journey to the north

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  • 8/7/2019 Journey to the North


    Journey to the North

    Emily Baur

    Written in the first semester of 6th grade, 2007

    Typed in the first semester of 8th grade, 2009

  • 8/7/2019 Journey to the North


    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Cub.....................................................................................................................3

    Chapter 2: Falling................................................................................................................5

    Chapter 3: Exile...................................................................................................................7

    Chapter 4: A Lone Wolf......................................................................................................9

    Chapter 5: Hunt..................................................................................................................13

    Chapter 6: Disaster.............................................................................................................17

    Chapter 7: Camp................................................................................................................19

    Chapter 8: Flatface.............................................................................................................21

    Chapter 9: Metal Claw.......................................................................................................23

    Chapter 10: Glistenfur........................................................................................................25

    Chapter 11: Separation.......................................................................................................28

    Chapter 12: Tundra............................................................................................................30

    Chapter 13: Northern Spirits..............................................................................................32


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    Chapter 1: Cub

    I tensed. He saw me tense and prepared to jump out of the way. I saw the tiniest

    details in a heartbeat. His body was slightly leaning to his right. That was the way he

    would pounce.

    I leaped to his right at the same moment he did. His eyes widened in surprise as I

    landed on top of him. I clawed at his back and nipped at his ears. But finally he lost his

    surprised face and easily pushed me off.

    I was smaller. I was weaker. Yet the fight was in my favor. Off to the side, my

    two sisters watched eagerly. My brother and I had already tumbled with them and had

    come out as the best two. His strength and size vs. my agility and observation.

    This time my brother attacked. He tried to swipe at my head but I ducked and

    swung at his underside before darting away. He fell to the ground. Narrowing his eyes, he

    hauled himself up with fake fatigue. He feinted left and scrambled low to the ground to

    the right. He was trying to get beneath me like I had so many times before. I sprung and

    tore at my brothers haunches. He yowled and I was forced to halt at this cry of pain, as

    were the rules. While I was stepping back, tail held high, a subordinate with bald spots


    Oh, its just you crazy cubs playin around, Patchfur rolled his eyes, relived that

    we werent in danger. Our cub-sitter would be in mighty trouble if we were harmed.

    Patchfur slumped down next to us with a sigh. Hmmphhave to watch little cubs

    everyone else is out hunting hmmph he muttered.

    Just then, the wolves entered the camp from the hunt. My brother sulkily pushed

    past me to the Alpha Female Earlydawn. He started licking our mothers muzzle, wanting


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    food. No, no throw-up food for you cubs today. You can hunt some prey on your own,

    using the techniques I taught you, She announced. We squealed and jumped around.

    Hunting time!

    I sprinted off into the woods, slowing as I listened and sniffed for prey. There was

    a plump vole to my right snuffling around in the brush. I jumped around and chased it out

    of its hiding place. Winding around trees as quick as lightning, the wind whipping my fur

    and adrenaline pumping through my veins, I laughed with the joy of the hunt.

    I swiped my claws at the scurrying little thing and knocked it down. A quick bite

    to the neck and I was on my way back to camp, my prize in my jaws.

    I strutted into camp and settled down to leisurely devour my prey.The tender,

    juicy meat was heavenly. So much better than throw-up food! I could almost taste the

    hunt. I was finishing my last bite as my siblings entered with their lean squirrels and tiny


    I left them to hurriedly eat and followed the rest of the pack. They were headed to

    the cliff where the morning howl was held. Flipping my head back along with the others,

    I howled for my life. The harmonized howls grew into a chant.

    Stay out, stay out. This is our territory was aimed at other packs and lone wolves.

    Great Northern Spirits, please send us humble wolves plentiful prey was a prayer to the

    Northern Spirits. It was cool water over smooth stones, leaves rippling gently in a breeze,

    amazingly wild and beautiful. The wolfsong.


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    Chapter 2: Falling

    I raised myself out of the cub huddle and carefully stepped over my sister, trying

    not to wake my siblings. I frolicked around in the grey atmosphere of bore-dawn,

    chasing the first butterfly of the day. It was going to be such a nice day for traveling to

    our spring and summer home.

    Once there, we cubs would join in a pack hunt, and if wed do a nice job, become

    yearlings. As yearlings, we would receive names as well as become able participate in

    pack hunts. Unfortunately, wed be treated as a subordinate and would have to cub-sit the

    new baby wolves when their mother, the Alpha Female, didnt feel like it. After reaching

    two years of age for females and three years of age for males, wed have to prove

    ourselves a worthy wolf. Then we would become recognized adults, ranked subordinate,

    dominant, or Alpha. I couldnt wait for that day! I was confident I could become the

    Alpha Male.

    My brother yawned, stretched, and got up. He scowled at me and gloomily

    padded away, immediately darkening my joy. He walked up to Frostbloom, a young

    female wolf, and started chatting and smiling convincingly. Was there something going

    on between them?

