt,the jury did their duty carefullyand conscientiously; but to those

familiar with the distiietand the con-

dition of tho present thoroughfarein wet weather, the granting of the"prayer of the petition" involves

jio "apparent unnecessary expense."The cost of making a load thatwould be passable in all weathers

would be comparatively small, thenecessary breadth of land being

given by the land owners. As to

the expense being unnecessary, this

road is the only direct line of com-

munication between the city and an

important government institution,besides being the only way of egress

and ingress to quite a number of

families, who live mainly by agri-

culture. In the rainy season thepresent road is absolutely impass-

able to wheeled vehicles and almost

so to pedestrians. The petitioners,who had confidently hoped for a

favorable response, are naturallyaggrieved by the jury's decision,

and consider themselves hardlytreated.


In a leader intended to be an

answer to the Iiu u.r. tin's foiccast of

some of the doings of next Legisla-

ture, yesterday's Advertiser says itis an enviable position to occupy,

to lie a "recognized opposition or-

gan" and also able to take a peep

inside at the policy of the Govern-

ment. Wo would apologizo foroccupying the alleged position, if

there were any impropriety about it,

or if, being improper, we could

plead guilty to the indictment. Ifwc know too much about the"policy," vvc really cannot help it.

It is information forced upon us,

and the peculiar feature of our con-

temporary's article is that there is

no disclaimer raised with regard to

the list of measures referred to in

this paper, nor is there any asser-

tion that the programme, to the an-

nouncement of which the Advertiserobjects, was not correct iu everyparticular. With lcspect to the as-

sertion that the Uuu.ktis is a"recognized organ" of the opposi-

tion, vvc have only to reply that if

tho opposition see fit to rccognizo

this paper as an organ, it is no busi-

ness of ouis; it is simply proof. positive that tho opposition is on

tho right trade. Political questionsaro viewed, both as to theory andpractice, in this paper, from only

ono standpoint, tho right. And if,

under these circumstances, wc hap-

pen to bo identified with the opposi-

tion to the Government, so muchtho worse for tho Government.

Shooting of thieves and night-prowle- rs

has commenced, nnd itought to bo put n stop to by the

prowlers keeping out of the way.

JJepicdators, on cutting people'spremises, nights, mil una rnicmbclvcs standing just where tl h prourlctors arc going to shoot.

' .


A London despatch of lreb. Urtth,wiyslhe Kinpeiur.o Germany is titpresent confined to his room, suffer-ing from the effect of a fall.

The operatives in the factories ofJlessis. Neltlefold A-- Co., screwmaniifacluicrs, Uirmiughani, havestiucK, and rioting has I alum place

consequence.At the examination before a

magistrate of tho Socialist leadeisconcerned in the London liol.s, the

Thewitnesses for the defence included

Kdwaid HoiiiIuikoii, Commis-sioner of Police.

Replying to a question in theHouse of Commons, oiv the ii7th,Mr. Campbell-Bannerma- n statedthat any fears that the Arabs wouldsucceed in occupying Dougola wereentirely groundless.

Caiuo, Feb. L'7. It has been arranged that the present garrison ofIndian troops in. the occupation ofSuakiin shall be withdrawn in Maynext, and replaced by Egyptiantroops.

The European Powers have notyet got down to bed rock in thesettlement of affairs in the ItalkauPeninsula. The armistice betweenBulgaria and Servia having expiredby lapse of time, the Houniclian li

forces arc again in motion.Mr. Parncll has arranged a com-

promise, whereby the boycotting ofcattle on Coik steamers is to eease.

A. L. OF 1!.1 ) IXJI'EAIt Meeting of (JeeanleComi-I- t

ell No. 777 will be held THISHVEN'INtJ, March lOih, at 7:110 o'clocksharp. Ituiiucs of lnipotttmce. Allcompanions mo icimMcd lo attend.U .I.C. WIII'l'E, Secictnry.

Attontion ! Honolulu Kiflcs.AitMoiiY HoNoi.i'i.ii Iii'm:, I

Honolulu, Muirh HI, JS3G. )

rCompany Oiders No. i.mnntl is hereby uiileutl to re- -i,rl nt tint AninfV- - fin WI''.!!.

A 1 NRSHAV. Miiroh 17lh. at 2 i.m. nhurp, In Fatigue Uniform1 for Tiirtiet Practice.

By order,GEO McLEOD,

It Captuin Coinnmiiding.

STKAYED or STOLEN.YOUNG PEACOCK (mnlc), tailA very short, nnd very little feathcis

on ncclI;. Tho llnder will plensu returnsumo to A. FKKIsAMJh.,77 tf KhiL' Street.


On THURSDAY, Mar. 18,at 12 noon, J will sell, at my sales- -

loom, for account of whomit may concern,

7 Bales Blue Striped SugarBags,

slightly dninaged ex ship Stirlingshire,from Liverpool, and mini.

Iicrcd us follows:TlUXtCo No. 1008 1020 1097J1K';I5 10:W 10SO 10J5

Each 1,000 Bags;No. 1100 containing 1721 Hugs

Terms cush, payable in U. S. Cold Coin.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,77 2t Auctioneer.

Regular Cash SaleTJIUUSDAyT Mar. JStli,

at 10 i..M., at Sulcsrooin, will hosold, at auction,

Dry Goods, ClothingCrockery, Glass and Tinwuie,

Sucks No. 1 bugur, Cul. l'otutocs & Corn,

Medium Bread & Soda Crackers

Manilla Clgun & Tobacco,A few choice loicnn Buddies,Canned Pcuclics & l'tur.',

IiVeiiolt KoolH Ss SIiocn,and Ilomohold Furniture.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,11 2t Auctioneer.

TTAVING been uppolnled solo Agentfor

New Zealand Butter,the first shipment having just arrivedper s.s. Muraron, I have the same tooiler in quantities to suit at unusuallylow rates, In pnekuges of 1, 2 and 7 lbs.hermetically scaled Tins. Tills articleIs guurantced

Superior to jmy .BuUerhitherto produced or olTcrul for sale inthis Kingdom.

LEWIS J. LEVEY, Solo Agent.17 lni 40 Queen Street.

Just ReceivedEx. STIHLlNGSIimi:,

lOO BAUBELSJeffrey's Porter k Ale !


For Sale by

H. Hackfeld &,. Co.270 lw

- i?r'ifA

te'ii iniera!....

Tiii'Mta) Kvonliijc, Mar. 8tJi5Tliui'Mliiy JJven'g. 3Inv. SHlh, E.

Sttiuciiisy lUon'Ki ilhir. 20(li,Positively It nights only.

Fred W. Millis, 0.

Monarch Vcnlriloiuil ami Humorist,

In Iih vciMilllc, iiiuhH.i1, hi tli pro.vokiog mid rellned entertain.

lucnl, entitled

u SANS SOUOI."Go nnd ie "The Wedding llienk.

fust," intiodueing tome of tho Guestsmet there.

THOUHAHOUH- -n la McCabe.

Tho TOHPEDO mid the WHALE, andtwo bouts or gicat run.

Cliitrucl or liiiieiNomiloiChange of prolamine uiuhtly. Scuts

secured at J. 1!. Wiseman's. Hrnc ilunopens MONDAY morning, nt !t o'clock.

13?" Mr. Millis litis over 10,000 criticisms from leading papers tlnouglioutEurope and the Colonics iicknow lodging

in to lie in the first rank us a Ventrilo-quist mid humorist. To he seen at .1. E.Wiseman's olllcc.

Popular prices, jl,?rie.t COe. 75 lw

HoiSuliold FurnitureAT AUCTION.

I inn instrueted by Mi. W. C. l'eaeoekto sell at public miction, at liii icsi-ilenr-

No. LiS llcrutnnlit Street,

On Wednesday, Mar. 17th,at 10 a.m., the whole of bis householdFurniture, comprising in part an fol-

lows: 1 llV Eiilrooni Set, M'itlirse,I'lllows, UV Extension Dining Table. &.

Chairs, V J'.tilor Set In hair cloth,Hosevvood "Writing Tabic, MuhogunyCurd Table. Large and Small Hugs, afew Choice Eugiiivings, Mirror,

I New Homo Sewing Machine,in good order; C'iiaudcliersiand Lumps,Veriiniln Chairs, Until Tub, clo , etc.,Kitchen Stove & Utensils, Lawn Mower,Garden Hose & Tools, etc.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,73 Ct Auctioneer.

