joseph f anderson jr financial disclosure report for 2009

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  • 8/3/2019 Joseph F Anderson Jr Financial Disclosure Report for 2009




    ~,,~./ /2oto FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009

    I . P ~ r r $ o n R t p o r U n l ~ ~ 1 ~ ; ~ ; m r ~ c . f ir s ~ t .Anderson, Jr.. Joseph F. United S~a~es Distr~c~ Court - D ~stric~ o~Sonth Carolin~ 05;3/2010

    4. ] ille I Arlllc I11 judges red,talc acti*c ,~r scn~or s~tus; 5a. Report Type (check appropriate !~pc) b. Reporting Periodm3g ~sIratc ludg~ indicate fu~l- or parl-timcl ~ Nom~naliun. Date 01;01/21109Uniled Stales I)islrict Judge 123 I;20097. (h~mhers or Offict, Addrrss g. On Ihe b~sis of lh~ Informalion onlalncd In IhJ~ Report and ~ny

    901 Richlm~d Slree( ~l=h ~ppllcable I=ws = ad r~gul=lh~ns.Columbi~. SC 29201Reviewing ()lfit~r lille

    IMPO R TANT NO TES: The instruct ions a~tompan.!ing this form must be ybllo .ed. Complete al t parts ,~hecking the ~VONE bo.v for each part ~vhere ),~u have no r~ infi~rmation. S@ n on last page.

    ~ N O N E (No reportablepositions.)POSITION N A M E O F O RGA N I Z A TI O N /E N TI TY


    I I. A G R E E M E N T S . Rrporri~gindividual,,nt;~ " NONE (AQ ~D A T E P AR T IE S AND T E R M S

  • 8/3/2019 Joseph F Anderson Jr Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT N ...... f P t . r , c . n R e p o r t i n gPage 2 of 6 Anderson, Jr., Joseph F. 0 5 / 3 , " 2 O I

    llI. NON-INVESTM ENT INCOM E. ~0 ,,~,,~ i~i,.~,,.~,,,~,~ ...... , ,, , ,. t ~ - 2 ~ , , / i t ~ , ~A. Fliers Non-Investment Income

    NONE (No rtT~ortable non-investment income.)D A T ~ SOURCE A ND TYPE IN_~{yours, not spouses)

    I. 2009 Charleston School of Law - adjunct instructor pay $10,000.002. 2009 SC Bar- net book royalty $4463.4.

    B. Sp ouses Non-I nvestment I ncome - tL~ou ,,,e,, =a, , iea au, i . , an, , p~, , to. ,g~, ropo tring ~, co~pkt~ t h i s~ (No reportable no n-investment income.)ONE



    I V . R E I M B U R S E M E N T S -,.a..,p,.,,.,io.. t ,~ , i ,x, j , ,oa. , . , , , ,~i . . . . ,[-~ NONE (No reportable reimbursements.)

    ~ ~ LOCATION PUR POSE IT EMS PA ID OR , PR OVIDEDI. SC Bar 1/2209-124,09 Myrtle Beach, SC SC [lar Convention l..odging

    2. Charleston Schoal 5 I ~ / 0 q - 5 3 0 1 1 9 Charleston. SC T each Ev idence (. lass L odg ing ;q -ra,, el3. SC Trial Lawyers Assn. g6 [19-8.81)9 Hilton Ilead Island. SC Convention Lodging45

  • 8/3/2019 Joseph F Anderson Jr Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTPage 3 of 6 Anderson, Jr., Josrph F. 03/3,2010

    ~-] N O N E ( ,Y o reportable liabilities..)CRgDITOR ~_._E $CR! pT|ON VALUE CODE



  • 8/3/2019 Joseph F Anderson Jr Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    |FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT .~ .... r e . . . . . R , p o r , i o ~Page 4 of 6 Anderson, Jr., Joseph F. 05/3/2010

    V 1 1 . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S - i.,. ........ t . e , , r . , . .. i o , , . , a . ~ . a . , , ~ , , , . o ~ , ~ ........ a ~ . p . , , ~ , . . ~ , . ~ i ~ a . . . ;~ NONE income, assets, or transucliotts.}N o A. B. C ~ D

