joos, haddock and edgar, ephebians - hamilton...

I cf the Bee's Meet t he Red of Ayes -- ? •.• ALEXANDER HIGH SCHOOL, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Congratulations: Bett, Joosy and AI. \Vednesday, January 23, 1935 Joos, Haddock and Edgar, Ephebians Plans For Home Study Programme To Be Instituted Committee I H eaded by 1\I L Minnie Mae L€wis, Oral English Teacher BEE S WE ATEHS B · ,\ SENIOR A l:'E So th e Senior Bee sweater · weren't yellow, as ye aU up- posed and hoped, but that new Hollywood blue! or course, we TO TAKE EPHEBIAN I ad all gues ed that they'd J.t-H -ll f'lty Jhuldot•k, be that novel twin sweater nntl, . t ·le, but we weren't looking JooH, .. ,Jau '"'rf' .,,o for the action back, leat her or tht> Jlnnl n lnut-r button , . pecial buckle , and or til" Ephl'ltln n . f 1 Honors . I Awarded Three OATH W '35 Graduates knit. We he ar the . enlor J>onor Winning the close race for Ephe Bee "·eater committ ee pecial- blanshlp, Joanne Joos, Betty Had- ly designed all that, dock and Al Edgar were deemed We were hoping th ey'd be the most worthy for that honor. )·e llow 'cause then we could 1 · 1 th m to '"e the ltighest For thc purpose or conforming to Be tcv ng e " ca ll you lo wlieli, buttercu ps. · h 1 ti sen•ice and the exem- thc Home-Study program sent out m sc o as c · Th at would be so mut'h newer ! bl and suner- b" Supermtendent r.>-ank A. Bouelln, ' WE ' 11 b · di t tl · 't b t plars O no e c ""' .. committee has at t llan th e name- we'll have to ' WI never nng sgrace o liS our Cl y, Y any ac ior leadership, the faculty o! Alex- Alexander Hamilton high school to ca ll you now -Pansy-atlth ough of rlishonc:;ty or cowardice, nor ever desert our suf- ander Hamilton cast their flnat work out ways and means or ad- either or tb em '' fit to a Bee!" fering comrade · in the ranks; we will fight for the ideal· and Yotes in faculty meeting January ministering the new program. sacred thing:> of the city, both alone and with many; we '"ill 22. Wtth these instructions from the Helen Olsen Chosen revere and obey the city's laws and do our be ·t to incite a like Fulfilling the quota of one Ephe- superlntendent's office in mind, the I blan for every forty senior Ayes. committee ll-ill work out a plan, to Serve R.O. T .C as 'respect in abo,·e. us, are P!Onc to or set tho graduating class w1th one hun - which if approved by T. H. Elson, them at naught; ,.,.e vnll strn·e unceasmgly to QU1Cken the dred twenty-sl. · were permitted principal, and adopted by the facul- Honorary Majo r public sense of ci\'ic dut)'. Thus, in all the:e ways, we will three. tr. wlll reduce home study for the transmit this city not only not less, but far greater and Joanne lha.s had many outstand- student to a mini um, and Ien\'e In an elect'on he!d last Friday. beautiful than it wa: transmitted to us." ing public speaking acti\·itles, ih him more time to. participate in I Helen Olsen, Senior Bee, was choS- president of District 11 CSF, and h d llf Is a tcalbearer. orne an commumty e. en to serve the Alexander Hamilton K h H ld F• BeLt'-· Haddock, present associate Two years ago, T. H. Elson , . . nig ts 0 lrSt · 1 mitted to tlle faculty the following Reserve Officers Trammg Corps as F. 1 L •b editor of The Federalist 1s a so a. plan for home st udy: MONDAY, I J:onorary cadet major !or the ensu- ri z ei er Social Banquet at has served as major or Science Social Studies, and Lar.- mg term. Roosevelt Hotel Th t t 1 the R.O.T.C. this term. guage; TUESDAY, o cus om o hav ng an honor- I ed The Ephcbian society is a union English. and Commerce; WED-I ary officer at Hamilton was estab- nterv1ew i NESDA Y s i d s 1 1 Hamilton Knights wlll stage their or students who have g un- ' c ence an oc a llshcd Ill September, 1933, and since first banquet at the HollV\\'ood st nted sen·lce in school life, who Studle • THURSDAY, Mathemat- 1 1n . 