jordan brown healthy eating and fitness

& Healthy eating Fitness

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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&Healthy eatingFitness





SportsTypes of trainingGeneral fitness

On the future slides i will provide you with information that will benefit your fitness levels. I will provide information that may be beneficial to you so that you can improve your health and wellbeing. Below is some of the information that will be contained and this is because it will be important for you to know.

How our body is affected when we dont exerciseHow we can stay healthy Sports and how they will affect our healthThe different sports that can be playedThe different types of training and the benefits The different types of exercise and the benefits

I hope you learn something new from the information i have provided for you, there is a quiz at the end to test how much you have learnt. Good luck.

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General fitness



SportsTypes of trainingGeneral fitness

It is important that we exercise if we dont exercise then we become unfit. For example we could become overweight, this could be caused from lack of exercise and overeating. If we become overweight there is higher risk of diseases. Coronary heart diseaseSuch as coronary heart disease, heart attack, strokes etc. Coronary heart disease occurs when the coronary arteries narrow due to thickening of their walls. When the narrowing of the walls gets worse, there may be lack of oxygen. If the narrowing becomes critical then it can lead to a blockage which can lead to a heart attack. If a heart attack has occurred, further risk can be prevented/reduced by exercise. Hypertension Hypertension can be cause by overeating and lack of exercise. Hypertension is known as high blood pressure. High blood pressure will affect our heart as it can cause a heart attack this is because high blood pressure can cause the narrowing of our arteries walls, this makes it harder for oxygen to get to our heart. If the flow of blood is blocked it will result in a heart attack. Obesity Obesity is caused from lack of exercise and overeating. It is important that we exercise so that we dont become obese. If we become obese then it will increase the risk of getting heart disease, stroke, hypertension etc.

The more you exercise the more you will strengthen your muscles which will decrease the chance at getting heart diseases and heart problems. Regular exercise will increase bone width and density, your muscles, tendons and ligaments will become stronger this will help you perform better is sports and flexibility.

It is important to exercise regularly so that you decrease the risk of getting coronary heart disease, hypertension, etc. If you dont exercise regularly and you eat too much then you can become obese. If you become obese it will affect your lifestyle and this means that you wont be able to do the things you enjoy and this is because if youre obese then it means it will make it harder for you to walk and this is because youll get tired quicker, which means that youll need to take more breaks and because when you walk the extra weight will put pressure onto your bones. If it puts extra pressure onto your bones then it could cause you pains. Obesity can affect your lifestyle because it would make simple activities harder to do, it could also affect your social life and self-esteem.




SportsTypes of trainingGeneral fitness



Random Fact;One of the sports that is common is football. If you win when playing football you get three points, if you draw you get one point and if you lose you get no points. FootballWhen we play sports we are improving our health for example when we play football we are improving our muscular endurance. Muscular endurance is beneficial to others when playing football because it means that we can run around for a longer period of time without becoming tired. If we dont have a good muscular endurance then it means that we will become tired quicker.Tennis Good exercises for the skeletal system and osteoporosis are walking, skipping, gentle jogging. These exercises are good for someone who doesn't exercise regular and who starts to build up the exercising gradually. Sports such as tennis can also help osteoporosis. Osteoporosis causes yours bones to become fragile, this means that it is easier for them to break. Osteoporosis affects the skeletal system. Swimming

Swimming strengthens your respiratory system because it makes your heart, the heart is part of the cardiovascular system and the lungs which is part of the respiratory system work together and at a quicker pace, this is because the heart muscle pumps blood quicker so it can get to the lungs quicker. This provide the body with oxygen so that we can breath. Aerobic exercise is with oxygen this means that you can exercise for a longer duration.

Types of training



SportsTypes of trainingGeneral fitness

There are four types of training continuous training, interval training, fartlek training and weight training.

Continuous training is training for a period of time without taking a break this will improve your cardiovascular system. An example of continuous training is riding a bike, brisk walking.

Interval training is training for a certain amount of time and then changing to another activity and then changing back. For example jogging for thirty seconds then skipping for thirty seconds and then jogging for another thirty seconds. Interval training improves our muscular endurance and this means that youll be able to do activity for a longer period of time.

Fartlek training is changing the speed of where you run, walk, cycle etc. For example you could run on pavement then change the terrain this means change where you run, for example change to run on grass. Fartlek training improves our anaerobic exercise.

Weight training is done by lifting weights, this means that you could lift dumbbells, kettle-bells etc. Weight training improves muscular endurance, muscular strength and power. If we improve our muscular endurance it means that we will be able to take part in activities for a longer period of time. This is beneficial to our health and well-being.

