journal presentations: independent journal of management & production

The academic network for publishing in journals Paulo Cesar Chagas Rodrigues and Carlos Antonio Pizarro Louzada Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo (IFSP) Faculdade Sudoeste Paulista (FSP) Independent Journal of Management & Production Online Journal Presentations: IJM&P (Brazil) June 25th, 2014 Invitation to join live: ISSN: 2236-269X DOI: 10.14807 OCLC: 869799742

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Next FREE online Journal Presentation WEBINAR. I am inviting you to join our next online Journal Presentation WEBINAR on June 25th, 2014. This time, the editors of the Independent Journal of Management & Production (IJM&P, from Brazil) will tell us more about their journal and the type of authors and content they are looking for, so giving the chance to our academic community to network with them and get first insight of their journal and main objectives for the coming years. Thank you.


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The academic network for publishing in journals

Paulo Cesar Chagas Rodrigues and Carlos Antonio Pizarro Louzada

Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo (IFSP)

Faculdade Sudoeste Paulista (FSP)

Independent Journal of

Management & Production

Online Journal Presentations: IJM&P (Brazil)

June 25th, 2014

Invitation to join live:

ISSN: 2236-269X – DOI: 10.14807 – OCLC: 869799742

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The IJM&P is a journal for unpublished works related to

Administration and Engineering of Production and Mechanics and

Economics as well as works that present results of studies and

researches about the activities of Science and Technology

Information. The Journal is published on a three-month basis in

March, June, September and December.

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Journal History

• The design of "Independent Journal of Management &

Production" began to be planned at the beginning of 2009, named

"Revista Independente de Administração & Produção" in order

to publish paperworks of undergraduate students, as well as

dissertations and theses in Portuguese.

• In July 2010 the journal project began to be put into practice, when

Professor Paulo Cesar Chagas Rodrigues, registered his domain and released as

part of it.

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Journal History

• We would you like to leave our thanks to

libraries, sponsors and other organs for the support and

dissemination of our work.

• The table below shows the evolution of the Journal:

Year Country Cities Access

2010 25 75 338

2011 75 343 1.510

2012 83 444 2.187

2013 118 1.208 11.946

2014 114 1.082 6.886

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Journal History

The Commission for the Improvement of Higher Education

Personnel (CAPES) ranks through WebQualis, the quality of

scientific journals. Journals are ranked by their areas of

assessment, to the following indicators: A1, the highest, A2, B1, B2,

B3, B4, B5, C.

Assessment Area Stratum Year

Administration, Accounting and e Tourism B3 2012

Engenering III B4 2012

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Journal History From July 2013, we received information on the impact factors for

the year 2012 of some indexing organs, which are presented below.

Impact Factor Year

Indexed by 2012 2013 2014

Universal Impact Factor {UIF} 0,4285 0,9858

Research Bible 0,42 1,0

Global Impact Factor (GIF) 0,512

Index Copernicus Value (ICV) 4,97

Jour Informatics (JI) ----- 0,5

Global Society for Scientific Research (GSSR) ----- 0,4285

Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals ----- 0,477 3,602

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• For the first time, in this edition we are presenting important

graphs that show how the journal has been seen all through the

last three mounts.

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List of Sponsors

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[email protected]

Paulo Cesar Chagas Rodrigues

B.A. in Administration

M.Sc. in Production Engineering

P.hd. In Mechanical Engineering

[email protected]

Carlos Antonio Pizarro Louzada

B.A. in Administration

M.B.A. in Administration

[email protected]