1 arc considered capable of contlnu- i ' Eng>ish, Language, ts augural, the umt has had Roosevelt ho,el, Friday, Januarl' l in the community and Mu !c. three honorary officers. The firs\, By JOA."'iNE JOO 25. This is o be an annual affair. I ing that. serv ce . 11 l Thomas H E lson principal· o r- I ancl who arc equipped menta Y. Cha rman Qu t c- Nellie Hargraves, held the office of "Once upon a time there was a · · 11 . d pJ 1 v 5 tcallu to shoulder "ThL; 1 h b r n d re1 L. Graham, boys' vice-principal, mora an J,.· "'S P an as een o owe honorary cadet captam, ns the man named William Shakespeare, ancl Ro'-'kl L. Lowe shop ln.>tructo:· t!v heavy burden of Cl.JC .... P with considerable success by some 't i ted f 1 who wrote plays TO BE ACTED, · bU. t y. Their record of .scholasllc m mben: of the faculty and it is be- um hCOllS s 0 on Y one company not read. criticized or analyzed. \\111 be honored guests. . ,, i thi. hool and in others, Jle\'ed that with the necessar co. at l nt time. s 1 t d b thi b t :\!embers In creased SCI\ .ce n s sc ih v I However the next ter- th t• omew 13. •tunne y s a rup At a recant m""ting it u•as de- shOW·' .their quallflcallons for c operation between faculty, parents, ' '" e un " your reporter mentally ' '"· n I b hi and students, a uniform plan or was enlarged to a battalion and b d h b 1 r cided to change the membership Ep lP 1311 p. .. 1 ·nform com e er voca u ary or an ap - from twelve to fifteen, with changes 1 Due to the fact that th."""" 1 . t procedure may be worked out Jewel Jordon wos chosen the ftrst propriate reply-but, alas, this I tion came just. ns the ..... --..era lS which will be followed by all," honorary major. Peggy John tone from perhaps the greatest of Amer- to be when necessary. was going to pr , it was 1mposs1- statcs Ml l\linna Mae Lewis was then chosen to serve h lean interpreters of Shakespeare, The. t;lllle new members w!ll pay : ble to secure a photograph of Alfred Recent supermtendent' bulletins third honorar officer as t e • i . Fritz Leiber, there were none. an Jmtlatlon fee ot fifty rents, ,to Edgar nnnow1ce that b"ginning February Y · 'Midst the splendrous scenery and I go toward. the held at _ ----- - - - - 1, 1935, thc following rules will go 1 furniture that. but a few minutes clooe ot the W 35 semester. I into effect: (a) Through the N C d H • y before was the chamber of "Portia;• . ltst of names for nPw Katherine Carey Talk eight grades no home .study will b:: I on- oms an 1- lovely heroine in ' 'The Merchant of v.a . made but Will be held With the required. <bl In the ninth grade re- to Present Two New Venice" we sat. whlle stage hands election . of officers until a lattr 1 to CSF Delegates qulred home tudy will l.>c limited and electricians rushed thither and M1. Elson, Mr. and 1 D' t 11 M t to one hour for each of the fho;;t R.O. T .C. Awards yon dismantleing the stage and M.. Lo we arc sponsozs of the· at IS ee Com evenings or the week. Cc> I n' preparing what they might for the Knights. the tenth, eleventh . and tw.•lfth I A cup to be pr.?sented by the HI- next evening's performance. The - ---- -- - -- WIU' delegates from ninetrrn grn?P-S required home study will be y of HamUton, and a medal pre- excitement. the glamour. the very Winter '35 Treasury Los Angeles h1 gh as gue I.S, llm1ted to one and one-halt hours . n . . thrill of "backstage'' lent rea l at - , 1 the Nevlans entertamcd at. a tea for the fir t four evenings or the 1 by the mospherc to thit Intensely interest- Nearing Completion I and business meeting Wednc - we k. (dl In none of the upper 1 orru:t!rs, are new R.O.T.C. \'lS.r<b ing lit tie chat w!th a person- day, J anuary 16. \'•lll required home to make their appearance this se- age . , The climax or he afternoon was O\'er the week-end. I mester. The awards wlLI be pr<' - a delightful twinkle In h!s .. a very Interesting by Ml 5 sented on Thursday, Janunry thoughtful eyes. he told me hi.; will as Yb 1 t S' d t Katherine Carey, assistant super- Harry Ginsberg to B I with the other RO.T.C. awaros story accentuated at inten•als with . oon e on sa e .u intendent of schools, explaining the e presented each emphatic nod or shn!