joseph h. beach & and...

-,.„•?fir&-.. 3 VOL XIV. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY; SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2,1884. NO 9 lii PUBLISHERS AND rH<Jl'UIETOkS. OMca on Blickwoll Straot neit door to th. national TJuior. Bauk. ASVEATUINO KATXS. HUM. | 1 «• 12 WSH- | ^ 1 Inch 2 ' 2 " DOVER, N. J. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor HUI'KT-SS iimlCiirvingt'C Tl/f AtlLuS HTNBV, JKO.V KJU liUJLDINO, ])OVEH, N. J. JOSEPH H. BEACH &SON iSLEIGHS BEPAIEING A. B. BERRY, CHKSTI'Hl, N. J., p BO. O. CUUMINS, M. D., GliNEHAL I'JUC'm'IONEll, USD fcU'ECIiLlST INTHE THEATMKN'i 01' HALAItlAL DISEASES. OFFICE AT THE STICKLE UQVHK, novwi, N. J T O.KIEIIWIBTH.E.M. DOVEK, K. J. ANALYSES OF OUEH AND HINEMALS, srjtVJil'S OP MINES. TTwTi H u R¥ERT~ iDI'EHINTUNDENT OF l'UBUU SCHOOLS OF HOIIUTH COUNTY. OH-'IL'K AT H. H. Hrtf-XWS KI'OIiK, DOVER, N. J. ELY, THS TAILOR, NEXTTOPARHEE ,t CIAliK'S .-OVl'll. Btviisfi Huit* iiiftilu fn niiicr frniti .-(.'> to 930. '•' 1'intH i " » " Ovei-f«i:tta liiiiil.-to ur'Jfrlrom f 15 to ?H'I Purciianera ire mi-lur in oui^ath.ii to laUc H l l i r T> A. JJ15MNETT, M. D. tna THVSKIIAN ASD SnnaEos, DOVER, N, J. DincisoB nf woiii'iii ami children, and <i[ tlie e^oaEiIcBf, BpedalllcB. OFFICE I StoS A.?J. Huuns.) 1 to 8aml7 to 8 P. M. On ami after April 1st will liavo bis cfTifn on •obtaDCl llnor of Hnlrliottiti UmUUnjj. Itesl- ilence, cflrncr of Qold and Chestnut Stroela. ^iglit cflllH al^ rciTdi-nw. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X' J. DBASE, CAIlPKNTEIt AND BUILDER, ST-INIJOPE, N, J. Contracts for ImlUirRH takoii Irian tlie ei faviiliiic n( tlio crllar, and iimu-rlala tnruiMiod, AUnSiisd. Dfiocft, J{!ii«K M«n!rfinc<g, I'onts ltoiillni' l-'cltun.l Masons' AlaU-naiB const mill on hsu<i. Slate moling. 8 l.v FRANK GIBS, MASON AND BUILDER, DOVEIt N. J. Oonlmeta litUen ami mati'mU roruiKbcil, Sloiie (iml Uriel: Work, PlnRtcrinK and Joliliins promptly ultt-udeil to. OrJurp leftfttWilliam II. Jiafcei's alorj will roceivt i A 1 v. x, flEEn, SAIISIPAEILLA, SODA^'ATE SlirtARS, TOBACCUS, Ac. POOL AKDBILUUtD TAlJLE. birbtr uliopiiicoiinoi'tlouwilli tlio pixilr OLIVER S. FREEMAN, Carpenter and Builder, has romovtil to Tlmrbcr'n new tuildlng, in tin* rear of tiio Ccntrul Bailioad tlrnv bridge, NEAR THE CANAX BASIN. tfS- Jolibing siid rcpairinff promptly atlcndcilto. Alciigoiiwrioncc in tlio IIUBI- ncsH, will, I(n'l](!vo,enn(jio mo to RITO satis- faction to all cuntuHiorn. Con tracts takcu ami materiila turnialiml. JOHN DRUMMKU'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING A , sy§sex STREET, (betnuentlic MANSION HOUtiEflnd Depot,) I)OVEH; X. J. Tho place Ha* l.ecti cutirt'lv r«fltleil in & ncai m&nnner. LADIflH'and ClIILPltEN'8 HAII1 utririN sEoiwn MARTIN & BUCK, Iks, 5p ul tainlal Fiiiki, GRMNEH9, OILDEHB and I'APER HAKtl- KltS, CouLiaota taken niulmntormtufurniHlie.l. Rwmsdecpratpi] in frescoo stvjcu. llivlEf, 1 a ihTOuEli knowledge of linimo and elfin jminl. Ins*. Wo tool competent tn mart 1lio uemaiiJn ofsll. l'aiut Uiov of er Miss Whiles nicllincrv itorv, ncil to YougUt SKillsoru'i tlniK score. P.O. Pot IBS. A specialty ttiade of uteueil cntting. J. 3kARTin - ' 19-lV A. BDOK. KANOUSE & M0LLER r in DRY GOODS. OHOCEItlliS AKD I oMmhlml rori'iiloJim-tit 11 'IIOVIHIONH, LKATHEIl AM) I'INUIKGH. BOOTS AKD tJJJWSBUi fvdi-rj (straw, Inbaa I'tn.amllii hutoTbrvtliiiiK wliiwh i- RtucrsillT kept iu a country nfcitv. [ sill nil my jiiolt at low IS,-iin<a. (Jail nml sin my stock auil Ut THE OLD STAND. ONION HALL BUILDING, ElackivdlUtrttt, Dovor, Hot Air Furnaces, Of tho latubt umal improved 6lyli>H, Tit ,OTdJB]>uU!c,-Jidr.rh«to luiWiiifn. A Lr«. OOOH, l'.UiLOll, UEATJNO STOVES, RANGES, D. MOLLER'S IJOVKlt, IN. J. nl and phoi-<l in pmitiot! THltKI FI.NI; saw KBKOSESEOIL. LANTKHNH/IND DIHTTANIA WAltE, A /U)flSSOllWHIltI'f TIN & JAPAN WARE, lT CANS, &a, TIN HOOFING, EAVEB.'f HOUGHS, LEADEHK, nnd till liiiulB of Juljbiiig h, my lino, joiio in the boat tnamicr and at tho sliortesi ottce, llifjlinF.t iirk-eii paid for old Iron. Copper leal atid \-mlar tulien iu cichaii '' E °° dB ' ALEXANDER WtGUTON. December 21th. 18T0. 1-lvr GENTS. 2B CENTS. H £ 3 (D tn J[. V. B. SEARITO, CARPENTER and BUILDER, HLACKWELL Br., DOTElt, N. J. ni!r-ttiidKpc'eiflcfltiotwfyrl*!ii!ilJii?ii,OuulrielB takejj andin 11 eti al Kfaro tube d, Slate Roofing 1 With better facilities I ain tjonbleil to put m SLATE 1L0QFS cheaper than ever using O but tlio best quality of sluto ood em- ing flrst'cJufis nieolmnici- I Ciin grinr- c t e material and wotk in fsvery particu- lar. Tur Sheathing Felt always on hnnd. Dnti;d Octahor lath. 1880. Fool Tables frum tho ci'lcljrati>il nmunlucKiry til" .1. 51 MCNJiWJCK .V BALKh. OECHESTRION Ltnh ali;<i jimt brtn anpi'licd with new muni •Atn\ IVill doli^lit IllU |mtl'«[!H Hi tlin llullw lll^M tiiaiievi!' 1 , lunmiiiiij,' inuuic ninnt to n b Larni i»l r(li.l.ciB GEO. EHKJSlT'K UKLEliMTEII LAGER BEER always on dratiRbt ami tin bunt or WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS always provided fur tbu patrons nf MQLLER ! 8 OPERA HOUSE AND BILL1AUD IIOOHB. NOTICE. Estate of Jaincs S. Dicker- son, deceased. P UrtSUANl'to tliu onltT of tin; SurroijitE of this (J;mnty ot Mwris, made an the thirlmth day of Niwmijer. A. HJOII c-ijjlil iHiudrwl and oiRluy. tlirep, H aiuhttliet'BtfttotiiJiiii]cfia,DiclcrrtOH,Iati"rVi tliu Caiiulf ol JInrriK, dt-ccatcd, to |>LCI :al ilic Tiber, on or beroro Uiu tlurtJcUi UJJ- 1 August lint, luing nine niuntliri Ironi I 1 1 "l-i ° brine°in 'an/'iIiibH hiH°Vr "he? cl»i! iou'tWctor ngni'iist tho JWntnc'" Catt'Jtbttliirfio))! day ufSnrtmbtTi.n.lBh ALONZO 15. MCKEliSON, Ex:cut«r, 1 Chester, N.J. TM. T. ALLT1N. S.J.PALMEII. ALLEN & PALMER, BU1LDEHS, Doror, W, 3". SHOPS ON ESSEX ST. E.DUM&BR0. mproved Low Pressure Steam Heating Apparatus TUG IV1MV JE«SEY w, 704fc7CG BROAD STUEET, NRWAKIT, N. 3. oimj* n>eti niiil lailics. OataloffiiM ami Colit^ an:r« ire.-. A3- VISITORS WELCOME. -&& G.'V.MILLUR, Principal. MRS. J. WITHERIDGE'S d all innnntir nf nrivalu ami public MILLINERY STORE Fan CHOICE '' j Fall and Winter Goods Tlio hltstjtjlM Mil GiT0Mr«C[ bo I Caf UJio Jatcfit styhn nml newest diiBign 104 MARKET St., NEWARK. I NOBbio to ^ W G^TJM . Cni j THE IKON EBA. nod Hew Ycrk pnrerB can b | f d h t j . | found DU her J.J.VREELAND, j CARPENTER AND BUILDER, unter. MH8. i. WITUEUIDOE. DOVEE, N. J. WILLIAM KING (snccissan. TO BOTTLED LAGERS ALE, PORTER, MINSEAL WATEES, CIDER, olo.,<l miOLKSALE iNB BliTAIl.. DOYEH. N. J. READY FOR THE TRADE MRS. 3E0. FARE, PQltTORA__,N.J., iu » hri» ilook ol VAtti HTLUSEIIT ofl >U Hnd.,»lilcl1«ho IIM-Jill itcd.ed (torn )!•> To.k, which ilia InltDdi toi«i| >t tll pft aoindihuf|«l«k; )!•> To.k, which ili pfttti. aoindiw nFrlCE«,l|..i»..|! 11.. IH»,n.nml,,rC,n,.j BOOT AND SHOE MAKEll. \J jif>iiyH mill. CuiitrmjlB Ijiiicn, ami p^nf, I ' ,,.cillcaU,.ni .11.1 niulcri.l.nfcrerrtln.l for.! IlOTOr, BJ. J. islii'd fiir lini 1.1 IHKH. JolihiiiK s Bi'i'cialtj. 1 ™. . , . CI —TIT DnrtCIHr* clicsply sod promptly flour. Suit (a (,lii Pree- Hltttf rnrn.Blttsil from U10 1>JHI .jnarrlps l'i I •" tho pnialj ((mniity or cur [nad, nnd InitI, if d c CHAS. G.GRIFFEN, CARRIAGE PAINTER, Shop an Clinton St, Dover. An eippricnco of 15 years in Dotot on the finest work, tlio jnuinntfn I offer or my blUtT ID pSMiothfl public My motto ig "Ofo, &ctlon to til." Mr County Collector's Notice 1 I will be it the offleo or lbs Snrrofrite, Her- riitovn, fot tho tnuaatlon or Oannt; bnii- 3!tonta rt* wk»nd »t tte Dfflen of Notice of Settlement. iticn ia litTtby uivtD lliat Urn iced. the fQlPcnlcr, 'tfscciitnr of Alitadai Dorrn.iltcciac-d, will Losurtitulunrt Mi llio Hiirro^ato, ami rcpnrli'il fur cilili 11 llio Orjihiim' Criirt of l|ji; (Vninlr (,f I in Monday llic lliiril iluy nf Hhrcli'iii-il LYHAN U.l'IKI DatPilDoe, I2tli,ISSL J. J. BACKOFFS WHOLESALE TRADE WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS ITS of ths b«l| ud bo wislioi tbo dealora Ibtocuhoiit thlioonuty wocM gho lilm t »lt (KIIIDU *iH ur Ibuiii) beFarfl bnjipg olio- vnora. Allorawisont by.null vfll recelrc p ""*"""" uwnn, At the close of oacli season we usually fini on our hands a few pairs of Boots and Shoe: of OUT OWE raannfacture made to measure fo: customers who failed to call for them or fo: other reasons that every manufacturer in th business experiences. The sizes rua as fol lows: 2 pair Men's French Calf, plain toe, button, one pair 8 C, and one pair 6 1-2 D. 1 pai: Men's London Toe Tip, "imitation of lace, Congress, 9 D. 1 pair Men's plain Gongresi 6 0. 2 pair Men's Patent Leather Fancy Top button ; one pair 6, one pair 7. The above sizes are made of the best mate rial and workmanship, and cost from $6 tc $8 to make them ; andin order to close them out before March 1 st, our annual stock taking date, we have decided to offer them at thi uniform price of $5 per pair. We have also the following sizes in boots : 1 pair Men's French Calf Morocco Leg Tongue Boots, 80 $4 00 1 pair American Calf, 8 C, - - - - 4.50 Kip, 7D. - - - - 4.00 i pair best French Calf Boots, all 8 C and D, from - $5.50 to $6, The above few pairs were all made for prices ranging from $7.50 to $9.50. and any one investing in any of the above sizes wil surely get from 25 to 40 per cent, more value than he pays for- HEAGAN & Go., Opp. D. L.fir,W. Depot. BRUEN &BDNNELL, i k ffoyl's iiii Bucket Pin Hi Htccl chim au.l Cansulsi spnu-c tn 1 Im-li ii; t-isti'lohM, Thi'j {-ivc thf I»'«t <>f * •on. Tlicv ala»l;fi'!' IH »toc3i " TJJI5 NEW L'HIE" lli.t-Air, Oin nml Uiisc-Iiiis-nii ilaor ntnvc, tliu best lnUiiiU Mtivw In tl •Id. Mmy, a i;;rfiu !.tm.rtii»':it urutliCi' »tyl( ItiofeinR StiiVPH. KariK« la . Carlur 8(ovn«, Ac HUMHEK AND WISTEU UKK. A^o. icu Block of IIkHDW.VllB, OUHilJltl, ss, WoDiieu, Copper, I'laiu and J&panriiid 'IKWA11R. Oil UliitliB, Carpets, LampB, its nmlOih', birrfCafies, Font hern, Prmf* fltrr.1 Oil ,'noti iijploaivo. I \Uo, ilcalcrHin CAL. itcioliiiKi riijmttidff (Kiel Jcrll iVdfl. llio'akH Tin a I HO ;nlt'B In front of their plat'ti cii m nmnufnctiircrs ol Duniiell's adr-Ti CIIIUJ: Wire Bprinj; Btd llottom. PIANOS, ORGANS, ASD ALL 1UHDS OF Musical Instruments! GjlANJ) ANNOUNCEMENT. Send for ccitnlogiiu or live cunt ,u<tic. New ormiiiH Huld lorSO ints i>cr wttcli. WM. S. WRIGHT, Biackwell St., Dover. N. J. MOREIS COUNTY MACHINE &IRON Co. DOVEH, N. J. STEAM ENGINES, AIR COMPRESSORS, RON and flUASS CASTINGS, 3KaiN3of ill DE3RIFTI0NS, tBP. THE KISING SUN" YEAST! IRE, HEALTHFUL, (U1EAP, HWEET, DUOALLE, DEBT. JJAKTJFlCICnCD BY ho Seneca Falls Yeast Co., (LIMITED.) APK Totiii onocEti ron ITI J.6.ROCKEFELLER, ov TUX ; OiTIUE IS BANDEUBON'a DU1LD1KQ, B n u i &r., DOTI>> K. /• Jis- IJULOW \0\J WIUi USD k LIST 01 TIHC AliriCLIi.i fllVEN AWAY itY TH MO.-iS lHJ.SKtE\ HLTtf, CfllKA, JO PIECES, TOIICICLAIN " " " CHINA " '• '• ;l WIlITECIIiNlTB " " ' C, C. WUJB " ' . •' ' EsaLMn WILLOW " •' ' IIHINI5 " " > CLARET " " • SWISS " " ' Eight dtflTerent sixes of Lamps, Jlaas Castors, Plated Castors, T o r Se<a f»r Chililreu, (Clii V.TS, White Granite ttnd a*; three nizee of h\uit I Ms li- es; till kinds of Tumblers, Gob? lets, Wino (ilaitt>es, D e c a n t e r s , WHISKY 0LA3SES, GLASS NAI'PIliS, w. q. NAPPIES, W. 0. IlllTTEtl PISIIKS, CH).\A LUSTRE PLATRfl, (IG C'Ul'S, UOLABSES JVm, GLASS BETS. VKQETAOLE DlfiUKS, 1'LAITEKS, CROCKS, IHTTOONB OR CDai'ADORES.orall kinds; TOILET SETS, ol difleront gr»dca, VASES! VASES! Immense Attractions! We call the special atten tio;i of custoiHers to this branch oConr business. We can sell them clieuiior thiin any house in New York. Also our China Cups :iiul Saucers, Decorated Mous- tache Cups, of all kinds, and numerous oilier goods. We have this week received a new stock or Teas and Coffees uy \TP liRvn liart Hinco ou ilus to Unver. tr CALL AKD SEE D8. -£• If. T. k ill TEA CO., BLACEWELL St., DOVER. U. J. C. RHOADES, Nursery and Greenhouses MOIUtlbS;., MOBBISTOWN, H,J. OPPOSITE THE PARK. PLANTS and NURSERY STOCK OF ALL KINDS. FLOWER GARDENS i>itu> OUT HID oiBJto roa. CUT FLOATERS iT ALLUEASOSS. Thorburn's Flower Seeds FOR SALE. • T TELEPHOSE CALL 18i. IS-lr BBPAIRINQ BONE. Ton can get TOOT inwliix tnaoiilnea, gtmi, looki, eto,, lepilrcd in good onlorby J. T. BURRELL. Ordon mar bo left it th» Blnscr nuwhlne offlov ODBlMkvsll at, DoTir. Of AMSWXB. BT S«I BIBTWICt THOBPS. , wo mlu the train at B " " But cat't you mflte It, itt t" die gaapea, "Iropogsflile; It leave* at tlttw, Aud wo on due at quarter put. "Is there no way t Oil, tell ^ Are you a ChtUtiant " I am not,* "And am there none among tbe men Whoranthe (mint" "2To, I&t I tliiuk tiiis felluw over b9», Oiling tlie engine, oMxaa to be." Slie throw upoa the engineer A fair face white vtth agony. "Arejon » Christian t" "Yet, I an," " Then, 0air won't you pray witU me, All tlio long wftj, thtt God will iliji 'J'dat God wiH iold the twin «t B )" " 'Twill 4o noflood,it'» due at fluee And'—" Yes but God can lioU the train My dying obiid Mculling me, And I must ROB her faoa ageio> Oh,wOI.'tyoupmyt" "Iwfll"aiwd Emiiiiutlo, as no takes his plow. IVuoii Clirlstlana grasp tlto arm of God They gnu]> tlie power that rules tlie rod, Out from tho (Utlon swept tna trait), On time, swept ou poet wood and lea) Tliu cugdinor, with oheuki eitatne, Prayed, " 0 Lord, linld the train at B— Tliun flung tlie throttle vi&6, and UlW Koino glmtt mouRter of tho plain, With pnntlrg aldoa una ralgbty Birides, P««t hill And rnlloy swept tho trait). AImlf, nniimito, two oro gained | Along thu»o buruklnd lines of steol, Hi» (rlutiocB Icitp, oauh nerve U Btralned, Aud still Uoi>ru,\it with fervent inal. Kuiirt, biuid uud hraln, witl one nooord, Wort while bla prayer asocndB to heaven, " Jtiat liold tho train eight minutes Ld And I'll wafco up tlie othtr sereu," With rush uud roar through meadow lands, r»H <ottngohome*, and groea lilUadles, 'Iho punting thing obeye lilt hauda, Aud spueila along with giant itridei. llicy nay annooideut dolnyod '.' The truiu a little while, hut Ho f WlioUHtQneilwulle tha ohihlna prayod, fa answer, lield the train at B—. Tna YOUTH'S COHPASJOH Affected fcimjjliollj' js refined i turn. . Ono nf Mm lublitaest tliingB in tin world is plairiratkt : " •;; TiiflM mukoperfeotiot:, butpetfeotli Mlf la IH» trifle. Tin' rtitdii-st nnd surest wny to cet rii c^DHtim i» In oniTeDt ourselves. Whoso keejietlj liia moiUb ao lUgap, ttepatli Ilia nonl from troubles. Nothing ia so treacherous na vunity, BO igDoraot of v/kal beootoos itsslf. A noblu lienrt, like tba sun; sliovetl gjreatest coafitenQnos fnUs lowest t*tas/\ ,'•;•; _' v 1 ; •" •""••;•• e Jjjtrdest fjiul of the lioiirt is fbetbpr it can bear a rival's failure with' it triumph; Those beings are ODIJTfitfor solitadi 'bo like nobody, and are like nobody, tod ore liked by nobody. It is the worst of errors to suppose at tbere !a a n ; otLer pafli to safety !ieapt tbut of duty, Ofivo work ntiier (Iiaa aiiqs id (he >QtiV.' Tb? former drives out inJolonco io bitter indnsl.r.j'. Ladies of fnalaiou einrve thoir bappi ies3 to feeO their vanity, ami their love feed their pride, We onybt not to Jmjgo moii'u merits iy their r^ualifloittious, but by the us ey mnko of llioni. Any miio uiay do « casual net of gooi .lure, but n continuation oE them KIIOW ia njxirt of tlicit* temperament. Wo Kcliiom condemn nmnkind till they ve injured us, uuii when thvy havo Idoiu do niiyiliiiig but ilotetit tlieia for io iujury. Affectation is ccrlniuly deformity ; by irraiog tlicmselvcs on fitnlnslic inoJels yoimg begin with being riJicul ><\ often end in b^in^ vicious. 'control ih pfuuiutuil by liuraility. 1'riiloisiifruitfulF'Jiirci. 1 of nmnslr U kc'i'jis tho iiiimi in discjiiiet. lity ia (be antuMts to tliistcvil. NL>IV Y(ir![ f.'i)s ivwir silvrr solhirs iy t.iellH. This niukes ii«ita sin uildi- in to ibe conciirts. A Ijiiuisvillo clergyman will rot op- iiiidng among bis clinrch muiubcr.- t.liu gciiiiiiiieu will duiiuo iu OUD ruutu d tbu Indies in another. U'hey talk of ting (lie [iicitfilicr. A WilHiuusport yotilb aent fifty cents it Seiv York «j;m to Jearn how to h •m swciii'injr, and it>ociveil in reply : Dun't open youi' moutb." Hc baa jro ever sinct!. — WiUiamsport CfHp, ' It uinst bavo been slippery weather en the prodigal son returned." The mlem ninn nskeil, "yfity in your opin- t was it slippery?" "Because," re- ucd the small boy, " tho old man fell Ijisueek," " When I married Ooorgiana," mid mok, "my folks told me I was foolish wed a girl who didn't know lion to die a rolling piu. Lord, bow they isjudgod her 1 Do yon see iliat lamp my head ?" Tfio young man who was kicked oat bis tsweettaentt's father eays: "I d no objections to tbe old woman's too being thronn after us when tlie redding was over, but lossiog the old ic'a boat before tlie oven I is quite an- :ber nfiair, nod it hurtmj feelings," Mnmma,' Bald a KUlo Oovtngton , "what doea.'leluffa' mean?" Vibf, my child I don't know. I never enrd snob a. word. Where did yon i?" "Pupaisaia it" "Whf^r Sunday morning. I hoard himtoil Mr, mesthat clanrcb was a beluffa plnoe to when [lie Soiling wae BO gne." ,'^hob.eiatbe pesa o? Thermopyla iast the Persian host ?" demanded i teaooor. And the editor's hoy at tbe it of tbo class spoko ap end said: Fallior, I reckon; liehoHa anaconol ovary road in tho country that rans a issenger train. He went aphead— ter the rest of the olnis vent home. I l l take wliiBky; irhnt will ycu bavs red V said a man in a New York Ba- in. "I don't tedHko drinking, "said 'red. Thefirstspeaker poured oat a na glass of whisky, drank half of and handed the roat to his friend, re- irking with a rya face: "There's aomc- R themuttor witb that utoff. -Try it." red. finished the liquor, The first; peaber laid ten cents upon ibe bar, and iey walked oat. "That's mew game," irked toe bar-tender to a New. York _,.— kindly in tbo jrning; it lightens tlio cares of tbe .ny and mflkcfl tbe household m& its affiiirsaovealongmoresmootljJy. Sponk * i a illy at nigtit, for it may lie that before awn some loved one may JJnisti bie or jr space of life for ibis world, cm! it ill be too late to ask forgiveness. Free Trade Pret«nalon§. Tbe argnmetit for free trade is sal •fjotiatly ufollows; TndiDff iaa natozi right Tbe world is tbe markut. In thai market all Bhoald be free fo pnrebaae cleaply as possible. Certain articles, iron and iteel in Epglon3( and silks France, cap ba produced more cheap], than liere, Henoe we should freely opei oar markets to those forefgn gooda, that oar people nmy lmvo tbe benefit of loiresl prtees. Another Icee trnfa urgu msntls.tbat protective tariflfs build lolits, favor tbe few sod enrfi them at tlie expenso of tha many. Then poiDta faiily itate, we tblnk, the corret Dlnirae of free traders. We bare on tbe Bpace in ibis article to detl with tl Btst DS these arguments. ToJt ibei aro several oogeut and even overwhelm' in? answers, 1. Let us set off agninst tbe general itnlement of the free trade view tl equally general statement of (ha pro teotioniot view. This is tbat tlie rigbi of tbe few are BubordiDate to tbe tjgli and ioteteata of tbe many. A man lin tbe right to so', up a elangbter-houBc, bat if tliis becomes a nuisance to oth< it OBD be obatett oen nuiaanoe. AH pr< teeliouiafs boli to fres trade emoag th< States of this Uoiou, We have a com Dion interest and lence freatmde bi ,wecu tboStates, because of tbelr pollti oal affinities, ia sccepted by all. favor free trade in all praduola which d< Dot ooma IDto competition with those o! our people. We import ten and coflee and mnay other articles in large uae free of duty. Why ? Bponnse tbey ari recognized as uot iu competition wit! )ur proilucls, and am in general use imong our people. We are opposed to free trade where tbo nrtilne leaded in, ipiaidg from a /oreign coantiy, competoe vitb, and ao effects those of our owi ., iolerested, directly or lad reolly, in the same prod not or mancfao lure. So wjare all free traders as t< home markets, aad with regard to for- eign products in genera! me among on: [leopfe, and tbat do not oompele witli Tlie ieine narrows, tliei'efore, ti competitive foreign products. Let this, tben, be kept clearly in mind. 2. Tbete is an implied HBBumpti iimoug free traders ttiut some other lountry practice} free trade, and that Ii doptiog it we nre reaoiiiog tip to (hi ligbest plane ou tMs subjeot. Englaiu 1 mnntty jegnrded as a free trado nation pcauso sbe ndrooates it as a theory, Ingla&d levies n tariff da wines, spirits, obncoo, andotliBr arUoles, tooa eitenl tbut giveB her a'leveuae from Uiis sonroe ibout equal to wliot tliia country re- ceives from alt sources. There is not, practice, &ftea trading nation in tbe riiized world. And vitbiu tbe pQBl fenryyoars, in building up her com meroial marina, England has employed llio protective or aubudy priuoiple ao Wrongly as (u compel France, Italy and tormauy to adopt tbe BRIDG policy. So is OR utter absurdity to claim tbal luglaui] or iinyotberis & frca trading ittioD, Slid simply wants free trade r liere bcr iuteceats call fur it, but not ijwheroelee. 8. We utteriy deny Hint (rea traile icnpmin tbu market. Xbia peiiut bus teen jjructieuJJy tesled inthis country iiml over. Wo have bntl to many g»39 iu out tariff luws, trom protec- hirifl'ri to practical keo trade, that qiu'Htioii bus been tested seve mos. Our fathers, on the formation io govornment, stintnil uiit to protect iijJnslrJL's, A number of years cl before! lliov could ascertain just would ben iirutcctivc duty. Iu •a couipolitivo struggles Hint ensued ices were marked down. When at it we hidprotective tariff prices m .uciij, BO doubt, but that of labor a<l- ucuil iitk'iistiu equul ratio. When ; Uivift' waH tnken ofl' nnd the panic uf ^117 foliaweil J»rico3 were luw, but that hiboi was lower audintense eufferiug is general. When the tariff of 1842 'fia luioptcii louuiifuclurea revived, and bile prices udvauced lluit of Ubor waa IHD more favored than any oiber, iiev tlie alidiiig scale, by wbioh wo rifted buck again into tho ad volorein iriCT, labor Bufi\:ml us mUiiBlries wont »wn. Tlie pouic of 1857 found the ifion prostrate. Ttie point liore is that 0 cheapness 01 dearuoss of a market notflbsolutp, but relative. What la- ir will purchase is tlie renl teat—not >w much a pound oacliof acvaml orti- lea may cost. IE tnau'a work in a week ill, iu high market, purchase more imforts for bib family tlian it will in a market, be is benefittuJ. And it is well settled heb tlmt labor onnoot Iio remunorated wlieu our markets aro nened tb rough tbo competition ot ireiga labor. BattUiB point admit3 of absolute tie- msttation. It bna been foaml that lien our industries baro been protected mg enough to get on their feet onr lanufnotares do compete in cheapness id quality witli those abroad. We to* iy manafaoturc cotton goods against to world. Btogtand has been compelled adulterate her aotloo taaanfiiotnrcs in *der tou bold tba oriental markets oit ns. And sbe lias eren forged trade marks of American bouses, id coarse cottan clotbs wbiob before ie tariff of 1624 sold nt 24 cents per ird, were aider it reduced to 7) cents, iefore via bad developed (be mnnafno- re of steel rails tbo price was $160 per Din gold, egnul tben to 8235 in onr irraaoy. Now tbey ara $35 per ton. ifl tnriffon steel rails it «bnt btonglit Iliis industry in this country, and the iform experienoe has been that when ir tariff* have been reduced aud tbe i c&pitul of Europe has succeed- in crippling or destroying our mono- itutes tbe prices have been largely od- .need. We ha?o always been compelled pay tbe cost of our ruin, Just as tlie ccessful nation in war makeB tha de- 'cafed nation pay the expense, BO has it ieen witb oir, tariff. Germany made payatbousacd millions of <3oU irs for tbe war of Sedan. Wbo knows >v macb England has taxed us on roken ioduBtries i—PhHaielphia Oatt. Bli OoMFOBTiDLS ok well fell, aro well dressed, and alt Must bove &good income, I pre ime?" "0, yes," replied Koscinako. I can't complain. I have ay salary, *,500 ; then I make (600 a year by my •erarj labors, that makes $2,000 ; then rua ia debt $1,000, that mates 83,000. single man who coaldu't subsist on ;hat ought to ba ashamed of himself." Texas 8jfUngt.__ A woman's bojrf, like tic moon, ii [ways changing; bat there is always a loan in it. A BIT OF BECBBV HISTOKT. AMAZING LETTER FEOM JCDAH E BENJAMIN. TEAS VB3t SOUTH SHOTOD BOMB AUXOUX0B 10 tlBUT BHTUIH- DBEIB0V8 VOB AH ABMTO0BAOT—SOME " AIiBBlDX ADBBEStlKO KICK OTBBB [The followiDg letter fram Judati BeiijamiE, tben United Bt&tes Senato; from Louisiana, to tbe British Consul New York, van left unoaft Thnrlow Weed's pftpere, nnd Is given in tbe v< ume of memoirs of his grandfather wbioh Tburlow Weed Barues U so CBrryJoff tnroagb tbe press, It is repro doced here front tlie advance sheets that volume.] Judah P. Benjamin tothe Britith Chnsv in Few York. KEW- 1'ODK, Aag. llth, 1860. DEAR StB:—I exceedingly regret you absence from Niw York at this time, tbo important objeot of my visit is have a persoaal and coufldeatial intei view with you. My apology for 1MB breach of couvei tional aeflge, in presamicg Io addiesa 'ou without the formality of an illtrc Inclion^may bepardoned inootwequcfr if tbe very extrnordinary nature of tb< business which induced me to approacli you without tbe friendly intervention i a third patty. Indeed, it would notoul rare beeu unwise bat actually dangerous [or me to bate even borne a letter o: inlroduolion. Having assumed tbe whole responsi' bility ot this very critical stop, I oannol tod much caution »ud cuouoispeo- tionto insure my personal BOIO succoasfal aooomplislimeat of tbe lion I liuve in yiaw. Therefore prefer trusting my own judgment ii appro&oliing a genteel stronger OD HQCI busluetB, to tbat of bringing into m; lervice tbo scrawls of Governors or members of Congress with whom, par- laps, yoa are as little soqasioled aa myseU. ofSclal 'oonfldenoB which you: sectm to reposo in yon, by our charge ils great com- mercial affairs in lbs most importon! ity on this continent, X think is nuffl eot to warrant me ia tracing to yum ItBorellon, patriotiim and loyalty secret of tbe greatest importance am Interest to Her Britannic Majcsty't ingdom. Tbe present tliBaslroas condition ol political offdirs in tbe United Slates [whicli has ao parallel ID tlie past history the country) seems to have split thi xeat Uemooratio party into many con- tending fuotiooB, all of wliicb are so angry after tba public spoils tbat its [ieintegrated parts render them an easy trey to tbo opposing Black Republicans The doctrines matntaioed by ihoEe- lblionn party are so unsuitable to tho rent interests ot the whole Sooth tbal in election of their candidate (which is imost cBftain} amounts to a totnl d ruction of all plantation interests, hicb the South, as sure QS there is n ia Heaven, will uut submit to. 9ooner than yield to tho arbitrary dic- >f traitoraua allies and false friends 'bo have proven reoreact to the solemn ligations of our old Constitution, we ill either secede from tbe Union and a flopmitte GovrtrumeQt, or, upon icrtnin eomHtioun, at once return Io our egiance Io Great Britain, our Mother witry. Many, very many of the most wealthy influential planters tlirongliuut the ith havo already discussed this at- truativc, in tlie ovt-nt oE tin; election ol Lincoln, noil tiio populnrity of the opomtiun aeunii to pass from out? to lotber almost with uu elastic rapidity, true Uiey havo mutle uo public moustration »f their intentions, fur ch a coiirsu would bo attended •oful couscquaiiccs nt this time, BUT :HE PEAK mun HE FULLY nrPE BEFORS Discontent Utbe want of self-reliance; it la tbe infirmity ot*m Bepentance without amendment ia like oontintuUr putuping withont mend- ing tha leak, It is certain that either wise bearing or fguorflnoe um'age ia daaght, as men take disease one of another. If ire do bat Mnow howlittle some en- joy of the great things they possess, there would not be maoh envy in the world. Open yoar mouth and parse cautiously and your etoak of reputation and wealth shall, at least iu rtipate, be great. Wounds and hardships provofeo our courage, aod when onr fortunes are ut tbe lowest, our wits andminds are com- monly at tbe bast. Believe nothing against another but on good authority > ' nor report what may hurt auofher, unless it ba a greater hurt o another to conceal it. By desiring what is perfectly good, even when we don't know what it is, and cannot do what ve would, we are part of ;lie divine power against evil. Weigh not to mncli whet assert, as vbat ibey prove; remembering that truth Is simple and naked, aud neetU not invention to apparel her oomeliuess. Alas! if tbe principals of contentment are uot within us, tha height of station worldly grandeur will as soon add a cu- iit to a niaa's stature as to his happ't- »s. A vise and good man will turn exam- plea of all sorts to his own advantage, Tbe good be will make hu paterns, and strive to equal or excel them. Tbe ba<l j will by all means avoid, Baplaeaeea and effemioacy liare ruiuod more conscitutions than were ever dt>- ilroyed by excessive labors. Moderate >xercise and toil, so far from prejudicing, itrengtbens and consolidates tlie body. Next to clothes being flue, they should ) well madfl, and worn easily, for a muu ouly tha less genteel (or & Una coat, if iu wearing it he shows a regard for it, md is not as easy in it as if it were a ain one. Great talents for coiive-antkm should bo attended with great politeness. Eo eclipses others, owi>s them groat ivilities, sod whatever & mistaken vanity may tflll us, it is better to plcaso in cou- creation than to eliuc in it. If our credit bo si well built, so firm bat it is not easy to be ishiikcu by cai- rn ny or insinuation, euvy (beu com- 1 lends UB anl cxtolt) us beyond reason, i tlioso apou wliom wo depend, till thoy row jealous, and so blow us up whim . ley cannot throw U3 down. Gossiping newamougera and babbling Ibouse politicians aro not nlbweil to LOW what is. going on in their very ;<lst. Select dinner pnrtiea como off every .y throuehofit tlie wholo Sovth, ami it one of them ends without a strong icession to our forces, I have even board some of them ad •ess each other by titles already. My object ia approaching you is to Ilivato your friendship, and' procure (irco-operttion iu aid of acccniplisu- ig this graud object of returning to tho imiiiiou of our fathers' Kingdom. irongb your kinJuetB and loylty to Quteo, I am desirous o[ prop 'rly proacbing Her Majesty's Minister . * ngtou Oity, witb n view to the icoraplislioieut of this great end. If will condescend to grant me tho icessary nasistnnce for this purpose, will soou receive the meritorious sward of your most gracious Qneen, d the hearty obeer from every true iton's heart for having aided in the sturn of the National Prodigals. Bepostug that oonfldence in you which ir position in life warrants me in ling, you must at present excuse me not signing my name fot fear of an tddent. This much yon may know, 11 a Southern, and am a member of tagresa, wuose untiripg perseverance II never oeaaa until tbe objeot I have ins boldly undertaken is fully oocom- lisbed. Be so kind as to answer this early as possible. Allow me a per* lal interview, and, if you cannot come New Tort, address your answer to Benjamin," in care of some one at ir office.—THottne. MATELOTE O? CoDnsn.—Uat off the id of a codfish weighing fire pounds. (move bones from tbe fish, andfillit ;th a dressing nuda of half a pint of 'Bters, a scant pint of bread crumbs, a mrth ot a teaspoonfal of pepper, two ;easpooDfals of salt, two tablespoonfolB batter, half an onion, an egg, and If a tablespoonfnl of chopped parsley. ice firs slice of pork both under and rerthoflsb, Boiltliebones ia A pint water and pour this around th& fisb. lake an honr, and baste often with ravey and butter. Have & bouquet of irba in the corner of tbe baking pan. lake a gravy and pour around the flsb, ben garnish vith fried smelts. ^ «*•»••, Ha PAPA'S BEUOJOS.—"8O, myht- boy, yoa would like to join oar Sun- iy-sohool, woulU you ?" said the super- tndBDi, kindly. Yes, Bir," replied tbo boy. " What is yonr nome, did you say ?" •'Johnnie Sirapsoo." " Oh, yea, you are tho son of Mr. impson. LetTOOHOC, is yonr papa a •resbyteiian or an Eftifcopuliio ?" "' No, sir: he isn't either; be's a newa. iper man." A. QunRer's (Vleiull) Stu!Qi>. When Leo's graylmcks wjiii making lieu 1 wuy through Pen!! ay I van in toward sttysburg twoinfantrymen lie longing Piokett'a Virgiuimia raided iuto n Iaaker's house in suntch of eomelbiDg eat, They were met at tlio door by B owner of the premiseg, who asked : Are JOH rebela ?" " You bet wo arel" is tbe blunt reply, " And what do ye iab t.ere?" "Fodder, old m»u, uiiJ in't keep us waiting for it," "If theo ; sbcst for something to eat tlion ennst ive it," taid the Quaker to the spobea- ian, "but I trust tbat ye will take iug from tbo house." It was a poor •nut. After the huya had finished their eal one of tliem pocketed it watch ich was hanging on a nail, and tba ter seized upou a silver r ream-pitcher a tobeu of reiaembrimce. " Aio yo eves as well as rebellious citizens ?" dignantly demnuded tbo nan as bB iDfrouled them. " Stand aside and let mt or we'll dumagu you!" " Verily, ill uot Tliou must not robrayhouse," Never mind him, Uill; QmikerB don't ;ht," called thu one iu the rear. " Hit clip on the cliia nml ran for it." Truly, I ahill uot t^ht," calmly ob- ;rved the disciple of I'oun, na he uubhed big nitoYe-1 uuJt>i)i( on lua liuntls; t if iu n frieudly tcufflii to recover ussion of mine own tho robbere .111 get injureJ I a bull not have to iswer to my conscience." There waa friendly BCUDUO " iu thenext York iuule, ami ouc of tlie trio is now si siileiit of Itichuioml, viviJIy icaieoi- HhuviuK Ute jawuchi! for u week uftcr. Wo bis Companion compliiiacd of soro iroat, dizziness, lame back and Je- ireasetl spirits. All the rumarks made :ei' thti sou tile cummeiiced were simply lew words dropped by the Quaker to i effect that: *• I nm torrj to put 30 out, aud eorry to damago thee, hut is Jjetttr that ibou Bbonldst go thy ys up the pike toward destruction." lie failed oa llu Editor. It was high uoon, tbo editor's lunali* >n hour, but the editor sat in hk office. had determined to do without lunch llidtdey, because be bid only §2,000 bis pocket, aud he wished to wo ex- itly that sumin tho purebnso of a lirst- ,tfcr dintnond sliirt-atuil, and Lad inght his fiuicr. As he sat poiidcring upon the mula- ility of all thinga human, toying Iho ile wilb a aiflssive tbroc-ply, gold lUDted watch RUnrd, tbo door opened id a visitor catered, whom tlie editor id reason to believe was tie bearer of a ime-honured bill. I wish you—' began tbe visitor. Samatoyouand many returns,' in- rapted tlio editor, as lie arose nnd rasped the visitor's band in a vigorous lup. . Thanfe you,' rejoiced the visitor, 'but was going tosay, I hope yon—•' Well? Perfectly 1 Never better iu life!' iulerpolnted the editor, oom- ifsentely. 'Well, Z don't wonder. It a long walk up liere. I hope SOUK iy WB will have an elevator in the huild- My ob|wt in oalling—' renewed tho ireditor, Bomnrhai feebly. 'How, mj deur fellow, no apologies, I Of course jou know (liat I am a lay man, nnd in your kind desire to iderme the oomplim&ntB of tho season ia fear that yoa may poMibly bavu in* •nded. Of course Xknow your object in oalling. What object bat one could a m have in calling upon another on the first day of the new yearP It is like_yoar houghtf alness to remember me; it i& like inrwartn andinpnlsivenatirptobunt igbt inapon me withont oereaonv. Bat will Haten tono apology, iind he towed visitor out effusively. P i n ' Lady.-—"Isa't ilfannyhow mob luii: restorative my husband buys •and yet hofeeop*as bnld us uu t^T' lecondLaily-"Isn'titj my husband dues, JO, snd yet be citrrii>sa boUle of tbut laffaroutid iu his pocket all tlio timo. . are BUeccentric, the dear oreolurej*

