journal of polymer engineering -

Original article Mohammed Muqtader Ahmed*, Farhat Fatima, Md. Khalid Anwer, Mohammad Javed Ansari, Sabya Sachi Das and Saad M. Alshahrani Development and characterization of ethyl cellulose nanosponges for sustained release of brigatinib for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer Received December 11, 2019; accepted July 2, 2020; published online September 11, 2020 Abstract: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) contributes to about 85% of lung cancer. By 2040, lung cancer cases estimated to rise to 3.6 million globally. Brigatinib (BG) acts as tyrosine kinase inhibitors that target the epidermal growth factor receptor of the epithelial lung cancer cells. BG loaded nanosponges (NSs) were prepared by the emulsion solvent evaporation technique using ethyl- cellulose (EC) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as a stabilizer. Eight formulations were developed by varying the con- centration of the drug (BG), EC and PVA followed by opti- mization through particle characterization; size, polydispersity index (PDI), zeta potential (ZP), drug entrapment and loading efficiency. The optimized formu- lation BGNS5 showed particles size (261.0 ± 3.5 nm), PDI (0.301) and ZP(-19.83 ± 0.06 Mv) together with entrapment efciency (85.69 ± 0.04%) and drug loading (17.69 ± 0.01%). FTIR, DSC, XRD, and SEM showed drug- polymer compatibility, entrapment of drug in EC core, non- crystallinity of BG in NS and conrm spherical porous na- ture of the NS. BGNS5 reects drug release in a sustained manner, 86.91 ± 2.12% for about 12 h. BGNS5 signicantly decreased the cell viability of A549 human lung cancer cell lines with less hemolytic ratio compared to pure drug BG and EC. Based on the aforementioned results BGNS5 could be used in the effective treatment of NSCLC. Keywords: A549; brigatinib; nanosponges; NSCLC; sus- tained release. 1 Introduction Cancer involves an independent growth of cells leading to malignancy, possess invading activity surrounding the tissues of its origin and other body parts. Cancer cell has the district property of non-specialized in nature without any function and independent cell division [1]. Cancer is considered to be the second largest eason for global mor- tality, accounting for about 10 million deaths annually with a projection equivalent to 13 million deaths by 2030 [2]. Fundamental theories of cancer claim the causes include: chronic irritation, displaced embryonal tissue and infectious agent [3]. As per reports in 2014, 16 million people suffered and about half-million died due to cancer in the USA alone. Prevalence of cancer found to be in the order of; prostate, lung, colon in male and breast, lung, colon, uterus in the female, respectively [4]. Statistical data in Saudi Arabia as per the health day 2017 fact sheet represents [5], among the various types of cancer, breast cancer ranked rst with (16.1%) followed by colorectal cancer (11.9%) and thyroid cancer (7.6%). Disease management of the cancer is very critical and challenging, due to strenuous in early-stage diagnosis and specific treatment at a cellular level. Treatment of cancer include(s) surgery, nuclear medicine, stem cell-targeted therapy and chemotherapy [6]. Targeted drug delivery systems considered to be the greatest choice to deliver the chemotherapeutics for effective treatment by the *Corresponding author: Mohammed Muqtader Ahmed, Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 173, Al-Kharj, 11942, Saudi Arabia, E-mail: [email protected]. 6911-0652 Farhat Fatima, Md. Khalid Anwer, Mohammad Javed Ansari and Saad M. Alshahrani, Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 173, Al-Kharj, 11942, Saudi Arabia Sabya Sachi Das, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, 835215, Jharkhand, India J Polym Eng 2020; 40(10): 823832

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Original article

Mohammed Muqtader Ahmed*, Farhat Fatima, Md. Khalid Anwer, Mohammad Javed Ansari,Sabya Sachi Das and Saad M. Alshahrani

Development and characterization of ethylcellulose nanosponges for sustained release ofbrigatinib for the treatment of non-small cell lungcancer December 11, 2019; accepted July 2, 2020; published onlineSeptember 11, 2020