    I chuckled to myself and padded over to the nearby river. I was awfully thirsty

    from all that howling last night. I lapped up some water and settled down to watch the

    sunrise. After a while, I got up for another drink in the growing light. Suddenly, I halted

    as I heard the faintest rustling directly behind me. Before I could turn around, someone

    jumped on my back and made me go flying into the water. But before I hit the river, I

    heard him whisper in my ear, Im gonna be Alpha Male!


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    What the skunk stink is he doing?! I thought, bewildered. Is he trying to kill me?!

    Then the water overtook me. I splashed around, trying to stay above water, but the

    current ferociously dragged me down.

    I was going to drown!

    I was pushed this way and that. My lungs begged for oxygen. I wildly thrashed

    my legs, trying to get to the surface. But which way was up? All I could see was dark,

    swirling, dirty water. Then a roaring in my ears. The sensation that I was falling, falling,



    Thundering pain.

    Then suddenly, I was above water. I gasped and drank in the air. The sweet, sweet


    My right leg throbbed. I paddled with my other paw towards the shore. I felt the

    slippery bottom of the river and hauled myself onto land. Laying there, breathing heavily,

    I looked up groggily. A waterfall thundered down on rocks below. I winced at the

    thought of my body tumbling down and hitting the rocks yet only my right leg had hit.

    Thank the Great Northern Spirits! I would have been dead right now, but instead, only

    my leg felt like fiery teeth were gnawing it over and over and over

    I needed it to stop. I needed someone to fix my leg! I slowly lifted my exhausted

    body and started painfully limping towards camp, carrying the useless-hanging leg.


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    Chapter 3: Exile

    The pack stared with open-mouths as I slowly processed to my siblings and

    parents. Everyone was surprised, but I knew my brother was just surprised that Id


    What happened, dear? Earlydawn asked worriedly.

    I glanced at my glaring brother before saying, My brother pushed me into the

    river and I fell down a waterfall. He tried to kill me because he wanted to be Alpha


    Everyone stared at my brother. What?! he exclaimed, looking totally taken by

    surprise. I did no such thing! Are you trying to blame your clumsiness on me, brother?

    Everyone shifted uncomfortably, not sure who to believe. Then Frostbloom

    stepped forwards. I know for certain that Grey Cub did not push Black Cub in the river.

    Weve been chatting together since we woke up.

    I gaped at her. She was in on my brothers scheme! But-but no! Shes lying! I

    cried. Everyone looked at me disapprovingly.

    Do you have any evidence? Strongjaws asked. I looked around desperately at

    all the frowning faces, hoping for a truthful witness. Silence. They were all waiting for

    me to answer.

    No, I murmured, head down. My brother grinned slyly.

    Strongjaws sighed heavily in disappointment. Agh! I wanted them to believe me

    so badly!

    Could you could you please at least try to fix my leg? I asked tentatively.


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    Im sorry, son. No one here can fix that. Im afraid its permanent. My ears

    flattened. I was doomed to be crippled forever!

    My fathers eyes narrowed. A lying wolf is not welcomed into our pack. A lame

    wolf would only be a burden. You no longer belong to this pack. Good-bye. May the

    Northern Spirits go with you wherever you go.

    My brother couldve leaped for joy. I stepped back, shaking my head in horror.

    NO! I ran. I ran as fast as a crippled wolf could. I wanted to get away from my dreams

    being crushed, my hope of becoming Alpha Male destroyed.

    I didnt look back until I was on the top of the hill. Good-bye, pack. Good-bye

    dreams. One day, Ill come back, I whispered. At least my father had given me a

    blessing. I would definitely need the Northern Spirits from now on.

    Then it slammed me in the head. The Northern Spirits! They will surely believe

    me; they see all! Maybe if they fix my leg, my pack will see the Northern Spirits believed

    me and my pack will believe me! It was an unlikely thought, a thought born of

    desperation. But it was all I had.

    I took one last glance at the camp. I turned and slowly, painfully limped



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    Chapter 4: Lone Wolf

    I trudged on, stumbling over roots with half-closed eyes. I stopped suddenly at the

    rustling of the underbrush. Food! I hadnt had food in three days.

    I sniffed the air and found a furry thing I think it was a squirrel to my left. Or

    was it in front of me? I couldnt focus with the pain, hunger, and exhaustion pressing

    down. I took a leap randomly at the undergrowth, hoping the prey would run and reveal

    itself. Sure enough, the squirrel dashed away. I took two running steps forward, but

    yowled and collapsed in pain.

    My stomach rumbled weakly as I lay on the ground breathing heavily. Was it just

    a few days ago that I had easily captured a fat, succulent vole in but heartbeats? Now I

    was as weak as a newborn cub. It was hopeless. How could a small, lame cub ever hope

    to survive out here alone? I was useless, as my father had said.