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OMca on Blickwoll Straot neit door to th.

national TJuior. Bauk.


HUM. | 1 « • 12 WSH- | ^

1 Inch2 '

2 "

DOVER, N. J.I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor

HUI'KT-SS i i m l C i i r v i n g t ' C t o T . i t .

Tl/f AtlLuS HTNBV,


])OVEH, N. J.





p BO. O. CUUMINS, M. D.,








srjtVJil'S OP MINES.






Btviisfi Huit* iiiftilu fn niiicr frniti .-(.'> to 930.'•' 1'intH i " »" Ovei-f«i:tta liiiiil.-to ur'Jfrlrom f 15 to ?H'I

Purciianera ire mi-lur in oui^ath.ii to laUcH l l i r

T> A. JJ15MNETT, M. D.


DincisoB nf woiii'iii ami children, and <i[ tliee^oaEiIcBf, BpedalllcB.

OFFICE I StoS A.?J.Huuns.) 1 to 8 aml7 to 8 P. M.

On ami after April 1st will liavo bis cfTifn on•obtaDCl llnor of Hnlrliottiti UmUUnjj. Itesl-ilence, cflrncr of Qold and Chestnut Stroela.^iglit cflllH al rciTdi-nw. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


ST-INIJOPE, N, J.Contracts for ImlUirRH takoii Irian tlie e i

faviiliiic n( tlio crllar, and iimu-rlala tnruiMiod,AUnSiisd. Dfiocft, J{!ii«K M«n!rfinc<g, I'ontsltoiillni' l-'cltun.l Masons' AlaU-naiB const millon hsu<i. Slate moling. 8 l.v


DOVEIt N. J. Oonlmeta litUen ami mati'mUroruiKbcil, Sloiie (iml Uriel: Work, PlnRtcrinKand Joliliins promptly ultt-udeil to. OrJurpleft ftt William II. Jiafcei's alorj will roceivt


A1v. x,


POOL AKD BILUUtD TAlJLE.birbtr uliopiiicoiinoi'tlouwilli tlio pixilr


Carpenter and Builder,has romovtil to Tlmrbcr'n new tuildlng, in tin*

rear of tiio Ccntrul Bailioad tlrnv bridge,

NEAR THE CANAX BASIN.tfS- Jolibing siid rcpairinff promptly

atlcndcilto. Alciigoiiwrioncc in tlio IIUBI-ncsH, will, I(n'l](!vo,enn(jio mo to RITO satis-faction to all cuntuHiorn. Con tracts takcu amimateriila turnialiml.



A ,

sy§sex STREET,(betnuentlic MANSION HOUtiEflnd Depot,)

I)OVEH; X. J.Tho place Ha* l.ecti cutirt'lv r«fltleil in & ncai

m&nnner. LADIflH'and ClIILPltEN'8 HAII1

utririN sEoiwnMARTIN & BUCK,Iks, 5p ul tainlal Fiiiki,GRMNEH9, OILDEHB and I'APER HAKtl-KltS, CouLiaota taken niulmntormtufurniHlie.l.Rwmsdecpratpi] in frescoo stvjcu. llivlEf,1 aihTOuEli knowledge of linimo and elfin jminl.Ins*. Wo tool competent tn mart 1lio uemaiiJnofsll. l'aiut Uiov of er Miss Whiles nicllincrvitorv, ncil to YougUt SKillsoru'i tlniK score.P.O. Pot IBS.

A specialty ttiade of uteueil cntting.J. 3kARTin - ' 19-lV A. BDOK.



BOOTS AKD tJJJWSBUi fvdi-rj (straw, InbaaI'tn.amllii hutoTbrvtliiiiK wliiwh i- RtucrsillTkept iu a country nfcitv. [ sill nil my jiioltat low IS,-iin<a. (Jail nml sin my stock auil Ut


ONION HALL BUILDING,ElackivdlUtrttt, Dovor,

Hot Air Furnaces,Of tho latubt umal improved 6lyli>H, Tit,OTdJB]>uU!c,-Jidr.rh«to luiWiiifn. A Lr«.




nl and phoi-<l in pmitiot! THltKIFI.NI; saw



A /U) flSSOllWHIlt I'f



LEADEHK, nnd till liiiulB of Juljbiiig h, my lino,joiio in the boat tnamicr and at tho sliortesi

ottce, llifjlinF.t iirk-eii paid for old Iron.

Copper leal atid \-mlar tulien iu cichaii

' ' E°°dB ' ALEXANDER WtGUTON.December 21th. 18T0. 1-lvr


H £ 3(D




ni!r-ttiidKpc'eiflcfltiotwfyrl*!ii!ilJii?ii,OuulrielBtakejj and in 11 eti al K faro tube d,

Slate Roofing1

With better facilities I ain tjonbleil to putm SLATE 1L0QFS cheaper than ever using

O but tlio best quality of sluto ood em-ing flrst'cJufis nieolmnici- I Ciin grinr-

c t e material and wotk in fsvery particu-lar. Tur Sheathing Felt always on hnnd.

Dnti;d Octahor lath. 1880.

Fool Tablesfrum tho ci'lcljrati>il nmunlucKiry til" .1. 51


OECHESTRIONLtnh ali;<i jimt brtn anpi'licd with new muni•Atn\ IVill doli^lit IllU |mtl'«[!H Hi tlin llullw lll Mtiiaiievi!'1, lunmiiiiij,' inuuic ninnt to n bLarni i»l r(li.l.ciB


LAGER BEERalways on dratiRbt ami tin bunt or

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSalways provided fur tbu patrons nf




Estate of Jaincs S. Dicker-son, deceased.

PUrtSUANl'to tliu onltT of tin; SurroijitEof this (J;mnty ot Mwris, made an the

thirlmth day of Niwmijer. A. HJOIIc-ijjlil iHiudrwl and oiRluy. tlirep, H

aiuhttliet'BtfttotiiJiiii]cfia,DiclcrrtOH,Iati"rVitliu Caiiulf ol JInrriK, dt-ccatcd, to |>LCI :al ilic

Tiber, on or beroro Uiu tlurtJcUi UJJ-1

August l int , luing nine niuntliri Ironi I1

1 "l-i ° brine°in 'an/ ' iI i ibH hiH°Vr "he? cl»i!

iou'tWctor ngni'iist tho JWntnc ' "Catt'Jtbttliirfio))! day ufSnrtmbtTi.n.lBh


Ex:cut«r,1 Chester, N.J.



BU1LDEHS,Doror, W, 3".


E.DUM&BR0.mproved Low Pressure Steam

Heating Apparatus


w,704 fc 7CG BROAD STUEET,


oimj* n>eti niiil lailics. OataloffiiM ami Colit^an:r« ire.-.


G.'V.MILLUR, Principal.


d all innnntir nf nrivalu ami public


'' j Fall and Winter GoodsTlio hl ts t j t j lM Mil


I Caf UJio Jatcfit styhn nml newest diiBign104 MARKET St., NEWARK. I NO t»Bbio to W G^TJM

.Cni j THE IKON EBA. nod Hew Ycrk pnrerB can b| f d h tj

. | found DU her


unter.MH8. i. WITUEUIDOE.



(snccissan. TO







PQltTORA__,N.J.,i u » hri» ilook ol VAtti HTLUSEIIT ofl>U Hnd.,»lilcl1«ho IIM-Jill itcd.ed (torn)!•> To.k, which ilia InltDdi to i«i| >t t l lpft a o i n d i h u f | « l « k ;)!•> To.k, which ilipfttti. aoindiw

nFrlCE«,l|..i»..|! 11.. IH»,n.nml,,rC,n,.j BOOT A N D SHOE M A K E l l .\J jif>iiyH mill. CuiitrmjlB Ijiiicn, ami p^nf, I '

,,.cillcaU,.ni .11.1 niulcri.l.nfcrerrtln.l for.! IlOTOr, BJ. J.islii'd fiir lini 1.1 IHKH. JolihiiiK s Bi'i'cialtj. 1 ™. . , .

CI —TIT DnrtCIHr* clicsply sod promptly flour. Suit (a (,lii Pree-

Hltttf rnrn.Blttsil from U10 1>JHI .jnarrlps l'i I •"tho pnialj ((mniity or cur [nad, nnd InitI, if d c



Shop an Clinton St, Dover.An eippricnco of 15 years in Dotot on the

finest work, i» tlio jnuinntfn I offer or myblUtT ID pSMiothfl public My motto ig "Ofo,

&ctlon to til." M r

County Collector's Notice 1

I will be i t the offleo or lbs Snrrofrite, Her-riitovn, fot tho tnuaa t lon or Oannt; bnii-

3!tonta rt* w k » n d »t t teDfflen of

Notice of Settlement.iticn ia litTtby uivtD lliat Urn iced.

the fQlPcnlcr, 'tfscciitnr of AlitadaiDorrn.iltcciac-d, will Lo surtitulunrt Millio Hiirro^ato, ami rcpnrli'il fur cilili 11llio Orjihiim' Criirt of l|ji; (Vninlr (,f Iin Monday llic lliiril iluy nf Hhrcli'iii-il

LYHAN U.l'IKIDatPilDoe, I2tli,ISSL


WHOLESALE TRADEWINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSITS of ths b«l| u d bo wislioi tbo dealoraIbtocuhoiit thlioonuty wocM gho lilm t »lt(KIIIDU *iH u r Ibuiii) beFarfl bnjipg olio-vnora. Allorawisont by.null vfll recelrcp""*"""" u w n n ,

At the close of oacli season we usually finion our hands a few pairs of Boots and Shoe:of OUT OWE raannfacture made to measure fo:customers who failed to call for them or fo:other reasons that every manufacturer in thbusiness experiences. The sizes rua as follows:

2 pair Men's French Calf, plain toe, button,one pair 8 C, and one pair 6 1-2 D. 1 pai:Men's London Toe Tip, "imitation of lace,Congress, 9 D. 1 pair Men's plain Gongresi6 0. 2 pair Men's Patent Leather Fancy Topbutton ; one pair 6, one pair 7.

The above sizes are made of the best material and workmanship, and cost from $6 tc$8 to make them ; and in order to close themout before March 1 st, our annual stock takingdate, we have decided to offer them at thiuniform price of $5 per pair.

We have also the following sizes in boots :1 pair Men's French Calf Morocco Leg

Tongue Boots, 8 0 $4 001 pair American Calf, 8 C, - - - - 4.50

Kip, 7D. - - - - 4.00i pair best French Calf Boots, all 8 C

and D, from - $5.50 to $6,The above few pairs were all made for

prices ranging from $7.50 to $9.50. and anyone investing in any of the above sizes wilsurely get from 25 to 40 per cent, more valuethan he pays for- HEAGAN & Go.,

Opp. D. L. fir, W. Depot.


i kffoyl's i i i i Bucket P i n

Hi Htccl chim au.l Cansulsi spnu-c tn1

Im-li ii; t-isti'lohM, Thi'j {-ivc thf I»'«t <>f *•on. Tlicv ala»l;fi'!' IH »toc3i " TJJI5 NEWL'HIE" lli.t-Air, Oin nml Uiisc-Iiiis-niiilaor ntnvc, tliu best lnUiiiU Mtivw In tl•Id. Mmy, a i;;rfiu !.tm.rtii»':it urutliCi' »tyl(ItiofeinR StiiVPH. KariK«la. Carlur 8(ovn«, AcHUMHEK AND WISTEU UKK. A^ Block of IIkHDW.VllB, OUHilJltl,ss, WoDiieu, Copper, I'laiu and J&panriiid

'IKWA11R. Oil UliitliB, Carpets, LampB,its nmlOih', birrfCafies, Font hern, Prmf*

fltrr.1 Oil ,'noti iijploaivo. I \Uo, ilcalcrH inCAL. itcioliiiKi riijmttidff (Kiel Jcrll iVdfl.

llio'akHTin a I HO

;nlt'B In front of their plat'ti cii

m nmnufnctiircrs ol Duniiell's adr-TiCIIIUJ: Wire Bprinj; Btd llottom.



Musical Instruments!



Send for ccitnlogiiu or live cunt,u<tic. New ormiiiH Huld lorSOints i>cr wttcli.

WM. S. WRIGHT,Biackwell St., Dover. N. J.






3KaiN3of ill DE3RIFTI0NS,




ho Seneca Falls Yeast Co.,(LIMITED.)

APK Totiii onocEti ron ITI



B n u i &r., DOTI>> K. / •




CHINA " '• '• ;l


C, C. WUJB " ' . •' '

EsaLMn WILLOW " •' '

IIHINI5 " " >

CLARET " " •

SWISS " " '

Eight dtflTerent sixes of Lamps,Jlaas Castors, Pla ted Castors,

Tor Se<a f»r Chililreu, (CliiV . T S , White Gran i te ttnda*; three nizee of h\uit I Ms li-

es; till k inds of Tumblers, Gob?lets, Wino (ilaitt>es, Decanters ,



w. q. NAPPIES,

W. 0. IlllTTEtl PISIIKS,


(IG C'Ul'S,





IHTTOONB OR CDai'ADORES.orall kinds;

TOILET SETS, ol difleront gr»dca,

VASES! VASES!Immense Attractions!We call the special atten

tio;i of custoiHers to thisbranch oConr business. Wecan sell them clieuiior thiinany house in New York.Also our China Cups :iiulSaucers, Decorated Mous-tache Cups, of all kinds,and numerous oilier goods.

We have this week received anew stock or

Teas and Coffeesuy \TP liRvn liart Hinco ouilus to Unver.

t r CALL AKD SEE D8. -£•

If. T. k i l l TEA CO.,BLACEWELL St.,



Nursery and GreenhousesMOIUtlbS;., MOBBISTOWN, H,J.





Thorburn's Flower SeedsFOR SALE.


BBPAIRINQ BONE.Ton can get TOOT inwliix tnaoiilnea, gtmi,

looki, eto,, lepilrcd in good onlorby

J. T. BURRELL.Ordon mar bo left i t th» Blnscr nuwhlne

offlov OD BlMkvsll a t , DoTir.



, wo mlu the train at B "" But cat't you mflte It, itt t" die gaapea,"Iropogsflile; It leave* at tlttw,Aud wo on due at quarter put."Is there no way t Oil, tell ^Are you a ChtUtiant " I am not,*"And am there none among tbe menWho ran the (mint" "2To, I & tI tliiuk tiiis felluw over b9»,Oiling tlie engine, oMxaa to be."Slie throw upoa the engineerA fair face white vtth agony."Arejon » Christian t" "Yet, I an,"" Then, 0 air won't you pray witU me,All tlio long wftj, thtt God will iliji

'J'dat God wiH iold the twin «t B )"" 'Twill 4o no flood, it'» due at flueeAnd'—" Yes but God can lioU the trainMy dying obiid M culling me,And I must ROB her faoa ageio>Oh,wOI.'tyoupmyt" "Iwfll"aiwdEmiiiiutlo, as no takes his plow.IVuoii Clirlstlana grasp tlto arm of GodThey gnu]> tlie power that rules tlie rod,Out from tho (Utlon swept tna trait),On time, swept ou poet wood and lea)Tliu cugdinor, with oheuki eitatne,Prayed, " 0 Lord, linld the train at B—Tliun flung tlie throttle vi&6, and UlWKoino glmtt mouRter of tho plain,With pnntlrg aldoa una ralgbty Birides,P««t hill And rnlloy swept tho trait).A Imlf, n niimito, two oro gained |Along thu»o buruklnd lines of steol,Hi» (rlutiocB Icitp, oauh nerve U Btralned,Aud still Uoi>ru,\it with fervent inal.Kuiirt, biuid uud hraln, witl one nooord,Wort while bla prayer asocndB to heaven," Jtiat liold tho train eight minutes L dAnd I'll wafco up tlie othtr sereu,"

With rush uud roar through meadow lands,r»H <ottngohome*, and groea lilUadles,'Iho punting thing obeye lilt hauda,Aud spueila along with giant itridei.llicy nay an nooideut dolnyod '.'The truiu a little while, hut Ho f

WlioUHtQneilwulle tha ohihlna prayod,fa answer, lield the train at B — .


Affected fcimjjliollj' js refined iturn. .

Ono nf Mm lublitaest tliingB in tin

world is plairiratkt : " •;;

TiiflM mukoperfeotiot:, butpetfeotli

Mlf la IH» trifle.

Tin' rtitdii-st nnd surest wny to cet rii

c DHtim i» In oniTeDt ourselves.

Whoso keejietlj liia moiUb ao

lUgap, ttepatli Ilia nonl from troubles.

Nothing ia so treacherous na vunity,

BO igDoraot of v/kal beootoos itsslf.

A noblu lienrt, like tba sun; sliovetl

gjreatest coafitenQnos fnUs lowest

t * t a s / \ , ' • ; • ; _ ' v 1 ; •" •""••;••

e Jjjtrdest fjiul of the lioiirt isfbetbpr it can bear a rival's failure with'i t tr iumph;

Those beings are ODIJT fit for solitadi'bo like nobody, and are like nobody,

tod ore liked by nobody.

I t is the worst of errors to suppose

at tbere !a a n ; otLer pafli to safety!ieapt tbut of duty,

Ofivo work n t i i e r (Iiaa aiiqs id (he

>QtiV.' Tb? former drives out inJoloncoio bitter indnsl.r.j'.

Ladies of fnalaiou einrve thoir bappi

ies3 to feeO their vanity, ami their love

feed their pride,

We onybt not to Jmjgo moii'u merits

iy their r^ualifloittious, but by the us

ey mnko of llioni.

Any miio uiay do « casual net of gooi

.lure, but n continuation oE them KIIOW

ia njxirt of tlicit* temperament.

Wo Kcliiom condemn nmnkind till they

ve injured us, uuii when thvy havo

Idoiu do niiyiliiiig but ilotetit tlieia for

io iujury.

Affectation is ccrlniuly deformity ; byirraiog tlicmselvcs on fitnlnslic inoJels

yoimg begin with being riJicul><\ often end in b^in^ vicious.

'control ih pfuuiutuil by liuraility.

1'riiloisiifruitfulF'Jiirci.1 of nmnslr

U kc'i'jis tho iiiimi in discjiiiet.

lity ia (be antuMts to tliistcvil.

NL>IV Y(ir![ f.'i)s ivwir silvrr solhirs

iy t.iellH. This niukes ii«ita sin uildi-

in to ibe conciirts.

A Ijiiuisvillo clergyman will r o t op-

iiiidng among bis clinrch muiubcr.-

t.liu gciiiiiiiieu will duiiuo iu OUD ruutu

d tbu Indies in another. U'hey talk of

ting (lie [iicitfilicr.

A WilHiuusport yotilb aent fifty cents

it Seiv York «j;m to Jearn how to h

•m swciii'injr, and it>ociveil in reply :

Dun' t open youi' moutb." H c baa

jro ever sinct!. — WiUiamsport CfHp,

' It uinst bavo been slippery weatheren the prodigal son returned." The

mlem ninn nskeil, "yfity in your opin-t was it slippery?" "Because," re-ucd the small boy, " tho old man fellIjisueek,"

" When I married Ooorgiana," midmok, "my folks told me I was foolishwed a girl who didn't know lion todie a rolling piu. Lord, bow they

isjudgod her 1 Do yon see iliat lampmy head ?" •

Tfio young man who was kicked oatbis tsweettaentt's father eays: " I

d no objections to tbe old woman'stoo being thronn after us when tlie

redding was over, but lossiog the oldic'a boat before tlie oven I is quite an-

:ber nfiair, nod it hurtmj feelings,"Mnmma,' Bald a KUlo Oovtngton, "what doea.'leluffa' mean?"

Vibf, my child I don't know. I neverenrd snob a. word. Where did yon

i ? " "Pupaisaia i t " " W h f ^ rSunday morning. I hoard him toil Mr,mesthat clanrcb was a beluffa plnoe towhen [lie Soiling wae BO gne.",'^hob.eiatbe pesa o? Thermopylaiast the Persian host ?" demandedi teaooor. And the editor's hoy at tbeit of tbo class spoko ap end said:

Fallior, I reckon; liehoHa anaconolovary road in tho country that rans a

issenger train. He went ap head—ter the rest of the olnis vent home.

Ill take wliiBky; irhnt will ycu bavsred V said a man in a New York Ba-in. " I don't tedHko drinking, "said

'red. The first speaker poured oat ana glass of whisky, drank half of

and handed the roat to his friend, re-irking with a rya face: "There's aomc-

R the muttor witb that utoff. -Try it."red. finished the liquor, The first;peaber laid ten cents upon ibe bar, andiey walked oat. "That's mew game,"

irked toe bar-tender to a New. York

_ , . — kindly in tbojrning; it lightens tlio cares of tbe

.ny and mflkcfl tbe household m& its

affiiirsaovealongmoresmootljJy. Sponk* i a illy at nigtit, for it may lie that before

awn some loved one may JJnisti bie or

jr space of life for ibis world, cm! it

ill be too late to ask forgiveness.

Free Trade Pret«nalon§.

Tbe argnmetit for free trade is sal•fjotiatly ufollows; TndiDff iaa natoziright Tbe world is tbe markut. In thaimarket all Bhoald be free fo pnrebaaecleaply as possible. Certain articles,iron and iteel in Epglon3( and silksFrance, cap ba produced more cheap],than liere, Henoe we should freely opeioar markets to those forefgn gooda, thatoar people nmy lmvo tbe benefit ofloiresl prtees. Another Icee trnfa urgumsntls.tbat protective tariflfs build

lolits, favor tbe few sod enrfithem at tlie expenso of tha many. ThenpoiDta faiily itate, we tblnk, the corretDlnirae of free traders. We bare ontbe Bpace in ibis article to detl with tlBtst DS these arguments. ToJt ibeiaro several oogeut and even overwhelm'in? answers,

1. Let us set off agninst tbe generalitnlement of the free trade view tlequally general statement of (ha proteotioniot view. This is tbat tlie rigbiof tbe few are BubordiDate to tbe tjgliand ioteteata of tbe many. A man lintbe right to so', up a elangbter-houBc,bat if tliis becomes a nuisance to oth<it OBD be obatett oen nuiaanoe. AH pr<teeliouiafs boli to fres trade emoag th<States of this Uoiou, We have a comDion interest and lence freatmde bi,wecu tbo States, because of tbelr polltioal affinities, ia sccepted by all.favor free trade in all praduola which d<Dot ooma ID to competition with those o!our people. We import ten and cofleeand mnay other articles in large uaefree of duty. Why ? Bponnse tbey arirecognized as uot iu competition wit!)ur proilucls, and am in general useimong our people. We are opposed tofree trade where tbo nrtilne leaded in,ipiaidg from a /oreign coantiy, competoevitb, and ao effects those of our owi

., iolerested, directly or ladreolly, in the same prod not or mancfaolure. So wjare all free traders as t<home markets, aad with regard to for-eign products in genera! me among on:[leopfe, and tbat do not oompele witli

Tlie ieine narrows, tliei'efore, ticompetitive foreign products. Let this,tben, be kept clearly in mind.

2. Tbete is an implied HBBumptiiimoug free traders ttiut some otherlountry practice} free trade, and that Iidoptiog it we nre reaoiiiog tip to (hiligbest plane ou tMs subjeot. Englaiu1 mnntty jegnrded as a free trado nationpcauso sbe ndrooates it as a theory,Ingla&d levies n tariff da wines, spirits,obncoo, andotliBr arUoles, tooa eitenl

tbut giveB her a'leveuae from Uiis sonroeibout equal to wliot tliia country re-ceives from alt sources. There is not,

practice, & ftea trading nation in tberiiized world. And vitbiu tbe pQBlfenryyoars, in building up her com

meroial marina, England has employedllio protective or aubudy priuoiple aoWrongly as (u compel France, Italy andtormauy to adopt tbe BRIDG policy. So

is OR utter absurdity to claim tballuglaui] or iinyotberis & frca tradingittioD, Slid simply wants free traderliere bcr iuteceats call fur it, but notijwheroelee.