"credit sale.Jlv order of Messib. C. Brewer & Co.,

to eloso consignments,

On Wednesday, March 17th,at their store, at 10 a.m., on a cicditto

the trade, will lie sola,

The Intire Balanco of Consignments,CONSIbl I!nO OF

t ID

Excelsior Packing Plows, Slates, Ccn.trilugal Linings, Cnnc C.irts, Phaetons,Wagons, O.x Carts, Hand C.irts, Scales,Buckets, Ox Hows, barrel Shocks, KegShooks, Kaolin, Cru-hc- d Sugar,

Florimel, cron Safes,Hook Cases, Oakum, OriniKlnnes, Pork,Hlack "Walnut, Onk Plunk, White I'uie.AVasb Hoards, Turpentine, Linseed 'Ml,Metal 1'uliil, Ebony nnd Mai hie Tables,Camphor Trunks and Wunliobes, Pen.nut Oil, Chow Choiv, Ounno and

An Invoice of Fireworks.

2T For particulars, see catalogues.

E. P. ADAMS & Co.,07 Gt tu.thu.Mit Auctioneers.


WW. OHOSSMAN & HHO., 77Email Street, N.Y., will de.

patch an Al vessel in tliis line, on orabout

MAY 15, 188,Orders should be forwarded by steamerof March Kith, to Insuic shipment bvtills opportunity, or not Inter than Apiil(Itli. CASTLE A. COOKE,CI Agents,


IndiaBice Mill,San Erancisco, Cal.

IN consequence of the death of theowner of tills well. known property,

tho whole establishment is ottered forsale, and will bo dbposcd of ns an en-tirety, oduiing a fuvorablo oppoitunltyto any one disposed to enter into thisbusiness, The Mills for cleanlnir andhulling aio of tliu most approved pat'tern, with a Corliss Engine ofpower, until in lu;i, wltli all the latestimprovements; aleo, u superior Eoilerand all Mjclunciy ucceiuiy for clean,big Jllce icady for immediate use.Tito land upon which the stiuctuio Iserected Is held by leuso, expiring .Inly1, 1887, wilb the piivilego of 5 years' ex-

tension upon very favoiablo terms, ortlio Mills ami Miichineiy can be remov.ed if so desired, for further parti-cuhir-

apply to

J. T. WATEmiOUSE,Honolulu, or to

K. L. Jokim Si Co., fun Erunci'sco. 5S

S A. I,Xo. 'J Adams Jjimc.

llats dyed ami pressed,Fe.ubeis cleaned and curled,Kativo stiaws sewed la till (lie latest

shapes,Lessons given in thlrty-sl- x kinds of

fancy wotk, with drawing and paintingOrdcra ttikeij Jur all kinds of cmbroi

dcry y;5

',?'wV?i?gfc'S4rggGlnYtHnvntinir ftf-rnml-

' wit sAMi.I'AU

VJU.UH.Ilnw'nCuiriiiKi'Miinf'gCo., ft tit) 100

O. Hull & ami, (it 75 100Inkr Island S. N. Co., Ct00 1011

Hull Ttlephone, Qt :i:i 10

Hnw'n Agricultural (' , uf 00 100Wilder' Steamship t'o . in H7 100

ilroiwr .t Co., 1(10 ICO

lluliiuti, f.0 100Wonill.iwn IJiiby, '.Hi 100

Wiiiluku Sugar Co., Utl 100

Utiiniiiinilv, l.')5 100Kl.i. Mill. (.tun 500KeiipioeiiilsugarCo, fcO 100

I.. A. THUHSTON, Sloi'k IJiokci.W MercliiintSlii't-i- . 151 ly


flMIE Union Hair Drissing Saloon IniX been re opened hy C. Molleno, y iutlt. 118 'Jw

AiMiiiFs' Sale.lly older of Mr. Sclig, nibnlnlstrutor ofof the Estate of L Allium, deceased, ofWaluliiu, Oulin, I will tell lit publicmiction, at my huiesionin, No. 40 QueenStreet,

On TUESDAY, Mar. 23d,at - o'clock, a.m., a curtain

Lease of Premisessituated In Wninlua, mid foinieily nc.copied by the defeased as a store, winehouses, dwelling", Ac , Ac. The Leasewill expire on tliu 1st .Imitniry, 18-- 0, andthe rent of same is $10 per month.

Also, the whole of the

Stock of Merchandise

contained in store:

1 Hall's Fire-Pro- of Safe,

Stoie Eixliues, !J llrakc, 1 Horse, 1 SetHarness, Household r'uriiiltiri! and

Ethels, Kitchen Kurnitiite nndUtensils, &c, &c.

Parties wishing to examine the aboveprembes and for further iiiformution,cun apply to Mr. S. SELIG, at the ollleeof Mrssis. A). S. Gilubaum & Co,Honolulu.

IST Terms cash, uml deeds at ex-

pense of puicliascr.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,70 2w Auctioneer.

Adm'tors' SaleOE

Val'ble Real Estate.Hy ordei of tho Adniinistialor of the

Mukiu Eitale, wo will sell at publicauction, o'i

MONDAY, March 22nd,AT 12 O'CLOCK, NOON,

On tho premises, that icrlain parcel oflaud on the cornet of lieietuuiu undUnion M reels, with tliu bumlsomo

Family Residencetherenn, built by the late Capt. Makeefor his own ube.'Thc bouse is largo amiroomy, fait 111 nil y built, and with parti-cular lcfcicnco to the wants of our tin-pie.-

climate. Tho place can lie viewedat any lime upon application loimvix&co.

Immediately after the snle of thehou-- c and lot wo will sell

5 Lots at Waikiki,adjoining the lesidence of W. O. Irwin,Hm., and numbered lis per KapiohtulI'urU plan icspcelively 110, 117, US, 11U,120.

E. P. ADAMS & CO.,til Auctioneer.



Furniture.Hy order of the Ailministrators of the

Miikeu Estate, wo will sell at publicauction, on

MONDAY, March 22nd,AT 10 O'CLOCK, A.M.,

at tlio residence, corner Hcictaula undUnion Streets, tho

Entire Hoiselieia Furlrein part as follouH, vl,:

Drab Hill; icp. Parlor Set, 8 pieces;llosewood Center Table,2 and .Stands, t Oil Paintings,a Walnut and Gilt Minors, Music KacK,

2WCavlle Vases,Mai bio HiiHtu, Carpeting, Onk Extension

Dining Table,O.ik .Sidnlio.iid and Mirror,13 Oak Dining Clmlrs, Gluss and Plated

Ware, Majolica Ware, 1 .SeMant, GlassLumps,

1 CIiIiicmo I'oreclalnBreakfast and Dinner Sot,a HW Hedioom Sets, romplele,AVardrobes, .Mntlichsiv, Pillows,Mojipiito Nets, Ulietl'miiern, Covered

Lounges, Camphor Tiunk,Velvet Hugs, Carpet Clmlrs, Clothes

Ho.. Parian Flguies, Toilet Sets,Chum her Sets, 1 Hose wood Hedioom

Set, complete, Hocking Chubs,Hut Hack, devolving Chair, Whatnot",Flower Pots and Stands, Koa MiatTSafe,Hcfilgcr.itor, Stove and Kitchen Fuini- -

turc, Hath Tul), etc., etc.

J Top Buggy,Abo, Ilnuics, Step Ladder, ulc. etc.

E. P. ADAMS & CO.,01 Auctioneers.

- -IlT.DA1hv.. - ,

'wt?'''ff'frry''''W "

fitt2r'DAVIS &



Staple and Fancy Groceries.Ileglo call the iiiieiiilon of their many patrons nnd housekeepers genei

nil) to the vmied nr(Mituuiit of their

Excellent SSew Stock !H'hlth U ccnisl.uilly iipletiirlud hy every veel mtiving tioni the Stat-.--

nml Kitiopu, KelrtUil with ipn'inl riiie In e.ilor to the u'cogiil.iid erltlciilliihtt' of local piilroiingc.

Groceries andineveiy variety

M.VCONDEAY ft CO 'S iluesi

American ami Enilisli Til Luxuries !

Anil delicacies in endless vnricty.

(IiossiiiVs llluekvM'll's Coiiservi-- and the Ctitliug & Packing's Kirsl (JrtideiThe Celehruteil DohKt Son's liulliiln lliuusund li.icou, tlie choicest ever

brought to this market;Cereuls In evuiy vurluly In patent vvenvel pioof tins;Evaporated and Pitted Fruits and every vuilety of Nuts;

Oysters, Fish, Vegetables and FruitsOn Ice Evciy Steamer.

EST A personal inspection of our KUESII STOCK, wo believe, will icsult ina keen edge lo appetite mid u heightened Interest in the HOME MEAL1IOUK.