Abstract: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) contributesto about 85% of lung cancer. By 2040, lung cancer casesestimated to rise to 3.6million globally. Brigatinib (BG) actsas tyrosine kinase inhibitors that target the epidermalgrowth factor receptor of the epithelial lung cancer cells.BG loaded nanosponges (NSs) were prepared by theemulsion solvent evaporation technique using ethyl-cellulose (EC) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as a stabilizer.Eight formulations were developed by varying the con-centration of the drug (BG), EC and PVA followed by opti-mization through particle characterization; size,polydispersity index (PDI), zeta potential (ZP), drugentrapment and loading efficiency. The optimized formu-lation BGNS5 showed particles size (261.0 ± 3.5 nm), PDI(0.301) and ZP(−19.83 ± 0.06Mv) together with entrapmentefficiency (85.69 ± 0.04%) and drug loading(17.69 ± 0.01%). FTIR, DSC, XRD, and SEM showed drug-polymer compatibility, entrapment of drug in EC core, non-crystallinity of BG in NS and confirm spherical porous na-ture of the NS. BGNS5 reflects drug release in a sustainedmanner, 86.91 ± 2.12% for about 12 h. BGNS5 significantlydecreased the cell viability of A549 human lung cancer cell

lines with less hemolytic ratio compared to pure drug BGand EC. Based on the aforementioned results BGNS5 couldbe used in the effective treatment of NSCLC.

Keywords: A549; brigatinib; nanosponges; NSCLC; sus-tained release.

1 Introduction

Cancer involves an independent growth of cells leading tomalignancy, possess invading activity surrounding thetissues of its origin and other body parts. Cancer cell hasthe district property of non-specialized in nature withoutany function and independent cell division [1]. Cancer isconsidered to be the second largest eason for global mor-tality, accounting for about 10 million deaths annuallywith a projection equivalent to 13 million deaths by 2030[2]. Fundamental theories of cancer claim the causesinclude: chronic irritation, displaced embryonal tissue andinfectious agent [3].

As per reports in 2014, 16 million people suffered andabout half-million died due to cancer in the USA alone.Prevalence of cancer found to be in the order of; prostate,lung, colon in male and breast, lung, colon, uterus in thefemale, respectively [4]. Statistical data in Saudi Arabia asper the health day 2017 fact sheet represents [5], among thevarious types of cancer, breast cancer ranked first with(16.1%) followed by colorectal cancer (11.9%) and thyroidcancer (7.6%).

Disease management of the cancer is very critical andchallenging, due to strenuous in early-stage diagnosis andspecific treatment at a cellular level. Treatment of cancerinclude(s) surgery, nuclear medicine, stem cell-targetedtherapy and chemotherapy [6]. Targeted drug deliverysystems considered to be the greatest choice to deliverthe chemotherapeutics for effective treatment by the

*Corresponding author:MohammedMuqtaderAhmed, Department ofPharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, Prince Sattam Bin AbdulazizUniversity, P.O. Box 173, Al-Kharj, 11942, Saudi Arabia,E-mail: [email protected]. Fatima, Md. Khalid Anwer, Mohammad Javed Ansari and SaadM. Alshahrani, Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy,Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 173, Al-Kharj, 11942,Saudi ArabiaSabya Sachi Das, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences andTechnology, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, 835215,Jharkhand, India

J Polym Eng 2020; 40(10): 823–832

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selectively localized drug at the pre-identified site therebyrestricting access to the non-target cellular lining and thusreducing the toxicitywith increased effectiveness [7]. Therewere many new chemical entities (NCE) for cancer treat-ment but if cancer cell doesn’t respond or resistant to ananticancer moiety, then the new drug will be the nextchoice, therefore anticancer research institutes/centerscontinuously produce chemo-drugs [8]. Second generationanaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) inhibitor brigatinib(BG) recently approved by United States Food and DrugAdministration (USFDA) as an anticancer drug and spe-cifically used for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). BGprecisely used to treat metastasis conditions where cancertends to brain and bone marrow [9]. Whereas, the first-generation oral ALK inhibitors failed to act as selectiveapoptosis due to the passage of cancer cells through theblood-brain barrier (BBB) that causes severe CNS toxicity,ceritinib a second-generation ALK inhibitor though effec-tive in clinical trials but subsequently failed to cureNSCLCs[10]. In NSCLC conditions, rearrangement of the ALK genetakes place leading to modification in the ALK protein cellsignaling pathway followed by abnormal growth of cellsand metastasis. Clinical trial data reflects brigatinib usedas a palliative treatment by prolonging life-span by a year[11]. BG also reported to act as a safe intracranial antitumoractivity for crizotinib-resistant patient with ALK-positive, itcould be considered as an efficient choice because radio-therapy with ionized radiation and as chemotherapycannot be an effective at the cerebral site [11–13].