    My breathing slowed and my eyes gradually closed. Ah, the cool darkness of


    Ill just rest here forevernot bothering anyone, just lying useless on the


    * * *

    I moaned. Someone was prodding me. Stop! I want to sleep! I just want all the

    hunger and exhaustion and pain to disappear! Stop!

    But the cruel thing kept poking. I opened my eyes angrily and could make out but

    a black smudge through my hazy eyes. I blinked, trying to focus them. A black wolfs

    snout started to form. Then suddenly, everything was clear as he opened his mouth and

    his razor-sharp fangs approached my face.


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    I squeaked.

    And da sleepyhead finally wakes. Git up, the stern voice commanded. I

    scrambled up, cringing as I hit my leg on the ground. I was relieved he didnt tear me

    apart, only speak.

    Now in a better position, I could clearly see the wolf for what he was. His

    scrabbly coat was covered in dirt, leaves, and burrs and his ribs jutted out like mountain

    ranges on a landscape. It spoke of a lack of packmates that groomed you and brought

    down large, fulfilling prey. This wolf was a loner.

    Earlydawn had warned us about the dangerous lone wolves. Always avoid them,

    but if you cant, show them you are subordinate, shed instructed.

    I lifted myself up, staying low to the ground. My tail flew between my legs, my

    ears flattened, and I gave a small whimper.

    The wolf chuckled. Theres no need lowerin yourself to me. Im not worth it.

    Now git up and tell me why yous here already!

    Slightly confused, I straightened myself, gulped, and blurted out: My pack threw

    me out because of my broken leg, Oh-Great-Wolf. I didnt mean to trespass on your

    territory, Gracious One, and I am deeply sorry for sleeping on your grounds.

    Hmmph, ya got thatright! Geez, yous as helpless as a blind kitten! after

    chuckling to himself at this, he said, Well, perhaps not that. But either way, ya sure need

    some help if ya hope to survive on yous own! I bet yous cravin some grub, am I right?

    Well lucky you, ya have a capable hunter right here!

    I hesitated. Why should I go with a lone wolf, a bit eccentric one at that? Was his

    generosity a trick to trap me into coming with him so he could kill me? But then why


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    wouldnt he just kill me now? While all these jumbled thoughts bounced around in my

    mind, my stomach growled furiously and decided for me.

    That would be absolutely wonderful, your Greatness. I am honored by your


    Oh, stop it with that Caribou dirt. Just come along with me.

    * * *

    I chewed on my lip. He was taking an awfully long time. Every shadow in the

    cool, dark cave hed left me in seemed to be a lone wolf poised to pounce on me. I

    wondered if he would poison the prey he brought back. I fidgeted.

    Paws padded on the stone outside and the lone wolf stuck his head in the cave, a

    skinny rabbit in his jaws. I watched hungrily as he settled down and bit into the juiciest

    part (thought there wasnt much juice on this rabbit), the haunches.

    He stopped for a second and smiled into the empty air at my drooling. He ripped

    off the nearly bare front legs and threw them to me. Though he hadnt even glanced at me

    before throwing, he hit his target and I caught the legs cleanly in my teeth. I didnt dwell

    on this very long; I was gobbling up the few scraps of rabbit. We gnawed our thin bones

    in silence.

    Must be hard with a broken leg, hm? the wolf commented.

    Yeah. Silence.

    Everyone thinks yous a hopeless wreck. A mistake. Useless. Sometimes you

    yourself feel dat way.

    I know I said, sighing. And then I realized what hed said. Startled, I looked

    up at him, into his eyes. His clouded eyes. His blind eyes.


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    Thanks for the food, I said softly, realizing why it took him so long to hunt and

    why the rabbit was so small. And though hed definitely needed the nutrition, hed shared

    it with me.

    He grunted.


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    Chapter 5: Hunt

    My eyes wandered open and I gave a huge yawn. Whoa! Where the mouse guts

    am I?!

    My eyes flew over to a heaving black lump of fur by the entrance to the dark

    cave. I stared at it incomprehensively for a heartbeat before it all flooded back.

    I sat back with a long, drawn-out sigh. I had to get a move on soon. It was still a

    long way to the northern domain and the lone wolf would probably want me to scam as

    soon as possible.

    I hauled my sleepy butt up and cautiously stepped around the blind hunter.

    Blinking in the rising sun, I raised my nose to the sky, searching for some breakfast.

    You think ya gonna catch somethin with that leg? I whirled around, surprised I

    didnt hear him coming.

    You can do it without seeing; why cant I hunt? I threw back, defiant.

    Immediately afterwards I wanted to throw myself at a caribous antlers for saying such a

    stupid, disrespectful thing to a lone wolf, one who gave me food, at that.

    He just chuckled. Well, ya sure aint gonna get any grub tryin ta scamper after

    it! Strange as it seems, ya gotta stalk like a cat. See that there log over yonder? he

    nodded to a moss-covered fallen tree trunk by the cave.