8. We utteriy deny Hint (rea traileicnpmin tbu market. Xbia peiiut bus

teen jjructieuJJy tesled in this countryiiml over. Wo have bntl to many

g»39 iu out tariff luws, trom protec-hirifl'ri to practical keo trade, thatqiu'Htioii bus been tested seve

mos. Our fathers, on the formationio govornment, stintnil uiit to protect

iijJnslrJL's, A number of yearscl before! lliov could ascertain just

would ben iirutcctivc duty. Iu•a couipolitivo struggles Hint ensuedices were marked down. When atit we hid protective tariff prices m.uciij, BO doubt, but that of labor a<l-ucuil iitk'iistiu equul ratio. When; Uivift' waH tnken ofl' nnd the panic uf117 foliaweil J»rico3 were luw, but thathiboi was lower aud intense eufferiugis general. When the tariff of 1842

'fia luioptcii louuiifuclurea revived, andbile prices udvauced lluit of Ubor waaIHD more favored than any oiber,iiev tlie alidiiig scale, by wbioh wo

rifted buck again into tho ad voloreiniriCT, labor Bufi\:ml us mUiiBlries wont»wn. Tlie pouic of 1857 found theifion prostrate. Ttie point liore is that0 cheapness 01 dearuoss of a marketnotflbsolutp, but relative. What la-ir will purchase is tlie renl teat—not>w much a pound oacliof acvaml orti-

lea may cost. IE tnau'a work in a weekill, iu high market, purchase moreimforts for bib family tlian it will in a

market, be is benefittuJ. And it iswell settled heb tlmt labor onnoot Iio

remunorated wlieu our markets aronened tb rough tbo competition ot

ireiga labor.

BattUiB point admit3 of absolute tie-msttation. I t bna been foaml that

lien our industries baro been protectedmg enough to get on their feet onrlanufnotares do compete in cheapnessid quality witli those abroad. We to*iy manafaoturc cotton goods againstto world. Btogtand has been compelledadulterate her aotloo taaanfiiotnrcs in

*der to u bold tba oriental marketsoit ns. And sbe lias eren forgedtrade marks of American bouses,

id coarse cottan clotbs wbiob beforeie tariff of 1624 sold nt 24 cents perird, were aider it reduced to 7) cents,

iefore via bad developed (be mnnafno-re of steel rails tbo price was $160 perD in gold, egnul tben to 8235 in onrirraaoy. Now tbey ara $35 per ton.ifl tnriffon steel rails it «bnt btonglitIliis industry in this country, and theiform experienoe has been that when

ir tariff* have been reduced aud tbei c&pitul of Europe has succeed-

in crippling or destroying our mono-itutes tbe prices have been largely od-

.need. We ha?o always been compelledpay tbe cost of our ruin, Just as tlieccessful nation in war makeB tha de-

'cafed nation pay the expense, BO has itieen witb o i r , tariff. Germany made

payatbousacd millions of <3oUirs for tbe war of Sedan. Wbo knows>v macb England has taxed us onroken ioduBtries i—PhHaielphia Oatt.


ok well fell, aro well dressed, and altMust bove & good income, I pre

ime?" " 0 , yes," replied Koscinako.I can't complain. I have a y salary,* ,500 ; then I make (600 a year by my•erarj labors, that makes $2,000 ; thenrua ia debt $1,000, that mates 83,000.single man who coaldu't subsist on

;hat ought to ba ashamed of himself."Texas 8jfUngt.__

A woman's bojrf, like tic moon, ii[ways changing; bat there is always a

loan in it.




[The followiDg letter fram JudatiBeiijamiE, tben United Bt&tes Senato;from Louisiana, to tbe British ConsulNew York, van left unoaft ThnrlowWeed's pftpere, nnd Is given in tbe v<ume of memoirs of his grandfatherwbioh Tburlow Weed Barues U soCBrryJoff tnroagb tbe press, I t is reprodoced here front tlie advance sheetsthat volume.]

Judah P. Benjamin to the Britith Chnsvin Few York.

KEW- 1'ODK, Aag. llth, 1860.DEAR StB:—I exceedingly regret you

absence from Niw York at this time,tbo important objeot of my visit ishave a persoaal and coufldeatial inteiview with you.

My apology for 1MB breach of couveitional aeflge, in presamicg Io addiesa'ou without the formality of an illtrcInclion^may be pardoned inootwequcfrif tbe very extrnordinary nature of tb<

business which induced me to approacliyou without tbe friendly intervention ia third patty. Indeed, it would notoulrare beeu unwise bat actually dangerous[or me to bate even borne a letter o:inlroduolion.

Having assumed tbe whole responsi'bility ot this very critical stop, I oannol

tod much caution »ud cuouoispeo-tionto insure my personal BOIO

succoasfal aooomplislimeat of tbelion I liuve in yiaw. Therefore

prefer trusting my own judgment iiappro&oliing a genteel stronger OD HQCIbusluetB, to tbat of bringing into m;lervice tbo scrawls of Governors ormembers of Congress with whom, par-laps, yoa are as little soqasioled aa


ofSclal 'oonfldenoB which you:sectm to reposo in yon, byour charge ils great com-

mercial affairs in lbs most importon!ity on this continent, X think is nuffleot to warrant me ia tracing to yum

ItBorellon, patriotiim and loyaltysecret of tbe greatest importance amInterest to Her Britannic Majcsty't


Tbe present tliBaslroas condition olpolitical offdirs in tbe United Slates[whicli has ao parallel ID tlie past history

the country) seems to have split thixeat Uemooratio party into many con-

tending fuotiooB, all of wliicb are soangry after tba public spoils tbat its

[ieintegrated parts render them an easytrey to tbo opposing Black Republicans

The doctrines matntaioed by ihoEe-lblionn party are so unsuitable to thorent interests ot the whole Sooth tbal

in election of their candidate (which isimost cBftain} amounts to a totnl druction of all plantation interests,hicb the South, as sure QS there is n

ia Heaven, will uut submit to.9ooner than yield to tho arbitrary dic-

>f traitoraua allies and false friends'bo have proven reoreact to the solemn

ligations of our old Constitution, weill either secede from tbe Union and

a flopmitte GovrtrumeQt, or, uponicrtnin eomHtioun, at once return Io our

egiance Io Great Britain, our Motherwitry.

Many, very many of the most wealthyinfluential planters tlirongliuut the

ith havo already discussed this at-truativc, in tlie ovt-nt oE tin; election ol

Lincoln, noil tiio populnrity of theopomtiun aeunii to pass from out? tolotber almost with uu elastic rapidity,

true Uiey havo mutle uo publicmoustration »f their intentions, furch a coiirsu would bo attended•oful couscquaiiccs nt this time, BUT


Discontent U tbe want of self-reliance;it la tbe infirmity ot*m

Bepentance without amendment ialike oontintuUr putuping withont mend-ing tha leak,

It is certain that either wise bearingor fguorflnoe um'age ia daaght, as mentake disease one of another.

If ire do bat Mnow how little some en-joy of the great things they possess,there would not be maoh envy in theworld.

Open yoar mouth and parse cautiouslyand your etoak of reputation and wealthshall, at least iu rtipate, be great.

Wounds and hardships provofeo ourcourage, aod when onr fortunes are uttbe lowest, our wits and minds are com-monly at tbe bast.

Believe nothing against another buton good authority >' nor report what mayhurt auofher, unless it ba a greater hurto another to conceal it.By desiring what is perfectly good,

even when we don't know what it is, andcannot do what ve would, we are part of;lie divine power against evil.

Weigh not to mncli whet assert, asvbat ibey prove; remembering that

truth Is simple and naked, aud neetUnot invention to apparel her oomeliuess.

Alas! if tbe principals of contentmentare uot within us, tha height of stationworldly grandeur will as soon add a cu-iit to a niaa's stature as to his happ't-


A vise and good man will turn exam-plea of all sorts to his own advantage,Tbe good be will make hu paterns, andstrive to equal or excel them. Tbe ba<l

j will by all means avoid,Baplaeaeea and effemioacy liare ruiuod

more conscitutions than were ever dt>-ilroyed by excessive labors. Moderate>xercise and toil, so far from prejudicing,itrengtbens and consolidates tlie body.

Next to clothes being flue, they should) well madfl, and worn easily, for a muuouly tha less genteel (or & Una coat, if

iu wearing it he shows a regard for it,md is not as easy in it as if it were aain one.

Great talents for coiive-antkm shouldbo attended with great politeness. Eo

eclipses others, owi>s them groativilities, sod whatever & mistaken vanity

may tflll us, it is better to plcaso in cou-creation than to eliuc in it.If our credit bo s i well built, so firm

bat it is not easy to be ishiikcu by cai-rn ny or insinuation, euvy (beu com-1

lends UB an l cxtolt) us beyond reason,i tlioso apou wliom wo depend, till thoyrow jealous, and so blow us up whim .ley cannot throw U3 down.

Gossiping newamougera and babblingIbouse politicians aro not nlbweil toLOW what is. going on in their very;<lst.

Select dinner pnrtiea como off every.y throuehofit tlie wholo Sovth, amiit one of them ends without a strongicession to our forces,

I have even board some of them ad•ess each other by titles already.

My object ia approaching you is toIlivato your friendship, and' procure(irco-operttion iu aid of acccniplisu-

ig this graud object of returning to thoimiiiiou of our fathers' Kingdom.irongb your kinJuetB and loylty to

Quteo, I am desirous o[ prop 'rlyproacbing Her Majesty's Minister . *

ngtou Oity, witb n view to theicoraplislioieut of this great end. If

will condescend to grant me thoicessary nasistnnce for this purpose,

will soou receive the meritorioussward of your most gracious Qneen,d the hearty obeer from every trueiton's heart for having aided in the

sturn of the National Prodigals.Bepostug that oonfldence in you whichir position in life warrants me in

ling, you must at present excuse menot signing my name fot fear of an

tddent. This much yon may know, 11a Southern, and am a member of

tagresa, wuose untiripg perseverance

II never oeaaa until tbe objeot I haveins boldly undertaken is fully oocom-lisbed. Be so kind as to answer this

early as possible. Allow me a per*lal interview, and, if you cannot comeNew Tort, address your answer to

Benjamin," in care of some one atir office.—THottne.

MATELOTE O? CoDnsn.—Uat off the

id of a codfish weighing fire pounds.(move bones from tbe fish, and fill it;th a dressing nuda of half a pint of'Bters, a scant pint of bread crumbs, amrth ot a teaspoonfal of pepper, two

;easpooDfals of salt, two tablespoonfolB

batter, half an onion, an egg, andIf a tablespoonfnl of chopped firs slice of pork both under and

rerthoflsb, Boiltliebones ia A pint

water and pour this around th& fisb.lake an honr, and baste often withravey and butter. Have & bouquet ofirba in the corner of tbe baking pan.lake a gravy and pour around the flsb,ben garnish vith fried smelts.

^ « * • » • • ,

H a PAPA'S B E U O J O S . — " 8 O , myht-

boy, yoa would like to join oar Sun-iy-sohool, woulU you ?" said the super-tndBDi, kindly.

Yes, Bir," replied tbo boy.

" What is yonr nome, did you say ?"•'Johnnie Sirapsoo."" Oh, yea, you are tho son of Mr.

impson. Let TOO HOC, is yonr papa a•resbyteiian or an Eftifcopuliio ?"

"' No, s ir : he isn't either; be's a newa.iper man."

A. QunRer's (Vleiull) Stu!Qi>.When Leo's graylmcks wjiii making

lieu1 wuy through Pen!! ay I van in towardsttysburg two infantrymen lie longing

Piokett'a Virgiuimia raided iuto nIaaker's house in suntch of eomelbiDg

eat, They were met at tlio door byB owner of the premiseg, who asked :Are JOH rebela ?" " You bet wo arel"is tbe blunt reply, " And what do yeiab t.ere?" "Fodder, old m»u, uiiJin't keep us waiting for it," "If theo;sbcst for something to eat tlion ennstive it," taid the Quaker to the spobea-

ian, " b u t I trust tbat ye will takeiug from tbo house." I t was a poor

•nut. After the huya had finished theireal one of tliem pocketed it watchich was hanging on a nail, and tbater seized upou a silver r ream-pitchera tobeu of reiaembrimce. " Aio yoeves as well as rebellious citizens ?"

dignantly demnuded tbo nan as bBiDfrouled them. " Stand aside and let

mt or we'll dumagu you!" " Verily,ill uot Tliou must not rob ray house,"

Never mind him, Uill; QmikerB don't;ht," called thu one iu the rear. " Hit

clip on the cliia nml ran for it."Truly, I ahill uot t^ht," calmly ob-;rved the disciple of I'oun, na he uubhed

big nitoYe-1 uuJt>i)i( on lua liuntls;t if iu n frieudly tcufflii to recoverussion of mine own tho robbere.111 get injureJ I a bull not have to

iswer to my conscience." There waafriendly BCUDUO " iu the next York

iuule, ami ouc of tlie trio is now sisiileiit of Itichuioml, viviJIy icaieoi-

H huviuK Ute jawuchi! for u week uftcr.Wo bis Companion compliiiacd of soro

iroat, dizziness, lame back and Je-ireasetl spirits. All the rumarks made

:ei' thti sou tile cummeiiced were simplylew words dropped by the Quaker toi effect that: *• I nm torrj to put30 out, aud eorry to damago thee, hutis Jjetttr that ibou Bbonldst go thyys up the pike toward destruction."

lie failed oa llu Editor.I t was high uoon, tbo editor's lunali*>n hour, but the editor sat in hk office.

had determined to do without lunchllidtdey, because be bid only §2,000

bis pocket, aud he wished to wo ex-itly that sum in tho purebnso of a lirst-,tfcr dintnond sliirt-atuil, and Lad

inght his fiuicr.

As he sat poiidcring upon the mula-ility of all thinga human, toying Ihoile wilb a aiflssive tbroc-ply, goldlUDted watch RUnrd, tbo door opened

id a visitor catered, whom tlie editorid reason to believe was t i e bearer of a

ime-honured bill.I wish you—' began tbe visitor.Samatoyouand many returns,' in-

rapted tlio editor, as lie arose nndrasped the visitor's band in a vigorouslup. .

Thanfe you,' rejoiced the visitor, 'butwas going to say, I hope yon—•'

Well? Perfectly 1 Never better iulife!' iulerpolnted the editor, oom-

ifsentely. 'Well, Z don't wonder. Ita long walk up liere. I hope SOUKiy WB will have an elevator in the huild-

My ob|wt in oalling—' renewed thoireditor, Bomnrhai feebly.

'How, mj deur fellow, no apologies, IOf course jou know (liat I am a

lay man, nnd in your kind desire toiderme the oomplim&ntB of tho season

ia fear that yoa may poMibly bavu in*•nded. Of course X know your object in

oalling. What object bat one could am have in calling upon another on the

first day of the new yearP It is like_yoarhoughtf alness to remember me; it i& likeinrwartn andinpnlsivenatirptobunt

igbt inapon me withont oereaonv. Batwill Haten to no apology, iind he towed

visitor out effusively.

Pin ' Lady.-—"Isa't il fanny howmob luii: restorative my husband buys•and yet ho feeop* as bnld us u u t ^ T '

lecondLaily-"Isn'titj my husband dues,JO, snd yet be citrrii>sa boUle of tbutlaffaroutid iu his pocket all tlio timo. .

are BU eccentric, the dear oreolurej*

Saturday, Vvh. 2, 1S84.


littring f,>r its r*nt H protest ajjiinstlh.'|.rPprFfil rtduciktiof dnliiK. ami stoutlyaRi'ming (lie principle nf protection—Sir.KeiM!iba!ir of llin diatrict van nuonf INsloutsBt cppo^onU, aai when the Itepubli-cani deriro] to foliate tba mailer, tlmt thepeople might got in form-it ioo nu both fiidfsof Ihiaaubject, Mr. Neij[U.our purlieu dulyex i t ed himself to gag them froui fpeakiugflurl out oB ilabilB. Ha aho suppor t s t i efollowing resolution us u bubitilute for tlioana fiToriuK proltction :

pi[{Kiii»LVi;n. Tlmt wn fiivnr 11 tiiriir forlovcuur, Hiiiitcd to tlio nwosHstr? «xi»miar» oftlic UinvnwiPnt. iiml m)a<IJu«.nl »* t« KJTJJfailuetrv ami lnlmr without jitotluciiiji "r fos-tering ntuuopnl.v."

Oar renders will recognizo Ibis resolutiona* Hint of fbe Ohio 1>. ntronoy. It is noth-ing tun re or leu-* ilniu n straddle o) this grrntq>i nation—an attempt to plense t!io frcotrntV-ri by npjiOMiiR jrolfction, nml nneffort ID ifcwiru jufilfcltouUtu by ]>ro f i l ingto prolfct limni! industries. It uotitaiaa «il >A"iir!){1]l, utif]iiftlifi[ d Hi' Ibfit i;i> lli'tliOLTithas ever ckpltilucd, or ever cun pxp.ftii*, nnilIt WiK tut atkmpt to cover tlm lyiaii ctpcoit-fulness of Ibo irfaole t!nu/j Hist iinlncr-dtba lieiDncrBtio members to ntteinpl tocboke off Iba Republicans frniu ik-bfita.This la j'laiu Inlk nn3 perhaps hnrsli, buttho clrcuimtanms of the times noO tbaejtjgocii's of t i is community warrant it.

See b r o , Mr. Neighbour. Yon representmi iron ora prcdaciug district, which youknow cau be c-TlUer prettily bcncflltnl or en-tirely pnmljrzed by tariff |pf>isla!:on. Yo"W e oppose] a rpFohilkm declaring for protetitiou. nnd you lmve supported tmn thatn/ija 11 Inriff for revenue can bn BO adju'tnlm to f rolict our home iudusfrieH. Wo t«-Hevo yo.i noicfl pgiiinf.t your honest convlc-tiojjs of wLiit is hfst for [IIB iiittsrct.1 of Ibismotion in r r J t r to reiimin will) your partynul further your iutwofiU ns a prlii

ID bis message hi the LtgfcUiore, pro-voked by lbs n f usal to bury s colored man

oetaetery, Gor. Abbeltprop<»e« a hw torbidHiag ti'mrimlottion ontlie sole grouad of color on the part ofceiuotury RsJOcintiouu. " I t Ought not to be.tolerated ill thUState." hi) «ays "that acorporal ion vhoito eii.tcuce d.-pendx uponthp lepuhtira vrlU, and tpbosa property j«cipm])t from taxation because of its religiousllano, Rfaoold be permitted to make difiticc-lioii hEtwren the while man nndtlio blucltnian." We like to command even a partyopponent when ha ii rigbf, and BO JiopubJi-tiiii juuld li07« mid thiubetttr. Gov. Ab-belt may coniider Wiu^U patted oa tlieback.

The Sun objectn (o the Jlarrigon-OarHwlopro^raiuiac of turning out of tbe Detuooraliu|i»rty nil who favor a protoutive tariff. BnttljeSuociin makeup itsmicfl tbiit this isjuit wbtt it will oomB to. 'the tail In notMrong enough to wng the dog.

In a Democratic Senatorial cauens faWashington on Tuesday Senator McPbtmoawnrned bis party that agitation against lbstariff wnuld be dangerous to them in NewYorJi, "Hew Jersey IUIII Ooniieolicut, HenftlorMcl^enon'e hend is horrizontnl.

TJifl refusnJ of His nankenaack OewetpryCompany tn rcfiiso n reFpeetnbla colnretlmnn to bo burled within their enclosure,limply on tho grnund of his color, wis nninsult to theinU-lli^nca of the presort lime.

A resolution by Mr. Hi)rRws to limit thnHtnttocery steal ia th» Now Jersey Legislo-ttir* Wfl« Act cut tt] by Dflmocralfo vnten.The Democratu nra great for reform—ei-cept wltou they nre io power.

itt ii tnyippd nt work on n litllo tariffHehill oi h

Jerstiy Tuesl /at].

own. If they will only let HtwittII! bavo no trouble (o curry Newr (lie liopublican electoral ticket

Prior to the MBflion Ui« Itonioerotamot Inc»U''iin in the Governor'* room, with Mr. Ah-Iwtt iircaiMit. Ttiv tiirifi1 mnltcr wu.* oounUoreaitml a tllvkiou of uplniuu vu» ohowu. TheGovernor took cburge, huwevcr, imJ in re-IHirtuil t» have intuit) a lively gpoucli uf wJ-tuupiitSou. It wn* tlppided lu gtilidltttite tbotariff iiktrnvtuadojiloditthe liiKtlfeiucieriitipfitotc I'onvoniion for Mr. IJozlwnrtb'a rvsfl-liitiojjn. The i»lntfi>nu, it will Iw recalled,WRB (t rnpy uf that of Ohio, mid is sin uoaiiy»nu-t.'otntuittiil uapooitible.

Legulativo Matters of Local IntereitTliiilirstliiiltopuRg built \Ume» van OLD

fc reduce flitruUi tiCludmHoapunt dtw tuxcn

In the Siiiatu oil Munilay L'

hapriitmuwnby a livisr.v H

Hills wi '^

lining Srnmtor

w it ml onliT uBttocia-luced wuru: imtUorii-•fnilyn lo buld cuurirln'ii Biich ustiiHiinte in•ilm niiiiur jn-iifllt.v uf

f $200 Hue or u year's•ut jiii miiuinl lei

SOUTH STANHOPE.AJopio dinkey itai rented tlie Bed/urd

Hume iu SnutU Staaliopa and will takeposHeBsion April l i t . W« welconw U M inour «iid«Ua well aa nil oilier good citizen*wlio chooHo to come among tut.

Oii1ht!87tlitho MiihCouetcDiig h-onWorkfrnmi»encpd tu Wuw out tln-ir last funinoc inhlllBt iu thii plftOO, wllirli will bu ICRl+ttClnot only hy tbow> cm)i]ojpil on tbe work. l»uhy Hit! |JUauicH)>immo(thU]>lnrc also. It not

,l,v throws out ot employ meut the imsu wlicIhe iarnnce, hut II"-- nu'iii:ui]iloyi '

in the llui

long.Mr. Ira

mil IIM


|miTie« nu<l IUIIICK It alsoM the ttlojiplnj; of tin; uiiucnil wo

'fi li«j*o (he •teppagi! "i l l ««>i l ^

II l ie House

iftbUtKlief is unfmimlid wo wilt be \ery(jlflil to hftvo you disptovB it by showingJtotr rou CUD Adjiut s. tnriH fotrsveoae BOIhnl it will protect mirorn tntwent—whichisahomBinJuatry iu wliicb you nnd all ynnrpeople ate most diraotly couoerued. Totreat you fairly wo eff ;r you the IHO of th<-cpJuranoof Ihe Em to inaite snoli n thow-iufi. Doii't tit; that this is dono for politicalolup Imp ttml riudjje tho iswio !:i Ihat wny.You, as » public offliial, bavoa'tiicT nete<3fot or against thn inlerest of tin pcopb yourppreaentanA Ibey linvc ft rljjht to knowyuurKosont Can yon give them ? If ynii do notyou laasl admit that you nro Bnppnrltnliolfcy whluhynu know (o bo wronffAil toyonr oonatltiipulp, simply that you tunymniaUila jour End ing ]u your party lindKtlll be cftilei! nDi'tnocnit. Womrait vow

• t «vmnt find A^nln nwuro you tlipy will bepubiUbndin tho EUA if .YOU have the courage

- tDseinl thfia.

THE BE&L CATJBE,TtnvRiEfiof It-oit ore tnlww inf"»i». M-O-

tiDnnnfrciiDflTlvaiimhavi: lucn rt'iliwcrt I"nixty-itvi' CMilit it ilny, i!nivii lit Htflrtntfaujoint. l» wlint yon enll prnti-rliim tulomo ..lntmr l-rinlullcltl CuuatitiUioimHst,Dfemouratir.

U.\ thin is not what wu cull protection toriotne lnWir, ami such rot ax Um will untinnke votes for tho Dvmpct'Htic party. Whenn tnriff UM iLnn tbo pr-iwnt was HnfUctentin pri'v.'iit thi' iutpirbitiin of iron oro inihia caimlry raimM rc-CFircd ftt lenst $2 per«lny for tUclr Feniorfl, Whpit Bptiin hud Rotrid of tier foreifja and (otciral tronbloH eud«ould \t\\\\zB her prnip»r|tibor lo flood Ameri-can markets with fortign oro at the rate ofnearly a million torn per year, then thetariff became insufflcieut and the WBRBI ofIlio miner went down. Tilts ennset! liteArnertcan OTB prodoo«B lo neck for n tarifftlist would bo adequate for protection, wlieievery Democrat In tho United States Sannte,uAva one. raml twelve-thirteenths of thiBptnocrnlio Congrcssnmi TOtad agftinst (lieInercii0*. Miner** wnces are low simply foitlie lack of protpo'Ioti ami wo can nevertiopatoget it from aDemoorntia COURT™.Give tbe fuels and do not hold out the falsaimpression (lint miners' wngcB nro small bo-dtiBO of proteotioa. Will our PlainfieldEeuiocrnth friendi b» fair enough to copytiiUaml disprove it by nuy fuels iu theirpossession? Or will (hoy let their mislend-fug Btatcnioiil pfaml for trull in (lie hope ofdescivlug volers MIIO mny not bo aiqni\intcdwith the real fncts of llm case ?


The New Jt»r»0y AeHitiiilil.vlmdn lively tawffrdnliufa on Wedmimlny iifiiTiioon, In whichtlir Dt'iiiocrntH were liailly dlMmiufltoil nudforreil Into atljniirnint! the Hmiw in iliwirdisrmill by nn arliirrnry PXCKINP «r III« S|>enft-IT'Bpower, Tlicr^inltitiiinswlilcli <:IIUHW1 nilthe flutter wrro intrmlnmi by Mr. Holi-worth enrly In the>Hi»mi, nml simply urged

our CoiicrcKsmcn Hint they eliould e"l'-•t pritHwiivetariffic^aiiim. 'Jlipy liuvc'ii lying in tliBCoimnlttece on Wnya nnd

Mennnfor all thin timo, nnd tbn DenincratKlittvr nut known what ro da vrlth them. Theydid not wnnt to pam rcsfllutioiiH whioh wouldtiffi-nd the Freo Trnilo pcctlon of tho party ontlse evanf the I"ri!Hi(lRi)t(nI contpsf, nml tfinydid not want to offend tlio fitrniig iirotentloiiwntiiiPUl of New .Tirsr-y. It wn« nt lengthilelorralncd tn K>pnrt tho rcBnlutioiiB advpno-lv, mill tim majority of tlic commit ice that nf-ti'iimon mmle Mich n njiorl. 'I*hn in i no lit vi.I twol{pinlilir(iiiH,Meg»r«. Colo iimi UImch, iltil, iiDt, liowcvcr, let tliv opporlm

>, nnd forth with juvacnied n report invoriifthn rcFointions. Thnrn -wnn n stirliitercHt in (IIA llattm tamed lately, nml WCoin jimiiicit to bin feet wit A a

ntiNtitnto tba iniiiiirlty for tho mnjority ronort. A Ittilc pnrhiylnj; ciiHiipd, am

Cole withdrew Iiiu nintlnn. Tliou ifFlyiinmovcdtolny over tbo rnlirn mil)

itil Wcdiiemlny. This wna dcfciuetl, undlme motion wnn miu\f n^tiln, tho timn hdanjiCil until WfdncHduy nftprnnnn. 11,VEII wijtl lit) wnnlPd more tlmn tout it. Mr. Clinpmiin took liiu flmr oi'lih winily'ripcRctiPH, fliiimini; thut t

tariff matter might to bo left to I'tingrrMr. \ci»1iliiitir tlirn ntovcil to lo.T *h" win

er nn tlm tahlp, mid thin wilt* lout IDid(t then tiiiMino erfdmit tluf » nu

ru-limltm ot oilier*; tu jirovldo for tin'lUu of u ihoBLU fufdiolitcr iu imurpoliiiroiicli*; mipiiletueut lo tlio mml net,^ thut nl! liorcvt) nhiill hi: hit^htd ti> thecititt-rof ek-igiinnusl tdpilit, uniliT jieuiilty or«.''>; JlKliiKtlieiiihiiiL-H of county mipcriiitcndi'iirv :>f fielinnln uu a WHSIIH Imsis; ii joint rc«<ilutiim providiiiB for lik'iiiiiul wunsiimH of tin

hi (lie Hemtteuu TIUWIHJ- ;I nnifru) p<lni3Uiiuii act vu* Intmduml; also u liilIhinjt tlm mtliiricmif l'rortrL-ntorH iu conn tic iuf liiu fourth etiiHB nl ff^M, if 1,200 und *(,«*'u^ordiui! lo populntiun. Th>' f.-llo'vii^ l.illiwere inmiH'd: li^qiiinn^ ICCOKIIinures lo he

W'tiuii ia I-OUPWNI within nix immth^; tu limitdi'i>upi[H fur di'iiilulioii iu Kliitu 'niiilm tn 4\»r cent [tlm dvil rlpliN bill.

Aiuuui; ui'tr bitlH Jutroilucpd in tlie Home(VLTelltc i'tillnwlti!;: An net rolntiiig to tlmmaontiimint oftiisttH, ]iroYi<l!iiK iir tUcssiSHcss-mentiifiitl real ptvperty at its futt rahw,with no reduction to In? in ml is by iciuwm «fnny indehti;dn<;*M of HIP owner IliPivuf; to(iiitlioHttt tdo Ii«iitin« of imhllc roatla mirf(itrei'tn in trnv:iBlii)is; cxnniptliij; iiisi-HOiiul

Tlie hill mukiut; it a uiiitdfiin'onitrto fiiiwd.Tn'[)i'wcul nballot hnndiil tu mi cleulorinisscd

SitUHtf.b<> romiiiinlpr of tlie proo»ri1in(>H IIIIH week•c hiif!«'l,r dtivoltd to lobbying ou u liirill1

•atluu, uu Kvcount oi wk'wh J» yiveii

ivcrj- IHIH movfid tn Barton, I'».id over WH iu(crp«t in Hie ium

nice huwuuBs to A. J. Drake. Jlr. Dmkeill !«• iduutiliisil with Mr. llowniiin, tlio gen•ill agt-ai, who reiiiPstuittt nearly nil tinu.liiiK iusiiranca com nun I utt nf thi) Unitedlutn. Mr. 1). will unduiihtflilly alvo tutili.fnutioii tu both tho comimuics sod tinho (pvo him thtir nutrounf-e, uu he hn

thurimgh icuofflcdj,'!) of ill" valnn til' real

t lite.r Miii took 1'lu.h SfJiuhujte, t>u

Qult<MiilintercHtiiii!li(hu ifatiHJoit lliiittc, South Btoiihope, oti tli<20th- Thi! olijyet uf tliH UIIBU W»* to JIMIVO thiright «f properly \>y Mury 'J'. Knijicr. iiluiutiff,nml Albert Burr, dpfiii'dunr, J. fi. WilluttudWaller I. llo-w «on> CDIUMI fw-plulutlff, audMr. Burr iinbly done u

vt'rv. Ufa p

rtand jitlicclrouus to bhow

iluit thnt tin) money tlmt Mrs. KnipeipiUOIIIIH wan Ihe cum Sup* rif her In:ho contriuttul fli«ilebt vitli Mr. Uurr.

A iwthvr Itnpttrtnul ffatinn witsllic pily dati

Ur.lliuTclD!aictl*Un.Kti[por niul ublidpctlt-oin cerfnfu piirtlcti *iitt<i thu Iwitiluiiug othid xuit, in order Unit »hu niiglil puvtiinoitf li.f Iwr iHUlmiiil'ii priqwrlj lobriugl t wilhi"ho limits or tli« *aOO art. These fntts Mr.

Burr emkuvored t» bring beliue the jury hyling Ihr plnitiliti; which wu^ not

by the court. CoimcqiiBatly Mr, Bmy jy

s ,vi.ii>ittht term it, rated uut of uuurt,l d f of tbt; plain-

m tbo.prop-viTtlliit reuilured ia fa

li«r Hie right

POET nl Kuuth Sta

givliiK a fieii Mow out oThe birltiitloiia art out to

Inie of thesoil I iimlcr-

HEWITT C0BKEBED AGAIN.Bame limo ago n Ftutetnenl wna luatto Ihat

- Abrtm 8, Howiltttink Hiotcailin reiliu-ingwages in the iraa industry nfU-rtlie titriffreductions of last year, [fnwitf, wiifi binusual prapptulty for puiliap hinisulf onpaper, Imrriml Into print und ilcnnuncedtha statement as tmtrua, sij-iDg, "we simplyconform ourwork1* to Ihe enrrent rule ofwages pu'd by otter worts In our vicinity,'1

This Wo1 asflertion led [ha American ProteetioniBt to cDntmnnicata with thi proprie-tor* of mills in ttio Dtlawnre region andcompare their Hmteraentfl of wages paidwith tbow fail! at Mr. ITowiil'fl worts.They tiiko the tbrco vorks nearestHtviU'n andsbow thatnt the opening ofIheyonr 18B8, jost fotlowiuglho rcdnclinuof tfao tariff, wLUa Mr Hewitt was pajiiif?puddlera' ttftRCB at the rate of $i 10 per toe,his competing r e i s e r s paid $-M0, HOTfind pl.Tft prr ton. Tbi4 elrows Hewitt'susual iniinctrlty and tmrfllnhilitjr of Mate-tneiif, togelhfr with the fact that them

Wr (if Iho Dcmitcantn. liicluilinc Mr. Aiinltime, were Joining thc'ReiuiblicnnKlynn witihlrew his motion to lay ov

Mr. Cole ml vacated tho minority

iHTBofCmiffrwHi to npnoiio any intuiwith tins iiirnont tariff, nml ho thought tl!nfl,|nrifj report shoitl*! not Iw aHapteH,

Air. Ciimjiboll ailvocatetl tlio adoptionthe minority report, sftyliighe knew that t!•Ings interest o{ CutaheHand countybolnjnrpd if there wni nuy change in tltariff.