Brigatinib available in the dose strength of 30, 90 and180 mg, the optimum dose was found to be 180 mg once aday for sustained apoptosis of NSCLC [10]. Brigatinibconsidered being a novel potent tyrosine kinase inhibitorused in lung cancer treatment for the patients reflecting theresistance to osimertinib. Due to this reason BG wasapproved by USFDA with a fast track [9].

Commercially brigatinib available in conventionaltablet forms as Alunbrig® tablets licensed under TakedaPharmaceutical Company Limited,with claimedbackupbyARIAD Pharmaceuticals [10]. BG exposed to exhibit pul-monary toxicity in some patients which could be lifethreatening [9]. Chemotherapeutics developed in conven-tional dosage forms (tablets, capsules, solution, andemulsion) encompassed certain demerits includes; hepaticfirst-pass, plasma drug fluctuations, instability, toxicityand doesn’t have sustained drug release and apoptosisefficacy for long durations [14].

To circumvent the aforementioned drawbacks, tech-nologies with nano-size (10–1000 nm) drug carriers can beused for enhancement of dissolution rate, absorption,improved bioavailability, increase half-life of the drug in

biological systems with site-specificity and sustained drugrelease [15]. Nanosponges are emerging technologies forcancer treatment. Nanosponges are porous polymeric de-livery systems that are microscopic spherical particles withfew nanometers wide cavities and large porous surface,into which both lipophilic and hydrophilic drug sub-stances can be encapsulated [16]. Among the various typesof polymers used in the fabrication of nano matrix, ethylcellulose (EC) was reported being non-biodegradable, non-toxicity, biocompatible and tolerable with reducedtoxicity. Habashy et al. described nanocarriers prepared byEC with the particle size of >200 nm to 5 μm anticipated tobe removed by the reticuloendothelial system (RES) andmechanically filtered by the spleen and glomerular filtra-tion [17, 18].

Reports on EC reflects its wide implications in drugdelivery systems; for sustaining the effects of anticancer,anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, film-forming agent, thebinding agent in controlled release solid dosage units [19].

The objective of the current study was to develop andcharacterize brigatinib loaded ethyl cellulose nanospongesfor sustained drug release to prolong anti-cancer efficacy.Henceforth, nanosponges prepared by EC, rate retardingpolymer could prolong the half-life of brigatinib due touptake by RES and hydrophobic inheriting property of ECreducing water penetration into polymer matrix reducesthe drug release.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Materials

Brigatinib (BG) was purchased from Mesou Chemical Technology(Beijing, China). Ethylcellulose (EC), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) anddichloromethane (DCM) were procured from Sigma Aldrich, Germany.All the other chemicals and solvents used were of analytical grades.

Human lung adenocarcinoma A549 (ATCC®CCL 185™) cell lineswere received from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC,Manassas, VA, USA).

2.2 Development of brigatinib loaded nanosponges

Brigatinib loaded nanosponges (BGNS) were prepared by ultra-sonication assisted-emulsion solvent evaporation technique [19, 20],by using different proportions of polymers (EC and PVA) and the drugwas taken in two concentrations (90 and 180mg). BGwas dissolved inECpolymeric solution inDCMwith the help of sonication for 1min. Theprepared drug solution was then emulsified dropwise into 100 ml ofaqueous phase (100 ml) containing a different proportion of PVA byprobe sonication (probe # 423, model CL-18; Fisher Scientific, USA) for5minwith power 60%voltage efficiency. The developed emulsionwaskept on amagnetic stirrer (Fisher Isotemp Hot Plate and Stirrer; Fisher

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Scientific, USA) and stirred at (1000 rpm) for about 24 h at atmosphericconditions [17]. The prepared BGNS were then collected by ultracen-trifugation followed by lyophilization overnight, collected samplesthen packed in a well-closed container (Vial) and used for furthercharacterization. The composition of nanosponges containing BG, EC,and PVA concentrations were given in (Table 1).