    Uh, yeah

    Watch, he commanded.

    Downwind, he sniffed the air and nodded in approval. Its the only way yous

    prey wont smell ya, The blind hunter crept slowly over to the log. Patience, he

    whispered. Its the only way yous prey wont hear ya, His feet never seemed to touch


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    the ground. Light steps, the blind hunter said softly. Its the only way yous prey

    wont feel ya, he weaved in and out of the shadows of the trees. Shadows, he

    murmured. Theyre the only way yous prey wont see ya,

    The blind hunter had reached the log. Gathering all his strength into his haunches,

    Blindhunter leaped at the log and delivered a sharp bite to its neck. My tail wagged to

    and fro in approval. It didnt looktoo hard. I couldnt wait to try this new technique out.

    Okey dokes, yous turn! he announced, sidling back over. I licked my chops in

    anticipation and raised my sniffer to the sky again. A small juvenile squirrel, northwest.

    Ah, too easy, I judged. I turned my nose to find something else.

    Oh no you dont! Blindhunter exclaimed. Go get that squirrel. Its a good

    place to start.

    I sighed softly and headed northwest, limping through the trees. The wind

    whispered, gently prodding at me from the right. I quickly figured I should stay on the

    west side of the squirrel so its scent blew down to me, and not the other way around.

    Finally I glimpsed the squirrel scurrying beneath the walnut trees at the edge of a

    sunny meadow. I hadnt sensed me. Shadows, Blindhunters voice rang in my head. I

    would have to take the round-about tree route to get to the squirrel. The tree shade would

    hide me.

    Light steps, Blindhunter reminded me. I cautiously placed my paws, one after

    another. Patience. I forced myself to tread slowly, ever so painstakingly slow. Yet there

    was no sign that my prey had detected me. I was closing in on it. My heart thudded

    louder and I longed to jump up and chase the squirrel. Somehow I managed to contain



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    I was merely two wolf-lengths away. I lowered myself and my haunches tensed

    for the leap. I felt silly, like a cat. I forced that thought from my mind.

    The moment before I sprang, when I started to push off the ground, a picture

    formed in front of my eyes: my brother howling with laughter at my cat-like leap,

    screaming, Look at him! Hahahahaha! Hes not even a wolf anymore! Hes a packless


    A kitten. Blindhunter had said the same. A blind, helpless, unwanted kitten. A

    whimper escaped as my paws left the ground.

    The squirrel jumped up in alarm, its eyes widening as it saw me towering over it

    in midair. Before I could even land, it zoomed away, quick as lightning. As my injured

    leg hit the ground, I let out a blood curdling howl of pain and frustration. There I lay,

    panting, sides heaving, eyes squeezed shut in anger at myself. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

    Whats the point of it all? Im simply an injured, mewing kitten abandoned by its family,

    left to starve in the wilderness because of its utter lack of hunting skills.

    I didnt know if it was merely heartbeats or moons that passed when I finally

    hauled myself up to look around. No birds sang and the cicadas were silent. Id scared all

    the prey away with my howl. I growled softly at myself.

    Yet suddenly, I spotted a caribou stumbling into the western edge of the meadow,

    eyes milky with sickness, legs wobbling and about to fold. There is no way Id ever be

    able to take down something that big if I fail with a simple little squirrel. I turned away.

    But then a thought took hold and wouldnt let go. If Idid catch that caribou, I would

    prove to myself and Blindhunter that Iwasnt helpless and Icould survive in the


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    wilderness by myself. I sneaked into the trees, slithering through the mossy trunks. I

    would get it this time. I would.

    Adrenaline pumped in my veins as I gathered to spring from the trees. Nothing

    could go wrong. I was totally focused. Blindhunter would be so proud.

    Then my heart sunk as the caribou whirled around wildly, smelling me. I let out a

    ferocious snarl when I realized Id attacked on the eastern side, upwind. The snarl didnt

    help my prospects. The sickly caribou skitted away into the woods. I was hot on its



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    Chapter 6: Disaster

    The sickly caribou and the injured wolf. We were evenly matched, panic granting

    speed to my prey and determination gaining me velocity. Yet my sharp hunters eyes

    picked out the smallest detail: only a heartbeat before it would crash into a tree, the

    caribou would swerve away. That must have been a product of its illness. It helped

    greatly in slowing the caribou down. I was slowly gaining. Yet both of us were losing

    energy. It would end soon.

    I was a wolf-length away. Half a wolf-length. A quarter. I prepared to leap.

    The caribou broke through the trees, into our little camp. Blindhunter was up,

    swinging his head wildly in confusion.

    Cub? The caribou was headed right at him.

    Blindhunter! NOOOOO! I screamed. At the last heartbeat, the caribou tried to

    swerve around Blindhunter, but its legs were worn out and Blindhunter was wider than a


    The caribou knocked right into Blindhunter, sending both sprawling. Blindhunter

    cried out in anguish. The caribou lay, sides heaving, eyes spinning in confusion, while I

    scrambled over to Blindhunter.