Jersey Waists from $2 to $8;

Jersey Cloths in all Shades;

Ladies' Untrimmed Hats, the latest Styles;

Feathers, Flowers,

Ribbons, Laces,

Ornaments, All-Ov- er Lace,

Arasenos, Chemilles,

And a Fine Line of Trunks,AT

CHAS. .J".






! WI1.DEU.

W L D E R .


Green nnd Te.13;

EilftM OS'

ayiSJEEEX-- u


II. I.Custom IIouso Erokcr,

Jirokcr,.Manager Hawaiian Opoia Iloiifc,

Fire and Life Insurance Agent.(1113 ly;

TN PAINTING;water cob rs and oils; perspective,

l". It.0 lni No, 1 ICukul Street.

TO KENT,jyGft&jfi, No. 127 Ucrutunln Street, atM'Q"!!? present occupied by A. Khlers.pJ--&- " Possession givcu Muy 1st.

Euquiic on tho premises, or of L. WAY.Kiiiau in rear, 78 tf

Another Victory

I?er Slctimer the

TEMPLE OF FASHIONwill receive :i I'ull line ol Llie

Latest American nml Englisli Styles of Dry Goods.

A complete and assorted invoice of Dry Goods, comprising tlio latest leadingstyles of Ladies and Misses' Wear; also, everything of new depuitureiii tho DryGoods line; also, an excellent Stock of

Toadies and Misses' Slioes,Fine Goods and bed-roc- k Pi ices is our motto. Everything to bo as

represented. Our Stock is open lo inspection. Evciy body ib Invited.

The Gents' Furnishing DepartmentMust he CJonlmI before the arrival of the Marij.on.

EST Wo have a small stock of Men's nnd Hoys' Suitfi on hand which, until tbobo bought al less than prices. If you doubt, call. ' Seeing is


i S. COHN & CO., Proprietors.P.O. BOX 315. ESTAUL1SHEI) lb70.

JOS. E. WISEMAN,General Business Agent.

Cumpliell Xlloelc,Heal Estate Agent,

EmploymentWlldci'n Steamship Agent,

Gieat Huilington Hailioadin America.


A Very Choice, Lot, and Full.

licit In the Market.














can factoiy

v m-'-.


' '









Jit '. MY

Page 3: jpiitt f - University of Hawaii · Box 130, Ti.ophono 349. 0010m L? KING feTHi:;t, 3..T. AVA-I-IJK, i vopvlutor. Choicest Meats from l'inost Herds. Families aud SI 'pi'ing SUPPLIED

GTWfKfJWWw$iw g.nU;j giMn.TUKHDAY, MARCH 111, 188G.


OCKANIO s. s. CO.Mararoa, from Hie Colonies for S.m

! ruiicNco. Mnreli 111.

.Murlmn, from ;ui FimiicNim for tinsColonies .March 20.

(Co. W. Klilcr, for .S.m Finncieo,Mill ill la.

AliniVALS.Mn i oh in

8 S Miiinion f loin tin- - ColonicsMiiieli 10

Stinr W G Hull from Hawaii mill Mini!


Hgtno Geo (' Pet kin for S.m Fr.iiuieoStmr Kliiiiu for Windward I'oitiStmr Kll.'iui'ii Hon for HiiiiinkiinStmr, las Mukco for Walnnannud KiipnuSclir Leulil for HaiinlelS 8 Mtirnion for San FiancKco


Hiljr Alllo Howe, Phillipslimine Coiutnc.x Ford, .MillerUgtuo n 0 Pcrkhm, AckeinianIlk 0 O Whltinoro. TlminpioiiTern Lottie Kali Held, MugayHlilp .Htlrllnghire, AlexanderIlk EvcoMorllglnc WO Irwin, Tinner

PASSENCEfRFrom Sydney mid AiU', for

per stenmhlp Mnraro.-i- , Miuuliirtli Caiitaln. .Mis anil .MifterJtradley,Messis Wlilte, Campbell. Metculf,Jaeger and 1! In Meer.ige, and lia intransit.

For lCuhnlnl. per steamer Mkellko,March loth lion ,1 T linker, K 0 Mnc-failnn- u,

Hon A S Olcghorii ami .servant,It W Irwin, Cl U Nakavaina, CharlesI'litnnni and wife, C I, N'ljdit, Hon S (1Wilder, A ltarha, A M Spronll, .1 Ito, .1

Orawder, T Aiido, S ICogn and servant,,S Yall and about 100 deck.

For Kauai, per steamer Iwalanl,Mnreh loth Itev .1 II Ilannlke, SainDecker, Ed Iliitton, IC Kondo, If OXoiton, Mrs Greene, Mr Gay mid aboutSO deck.

From San Francisco, per bgtuo W GIrwin, March loth Mrs ItraUlwood and(i children, .MUs Delia II Clark, II,,T Ilurke, J II Goundou, It Gaines and IIChinamen.

Fioni Honolulu for San Francisco,perSS Mararoa, March Kith Cabin:Miss May McDonald, A ltrown ami wife,1. liown, A I ltrown, Ml.s F Urown,Mrs Fit (Irr and daughter, Mm K IIJtiunlio, WW Warner, Mrs M I'.crrv.MrsStowcll, MNs Slowcll. Mi W 'l)Alexander and i! children, 11 linger. WKay and son, Miss Kinerlek, Col W IIWilson, Mons II Fecr, D W lleckwlthand family, .1 Halllhan and wife. MrsCanavarro and child, Geo X Wllon,Mrs S T Alexander am! child; steerage:Geo .lohicon. Mrs Fundi, M l'amrey,Mrs A Wilson, (!co lleibert, C Lnca's,lJOMuke, 11 F Hiii-gs- , ,f Moore, J MLow, J Clifford, T W Gerocrs, .1 'I'adley,J) 1 Smith and 1 Chinaman.


Tho Fnlon Steamship Company'slloyal Mall .steamer Mararoa anlved hipint last inciting at half past 7 o'clock.She left Svdncv at 1:10 v m, February25tii, and Auckland at 2:12 l- - m, March2nd. Arrived off Tutnlla atfi:10 am,on tho 7th. Left again an hour later,(experienced stioug norlheily gale, withheavy sea from Auckland "to Tutulla.Met with strong northeast trades on the12th, and on the lilth, the ship stoppedfor twenty-fou- r hours owing to mi acci-dent to the inachliiciy. Shu hilngseight cabin and two steerage passen-gers for this port, and has llfty-fo- luthe. cabin and sixty-eig- in the steeragelor San FraneUeo.' The bgtuo WO Irwin, Cant Turner,arrived yesterday v M, lfi days from SanFrai'eisco. Slio brought beMiies generalmerchandise, 2IKI hogs, 4 horses and 25geese.

The S S Maroroa sailed at 11:15 thismorning for San Franelco. taking fromthis port 8I17C bags of suga'1, 7011 bunchesof bananas, and 2 goats. Valued



Y. M. C. A. singing class this oven-in- g.

.. - i. ...i

Ilisoi' A Co.'s Hank closes at cloveno'clock

Tin: Honolulu (lilies will shoot-to-morro- w

afternoon at a taiget.

Ikwin it Co. shipped 8,100 hags ofsugar by tho Muraiou this morning.

Mont: Volcano Hows iimy ho o.--

punted by tho W Hall this evil- -


Tin: Alanieda will havo n largoliassongor list, on hor next tiip fnnntho Colonics.

Tin: llefoiiimtory school hand willaccompany tho King's Own to theirtarget practicu,

. .

Wk tender thanks to Mr. Hum-phries, purser of tho Marutoa, for ulargo lilo of Xuw Zealand papers.


Tin: Iwulani took lo.Iapaneso fiomllio iiuaiantino giounds, ycstoiday,to tlio Kilaiien plantation, Kuuai.

Mh. Hovoriu leaves next Fiiday bytho Hteamcr W. (J. Hall to pliolo-grap- h

tho Volcano for Mr. J.WilHuniH.

Slit. II. F. Uurgess loft by thoMararoa this nioining to uttonil.soliool at Healsbeig, Sononm, Cnl.,for two ycais.

Two liundu'd and thirty-thre- e hogsfor.lohn Uiirko, (10 for .1. II. Cong-ilo- n,

and four horses for Mr. Lowellby tJm W. G. Iiwin yesterday.

Tin: Inspi'jcUir-Gmiora- l of Immi-gration, tho .liipancsu Consul and thoHawaiian Consul-GoiuTi- il aio oil' onh lour of iusjicction among tho Japson Mnui ami Hawaii.