2.3 Characterization of brigatinib loaded nanosponges

2.3.1 Particle characterization: size, polydispersity index (PDI), andzeta potential (ZP): Particle size analysis of the BGNSs was performedby using dynamic light scattering (Zetasizer Nano ZS instrument,Malvern Instruments, UK) at room temperature (25 ±2 °C). Measure-ment of average particle size, ZP and PDI values for each formulationwas taken by dispersing the samples in Milli-Q water (1:200) tilltransparency was achieved [21]. All the samples were run in triplicates(n = 3).

2.3.2 Entrapment efficiency and drug loading calculation: Thepercent entrapment efficiency (EE%) and drug loading (DL%) of theNS nanocarriers was measured by indirect method of analysis takingthe sample from the dispersion medium followed by centrifugation at12,000 rpm for 25min, then the collected supernatantwas analyzed forfree drug content by using UV spectrophotometer (Jasco UV/VisibleSpectrophotometer V-630 Japan) at 284 nm (λmax) [22]. The percentageof EE andDLwere calculated by applying the following equations [23]:

EE(% ) � Total DrugTheoretical drug amount − Free drugSupernant drug amount

Total    DrugTheoretical drug amount

× 100


DL(% ) � Entrapped drug Weight of  nanosponge 

× 100 (2)

2.3.3 Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis: FTIR analysis wasperformed to evaluate the compatibility of BGwith the excipients usedfor the fabrication of nanosponges. BG (drug), and optimized BGNS5,were mixed individually with potassium bromide (KBr) followed bycompression to form a disc followed by scanning from 400 to4000 cm−1 to detect fingerprint region of BG in BGNS5 [24] (Jasco 4600Mid-IR FTIR spectrometer, Japan).

2.3.4 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis: Physico-chemical drug-excipient interaction was performed by differentialscanning calorimetry (DSC), BG and BGNS5 (5 mg) were sealed in the

aluminumand subjected to a heating rate of 10 °C/min for temperatureranged from 30–250 °C (DSC N-650; Scinco, Italy).

2.3.5 X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis: X-ray diffraction (XRD) studywas performed to evaluate the crystalline behavior of pure BG andoptimized BGNS5. The samples were analyzed using Ni-filtered CuKαradiation (λ = 1.5418 Å) at voltage 40 kV, current 40 mA, receiving slit0.2 q inches, 2θ range of 5–75 °Cwith a scan rate 0.040°/s [25] (SiemensD5000 Diffractometer).

2.3.6 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM): The surface morphologyof the optimized nanosponge BGNS5 was assessed by spreading thesample suspension over a thin glass slab then dried under vacuum.Further, the sample was shadowed in a cathodic evaporator having agold layer thickness of 20 nm, the machine was operated at 15 kVacceleration voltage. The image processing program was utilized forthe estimation of surface morphology and the mean particle size ofsamples [23] (JEOL JSM 5200 SEM, Tokyo, Japan).

2.3.7 In-vitro drug release and mathematical model fitting: The in-vitro drug release behavior of the optimized BGNS5 andBG suspensionwas assessed by using dialysis bag method in phosphate-bufferedsaline (PBS) pH 7.4. The samples (optimized BGNS5 and BG suspen-sion) dispersed in (PBS pH 7.4; 5.0 ml), filled in dialysis bag (Mol.Wt.:14 kDa) closed from both the ends, then suspended into a beakercontaining 150 ml of PBS (pH 7.4), maintained at 37 ± 2 oC, undermagnetic stirring (100 rpm). At the pre-determined time interval, a1.0ml samplewaswithdrawnwith replenishment tomaintain the sinkcondition of the medium. The aliquots were analyzed for drug con-centration at 284 (λmax) byUV/Visible Spectrophotometer (JascoV-630Japan) [22, 26].

The results of in-vitro drug release were obtained by plottingcumulative percent drug release (% Cu DR) versus (time, h). Eachexperiment was performed in triplicate (n = 3).