Types of exercise


Types of exercises



SportsTypes of trainingGeneral fitness

There are different types of exercises aerobic exercise anaerobic exercise flexibilityAerobic exerciseAerobic exercise is with oxygen this means that you can exercise for a longer duration, There are many types of exercises are aerobic exercise, such as climbing stairs, this is something you would do in the house. An outside aerobic exercise is something jogging or running, another aerobic exercises that you can do in the house is by using a treadmill, this is like running on the spot and is like going for a run outside, but you might not go for a run outside because the weather may not be suitable for running. More aerobic exercises are things like kick boxing, swimming, cycling, jumping a rope there are lot more aerobic exercises. Anaerobic exerciseAnaerobic exercise is exercising with less oxygen. This is done for a shorter time and is usually done is reps(repetitions). Anaerobic exercise is used more to promote strength therefore good exercise used to promote strength in anaerobic exercise is things like weight- lifting. Anaerobic exercising is mostly used by body builders this is because it promotes strength, speed and power in our bodies. Anaerobic exercise is done for short durations this is because it is high intensity activity. Anaerobic exercising is not dependent on the use of air. Types of these exercise are things like weight-lifting, you do weight-lifting in repetitions. Another example of this is hill climbing. Anaerobic exercising can help strengthen our muscles. FlexibilityFlexibility is the movement in a joint. Flexibility is being able to shape your body or move more easier with your body. Flexibility exercises are used to prevent stiffness in your body, it can prevent stiffness in your back, legs all parts of your body. Flexibility helps maintain physical fitness and overall well being. An example of flexibility is keeping your legs straight and using your arms to touch your toes, another example of flexibility is moving you body into the shape a crab this is when feet and hands are on the floor and your back is bent this is another way of flexing your body. Flexibility can help keep your posture in a good shape.




SportsTypes of trainingGeneral fitness

If you win at football how many points do you get?

How many types of training are there? 36


Does football improve your muscular endurance?YesNoDoes lack of exercise contribute to obesity?YesNo

Quiz 2



SportsTypes of trainingGeneral fitness


- Exercise Fitness Sports Tennis -Training




Suitable foods

Fatty foods

GuidelinesOn the future slides i will be providing information that will benefit your health. I am doing this to promote healthy eating and hopefully this will make you think when you eat. It is important that you think about what you are putting into your body and this is because it will have a direct affect on your physical health. For example if you eat too much junk food then you can become obese.

On the slides below i am going to give information on;Fatty foodsFoods that are beneficial to usThe health guidelinesVitamins and minerals

At the end of my interactive multimedia product there will be a quiz to see how much you have learnt. Good luck

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Fatty foods



Suitable foods

Fatty foods


FatsFats are both good and bad for you, when people think of fats most people think they are bad, But in a healthy diet your diet will need to consist of fats. There are three mains types of fats saturated fats, Saturated fats which are found in cocoa butter, cheese, butter cream and others. Mono-unsaturated fats are usually liquid but when they are put into a refrigerator they turn to solid, Mono-unsaturated fats are olive oil, avocado, peanut and others. Polyunsaturated fats are corn oil, tofu, mayonnaise, soy beans and other.

Saturated fatsSaturated fats come from both animal fats and vegetables fats. We need to reduce the amount of saturated fats we eat because they can be bad for our body, this could make us ill. Saturated fats can be found in coconut oil, meats, eggs, milk. These are high in saturated fats. Different fats contain a different type of fat such as saturated fat and unsaturated fat. Saturated fat is not good for people who are diabetic this is because it raises their cholesterol. Saturated fats are worse for you than unsaturated fats this is because saturated fats are the fats that make you gain weight. If you have high cholesterol than it can lead to a heart disease of heart attack, eating a lot of saturated fats can also lead to becoming overweight.

Unsaturated fatsUnsaturated fats are healthier than saturated fats and this is because saturated fats raise your cholesterol, This means their is a higher chance at getting a heart attack or heart disease if you always eat saturated fats. Unsaturated fats come from foods like vegetable oil, olive oil and food like fish. Some of the fish that you get your unsaturated fats are called herring and cod. Unsaturated fats also contain a type of fat that helps repair the body.

Suitable foods



Suitable foods

Fatty foods


Healthy foods. PeasCarrotsTomatoesBroccoliPotatoes

Healthy Foods.GrapesApplesBananasOrangesLemons

Food is important to our bodies, and this is because all foods have something we need from them. For example potatoes contain carbohydrates and these are needed because they provide the body with energy. There are different types of food and some food provide with minerals, vitamins, protein etc. It is important that we have a variety of different foods so that our body functions.