Tim biench of moiulsii rimo, I'Oftponeil from last IMin of tho SujircmcCotivt, Dim vs. Gilliland, will likelybo enteral "settled ottl of court," thoparties having been married.

L.uvr night between eight and ninoo'clock, n lamp in n nativo's houseon Foil- street near Kuktti, exploded;but befoio the house was fairly nblaoHie lire was put out with blankets.

9 -Wti.t.tAM Chaiinian, anovetseer for

seveial years jmst at Spioekelsville,c.iiiio In llonoiiilu a week or two agoli be denied for some bowel double.II'1 died on Sunday Inst and wasblllicil ycsleidny.

. -

Tin: lloyal .I'aity, with tho Ha-waiian Hand, is expected (n nrrive bythe sleamer I tall this nftci noon. TheCrinco's Own will stand guard at HiePalace, while the lloyal Guards liioa salute front the shoio battery.

A ko.v of General Hooth, head ofthe Salvation Aimy forces, was apassenger in transit by the Mararoa..Mr. Hooth and ,everal other passen-gei- s,

visited the V. M. O. A. roomsanil other places in the city.

Tin: proposed load from Kingstieet, ut tho Reformatory school, tothe Insane Asylum, has been sat up-on by tho jury appointed to considerthe piopiiely of making it, and thobuilding of tho load is therefore in-

definitely postponed.

Tin: inof of the lluwaiiun Car-riage Co.'s blacksmith shop, on Foitstieet, caught lire, this afternoon,fromaspaik from tho furnace. Itwas discoveteil by n Chinaman whogave tne aim m. tiio lue wasipienclicil with buckets of water

A iiitr.Aon of promise suit wasentered ycstoiday in the Office of theCleik of tho Supieme Court by theHon. S. U. Dole, counsel for MissEninia Singer, against Mr. E. 11.

Ilyan, damages placed at $.'1000. Thosuit will probably bo tried in April.

. i

Timm: men ptowling lound theehicken-hou"- e, at tho Luualilo Home,Sunday night, got sailed with shotfioni the watchman's tu tillery. Theygot away, and hid themselves, butnot without making some lively ex-

clamations, indicating that they wmohit.

Tiik steamer Santa Maria, carrying(w0 tons, having some passengeraccommodations, was lo leave SanFrancisco on the 10th for this port,to cany freight and passengers, asmay be oll'eied. We understand sheis consigned lo Messis. Castle itCooke.

Tin: numerous thiough passengersby tho Maiaroa took advantage ofthe beautiful moonlight night to in-

spect the town and subiubs. Theystrolled around in pairs, iptaitcts,and companies till a late hour,

much interested and gieatlydelighted.

Mu. I). 1'. Smith, who left thismorning for the Coast, says "ho didnot make an assignment of the Con-ti- al

Park rink to Mr. Knit, but thathe sold him lease mid building!! forhind cash." Mr. Smith expects tobo back in time for the races, proba-bly with a blood horse.

.Tin: mail from Hamakua brought

by the steamer Kilancu Hon, whichnriived at this poit on Saturday last,whs not delivered at tho l'ostollico tilli) o'clock this morning. This isnegligence on the part of the olliccisof the steamer, which desotves soveioreprimand, ami ought not to pass un-noticed.


A You.s'ts nativo compositor, whohas been employed in the "Adver-tiser" and "Gazette" ollice, and wasan expeit workman, ami also a ut

in tho I'rince's Own, diedat his residence, King street, onMonday, after a protracted illness oftwo years. Deceased was 27 yours ofage, and leaves a widow.

I.. . .

To persons possessed of surpluscash, desirous of lidding themselvesof coin in exehango for articles ofequivalent or greater value, a specialopportunity will bo furnished

at 10 o'clock, when tlio entirehousehold furniture and kitchenutensils of Sir. W. C. l'eaeoek, No.128 Uorelania stieet, will bo submittedto auction.

Mu. Fishboiirne, to whom has beenawtuiled the contract for lighting thehticits of Honolulu, his being thelowest tender after tho withdrawal ofMi hliatemeyoi's, has left the countryon a short tiip only, and will returnin a few months at most. His busi-

ness tifi'airs heie, including the streetlighting, are left in chaige of a coin-pote- nt

agent, who acts under fullpower of attorney .

Mit. McDonnell, tho veteran soldierand book agent, who, after a success-ful sale of book's at this place, wenton to Australia and thcio sold outhis stock, took passage by tho Slara-lo- a

for San Francisco. Last night,ho stood at tho gangway and gave awarm greeting to his numerousHonolulu friends. He said he wouldleturn heio shortly with somethingline in tho way of reading matter.

Tin: Maraioa took a mail from tho1'ost Ollice, consisting of seven bags,containing :t,02(i letters and 'Mlpapers. The number of letters andpapcis taken by tho three steamerswhich have left for San Franciscosince Fiiday last is 7.-- 10 of thoformer, and 2,100 of tho latter. Thopost ollico kept its mail open thisinorjring till tun minutes of ten

HI' .

"TiMMHMMiMHntfMliaRilMMHrf- - rw5pgjr,wssFST w3?!FS5'T7Wi ttjj;

o'clock, which was tho hour for thebteamer to louc.

Tin: officers of the Maraioa seemedlo be ei icticent about the accidentto the machinery of the steamer onher way to this port. After makinginquires eoneorning the nature of thedouble, it was learned that the ex-hai- it

pump was broken, and thoolecttie light out. of older. It is acommon oecuiicnee, as putscrlluinphreyi's says; but it icquirednien fioni the foundry to work allnight toed'ect icpaiis.

Whim: Mr. . I. F. Ilmnn with hisnmllier, wife, sister, biother, ami twochildien weie (hiving from tlioO. S. S.wharf this mot niug, thecal riage cap-ide- d

against the sidewalk on Foilstieet Knowing the whole p.lity out.Miss .Minnie Uiown, with great pie-M'li-

of mind, jumped out as thocariiage was turning over, and caughtthe hoise by the head. Mrs. Drown,Sr., although not seriously hurt, islather severely bruised.

Mit. F. W. MlM.lH, the celebratedventriloquist ami comic, delineator,will make his debut before a Hono-lulu audience, this evening. Papersprinted in the Colonies refer to hispeiformances as exceptionally good.The picscneo of a live ventriloquist,as a variation from the ntdiimry urnof concerts, operas, and minstrelshows, will be doubtless, duly appic-elate- d

here. A first class do'at, of aunique and intensely amusing sort,may bo expected. A largo numberof seats have already been taken,ami the piospeets are good for a fullhouse.

Tin: departure of the steamshipMararoa, this morning, for San I'riin-eisc-

was a gay scene. The wharfwas well crowded with Honolulufolks, some of whom were there to bidadieu to depaiting friends, andothers to see who were going. Tholei venders did a big business, nearlyall tho passengeis from this placebeing covered with lloweis, and manyof those in transit being liberallydecked with wreaths. There wassome delay in moving oil' on accountof the stern lino gelling tangledabout the piopeller. After cuttingthe lino and sending diyers down todisentangle it, tho steamer got underway. As she moved from the wharfa patty of lliitish boys sang popularcolonial songs, and gave three elieersand a tiger for those left behind.


Just received per steamer G. W.Elder 5,000 feet Picture and CorniceMouldings new Styles and Patterns.King Hros.' Art Store, Hotel street.

71! 5t

PiCTiuti: Frames and Cornicesmade to order; a largo variety ofMouldings to select from and atprices to suit all. King llros.' AitStore, Hotel stieet. 7(5 (it

Wi:ht, Dow it Co. have receivedex. "Geo. Elder" II. W. JJedroomsets, II. W. chairs, llaby Carriages,Banjos, Hanjo Strings, Harmonicas,Folios of Music, Klose's Method forclarinet, White's Method for clarinet,Song Queen, Song King, Goldenllnbin, G. A. it. War Songs, Hats,Huso Halls, Foot Halls, llubberllattles, Ac, ite. . 7-- t

" j

COTTAGE FOR JIEXT.on tho corner of Kiniiu

and 1'ensacola Streets. Contains 5rooms besides pantry, lmth, etc. Every-thin- g

convenient. Stable and outhouses.Premises aio now occupied by Dr. Grav.Possession given Apnl 1st. Kent $'.10per month. Apply to

.inu. A. l'AijJircu, ii Ht.,or Wm. O. Atwater. 75 un

employment OFFICE,HPIIE undersigned has moved into theJL ollico of Mr. J. E. Wiseman, where

ho will be prepared to furnish house,hold servants, collect bills, do Anglo-Chines- e

Interpreting, and a gencialbusiness. (5'J (Jm) SOYONU.