Further, the drug release data were fitted into zero-order, first-order, Higuchi and Korsmeyer–Peppas kinetics models, followed byregression analysis [27]. The respective equation for each model isdepicted as:

Zero-order; Qt � Q0 + k0t (3)First-order; logQt � log Q0 – k1t/2.303 (4)

Higuchi; Qt � kHt1/2 (5)Korsmeyer-Peppas; Mt/M∞ � ktn (6)

where, Qt (drug dissolved over time t), Q0 (initial amount of drugdissolved in diffusion medium i.e., equal to zero), k0 (zero-order ki-netics constant), k1 (first-order rate constant) , kHt

1/2 (Higuchi modelconstant).Mt andM∞ are cumulative drug release at time t and infinitetime, respectively; k is rate constant of BGNS5 structural and geo-metric characteristics feature, t is the release time and n denotesdiffusional exponent indicating release mechanism. Furthermore, inall of the aforementioned models, suitable parameters were plottedand from the r2 value (coefficient of multiple determination; 0 ≤ r2 ≤ 1),the release kinetic behavior of BGwas evaluated. Also, from the valuesof n = 0.45 (Case I or Fickian diffusion), 0.45 <n < 0.89 (anomalousbehavior or non-Fickian transport), n = 0.89 (Case II transport) andn > 0.89 (Super Case II), the release mechanisms were described.

2.3.8 MTT cell proliferation assay: MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazole-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay was performed to assess

Table : Development of brigatinib loaded nanosponges.

Formulation code Brigatinib (mg) Ethyl cellulose (mg) PVA (mg)









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the cytotoxicity and anticancer activity of BG, BG suspension andoptimized BGNS5 against A549 cells (human lung carcinoma cells).Before the evaluation, the A549 cell lines were passaged in culturemedia Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) supplementedwith the 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and incubated at 37 °C over-night. 1ml of the freshly cultured cell suspension ( ̴5× 104 cells/ml)wasseeded in a 24-well plate, incubated at 37 °C for overnight. All thesamples with varying concentrations (0, 5, 12.5, 25 and 50 μg/ml) wereadded individually to the pre-treatedwell plates. DCMwas consideredto be as control. Subsequently, 100 μl of MTT solution (5% w/v) wasadded to treated wells and further the plates were incubated at 37 °Cfor 5 h [28]. The absorbance of each sample was measured at 540 nmusing an ELISAmicroplate reader (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) andthe % cell viability was calculated by using the following formula:

% Cell viability � Mean absorbance of  treated sampleMean absorbance of  control

× 100 (7)

2.3.9 Biocompatibility studies: A biocompatibility study was per-formed by testing the compatibility between BGNS and erythrocytes.The fabricated nanosponges need to be evaluated for their biocom-patibility as they enter the body and contact with tissues and cellsdirectly, thus this enhances its biomedical applications. A biocom-patibility study was performed by testing the compatibility betweenBGNS5 and rat blood erythrocytes. Hemolytic activity of BG, EC, PVA,and BGNS5 was assessed by incubation samples with erythrocyteisotonic suspension at 37 °C for 1 h, followed by centrifugation andmeasuring the absorbance of the supernatant at 540 nm using aspectrophotometer. Erythrocyte with sodium dodecyl sulfate anddimethyl sulfoxide served as positive and negative control respec-tively [29].

Hemolysis(% ) � ABS Sample  − ABS Negative control ABS Positive control  − ABS Negative control  

× 100 (8)

where ABS is the absorbance.

2.3.10 Stability studies: The optimized formulation BGNS5 was keptfor stability studies at room temperature (30 ± 2 °C), at refrigeratortemperature (4 ± 2 °C) and at accelerated condition (40 ± 2 °C, 75%RH)in programmable environmental test chamber following the ICHguidelines. Evaluation of cumulative % drug release, particle size,calculation of (EE%) and (DL%) was performed for 3 months(12 weeks) with intervals of 4 weeks i.e., 0,1,2 and 3rd month.

