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Post on 20-Mar-2016




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TMS Writing and Art Magazine



Writing art magazine




BY Jorge Quezada Flores


Table of context

Page 3. Bill and the Forest

Page 4-5. Working at burger king

Page 6. Just Because

Page 7-8. poems

Page 9 . Collage

Page 10. poem of John Lennon

Bill and the Forest

It was a sunny summer morning when bill told his family “I am going

on a camping trip, be back in a few hours”. As bill gets in the car his wife,

Anny, yells out the window “bye, have a nice trip”. Bill later that after-

noon he got to the forest. He was stunned of the beauty of the forest. Then

bill walked for miles and miles just to his camping site.

Bill has been walking for what seemed like hours, yet he still does-

n’t know how far he is from the camping site. He starts to get hungry. He

pulls out all the food he has, an orange and a bag of chips. He eats both,

then keeps walking and he gets hungrier than before. He has a lot of water

and drinks it all. It starts to get darker out and he starts hallucinating.

Within seconds he passes out . in the middle of the forest.

“wha? Where am I?”What all that sounds?”After he got up from his

“slumber”, bill starts to hearing strange noises. It’s the sound of cars and

footsteps. He walks closer and closer to the sound s and finds that he got

back to the campsite! The car sounds were people driving to the site, and

the footsteps were the people walking around the campsite.

By Jorge, Ryan, Taylor


March 22nd


Today in the lovely Burger King of Manhattan this guy came

up to me and then started talking all Gibberish. When I told

him I couldn’t understand him he got all mad and freaked out,

then he just stormed out of the store. Later that day this five

year old girl walked in and started screaming. Her mom asked

what was wrong and the girl told her that the man in the hat

[me] hit her on the arm. When I defended myself the mother

said that if I don’t give them their whole meal for free she’ll

sue Burger King. I just went with it and gave them the meal.

As the girl walked out, she said to her mom, we conned that

man good mama, where to next?

March 23rd


The next day the same man came in with a bat and tried to

rob Burger King. But when we couldn’t understand his instruc-

tions he got even madder than yesterday, walked in the

kitchen, and took all of our cheese, then left. Just imagine the

chaos; every order of cheeseburgers will have NO CHEESE!

March 24th


The other day one of my co worker quit the job and we need

someone else to take her place. I was in charge of the inter-

views for the people who wanted the spot. I was pretty enthu-

siastic for the interviews, we until they started at least. The

first guy was big, buff, old dude, with a long beard and a

leather jacket that said THE WILD ONES. Next there was this

blonde chick just wouldn’t stop talking about how she wanted

the job to fill a void in her life and how her ex boy friend broke

up with her. I was just about to give up until a beautiful girl

walked in. I thought she was going to be just like the others

until she plopped down all her information. She was a head

cheerleader in high school and graduated at the top of all her

class. She said she needed to pay her college loans

March 25th


This morning we got our cheese and all was well. Later

that day a man finished his burger then walked out without his

briefcase. We tried to get it back to him but he had already

driven away. My co-workers and I decided to open the case.

The password was really simple. It was 12345. As we opened

the case we see MONEY. Money everywhere. We counted it up

and it added up to a whopping 2.5 million dollars. I went up to

my boss threw my hat at him and quit. I thought I was going to

be a millionaire. As I went to put my money in the bank they

told me it was fake. My life was ruined. I tried to get my job

back but they had already hired the Gibberish guy. Now I’m a

homeless man on the street. Here’s my lesson is to never take

a case filled with money. It’ll ruin your life.

By Jorge and Jonathan

Just Because Just because in am half Venezuelan

I am not a oil barrel

I'm not Chavez

Just because I'm half Venezuelan

I don't like being considered only one race

I'm not a “mixed up person “

Just because I'm half Venezuelan

I do like things that you like to do

I do like to play golf

What is race?

Is there a thing called race?

Cant you like me for who I am?

I think so

I am funny and cool

I wonder if I can fly

I hear a moan

I see a narwhal

I want a new yoyo

I am funny and cool

I pretend I can fly

I feel happy

I touch air

I worry about my yo-yos

I cry when I ding my yoyos

I am funny and cool

I understand I can’t fly

Jorge Quezada.

As many of you guys know I love to play with


Yoyo, by Jorge Quezada

I see a big yoyo

Sitting on my desk

Rolls off my desk

And vanishes out of sight



He was a singer for the Beatles