Estate of Edwin Onlcloy.M.'s Commissioner mid ConsulHIS.General requests that nil persons

having claims against the Eitiitc ofEDWIN OAKLKY, a Hi itisli subject,Into of Honolulu, ilcneast il Intcsiate,will present the same without delay toMil. iIIKO.H. DAVIES, Hrltish Vice-Consu- l,

and also that all persons indeht-e- d

to said Estate will nuiko Immediatepayment of the snnio to tho Vice-Consu- l

aforesaid at tho HrltishHonolulu, II. I.

Honolulu, Fob. 10, lSeO. tiO 4t

TO LET,,M. ,A MONTHLY, or longer if do

fiiWi?8 tired, U largo Furnishedtage with 0 i omits- - Hath

house and fresli water shower bath.Sea bathing. Situated at KaplolaulPink. Mutual Telephone In the house.Inquire of G. West, of West, Dow itCo. Ill tf

COAL, COAL.A. ITov CiinIch ol"

Frill Stove Coal,

just rcreived, ex bark I.ovBpring.Also,

Departure Bay and


For ealo In quantities to suit.Delivered free.

N. II. When ordering coal ask If yougot 'J.OOO or 8,240 lbs. per Ton. We cllionfe'Tons. (041nj) WILDEK & CO.

J, J Ut & i . ,., i jt jkW..

iv iv-- ,. mmmamnvTK. ihihibi-

rEratoi's fhttt Sale


Real Estate- -

NOTICE 1j hereby given that, byof Alexander .1. Uiirnviiirtit,

Sr., the Hxccutor and Trustee of the Listwill nnil testament of Km in a KaleleonaIruI, deceased, and under license of tlioSupreme Court, we arc authorized to sellnt Public Auction, at our salesroom, onQueen St., In the City of Honolulu,

ON TUESDAY,the Sad day of Mrtich, 1880,

At 12 o'clock" finmi. all the right, titleand interest ut the s.iid Kiniiiii Knlrlc-onahin- l,

of, hi .1ml to the following dcscribed lands:l The Aluipiiaa of WAlAflA I, situate

hi Komi, Inland or Hawaii, nml con-taining nn urea of iJ7aJ acres, mid lie.Ing more particularly described inlloyal Patent HCO.

2 Tho land known n- - b'ObOAKIU,811111111)' hi Waiplo. Di . of llama-kii- n,

Island of II talnlnganarea of :!! i,i an . and beingApnn.i ;! mI lkiMul P.n i.t 1005, I.undCommission Award HU.-- j l'

.') The hinil sliit'-i- ' .it KUbAHUHU,M i .... i.untnlitliiL'r an ..area. ol

.I 1 .,8 1 J 10 acres, am' 'icjcriocu to1M Patent Grant. IS

41 Viiipuaiiof IJLAlNO.flttuito Inli n .trict of Koo.iin. Island ofMaui, nml being the sue c us appearsby Koynl Patent 1!:M7 .nml Conns,sfon Attunl 8518 B. unknown.

fi That certain piece of i ud situate at1TIWA, Honolulu, O..1.11. ami urn-talng-

area of of an acie,and being 11101c partlcuhulyhi ltoval Patent Giant 'JUKI.

U 'I hat ceil.iln land -- ltu.ite at ICAIIU-I.- I'I, Komi, Hawaii, containing 1111

uie.iof 1 l) acres, ami inoic pnill-eulail- y

described lu ltoval Patent(i'277 A, hand Commission Awaul7l!)(i (5.

7 Thine two ceitnln piece ot land situ,ate at l'UAKO, bahalna, Maul, andcontaining an area together of I

acres, and being Apanas 1 and 5 oflloyal l'.itcnt i!777, band ConunlsIoiiAw'ardr18.'!.

8 That certain land situate at PUKIIU-1211- 1

Laliaiu.i,M:iui, ami containingan area of .'it perches and being de-

scribed In lloial Patent 170", LandCommission Awaul (!87fi.

0 The Ahupuaa of KAIIUI.ri, sltualoliiKonn, Island of Hawaii, ami beingAp.inat! of lloyal Patent Kili'J, baudCoiinnNslou Awaul 831(1 P., Area un-

known.10 Tlio Alinpiuiii of KALAM A, situate

In Komi, Island r.t Hawaii, and beingApana J of lloyal Patent I (Hit), LaudCoiumlsslon Award 8.111! 11, Aieu un-

known.11 The Ahupuaa of PAHOKIIOK situ-

ate in Kona, Islam) of Hawaii, amibeing the same as described lu I.andCommission Award Mill H, Area un-

known. .

IL' The Ahupuaa or WAIAKA 1, situateat Waliuca. District of South Kohala,Island of 'Hawaii, and being Apana 1

of lloyal Patent li(H), band Commit-hlo- n

Award 851(i Hi Area unknown.1:1 That, certain piece of land situate

hi l'AKAbA, baliaina, Maul, and con-taining an area of 1 acie '2'1 jierehesand being ilesciibed hi lloyal Patent187ii,baud Commtsslo.i Awaul 851!) IS.

11 That certain piece of kr.'il situate inPA1CALA, l.ahaina, Maul, eoiitalulngan area of i!8-1- of an acre, and de-

scribed in lloyftl Patent 1 1!)0. LandCommission Award 101.'7.

15 ThateeitnlnlandsItiiateatMAKIbA,liiihalua, Maul, containing an area of

"i acres, and described lu lloyalPatent 1 UL', Land Commission Awaul10127.

Hi That certain land situate in MA-Klb-

Lalmlua, Maul, containing anmen of 1 Hood l'.Mlods, and describedhi (toyal Patent :j.':!7, Laud Commis-sion Award 10127.

17 The Ahupuna of MAUXALKI situ-ate on tlio Island of, banal, and con-taining an area uf :tl 0 acres,and being the same as described lulloyal Patent 0775, Land CommissionAward 8.111) 11.

18 That certain piece of land witli thebuildings thereon, situate on HotelStreet, In the Cityof Honolulu, Islandof O.1I111, and known as KUOHA, con-taining an area of 80 fathoms and l(ilect, and descilbed In lloyal PatentHi!, Land Commission Award 118 H.

10 Thatccitaln piece of land with thebuildings theicon situate 011 QueenStreet, in said Honolulu, containing1111 area of lilfi-loo- of an acre, andbeing Apana 1 of ltoal Patent 0778,Land Connnls-lo- u Awaul 8.115 andalso.

20 That certain pteco of laud with thobuildings thereon, sltuato on saidQueen Street containing an area of

of anacre, ami being described in1 toyal Patent HSOti, Land CommissionAward 0123 II.

For further particulars apply to

E. P. ADAMS & Co.,Auctioneers

Or to A. .1. CAHTWIMGUT, SK.,Kxecutor ami Trustee.

50 15

COTTACJE TO LET.XN Pinion Valley, between Ninianu

and Punchbowl StrcoU. 0 looms,Kitchen and Until, Cnrrl'.igo House midStable, livery convenience. Itent $18per month. Apply at 110 King Stieet,or on the. preinUes. OlKlvt

ltEMOVAL.A. HOSA, the eelebrateilMllS. Teller, has changed her lesl.

deuce to the corner of I.ikelike Streetand Palace Walk. Mrs. Uomi, nfler nshort stay at that place, will imiko atour round tho islands. 7U lw

A CA11I).

LT uH'ords us great (ileasurn to testifythat we are lilchlv wilislled with

the lnter.Islaml Steam Navigation Com.piuiy's lonto to tho Volcano. Wo be-Ile-o

It to bo the best and most convcnlcut, and havo inuoh pleasure lu rceom.mending it to the notice of Intendingtourists. Wo havo looked over thepamphlet written about this road, andeverything bttiteil In tho Fame fully cor.responds with tho reality, without beingoverdrawn.

MKDOHEM GHAWFOIU), Oicgon.A HE UUOWN, Han FmnolReo,A11E L. HIIOWN. San Fnmcisce.