3 Results and discussion

Formulation were optimized by varying the concentra-tions of ingredients. Drug (BG), rate retarding polymerEC, stabilizer PVA were used in different concentrations.Drug amount was selected based on the dose (90 and180 mg), polymer (EC) and stabilizer (PVA) were taken inthree different quantities (400; 500; 600 mg) and (30;40; 50 mg), respectively. The ratio of dispersing toaqueous phase was set to 1:5 (20 ml DCM: 100 ml PVAaqueous phase). Emulsification solvent evaporation ismost widely applied technique with reproducibility andease of the process. The concentration of EC influencesthe size of NS whereas PVA modified the flocculation[30]. It was observed that size of the particles influencedby combined factors like drug, EC and PVA content [18,31, 32].

3.1 Particle characterization: size,polydispersity index (PDI), and zetapotential (ZP)

Particle size and PDI of BGNSs were found to be in therange of (261.0–697.5 nm), (0.3–0.6) respectively,whereas ZP found in between (−14 to −26 mV). All thedeveloped NSs were in nano-size ranged, narrow inparticle size distribution as per PDI. Zeta potential for allNSs was negatively charged with ≥ 14. ZP indicates nonagglomeration and a stable dispersion system (Table 2).EC pertaining the negative charge over the particlescould have resulted in inter-particle repulsion [30].Based on the aforementioned criteria BGNS5 formulationwas considered to be optimum with particle size(261.0 nm); PDI (0.3) and ZP (−19.8), respectively(Figure 1), and selected for further characterizationsstudies.

Table : Particle size, polydispersity index (PDI), zeta potential (ZP), drug loading and entrapment efficiency of PCL formulations.

Formulation code Particle size (nm) Polydispersity index (PDI) Zeta potential (mV) Entrapment efficiency (%) Drug loading (%)

BGNS . ± . . −. ± . . ± . . ± .BGNS . ± . . −. ± . . ± . . ± .BGNS . ± . . −. ± . . ± . . ± .BGNS . ± . . −. ± . . ± . . ± .BGNS . ± . . −. ± . . ± . . ± .BGNS . ± . . −. ± . . ± . . ± .BGNS . ± . . −. ± . . ± . . ± .BGNS . ± . . −. ± . . ± . . ± .

All values expressed are mean ± SD where n = .

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3.2 Entrapment efficiency (EE) and drugloading (DL) calculation

Calculation of EE (%) and DL (%) of the formulations in-dicates drug entrapment and drug content in NS afterseparation from the aqueous media of PVA respectively(Table 2). EE was found to be in the range of (21.67–85.69%), whereas DL of brigatinib ranged in (2.17–17.69%).From the results it was observed that, BGNS1 showed thelowest % EE (21.67 ± 2.12%) and % DL (2.17 ± 0.53%),whereas the optimized formulation (BGNS5) showed thehighest % EE (85.69 ± 0.04%) and % DL (17.69 ± 0.01%).Based on size (261.0 ± 3.5 nm), PDI (0.301), ZP(−19.83 ± 0.06 mV), %EE (85.69 ± 0.04%) and %DL(17.69 ± 0.01%), the BGNS5 was found optimum withcontent of BG (180 mg), EC (400 mg) and PVA (40 mg).

3.3 Fourier transform infrared analysis

FTIR spectra of pure drug BG and optimized nanosponge(BGNS5) were showed in (Figure 2) Pure BG showed majorpeaks at 1012 cm−1 (C]O, stretching), 1620 cm−1 (N]H,bending), 1157 cm−1 (P]O, stretching), 2784 cm−1 (C]H,stretching) and 3286 cm−1 (N]H, stretching). BGNS5 peaksrepresent the presence of functional group peaks of EC,(3100 cm−1) due to Hydroxyl stretching and hydrogenbonds between hydroxyl groups (2950 cm−1) was for alkylgroup stretching and (1600–1750 cm−1) identical tobending of alkyl in pyrane ring. It also showed the PVApeaks, (2750–2900 cm−1) and (3650–3700 cm−1) for alkyl

band stretching hydroxyl bond. Further, in BGNS5 spec-trum shifting of identical peaks of BG was observed withthe reduction in intensity in the fingerprint region of thedrug. FTIR analysis determines no physicochemical druginteraction only physical bonding of drug with the poly-meric matrix. These results were in accordance with thepreviously reported literature.