JFr. BnrgeBs said the Constitttttou gnvoevery dtiien the rifflit of iiotltlon, ami tIrfBialiiturc. no a representative body, hndright to instruct their reproachtntIves in CoiS»B». Hn denied thi« tho threo WMnhlcli wcro r nn aider oil tonlny hiul hcen foItolitlenl cupitnl. Ho hoped tho rcaolutfoiwould pau.

Mr. Uohwarlh «M that hwaaagnad mUtnt:o wlion tho getitlnmnn sitiil the rosolition had been introduced for political ca|iitnl. lie represented n clintrict cnmpoaci

He did not ropreaenItrpuhlicnua only, htit Dcraocrota i

Democratic tariff roforiduties means lav vnge* titake ndTantBge of them.

hnow thftt lond oro the first to

IHE SEOBETABTSHI? RIT£STI0K.Concerning tho mutter of the Secretary-

ship of the American Institute of MiningEoftfnetrfl tbs American rrotottonist pec-ends «uRt the Em las heretofore m'i Utbe fo'lowing poinlfd ntttcle i

Tlie Tcntjniat.innaf !*nir, T, M. Drown Ifnvr» vacancy in tho olllce nf SccrotnrT of thiAmerican Institute of Mining Engineer*Among the tuipirantH for the position i» Dri t IV, liayntmtd, editor cftfifl SncinPfriniiimdHUilnxJonmnl.wlioNhonlduntbpehofipnfor the reowra thnt lie in committed to tluHewitt herodfuf ftoe trade in rnw mnterinU,widla canwqneutij ralistod ni$qlt»t tho Intereit* ofAmericnn mlnlnjt englnwrlnn. \Vvcansot lwlievethat HID InRtitntnniinte ijuiltvnfttBftJl^of piacinffwi Impnrtantan offii'In the lintrdR of one wlmse economir views m


in whoso intercut the resolution wan jnedited.

Mr.FmhDtnlod tlmt tlio Democratic rojnmtntivciiof Now Jowey had fnvowd 8m

neU. Rnmlnll for Spcuhor, and he dtsircil(ml himself, nx well aa tbo J louse, on reco

tho question. Tlio SlAto of Now Jerae;nihl jmt itself throng li tbo House of Itepre-

seutativta, agntnut Clio evil which was np-in tho election of Spcnhor Carl isl

« II pronounced iree trader. Tho reoiution Blmply wcjiieatDil tbe inemliors (

to rolti ngiiiunt a ohan^ in thitnrift

Mr. Chapninn suld aehwlna Retire to Iro-|mcii (hu iiiotivo of (ho neutleninn who intro-dnerd tlio irwlutioii. IU denied tlmtCurl isle or nny »f thu Pcmoorntln ConRresa.iiicn wern prououuci'd fme tamler

Mr. Flynn moved to recommitMr. Coin nnld the committee hnd careful!;

considered tho question, nnd tbe minority iitended to nutke ft political in its beariDg. Themotion to recommit was lost by 28 to iW.

Jlr. Flynn then moved to adjourn, nn !h<lily way Ut gnfi tho RepublioRns anil itmt

Tlio yeailargo I

iiil nayH were denmmled by1 of members, bat tb

hatian of one whose economte views nnto itji objoct, nnd who would prnmoti

offttmen OHM, to the di-trimeut «fan production. Amove tha other

Mr. KlrvlmiT.editor at l>r. Rnymond^ purier,PreiIerieitVrimp(.>r.. vho A Htran^.mended he tried friundu of Amuricm lndu«l ry,wifmnad In principle nnd craintutly "" 'fortbepoalUon.

AmerioM Ing tradera pluco tha hhato atthe present depression itt Ihe iron nnd othertrades upOD our protective tariff, and InsinocHy or Ignontntly » ; tlmt if we bid freitnda we could dispose of our sarploa maimfutures in foreign markets. But Enj(lUl[reetndern, wbobave no cause toba in-afsccre aa tula talij^ct, do not talk thl* tray,but exactly the revene. They know, andmy, tbat if our tariff b*rtier were iwppt two;tbs tide of trade would set this way sUU more

. rtrongly (halt It docs. Ia the UDgange ofone of (ban, M quoted ia oar English letterofUrtveelt, •'Thuonijr hopo of oar being«bla toafpin esfabllob a Urge Americanmarket l l ts ' . t i l ths Free Traders in that«oonlry."; Ihero Is still more npou tLis

'- tabjectln oar Uut week's EaoJIak letter,ohich t « r j honcet Atfiuricau ehonld read.—American Manufacturer.

From a Ielt«r from Hoa. Thos. H. Dud-ley, who JB now in Europe, we «xtraot the

~ fwtowlng mragrspb J ' I w a s f u EngliHi*bfla Oullilo was elected gpcaker. It pi\

: great s&Uihetfoa to our -rararwi' Uitrn;u « n wutnocb quietrajnldcgorer it. II•onsaf OM ptoplA could hnre Been theI U r t O i e t people tho EglUl took I

refused to notico them, nml nt oneo dcclnrodHm Hp>a»o niljomned. Tlio gic/deat amrnt prevailed over this action. SeveralI)Dinoerntio momberi Jatned witb Republic!io (funomiHug (lie Spoakor openly.

At a nppuWlcftn cnuons held afterword iitr&a rcBolvcd to tuko souie action tto norrtny in tlio shape of ftfonualprotoit ngnlasltho Speaker's action.

The Deroocrntn an WcdneBdny adopted thtfoltowinjj lulistitute in placo oi Mr. IIolz-wartVe tariff reaolotlon:

Reiolvcd, Thnt we farora tariff for rove-line, limited to tbe necessary expenses of tlie(lflv«minciit, and BO mljastcdas tojclvo pro-tection nnd cnoonraKemtnt to productive In-dustry and tutor wittioiit producliigorfiwter.lug loonoiMily.

Jlr. Pish protested against the adoptiond? substitute. It vrtu, he said, praoticftlly

.leclarnUon In favor of tariff thikerinc byt'ungreas. Ha opposed It •twragly and do-

anded ttic ft.vci ami nays.Mr. BUTRBBS atilil tbs inbutituU omonuted

togtmply the declaration of tlio DemocraticKutlimnl platform of 1880, "ft tariff fur reve-nue only." The people of tnk State were li


people, thopossible w

thetook Inb

I n U r w t O t o peple , t E n g l i , took Init, t b r / would possible wika op to tbe dun-pertb U tbreotdoi ni/'—Ualletin Iron and

I In this tariff qneetiou and they pro-posed to deal with it reppirdlcM ol party line*.Tlic whole people were interested in thi*Inpir, silk men frwn Piitoriinii, glow menfrom Bontk Jeney, Iran workers, of Morris,and dm manufacturers of erery kind in Sow.ark tad e!*ewb«t«.

Mr.Am«tron8, (Bep.) raised the point oforder tbat the institute hefcwas not In order, but tint the advene reportWi». Tha Speaker declared the point notwell taken. Ur. Armstrong appealed fromthe docinionof theebaU. The Speaker refusedto entertain tho appeal,

A fcatnro of the debntown* an effort \,y tin.Speaker tn prevent debate. Mr. Neighbourhod moved the previous question and thoSpeaker mfniod to allow Mr. Crio to explainhii vote. Mr. Annitnge (DemoeratJ then•rose and Mid gagginB of any roeiuber «a ian outrage an& he For one would not itautf it.Mr. Cole was tueo permitted to explain bisvote, and proecedea to denounce the freetrade teudenefu at tbe Democratic party,Mr. Cole WM interrupted and Mr. Arnillngtagain protested ajainrt etokiuj; off debate,and declared that tbe rules of tbe House diduotjmrtifi tbe SucakefV conrsfl.

The notion for tbe previous question R Ucurried 31 to 2S, a party vote, except Ur.Armiioge who voted no. The question ofadopting tbe inbiittute WM» then put and car-ried hy a port; vote of33 to 27, eierpt thatArmltage voted no. Ho said he w u iu fnvorofthBorf(Tin*]pe»ohidon«ftiiiIdiJnotpfcpoBriUibeirhippedinby caucus on iuehmemnreai til*. A motion lo reconsider was lost.

Mr. umt Mm. J. S. l)aviilnoii, now of Jorncy[Jity, were in fiiiiiiiuipi< Siiinld.v. «fr. UavUl-wn iviifl fovmfrij Super Intern lent of tliet'rrttliytciliih HiibbiitH nehoolof Ntnnli(>])C nndIho iniiiii« *f Ihut fiuliiml wuns very glad Ui

J . E. ]<'ni'[>t> wnn t lie lender of tlie Urdu in(.'tub lust Sumliiy. Frimk O'Ni'il, AI. MmAlirnm h. Chirk, Col. Ilninrs mul (Mbort nSticl-n«, Ur. Gillmrt ramlo nililreisfs, whilethe ccntlcmau who wua with Mr. Gllburtnonuple nf i'teei'8 vor.v[itaUj", Sir. Qtt-hart is n linld-Ii^dilcil colored uitm mid tho.younu mnn wlio ncconi])niiip<l him looked like

Ocloroou. They talked nnd Miingin thoJl. K. Clitneh In thn eventnt; to n very lnrgonudii'!U't>. Wr, (lilbert In ijtiito a talkertalked }irincipnlly of tlio coin red pcopb

Smith imdtheiro dnention, »in;;iiijj auf tlio did vlmitiitiou iiielo.lles with the

: of Hie J-OIIHJ: Minn who wna with 1I bilicvo thoy intouil to slay oomo ttra


wiis Foreign Mission Sunday la the I1

liyterlmi Church nt Sinnliopi'.Therp will he n rottngo prayer tpectfug at(• heiuvo of W. S. Newnmn. at Allnntown oi

Fndny cvrninj;.

i, J. Juy Crnnc preached at Mount OHvIiMSiiiidny.

The wen nt the Furoita Powdor Works aronil blil off, hut two, far two wcehn.

There is protracted meetings gallie house nf firrni. MoConncll, at Shipmnus-art, in thatutcrcstat thoFreo HethodUta,

nnd It In «nid tiint Bnm acnik liiu tcsima out totier tho people in. One of tho tonedFreo UoUuiiIfrt* f« tiint whn so joins their

oliurnh must etnn uhowin^ nnd Hinnking to-icro, ns wnll an Icavo off hin other slnH. Tho

Rtorv |toca thnt one of tlio brethren who hap-sued to be n nicthodbit, nnd did not tli Suit Iticli »titrrililc Bin to tuko lik tohncoo reRu-irly, bnppotiml to nay thnt hohnd boinnRedi tlio nhiirch for mrarai yenw nnd hadwtrtui tobacco nod thought it JI»HID, "Then3ii never had nny wsliglmi," miitl one of the

Vroo MeUiodisfH, nmt It ia usiid ipiite n debate"{•runi; UP o n "to Riilijcct, whielt was finallyin tied liy Sir. McConuelUnyiuc; that be in-ended toharo prnycrmccliiig ntliis house,mil not u dchntiriR mieiety.Tho yinms ninil's imnic who travels with

Ur. Ollticrt b not HulHvnn, hut Chestnut.Tlio other utiiok of tliK furunca in Stnnltope

i blown out for repairs, nud It te dark nuwolujt through HIP furnncc nfRhts, nnd one la

>pt tn stub bin tocit if lio In not onreful.

HDW would Henry \Vntternon, of Kentucky,do tar a miadidtitc for Frerideat f lie wanldho apt to mate n lively campaign nnywny,

John Peters moves liinlamily tir thiM-eabonta, en the l«t of Febru-

ary. Tiros. Decbaio tnhci thn house in tinrow foniifirly orcuplod by Jlr. Potora.

~ mo oftliD Stnnliope pirln tonknome ofboys out eloigh riding tho other night,il tho mtule, ]iaid the 1.111a, and " [tuncpd

ill night till brand daylight," ami got homeiboiit (I o'clock tho noxt niorniug, I ticlr teop ye«r privilege, you know, and itnlv comua once la four yearn.Tlicro Hootng to be a ROOII doul of talk alltcr tlio country at present about makfaglililrtn loaru their lessone during school

iour» dud saiuo folks think Shouraof Bttidyibould ho onmigb. PorlnBtanoc, we have just

good a actool and us ooinpctcnt n neliool'slot M ttiey bnvfl nny wliero outside of tho

iUesnudyctwlion I enmohomo nights If Idon't turn myself luto n Bohoolmastor, andmake tho hoyt aluiy ai lipnjo they nro suroto fuil in their loisoua BO i t day at school.IVilUtimonf yonr realtors gtvo UR their ex-;rience in this matterfOf caursa the ntnpphigof the Stanhojte fur-

neccttsltatra tbo atovpini; of the Mineral

Mr, (i. 11. Luiigor, the t*ijlei7>riei»jj mvr.'hinil uf thi' plnct'. linn in lil« employ nowivo ulcrkrt, mid nil ncuu to 1m IJHP.V. Mr. h.iicscnfsto tho publiu one of the mind <ilutu fitorltB of |{ood8 loiiud hi iiiiyeimi(tore aud ttpnrcii no ]miti« tu p leu so nud net

inodntc (umloinorit. Wliero U Hie minioysters when tlilH slurp wan hi

hulll thut there never vouhi lie UBtuckitt In it! I tl'ii<h h« Hi h<

Ihut nitr-rn thirty thonwind dollurs wurtlipondH is sold numinllj tlinllitMundoaniUtiIM wull IIS Borne of nur wcntlior t>r»i)hct<preilietlup; n luiM «iti(ci. MM11, it nccms h

nn to err.M'illinm King Mlppliftt iiw wilh thvim's in tho way of mcntu, wliicli In imvt-iiicnco to South Stnnlidnu.Win. F.uuger, tlm iiiipiiiiu'olmk uf Ihlrinow lotirdhiK «t tlio Mitnsloii llmuc, lwj

b.vA.U.Willimiii.WoBoeui to horujircNtuled In nil brmiuh<

it Imsiuesw, iiH Mr. A, M, Jo|iei ia Idcutli-ii in thn hileiWKt oi' furuUbitii; mu;i\ntninnnis hi the NIWJK) of vrgann

plniiof, nnd iitlVrs ^t-cnt inducement U. 8i

Jiuiiii'thinjj Ui be proud of us n dfizrm ntiixiiayerk tlio flniiucinl wimlllinn oi MiOlive TPwnaUiji. 1 notice in your ln«t ifisn(hat according to tlio Stnln Comptroller'nniiaal report of tlio flnuncial cnudltloiHOIHD of tho londinjj towiiBliips of tho Coi<>f Morris, they nro hi dclitfrotn UW to $15,Mount Olive Township Is one that, lintttehte, wliiult retteutM great endlt not iii]>ou thecitUouanudtux |inycr» IHRUICOpooil nnd reliuhlo meu te reiirrnont their in

but nfsn upon Iho oflicetiuldera iu th<fulthful t'erfonuBiioe ol their dutlen.

Wm. Brown moves in 1i)s private residenti Wcchnnif Street, tho first (if April.

I1 no TKM.

BQCKAWAT.We hop* wv Juive not Intruded upon tlie

"HockawBjani!i"if BO, we beg pardon.Hr. imd Jin. Ftcd, UnrferhiH, of Newiwk,

have fiteji visiting at Mr. 11.1). Tuttle*^.Mr. mid lire. S. D. Kyuor buve returned

from Buffalo, lint whether timT will retuaiiliei-u jioiiuniieufly WH are tiui ponitfvc3frF faI'oniiL-d.

Mi. Lilwnrd J. Ftix, of New York, visitedlih jxircuUin tldfl place on Run day lout.

It is said [hat U. K .& G. \V. Stiokle'i mvham will I'uld 137 toiianflia.v, unil liyillliUB

iild be put in It.


pthut tUerc is soine liilk or a

u Junal mkut 1» hi- tfiveaturn fur tlio UmoOt of Ilit Hum!, uudcr tlie ninnufrei

in thiBwfc

ncut ofray (,'iProf. Vi

Mr. JOIIQ lluiikcrttuu lm.l a wall dug on bliiremiaei'. IU- watt very fortimuto wltii it. asre benr thnt voter wna found nt tho tiepfti

Mr. Mutt. KUuhcl took nload of boys tuidglrln sli-lglirldiiiji to Dover last finiurduyafh'ruonu. -lie sleigh suit will iilled slid

driiwu liy four horaos. Tlic ride wan veryi|i, as only tuu oonto apiece vm chnrged.

While imiviaR Dover, neur tlic WcMt Ulack-wnU St. railroad trowing, OJW of the lendiug

fell, whicli nbu enitwd tlio other onetu full too; thon they hucmno cntuuglcd in

mil made right agalu, wilh no damii^e done,ir nuybody hurt. We hliould judge Hint a

mnu wLo linn had eo murli lo <Iu with IIOFBOJOUT friend Matt, has, would undorsland n

good deal ahmit hnudlint; tkeni; hut thenHinctimca the host nro liable 1o umki) niis-ukes, nnd we iitemiine that linn hneii tlio vuydili him. We imderatutid tlmt Uncle JimIbinelunl, who uccompaniod tbcm, had heardlint Mutt. Imd laid tho fnult upon him, hot:o Mays it waa not so, at he dill not Jwire t ielues iu liln liitu<fo. Uuele Jim thiukn that itMinfnir nnd ttu unjust liunoaitioa for Mutt.[> liy tu iuijiurf that net upon Mm, wton iwteiufi guilty of it. But ivo gnena the matters of IHtlii cnn«e(|iieiico nny how.It is txiieeted that work will he resumed at



A Wftfliugton dlapateli to the New T<Sun ofto-dsysays:

Mr. MorHiton will to-raorrow luhmit toWars Dutl Meaw Cuniniiitee his NUv.-hatllietiirifflil!l stionhl he. IU ••— -cent (hut it provide for a horizontal roducuiEf twenty percent, hut tbat the dutyoainrtiolo ehall he reduced to nla*rer fljmre ttlmt fixed liy thaMorrili tariff of 1801.Moirrluon hnd onttvaised bin committee,fimlsthiit tbu proportion will he nooop

The bill will ttion he drafted, aud wilremly to Introdueo to tho House next Honda;wli(-n it. wiU be rennrted t(> tlic Warn anUnnwf Committee. That cowMiitUse will w(iiiiekly rejiortit baok to the Houws fnvarabland then wliat will be dose remains toseen.

Tlis renders of the. EiU canjtrosjKJct there would ho for a rennrnptiuntLoirou ore trade of Morris County ifduty on that artful.) i> reduced twouty

•ut. TIio duly in uow too low to enahlola compote meeegsfaiiy with the foreignproducers, and If it hi to be mads less mimore of the raiues would he oompolktd•tone rt'e may ha extremely thaaktul thaive liavc a Repubfloan Sotmto and Prctldeuito obeck BUCII legislatloB on tbis. Uut ilsliowi what tho Democratic party would dfor our industries if thoy controlled thaSciite and Prosidout w they do the House,

Trestmeat of Balky EOISM.Any ono obsarbinfi tlia inhuman troaiw

often hoHtowcd upun halky lioisea, willdorsti the following pw*m»lvo tneasui

inmoiided hy the acrmnntown TelogrupTo theso remedies others may ho added,'tlie ground ie Bttffloiontly covered by thesehints U> nibet nil ordinary cases of the Riulorscs:

AD long m wo can remember, thi* singularIt of obstinacy iu tbe horso lisa been <

cussed, and all sorts of plans given lor oiIt must lie tamotaheteH thatwbi

T, 1!. l 'e forgo nest week.

'DOI Work* am, and I am told they liavenot much stock ou band cither. We will Beewhnt tho effect will he before spring,

Tha Mite Soditty of tbe Presbyterianif Stnnhonc, mot in tho parlor* of

ohn II. KniBbt on Wednesday evening andit a very plennsTit evening.

Mi*8Ford,wlio{crtchM08Cof the depart-,if tho South Stanhope School, epokcn» did (tl»o Mlsa White, who aettstB

>. Copo. Tlicro were tnulonnx and u veryiterating time scnerally, ia spite of toe:ona,(Ulliert nnd Cfeetunt oconpled tlie Reformluh's room on Wednendor evening.I am wirrj to say Itotorl Daldwln, ono of

lio M. t E. Dlv. ciijjinconi, is too unwell tofork nt tliis writiuR. D. J,

DHAKEflVlLlE.Tho Koreite Powder Company has laid offII their hands nn nocoant of extrcniD cold

itlier. IfitiriHlerntentheywiUooniniinking powder tho flrnt nf Fobrnnry,Th« miaemulo chinlten thldvD* visited Join

BOQNTON.It ecu' sij^is do not pro do in in at p.

A vocal entcrtninincut undiT the directionof 0. V. fl. Mngeo is soon to tuko place.

uKtllaethaa rt gruy rn«re, "Kun«ck,27 yenrs old, whfuh la still In u«e.

Tlio two canal Iticko nt llonuton nro tu bi[buruiighly overhauled BOOH,

Sovcrnl of the lending ItcpnblicanR, m]>ortors of C, F, Hopkins, went in attendantnt tlio proceedings ef the County ExecutKCotnnilttce k a t Sittimlny.

BOUM one nskml for cletueney in ulidtu,down hill. But to cup tlia alltiinx, two ofoUizctin •were rim into hy liob sleds duiiajlast week nnd nompelhd to gn to utoilunearth ratUor too audilciily for comfort.

A peculiar devloo UdH: i'arlloitho oniin.) have ruociitly found at certain int

nlBholes cut in the ice, which were iionll;pnokoil witU snow, far un othnr pin-pone, itprcHinnod, than to allow Boino miwary indl-iilual thn privlliige of n nuld water bath.

Win. Smith wnn tin-own out of a sleigh cPowcrvillG last Saturday iiml received

A iwriitinu WM ill elrciilnlJnii this week, iiohjuct being to do away wilh tho formtiliwbcro iippllenntB for tho jtnatmasterelilii nptdy to tlio Exectufvo Committee for "mtint. Instead the influence, brought to hcai

ho controlled solely by the volco of tinpeople.

A number wore on hnnd Saturday last towltiioa* tlm trotting on tlio lee, but thoy wcrodoiimed to ho iUsap[iointeil. Sovoral liorncswith their owners fiom out oftnwn put iu np-pparnnpp flnrinji OIP /iftcrnoon for tho pupoac, an tbey exiircus it, of cleaning un somiof the notnllo ones hero in town. Uut the;were donlorl tlmt plcssurc, for tlm nlotplirenson thtittbo ioe wastno rough for tmttiufnurpaHCS. Iu oonsoquoncfl liorse owuern dli]not cnrti to run tho risk of doing injury, tothemselves and their boreeii. Bport Is antici-pated fur this week eliouhl tho wCRthctiml:.

TholatercBt In the V, 51. C. A. lneetinjrsitill moroiuo. Last Sunday tlinro vrero delo-

gntca present from JIurriatown and ltloom-iiiKitalc, nud the room van m full t int quitea number who wcro labs couhl not get in,

Tbe fourth viitortuUimcnt under tho direc-tion of 0 . F- Q. Mcj le will ho plvcu in thhalt on next Thursday evening. Tbli will ho

grand* concert, nnd fully an good as anytbo pant.

Tttoailuy night a elelghridiug party fromit tbfftttgh town on their way

roost laat Tuesday night nudranf Ids bout bent. ThU time


uak twt-Hty-Bhey made tno Inrgo a haul, John has found

it. nnd Trficn tlio nnxt Orand Jary «ttihenndll be a flnttering amiiii-; the jnil birds.Tlio other da j Hpniy Uaoifoirillc, linviug

difference with bU iirk Wilklnnoo, vent to

t neighbor,

latter and loqn\r.-A n," his toother forInrk, telling tlie old "ndy be wnnld not harm

Informed Omt Mr. Wilkinoon wastlm burn, he nsfcetl IT there T M

toy with bim; being answered in give, be got a cluli and started lor the bun,iling to Mr, Wilkinson to cone out Clark,

teeing the murderous weapon in his hand,d being n oripplit, thought bent to bold tla

F r f l g K t T Mr.Wilkinion hid Wm arrculwl lsst Friday snAhnaght before EwjnJm Dnek, -wLo TtqninU

i to Rite Monrit; for bis Appeamnoe str t He wss tben allowed to go on bis

inding waj.Th h

g j .The other day '

i hKing's tntra >ns

t hy g

polling Boheer1* hotel, trheu ono ot Ihe nraarthiiiiii oamo IOOM. The hnrpea got frigbtoneil

datBTt«d. Tfaa drive; preferiac to geilovIronped tha reins nnd witb two otbersnmped) the team ran to tbe Btora, t on downfence and stopped. Ono of them had nilthwlty injured.

Quite a nrival at Shipmsntport; a nntn-

to If antvilla. Jonsw Dowmnn, a former roof-dent oi this town, held the lines, Tho snni

jbt anothor party, from Dover, stopped ttho Mnniion House for t\ Into aupper.

A sleigh loan of young peoplo went on nride ID Bouth Ornuj-e Wednesday afternoon.'Lllhottgit tho day wna etorray they hail anleudld time at ths reifdance of Uenry Hoff-mn. They danced nil night and returnedome about half-past eh in iho niorniag.Tbe much tnlktid of trottingmaUb earns off

n Wedn«»lay ttftortiwm on thoomnt Thecrowd liegnn to gather nbout 3 o'clock, andwhen the hcrsoa wore hronjbt on the tracknhont half-post tnreo, tbo oanal bankPuwervillo was Uned vitli pcoplo, nmany of tliem from om of town. Thtwj

ire trotted and two of them won by a banefrom Littleton, owned oy Chas. Shelley,received n prieo of flttecn- dollars. 'bones -wore started each time, nud every oneof them rail aa much an they trotted. Thitruck was vtry rongli and covered with snowNot one Bwraton horso WM entered for tbonoc, tboir ownern teeming to bo ttlrald to trytheirirweJ ogoinst oaUJden.

The streets a n so slippery that fall* arogetting to be ft dally occurrence. UIOK.


Sir. Alp^on* Vicnoo and wife, who baTbeen to ill that tlicy woro not expected to re-cover, nr* crnvnlewent.

MIM Pbolio tfolfort, «f Xetr Bnmatrbk, isspending wtno time with relatlrcs in thii

eintty.MUi Clara Redden, of Newark, in vfrilfng

Motives n<l Bcquointaneeo in Centcv Grove.Ur. Charles Briant nnd wife are visiting in

Washington, Warren Comity.Mr. and Mm. Horace Baird are visiting rd-

Bttveain Chatham.

Inn relatives hen lost week.Ebner Deattr, of Sostex County, race

spout s> few dava irith hii staler, MM. Hun*.ainsWrlgbt

So many ot the miners t a re moral fromtills vicinity, it bna taken twenty-five scholarsfrom Uu Cspter Grove school.

Miu Vary Priunt spent latt wee* left* heraunt In Morriatown.

Tho telegraph men were here sgaln th!*week putting up the second wire.

Oeorg* Wolfe bui got hi* TOIIU eclu wellliroke and they are proving la Ite a lino pair

KswtoD is to have ta electric fire

Mr. John Kollry, of ttitaplncc, who runstlm forgo nt Stockholm, bus gone to Fhiindel-jitiifi niiil vicinity on n bueiiKMie nnd vinitatlo

Mr. ThotmiH II. Hauglnnd liua hceu mnklnII extcmled trljt iii llio northern part of\iiimylviutla.A nmuliET of our young mnu hove lately

received tbi'ir lnujr-loukcd-foi' Impeiial l'htitosJVuni Cotter the piiotogm]>hi>r. Wa suitpoHQtlmt cueh enn MOW glvo one to bin swcotlioiirt,if iierelmiice they aro fortunate eaouf,rb to


HT. OLIVE.One of the griinilcst donMe hirtliduy pttr-

tics that has hecu glvim ou this mountain <u alun^ tfmo wiu hold nt tlic limiHoof Hfr. Ira II.Sti-IilieiiB In honor of liln son Olmrlea and MleiMiifiifiti Cimkny. Tlidr birthdays occurring«i!o wtt-it npnrtit YfDB bfild ou fciturdny OVDU-iiifi hetween HID two, Tn kevp it from tbcm,ntid to got the purly iu the house without(Uncavary, wan no easy taek, but it was enro-fully ninnmreit hy the pnrenU, who sent thornout Hlrigbrldinti, anil thu plan proved u suo-;P9B, fftrwiien tboy returned tho partvlmdill gntborcil, tho slcighfi wore all concealed,mil when they were told to go Into the roommil Iny off their wraps they found tlmt fortyif their friends and eiMioolnmtcs wore thereIMMMJJMMJ. Jt irjia diflleiilt for then) to eol-eet their tlioughtn, BO nstoiiUbed weru they,

Hut for their comfort wo can Buy tbat nil canmtvrlnctl at times. Tea tttie saon pro-

pni-ed and fifty-two puvtook vf tbo delloacJoBliich bad been provided. Tho Ut. Olive

Hnnd fuTiiisbed tbo muBie, asslitod by thoHimlinnnn brotlicrn, who rendered Homo Tory"lie soieetioun BCparutclv. They will nllease accept tlio chUdren'H tbnnk» for tlicfi

Hcv. JdM J. t'rann delivered nn IMD BITIOU iu the Proebyteriau Cltvrnli on Babbiith

last. Aiter tho eorviees he (misted itciidlug a call tv Ker. Jahu SeofleM of Mum-nliusotte. If ho iwoeptB we shall try and haveilm wltli us nost Snhhntli. Having beenunanimously ohosen by tbo congregation TIhope tho; will bo pleased with their choice,

John J. Drake delivered liiu span of gmyoolta and hnrnpss to a Mr. Koilly, at Newark,Tor which lie received, tho anug sum oi 9450.IOJJD iB now is search of Another team. If helucoeeila In finding them vo hope lio will boia fortunate ns witb tlio others.

Scaring Salmon nod wife arrived sufo homet Frltwton, where tbey found bis father

convalescent On account of his father'sIllness tbey ittif uot enjoy their visit as well

ithoy othervrieo would.Extra meetings are being oarried o

Haptlst Churcli.

times stopping a few moments will be nulelcnt to start the animal again of its oficourd. Kind worda, ]ittttiog, a handful imy or grogs, en ajjjile, or a liltlo hlook pe]

per put upon tlio touguc, will Induce it to gihcad as if notblng bud boon the tnnttci

Whipping, at all limes, and especiallythU ease, is. tbo worst resort. Wuhovo ourBislvcg induced balky horses to quietly starliy suuie of tlicso meave, nnd one was entire],uiired of it bv lotting it stand until it went cigniu of iUown will. Somotlmostho

turning of the bead aud letting tbo anitailook in different directions, or nibblug tk<uvsc, bus answered; so has tying a atrlnjaround the foreleg bolow the knea and drawing it rather tight Various resorts of thikind should IJO iidoptod never force.

will prove a remedy for QUO hone will notanother. The original cause of It 1B, doulufc ri d 111 t t f tl ltaft

gf nnd 111 treatment of tlie colt,

r it has been broken to harness. Somi

MILTON AND vujrarrr.Tho Hilton Cornet Bind, wo imdcratand, is

liolnc re-orgnQlscd. , ;Mr. Uhler II. 0(»», who h.w spent a portlou

nf tbo Winter in Florida, among tho orangfiB,1ms returned.

Jlr. Joliu SU-vens, of fjonjewooil, has re-uorcd witb bis family to Pntorsou.

Mr. Wm. P. Wintei-bottom JIM ropnlred hisIOIISO on tho iccoiitly puroliasnd aarrc t Tall•inn jilnca.

Mr. LemlB Clmmhcrlsin is ropnirioji one oflila houses nenr tlm bridge, for Rummer nsewo heliovD. Ho has also done quite OOHBI' o repairing on Jiis halldhtga the yatt sum-

mer and fall.A couple of dogs at t

t M W, ono bolong-

hp g t R , ng

ig to Mn. William H.Talmitdgo, have beenidpoisoned.Mr. Alfred Illneshft retum«d to California.Her. Mr. Laroo,s Methodist local preacher,

who Is toaohlnR the imbllo Bokool at WestMilfcird, preached in Ihe Baptist Chnwh atMilton last Sabbuth. Ho proached a veryi;ood, prnctiod gennoti. Ho is OK]ieote<l a tHID UotbodfetChnwlt nt XBUm next 8abl»itbiftnruoon. o . C,

AtnvA.Miss Julia Arthurs is yielttnc Wends here.Two tloi loads of yonrajtL tnon nnd bidtos

From SticoftMinnn and MoCainsFille went toMendhni i Fridny evening of lost week.hey hnd a iiloasntt timo, and returaod homeirly in (ho morning.The Biime ovetiiuR a party from nno ol tbei h h l townn, drove in town in a rath-

tr exhilorated state of mind. In turning airnoi- thoy were thrown out of the sleigh.

Thoir horse ran awarandthevbod on Intcr-e»tlu(t timoin gnnoml;

Prof. Forco's claBH in elocution U progress-tag finely. There were over fifty presentMr. L. P. Corwln'a, on Tuesday oveuta..