Puuuluu, Fob. 21, 1830. 03 tf

- . r, .,.,. ,i,i , , iupin,, 1, , 111,, .), ii pi ii , rm ..' iff ly j,pvV in.d tn mrniiii 1 lie (.pities pfillOiiid nml tin- - J'ulOlcwicinn,'. tjirit' linroninoit'HiJt. otllfo in 1 he Hi1 I. h lll.Oi h. (jucon Stiif.i upixi Hi, imia l ll(iifMli1iirii'& Co.,nml liiMin hipIi In iiicetlim ot my lai(to sloik of li IpIi I.liiLiie, Imported dlicct Irmu ll(fiiit,eonilstlii oftlio lollou Iiiki

A largo Invoice of J. S. Urown & Gon'a Woll-know- n






m ly



42 St.,

for the

for tliothin ly


IfiiMUrpanHpil for Kxrrllcnro of (tniillty.I'liHiirtinstHKil Tor Durnlilllty lu tvear,IliiHiirpniiNCil for Ilcnnty orilcnlKtiH,

Olilnlnrd IIlKlirNt vlx:Mi:i)ALs-lli.f- Mt, ISTo; tximtnii, 1M1, Ml


istii; l'nrls (linlil), INi7; Dublin, WA1S72, l'lillHilellililii, IS7li.

'Iiibln CIoIIik frniii lo 7 ntits In lPtigth, withto mutcli.

Tim nin iiiikIo nt 1IKST UtlSIt iuitCoin trnl I'liix: kjiiiii, novcii nml lilciiclii'il

tlmimtti'iiiH woM'iiln T11I1I11 Mucniuftby IltlSII who ImMi nnuiy

1 ems iliooof any count 1

Monograms and Crests inserted in Damask to order for vory low rales..Mho, l)'U)ll4, Tollrl i'uvcih, 11ii unit Tea I'lntlH, Pillow l.lnena. Slic'ntlnm. t'llntfJ

mill I'liiiii l.uu im, Dnninol;, llnrk nml I'miey 'I'oucN, lliuk Towellltnf, lliilili-nclii'- Iluniiulr,DrllN, Ciiuibiieiiml lleuixtllclii'il lluiulkeii'lilcfu.iiiilliiblu for liullrs imd Keiitluiucn's nee.

Any Length Out..Mho, 101 In olro of JIIU.l'AST MUSI.ISS now iiiittorim, fust colors.

v. o.ABont for the YOlllf ST. KI.A.V Sl'li. CO., Mil.' Helfint i J. S. ItKOWN A fiONH, UtlfHt ; T. A

A. WOKKM AN, Ilplfnst ; II. K. IIOU.NSKI.I., l.til., Ilrlilport, Km;. Ti


'J-Jm- l iui i


Steam LaundryWILL.


o Chinese

.sxnisi-rr- .


lliin ii oeived, per Steamship Geo. W. Elder,

Smoked Halibut, Soused Mackerel, in tins, BoneleBB

Kits Kidmen llellies, in hlocks, New Cheese, Dtipce Hnms andll.icon, Ki'(.-- s Itnilcr. Kei;s Fork. I.nrd, Ihikrr's Wholo Corn, dcrmm, Hrenk.fnit Out Mml; Corn 3Ieai; Cracked Wheat; Uuckwlicat; Flour; Hnlad

; I)ini'i' Olive Oil; Lohsters; Oysters; Sweet and Sour l'iclclcs; jl

Extract; llo-- Water; Datct; Nuts; ltalslns; l'ear Uutter; ArrowrootO'.ikei; School Cukes; Mixed Crnckcrs; Choice .TApun, English Breakfast,Comet nnil ltln-uiu- i Tea; Family Flour; Hron; Oats; Wheat; Corn; SaloonIlrcud; 1'oiatoi-s- ; Onions; Kerosene Oil, etc., etc.

C- - Goods delivered ti .' I parts the city. Satisfaction guainntcod.




Irish. Linens,



April 5th, 1886,






Corner of Fort & Merchant Streets,Has Just opened out a large nnd carefully selected stock of

Gent's Fine Furnishing Goods,Custom-Mad- Clothing, and Hats and Caps

III all lie Latest Styles aill Fattens.

B2T Particular attention is called to nn elegant lino of Gent's Ncckwcnr.88 tf

WANTED,a Competent SeainslresR (Portu-gucb-BY situation with a private

family, or UrusMinaker. Apply toM. A. GONSALVES & CO.,

r.7 Hotel Street. T?


General Business & Purchasing AQcnt- -

lerctat Honolulu.

My most faithful attention will ho


Purchase of MercliandjsQ

in Honolulu residents of thoHO Boveral'Iulunds of

100 1


Niiiiklnsnliiivo (lie


lcilnci AltTlhT.s, forcxt'clleit other y.



Codfish,Knstern Codfish



J Herbert reeve, M.H.S..Hydropathic FhyMciuD,

Heals nil diseases by Purification,(without medicine).

Chronic Sisooscs a Specialty.Persons weary of using physic with,

out avail would do well to niloiit thissystem. Consultation hours, Utolr.M.

E3T Invalids on the other Islandsvisited by special arrangement.

Kcsidciicc Hotel Btrcct, opposite Y.M. C. A. 6ti lm

MOTHERS.Tho Most Durable and Prettiest

GOODSfor Children's clothes, especially Boys'

Suits, that you ever saw,


Oastlo Ac Ooolce.CO 2v

-- A

' 7.







"A- tf




Page 4: jpiitt f - University of Hawaii · Box 130, Ti.ophono 349. 0010m L? KING feTHi:;t, 3..T. AVA-I-IJK, i vopvlutor. Choicest Meats from l'inost Herds. Families aud SI 'pi'ing SUPPLIED





f i'Yi


' 'V

'lTKSPAV. aiAHCH 10, 188C.


Never go to bed in any danger oflieliuj hungry. People :uc keptnwakoby hunger quite us much us

by n Imil conscience. Remember-ing Hint sleep is the essential forcewhich the whole scheme starts, de-

cline tea or coffee within the last sixhours before going to bed. Jf thewonicnkind insist you may havoyour milk and water at the tea-tab- le

covered with lea; but the lr9 thebetter. Avoid all mathematics orintricate study or any soit in thelast six hoi'iM. This Is the stuffdreams iuo made of, ami hot heads,and thb nuisances of waking hours.Keep your conscience clear. Re-

member that because the woik oflife is infinite, you cannot do thewhole of it In any limited peiiod oftime, and that therefore you mayjust as well leave off in one placeas another. Kdward Everett Hale.


It is known that the csscuco oftomato made into a pill acts on theliver, and to that extent must coun-

teract biliousness and all foims offever. The ficc use of figs is knownto multitudes to obviate constipa-

tion in a great many cases ; everyintelligent druggist knows that atablespoonful of white mustaid seedswallowed without chewing is usefulin the same direction, has been usedfor that purpose for a century, andfor that reason is kept in every gooddrug store for sale. The seeds passfrom the stomach unchanged, butare supposed "to act" on the bowelsdelicately. The seeds of the tomatoact in the same manner ; hence thefruit, while it is palatable to thetaste and nutritious to the body, hasa health-promotin- g effect on theliver and whole digestivo system.Hull's Journal of Health.



Coal sells for 15 a ton at SanDiego.

A fourteen-year-ol- d tramp is

under arrest at Fresno on a chargeof burglary.

An entire carload of Chinamenwent East from Saciamcnto Feb. LV).

There woio 28,000 acres of landentered at the Nevada State LandOllicc during two days a recentweek.

Portland has an alleged whitelaundry, but Chinese arc employedup stairs out of sight from thestreet.

Nachc, the Piute chief, has com-

menced farming on his land nearLovelock's, Nov., and will put inabout .forty acres of wheat.

There arc twenty-tw- o Chinesevegetable wagons running in Cliico

daily, with fruit and vegetables, be-

sides those of It.inclio Cliico.Surveyois aie in the Held seaich-in- g

for n ionic for the Pacific Caastlinihoad south from Los Alamostowards Santa llarbara and Nuwhall.

A Chinese cook at a Modestohotel undeitook to kill a servantgirl, Feb. I'o, with a hatchet, butwas arrested beforo doing anydamage.

Dorsey, the noted dog who hasbeen carrying the mail from Calicoto Bismarck, has been retired toprivate life, that route having beenabolished.

Calton is overrun with tramps,and highway robbciics and assaultsare of almost nightly occurrence.The Semi-'J'rdp- ic wants "(iOl" tomake itself felt.

A man near "Winnemucca, Nov.,offers a reward of $150 for thoarrest of the person who stole hishouse from him. The building hasmysteriously disappeared and tlietcis no trace of its whereabouts.

A Tulare county nurseryman offersto furnish free of cliaige fruit treesenough for a small oichard to anywidow, or any old maid over bo

years of age, who may ask forthem. None of the latter havo yetput in an application.