3.4 Differential scanning calorimetryanalysis

DSC thermograms of pure BG and BGNS5 were plotted in(Figure 3). The thermogram of the pure BG showed a sharpendothermic peak at 215.81 °C, while the thermogram ofBGNS5 does not show the respective thermal peak of pureBG. DSC analysis supports the interpretation of possibledrug-polymer interaction with the significance of drugencapsulation in porous cavities of BGNS5.

3.5 X-ray diffraction analysis

XRD diffraction patterns of pure a drug (BG) demonstratednumerous characteristic sharp peaks at different angles,however, BGNS5 revealed broad and diffused diffractionpeaks, indicative of lost crystallinity nature of pure drugdue to entangled of BG inside the polymer matrix. Also,drug encapsulation in the nanosponges could be assureddue to the broadening or weak diffraction pattern of drug[23]. The encapsulated drug may be in the non-crystalline

Figure 1: (A) Particle size (histogram) and(B) zeta potential for optimized BGNS5.

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form trapped in the porous BGNS5 nanosponges. X-raydiffraction patterns of pure BG and BGNS5 were repre-sented in (Figure 4).

3.6 Scanning electron microscopy

The Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrograph(s) ofthe BGNS5 represents the spherical shape of NS withnanosize range. It was predicted that the in-ward diffusionof DCM on the EC polymeric surface leads to the porous

nature of the nanosponges. Also, the micrographs(Figure 5) revealed that the EC matrix was properly coatedover the BG and spherical also glazed by PVA responsiblefor anti-adhesiveness between the particles and smoothsurface of BGNS5.

3.7 In-vitro drug release and mathematicalmodel fitting

In-vitro drug release study was performed to determine therelease behavior and kinetics mechanism of the drugrelease from the polymeric matrix in PBS (pH 7.4) diffusionmedium. As shown in (Figure 6) within the first five hoursof study, the release of BG from BG suspension and BGNS5was 86.91 and 62.35 % respectively. EC based nanospongeloaded with BG showed a two-phase release from opti-mized BGNS5, an initial burst release essential for rapidonset of action followed by sustained drug release.[33] Theinitial burst effects within 1 h was possibly due to thedesorption of BG particles layered over the surface of NSsand also due to the surface attrition. EC showed significanteffects and was specifically responsible for the sustainedand progressive release of BG from NSs. The sustained-release of BG from BGNSs could be due to the slowdispersion of aqueous media inside the hydrophobic EC.

Also, the release data of BGNSs was fitted with variouskinetic models and calculated the regression coefficient(R2) and rate constant (K). The results of (R2 & K) valueswere found (zero-order; R2: 0.853, K0:15.554, First-order; R


Figure 3: Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) plots of pure BGand optimized BGNS5.

Figure 2: Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)spectrum of pure brigatinib (BG) andoptimized BGNS5.

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0.954, K1:1.955, Higuchi; R2: 0.998, KH:5.386, Korsmeyer–

Peppas; R2: 0.929, Kc:1.282), respectively. The best fit wasfound to be Higuchi model for BGNS5, showing a highercorrelation (r2>0.99) as compared to other models,ensuring that the slow release of BG from the polymerbilayer in the presence of PVA were due to process of

particle diffusion through the membrane. Moreover, theKorsmeyer–Peppas model with exponent (0.45 < n < 0.89)denoted the anomalous non-Fickian release kinetics. Allnanosponges represented non swellable matrix diffusiondrug release mechanism attributed to porosity in thesenanosponges formulations [34].

Figure 4: X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis ofpure BG and BGNS5.

Figure 5: Scanning electron microscopy(SEM) image of BGNS5 (A) spherical imageNS at 512x magnification (B) surface imageof NS at 1.07 Kx magnification.

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3.8 MTT cell proliferation assay

The MTT assay was performed for pure blank NSs, puredrug BG and optimized formulation BGNS5. MTT assayresults showed that the percent cell viability of all thesamples followed a dose-dependent pattern. Sample withlower concentration showed more % cell viability and sowere less toxic against the A549 cells. In-vitro anticanceractivity was performed in different concentration of sam-ples (0, 5, 12.5, 25 and 50 μg/ml). BGNS5 showed (100,18.48, 18.18, 20.28, 22.98% viability) for respective con-centrations. Furthermore, the % cell viability results for allthe samples have been summarized in (Figure 7). Hence-forth, based on the results of the MTT assay, it wasobserved that BGNS5 formulation exhibited potentialanticancer activity against A549 lung cancer cell lines, thuscould be used as a potent anticancer agent for the treat-ment of non-small cell lung cancer.