The next meeting will bo next Tneidaycreairifrat tho rcsldonoa of Ur. B. A. Bovreil,Plandftw. ^ ' ^

J>. P. S n t t y in Plctndsl Twable.The oradlton of Daniel P . Bonttv, muia-

factnrer of organs, at Wasbington, N. J . , Ittvegrnntedhlmnnoitonslitii. It is the impressHlon that tbo iln.Wilioi will rench 4175,000;thoat (U6,000 have tntttured nnd bean jiro-teucd, and I a com Ing nrttes^rill perhapa reach(25,000 more before lie can effect a Wttletneafc,Nearly si) of hla orwJ]tor« tosuy smoiiDt iron>t Wellington lost week Wi on Frtddj «

noeeptliig twemtv-flvc per cent and renewingat two nnd four months for tho Itftl&aea, witbtbo underatanuiui? tbat. ha pays ttreaty.fivepercental It becomes duo and renews untl

nisfipaul. Ifanyrefuso this offer oiirinji suit he will prefer or secure those winuiu fnvor him. It is expected all creditorsrill grant the extension, M they wish bim tomtinno, and say thoy will aid him all theyin,

Dradstreet's reports say that bis notes wenprotested, on account of tlio book refusing todtooiiJit nnd credit night drafts on ereditorjas pnrt pavment of notes coming tine as. toebank had formerly done. The hank bod beenIn tba lioMt of crediting jfr. limttf withIrnfts to the extent ar$13,0t» to *W,OO0, and

on the Iflth ccnaetl, "without notirte, and thuscaused LIs aoeount to be used -up, leaving nofunda to meet In coining obligations. At prcs-ont he does cot expect to mortgsgd hit j*dutntc, irlileh is valuocl nt*100,000. Hiaitook

valued at WO0,0W, with no raortpiges or.ther lien upon it. Pay day at t ie factoryt^s bceu ordered off until next Saturday, aud

-* factory ii running M asQal.

Crablng ProperttH of Wet Snow,Wet snow on roofs has been causing mmicQuronieuce sud many accidents of lui

Tbo ostro wci 'Ut to bo supported Inooutingonciea £9*!ca not to be sumclenU;osileulnted ujion hy builder*. Tbe snow iatight JW it /{eiiernlly falls, taking eighttwelve cnbio inches to equal tlie weight ofouliio loch of water, that people do not geirally raslleo how tubi same scow, hmoml

nn turn tod Ijy gentlo rainn, and added toBucoBBHive snow fulls, may finally pile tinttjrRrofinto weight. Old nud leaky roofs, aOBpcainlly those which nro flat, or hare onl;a slight iiltoh, should lio promptly relievedthis extra burden on tbo oooAsion at ever;

isldernblo full of snow, lor if not unislthoy may, iiBverfhtHeBt, he defleriod Duongto crack or looBen the oovering, and thus ivelu|> lonke, Flat roofs, especially, Buoold[inuuptly roJforcd of their weiglit of «io'nnd it shonld ohio bit seen to that all gutHshould bo kept free from snow nui ioo. Thi

.ntion will feceii tho leaders open,prevent their bursting.

Paying 0ran4 Inrars,io Mount Holly Mirror saya: " I t will

notioed tbat tba bill to allow Grand Jurors|ior day hag been lutroduecd in tlio Legisla-ture again. There may be some good reosontfor leaving t ic post of Grand Juror onehonor only, the honored citizen to bear hisown oiponscB, pay for blgli-nrked dinnersnnd feed tbe Court and Its officers, Trat in tbismatter o' fuot age, it would seem nearer justfor tlie county to boar et taut J) portion of Iexpense. In some localities the county pa;for tbe drtnd Juror's dinners, uqt H(4doubtful legality, and lias never been prsctloedberc. OurQrund Jurors got rot Roedireotly or indireufly, nnd those who ha(bin served a few timas will agraowithtiint tbe jurors shqulil cither have per diembe entertAiqcu at diuoer while oa duty."

A Horrible AooUrat,liotnj FrittB, n widow, 83 years old, occu

pying cine of tho rooms of Culvin CliaplliVouse, ono tnilo from Qlon Gardener, nnrltbafrigbtMnuoldenton Tucwduy of Iu.

week. At 11 o'clock In the morning, the olilady diaeoverod some wood on fire in tinoven of her stove. While removing it heapron taunht (Ire, nud in nn Instant nho wnillJaa hlato. Slis tried to oxtmuakh tl

nro, hat could not, nndslio then opened tldoor and colled fur lolp. lira. Chuiiluto tier iweistonco, aud Aually enccceiputting o«t tho flee. Mr*. Frltts m badllmraod on ibeleft side, arm and bind. DrHunt was at once inmmoned, Ha did nil(lintbe oould to relieve her, and snjs iwill probably recover.—Huntonlon Dei


TFasUy Iran Beport.

Tbe Engineering nnd Mining Journal of liSaturday enya i

AMEKIOAK PIO.—The tujing movi-nxwhich began about two weeks ago han contued, bolui; tbe HBUO.1 covering or eenKui e>trnoU. The foot tiint it appears t» lie BO gioral among conBumors h n Rood iudicutitimt thoy do not look for lower prices.the other band, they need not fenr nny uterlal or long-eiiBtnined ndvancn, in viewtha {act thai thero aro quite u munhar ot fIQCCI out of blnst, rc.fuly to lake advuutuif any marked improvement in thn trndfi.

la stated thnt (lie Tnownn Inm Cumilroudy oa its brokn orders for 77,000 til« iron, tho enpnoitj lieing nbont V.

toHH. Prtcnn nrc michniigeit, Wu <Foundry No. 1, m and *22.50; N«- 2, (nnd^l9,50; nnd Qnty Forge. $17.50 and $1!BcftBCtner pig is dull, holdurn iiakingThere is nothing to report iu Sjiiogeluiirhioh we cjnoto $26.25 and $28.50 fur 20 »oi

my lit


A kerosene lamp explosion started afire:. Everett, Hackettstuwu, bithe house of Wm

Ihe Ftremaa's BUL

Tliohill introduced Into the Legitlatu»1.y*. Hprrlgnn "to give to firemen the same

•ulvnutnies ia ronpoct to taxes and jury dutya»nDW are or bomftw may ho tOlowudt

pmltorn cf tho National Onatd," provide-thatall poreons etmnlieilainuomhora of a«j

Ire orhoso eorapany, or hook and ladder pr-ultatlon or enlvago corps to Ibta Stats and.

nine aelire serrlco In tlib State, in putttaput flrrjorsoriugproperty tram destructiont fire*, shall be entitled to h»vo and receivee sane aivuntapei in rcapuct to laxei ana

try duty as cow ore or hwcofior may fa al.ivod to active tnombcrs of the N U


A Ussonio sociable at Wwaington va t «t-d 4 b a 0 0 U ;

flic fUtnea worn eoqn eitinguishod.

Sonntor Coehran, of Suieex, ii a candidatefar SCafe Pqujntrpller;. ^Tiat would iie dowith that Uw Imiiness, f worth 150,000year V'

An unused bora in Nuwton WM burn&d cThursday nignt of last week. Tie firemendideffotitiro work and prevented the flamesfrom iprcadJog-

Wasblngton lsahont to petition Congroiafor nn appropriation of 110,000 for a post officebuilding. The oitiwta are willing to donatetke necessary land.

A fire broke oat In the clothing store of N,Jicobien, IlaeketUtown, on Thunday nightof lost week but iras txtingaUhcd by thfiremen berore mooh damage was done. Thorigin Is a mystery.

The Blalntown Preabyterian Church hasUtisd a oall for tbe Kcv. H. Duller, oi Clear-flflld. Paj at a sultry orfl.aOO per jeat. Mr.Jobn I. Blair, hw tendered the Reverendgentleman $300 to pay tbe expeuae incurredhy his moving, and also $300 Ut assist ]« fur-nishing the parsonage.

I t is rumored that > suit for breach <..promt** a u Uen instiiated against MajorBeetty, of Waahingion, snd the damages laidat«60,oop. TlieconnljomcUlB,howeTM, saythat no .process has been served by themupon bim, sad thft story is probably a csnardoreise drtolated hy the Mayor In order toget his name ID the newspapers.^-Ex.

The msyor Df Puluipskuig, (n respoBw to apetition from thebojs, Iiasset •psrtone oftho htll streets for the iueof eossien,eaohevening after Hf on o'clock; ana baa promisedto Moummend tbe pwtage of awaolatlon bytlio town council endorsing his action. Asebjbt mcrnben of tha countU sUrnod the p*«.tion. it looks as though eoMters were lo haresome la PlilUpsbttrg.

Bishop Simpson, of iba JTethodist phmroh,exprtsses felann b«canae to many of' the b'ach-eloi-s In thB array ore tuitenderiug to theprstty Gktholio girls who comply ihdrstudies at the Georgetown COOTBDL T i ,Bisbep 4hool4 get damn M^thoJi.t r«n*foseminary io sUrl sa oppaaltlon 41ne. ThereIsapbmtofthai nature a Hsduttstown, inthU Bute, we beUevt-Trwitoii Timas

At Hems sod Airoai,

nwJi»t« relief and curs MB be eliesplr obUlatHanlltoif* COHRII Balsaia will surelr d n«UeflromtbiieTliro*t and t m n tnmUeiorteu urmlDaW in dettti. I ta tu tn lUfln Ormd»wliJparorWliooplnjiConjili YpUreomuoiP'tlMfrlond wUI b»Rre*tly benefits, fries USO oauti. Said bjr Bcbart Klllcar*, SWftr.

Wly Vitts Eao sxd MontrOn tbat wnteh does no flood. TonrobildreB tonormi and aw cros», alwaja liungrj, slwpliw.jny ton weak from tbo utcoonoe of worma ia thsomicb whiob prevetita (ha food betag taJian u

-juriili tl« body. ParmslM'S Baatonlu VtCtndlfi will dlisolva and remove tbe wermitlien all will be wall. Ton wnaot do baltar hj yoicblMrui thin to at»nd tn their beslfli. Friot!cu. per box. SolabyBabiKiU

W. 0. OOLLARD,Carriage Trimmer and Furni-

ture Upholsterer,M0BBIS 8rnEET, D0VEB, K. J.

Hair llittrasies oinde to order nod old nsltrasses unde over. Window ihades nude it Orders Tor all kinds of upbolateni

~ ' *

letters remainioK unclaimeIn tb«PoitOttce at Dover.

Dover, N. J., Feb. 1, IBSt,I l B I*rrH.T E.Berr

W. 0. Bryant,0«viil Cirlsoa,Mm. A E. Camhell,WilliaiD Dee,Joba Erickson,t o m i OliH,H. (laU-lilns,I/zz<c Grovel,Et**tra lewis,J. B. Leonard,lliry Logan, .M I L

IiDaleBIsHIii,Jotin Herrlt,Win, itesBttogor,0. It. Hillewr.Wm. Horrison,Cti»i. Niioo,MstKefintsn,lladiea Butau,B. F. gearing,D»TM Sinn,Ehisi Tillisnn,Anthony White,

BUDIDH LyoD, W.lter H. Wolfo,/sns B. Tf(ilfims,

To obltlo any or the alinve lettors *ayvcrllsed11 and glvtt data of this list.




B. E. Evim. Birtic McCormtck.Tulm Oribblr, John EioliardBon,-0. H. Hcmenow. Uls< Alien Ward,

Ulis Mirl t i Williams.Tu obtain nay of the above tottora ssy "

vcrliscd" and give dalo of lhln Int.JOHN HINGE, P.M.

Tljf Y Sfatem ot Small Proats sppreciated,J.V1 Quality nnd workmanahip of the bos

My thtuha lot liberal patronage tn (iio mOrders by (clegrai)b tncsiencer or tclopii

itteitdcd to.JOHN J0HE8, Undertaker,

1-l.v llockaway, N.

DIED.STOUQFTEB—At KinKBion, Pi . , Jin. 23

Jcbn L. Btoufihter, aged 27 years andmonth B.

HINNOTT-At Kibooicy's Knnntsin, JKH2Sd, Mrt. Tlio«. Binnolt, need about fonve yosrp.

cCOaUM-In Wonistown, on tbe 2*tfa nA'rinndtr MiColluic, aged 82 vcarsuontliBandsailiyp


1. U

S A t tlio brld>'« n-iiiljer 37ib, Ly Hi'V, Hunv J. I l iyf,of Kew York c '<•, and SUBI

t C l t

JACOBUS-VAN FLKET-.Al V. «a li,reBiiiunue or lire. J, E. Ball, Boiuli Cili fiJaDn»ry 223, 1-y IIcv. Aluert F. Lyle.WH.Jurobut ana Msiy A.VanFlcct.balbUontrille.

UAKSiaO-PMTDEN-AtRoctsiniv.Jann12th, by Ror.B. H. Conkilo.Allrert Maudiaod QtorgUuiia l'rudea.

t lDL8B-JJcPEAK-4t tlm TcMevee ufbiide'e mother, Jtinnniv 30th. bvltev.T.Yiuiig. of Ml. Olivn. 'Airan H. K'HuM'i Lake, and L tijketh Mi-lDialrHfown

FAHM TO BENT.The well-known Kitchel Farm o( 1H0 ACRES

atDEKYILLft, will bo lesaod ou tliareicoming season to a good tenant.

Also lor sale s neir ovenbot wat«r vtbotwenty feet in dismotcr. Apply at tlm re*Jeoce of Abrsm F. fiitchc), Occ'0, at Boelwiy. 9-iw P

NOTICE.Estate of Thomas Searlci

deceased.JUBSnANT to th« order or HID

L ol tbe County of JlorriP, matlo on"tltwflntyfi » t day or January A.I), ono thousaiDffiht buu.lrtd ani ii(,ht>ronr, notice

ireby given to all pirsoai Uavine c!ni:»in«ttlieeH'nte orTtiomai HL-ar!L-?, late:d of Morrif, lU-rcared, iu r-rei "me, iiprtoroafli or «(Hrpt«tnirt. Ui t

•crlber.un or beloro Ihu twnmy-iirat d»v of 0obcr nextjUehiEnlno moutlisfrom tlioilitoilil order: and any creditor tn.-™loetin<- to briii and exhibit Wm DT hor clami, nixUrfflrniiliiin, nitjihi tlio time su limited

I bit thenjifusl die A<}mlui*Lralrii.Dated tlm twonty-flrEt day (if January A.384. MASGAIlETA. BEAKLE3,

Artministrafrfx,•IO» SnccftuintiK. N,

Soap Factory for SaleThe 8oap Factory of S. I

Tomkins, a t Morristown, NeJersey, will be sold at publauction, on the premises, on

WEDNESDAY, March 6th1884, at 12 o'clock noon. Proporty include:) factory buildinglease-hold of lands, all necessary maohinery and implements, complete and in goirunning order. Establish!business, flood reasons fselling. For further particlarB address L. D. SCHWAB!Morristown, N. J., or inquirof him any Saturday on thpremises. a-5w


New Jersey Real EstateOffice: 75B BHOAD Si BEET,

N E W A R K , N. J ,




EXCHANGINGconntrj pioportv lor oily property


B O N O A K I ) M O H T O A O E .

amburg Embroideries

ERHUNETFBEEMANlie on tato oot or the ehoicrtl Bclccliooa of


t Ibey 1MV6 t7tr Miown sn.l nt jtricpilOtolH ptfeenf. IPHR lbnn&Kftr>5(


orscts and Indies' MuslinUnderwear

NOTTINGHAM LACESIn let* anO by tbe yard.

Swiss Curtain Drapery, Scrim,. and all klcda of - :

WINDOW HAHGING8b great nrlelr, Thrlrilaflkof

leached and Browii Sheetingsand Sh'Ftlngs

m BBOAO ra, OTWABS, s . i.






IU til tbe jpriliolpat llnll or >ti»m>lilp«frtni Ki> lurk to Unrped >l LOWEKT

_ Ota. iUo DMFT8 OS OBE»T IBITUSiNDUJlUl lD. « •

MANSION HOTEL.A. J. JOlXiSS, - - - - Irop'r.


OKO. BINGLET0S* " ' BoTOSininn.


flood tocommpdKtfooa for pcrmaoont nudInmdeilE ootrdorn, GOOD TABLE. IM-



ADDED. 8 t r

FOR 8AIE!Tlie Oyster ami ^Confectioner?

inaineBB, with Pool Itoomattached, Ciossen Huil.l-

IUB, Stanhope, N. J.liBliajfuDd opportniiityroraDvoDO »yjnJj.

ing to start in hnsinea,-. It is lnca<<'d m tin'heart of tbe town, aud I* a. BUccL'Shfiiriinsl-ne*i. Tliortison Inm Belling out i'i Ix^mmt*m going to leiro the 6(B(L-. Aim will BC!Itlie

STORE BUILDING.UU ft tliree-itorj Frcnelirooriuildinfi, Kiiil-

»blo fnr Blore and dnullln,;. KE\8ONA1;LH


Fop pkrtlouUn applv lo

JP. W . M n r l t i i l , ,

or ]i. II. Stein,»'« P SUNIIOPR, K. J.

Notice of Settlement.ii hereby jrlteo tli*t ibe !«,,„. ,

oiwltPll vlit tia an.i.i . i * . r*


8UCCA8UMA, X. j .dpulfralii Stoves RanRne, 'Hnwar- ct- p

THOS. JOHNSON,nuiu[»ni r i r>ni l dclor in

ami ill! woik in Hrlilu arid Oranitc. All wnrt


PABK HOTEL.OHAB. A. MUMrOED, - . . p r c y, ,



Will 01*11 April l,t, 1RSI, „, „ f,r,,.dllM

Hotel for riuulliiw mul He truTclii.K

public gnural l r .


F A WHITLOH ft LEWIS L Lh«m o«tar«d npo. Iho AUTUMN TB1DB will, complete mid lrc.1. .lack, of all li,,,!, ,,r


jarrcciAL TAIMS TO MEET THE (iitisAT DE«A»B ron

SILK VELVETS AID SILK VELTETEEUS•Id have oxcoptionally Joe HUM of tlmjo nuw popnljr Booa>. In adnition no luvo



anil all tba thiuga Ihut pcrliiu to a well (ttociod DItY QOODH K0U9E, all of n-liicit willLc sold at tlio kwtet potuMn pricea.

THE GROCERY DEPARTMENTi | replete 1B neufll witb all Ilm noeda of 11m hniiKPhoTii im-ctinfl every dotnaiid la o

stock with fn-Eli anil RUIHI articles at reaHousbtft mien.


, KT.




ENTIRE STOCK AT COST!Now is tho time to get BAR-

GAINS as ho has a completestock and it will be closed ontfast. So call early and get agood selection.

CRiPPEN,No. 4 Brick Block, DOTW, N, J.


Double and Single ALL WOOL SHAWLS nnil Pelt Skirts a»




Opera, Buket, Ores> anil Twilleil PLANJVELS at

A. foot BMortmenl of NOTIONS, nt rea.onable pricey Rt

A. relUble «tock of G11OCEUIE9 ami I'ltOVISlUNg at

3 B

SortltltB ll| MAJOUCA, JVHITK 0H11VITE and CHINA at


BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES andlold br lampln at New York prke. at


Saturday, Feb. 2,1884.

L u t fluodflj- wat the Cainaao X w Year.

A doxen of eggs are woitb about as nintha hen,

Hie emat of 1312, it ii remarked, ia yerysmall for Its ago.

A lady oterk U a new feature in the store ofGoo, EJdnrtS* & Co.

We linve had the fipCHt deigning for forty-flvo oonsocntive (lays.

Two furnaces of tlio AUcuttmi Iron Com-pany ar<3 befog tii<in*3» cut.

Erery residence l» (lie ]>rJe]r Muck i« routedat mi iiilvnnco ovorliyt year,

g will gall n fine yaoht, 86H p i n g next Sumnu.

TbOtttweuty new auliBcribare at Boonfamneem to bare giran Bm. Ganiian tbe "hypo,

A new lodge of Odtf F d b w« will sbottiy liestarted at BlaoiniBgdalo wltli ilxty member*.

Tlio Baoaton Aoootomodation train t*xuckand killed ttn, LonUa Holroea, aged Sff, i

gone to fit. Auniistiiu

of Pl nut firc

I1 red. Stile*, of N

SUgglo Young, daughter ot Mr. ana Mri.David Young, had her Mm broken by a fallupon tbe ice on Wedncaduy eronlng.

Fully Diua-tentoa of (be lost article! t&vvr-tiseil iu tho EBA are iworercd. The tat ww

silver vrntch, recovered lwrt Saturday.TtiB application to teexue an investigation

ifo Count? affairs will be mudo to JudgeSingle, nt EllzaUeth, on the Wlh of February,

Gray, just convicted of nsa&nltlne nla wifeiiU iiilcut tn kill, ramie Trofjlown'fl defanae,

ut tlio evidence promt that ti»u cl•iziiifit the woman wns false.

Tlie B(jed motlior of Mr*. Itev. It. 8. Acf ftimjilcHi, diod mid was Juried jii CaiInwl week. Her father, who In ngcdSOyi-i iit \tftor hotiltfi, nfni IJkflj' to tile nt

Mc^rs. Kcimlx-y. of IUMX, JenUirm, tifric, mul H;iviij>e, <>r Union, members nl

it nil tlic iWcmluiitHin thi:C(»uiity.IntI

T I I I M ! (He KiTficcd «f(U-u. T. IV,

ni' FliuWvi'-k IV. JSritii

1. It. Million!, nf MaiLi*>li

The tS[tfir((i l'iv*hytf>

., L.& W. lofil In lSHii,

nl litfiio^Viijilmr fur thin jiulii-iiil

"TAXAHOH AID DEBT."The Newton Herald object* %mU ati-onglr

to oar oompwiwm «f the financial oooiHtfoaof tlie town Oi Dover «ritb tbat of the Dem-ocratic tcWQi In thlt ao«Uau, nut jiwtieularlywith that of Kewtoa. It demum first to ourcalling flto town DflBworafic, and i s & b ttuithe town officers are equally divided, betweentiie two parties. Well, vo knew tbe townw« accustomed to glvo Datnoeratio major-itfa, hut orcriooied tits pwiillor way they

o up there of luattng comhinntlom at thoWww elections, which expUnotloit -we .....witt ftvve wtUftwwry to oar neighbor. It*saooud oltjeotian ia that the rote of bastionrnillUlied(*H per *!,«») coven the « a n t jft» well witfMs township tBirfes. JJowevart!

Stute Oompt»ll«*# report, wbiah itnUa thatto bo the tax in the flnacoinl autem«ntof tliotown, ju«t a* Jt gives ~f7.60aa tho tax InDover town atateiaent. Tbe#e ore Tery fi

1 •* to make, but tlio statisUniaa of theHerald noes oa to collate an elalioratiuo of

s# to prove that U snob ami Biichbadbeen thu caao they would to a great deal bet-

off thau tlie town of J)ovcr~that iFfli*ylifi<l IICOQ ae heavily taxed ae the town ofUuvcr they could huvo pnld off tboir countv

!l*t, etc. Those tliiuffs Aonnd well on p a [ w ,

il thu fleralii oniila soiuo vor.y plnin,Ii

i tins .|ui'iition, and which we will nivi

ViM, m (o vitluiitino: Tlw U

II viilm-rtlierreiil nUto mid pi

iy jointly nt nvory high ilpirc, 91,791,010.

tir>n JUIII in tht- twiUer uf 'wrait], CV.TV WII,

x:IWj;iTHt«d valiiu Stwtou i»law» njtoii bvr

i-lf. Kuw. If Nowtdn w.-n- to nxliici ]IL>

iliKitimi to sipnipr'vtasuWi'hi^irt i twi t i ti«

•I-M Unit tJictftY j-jittf >vnu)il IJC slioiit iJin-i

at >Tcir-





Tieiittflmptto berate tliebu*ine« of Doviant) cuue a suspicion t!»t ttie town has goneto pJeoea iUwTJoJaliy, wbiol *j*# jpblijljo4 by

&perbew,i»»l)(jm«Jt«n(itiitttIfruH. Th*spApera in rival tatma ail over the State

ft» picking np (be matteN-aad 1B Mt»ec*agietttlf enls^inc; apen it, until we aespuhUaiied Uromlowittli.iv thAbiuiiieuQfiUiDtvwn ia' orerrsted, that ifas merohanls analbuslwas moo are moving aw»j, and that theItoawa on bfMomtag empty. I t about B«-otUer week wp may etHudenllj expect tplearn (liaf tbo graei 'A flroiring la awtttooU.About tLDODlyj»iier. that h u sees h ht h l b b d th i l i d

1 tbe nmlicc and envy thatit, U the Smaox Boglster. wlitcL gives

oar h/aaj Uaiwmr » gevaee rebuli* «ndelodM With the JUHortton Ui»t ".Dover ta tooWell lpeated to heooiiie A aeoond VirginiaCity." -. ' . " • . • • f • --

r two bfti

shown thai the abortion that many ot our

merchantiiwintanipiate girinjt out of haBfouaa

id moving away Is spoajtlro falMliood. Wi

sly know ot two morchanta of oonsequenci

who oouicwplate gaing out of bnaiaeiflt nnd

nearly nvory availnbln bttslaeu ttand in (he

•s rented from tho first of April next,

two rmmtlinin advimoe of moving time.

this rtiwsnnt. looli like A Enofeof OOEH-

in tin* cditiriumify. TJti*

•'nl iiuiylinv^ iiucdi'tit aliroad nnd deter

from e m u w htro tn locnte, but we are

•Ur in iKmwsttinj; enough hero wh,

ta Jit]nit.r id iiilvc. ivll t i e nvnllablobual

anilsiutlio pliHT. W« nisei find tbat

,vdl it 'ni-nurd fnct tuntnRorly all tiie.

mien MTldnji sHL-li find them eitrcmoly

t U> iinil. As rrnuwuing tlie rnt*« of

14 ci'ilniiily u uititter of bargain bo-

l:ii)iS][ii(I ;niil tenant whieli no nniimnt

ii- «U.-icu«siitti will nftiit, allhoUKh all

Tin- D., U & V.'.

•rtlicBtnri: of Wliitloili j i» r<r l iu

II. I!.

ill; !r>j( -

nil.! I'utui


ii M. E, '

well ti. 1

TlioKkiit«O 1 o Ull it.

o fniiii rinitiHcIti, witli n lii

lliit oftlu! M(.



m y i





imt i

Ivi s

•r. ,J



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.• d o,1 Hljl


in 119 In



'. I!n



mi>:i» v;;mw t,>\

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1 t<> II

•en nn<

,• OlM

irmsr ii

•,(-. ncx

1,'HI'H fl'

i.f Cul


:i««- thilliff.,[.[ tiio



liiHiiu ti'

["Mr?. V

t Tiit-wlfi

unil.v. all

• n n l n i H , v

I ' i lVli t ' l ' . i

.VII (ill '

tho v


?L K

. llev.\ N. f

cfvli..•(•IV IH

if Mov


; M,


! ' . • !



mi vi

• n r r






Iliianl of IVeliulil.T-t sit tiir'ii- l-Vln-i

F l i

ml .



A i

i Ti







s i n*Tqi

lyiHE sifi.


, 1 1 ' H l l

r, 1«•cafei1

v. B. W.ORCl


i p y *

mil i

p h i


;TC fi






UK his k i t

I in

1)0 I

on Simtf



ay, ii


in tli




«r1 «X


,r Dii






iiij; tl»

o J'H-1 1'urkL-r 1m


n Ui the iH of th

I'lihiin oi'tlicii'iiinliilit; to poR nil Clio lying

. jilnin fnot renmins

Vnr 7«m4I«Dd PiMByttriw Ctnren.5ei r Focjmturc, N. J., Jso. SflU', « .

EBJXOK or T B « Isex EBAI—WUbingllwjt fliid wmpletie tba d d

hUtory of tha New FuiicdUu<l Frcsb/teriO t , I te»vl^I trauiiiHlt for publicatioume of the hWorfoal facts now in my posset-don in relation to it* narly history, midmlttbewnjofor • oritfool examlsittiou, tm<

i wWna It a jhror to rcoeito anyon or information connocted yiifh

chniDb. Many of the rceorda being loat,lmparUtnthtorm$tiOD vith those connecbeing nmwred, we hope thht tfaetr intarost

a/ ho oar» in *ho completion of any &ot«(boy nuy btvo by oddrof aing them to

Yoart truly, J. P. CiuThe; follow Ing from lesnton Imok l»iu« ti

flret rcoord of organiEatiou: "Kow, Angart 18th, 1818, 7 o'olosk iu c mil

notioe proTiaiisly {dvoiiIngwaabeldfor^bopurpoBo of „

Cinu-oli, to lie kaawn hy tinu»me of the Piret Preaby teriaii Church in NVonndtoad, BOtito be under the caw of t'mbyieryofJenoy. Freseut, Pr.VoIin He

DowdJ, ot Eh-tiheth Town, t i e BOT. JOroon lud nUiUr. Ed^nrd Allbn, LieeWWho has been foe lono timo Ulnnriug asHiBsfounrj In this rc^oa. The haidoeu

cotnraeiiced vlth prayitbo evdalajf i

Un. Unrtba Showew prewntad n oortlfloBteof diaraiasion and tooomtnendatfun ttomt

ash ot ttockafray whinh wnn opproyntlfollowing poreone tliea applisd U lie re

nelvud to t!io aealinKOtdlnunco of the Goei»elVfe!

i. l ire, Eli*iltotlif ivife of TboinM Uaek.irlcy, Mrs. Hebeeoa, wife of JosephIlisa ElltnbetbLamm. Afterexamimugtlioim theft- fenflWlod^o AnillUttintaooo wHhro'jIS'OQiHwaa nurood tlint

thould bo admitted agreeable \o theirrequest. I t va» thea Offrtod that the Sacra-nui t of the hot&'t mnjier lio admini»torcd ou

next Lord'a day at Capt. Martin lJrow

] with prayer,npplies; Uov. Ed-The fulIowlng-Btatea

d l t tpp

n survtoo Aup. 18.1818, dia-I l d 3 7 7 ll

i is fitcr fn»in debt, ii

-nrd Allen,itMtifl Mas 19,181S, (Hod Anjf.31,1677, IIu

i . Oaburu, Ujraa service U c t , 1821,Felt. 33, 1880, (lied J'eb. 26, 1B7E).

Oct. 1, 1931,A. 0»\>mi. Jmifl a>, J8M,

tn Oct., 183*. Hf.T. liljTOPier McDoiToll, Oct.,rkbiff 1B». to April, 1830. Bo; . Henry Van Hoiitoii

talk wiili t

( h . ,•!.•«•«.

ritl* IJJI-


..-UMflmimiRiv. AlilitUiii-

t> iii tin. cmilliii'i•'.<! tii the lielicf tl

Oel., to April, Uil. Her. Joseph. C.of Went Miliord, Auaust 7. 1«41, to

H la ,

April 17,1812. BBV. Hout-y l\ Wain worth,Dee. 25, im, to Kov,, 1858. Hov. KnthiutMRIIIDU. Jan. 1, 1839, to Sopt., 1«I7. ltdWm. H, Mageo,Uoo, 1868,to.Iuly,1874. Uo-Itoln-rt It. Tboiupfon, Aupiet 1,1874, jorrodnt.iil rw . 23,1MB, lit vbiab timo lio wfl» in-

Jcwcy City I'reahytory.lie pr.Tl;« fiillo'

•lit putoi

R Elder nlccted mul ordained( nttiuived or i ih

jf.y uf M

itly fl.JWUl finimrt »f uif

-iiiu1[(i<iti tluni it,

nf tlio dcltt* nf I liei li»n t.l' (ho Pintv, uiii from iluht of (lio Ki!|iuliii.

, thcjki-ata v

by Oe11 tv

formeOil II IT

milnr}H i s

lie clirfliwiD. Fcdtr.. J. 11, flfirlvnpiwlo•h, llHil .UT<


, u,,w (Infill

P. Hill, tilt, (lienIf. Hcir.i


living, i!

r of tin

'.•Ittwl n

UolV 11'i O a n l i

nix Iin

' pint

ov c

i Sfo



it-r K


ID hn«

•f Sjrrintu


tun- 1

! (f)f)

N. V. S. &. U'. K.

.•hill and j->t.'r.liij

(if ilUfi-nitB cliililrriti In AV

r ISlnh-liad sm

H! w r i ' !I3,(RM

C([.V iitviloti tii in

>U, in-diu-ictoi- nf tfin

its21»t H

tiic t-t othe Im

mf'c-inl, which now linn

Tlio tiiiiii,v MeiiJiiOi Mi

re^ri-l to lenrn tlmt liy and a y - a full on the leo-uhwrist, which luw l>ren liclj

aSanlh W m r will

ncuiikul lant Sutur-

K|.r1(i(«-<1 licr rl«ht

Chiiri:h, Bucciwiiima, on fridoy PV>

Btli, ut 7:30 ci'eWk. Kulijoi-t:

luert'hnnts wfio wern goiiif; tn Rive nn iiusiiii'pfi

iu ]to>vrainl«M>Vfl;»irfly in the. spring.

" Top " Mim-innu pvy-H liis bnnlis uliinv tlmt

he nold over 7,500 cojiica of Tltc luos KKA

lnstjcnr. It would lie iiilcrustiiiK tn tm.w

haw muuy tttother jounutls hf iatp- wld,A chnrd) MICJUUP will Ve l.rl.l nt ili« ILOIIHC

c,f Win. If. Orwii, Iis<l., iirnr Hiirriwimun,

nest Tburaili*y ovoriinR. Agouti time f« vx-

pected aqd a general iiiriJuliwi is Dxtetjih-il.

TJie Chniniclo tells ua that Mrs. John,

of HcrriHtown, hrnlso lur inilile hy n full; l.ut

•while tlio Clirbinle WHS tolling tin; utws 5tm.

Iionl KIIB pirtif ipafin^ prjiijcfiiHy ii] n ". fh-r-

Mqndny night's sunsflt wonld Imvc. hn:u (hn

Idl l of tilt series if it hailbeun cHinr.

^ f wlfcile s ty nne tinged with nn

qriuign eohn*. wliicli w>nnjt'il to wilcii- HID mow


Qn ploasnilt dnya tha cnUar wit|ilow« ulioulil

lie oponcil. Frnit keejia better if given fresh

airtlinn if mnuitiiincd »t n Ion- tMnprrntnre.

The vontilntiou mipruvca the lmiiltlifiiluosa of

the IIHUBO »1AO.