We need to change our eating habits from a young age and this is because when we start to get older the habits are harder to break. For example if we eat junk food when were young then were more than likely going to eat junk food when were older. This is because this is the food were been brought up on.




Suitable foods

Fatty foods

GuidelinesVitamins and minerals

The eat well plate.The eat well plate is a plate with five section, on eat section there is different types of food that we should consume.

The first section on the eat well plate is fruit and vegetablesThe second main section on the eat well plate is bread, rice, potatoes and pasta these foods are starchy foods and are full of carbohydrates. The third section on the eat well plate is meats, fish, eggs, beans and other non dairy sources that contain protein. The fourth section on the eat well plate is milk and dairy products and these are good for our teeth and bones.The fifth section on the eat well plate is fatty foods, these are foods that are high in fats and sugars such as biscuits, cakes, muffins, fizzy drinks, jam and other foods. Current guidelines.The current guidelines for the average person to consume in one day is 2000 calories for a women, 2500 calories for a man and 1500 for a child. In our diet we are supposed to have 70 grams of fat daily no more. In our diet we need a minimum of 32 grams of fat. It is recommended that women don't eat more than 20 grams of saturated fats a day, this is harder because saturated fats are hidden in foods and you might not even know they are there. The amount of protein we need in our body is dependant on the size of us, the bigger we are the more protein we need, protein is important because it repairs our bodies. The guidelines are used so people know how much they should be eating in one day.

Salt.Salt is important in our diet and this is because it helps control the muscles. If our diet consists of too much salt then there is a higher risk of getting health problems such as osteoporosis, hypertension therefore if you suffer from hypertension then it would be beneficial to eat less salt. Hypertension is high blood pressure, where the blood pushes against the arteries wall and can lead to the artery walls bursting. If our bodies contain too much salt then we could become thirsty or dehydrated.

WaterWater is important to our health and this is because it keeps us fit and healthy. Water is important because it is essential to our life and this is because it keeps up dehydrated. It is recommended that we drink 8 glasses of water a day.

Vitamins and minerals



Suitable foods

Fatty foods

GuidelinesVitaminsThere are six types of vitamins;

Vitamin A are found in foods such as carrots, peaches, dairy products, yellow fruit , vegetables and others. Vitamin A is needed for your body and this is because it helps fight infection and helps your skin. Bladder, strong bones and healthy teeth. B-complex helps our eye, mouth, muscle tone. Vitamin B-complex can give us energy. B-complex is found in whole grain cereals, liver and more. Vitamin C is found in berries, green vegetables, onions, tomatoes and other type of healthy foods. Vitamin C helps our body fight infection.Vitamin D in found in fish egg yolks, dairy products and other foods, it helps your teeth and bone it also contributes to good health. Vitamin E helps our muscles and the circulation in our body. Vitamin K is needed because it helps normal liver function, it is found in egg yolks.

MineralsThere are two groups of minerals these groups are called majors minerals and trace minerals. Major mineral means that you need them every day so that your body can function. Trace minerals means you only need a small amount of them.

Calcium is a major mineral, calcium is important to out body because it helps with strong bones, teeth and muscles growth. Chromium is a trace mineral, Chromium helps bring the protein to where it is needed, Chromium is also used in our body for energy production. Iron is a major mineral and this is because iron is used for the production of the red blood cells, Red blood cells are important and this is because red blood cells exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen. Iron is important to out body and this is because it increase energy production and resistance of diseases. Magnesium is a major mineral and this is because it helps the brain function and the nerves function. Magnesium is important because it helps the protect the arteries. Manganese helps skeletal development and maintains the sex hormone production. Phosphorus is a major mineral and Phosphorus is important for the repair of cells and energy.Potassium is a major mineral and Potassium is needed for the muscles, heart and the nerves, Potassium aids in mineral balance of blood,Selenium is a trace mineral and this is because it helps support our immune system. The immune system is important because it fights infection. Selenium is important because it produces antibodies. Zinc is a trace mineral and is important and this is because it helps the body repair wounds, zinc is needed for general health and your metabolism.




Suitable foods

Fatty foods

GuidelinesHow many types of minerals are there?

How many recommended glasses are we suppose to drink eat day?How many groups of vitamins are there?24

How many sectors are there on the eat well plate? 563



Is calcium a major mineral?yesno

Is chromium a major mineral?noyes




Suitable foods

Fatty foods

Guidelines-Foods -Guidelines -Health -Fats -Water

Quiz 2