    Blindhunter, are-are you okay? How could things have gone wrong so quickly?

    I-Im so sorry, Blindhunter! I didnt me-mean to - I just wanted to-

    To kill me?! he growled, his voice cracking with pain. I shrank back. You

    sorry excuse of a wolf, have you no brains? Chasin a caribou?! Why, dat is the most

    idiotic thing an injured cub all on its lonesome can ever do! He started dragging his


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    bruised body to the cave. I hurried to assist him. Get away! Stay out of here! Leave me

    alone! I will have no more of your shenanigans!

    I stood for a few heartbeats, stunned. Then I turned and trudged into the forest,

    ears flattened, tail between my legs. He was totally right. What a stupid thing to do. But if

    Id caught it, what would he have thought?

    I sighed and glanced at the moon. I was useless. All Id ended up doing was

    proving to myself and Blindhunter this was so. Would he ever forgive me? Id finally

    found someone, only to lose them. I didnt want to be left alone again, but I knew it had

    to be so.

    I padded steadily farther into the forest. Before I left, I would make a small

    attempt to make it up to Blindhunter. I would hunt and finally get it right this time.


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    Chapter 7: Camp

    I leaned over and placed the fluffy gray rabbit beside Blindhunters sleeping form.

    I stepped out of the cave and took a great big gulp of night air, letting it out tiredly. I

    needed my sleep. Three hunts in a day were enough to tire any cub out. I lumbered over

    to the trees on the far side of the camp, out of Blindhunters way. I curled up, thinking,

    Ill just sleep here tonight and then be on my way tomorrow morning. I hardly finished

    the thought before I fell into a deep slumber.

    * * *

    The morning sun slammed into my face, yowling at me to get up. I moaned and

    stretched, eyes blinking open. Gotta get moving, I thought to myself as I let out a yawn. I

    dont want Blindhunter finding me out here lying around. I got up and took a last glance

    at the dark shape in the cave before setting off to the northern frontier.

    * * *

    The scenery hadnt changed from thick forest in the four days of travel. I hadnt

    known the world could be this huge, and was a bit discouraged.

    Wolf scent hit my nose like a train and its familiarity nearly knocked me over. It

    was my pack! They must be at our spring and summer camp! I raced towards the scent,

    ignoring my leg.

    Then suddenly I was out on the edge of a cliff, looking down on the camp that

    dwelled in my memories of when I was a newborn cub. The wolves were gathering for a

    big hunt. As they set off, I recognized the three smaller wolves as my siblings. They were

    bouncing all about, excited for their first pack hunt.

    My eyes blurred. I would never have a group hunt.


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    That part of your life is over, a voice growled deeply. I quickly turned to face

    Blindhunter. Lets get a move on.

    I stood, stunned. Wh-what? Huh? I babbled.

    I said, lets go! he growled with force.

    B-but you and-and the caribou and-and what? Were going? Together?!

    Yes, he snapped. Hurry up before I make you move.

    Utterly confused, I scrambled northward. Why did he follow me? Why did he

    want to travel with me? I had so many questions, but I was afraid to ask the steaming



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    Chapter 8: Flatface

    Finally, the trees were getting sparser. Wed marched in silence for days, and I

    couldnt take much more of the questions gnawing at my head that Blindhunter defiantly

    wouldnt answer.

    Lets stop early, Blindhunter grunted suddenly, and we both quietly went our

    own ways to search out food.

    I quickly found a vole and devoured it. Sniffing for Blindhunter, I followed his

    trail west. I leisurely sniffed along the path, the scent growing fresher with each pawstep.

    I found an area where Blindhunters trail and a mouses trail met, yet the mouses trail

    sped off to the right, showing it had gotten away. Ah, the poor guy. Id already mastered

    the cat-hunting art, yet his blindness hindered him greatly.

    Suddenly, Blindhunters fear-scent appeared out of the blue. The scent was very

    strong. What had made him so afraid? Was the scary thing still around? Now that I

    thought of it, I noticed a strange smell in the air of something Id never seen before.

    I gulped and forced myself onwards. I had to find Blindhunter. What if he was in

    trouble? As I scurried down the fear-scent path, it seemed as if something would jump

    out at me from every tree and piece of bracken.

    I shook myself. Cut it out! I scolded. Stop acting like a newborn cub! I padded

    over to a small creek, hoping some crisp water would cure my anxiety. Lapping some up,



    Bark flew off the tree beside me. I jumped back and turned around. The Flatface

    stick glared at me from five wolf-lengths away. I couldnt move. I was fear-bound prey.


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    These frozen animals were so easy to take down. I knew the next time the Flatface shot, it

    would hit its target on the bulls eye.

    I willed my muscles to move, but I knew it was in vain. It was nearly impossible

    to break the fear spell. This was the end.