    (including t~st assctsl r e p o r t i n g p e r i o d o f r e p o s i n g p e r i o d(I) 12) (I) t2~ , II) (2 )P l a c e " { X } " a t ! o r e a c h a s s c l A m o u n t T y p e { e g . , Value Value T ) p { e . g ., D a t e V a l u e ( ] a m I d e m f l y o f

    e x e m p t f r o m p r i o r d i s c lo s u r e C o d e I d i ~ . , r e n t . C~e 2 b f c t h o d b u y . s e l l. m m :d & y y C od e 2 Code I buyer/seller(A-I[} or it~t ) (J-I) L odc J redemption) , {J-P) ( A-HI ( f f p r i ~ a t e(Q-W) Iransactlon)

    I. FS M unic ipa l I ncome T rus t A Div idend J T2. Mutual Fund - Morgan Stanley Pacific A Dividend J TG r o ~ , v ~ h F u n d3. Mutual Fund - Morgan Stanley Dividend A Dividend J TG r o , ,, v t h S e c u r i ti e s4. Checking Account A I n t e r e s t J T

    5. US Savings B ond (Series l) (._7 lmcrcst K T

    6. Mutual Fund - Vanguard LT Treasury Fund A Dividend J T

    7, Mutual Fund - Vanguard P~ecious Metals & B Dividend K TMining8. Stock - Gilead Sciences A Dividend J T

    ! 9. Money Market Account - Merrill Lynch C Interest K TWealth Mgmt.1 0. Mutual Fund - Vanguard W ellington C Dividend K T

    I I. Stock - Johnson&Johnson A Dividend J T1 2 . Cert. of Deposit - Branch Bunk & T ~ust A Interest J T

    1 3. Cert. of Deposit - Branch [~ank & Trusl ,"k I n t e r e s ~ J T, 14 Nlutua l Fund - Vanguard Global Equi ty A Dividend J T; 15 Mutual Fund - Vanguard Energy Fund A Dividend K T

    16 Cert. of Deposit - B ank Meredian A I n t e r e s t Redeemed 3 , 2 9 ~ 0 9 K A

  • 8/3/2019 Joseph F Anderson Jr Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT I~ .... [P ..... R c p o r , l n g [ D.teo[Repor!Page 5 of 6 ] Anderson, Jr., Joseph F. ]05/3;2010

    V III. ADDITIONAL INFORM ATION OR EXPLANA TIONS. a~dico,, ,, , ,, , /n,po,~

    I. Described in prospectus as a "closed-end, non-diversified investment ctm~pany that seeks to provide curreI~.l income ex clnpt fio~n f~deral income taxes." TheTrus~c~ is Massachusetts Financial Com pany.2. Pacific Growth Fund; Jersey Cay, NI3. Dividend Growth Securities; Jersey City, NJ4. Flranch ~3ank & Trttst Co ; Colunlbia, SC5. Brank Bank & Trust Co; Columbia, SC6. Vanguard Long Term Treasury Fund; Philadelphia. PA7. Vat, guard Precious Metals & Mining Fund; Philadelphia, PAg. Gilead Sciertces (stock)9. Nlerrill l.ynch W ealth Mgmt. (form erly Bank of Am erica Cash Reserves); Columbia, SC. This is the sam e account listed on last ),ears report BankAm erica experienced some sort of merg er with Merrill Lynch.10. Vanguard W ellingto.n Fund: Philadelphia, PAI I. Johnson & Johnson (stock)12 Brunch Bank & Trust: Columbia, SC13. Branch Bank & "/rust; Columbia, SC14. Vanguard Global Eq uity Fund: Philadelphia. PA15. Vanguard Energy Fund; Philadelphia, PA16 13ank Meredian; Columbia. SC

  • 8/3/2019 Joseph F Anderson Jr Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    Name of ] c roon Reporl iag I | ) l ie of ReportFINANCIAL D ISCLOSURE REPORTAnderson, Jr. ,Joseph F. J 0 5 / 3 / 2 0 1 0age 6 of 6

    IX. CERTIFICATION.I certify that all information given abov e (including information pertaining to my spouse and m inor nr dependenl chlhlren, if any) Isaccurate, true and com plele to the bes!of my knowledge and belief, and tha! any inform al| ~n not reported was w llhhld because It ~t applicable statutoryprov|sions perm lttlug non-disclosure.I further certif., that earned income f rom outside emp loyment and honoraria and the acceptance of gifts w hich have been reported are Incompliance w ith the provisions of 5 U.S.C. app. 501 el. seq ., 5 U.S.C. 7353, and Judicial Cnnf~rence regulations.



    FIL ING INSTRUCTIONSMail signed original and 3 additional copies to:

    Committee on Financial DisclosureA dm inistrative Office of the United States CourtsSuite 2-301One Colum bus Circle, N.E.W ashington, D.C. 20544