"For the season to date," saysthe Los Angeles Herald, "ship-

ments of manges over all linesaggregate about LIS cais for ltiver-wl- n.

an cfiual number for the SanGabriel valley all points and 70

from Los Angeles, or a total of !U0

cars. This is estimated to bo abouta third of the crop. The trees arenow relieved of their overload andthere are still three good months to

market tlio crop. At that ratenearly 100 cars a week will have to

be moved."

A printer stood at tlte desk of a

business man the other day and

noticed him using letter heads which

lie had bought of an eastern printing

house. Said tlio pi inter, who wns u

customer: "What would you think

of me if I were to go to Dubuque

and buy your lino of goods for m-yself?' Tho ineicliant replied, "Iwould think you a fool when I know

you can get the goods just us cheap

of mo and also aid a fellow citizen.

When he called attention to tlio im-

ported letter howls tho merchantcoughed and eaid it was his partner 8

uult.--E- x.



CONSUt.AT):GKNi:itAI.01' TIIK JsMTEIIStatus, Honolulu, Mar. 10, 850.

ALL poisons having claim i againstKstiite of the lnlc Florence

Harbour will present the sun. to thisotllco propei ly verified wlthit no tlitys.

J. II. I'U NAM,72 lvv Consu Ucucuil.


XUNliloiifiUlc Clonic uiul

WrcNH Miilccir

Corner of Alukci & Kin Sts.

Feathers Gleaned and Dyed..17 Dm


Tit Pacific Transfer Co.,

Olllce with C. K. Miller,13 Merchant Street,

Bell Tel., 377, Mutual Tel., 391.

I mil fully prepared to do nil kinds ofdrnvngo, hauling or moving work, nit ofwhich I will guarantee to executo faith-full-

GL ly S. F. GRAHAM, PropV. P.

1M1 undersigned hogs to cull thontX trillion of Planters nnd others who

nuiy v ant to move n succession of lightloads tor moderate distances to the sys.tern of

TELPHERAGE,lly which a nearly continuous stream ofsugar eune or other material may bomoved by means of electric motorsdinwing 'buckets, baskets or other ion-tnliic-

along a stationary steel lod Mis.pended on posts, the power being sup.piled at n central Btntion by nie.ins of engine or water powei workingon electric dynamo.

This system does not piofVss to com-pete with tramways where the groundis suitable for such n mode l convey,mice, but the circumstance:! tit iter whichits advantages are apparent me:

Where tho ground is very rough, un-

even or gulcliy, or where tin gradientsarc steep, ns It hns no dllllcul y in a load up an Incline of 1 .n 10;

Where the sjinco for a tramway can-not well tie spared, or over wmups orother ground Impracticable for tram,ways.

It can bo tnken along the high roadwith as much facility and with littlemore obstruction to tho trnthV than by alino of telephone posts;

It has the advantages of the overheadwho rope system without its disadvan-tages, as there 1r not a long w Ire rope todrag with its attendant friction and lossof power, whilst it can turn on sharpcurves.

The main lino can bo movi d to differ-cu- tpositions at a moderate i pensc.

A line is now working at Ghndc inSussex.

For further particulars and cost, np.ply to

W. L. UltKEX,Agent for the Telpherage Company,

Limited, of Loudon; also, Agent forJohn Fowler & Co.'s Hiillwuvs andhtinm Plows, and Mlrrltcs, WatsonA: Co.'s Sugar Machinery. liGO 1m


Mert SMii) Co.

Commencing on Monday, October12th, and thence on the Hi si Mondayfollowing tho arrival of tlio Alamedannd Mariposa ou the 8th mid 22nd ofeach mouth.

The steamer Kiiiilll will mnke theVolcano Trip, reaching Keauhou onWednesday morning, givm ; Touriststwo days and two nights at the VolcanoHouse.

Whon the 8th and 22nd of the monthfall on Monday, the Kiliuu wilt day.

EST Tickets for tho Round Trip. $50, whichpays all Chargcs.-t3- u

The Kimm will arrive in HonoluluSunday mornings on Volcano Tilps. OnHllo Trips, will leave Honolulu onTuesdays, and return Pnturduy morn,ings. WILHER'S STMSH1P CO.

Honolulu, Sept. U, 1835. 121 tf

Yoaite Skatiug Rink,

Will bo open eveiy afternoon nnd even-in- g

as follows:

3Ionilay,TiicHIay,Wpiliuiliis',Tlnirn3tluy ami Katurilny I'.v enlugH.

To tlio public in get oral.

For ladles and gcnt'eiiicn.

Tiu-Nilu- Al'tci'iiooiiH,

For Indies, geutlcnuu m I children.

aiuaic,Frldny and Saturdny Even ngs; also, at

the Tuesday Matl .ee.

THOS. E. WALL, Mnnngcr.147

BAGGAGE EXPRESS.Tho undersl ned lmvlnctaken ohurg of Ungn(;u

-- Exuress No. !J4, for thopurpose of carrying on the Express andl)ray biisiiiess, 'hopes by paying- mrlctattention to business to ri eive u sliaroof public patronage.

EST MuvinK liianoa and furnituro aspecialty. H. HUItUERHON.

Hesidenee, corner Piinchiiowl andStreets. Mutual Telephone 1520.

"West, Dow & Co., Telephone 170

astotort MPimMWMlfaMimfi!Wm

Ii. F. Dil'rcsld

T&'' ,;

Pad c Hardware Company,Sue 3SO


onand mager.



to Dillingham & Co. and Samuol Nott.:::::: 110NOLULL

'LIDAY GOODS,I, ox Alamed St. Paul, designs in

re, Ghandcliors & Lampr,


Silver-- : ',ctl

(202) Water Fil' ers



GEL EMrELHARDT,(Formerly with Samuel Nntl'.

Import m mid Denier inSTOVZS, CHANDELBERS,


Agent Hs IPs S&fe and Lock Company.Beavjr B.ock, - Fort Street.

tgT Store lerly occupied by S. NOTI', opj osite Sprcckels & Co.'s Bank, "a1U0

O. Box





Stable 3J"zoiey Hrioeeiie.s9T Jiml OO Hotel Street,

ontlin lly on the way. A nice assortment of Biscuits just received.Got, delivered to Wnikiki Tuesdays nnd Fridays.

Fresh GoodsCO


New C ids cived by every PocketFreili Calif-an- nia J od lice by every Steamer.

Good." live; tonnypartol thecited. Sat i irtloi. imrnntcul. Post Olllco

from the Eastern State and EuropeAll orders faithfully attended lo

city free of charge. Island oidcrsBox No. !)'. 1CS 1



993 IRON


f esAnd in fa. t Eve ybody is Delighted

with the Ju'tly Celebrated

Elit Be Creammndo ft.. i inn Woodluwn Dairy

V am.

Go nni' urpii your folks, ordei abucket oi jr del. ions Ico Cream. Wopack oid. for i Cream fiom I to Mquarts In lent I. frli;erator Cans, win.runted, K. ' tp i Icllglilfiil lluvor andperfect 1 lor . uiy hours.

Familict art: f Balls and Weddingsplied.

Our I'i v ( as nro tho Favoiilowith nil i ' I.m! of Honolulu.


Importe call I In great variety byovei atenmcr.

Ring Up L felt, no 182 or Mutual S3B.

ThoE o I . Crenra'o 15 j olol Stroot.

A pen iy until 11

BOOKS,JUST i I ed 'Tho Dogs of Gnat

. Ai lea and other C un.tries; TI. l)r mtr. TraliiiiiL'. andMunugcii t in J uilth and Disease," bySlonehen i " Ii ' dents nnd Anecdotesof the Ci I Win,' by Ad in Poller.U J. 21. OAT, Jit., & CO.

"' mm mimmmitwwmmBmmmmBiBivKtiM& worTf---

j)fTlff-.T- V lwnfrwnrinni mm ifinn)O.

Socretnry nnd Treasurer.

& Coolers, Cutlory, etc., oto.,





145. Telephone



Telephone 210.








iron and. Tin WareChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,


House Keeping Goods,









St'iii Candy Factorynnd Bakery,

Estn-lblissliecllSeCS- .

F. HORN, Proprietor.

No. 71 HOTEL ST., betweenNutiuuii and Fort Sts.

Has iilunjH on hand the lnigct St kof Candles, both Plain and Fancy, gi ar.nnteed to be STRICTLY I'UHE

WJio1;nu1o hi1 lJeluU.

Rich Wedding Cals,sOI a Twenty Years' Reputation, ulSles alvMiyg on hand, ornamcnliiiin any Style.

Pastries of All Description Madj to

Order at Short Notice.

X'uro iiml

Wh'olesome Bread,Fresh every Day.