    Move your wretched butt out of the stinkin way, cub! The growl erupted from

    my right.

    Amazingly, my muscles obeyed and I shot away. I ran and ran, fear aiding me

    now with speed. Shots sounded behind me. I weaved between the trees and skitted

    through the underbrush. Then my bad leg struck a root and I was down.

    I lay on the ground in a world of pain and misery. Let the Flatface come. I dont

    care anymore. Yet the shots were far away and only occasional. I still lay, breathing hard,

    eyes shut.

    The thought of the Flatface cornering Blindhunter brought me to my paws. I

    groaned softly. My leg hurt worse than before. I wouldnt be able to walk very far. If I

    hadnt been such a coward by running away and failing to even thinkabout Blindhunter,

    none of this would have happened!

    I narrowed my eyes. I would find him. Wincing, I limped towards the deadly



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    Chapter 9: Metal Claw

    I was ready to fall with exhaustion. I dragged myself forward with the smallest

    will. The shots had stopped, but I wasnt sure if that was a good thing. It couldve meant

    the Flatface had hit Blindhunter.

    A soft wolf whine made my ears perk up and gave me a desperately needed

    inkling of energy. Blindhunter?

    I crawled around a tree and met a heart-wrenching sight. Blindhunter lay in a heap

    on the ground, muzzle bound tightly with a metal claw. His eyes were clenched closed

    with hopelessness while his muzzle bled profusely. Hed obviously been trying to sniff

    his way along when the evil Flatface device grabbed him.

    I gave a soft bark and ran to Blindhunter with renewed strength. Blindhunters

    unseeing eyes opened slightly and he sniffed the air. His tail thumped the ground feebly.

    Cub. He murmured.

    Dont worry, Ill get you out. I reassured him with a shaky voice. I grabbed

    the metal Flatface claw with my teeth and pulled. Nothing. I stared at it with dismay.

    What was I going to do?! I had to get it off of him!

    I I was leadin him away so yous could escape you were safe why

    why did yous come back? Foolishness, foolishness. Hed risked his life for me! I

    thought, surprised. And he still has his sternness, I noted.

    His moan brought me back to reality. I nosed around the claw, searching for a

    catch, something the Flatface would use to get their captured prey out. Sure enough, there

    was a piece of folded metal between the claws teeth. I tugged and pulled with all my

    might on it, and it finally gave way. It folded out and held the claw a bit more open.


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    Puzzled, I walked around to the other side and same the same piece of folded metal. After

    tugging it out to its full extension, Blindhunter was released and I pulled the claw away.

    He struggled to get up. I hurried over, letting him lean on me as he stood. I lead

    him over to the creek and helped him wash his muzzle in silence.

    Seems like Im always gettin hurt with you around, Blindhunter chuckled

    darkly as I lead him to a large abandoned fox den. I thanked the Northern Spirits for the


    After wed squeezed inside, I braved the question. Then why do you stick around


    He grunted and was silent. Oh great! I told myself. What were you thinking? He

    wont answer you!

    I sat in the near-dark den, waiting, half-asleep.

    Airout-oooh I sat up, confused. Had he just mumbled, Care about you?

    But when I glanced over, I saw he was fast asleep and merely snoring. I lay back down

    with a sigh.


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    Chapter 10: Glistenfur

    I bounced around happily in cold white snow of the bright morning. Pine trees

    towered every few wolf-lengths. We were getting close to the tundra. We were almost to

    the Northern Spirits!

    Soon Ill be all better and go home and everyone will welcome me back and Ill

    be big and strong and be Alpha Male and hunt like Glistenfur! I spoke my jumbled

    thoughts aloud.

    Well arent yous full o it, Blindhunter muttered. He turned to me.

    Glistenfur? he said with a dark chuckle.

    Well yeah, the renowned wolf that used to be in my pack. He was strong and fast

    and clever. They say he could kill a whole grown caribou all on his own, and he was only

    a yearling!

    I knew him, actually, Blindhunter grunted. I distant look seeped into his eyes as

    he recited, He would zoom out of da way o hooves-

    -and swipe at a caribou with such force that they would immediately fall,

    defeated, I finished. He was awesome! He would have become Alpha Male if he hadnt

    left the pack!

    How do yous know he chose ta leave?! Blindhunter seethed with sudden

    furiosity. When he was struck in da face by a hoof-

    He didnt have to leave just because of a little face injury! I retorted. He gave

    me a cold, hard stare, even harsher with his unseeing eyes. I shrank back and trudged on.

    The energetic joy had disappeared.

    * * *


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    There was no way around the winding river. We had to cross it.

    I shivered. I didnt want to have to go into water again. But it was the only way I

    could get to the Northern Spirits. Other than a small forest off to the left, the long, utterly

    white landscape of the tundra spread out forever on the other side of the river.

    Ready? Blindhunter asked gruffly.