Thoro lire Hfacty-thrpoprifldncrs in tha Slttr-

ri» County Jnil, CIPVPII nf wiioin nte fnfia^cA

In nawing woml and sir nro lircnlcing Ptone.

Conalilcruhle wood i« liubs: mild b j tlic C.mrl

Housa Comiiiittflc.

Mr. Jolin Dnri>o nnd Mrs. UDliter have

houRHtoftho SIoFnrlan cstale tlio property

on Enndolpli avtmir, running north front

Froafioct street nud containing about f«urleca

good buililioi; lots.

Thn townaliili CommiLtfi'incn c]pftctl this

yew will servo under t i e new lew, ono fur

three years, OIIO for two years and ono for'nue

yosr, and hers niter only onn (Jonnniltocniaii

wllIVc plceti-deiidi year.

Gon. F1U Jolm 1'ortor, of Morriatuwn, is

ono of the most expensive citiecim «•<• lmv<>,

araujilB.VB oi tl»o uiititmal Irpislalni* lmv«

hocut tkm np with )ti« ciwi1, nt n enat of'

mauj tiwuanila ordolhrepi-r dnj. i

A donatioa fUit tu Hcv. E. H. O'liitdis ivil!

TM mndeat tbohonno of 3Ir. C. D. Underline,

noar thd Union Bcliool llinmo, nott Tucuduy.

Should tlic wc&thur Hrovo atorraj, then the

naxt fair evening. A)l aroiuvitw!.

The font tliat fish will Jive wilhia <-«/•}>

other liat Bnotlicr verification in the fact that

Dr. R. B. Johnnua roctntlj' took two sun fist

from the bod; of a. ploknrtl ho had caught

which If 7od fur BBVBTSU AajB aftrnrard.

The Qhndon and .Aadorer Irca Cmnpanlejwere compelled to radnoo tho prioo of iron *1pet ton on the lit of Fehrntty to meet thetaarb)t,th«prfMOfwhiolii« alwoyg hugelyWjQUtsd by tlia lraporUttan -of foreign iron,

The rocctrt Biian U {h« If p n i t F e n H. E.Church l u t Sunday evening hy St, John'i8piwijal ob<Ar, of ^ort. Orami TTM ».-wejl

c trial of t ifill- ])!'lil lil

ii<li.'tiiitti)t of Join

nwny ami had fiirlVi

st-1, A. C. fJiniiii, wii*

InrKl.iJ- loral ii

tliay will li

! nf Ki'iirtliT'B llimd, Feb.

u ftrc-MiiMU line i.ri«rn

html by tin1 Mt. Uu[w <

r,, loupniimti'. wmliiiily to tin- be1 [tlt'iiMiit tdvii <,[ Xctrbw Ibn

•rest tlm JliTiihl (ivincfs (civ Hovt

i! ror liw IlrriiM ii LiuiUirr fcclin

I wLIcii priHiiptcil it ID iiiiBroiiu'Wii

Mlfjwiiig r«»;irk» ill rontvrliou w

(idsird iiivt'HtiKittuin in lliin nimuty :

lir pfipi-ra of tlio county are m ftiro

n neighbor \vi\ muB

UP, 'J'lic Hcnilil CUD

ntence from the lilt.

sUeittliat it is duo to nil r


p luui

rU ol tlit Ktutc asiniiiihlcil lit

I far Irtiiu HIIVIT, on Friday

i-H nrrnnKi>.t l.ttwcr-n Unn

vwy bird... About O:Jr> tbo

•tU\i-a«brnuxlttinn«i riis.t Imlth- IV:,H in

miiliiinl. Tlipmnini

•'II:«T IlATTLi:-Lon»

Sotlfty Hiill,

rvniliiR l»Bt.

(in Unit ii;,.l

I«lnnd nad

i' first p.ilr of

Thahfttlagon• of th- Long

(-d n lT «-


!.-!, 12

nfed u

jut, tins fiimuiiH I'capnnk t

of Kliiu l'hilhowcr, Ii: 4 Illlk'll tlllt Will

t (.fiij i,, J untie

i; off 175 duo fii

iid ir lh«

in their


HIM in vniii for


will tell w


[niiU'ilifioiit, and i

any Ac,

lor. TheIH Rociet;

ritfluid)led l>y nHi, I'll,,o ecrvicimrcb nn,.,!,;,.,] (,•

• net <Il>(

; Iiiiviiig

•of Mr.

full «f c,v;(/i l,ro


v ii la !*},'(


•s nut

, tout:

•luhnout ii



iiftcri nun

i on accent,

apply to n

ml (i

Slot1 UlC


in t1101)11


f (Inml Tc:

1' any i

lgliief,1 milieu

i frw ii

ho I V

i h*\ i


ny i


r i

wlit Kit










rlii , 1 ,

Constiihlo Siitton'n hor^s rim nwny dov.

I;ii-Iiivrir nircct last Siittmlsj- niKht. Iwt t

ouatahle ntcrri-d him int« tin* pump uenr t

anii-rol MfirrlaHtrettiindHlnppcdliitn. The

Conwiahlc'd fnee dcimniatrnlcii ttiitt the pump

lm<I come off boat i» tfco coDPUHflimi, but tlii

er of tlio penco foiuiil comfnrt in tbo re

fliction that he hud conquered hia fiery nt:-«d.

Kirs. A. F. Kltchol,of KocVaway,in tho pes-

cBBnrofapalrofgotd baops which JfnrtliA

Wjwhington placed in tho care oi her grandaunt, Mrs. Sarah Gardner, in tfcn White UounatWashlnirtod. Mra. Oardnort Boa w u fotmany yean engagad in tha postal dtrpartntentinthot city. The earrings ore among thamoat traiurcd heirlooms of tho Kitohel fam-

TlieHorri* Cotuty Sepablisaa EieoatlraCommittee met on Saturday l u t and organ-ised by tba election of Sheriff Wm. II. DQWOHfpr Ohalrraim and deo, W. Jraldns Ar Seow-t«ry, . Bath are adiplnWe wlMtiatii and good

k b t d frota tha B t ffiiroiknwybo

So uUcni irwt At

ed frota tha Cmin tha Boonton p

ti lU b

mtttca.rt office

ld ti irw token in tha Boonton port officeAnothet nutting nrlU ba held to-Saturday

nfttttr, Anothetmamt-Saturday.


ouiwim. Uutli toi'Vs iT<i|tniidi«l valiuntly

(ho chtifirzi of (ho liaokcrH, «r«l i«r ilfly-

lit niiuuli'B tin- tijjlit WIIH a hot one, w i n 11

-BBiy wi-iilvriitid nnil fiiilcil to HhowflSbl .

n. fight Wiw ftwunliiil to Ji:rst\v.

8w».vi> JUTT(.K-Jc'inf-y*r))t in a hlni 'k rod

i l l i n g (1 iMiunilH, H oiiureo, nEa1iiMt D l l g l t

ored gniy, wc[f,1ihiK G piminln i mincca.

ili l.inlN wi-w giiwc and they ciil RIK)

nhcil away \icioiisly fur (lye mlniitcH with-

t e i ther bird haviiiR mty poivcptihlt! mlvnu-

e. T h e n tlie Ki-:t.v ivitli u w e d di rec ted

Korr i i County Kanufacttiras,

ii< HtulixtiiiB o! iimiiiifiiftiin'fl, acfn

IO'DL'UHUS of 18S0, jus t pnliliwiicil, jrive tin

<wlri^ distMMB of Murri^ Comity niau

hiring iDdunti4cs;

B hi

.•e«. Tlie

dead in tbo pit. Tln« Her.

11 tlio Long Intiind binls.

I : - I . ( . » - IHIIUHI *1i.lwod 1111-

^firif; I |)OHti<]«, 10 «nn«'c,

lirown roil, we lulling 4 pmiud

IMIK Wnml XVUH imirli tlio

pmiPHtvu'iiiJ.t.tcwWtlilMK:.-it in it pit. They Btnttcd ii


!•!•, Wtlfl! (lU1 J'OKKff Iflftl tli

IUJU'II Ilio jiit. Tim lijjht wii

mil 1»1MK1. Tliln nKhl raaM'i

•ut nnil wilt L.<Hig trtlmul htm

never Wfnre.

^ond Mmju-,

nit Wo tutii-

H-f! t«i! ntid

mviml.-d ti>

iniieli Pxoitt-

—Icrsry (iresciileil ;i deep

tirt hf.itifj in their fav

i:imn. lint

o tiirds cum-

, leiivli i j f !

i l . l l ' UIOIK'

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withiictieomyliant lliei

flHTewl In

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i: ti


Of DdC-l

eiw wlinr fen




o a t

it, la bejond «

A Fine Coarse o< Lfletarm,ii" j,«ij.le nf St John'H II. E. Chitmh,

Port Ormu, btivn urranged fur a very line•muse cf lectures iu tbat uhurnh Ly niembara>T tho ri-loliral.'il faenUy of Drew Seminary.

Tho first will bo by Rev. Dr. Henry A.UntU,>rmacnt of tho Seminary, on Vfei-

lay evening next, Fclininrj 6th. Higfictwill lie "Olimpsca Abron<l," and liiiitation M a thinker and a public *pe*ltor

will lio sufficient guarantee that it wUl ba

<p\y iiutmotire andThe other lecturwn ot tho conrw tJohn Uiley, D. D., whaae raojtct VOX Lo"St. Paul Tent-Unking," and Prof. Samuel F.Upbsm, D. D., xrho -will tell of "Some Folliesof Bomo Snnalbio People." Tha d«tca of theirleotnrcB will to annonnud beniftor. Tboadmluloa -bu been fixed at only IB centsfor cagh leotnrc.;: ObUiIren under flf-t«en, 10 coot*. Th« prooocda are to 1» ap-

i to cDarob IraproyetnontA I t is YerysoUomtoatpwirjlahavo an opportonlty Torhearing n u n eminent Uetnnri »t nioh uod-

« ptiew n 4 * 1*>S* Midfenee alioold<reet eul i of tin dltOognlaM _utned. A flnanrailpBl programme wOl t i nito rendered to opaawtlon with .tacit of tho

A Cry Went up From Hackottatown.A I'lHTottptmdnit from ilnckctt«ti>wii elitims

tliiir the EK.I van trivm^ in representing (lio

rate of tnxiitiiiu in Hint town—iu fact in [ikes

tlicsiinir rouipjjiin! tli:it tlir Newton Ik-rnld

dm-s, whiob in noiiecil «laeffliPrE. Tho mie-

Inh' in lhi» i-jisi^ oflmtli these towns ncnins

ti> bo in tbr fm t tlmt the town iiutbuiitU-H

luuipi-il (ill ll,,:ir Uwvn t«iii:lHi?r mid snvo

(lifinitodiecfitiiiitniljcrln their town etutr-

mout ns thi-U town tax. WV arc oblige! tn

llx, rorroHpmidriil. how-ver, for K!vinS U H

mitiio riidls wi1 cim rely Hpim, Hn BIIOWH that

tho (vitf ,,S (nsatioji iu Jlatkctatown for

iminii-iiiiil piirposfrt in ?i),lS per $1,000, iu,

coiiipftn-d wilh 157.10 in 1>(IVLT; that ihcy

liiivc ii (Ifltt <i( $Xi,(Xto, wlitic Ihnvr Ima noae;

iiml tlmt HIP iiiii'iimt tlieyhnvo to pay per

yr.w l«r ilubt nbmo is $n,10ttr or woto tbun the

r-ntiro nmnicipal t:n levy of Dovorf Thtlr

cnVin-vniimnitii'ii e\penilihires ftrtbn last

yciir, iiHIimi-h u iniu-h Hmallor town than

Dover, amounted to $S,938, o«uliiBt *8.178 for

Dover, Acniii, out of llicir atuouct thoy

(wed they were nhlo to devote but $1,576 to

irct'U nm\ nil fltber town linpTovotncntB,

liile Dover expanded the wboln amount of

ix raise*! for improvement» nnd the aeceMnry

ipcuilitnrci; of t lo town. Tim KHA ddei not

intf tiicau comjtnrlaonj with any Idea of

mpttroRiiiR tlio towag nnraoil, but merely to

show a certain crowd of flromhlera andrlora In thin community thnt Uili town Is

well and Economically governed.

Tie Cbntur Fnrnue.Tlio ChcBtcr tumace of W. J.Taylor t Co.,

;Sx60, xenciied an oatput last week of SMtorn,exceeding Its Inla anaimtly good voeldyaverugo at 290 tons. Ib l i b probably thebait-work over done in a famacoof thii ritewith anUiramte *n«l- "Tho ores n««ilttree-^nartetB Cheater tolplory orw wfaidipreyloiM to ffoinff Into the blut furnaoa werennurt«d la the tajler-Langdon Ore Roaiting

mwj. The Iron made (rum these orea l iTory! stroogand tough, and •li'.nwd *ln»wtentirely foi ipedalBiUl pnrpoau, thus de-tnonstrtting tlnir value >hsu properly pre-poreil aad dc«nJphnri««t. Tiio roMting J«d r i f t u d e i D p a r B t a do g p s p e ,and no oaal U n>ea in the Routing Varnaee.OnouidolulfcwUofpw coal or icreenlngi{ i h t U l t tod. Wa an Informed that til* !• tbo onlynuutedDnlniUaooantry inwUeh gmmufuel only ia uaed for beailng tie on.

TboUrgortliJWof heating «toT68| cook itovei, range*, fnr>naeaa, &o., at the bvei t price* at Allen ft


1, died.Tilly 1, IKM. Mr. Jimies I. Dipkcrauu, Aug,

RIM, in MiirchH, 1S33.•S>, ]«1fj, dw'ilJfl». fi, 187ft Mr. John U,-My, O.-t. 2S, 181K, tn June 21), 18a7. Mr.

('iiili'«inF.1)i'.CnMi]i. Fi-h. 4. 1KB,iM'.s'. Mr. liunwc r . inl, Ffli. 4, tSSJ, t» Uttj-•-'(I, 1W".. Mr. Miihlon VDMI, Poll. 10,182(1,— . -Mr. KylVillHls Cod|HT( Oct. 111,1*02, t(l

. Mr. lhtvid (,'oiiRlptoii, Out. Ill, 1632, toAj/ril ;«>, Wi}, tVirtl Jan. 18, WIO. Ur. Jl

M, l)(iLi«bi.v, Orl. 10,1KU, tn . Mr. John

A.lliippi'r, Muy, IRI1, to Uw. 1^, 16G8. Mr.

I'Mwiiv,! DeCiiinii, May, Wil, to Kor. IS, 1858.

Mr. l'ct. r I)*ckci', WiiiTh C, 1853, to Jlny 10,

lmifV Mr. Wm. Kolihiirt, Fob. 23, II""

. Mr..InliiiW.H(ipiH*r, l8Ct. Mr. Stcjilioii

Ci.uprr, Muy W, 1«H, to Aug. !i, 1877. Mr.

lire Oliver, Hay l!!, 1086, to Aug. 8,1881.

1'rtiT Deeltcr, .Imio 'J^, 187a At tills «e«-

tlir olmivli voted to ttlcut oldora for ttri


The beloved wife of tbo Bar. J. TimWnK, of

Hack Hawk, Colorailu, diod Jnauary Mth,

Hvt.uppd >U yenm and 8 months. ilra.Toak-

uj; viis bom in CurdJyunBbli'o, South WSICB,

II IMM. Mio joinod tlio Calvinlstio Church

vbeu Him irn« tbirtoon and continued in that

mil ttm M E. Olmroli tilt the duy of her

lenth. Sisjoat-a Ego her husband loft Fort

)r»ui foi tlie old oounli,y awl Ui tbreo munths

nought Mr«. Tonkin^ over. Aflor lie bad

cttled her with i!w. Tyaek he loft ftir 8«ir-

er'8 Bar, In Bi«kiyou Co., Cnliforcifl. At tba

nd of two month* Mra. Tonlrinj[ loft Port

Irani fur Cithrnrnin. tjho arrived aafcly at

SBWJ-CI'S BUT, wliPro her bvmlaad was work-

in the ETOIIUIB Star Mine, ami U1H» biul

M. E. Cbuwh lit tlint pbieo iu churgo,

whore ho prenclied every Sumlny. Th,"tv rrrrv

ily there it short timo belurn tho mluu OIUHCI!

dnwu, nnd they both left for Bluet lluwk, Ii

1879. They joiuo.I tlie M. E. Oimid. ntul took

•tlvo iwrt in »U iis wli^ioiis services.

Aiigimt, 1B80, Mr. Tmtldtig iLttoinliut C.n

L^\Ztl^'nrVmJ!rtMy"l^firfit ono ofdiiiiit'd 1>v lliHtio]! AVat



OF H*CK£TT8TOW* Ifl RKfliOfiD.

6eo. W. Thomas, of Hackottetown, hlOTWoroent contract Sat nintng die trenau

alleged to have been Rank over ft hundryean ago In the Srttisb. frigate H u u r , inEast River. Tito work eosdnetoA hyThomas la a continuation of tbe operation

In 181S. The frigate Humor, according to " Chpmoch'H ?farin« AroMtacturo,

hni)t fa 17S3. Sim w u 144 fcot iiotcrall,84 feet benm, and 11 feet d

She measured 619 tonn, and oarriedorew of 300 and on arroament of 88 gnu*AneMiHM7B0,ahc snufid ^>m Cork trodetin oomtoiuid of dipt. Poolo, and, accordlni

New York Oasotte, ulifi arrivedken Nor.lfitli of tlm wuneycai

A-letter written to nna Aug. 8th, 1837. by Fleteser Belt*, a pottyKoer on bar, 8*yn tTlie ITogiar etrufik Pot Rock near 8 o'olnci

n tlm aftornoon of Hie 23d of Novemher,1780it the m not go ilown until *ba bad owimjrcral rolled iin in the buy tilled Two Broth'

en, whew tho vent &wv nt f o'olnoff in ttircnhiK in sernn fathomB of wntor. Tlie tininsnet


nji in He7«>t fathomB of wntor. Tliet n!n» wfien nn hoar. When the

d th H hd the Hmk t O

. When thewan on her

B h

iboutthia time

if loilily wcoknc

w.TonkliiK Bi mul £rrul «

tipiin liin wife, Imt slic i

d to b*

nature ({rai

mill wnid llui

rnl»hi ilisft-w

iii-. lint th«y

h l

iHturtonk tbii! mil.liinr toxt from Job:

And So They Were lffftrried.

Ir. Lut he

wliicli wi

from Nuw York t" 'Onidner's Bay wiehde»

fttolina to Admiral Arbnthmit

Mr, Bfltta addn tbat 107 men wore lost. Tin

vessel remained ou tho 'joftom untouened,

far ne known, until 3816, Iwt tlnoo tbattimi

uumberof effort* to recover the BHpuoBCO

•eftBnre have hoen aconmpantod hy falinres.

Vane yaart ago Ur. Thawo* took tho con-Lract of jfitting oat tha ttounuro. I t

ought nccMHftry to got a contract with tbooyeniineui, nod Nelson Crnes vaa earn-iwloiied to wflko the contract It vat Inortuyiof Ilnyca, and althougb tmtliorUedugxee to givo tho government one-fourth

fall tiie treasure recover^, he cllnohedthrnrgaiu at teu put cont and reserved tkc

fifteen for litraaolf. Tien Uayefl np-l>o(iited hfin roooivor for tlm Government Aprofessor of electricity named Uenry ItohiWM lirouRht on from West Virginia, WilliamSmith, a direr, was employed for the under

Work, and John Wiggin tras put;ho soon that vna auoliorod ovortbo auppon-

looation of the treasure. Mr. Wigfitnmisn of oxperionoo in Ifusaar troneuie

onrebca, having heoa nt It Hhivu 1S6^. Dlvor

Sitiltli miid, when asliod about It, that Prof,ihror "located tho treasure with o mognet.i enn (Jetewniiia wnetliar tlie motal underU !• ROM or iHveir or oopjiot or- gowa otJicritcl." Whon tho location was found the>w employed beean lo link a eliaft. ThoItoju fooufj ,nu a saud stone, "lord euoagh

> make blasting ueoeaiorr, but yet soamednd Qrafikeil in (til diroetiona and oually

Tha diver went down Intsldotha tubemd worked out the rack BO that tho troa

bo could aettlo dovru into the rook. Atvy aami pump, with a nix iuoh draw p(po,

•m useU to aJd Mr. Smith's oflbrt* ;futcr. One day an trrogulur clrttnk of costrnn two and throe iuihaa throngU TTIW

-lit op l j f the immp. It la labelled asm halt from the Hussar a» it Uos ir> thooiuo of Mtirrftt'fl Const WweWug Com-

Tbo wwokJng «ooic at Port htonia, wiiohr» the BBphmlow title ol acorgiana BolUlipeo joiiod under a mortgage for $3,000,

ild by Jir. J, (?. irartshara, of ProriiletieeI., nud is tu ho said iiext Thnradaj. Thi' brinirs out aflidavlts atuttug that Thoraai

a elgartuidenuff iKtddlerhofora he liaganukiiig tjj|* tremtM, hat tince then he has'cd on Lorrowod money vory hnndsoraoly.

io Kev, T, Do Witt Tfatnago loaned him

l,m. William U, FlBiier of Aftloboro and

loorjro M.Diwo]) of New. York oityhnvo eino'o

881 loaned liw $3,000." Thomne promieod

em^lB.oooof the te-ensuio irlion found, l ir .

J. Beano invested 46,000. He was to

ivo *i5,000 in rotnrn. Harriot H. Boouo,ir of Ehen,loanoa W.B00; Hcury Hi Evann

Pravidenoe loaned him 4S.6W, puil I'mnfc" "ton of Providence, «0D, Tlieladyond

were each to have 127,000 and Oolton1.600. Mr. J. C. Hartilioni has *S,000 in-mted, wliich in eoeured by a couttaot fui

17,500 "when found," la addition to tbo,000 mortgage ou the Oeorgiona Hollo.lrUmor H. Hnrtwoll of Proridouoe jioid

00 Sot an interest of «13,£00 in tho

auro under rook and water. Wm. D,

K, M. Keouey of WUiuington, Delaware,

TiWCKMinfetOBtpufclineodata like rate.

•go M, Huron and Philip Hake of Sow

thrive cult »7,5O0; Theodore Plnkham,

on, $12,500} ChM. Utiudlecorn, Darre,

i.,$!O,flQ0; OliM. W. nnd J. T. Jenoks,

'Idonco, ¥78.883 each, and Etlor F. Joncks

c iftnn' iilncu, («5,000; Uilil(j;(it Orady,

*o,fl!»; Jftir-T t'. ITmiBt, W«W, nud Jfnry Ann

CuBejr, $5,l)0t), (ill Of NMV Volk. TJlMO MT-

erulintcnmtB wprepnvohiwed nt nu avcnigo

ruto of n ilollur caali Cutffi Hitsqar gtonli. Ia

••lit Tlwmas in n f J tn fitnv nwlred *70,«», of

which nhoat one-half In bi'liuvod to havu lieeu '


John Qolle and Janici QoDa were bruufiLt

taW Court upon oompaUorypr<icaMiaan*iPoh

for A contempt of Coart, in not appearing be-

fore the Grand Jury when Bubpreuoed. They

were adjudged fiuilty nnd aeuteneed to

Can&ty JaH fortweaty (Jsy*.

iota Durrel) ptesded entity to keeplog a

disorderly Iionnein Booaton, aud gave bfttl to

•-a-T on n6Kt Holiday for sentence.

iuey Btravny vrn* tnod and oecjilitted of

liavitig been implioattid in the attempt U

hrenk Jail.

EUtfi lieynoW* pteadod guilty to helping ft

duordcrly hoitso in Hockaivay Township.

Oiviug to mitigating oircuoiitMiaca senMnoe


Jtfllfer nstractwl LU former plea of

not piilty and 1'lead tpuUy of an M«lult and

battery oa Andt«w J . Pitney, of Cheater.

Lernital Kayliart retraatod hi» plea of not

giiilt.v, and entered a plea of guilty to an in-

dictment, clmrping Mm with keeping a disor-

derly lioiifMin nanovcrTownahlp.

Jolts Piftiler, a rtitn&M In tlio case of tho

Stale vs. Thou. Define, charged with esiault

id hattor^, caused the Court to adjourn that

cue until tlin folloivitig <lay oa aceouuiot his

being too drunk to fortify. The Cunrt, liow-

;vcr, adjudgnd Joiu to bo in contempt fur

[injuring before them iu aueh a condition,

nd gave him thirty Bay* in the County Jail

Bntunel B. Qrny VOB oouvioteil if an ouanlt

and uattory, with Intent to kill, committed

upon hi* wlfo, ATury, Oea. T. W'erte, Coiu)-


Tlioimw I>cT{no vm convicted of Msault

md battery upon one Puter King.

Tlo oast of t l o State vs. John Bow den,

inrgod with receiving stolen railroad lme«,

ent off for the term, Bowilcn failiug to op-

pflartu answer vrhea called. He was under

•360 boil which t in s becomes forieitod.

TliQ 0MO8 against Andrew Fagan and An-

irew T. Fidlertou, loth for disorderly tiuuses,

oil' for tlio term, Iwunuse of tLe luahllity of

udgcllagio to ho prosout.

Bridget Itylie, et u l , aaaault aud battery IJolan, acquitted. Goo, T. Worts,


lliohnel Edwardfl, suauU and bftttorj on.ugust Aokorrana, guilty. Oeo. T- vVerts.•OMJISO!.

Mary A. Toy, guilty nf keeping a disorderly

DUBC, fliiEil |50 nnd cost.

Win. McDonald, nsnault; witlt latent. Ac

qulttud.OHMMOK Vt.nXH.

B. C. Gnorin, nppclliiiit, and WOKBOIB Byer-

Uyenoa not appearinft be WM This suit wns originally brougut

Ilyeraon far (lamBKex resulting from the

idvertfint chnngJiig ot hit homo white

bo Btnhloof Mf. Gocrin. He recovered |10,

iut the ease was nnpeulod tvlth the nlioro


laaaa Kate, appoUunt, and A. A. ilenitt,|>pellee; settled without trial.,Wn. It. Howell, appellant, and Hary Vnn-nrhoff, appellee. Judgment of$fi2.EO givenlifwer court »uflioloud,lohu H&lhort, appellant, und Wtn. Q. Paul,pellec. Judgment of lower court confirmed.[laimcr,


will b« offered cuetoniefB it all lines of good* at


Eipccially will this ba tba case in LADIES' CLOAKS and Other GARMENTS, aa veiltut iu all kinite of

DRY AND DRESS GOODS,i all at trltloli we will »Cur At>eclal ituluoomonta till tlo opening of tho Bprinj; Trad*.


FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODSwill ho found 'uwmrpassisd in thU part of the Stut« for variety, utility, durability o

and TCC liropoB* to maintalu our ro[mtatJoM in tho supply ofid price.



Ac va Ijave flia gnoteit Ruioaut of floor room of •

ir& rnnbled to entry largo ntoclitt and tnenl every i

ay store ia Northern New Jcieed of the customer.

TBB Aueument ot Penoaal Property.AMI new before tlie LcgfjJature is »aid toitumitlototliDtaKntionofpenonalproperty

lierover the name is loaitod. If tho teuor ofbill la as reported It ie an lujuit measure

id ftlioold bo defeated. People in tbo ruraliatrictfl have considerable nurjilua muney in-ostod in the more populous center*, onii to

tham tlioro would ho a wrong to lawn JD-tridually and tie communiUoain whleh they

Forin»tniioOtbewcll-to-tlo fnrmers andBs men fn the hgtlouttural tawntiitps

orHa Count; bM'c money invested in theeka of flimnolrtl lustltutlena la Kewarlc,trrUtown, Dovsr, or ctbot iJnocn, If taxedl nieces theets country realdoaU would

re to jiny for the expenses of schools,;rccts, ltgbtfl, anil other muulcipal privl-igcR whioli they cannot enjoy. On the otherad tha towflabipn in which thay do livemid be deprivoil of a portiou nf the tax on

wealth of their TO ruaidenta. The oitlestowns uro bewtttted siiflJoio/itly byiar-

tlils wealth ujveetod for tho eupportofsiuoAB instUutlom. The bill ghduld

become a law.

A [«|lci- from » yromtuent nnvn I officer n

hiiMijiolH, WIID lijifl IIPPIJ fienrobiup into tin

inlory of theiillair, discredits tliuluBB of such

11 birgtsUt. Fht

unt of trisasiiro ou tlo vessel,hur Uattn, ia (tie letter nferted to

s, furthen hor tvo dth 2i f

Imlp l , £20.001) on hor tvo davhs lori, (Jiiit is, ou the 2i«t of Xo-

on thitr.duy tliomnueyvrag naf'clyb l ivmi l f uto tlmouHtodv of Or -which 1 nssiBted.

Matters Quieter ae Boontoc.licnilo nicuBiircs oro juetiflnble in o:

laoa is Blio\rii by tbo filtered tone c

lion Hullf!tint!ii8wc6k, ItsPtToTislv

to tlio EIIA have nil hoeHltClltR

tbr Unniifolifivimal a,

m\cA nml it cimtentH itself with n very

mild fonn of aiaiwflnwnt-thnt. of threatening

.•Imt n«-fnl tiling* it would do if it slioitld got

'realgood and mud." Wenreglndtbut

Jhutiiry (hut always highly catetimod) brother

well i


H liim !lf with venting hb wrnth by

SRjieclennthoatting. It con

wtcil, howovor, that ho con

nttilude toward the iiogt-offli

f ibn JJjirl jKitlmt It Klinubl clnim

t in<lnlf>iiig in n Httio prorari-litlinrlvhlB own, Honoe,

that tlio ERJ, is trying

•it, No. j tn iHctntc wlin ahull he postmaster of Boeu-

e a hw a fih c


with lir.

DStlll iftisti'il o

ml (linnioiid firutui'vnta. Aiaon

««• Pi'jmlv Rbcriir K. J. SIIPIII

inn John gliolluy mul fnnilly, t

mu E. .1. Slieehy, Ominsdor Sfnttliiiw Duly,

f I be two raniilieH. Tlio i.ti-Hmila Wflro unml-

)!iif iiml mmicroup. After theucrcmnay the

ipiiyjinir dfiparted on a tour thro ugh tlio

outl). ubicb will last until tho mild weather

nlllfintiul. | tbo qnnrtcr from whe

nsli-of-ioHo j hnvo expressed no preference os to who

(rimtninji"', ( siioiilil Im poatnuwtcr of Itounton. Tiie ElU

the fiue»i» J hnlicreil it lo be unfair W Jngist tbat n DIUM

, fix-Alder- | w»9 n nnuutidrcl and ilUhonost wLen aucli a

•iiibly- j tliiag IH only nn intimation mado by pnrtioH

Once ft ii•out ftiilt-i cor fill un

Him, Iin B

Where Dn Yon LWeitn wbo hid been known as a

,Iil: -I mod to livo at Grumble., but now I'vo moved onto Thanks-

j : atrnefc I find tho air nnrer, tna-sun-hinohrlKltPMindthe jwople belter neiith-10m." Nuw, littlo people, if any of yon liveifl.ip "Qruniblo Cornar.11 more to '"rbsijlte-;iTing street."—Philadelphia Calb rTho foregoing fc -rery pertinent. There uroine pcoplo in Dowi irho owo all they liavetbo place and eonthiuo to livo on Qrumblo

loner, wbo would make thlngr pleasinteri themselves and all about them If they•ould move into Tbanhgivlng rtrect—or bot-

stlll, to some cammuatty whore theyuid bo better •uitod. Now don't got mad '

m<l eoafeMs your Uicutity by saying ve meant

The Fart Dnua Depot Barglariwd, .Tbo ekhornte .Irpot of tho D., L i \ V .

railroad nt Port Oraw, lirOBMed over hy onrWflnd "General" Jackson, van broken lata <

id robbed on Monday oyeiiinjt. In the enrlyiart of the sight n foot pod approached a!a en vibo v ia sweeping switches near thaitatfoq and told tim ho htd dropped a box ofsvelry abor& tho brjflge. Whit* the sweeper |rent to loot after tbo nisstag jewelry the j•urglarprindoffa sliaitcr, raised a saab and |itepped tuddo the waiting room. JTostolatwo itamps, two old fcnlren, ate up the sup-!per of Fetor,'the nlglit-watohtnan, and do-1parted, louring unUuchSd two p>H pens,

hich no might liate taken. It Is thoughttbat ta* ranovatioo'andrtdaooratlon of thestation an suah B costly leaJfi led the bnrslar

the belief tb»t it vaa UID tepodtory of great

A Horriblft Aitkir. .A fair feataagD iho fumllj af Ur. J. V.

Craft, of Uorriitown, removed to Illinois, andabout a jear dncfl his d&ughUr, Hiss Katfl O.Crafl waamarriedt« QM.-M. MeConaugbtyotlawa. Booently, Trfth a young baho, theconnlo went toRooheTIe, HI., vhare Un. MoC.w u taken ill aud died, i t ia learned tbat afflwdayi After the burial tlio bonaved hueHand rlslUd tbo grave, and WOM at onco eon-vfooed that it tad hem disturbed, Sinntnan-jBf Mr. Gratt, an examination proved that thobody had been stolen. AUugetanikoriwom-liar fonn iraa trued to n dinooting room InChicago, «ad there, cpoa o table, the sorrow-loz friends were Horrlftsd at flndina tha bodj,AbhlvofaiMiMtd neighbor o f l f a Craftww klso f Dand kt the umfi plftca.

iiitercsteil in killing liim off Iioosuse 6a la o

enndldate for a local oflloo; mi we cupcolally

«a considered It when tboHo wrongii were iin-

pnfed In a wny that to moke thorn trno it

xrouU ha ntccamry to Impute negligence nod

perhaps crime to others vbo hftvo been not-

ing jointly with him in tho matters onm-

plainud of. We also taought it foolish to

start suspicions which omiid not ho Terified

or disproved before tho matter in dispute was

Bottled, and which would only famish tbo

Democrat* with material to poison tho minds

of tho people agnipet tho Republican admin-

istration of the county,. That it (imply our

pos)({oa,.ondtli»tiH tlio reason why we tc*

llevc tbe Investigation proposed should ho

prosecuted to tho end. Tbo ojiettlon of who

ihall he postmaster of Boanton U & very

tiunh Blotter compared -with that. But we

ire more than clad to notice tbat tlie Bulletinhas learned that personal bladuninrdiam anilinsinuation will never frighten ilie £HA froma position it believes to be right, nnd thatoar brother of tho Bulletin should be tho lastto engage in it Ifhe consults hia own safety.