Hell and Mutual Telephone, No. 74.P. O Jiox No. 75. . 10S

ystgr. ijsiistwiii h uiuTJSial oa Works

M.'inulnr.turcrs of

Soda Wator, Ginger Ale,

Flor la Lcmoiifidr, Aeiidcd Wi 'ers ofall kinds, Fruit Syiupv nntl cc?

Wg Use Patent StipersIn nit our Hollies.

W'i Invite pnrtieulnr nlteiilion to ourl'utent Filter, recently Intiodm.ed, byvvhh h nil waters used Incur ti inufae-lur- e

is ly fiecd from .ill

Wo deliver our Goods free of ihnrgoto nil imrtsof thecliy. We gunrunleoour Goods to tie the I et in the market.Careful intention paid to Island Oideis.Address

The Crystal Soda Works,

P. O. Box 307, Honolulu.

Itell Telephone 2i)S

Mutunl Telephone : 0XST Orders left with Hcnson, Smith &

Co., No. 11 Fort Street, will receiveprompt attention.

We. also, nro Agents for tho snlcof J. W. IIIiiRley's

Celebrated Oigars,188 of Ills own uiauufnctuiu. dm


A Large nnd well selected Stock of



comprised in pnrt ns follows:

Cutedel, White Wine,


Red Zinfandei,

Hock, Claret,

Burgundy, Angelica,

Sherry, Port,

Tokay, Sweet Muscat,

Malaga, Madeira,

etc., in Casks nnd Cases.

Having been appointed solo agents

by Mcssrf. 8. Lncliman & Co. for their

justly celebrated brands, wo nre enabled

to oiler tho above goods to our friends

and tlio public generally at unusually

low rates.

Freeth & Peacock.ir0 Gin

WIXjIMEK'S . fcs. CO.I.llllitcil.

&Stoamor KinauuSJ2J King, Commander,

Leaves Honolulu ouch Tuesday ut4 p.m., touching ut Laliaiiui, Mna-lue- u

liny, Makeiin, Mtiliuknna, o,

Liuipahoelioo and Hilo.Returning, will touoli at all the

uliivo ports, arriving at Honolulueucli Sutiirdui atturuoou.


Sohoonor EHUKAIriiifVWM will run regularlyTO WAIALUA. EVKHY MONDAY,

Returning on Thursday, weatherpermitting

For freight or passage apply to theCaptain on board, or to

Pacific Navigation Co.,181 Agonts

&$ FOR KOLOA & WAIMEAyj$m kauai.

""vQiuThe Clipper Schooner

WAIEHTJ,F. Kibbling, ... - Mnstor,

V,rllt run legulnrly to thu ports ofKOLOA, HANAPEPE & WA1J1EA,KAUAI. For freight or ptimngo applyto the Captain ou board, or to the

Pacific Navioation Co.,8U0 Urn Cor. Nuuanu & Queen Bts.

'" ' "ivnummft" "'''vyTr'illMffPWlHt'ililll"'

: :



CASTLE &CCOKE,Life, Firo &. Marine Instir'co Agonts.

aoihw roTIlC SOW I'.llfllMIIll


Tho JEtna Tiro lusurauco Co,of Ilaitfuril, Conn.

The IJnldii file tint!

Marine Insurance Co.,ot Han Fiund'io, Cain.


Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y

KHTAJH.IHIIJ'D 1B40,Capital 9,000,000 Roichsmarks.

'"piIE undersigned, having been upJL pointed agent of the above Companyfor the Hawaiian Islands, is prcpaied toaccept risks, against Fire, on BuildingFurniture, Mcichnndlso, Produce. Sugar31111s etc., on tho mosl 1 avertible Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable inHonolulu.

II. HIEMENSOilNKIDEH,070 ly nt Wilder & CVs.

The Equitable JLii'e AsNiirnncSociety of the United

State.i;htahi.ishi:i i.v i5.

ISSUES Policies on tho most npprovid

ed Payments, Endowments; Tontinebavliif Fuiiil, Tontines, Senu.Tonlines;A. Ii. C. Tontines; Llio and Suivlvor.ship Annuities; OhildruiVEndovunents,Joint Life Klsks, Faitnciship lusurnuce,etc., etc., etc.

Policies both Incontestable and Nouforfeitable.

Contested claims, none.lleforc Insuring elsewhere, cull and

net mi estimate.It is calculated that every reasonable

wish of the insured is embodied in oneoi more of the plans.

For full particulars and pamphlets,apply to

AI.I'.X. .1. I'AIlTWJCIKItT,General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

00 ly

statement!rpiIE undcrslgiiLd, a Committee of Dl-- X

lectors ot the Equitable Life As.suruiicu Society of tho Linited Statcb ,apiioiuted to foimulatc the views of ticiJoard on tho advantages oll'ered by li.oSociety to tlio )iiblic, report:

1st The Society issues all tho approv-ed forms of aisuiaiicc, Including Oldniuy Life, Et dowmeiit anil Tontine

It Is immaterial to the Dlrectoiswliich form of policy is taken by in.tindlui; assurers.

d The Life nnd J mlouiiient formsof policy piovido lor annual cash clivi-(len-

and n suirciidei value; aioludis.putublc after three jears and payableiiumedlntely niter proot of death.

d Tho premiums on u Tontine po-licy aro the samu as ou the OrdiuaryLite, but, while Ihe latter is only in the event of iliath, tho holder ofthe Toutine policy has Hie tight to drawthe v hole of thorctcivo and the uicti.undated piollts in cash at the end of astated period; thus, during his own life,time, attcr his producing yeais aie pust,he eau, without any larger premiumthan on un uidinary policy, secure thesegieater advantages.

4th Experience shows that the iciurnpaid in cash ou maturing Toutine po.Deles uppioxlmutc3 to or exceeds theamount of premiums paid by policy-holders, so that tlio average cost ol thoassurance w ill be only about the intereston the premiums.

Gth Tuntiuo policies, like others, mopaid In lull in the event ot death ut anytime (lining thetciuiof thu policy, andare incontestable alter three yeais, andpayable immediately after duo proof ofdeath.

Otli Experience shows that tlio inor.tallty is lower among Tontinu policy,ladders, us the belter lives seek thiskind ot assurances, which is a consider-able source of profit.

7th Tontinu policies will be madenon-lo- if citable under tho laws of theState, if bo desind at the time tho as-

surance is ellcctul.Bill The '1 online system is fair nnd

just; its nccouuts mo accurately kept,separate tiom all other business; thofunds judiciously Invested and Improv.ed, and the accumulated piollts laith.fully guurded audpiopcily appoitioucd.

0th The Society has since Its organi-zation irniibuctul u lurger umouut ofnew business than any oilier cunip.iny,while its now business for the first halfof tho present year is $1,700,000 largerthuu that of the llrst half of 1884. Ithas Assets of $.00,000,000; over $M,000,-00- 0

of Surplus, and its ratio of Surplusto Liability is greater than that of anyother company.

CiiAUhcnv Ji. Diu'evv,Joiiti A. Sii.vvaut,Euoknh,WlLUAM A. WllllEI-OCK- ,ClIAllI.KH G. Landon,John Si.oank,llUNHY 11. llYUK,

Committee of thu Eoaul of Diicctors ofthu Equitable Lite Asiuiancu Societyof Hie Linited States.

ALEX. .1. OARTWRIOHT,General Agent for Hawaiian Islands

Eiiuitablu Life Sooletj.12' lv

To Let Furnished.A T Kllauea, Katml, a coiufpi labial. lloasunndCottugo eminently sultu

bio u r a family wishing to spend asli ,il I lino in the country. Apply to

MANAGER,30 U Kllauea Sugar Co., Kauai.

Notice of Letters Patent.personb iuo lieioby notilled that

Letters Patent vveto Usued by llioHawaiian Government to .IAM1.HKENNLY of Honolulu on tho lOtli dayof Eccembei, a.d. 181-5- , for an impiovt.ment In biako, gigni.d clinUe sprlugs,and that bald Letters Patent were at.signed by thu said u. lines Kcnnoy to thollu w al iauCarilagoMaiiufactiiring Com-pany ou the --'2nd day of December, a.u.188&, wherefore tlio slid Hawaiian Car.ilago Manufucluriug Company lieiebywarns all persons tigaimi iuliiugliig ontho said Letters Paifiil.

HAW'N CARRIAGE MANFO ( o.Honolulu, Dec. 5!2, 1885. SOU tj

' ?


. 'J'I 1


m-- :


t ,



my' j





- m. &r.vr


' J 1

i n- j

A-- i