    I gulped. I guess

    He jumped in. Whoooo! Thats refreshin!

    I took a big breath and plunged into the water. It was freezing! I cried out in

    surprise. Blindhunter swam ahead with strong, sure strokes.

    Come on! he called. I pushed at the water with my three good legs. I shivered in

    the cold water, feeling the tip of my tail go numb. Just a little farther I was halfway


    I heard a strange churning sound of water over rocks. Glancing to the right, where

    the current was pulling me, I spotted white, bubbling water.

    Blindhunter? I called worriedly. Whats that bubbly foam were being pulled


    Bubbly foam? he echoed confusedly. Then I saw him stiffen. Rapids! Cub,

    swim ta land as fast as yous can! Ya cant get caught in da rocks!

    I thrust my legs forwards with all my might, struggling to get to shore before I

    was in the rapids. The sound of rushing water filled my ears and dragged me back to the

    day I fell down that dreaded waterfall. Desperately I swam and swam. My foot struck a

    rock. It was too late! I was in the rapids!


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    I splashed around, trying to stay above water, but the current ferociously dragged

    me down.

    I was going to drown!

    I was pushed this way and that. My lungs begged for oxygen. I wildly thrashed my

    legs, trying to get to the surface. But which way was up? All I could see was dark,

    swirling, dirty water. I cried out in the black silence as I hit rock after rock.

    Something grabbed me by the scruff and hauled me to the surface. I gasped in the

    clear air. I swung around as my rescuer swam powerfully to the shore. I caught a glimpse

    of a sleek, black figure as we easily navigated the rapids. I lay limp in his protection,

    utterly exhausted.

    We struck land and the figure gently laid me down on the rocky sand. I coughed

    up some water and curled up, shivering. I caught a last indistinct glimpse of my rescuer in

    the growing darkness.

    Sleek. Dark. Strong. Brave.

    Glistenfur, I thought before black enveloped me. My hero, Glistenfur.


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    Chapter11: Separation

    Ugh, I moaned. I got up, shaking the off the pebbles that had been digging into

    me all night. Wait pebbles? Where was I?

    Then it all came back. Glistenfur. Hed saved me. Now where was he? Where was


    I stumbled around, looking for them both. Had Blindhunter survived the rapids? I

    trembled to think he didnt. I plopped down on the ground to try to still the dizziness in

    my head. Why couldnt Glistenfur have saved Blindhunter? I shook myself. It was

    ridiculous. Glistenfur didnt save me. He was probably long dead by now. I probably was

    thrown onto the shore by the current. Maybe Id struck my head on a rock too hard and

    hallucinated Glistenfur.

    Blindhunter appeared from behind a large boulder, carrying a big river-rat. His fur

    was sleek and black, and he held himself regally. Glistenfur.

    I gaped at him. Then I hurriedly lowered myself and said, Glistenfur, I am

    humbled by your presence. Thank you ever so much for saving me from the rapids!

    Frowning and rolling his eyes, he responded bluntly, So, ya found out, huh?

    Well, no need for dat stuff. Glistenfur is gone. Im whatever yous call me Blindhunter,

    is it?

    I nodded dumbly.

    Well, he said briskly, Eat some of dis river-rat. Ya need your strength. Yous

    be traveling alone on the nearly barren tundra.

    Alone?! I exclaimed. Why arent you coming with me?


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    He sighed deeply. Im too old for da tundra. Yous tire me out, He gave me a

    grin. I jumped back in surprise. Hed smiled! And also, Northern Spirit stuff is kinda a

    personal, one-on-one sorta thing.

    But dont you want your eyes healed?

    Blindhunter chuckled. These eyes are un-healable. They are what they are, he

    said firmly. Ill be stayin in that lil forest over there, waitin for ya tillfall begins.

    We rubbed pelts in a final good-bye. See you in the fall! I cried as I set off into

    the snowy expanse.

    Goodbye, son! he called. A huge grin spread across my face. Hed called me



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    Chapter 12: Tundra

    I jogged through the endless tundra, never seeming to progress, the sun and stars

    my only guide. I hated this place. I was the moon in the utter darkness, only reversed.

    There was no cover to protect me from Flatfaces who would surely be able to spot a

    black wolf on the pure white landscape. And the cold! It was FREEZING. I didnt know

    how on earth the northern wolves survived in this horrible place.

    My paws were usually numb and sometimes bled from the icy snow. Food was

    very sparse up here, and I only found a few arctic hares scuttling in snow tunnels below

    me every now and then. There was no water source near, and I had to eat the painfully

    cold snow for hydration. In the short summer nights, I would look to the sky for the

    Northern Spirits, but they never came. I wanted to run back to Blindhunter, who was so

    very far away, but I forced myself onwards. Just a bit farther, I always told myself.

    Youre almost there!

    I clambered up a hill and plopped down when I reached the top, ready for sleep.