Important to TowniMp Offieen,TUB Legislature at its List lession pnsHod

tie following act:

UoitesenaUa, etc. That the Colleotor Incuhofthotovnshiiiaia this Btste ihitlirontlie Booond Tuesdny in February In each year,file wJUitaooletkofhfa towaahfji a tnU, tmosodoompletoiMwoiintofhls roofilpto and ox-penjltnroj for account of t ie township duringthe preceding year. Tlio amount of taxes to-ma\ntns unpaid, ike namea oi tbe (loUu^aontaand the amount due from eneb; tbat tho saidaccount shall l>e in writing, rerifiod by theosthoftuoCoUcotorithsttliosamoia in oilrcspcets Jast and tmo, nnd that any Cnllrrtorwho flbflllnealect or refuse to malm and filesuch Boooont as aforesaid at ths time and intlio nmnner ileriRnated in Ibis oet, shall liogiilltj of n> misdemeanor, and subject nponronviotlou, to n flno ot ono hundred doUaiPamphUt of hnwa of 1B83, pp. 313.314.

Democratic Senator MePhGTOm this nwarned n caneus of Democratic Senator*ngalnrt rawldlinj with tho tariff question. Attie .MUD* timo Ibc DemoemtSo Asamhiy,wnreengivgeAinTOtlngdown a resolution ofprocisoly tha simo oharaotor. Sow, which

s (»feo boldof J Either Senator HaPhorson ar the DBTOO-eratio Asaonbly doosn't represent tlio. party.Whiohlaitt *

The Now Tori Son anyg Mr. ArmltUBe, ofNewark, will not hereafter bo admitted toDemocratic Atwemlily oaacuien bcennso lieYDtedwlth tlio Hepnblienns for protection.That's tbo DcmoeTotio game now—to Wokprotflotiomlitaontofthopiirty. Was it o fenof ihia that earned Ur. Nelghboar to TO!•gainst protection I

taath of a Former EeridenLTho following, coneernfng a native of this

i, i* from n Michigan papor; Mr- JoslnLird, one of out ueit nnd most favorablyown ciUaenB, diod last Suuday, Deo. 30,

marly 85 yoarg, at his roaMencoin thisFor some tlioo past he bus been in fatl-

hunltl, not ooeasloned by any disease,from a gradual docay of fahphysleal pow-

Tlie fuuoi'jil occurred Tuesday momSagtho house, SOT. W. Vt. Pattcngill offi-ig. Ho bail been a fiithful niember of

ie Snptfat douoiotantiou far over lalf oeenturj. UP wa» boru Iu Dover, N. J., Jan.18th, 17WJ, whoaeelio early removed to Oe-

county, N. Y. Lonvlng the latter plneeAugust Htli! 1810, whllo but n hay

of 18, ho emiftratea with hiB father, In weHurd, Lemuel Down* and other* to the wes-

jmtl of tuh 6ta(«. n« wnrriad MiesSDla Partridge in "31 and la '13 they removedto Michigan, nettling ia Onlhauu county.Eight children wero barn to them, flvo ofwhom am now living s Charier nnd MarshallHurd, Mrs. John Huston, Mis. Giles Cramp-ton and Aliss AanE. Hard, all of Marshall,Mich,, vhoro the father died.



A Tine Concert,A concert will ho given by Miss Annfn Jen-

kins and her pupil* nt MolSex's Open) HOUBO,Thiired&y evening, Fob, Hist Tlie followingtirtiaU will nuaiet nt tha eon cor t : Misses I<lnand Johanna SInlionliaaer,' Pianl«!ii; 3Ir.Louis MoUcnhftner, Violinist, and Mr. AdoiphMollenhnner, Violonoellirt. '

Tho Mollonlmnor ftmllj »ro HO wall (mownturoughout the mosical circles of Sow 1'oikand Brooklyn thnt it BOOHM hardly neeoasaryto speak of them hers. Wo would say, bow-over, tlmt Slfui Ida Sloileniiauor hue alreadyihyml in tbl» Ttolitlty. nnd those who hare

heard thiBhrilUant platlste kuowwhat a tro»tbjinstorofortbom. Lovers of violin musEowlUenjoy Hstettiug to Mr. tanU Molloucauer, whois considered one of Brooklyn's finest virtuo-sos, and it has been prophesied thnt he is thucoming vioHniflt of America. Tfcketft, Ireserved seats, nray lio had nt I t XfU

Tte Republicans of the Aawmbly wnntUongnmtmo Pbelps snd the other follow*i t t d t i d f l f M T t i n f Gimtrnotcd to slnndflrm for a itlEcbtarllT. Gntlemen you need notbonlrnldof Mr. Phelps—he dare not do nnytfitng oJso.—Bnnnor. ThisIs a. eoinpUmunt that tbe Banner did aotprob-ublv intoud. Kennblionn CougrcsBmcnknowtbo sentiment of thofr party is far a uigU tar-Iffaudofcoumwenld not thwart it. It isthe Demoerntie Coagrossmcn who ore to be

Tho last bulletin from tho Vow Jcncy agrt-lulturel station sajB tlint ultrato ofsodn is a

%aod top dressing far vrhent Holds, htrgcly in-ireailng tho Jiold of grain nml weight ofstraw. Tha bott Ume to u u it ia in the (Spring,soon after yegetatioD hogina nnd jtut before alight rain. From OIID hundred to ono lion-dred and fifty pounds will Bufflco for nn acre.

If yon wish to fresbeii yonr brwltftwt TDUBorbiiieuitsofna; Idnd, dip Uiem for a mo-mentor two in cold water, thon put themInto a hat oven for &hout ten minutes. Theywill come oat aa flftky nnd palatable os theday they wore flnt baked,

Thera in a rumor current, but upon whatutbority WB cimtiot find ont, that James'MOD had both legs broken, snd that Philip

Parson* hud an arm fractured by a mininglaldentln Pennsylvania, Both recantly re-

moved from Hmo H1U.

A temporary eonueotion between UorristownndNew'YoiV'wums.dean Tuesday by tiio

Cable Company's line, anil Uon. A. W. Cntlcrsent k congratulatory me«»nga ovor i t

y-Mven pennvs have professed conver-sion tn tho Christina Church, Vienna, andtwentyin tbe Danville Presliyterian. Ohurth.

Compound. Tax Congo 8ymp.Nothing bettor for famQy use. At the Brick

Drug Store.

TesthExtnutelfor 25 cent* at tba Brick Drug Store.

Sating and Starving.It la tit ths isine, for ron %n inn «> inSec froi St *one torture DKQ b M dHis* St *one tor

Dllndnr Itching Pll«bat l>7 * few »ppHratWDllndnr Itching Pll«»»ntibat l>7 * few »ppHratW"i at ParaeWa filitorien iher ontirftly illMppe»r. Tbe kntf

i l t by h l d » n « f iht frao

nn «> inSec frome DKQ be conoMved of.ntiBqti»loaror«niiojsnrt,at ParaeWa file Baiwi-

tf t ftitorien iher ontirftly illretoriotl to by i.hj-ild' "Ig ltes but such

ile Baiwi-f* ti oftun

! f

dlr^t•war.Said uf

. Tbe kntf* tiiht feraor*! of nro

ut such birbM-ltyli not* necessityPlla Stipoiltonos uied ucatdiog to

quickly reduce, MpUco icd rtrlv* themr r t D t f l J t t i ' i O O t l

Tie ThreatIi ntlnn dltnteA nn wconnt or C»t»rrti, produe-

ln{t ilrjntM u i l a ennsimt tienlre tn cnnpti. Matti«hlln|t B en "it Inn und tlio hoamunfli Ultt In R&cOmiucn iopulillo hlna'ti atid «|Hiban fpeciatif,UrelicTCdit onrn hjr llimiltnu'i Unngb Tracheawhieli ars preimrnl fTnni tbe in on «|^irareil for-tnnU. Do not wnlt (111 AmtB DKncuttU cr evonOnuinmcttonUkn flrtn hold nf you. t>ett* aairato.perboi. Soul br Robert KUI«ura. .


COlt. BLACKWELL AOT SUSSEX ST8.If rou liave n COHSU or cold me XX Condi Sirup

made at


If you bare an ttchc or pain use XX CampUarCream made at


XX COUGH SYRUPis (lie test reinedi* made for Cough nixl Colds UH

hundreds enn tpKlify; iitaiie at



Camphor Creamwas nevtr known to fait iu ftiilitfiiiiig jmin. Try




SKATES, ., ^/MSL&m

C VATC0 ^m^Ml^^^l j$r% STEDSOI\AI LO; ^mi^^Lfg^^aa^ g ^-"-^"^J



THE CHOP BY THOE0U3HLZ PTOraBIZINa TEE SOILSpring Tooth Salfaf and"nz Harrow., Cnl-

QERE-TRUMAN, PLATT & Co., Owogo, Tloga County, N. Y.








BAKER, PRATT & CO.'SSell! Frttme.


BEEMER & PALMERill eantltitift the buniiiess at tlm ol.[ Miami,

ami tntiearur to keep a Urge tvaatiriinciil ui'din lilallnoor trailo, en im sting or

COAL AND WOOD!Seranton ami Lfhi^li ot all B!?B«; nisi Bi-

tntuinoGd Con! for blanksruitliinj,', Cm d wedid Mai split jemty b r uao nlwiys mi li.iud.

Flag Stones ? Curbing,Orden received and contract! ULan fur tar-

ing titiewitki tnd BotHtis earb. indnll otiKTwork TOiiiirlnff Ulnefltuno vill be lir^nipttj-Mtended to,

MASONS' MATERIALS!itia and Palo Brick, Lime, Cemcni, CM-

olueu1 Pltiter, Qtir, Firo an,( FroutDrieh.PireClij. Ordinwillbo

promptly filled at t e


SawMiU.for bird rood tatnber cat to any nlxe «nd

lanRth denred mlvm en html.iDO cord) iHEoned wooj for ule.

AddreisLOCK BOX 28,

Dover, S . J

PUBLIC SALE.The mlisoriber -will oBer &t Public 8»lo on

tin piemiseB at SOCCASUSSA, on flTES-DAT, FolinuwyBtl], s t 3 P. M,, Ihu propertybelonging to John 1*. Kuniraau, t»-vit: 3d l l l impR, ice fctmso, liara and nboat

oa Uny of Bale hy


BRUB nttenilcd ia foil upon nooonnblc rom*miiiloiifl ant\ witJifwtlon jruamutecc], i l lMn4« or Kcoml-liand P»d* for lalo.

A LZAP YEAS EPISODE. .Can I fiii-fiat t lmt Winter night

In ftijclitcen eighty-four.WIJUII ,\i;1Ui>, diarniliiK litllo «i>irit.

I'tune taj^i i iRui tlii ' tluvrt

" Ouotl avtwingt uiwit," I liliixbiun H'liil,

Ami knuwiiigt IHIII* mj1 jirctty lieatl—

T t a t StOlii-IMUIP tiiwmi.

KUu ula^ifA inv lilg m l, mid foilAduvu ...wit h t - r k m m

Auil c r ied : * Von know I hive yuil welHa be my 1J unbuild, iijeanel"

Auil then «lii: *W»MV -ibe'il over ItoAtomler uil>-nuil t n i e -

Ab, wlmi ili-linlit it wus to IUL*

That Ki-lliti vnuie tiiivoo!

Mio'd lat'P my tJimw u'nl Uiirn my lioaoAud IUCIIII my Blilrts, «1M> gnltl,

Ami greiwe my (mutely Ifomnn nose

Esuli niglit on going to bud.

SW«I build the Ilrus ntul fflUikilliecoal,And eiilit tbe Mudllng. t o o -

Love's perjuries o'erwlieliiiud her soul,

Wheu Nellie came to woo.

Aud as 1 lilurililiiK gave no tiiftckTo tier advances nul l .

She tvlnadiici- nrniiTaliniit IHV ne ok,And|toye<i|wi th|wy nioiutaclic.

And tLeu sLe I>1COI.G<1 lorn kiss,Whea I—what ranld I ilo

But coyly yield me to thut bliss

When Keltic « u e to woo I

I am engaged, and proudly wearA Korgeotii dlnuiond riott,

A I K I I . I I I U I wed uiy lover M r

Homo time in gentle Spring.

I fnoo my doom without n righ-Aud so foraooth would you.

If you but isvBdMftMidwJ,Wheu XeilU. cmuc to » n[ECCIEKE FIELD IN THIS CUILAUO NEHB.

Tlio Unit fur the Avenue Flalieriiinu

TLis ii the bait thofishermen take,the fisUermea

lake, tbo fishermen take,when th«y atari out the

flsh to wake BOcarl; in tbo

morning. Theytake ft Lip before tboy go—a

good one, ob! and long and slow,Jar feflr tbe chilU will lay them low,

Boenrly in tbe morning. Another whenthey'io on tlie Hirnel. which, tliey repent

oaohtiine they meet for 'luck'—for tbal'ithe way to greet a fisher Iu tlia morning.And whoa they're ou tlie mer'a briukagain they Oriak without a wink-totight nifttarla ttey think it proper iatha morning. Tliey Up a flask withtrue delight wlioo there's a bits ; iffisliiug'ri light they 'smile* tlie moretill Jolly light all flying tbey areficornioj,1. Another nip aathey de-part j one at the mart aud ouo topart, but nooe when ia tbo Lousetbey dart, expecting there'll bomourning. Thin is the bait thefinberweu try who DitbeH by atprices hinb, and tell eachODQ n bigger Ho of fhblug

la the morning

—It. V. Dcd<f



EFITS up rnoi i icTiox.

HAVEHFORD COLLEOE, Penn., Jamii28J.—Acting iu linrinony with tbtFucu!t,v'n iffula lo h:tve Politicul EconoQiy luuglil in (Lie most practical muii-nor, tlio Simior o'nsa «f Uarcrfoti] Inioviiiv.. iidive Ijiibiui'ss mou of vnrioicillinga fo lecture hero on tlio Tarqnpstion. Two ivci-Ua ago, its reportsiu Thu Tribune, tlio Hon. JonathiCiiiici1, uf Illiode Is]nod, discussed thisubject from a innmi dictum's point <vhw, ho liciug a. encccsaful miitinfuturor. This evening Air. Jmnes Wood,of Mt. Kinoo, N. Z , a practical formertrented it from a farmer's point of view.There wna n largo and interested ntt<once of indents nud others. After ex-plaining why nmiy college professoiwith n eoienlifio longing to establish meiaat science, Incline Lo Free Trade amfuror tlio objeols of tlio Cobden (JluiiMr..,Wood conllmicd in sabstuuca

Lit us taken.) American farmer ns tbirepresentative of liis, clnss, who baicliefly cotiou auil food products ID aollWith freights, commijsiuiis, iuaoranoiami waste his cotton is worth 20cent, marts in Manchester than at home.Com ia bulky, nnd on its way to feedthe Manchester operafives mus thigauntlet of " corners" niul otber mhianil trbeii couenmmi is irortl five tiirjcmare than where it ({row, But when thfarmer buys lack the cotton numifac-Usml iutoclolli (but corn has gono inlothe cost of the goods. Ho tlma pnysdollar or moro for the cotton ho sold ieighty tent.", nnd n dollar or moro foithe com ho sold for twenty Dr twenty-OVOCKUU, nud bo pnys the oust ofnfactnrc. tbe muuiifuctmer'a profit, nnctho freight, on Ilid goods hcuidcf. Hfinds (hat lie is selling " tbo liido foidxporjeoaud buying Lack tbe tuil forHliilliDg." Ho resolves to get eovaa onto make Iho goods lio needs oloao by bishome. He soon Suds tliat ilieso homeuuDufuctmcrs noed other things hosidicotton, woo!, wheat and corn. Tlinywnnt laud to build upon, vegetablesmilk and butter, and a tbouannd otheithings that be could never send to Hieoperative in Manchester. Tlins he linsa great variety of productive interestsiDBleail of ono or two. There cannot bon profituula ngricnlture in iho long mewithout it. Eiseggs nre no longer nilin ona fcaskct. If wo thus ndd ono iu-dustry nfter (mother to these home mnn-itfacturcs a community will bo eatnblisbed with prod notion, distribution and•consumption perfectly balanced. All oretnalanlly dependent, nnd aoilo in bear-ing the pub'ia burdens, whether it biia building roads nud BC'JOOMIO lines, orpaying town, cotinty, Bute or fttaxes. Tbo men In Munch eater nevertook an; liatnl in those.

Bat Home one says to tho farmer: " Iwill sell you all your goods, made nbroidlor less money tbnn yonrs DOR cost you,and will tnko yonr core and wheat andcotton and wool in exobangn for them.1

TUfl farmer asktt : " How nboat mypotatoes and other vegetables, and my

. hay and milk and ogga? Who will bay' -my: sorplni land ? Who will help pay

my tuxes? Hot? BUall I keep np the. lertiliiy of my land ? Your goods may. 1H cheaper to-duy, bat soon oar menwill hnre more capital ncJ will acquireskill v,itli experience, nnd will get a tit'tie letter machinery, and then tbey willmake belter goods than jroum and forlessmopey,, Tliey do so now with manytiriags, ;Thej are paying me good prisestot mv wattr power and my land anil alitioilred tilings JOB don't want. I caoafford to invM money to-day for tbegood it will do me to-morrow. I mastdecline yoni ofter. If yoa persiat ineendiDR yuor good* here we will pot atax apon them nnd keep It there as long

• OJ is neeea«rj to protect our home mantifactarefl/f J?l»at is Ibe tariff qnutiotfrotnuu agriobUnrist1*, B,andpoint. Ift i e farmer bail oontinoed to send hiBproducts fibroid, instead of a home mar-ket for all bis yarioos products he wouldhavpualjtlio foreign market for » fewtbluga to whicli hi^fuilow-fanners wouldcompete with Mm. and with all toe rat

;of tie- world trying; to undenoll him.Xnitoad of tbo certain borne market bo«ooJ4 liave bad only Ike UDcertafa for-

(•^ign pnP, Trherotbeabaniliuioa orwwr-<fity of-ibe crops in other ooaatrieg

determioed whether be suoald bavo anymarket at all.

There ia n popular error io referencelo tbe advantages of foreigu iraOf. Tbiftiicieut cities of Palmyra, AleiaiidriuTyro, Coustiintinopk*, Vtuioc and Genoa

w rich 1>y foreign cjoimerce, ButB-iig fmra gooda tliey bought to sell

again, i'pon wbicb tlie> ubargcJ flo«liprofits that the consumer paid a hundredfold tboir original cost; wbile madoroeomraeice is tbe iotprcliaasp botwfieanations, tbroagb the meiliiim of money,of Hie products of one for tlinso of nn-other, and no country buys to sell ug«iuito auy couaidcruble extent, Meept I3ugluud, FreiiTmde»tulkTof^uuukil

m uation, aod say tbiit Pwe Trado itnatnril," nud tliat Protection is "uu '

uattiml.' Is it " uaturnl" for a nnito have its fiiriDsunouesideof tlio globtnnd its workshops on tba olber ? Is ii" natural" to send cotton nnJ wool halround tbe world and tben bring tlembark again ? TVitb unlimited beds ofiron orus and flolds of coal, is it " uatui-al" to biiog our railroa'l o»d oiler supplies of iron from across Ibe uceinWith a olimnte and soil fitted to gro1

all kinds of food, is it " natural" (o ex-baust them in growing bat two or three'Wilb aPateut Office nttostingtlie inventivegeniua and mechanic tl skill ofpeople, is it "natural" to compel llietuto gran only raw product* for Euglislskill to manipolute?

Kddle's Kite.

Once, duriug the great war, a motbeiwas Hitting sileut uloiic—as BO man,uiotbera used io sit in Badness duringthose dark and terrible1<dujs—when lierlittle boy CJIUC to her anil said :

1 lMftnima,w!ii.t raakeayou fuel so snd?'"Eddie," said tlie mother, " H

lias been a battle, aud I nm ifnld yourfather is killed or wounded."

The little fellow listened to her wonliand presently went anaj. HIIOFOW liiuftcrtvards ploying on Ibe fluor, anfixing bis kite, unil he seemed to bewritingsonietliiug on i t ; and presentlybe wont outof duorswitli tlicUtto. Attura little while ho redirncil with his hceall Riiushinaftcd aaiiles, and aniil, "Ob ,uiflmtun, I wrote on tha kilo, 'PleusiGod, take cure of papa, and briug himsnfo home agaiu,' aud then I sont tlikito up just eo fur as I could, nnd outtbe EiriDg; nud I guess lie bus got it bythis time !"

No doubt t'io unhclievor will smile aEddie's faitb, and at Hie story of hikite; but u prayer Bent up in such oou-tidenoe as ttiat, is fur more likely tomich ilB dostiualiou thnti uiiiuynnolnqiicnfc petition witli nliicti t!tu huui(loca not go. I wjuld sooner tiimt ipetition for Iho lliingH I nneilnd, oE.ldiu'H tite, thnn ou tho lip* of theproud Pharisee, who, with bis " God, Itbuiik tbee," prays to tell the Lord liovrgood be is ; nnd whoso worship coaai£tiu looking down npon otliera, instead olooking up to the Must High.

Borne peoplo pray lonking every way

but up. They snoot their prayers offvaguely imil niuitessly. They do uoJiiTct them to Him wlionlono onu mnkttbeni cBeutnal aud prevailiuy, Suchprayers do not, cannot useeud, nor dcblcsjiugs descend upon those who offerthem. Tliej do not look fur the noHWLT. h it not so f Uulike the nroberwho gazes Hiisionalv to ace if his arrowreacheatbo mnrkj they do not lookfoisuccess, Let us learu, when we cry toRod, tn aim our prayers towardthrone, and to LOOK UP, esptcting numswerlo our petitions, nnd to be like

David when IIQ ttuys, " I will direct mvprayer \iuin tbec, O Lord, aud will lookup."—Everybody's Mugazine.

• • - • < •

Outirlttlitr n ".ttuslier."

Shu was a handsome young womanThis WES remarked by n dozen differenpeople as she entered tlia TJnton depot,She was p/riug E;ist by the CanadaSouthern. This was remarked by a couceited veungsnipofu fellow, who looked'matibcr" from tbo crown of Jia hat to

tho heels of hlB gutters. She hnd nosooner purchased her tieket and takenher scat tbau bo began to entilearound. She EUW him and read Ills chur-jcter, and, beckoning liim to approachabe aske l : "Are you going to Bnffulu?'"Yes-ab-curtnitilT," "I nm glad to hearit. Will you do me a favor ?" "With allmy heart. Command tuc." '"I'm ufraitlmy trunk wna lost ct the hotel. Couldtask you t o m n up nnd see about i l l"

Of course—certainly only too Imppjl"It wus twenly minutes to (rain lime.Me was back ia sixteen, his face flushed,bis cars rod nnd his breathing spasmodic.S e bad dupp some tall running. TheIrnuk mis not there. "Oh, dear, butwould yon be so kind na to look into the'laggngo room ?" Eo wonld. He did.Ho culled a score of (ranks around,made a dozen inquiries fora Saratogawith nn **E" on the ends, and finallyreturned to tbe waiting room to say—hnlshe wasn't there) Tbe train was alsogone! A. man wbobad a sore tbroat, andfult mad at the whole world, informedliim that he had no sooner started fortho baggage room I lion she picked up

elicule and boarded the train, lierfuce wearing n happy smile, and herrosebud mouth gently puckered up as sheinmmeil; "The chap I loft behind mcl"

—Ddroti Time*.

Uralns er Uo!<1.

Bnvy ia a sickuera growing from otlierim'e bnppineas.He keeps bis road well enough who

lets lid of b»d company.Have tbo conrjgo to prefer comfort

and propriety of fashion in nil tilings.Eren genius itsilf is but fine obsorra-

ion streugLliencd by fixity of purpose.A compliment is usually nccooipaniod

iitb a bow, its if .0 lieg pardon fur 3uy-agit.

Of all (be evil epirils nbroad nt thisiour iu the world insincerity is tbo most•ngerons.The two powers wbicb Iu my opinion

constitute a vfoo man are those of bear-ing and forbearing.

Tbe more we fear, the lets reason tvelave to fear; tliat is if wo fear God, welecd not fear anything elite.

It is never tbe opinions of others Hotlisplenses us, bnt tho pertinacity theylisplay ia oblrndlng them apon as.

There is no part of man'a naturenbloh (Us gospel does not parity, onrelation of his life which it does notmllow.

"Whan a person loses his repntion tlievery lost plaoe lie goes to look for it iatlie place where be baa lost it.

Sociatj is composed of two great clauses—thoBa who have more appetite thindinner, tnd those wto hare mare dinner,han appetite.

A gentleman attached to the Embarayof a neighboring nnd friendly power atthe British Court las been compelled1 retire from what is virtually tbe

Diplomatic Oldb in London, in oomo-a uenca of the non-payment of bis gam-bling indebtedness. Io looking into Ibeaffairs tbo committee discovered that thewinning! of ono member at ecarie aloneweeeded one hundred thousand dollars

iihin t ie last two jean.

Block lace is very fashionable.

Fashloi Kutefi.

Cloakclusps i\Tc- sujull and veryartiatic.Gray in allelmdesgrows in fasliiouable


Ewurial ivmaius UJC favorite lace ofretny women.

Etigiisli pugn remuiu tlio favoritoladies' top dogs.

Clinging dniperius remain in fuvornitli eOL-iety girlF.

Kilteus' beads adorn many nebby feltaod velvet hals.

All kinds of luces, even the old styloIliintii, urc fiiablonublc.

Tlio Charlotte Corday capote is tbeiiisingfuuey in hounefs,L'Kbt luflius' cloth ia tho fuvoiito

fabric fur utility costumes.

Tlie prettiest bouse wrappers are intbe Kute Qieeunwny styles.

..iiilor ctistuuieB are cumfortuble andpiclty (or jjirlb1 seliool dresses.

Tbe bui-plealed Jejsey basque is tbLitest novuliy in this popular mntcriitl.

Autique leather goods with figurein liifib relief in lncdfeevnl deigns comUiisseiwnu from Yieano.

Neiu'l; all tiie lulest Bliouldvr capeshave a band uf I'ur uronud the edges,niiJ it fur collar ubsnt the neck.

Chinchilla nnd silver foi nro used'tform j»nrt of the Iriminiug of somo ver.licb dinner and reception dresses.

Tho coi'juges of some uf Ibe band«orao3t Freueli evening dresses luoo up

_ie front over a vest orplustron oilaoursutiD, covered witb nn ombroidory 0pearh.

liibbon mid ehcnille embroidery imuch iiseil en Grecian hoitss robes an1

Uiatiueoa of Turkisli ottoman olutb.

Man; of tbe new felt bills ore hounwitb silk braid, b j miicbiue wurk, jutns the edges of goiitlemun'a huts nrtiuisbed. Where this hmtd is iise-1 nfncinft ot velvet or xilk is required.

Colored Canton fluouel tuiikos n clieaand nt (ho burnt; litne aMrac ivo anomfortable dressing sneqne. It is aJs

au excellent material for liniugdrcssinrnippers to weur in culil ivealber.

Lung ulsters of Jersey webbing, 0cloth, velvet, velveteen, of seal nudi mil lit ion KPHI plusli arc much worntba li'inimiu(>s being bands of fur

IUIOOUS uiul palm leaves of uonluuor both Bontaclio am] fur.


Urcr tlio Foiiec

Mrs. aiiugcnin put her head over UKfence nud thus nJdrcaaed Let' nelglwho wus li.mgiiig out her week's wash-ing:

"A fumily has moved inlo tlie emptbouse across the way, Mrs. CloMiesliiic.

" Xci, Ikuow."" Did you unties their f iiinilure '("

"N»iir.iiticuliu-I,i.""Two lo;ids, ami I wouldn't giva ;

ulliti' aldtid fni1 il. Carpets I I wouldlint put'em iloAii ill my kitclieii. Ambo cbildrou 1 I wou'l ulfow mine U

jssociule with 'em, 3011 but. And tbuioilier I Hlie looks tis if slio had nave

known a dny's happiness. Tbo fatlieJriulis, I ezpeoF. Two bail such[)LPU|)1O eboulil como into tiis ndigb'1001T. I wonder wlio tiuy arc V"

" I know thcoi,"

"Doyou? Wetl,Idcalnro. Wbuaniboy ?"

"'Iho mother is my sister, nnd tbefutbor in the tiujierinlondcnt of IbeHelbntlist Sntiduy deliool,"

A painful panse ensues.


beliovo Via being robbed." mid Mr. Pop-jcnuan lo liia wifo ns he entered lii"borne Inst evening,

"By whom!""By Walter, my gronerj eleclt. I

iventinlo tbe store to-dny, nnd discov-ered him in tbe not of putting somethingin his pocket, I also hourd or though!I uenrd n sound sucli ns would lio madejy one coin fulling on another in n per-son's pocket. I B11UI nothing to thsclerk, ns T diil not desire to accuse himunlil I was certnin of bis dishonesty."

"Areyou sure you benid the coinsclinking in liis poaket V aeked Mrs.Popporronn.

' ' No, I'm not sure. Hero, I'll exper-iment, and determine if sua'i n coitudcan be licni.l twenly feet off. Take

two $10 gold ])iece3, Stand nearthu door. Put ono ia your pocket, nuddrop tho other ono upon jr.. I'll listen."

Mrs. Poppcrmau did as directed, nailthen sail]:

"Didyouketir i t?""Yes, I lienrd it. Oonseqiifintiy the

jault of my oxpeiiaonb is "" Tlint I'll buvo n new 820 bonnet be-

>ra I staep line niglit," exclaimed Mtf.Poppirmnn as eho BDalcbad up lier falsefront nni] slid ant of tbo front door.—jV,F. Journal. W, it. it. it . o ._ .

dentaton, UiutjliBiutuu, UIIL-B. Kiciinelu'ipiliiRU,Homer, UoillmJ,8yrsoasc, Odncfiiiiii{ (iitiuib ou (lie LjttkBUniina uiid illouiiK-

id Delawiut unit Uudiuu ftailroadf'ItiUlpibere witliLdiiKb Vullty ].««.

fold and Louigla nuti SuniiuoLnnua UmlroatiTor iletlileliont, Mauoh Oliuuk. Jtt*diuu anatiarriibuig.

At 7iUu A. M.. DioiiSiamtiD Jluil (Urawjn;;Uouui Own iltaolibtlj ituin Xvw i'oil via.i'al-titma »nd lioouluu; raua ihruugU to IVatcidap, £JtrouJH>»arg, durmitou, Gnat Iluml

. .., . ---(ion ouiiuuctitii; m iJuvtr williroaJ, al Wilarlou AIIII tantti

ittttirasii fur AilJuvur, NOHIUU RLII all atn*lioUBj al lJelaware wllb Llufmtowu it;., aijersulou, with uloomttlturti JHilaiou tor i'itta-

i, KiugNton, Wilkouburn-, Uativille, North-

111 [rum 'Hovi Vork,l'atereuu auOUooutin1 coniieut »t IVsiiliinKtuu vltb Iraili foiItipsburg, iSaatou, iiotlilobeni, \Jlento»n,

dirrinlmrL'iudpolutiiou the Letl-(li Valtey,4ii(l LcbtKh aud Sunqnetiamift itailtjaJ*: RIftiUUpaburff with Bolvklere Di TIBIOU or Pa. It.U. far Laiabartrill'!,Trcn tun ituUPlillidGlpUii.

irnKiog iioom Cam) Water Gap,Mruuiitcirti.Scruntoii, Bingliaiutun, OIVCKU, Itliaca,'uvurlyiKlmira, Uuiuit Jlu.rin ULU UuHnlo.

AIBJ ajraoano uuU Uiwcun, ootimctlQg aliliugUiimtuii for Uuoa aixt HbULlold 8priuya.

Al tu.10 A. U. Dover Aaooraniodaliou.At WtUO M.iiaston iSxpreau,At l:U0 P. U. tiltuin £zvreu, DrkwlDK Hi.

CarifttUctiDd mat tbronfli to Watei U»p, Stroudi-

'A dving man may be burned witb ared hot iron and not fcol pain," Dr.Omwfovj said to n repoiler for tbe Mailof Stooklon, Csl. "Gonsoioitsnesa mayreuntii to the dying almost to the die-sol u I ion, bnt generally they lose the[tower of thought long before actualdontli. Iu eiisea of death in which thereseems to ho Buffedug tlm writhing nndspasms me duo to reflex muscular actioD.

WGikona tbe nervous system andcoiiscrxueutly bostons deatb. and therevorso of fenr may prolong life." TheDoctor cited a medical report concern-ing a Methodist minister. Ho lay ontbo vergu of death, cold nnd pulseless,ititl frttiada around his bed sung hiafavorite liynin. As tlioy oaascil, andwhile tlo pli>sician stood timing Ibedeath, tlm tniuisler'a buncls moved, andho wbispcrcd, "Glorj!" Restorativeswoto adaiinifitered,' nnd nc hour latertbe man had tecoverad. Ho lived manjyears uflnr tlint. He said be nnderstoodevery word spoken nt lii^bedside. Under

10 nervous eiaUumont ami catbnsii»smnrongbt )>y the liymu he bnd exertedtiis muscular strength and lived.