3.9 Biocompatibility studies

Biocompatibility study was performed by hemolysis studyusing rat blood (erythrocytes), from the results it was foundthat the percentage of rupture of rat RBCwas in the order ofBG > BGNS5 > EC > PVA with hemolysis of (48.87, 32.76,16.88, and 3.43%), respectively. Based on Equation (8) thehematolytic ratio was calculated by substituting theabsorbance values; 3.19 nm for sodium dodecyl sulfate(positive control), 0.18 nm for dimethyl sulfoxide (negativecontrol) and 0.32 nm for test BGNS5. The hematolytic ratiocalculated was 4.87%, which was found to be less than 5%as per the standards for assessment of hemolytic features ofmatters or materials (F756-93 standards) [35, 36]. Results

plotted in (Figure 8) confirmed; polymer used EC wasbiocompatible, optimized BGNS5 most suitable foradministration as its less toxic (hemolytic) and could besafely used in the treatment of NSCLCs [37].

3.10 Stability studies

After 3months (12weeks)with interval of 4weeks, i.e., 0,1,2and 3rd month of study, the sample was assessed for in-vitro drug release. BGNS5 doesn’t have significant differ-ence in cumulative drug released (%) at freeze and accel-erated condition as compared to the data of BGNS5 atnormal conditions (p-value ≤ 0.05). Particle size, EE (%)and DL (%) were also evaluated for BGNS5 in differentconditions before and after stability studies, resultsrevealed no significant change in the results as per the nullhypothesis (p-value ≤ 0.05).

Figure 6: Comparative in-vitro cumulative drug release (%) versustime for BG suspension and BGNS5.

Figure 7: In-vitro concentration-dependent cell viability testing ofblank NSs, free drug suspension (BG) and BGNS5 on A549 humanlung cancer cell lines.

Figure 8: Percent hemolysis of optimized NSs (BGNS5) incomparison to polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), ethylcellulose (EC) and puredrug (BG).

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4 Conclusion

Brigatinib loaded nanosponges were prepared byultrasonic-assisted emulsion solvent evaporation tech-nique. From eight formulations BGNS5 nanocarrierscomposed of BG (180 mg), EC (400 mg) and PVA(40 mg) was optimized based on the characterizationresults; particle size (261.0 nm), PDI (0.301), ZP(−19.83), EE (85.69%), DL (17.69%) which direct theinvestigator for further evaluations. FTIR, DSC peaksreflect of drug-polymer doesn’t have any physico-chemical interactions, the drug was integrated andencapsulated in the polymer matrix, XRD diffracto-grams represents drug was completely dissolved withpolymer and nanosponge available in amorphous form,the spherical shape with porosity nature of nano-sponges were visible in the SEM images. In-vitro releaseshowed 86.91 and 62.35% drug release in the first fivehours for BG drug suspension and BGNS5, respectivelywhere, as from optimized nanocarriers drug continuesto release in the sustained manner for about 12 h. Themathematical release equations represent drug releasewas followed Higuchi model with anomalous non-Fickian release kinetics. MTT assay exhibited the dosedepended on cell apoptosis activity against A549 cells,with hemolytic testing confirmed biocompatibility offabricated NS and its suitability for human adminis-trations. The stability study as per ICH guidelinesshowed BGNS5 formulation was stable for more than3 months (12 weeks) with no-significant variation inparticle size, EE%, DL% characterization. Henceforth,BGNS5 was considered to be an optimized formulationof brigatinib showing anticancer activity against NSCLCwith sustained drug release and prolong anticanceractivity.

Acknowledgments: This project was supported by theDeanship of Scientific Research at Prince Sattam BinAbdulaziz University under research project no. 2020/03/16569.Author contribution: All the authors have acceptedresponsibility for the entire content of this submittedmanuscript and approved submission.Research funding: This project was supported by theDeanship of Scientific Research at Prince Sattam BinAbdulaziz University under research project no. 2020/03/16569.Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare noconflicts of interest regarding this article.


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