    Then I saw it. Huger than any lake, it stretched all the way to the horizon. Water crashed

    forcefully onto the shore instead of the usual gentle lapping. Big chunks of ice floated

    around on top of it.

    Curious, I slid down the other side of the hill and stepped close to the edge of the

    water. Suddenly, a huge wave came and crashed over me, drenching me head to tail. I

    attempted to lick myself dry and gagged, nearly throwing up. This lake was extremely

    salty! Ugh! What was the purpose of this Salt-Lake if you couldnt drink from it?

    I suddenly glimpsed a white figure and a fluffy white miniature of it out on a

    chunk of ice. Wolves? They jumped into the Salt-Lake, the big one using strong,


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    powerful strokes to swim towards land, the little one on its back. As it came nearer, I saw

    clearly that it was massive, far larger than any wolf. It was a bear! Yet it was much bigger

    than the forest bears, and more terrifying. I backed up, ready to run away, but the ice-bear

    was climbing out of the Salt-Lake. It set its cub down and turned to glare at me. I stared

    into those pitch-black eyes and saw malice reserved for anyone who endangered her cub.

    Frightened, I backed away farther, trying to leave slowly so I wouldnt alarm the

    angry mother. RRRRRRAAAAAAARRRRR! she screamed at me. The ground seemed

    to shake and the ice-birds abandoned their ice-floes, taking to the sky with loud squawks.

    I turned tail and sprinted out of there. The ice-bear leaped after me and bounded faster

    than anything Id ever seen. She caught up with me in but a few strides and gave me a

    great big swipe on my side. I yelped and raced faster. But shed turned around and

    returned to her cub, satisfied that I wouldnt come back.

    I sped onwards, not stopping until the ice-bear and her cub were far behind. I

    finally collapsed without notice and fell into a deep sleep.


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    Chapter 13: Northern Spirits

    White flakes fell all around. I nosed my side. Only a small scab was left. It had

    taken a few days to heal.

    I sighed. When was I going to get to the Northern Spirits? It was nearly mid-

    summer, and Id have to turn back soon to get to Blindhunter in time for fall.

    The snow fell more heavily. I could hardly see in front of my face, though it

    wasnt as if I would see much anyways. The wind started to howl and I wondered if I

    should dig a small hole to wait out the coming storm. That would waste precious time,


    I trudged on, every step getting harder and harder against the growing wind and

    blinding snow. I stumbled around, not even knowing which way was north. Then my paw

    slipped and I was tumbling down a hill. I landed in a moaning heap at the bottom and

    couldnt get up. I simply lay in the snow, in the middle of a blizzard, and gave up.

    * * *

    My eyes fluttered open weakly. So tired so cold I tried to stand, and

    collapsed. Whatwas I thinking? I cant survive on the tundra! The Northern Spirits are

    avoiding me, so what use is there trying to get up and resume the trek?

    All that work and travel for nothing. I thought sadly. All those challenges faced

    for nothing. I buried my head in the snow. Oh, how disappointed Blindhunter will be of

    me when he figures out I failed. Hell go home and say to himself, I knew he couldnt do


    I sighed. There was no hope in rejoining my pack, no hope in becoming Alpha

    Male. I looked up at the sky, searching for light, but none came. I was about to put my


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    head down in defeat when I spied a small twinkle of green. I lifted my head higher.

    Could it be? I watched closely as the waves of light grew and flowed outwards and

    everywhere, filling the sky. There was pink, red, green, blue, purple, orange, and many

    other colors there were no names for. Shapes started to form out of the light. Was that an

    ice-bear? A caribou? A squirrel? A wolf?

    I stared in wonder as a wolf no, two wolves - gracefully danced to me. Animals

    with good hearts became Northern Spirits when they died, so I looked carefully at the

    wolves, wondering if they would be someone I knew.

    Father?! Mother?! I exclaimed, excited and then immediately distressed. What


    They gazed at me sadly. Earlydawn replied, It was your evil brother, now called

    Sharptooth. He murdered us and now he and his partner in crime, Frostbloom, are the

    Alphas, I gasped.

    Strongjaws then spoke. Son, I am extremely sorry I didnt believe you about

    your brother. If I had, all of this wouldnt have happened! Your mother, you and I would

    still be with the pack and the others wouldnt be so oppressed by him! he lowered his

    head in shame.

    Its okay, Father. Ill stop him, I said with resolve.

    No one has defied him, from what we can see. Earlydawn informed me. He is

    too strong and cunning! You are the only one that could defeat him. Please try to restore

    our pack.


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    I nodded in consent. They both stepped down to rub pelts with me. Immediately

    the pain in my leg disappeared. I smiled at my parents in awe. They smiled back. Then,

    stepping back up to the other spirits, they sang, We love you.

    I love you too! I called, tears in my eyes. The spirits turned and floated off,

    leaving me alone on the dark tundra.

    With a sigh, I turned southwards. I had a lot of traveling ahead of me.