•• • <•»•—••

Bridffet'g Fintnn.

Bridget, why Oiil you remain up soInto last night ?" asked tbo lady of tbehouse.

"Bcgorra, mnm! "Twasnotlntealall,it nil, when I was alter retiring. Saro,twus airly."

""fes, indeed ; early this morning.1

"Bare an', jez ore lolling tlio tratbinlore, mum."

"Batnby did you remain ap nearlyill night?"

"Tbai'a ptatrit Ira nfiber tolling >now, mnm. Faith an* there be? somany o' thin con—conflig—plmt d'joi

ill 'm?) fionfiager-ationa lately thatIt's afraid to go lo led I ms, ontirely,(or furu I'd be crnmated, so I justthought I'd. vratch the firotill themornin.Bare it's me doty."

"Bat what wag thoyonng mnn do-n ?""Ob, RO 'longwidyeK. Paitbnu' isn't

he the spark l'a af thor walobin'."—OilOily P^riick,

A common trouble ID country black--nitb abops is the going oat of tbe fire

while the smitb is doing work away fromit, Tfaii annoyance con bo pioventedby keeping nt hand containingfiawdnat, Wb&n tbe Sie aocms to baontthrow a bandf nl of SAW dust on tie coals,and a good blaze Till qntokly follow.TbJs may Becm n smull matter, bat thereare many who will find ttia suggestion onaefal one.



In Naw TOBK, root of Uhutiy St.. Nortli rivw.lii BBOOKLTH, (Omubljn BrUleu P,i-r.)Ix PHiLtDBLFHU, de[Mts Dili *nd Orcon,

SJ and Berks Sts.DFTHAWI.

LEAVEA. If. A.M. P.M. F. K

Hew York D 00 4.00Brooklyn rt. Falton gt H.*3

PaiLJOBLFIiu.Cur. 8th Kiid Qretu i t . . R.SO

11 Sd and Berk* " B.10 a SOTrontou 0.06 4-SSNeivarli 0.05 4.00Ehiabetli • B-80 4.87Bonn J Brook 10.00 5.28Hitfli Bridge 7.B2 10.B5 6.10Cifiron 8.M 11.08 G.S5Vornoy , 8 09 II 19 G.SBi/iadle T»lley 8 14 11.1? 0.S3German Valley 11.M 4,15 6.8DNansbr l zb l . . . . 8 39 11.3(1 1.19 6.4.1B&rtkv BS5 11.36 4 2* 6.40Flindm 8.41 1143 4.20 fi.f!C»ry'.i 8.4111.44 4.33 fl.flflDnkcNVllIo 8,60 1160 4.S8 7.04Kcnwl 8.B8 11-53 4.41 7.07Port 0mm 0,02 13 02 4 52 7.11

Dover 0.07 12.07 4.67 7.1Rocktwiy iniw P.15 13.15 7.80

k.X. A.M, A.N.P.H.KX,- " " 8.4S


RockiwayDoverPort DramKOIITHDTabflBvilicGary'sFUndcnHartleyN l l h tOermMiJdlo ValleyVernoyCalirouH i g l t D r l d s o . . . . . JLTBon nil Brook, . , .ElizabethNewarkTrontsn . . ,

t'liihdelphUCur. Sil Kiui Berks" 9th niirl Onsen

Brooltlyiift. FultnuBtNew York

i. X.!J011.B18.20B.4. . . O.aO 12.07 8.28 5.6. . . fl.8.1 U.ia 8,88 8.6. . . 6.43 12.33 8,426.01. . . B.44 12.2'; 3.44 0.1. . . Q.49 1J.30 3.48 0.16. . . 0.53 12.81 3.53 6.10...CM 12.80 8.60 014...7.00 12 44 4.00 6.19. . 7.07 l?,60 4.07 6.8B

, 7.147. ID7.23

1 7.3fiS.300.1

4.U 0.4'4.11) 0.S14.23 0.684.88 7.115 83 8.30fl-17 !1.070.43 0.307.16

Ki.-lfl 8.2510.07 8.051(1.0(1 7.001C U

S1.60 6,50 9.31

A.M. A . U . A . H . 1 M ICliOBter 6.S0 B.03 11.00 3.53 tiWQirraan Valley 1.06 8.20 11.IS 4.M B-1

Train8 IIMVD Kouvil far Mioiiminli an.l L -ItHoi)aic<]UR»t9:00. A . H . ; l'2:2fi, fl:l(lp. U . Ihall BtatlmiB to O),'ilfi) ut 12:25 r . it.

Cutivtij'Qiic^ii enu \IP jircj^iirnl Bt G rxniL1

Valley to and from tkliuokVa Mmintain ; uFimdcrs to aud from IJmlilV Lake.

EABTDX COSSEOTIONJ.—Oonmctiou is imtitat High Bmlffo to urnl from Eas tan .J. B WOOT'i'EH^eii. Msnnsrr.

£1. V. IUr.DWIN.Gcn. Hnxlurti Pass. AK' IC O . HANCOCK,O*H,PJ88.4IVIt • "


(UOBRIS AND KtfHEX PlVl«ION.)Denote Iu Now Vork.foat uf Jlurclaj Bt.*nd

fuatuICliriatopliurttt.N i N

Umiiiuuii>!liii{ i l O N U A I , JUUK 18lli, 1883,LKAVB KliW VUlfK. {KaHLuii dlttil Tiatu),aou-ueotitig nitU tliu Xiuunioti JJrautL ul j J u l Ururilouiituu ; tliu Uliumur liiaucb at Dov fwd i mil iJliunltr ; tliu dunaei Itailroail

l A J V N d l l

oUnjj »t ScrtnfDti with Uak. ft BloomiburiB. B. for WtUton, Wromiuu, KlaBitou Rod WUkelBute. I'Miangort tkklng this train (ram Newlort, f»t«rnou BHU Uoonton c»n concoot at VVub>lD3touvitUt»luMD.fl,

LoftVoKowYort at;t.3O 1>. 51 (Easton Ex-l>roia)coutiQctins &t Waturloo fur indover,.^«wtouaud Brauohvlllo, Bud nt l'liillipabarg

itli Lohigh Vallev U>ilrniil nnd Ulilcb fimiuwiuoliEuna B. U; lorBolliWiom, Alloutown,loRUing mii Httrrlaoarg.4i30 p, M., L.*er Kiprcan Tur Bunimlt

Boruardavillo, 13ai.*in(jri(lKi; 0 nil all point* on'assaio ir.d Delaware llailroad.) Ohattiim,


_ . BiMt) t>, M, (HaoktttBtowi) EipreBslBtop.gin» tit illltmrn, 8nmmlttCli&tUiini, Uadieou,aorrieloivu ami all gtnttons nest to HaoketU-uiwn.eoimLTtingat Waterloo witb tralu orinjovorand Nowton.

" " n P. M. Oflwogo aud Buffilo Ei. trora Keir. (iioepingoariiatUubcd) via. PntereoD A

Boonton tltrotiRb to Witcr Oap, StroudubnrK,jenntou, DmglinintDn, Llalii, il»ratlioD,Cori-Unu.Humer, ttyiionHeaiid OHWORO,Alliingliaratou with tmin lor (Irocne, Oifonl,Somicli, EiotiSolJ Sprluas, Utiea, Ac, Tbiitrain runa tbrouffli lo OSWPKO Buffalo andlUotitield SprlDRB(!juUit to Iiimca} Suudajuiornioss.

At T i « p . M. DoTur Accommodntion forUliatbam, Morrietowo iiidDuvcr.

for BeroanUvillu, BQ^ktnsrultic, Lyoue,Mllllngton, atirhDR, (llllette, liorkalcT HeightaniUIUUtlnng nn l'«»«in tn.l DolmnTB,tt. (N. J. Wn*t Lino llatlroail) 7:30,10:10 A.II. *U1H:30 ami 3:21) X'.M.

A. BEASONKIt.aDpchn.ondent.


Tmina arrive and depart frotc tli l i gtallouH follows 1

OflHegoEipreai** 5.28Doior EiproBi 7^)0IickettBlown£sp.7:m

Dover Acoora. 11:16

Eip,» 1:57« » » u u Mail 3:44QanegoExpreaa* 6:07Duvor Arcom. fi:50BalTilo Riproas* 8:07B*iton Accom. 6:80

A, M. WElT BO DSDEnatonMatl 9:35

" il* fliOUea 10:27

p. H.Dover Accom. 12:25EastoE Exptea* 2:00EImirBRxprea8*2:2DEBHIOH Exprosi 6:29Dover ExprosB 6:20H'kcttitnwnEip.7:2aOnwego Exp,* 8:85EovarAcoom. 10:00

*Yi». Boontoo Branch.


A..1I. P .M, A . H . P .H10.57 7.00 .Oheiter 8.C0 S.BO10.17 0.5'J Horton 8.07 4.00IO.0T 6.47 Ironlt 8.12 4.109.B7 S.42 Saccftinnna 8.17 4.20S.4? 033 UoOilDBTltli 8.30 4.30O.GS fl.80 fortOraw 8.!8 4.60O.S0 0,26 DoTer 8.S3 S.OO

JOS. YORKwill pojltivfly fell Stores atul his full lim. 0'Soaac Parufiblng Gooils at very nearly ntiatthey rout, for tho purpnie of reducing IllsItnmonso htocii betote

His Removal, April 1st, 1884,o the DEW three-story Brick Building, irblcliic la now ctoollns;, anil wliloU will bo Bpooiallyidiptcil to bin eudlei* v-iihty of good*.

OppoiUe tlio Telejtrapti OSJC, mljalWiiuiofiton Hall, ami oloao to tbe pnbllo parl",40-tr n ionniKTowN, ft. s.

RUPTUBESC'urtil lij the O0LLISQS' METHOD in from

D to 90 rtijn iriltinnt pprioff trttat nt wlopplna•otk. rt'Mitlicu pr nee or j»tiod of affliction.Ventilated Abdomtaal Supporters by malt.Prices tsoderate. Addroii , ,

BaiGS,BUn1iopo,N.T.Or call at French Boof HQUM, oppralto ths

rrtibvlerlanOhnrob. 30-lr

Notice of Settlement. .Kotlco it herpby RITBO that tbo accoanla nr

tbe tcbicribor, AJtaiolntrator of Robert Gor-don, Ooc'd, will be andltfd ind itated by I bo3arrogRto, md reported (OP settlement to the

Orpbani' Oonri of tba Ooooty of Horrii, anMonday Iho tbl idt la j of Uanh nejt . .

JOSH P. GORDON,rated Deo. Utb , 1881, i-Ow

Dissolution of Partnership.Itioparlnenlilp

its nrra 01 - &iinn 4iroo. a IH.TDOIUI, iraidrMolreii on tbo 34tli d*j ot Dcoorabor, A. D1883. by mutual corneaE, Tbo<nu 3. Allentai BnRh Allen are mtbortxcil to loltleall

tfeU tins to auil by (h« Una.THOJUH J. ALLKN,noan ArxBN,PATHIOK H . REYNOLDS.

Dated December Sitb, 1S83,




Isaac N. Doty & Co.,NEWARK, N. J.

ALL Ihronnb Jauniry Dry GjoJuaui!pcti will Lfl aold eticap. Extra ff

Induce oi en la Iu cvtry depart ment of our bus-

p DroM Bilks bare been marked dimi

• Dre»iQooH IIHYObeen markeddowi

. Glinka anil Sliaitli bave baenmarked down,

I BLANKETS ami Flatweui have been•murUvl (JOWD.

5 ttlSTER US DEE WEAR bei httu


• marked dowo.

Liaen Goodi hare Iccn markoil di

• Carpeti and Bnaihavo boon niarktd down.


Us realm mav bo eocired iu evcryJopart-incut. All BtRSonablo poods nt a tmanflcf.Wu do cot n u b to carry over a dollar's wortbot Wlnlnr etoclf, and lo ciono il c-dt ut once notrill make prices very Ion.


159 &lttl Market St.,

Newark. IV. J


Coleiuan liuslnoss College,707,7011,711 & 7131IKOAD Ff.,

Opyuslie Centre Market,

N E W A R K ,coiwg n litreor LOO VL oitJ NATIONAL

jmlruDsfio comliitiiid than any DIIIIT Cummor-oial Sahuui la Amorlca,

Tbe attcuiiaucu lrom KBELX ami adj'ilungnuuiicBi^ dotiblo Mint of nor imuio BOIIOOI,and it einolt'Ts mnru ilian douiilo ibctvacbori.

Writo fur tliu lluoBt uchoui ratalo«ue a:

COLEUAN A PALMS, Proprietors


OYSTERS!aud EATABLES of all khitla mipnlica at

"EMORY'S"Favorite Kcstnumnt ,

Warren S t , Dover, N. J.

E. VAN GILDEK, Prop'r,

SMH'H & ECKHART,ftluccojflori to I n O. Duupcr,)


Cuntr.Mti {%km anil materials furnlsbfd for


Office on Uorria iticnt, next to former luosEE* building, Dover. H.J,



Btilt niuiutniiiH liid

!oii for kcqi ing fulltocks of

niiiH liirt ivinitji!!oii for kcqiinand coiiii>lcl(t Htocks of


PROVISIONSoftliM.cst K wj n

"JLOUR, P E E B , G R A I N . B O T T E R ,CHEESE, EGGS, etc .

StiftngcraviBttliiB Dnvor tra liiviud to rail nulliltnlne my gnnda. Pnptilar ]irii't* plscc thom'ltliln tbn roacliof tUuaowImae uiMUH nru limited,nil my fine nisortrocut canuot rail tci n lmn nn ~

satlify tlia most critical buyers. JOHN AHNDT






SeedB ana Fertilizers,














NBff JEBSEI LEO1L TitSC, l»0° F U S B .« • MAOH1NEBY OILS.-We tike demure in tatrftlnoiim to tlie trade our rarion*jrrtdel

o r iSeSn t r j ID] olb.r H..vy Oil.. Theie good^«r« nunoftolunrf by u >tenr•mta. eon-ieuoontlr »e riw Hum the bensllt of oor p«rMml lapwrlilon, and giuanMe torn toDOrleol .alufiotlon, botb In quality anil p n » . or no nln.

Freeman Wood,FIRE



DOVEB.N.J.fepllTiiuliorlaadwraiof tnelollawuunrsi

MuoonDOrleol •E i t r a Engine Oil.Tullow Engine OH,No. 1 Engine,Dirt Endue Oil,


q y pBriok Freaed Oil,W. B. Bperm Oil,IT. B. Wb>U Oil,Prime Nan(*loot Oil,N 1 N t r f t Oil

Dirt Endue Oil, ,Sperm Moohlncry Oil, No. 1 Noatrfoot Oil.N I M h i Oil B H a l i L ^ Oil 15Sperm MoohlncryNo. I Machinery Oil,Dark lnbrtaHwr Oil,Riilrood Labrlutor,BhoDiie Lobrietlor,West Virginia Oil." Oroira" Wool Oil,Stoinlejs Spinale Oil,No. I HpinSle Oil, Eilr PacSteam Defined Fussuic Oylindar Oil,

a'X! O X £ i

- Groin" Light Compound," Fnuib" Dark OompoonaiBollimi Mill OceiK,AXIB drease,Hpemi Slgnil OO,

B Headlifflir OU, 1SO°, W. Strained Prime hnl OO,S. HeadlivbtOll,160°.P. Wafer Wblte Oil, H0«,W. Wblte Cotton Seed Oil,W. Tdlow Oottoo Seed Oil,dmolino, 881.OasoUDe, 86*,Falntsn1 Oil,

Oeoaoriied Naptbu, all Gravities.d».

_ o.t*i fox* Premium eiAfotT1 Oil.J6B- ALL OCB OILS GTJABANTEED STEIOTLT PORE. - « •

THE VoEIRQAN Oltj Oo . WBisrrooTorTsiBD Ari!.,HxvAKK, H.J!.

B RNn. 1 lord Oil,W. Pure SoInJ Oil,Prime Wliiln, tit",Gasoline, »0",Dark Cur Oil,Spmin Pooking Oil,Eilra Packing Oil,l i d Ol

CARPET WEAVING AND MAKING!Ttie imaoralcnH wilt bnrearior d«ra|« all life tfmo iitvt attentton to tlia fl»PBT harin«H.

Fmt-ehim work In all kinds ofwravInT »n-1 Iho mablnti of felt otrpots. Blfitieit otih prleopalil for oil net. A lonor mi extensive faaoif luclgo ot tbe bndaesi enables ma to do tho bestwork and satisfy all onetoinora,



GLOBE, OapiUl •20,000,(100,


ORpitol »10,00l),000.

BOIAL OF LIVEEPOOL,Oopital »10,000,000.


Capital $5,01)0,000.

HUDBON OOUNTI, Jersey City,Capital 8300,1)00.

NortU Britlsti and Uercantiio Insurance Co,or London aad Eitenbuifili; cupitel MOrOOO,000

Commercial UUIOD Assturiiiict C'tnujHuiy ofLondon i capital &5,0OO,OOi).

The London ABBiimnce Oorpomtiou olLondon, uapital |e,MO,000.

Bprisgfleld Fire Insurance Oa., MaEhuchusitte, capital 11,600,000.

Westcheater Fire IuHurance Cuupuny fiNew York, c»pitol JSOO.COO.

ClBBUN AMEaiOAS $1,000,000



OiPITAL . - - - - • - - • 000

Freeman Wood,ic« or tbo Peace and Pollen hltaMi



Piirilllvo movlnR puppet valvf B. VO loss from friction, no iva^lc in ports by eluln or rnliiryalr iudnotbn Vulvea. HfRliost pnaelble per cunt of tree air. Economioal and durable. OalttI.*f;iio DO apptloatloa, {Fully i t c a r t d by patents.)

BOILERS!Horizontal, Tubular, Flue, Vertical andPortable. Insurance policy with each.



have arranged tboir btiBiucBs iu lliroo dejiartmuntH, conijirieiug

Three Large Storeswell filled with tbe Icaiing ortie'es ol' trndu in tlie vatiouB bmucbcH, Tlie first dupart.

uieiit embraces


CROCKERY AND PROVISIONS,au& ia encb brauch n new aud replete blocks of goods. Tlio ueoond dopnrtmoiit,

jaat opened, hna a Lirge otock of

BOOTS AND SHOES,for evfliy kind of wear, enibracing all tliat ia now in pattern and durable in aervicj;

The Uiird dcpiirlmeiit ia devoted to


MINING SUPPLIES,and will aUvayd carry comprehensive stocks of Builder's Hard-

ware, UlackBiiiUli Ilarilivare, Plumbero' Mnteiinls, (insPi|.c,;iHecliiinics' Tools, Stenm Fittings, fjleain Drills,

Sliovcla,! I'ickR, Hammers, t'lise, itnit ererytliiuscontained in the line of linrilvrnte.

T H E DOYEE LUMBER COoffers to builders tho boat opportunitiea in the purchase of LUMBERof overy grade aud description including LOW PRICES and the greaadvautago of having

.Lumber Worked to Ordery machinery at tho place where it ia purchased, greatly lessening the

cost of building by the great saving in manual labor. Ourstock always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsand LUMBER of every description, and especial paius are takon

to give satisfaction in every particular.GEOIQE K10HJ.BDS, FrosidonL.WM. II. IiiitBEBT, Sac'y and Treas

I. W, Seinraa, Gon'l Manager.

AM* ACIflAIi l I l H f l

CENTENNIAL BUILDING, 215 & 217 Market St.,A*»B First ltar,,,inri:OI|,ir<l,,

j'.nlirt! aTorofio cost or l u l l Conrae, Inclining Bi15n(,'iOBr!iug atulCard Writlunoiccutcil in Un: li


NEfflBK, N., Statmii'Tv etc (^175

ii lic t ulylu of nrt,M. MULVEY, A. M., Prinolpal.W ' W l WINNER, S«or0tarr.


755 BROAD St., NEWARK. N. J.Nnle of "Winter Goods.TLe balauce urour ekfinDt rariely or

OI1OAS8 .I«<ri> SHAWLSwill b« 10U al GBEATM BEDtJOED PBI0E3. Wo lam o™ an Balo 11LVCK filljtj I k

1)«>I »iln» otor lold b j oar linnBj. oul our PK1UBED VELVETS In blickand colored at DEDUCED PHIE3. Our

WOOL DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENToffera fttinstioni hi variety nnJ price.

DireoSj after t i e lmlidiiy p a t d ^ , ,•been made, and tbo more or leu p a i A , , ^

kavo bnen oxolurage^^ tho cirefi,]over lief supply of ton™

enBiiitig year, 8o evnerally lathis tbo ua-« that t1i« morcliHLbi i,|all ettte» make {depuration tot an mcwa idemand In all good*, which are S i c i l y or—Mentally imdor this head. W. 8. Uabbiti

a t Mual, in hla large dry Kom!*< itnna larger wippfy of liousfifurniqbiiiK ROw.u

ho goiiernlly corrloii'tliroijghoi;, theyear. T t o few itmiw l e hm given tn us {„•the benefit of our luily ri'iidom will lie t f jT1

tercet to those of them who ai-,s lioiiwk=i>])tr,(or expect eunii to 1M() even if they un* nisintelligiblototheiii(\jorit.v uf tlie s'lt-mrr i, f3 'SevGrttl enstH of B Kw,d atauflunl l>rmi<l of

nlilenohfd uiiuilin, BIIL'II IIB in nsi'J Inr lu--. vlooting, JM Hold nt nevi*n friit# % v . t r i | \i Hit' Minic ]ir()[)t>rtitni, SR iYj;:ni]p rin-ilit-ad prior, tlio vai-ioiiH wlililiH o| Hlna-ciugnmy

tul tlic pi-ici'K Hri> vit t iout iiiniln j o w v\n.^

is Hiuail nr lar^e qusnititk=B itt ten ci-ntn.V>'v were mueli suiju-ided with tho gi(.ilt

tnVli1 linens, an. nvtK'lfi of which tin: tluHtyhoi;iii-l:roj,(,r jM iil*-(i,v»s nut a little pti.iuiDie loom ili.T ie Bold at f went v-two uw-a

vnnl mid iijiwanl, which ac-tninly slum,itself io he ot pr in ter vulnc. Tim d r m j nlinen lio^imt at thirty-live ucnts ii; putii-. Tlii,

liiHh-nieiiroHliowiu Tlw dimui.k b.-sin'8 !•

Vitii'iiUH wi.lllH, (jiiiililk'ri and yn\ |',',';,H. ' 1 Wdfcili tn lie ti.v fiis-(In- hi-nt for ai'tui.l went;(.

Another Solid and Very Inter'

esting Fact About

PLOUK 2ArjitanKCi ia New Eptyiit wim fordmato

(otting a barrel of "O0MMKH0K' whichiKQEcdhliii to "uutliiifHs"anriill(iw'N:FEBMBANK, N o w E s y p t . N . J . , JUDO 12,1883.

OBTILLE MILLINO Co.:QENTB:—During Hie pant 27 yoars 1 Ii

lined all tlio prominent Urnmln of l ' L o m ti DGTcr boforo limnd BO uniform n quality

ftBtlio"Co]iiniui-co." HO purl'L-ully inltiijii'd tanybindofpttHtryand causing our uelfjlibnrafk-rtooicliiliii " wliatbcmitilu] creamy wliiiliaacnit and bread you ahvaja Invo an;l HUCUtniRircBbletatiU'.

l a m now unnfi my Efcnnd barrel ami mfearful it would nut nrovt'iiBKoodaHlha dl.itLui il canuot he t 'lcullul. Our misrclmntdiinot liiiowiviicrc it was imulu but iiuiruulor avtmrri ravealu " I I P hoin.i." Every oiinco uf iI* all alike. In tlio fir»t tlTiisinm of R young

iris nilictiouB "il'ti j nut lovely."

We STI BtraiiKern 11 ynu but etaimHi friouili,of your "Cciimiercft" I'lour. I t h a miBfor-' • " T lor any family t i ho without i t .








S lire fuuuJ i

H tl)


fliMiM j!u to Ndw l'l.rlt ftn- VAT linen, 'n,,.

«tinl ul f<irt.y coiifritirid run d.ifl.-.ll ]..!• yiinl"Sonn- of tlm In tin- j;r;iiifK-( i*, I'IIH.V'-

nintcli tin! i-hjlhH, MI .hut if ymi were t» [nir-chiiHc n[in(ih> c-lt.tli with u Hi|ui;T..] \ri«k\K

iihoul it nt reKiiliiHi.ti-rvi.ln, tin; |H-»|II-I .•:.].«would lt» to in.vii tlH! lifth! Sitjuinrla fiinkiu,;

Mr. llaliMlt latr ly had a wln.ln Mifiw wii,-

to the n-iliUK- Vi'l tliiH iiiUHiiut of linn,1«H-«IH vw inll.V rfimwinKwil in hh Rtorl,mid in- wim ublo to fnmitli ,l,wi\* nithiuiliiiti'rli-ritigivith Ilu- ili^-lar in the nhiivv uin-dim. lie luu hili-ly utlditl to hi* uh^i.lylniK« Htm-k of (owrfrt inid If, fuil.v Vw\nn d i<>

sold from L'lKl.t cents t-a«-li iw'twclvi' il»lliirH

II diirim. A cuud ui-tklc % uHn way l|i: liiulut (>lKliti](!ii ci-lif it Which iimiully rvtuils for i,(liir»rU-r,iiiiii larKi>( l .uivy lhlt;]! blith to«d B

lire mild for twtiiity-ilvo cnnls each.The blankets wliich lio HO largely IUIVPT-

tln.fl, find whicli Ut4 eiiHtoineiH udvoiiiMilfor him, J»I^ Hifftt.y reilueeil iu i|uiiniily amiaitswHolitm-.v «tut'K» H(IHHI in the pluousuf

Mr. Biihliitl t ak ts liln iiimuni hiventury inFiihriiary mill licioro that ovuiit triuiei]irc« k>will twlcHVH- to «n!l hiu (UUHH II.KKIH at nliwul 1-Ddndtlou rittlior Ilmu car r r Hu-mthrough the Miiuuiicr. l ie infmum us tlmtftlroitily Dm reiliteiioiiH just iii.Mln—in iimnyliihtimctri Oiirt.v jn-r ei.-nt. mill inur,!—liavo n«-

goddn, whiln uf a Iflt-j o pnrtiuit tlio ptnee tlintonce knew tlieiu uro .Mud by «tlu>r gnuiU.






Tor all kinds of buildings, nod Iho ODsistrnction

if holldlnits Baperlnten-let!.

Will ha al hiB ofllce lu Dover, 3d Floor of


WEEK, from 9:30 A . u . tofi:!lH p. it.

GEO. MANNinvitcii a call from all his fricndH tuh la ulacoon CLINTON STItEET.w.ierofort l idrimii ' ie-nioiit lie Haa a

FINE POOL TABLEami a. IYOII Qttcil aud corapliHo

DOUBLE BOWLING ALLEYml new ant) in iierfccl order. Also t*io beglLAOmiHaml <.L1I,T -UititK, niu1 tlie choicest9EGAI18. All who favor mo with n call wilt"md tlipniBolvcs agreeably unturtnlned and-ell treated. QEO. MANN.

SHERIFF'S SALE!HorriB Comniou Tlene- ifaUlou Minion ana'

David L. Hinton iH.IIol»ey Sturuos. Aliasfi. fa. du btm. ct tor. Ou dnckcleil iiitlfmoi.tItetimiablo to OcioLer Tonn, A. D. 1883.

GUY BIINTON, Atl'y.(lorrifl Circuit Conrt.-JainC.H E. Van Wagae

Bnrvivinf;t)srli.t-r,&c.,vii. Ha!t«ov J. SturfieiAlias II. U. do bun. et tor. In debt, I telunable to October Term A. D. 1883.


BY rlr .no of tho nbovc atsted wnlB of liefaplsB ia my ha mis, I ahu!] (ispopo for aa

it [Juhlie vcndiio, ot tlio Court House, in Moi•ietown.N. J . , c nMONDAY, tho lBtli day of Fibninry next,

A. D. 1881, helnccn tlio lionrs of 12 M. nndo'clock P, M-, that 1B to any nt 2 ocicck in tliafternoon of enid d iv , sl'l the estate rich'title mid Interest of tlio dofiMitlmit of in Ituto nil thoao two tracru i r paroelH or h u d nmliicnimeri. flitanto, lying ami hm>u in tho town-fililp of Ciialham,Couutv of Morrir, and Slaii

TUKFII ISTTI IACT was conveyed to Ira S l u rpeguy William IJfittin, Ailuiiuiatratordf Jul'IcGnirc, bv deed date.i F,-hr.tiry fi 1315 ii>nl d in Sloiria Oi,umy IkcorJ i iouk Q 5

Deeds, jii.gcj 109, it-., Lupiim four chaiim ffcHie itiB|>le corner ami nt tin- wept earner of IHo. 1 gold to ono William Ilitcr, i,ow or Ii

i' Hpcncer lot, tliencc (1) amiili Ilfty il.^rt-,it niDelciMi clmius >ni1 liriylinlirito tbe miHirihehifiliway lradlti s to Gmcu VilbKtJiico (2) in the mi-idleof said road tn u s U U0 chiiiiD sunthwird to lot No. 3 ; thuuee (3)rth forly-aix decrees west ninftreiIf clraina to u Htakc tbo iiurtli corner

Iso. 3 on tho wrat liuo of tho whdlollif:iico{4) north foriy-tlirce df.Kri-en L-IcliaiDg to tho bcRlnniiiB corntr , containing

ino ncrra nml Bcvcnty-ionr iinc-linndriidllm

T B E P E O I I D LoT.bdnK Hif,ln>niMt«d lot ouutjecmaed, begiunmi; ia the imdillo of tinJBd leadinc from Jowph IiobcrlH i>ant tin

dH-cllinir of Timulliy Lamis,in ibo l iooofhcd.•' - i d Ilobottaaud naid Loinia, furty-iive iinki....^ itBtiko on tho north m\c o[ Hie rnail

Midrnna iheoco (1) in thu lino of Haid Lotni:id noith nincli-eii dcRrtca ami f.irty iivinntcBcaataixclininfl and sixty l i t iU ' t i . .iku nnd Llireo atones for a corner; tlimci1 north BUTtnlydegrecH ami liiteun miuuU'i




Celebrated Cough Drops.

Wo make our cantlluB and wnrritnt tliein'p tire.


u nnd Btatics Inr a corneroi nail! HohertH1 land nont

l f d i

; th (II) inail!mlfu

land nnimilf.

IbrLiflle. ud OlLll, HUBUS DSDERWEill in „„..! ,„ , ,„ foP LF.di,, ,n J mWmu

^BI^ANKET SALE CLOSING OUT AT HEDtTCED PRICES.Home FurniBliint Gooai at papular prices. ^«"«-«.».

A.TSI B R O S . Ob XjTT^OT,708 Broad St., Nowsrli.


cen nml fu r l j -dv^ in imi l f . i , n .;d sixty linkH to the mhlillc of tli i l j iltcnno (4) iIonR laid road Fimtli DIRIUvf-n (legreeB nml twi-ntj-ilvo liiioiiioa CSreocliaitiH and »\\ linkH to HID pf.non of i.

iilDfr.cmiiaii.iiiR Iwo a^ren and «i«l.t o,,ndrciUlin ofan icru of lauil, i:mro in- h i «

lieinp Iho FFIIIO (TCinims us acubnbe.) inmortRflRo from NallianiM Clark and vita n:isin. to AtiKHBltia W. Cutler, dated Julv l .1HS2, and ri'cordcd in Donh R n ot M c r l ' r f i-or Martin County, p B . 13, , '' "

WILLIAM R nOWELL, fiheriffDatcd Dec.Gth, 1883. HO


LAGER BEER!i.nt.B.lREr[,TJY'S,Sii...iBI., Dover, N. 1

opp. Uollur1. Oriora HOJRC.


OLD riresttTTraiAN onmion m1NO. DOVKH, N. j . All tln.l. of cirpnInrinddjjlDjaonslnlbnblnnrinddjj

tan lot ofnlbnbBiln.nnor UPKT on bftod for Bila.





KH alwuys on hand a fall an u fresh stock ostandard goods at

REASONABLE PRICES.It doimn't piy to ejcporimentwitb Hoar, Ask

our grocer for tlio famoua

VIOLA BRAND,ml Lake no other. II ia a|vrajH Kood-tian helied npoti every time. Sanderfeon otf Tt|iiB

no brand iiicreasod jjis floor tradii £00 l)crint. r 29-tr

NEW BAKERY,Confectionery and Restaurant,

I N C H E S T E R .

FRAIK F. APGARpcnlfnllj unncimcc. thithaliMorKind III. m tlio llnrdln UullJI»c, mxt toti (licater Iloimo am! In now rendv lo Biro-

Notictj of Settlement.Nnlico in lirrclij 'ciren that tlio accounts orio >xlmmbor, A<kiliiutl>lor o( X l l u b a t k, ,o«l(l<on,<kc' l l , - .vil lL»«,1 , l i t t , l .m l ,ul .dbT

lu- Surrofis ;p, nnil rsnorlwd lor eettlempnt tuile OrpliBDK' Cfiart nf tlio Cnnaty of Morrh

T, • , U n l l , BABIES H . a A I t B E L .Dsicil Hfi*. .1'Kli, IBM. Blflir

ilmintotriLor'N i . k l r™, Dovor, N . J .

FORSALKTlit- laim ftninm a* tlio Chnrlea King funn,cur Fcimnotite, in Morris County, contain-iglDUacni.

J. IT. NEIOIIBOCK,DoTer, 3f. J .