·c Body store. A new . erne, new pic- difference between a pupil, n stu- Sports Editor· Ad I The Hi-Y cup is to be presented "t .I . ·hi t 1 tures, and new surpnses await those dent and a schol ar and teJUng tho:! ' to the non-commisslon•d officer o MI., Sitver \\ te, obtlS ed hea.d. who thts tssue of our l\lem- de1eg ' ates that thev were students Mg A S • h t h .. h · .. Y sage career egan Wlth a or· Book The price will be the · r ., Wln ar w o .,a.c; proven lmsclf to be the high school production of 3 · who were on the upward path to- 1 most cfflcient the 01' the Hea.rth." he continued, fifty copy and twen- wards being real scholar . T he H; U1'Y G.nsberg, announced la. t Tho non-commiSSIOned officers when about twenty years of a e I t}-flve cent-> extla for a C?ver- meetlnfS followed, presldcli week as a istant sports editor. has' medal. will be presented to the cadet began touring wHh ''ariou even the cost of over by Joanne Joo.' after whcih D. ju t bt: n promoted to the po ltlon of I ctflcel showing- the greate t panics. a member or one of whlr:l and photography were I wcial hour was enjoyed. "Federuh.·t. pores edi'or for next !lclency In the .,aber m nual. a• tll . 11 k . R bet I I higher than previOus semesters. The most important bus!- , H t ..,.,. '\I d 1 w • e \\e - no\\n ° 1 ·an-I The "Treasur"" staff wlsl1es to emeste:. n rc.,ult of the recent un n m · e a tell." · 1ne; or the afternoon was the stud nt bOd) nomination ' revealing the Electa McDowell medal ---- publi.cly. Mrs. Moorman, I election of officers for the next \\'illle Zomm , who was slated fl'r be gn·en to thn cadet who has <Continued on " •a• Pouro 1 Mar) E. Dtcki on, and her ad\ er- term. The ballot returned M editorship, n the future student - ' done the most for the unit. Frank ---- 'tlslng class, the pr.nt shop, the Frances Smith, Santa Monica high bodl' pr !dent It Is generally con- • Hunt, captam of "B" company, hns Princi pals Assembl I bus!ne. s o!flce, and all the others ' school as president; Jack Smith, C('ded th lt Wtlhe "nth this election 1 designated by the unit to re- · e whc· helped to make the ''Tre3.:>-' high school, vlce-prest- hic prc•.nt in ceive this award. to Discuss Problem 1 ury" a sucCX"ss. The photography den; Albert'S Levinson, Fairfax. S('C- clubs, and h•s outstanding spOJ ts Othet· award:; to be presented on I was done by the Churchill Gardl- retary; and Filbert Olderman, PolY, - acttvity, could not give sufficient day a cup for the be._t With -eight high schools rrprc -' llCl' }'ltudtos. The Et;; terhnic, treasurer. time to hi page and the ext-a dnlled company presented by the en ted " Committee of High School gra\ mg company dtd the engt avmo, As the guc:;ts arrived they were work would pro\e a burden. I F;.J.t_herr.: A cup for the Principals met in the office of 'I. 1 and the '''a by the grcrted by Joannr dish·ict We ll Qualified ll:cs. dniled p.attoon presented by H. ELon, Hamilton high school Fhtlllps Prmtlng compan) · presJdent of the CSF; '!Iss Carol J. Harry ho been a Ne\'tnn since the Cal!fornla Office\ "' club an<! principal. last Monday, January 7, ..:>unlnp, sponsor of the Ne,•ian ; entc11ng Hnmilton. l at present a I fth 1 C 1 al•fbomiad 0 11 f 1 flcer ldclub medcta. for the purpose of discussing the !. -1 V.S.C' . HI SCHOOL DAY Ramone Blair, president of t. he Joumali m I tudent and has a 01 ' te est r cd so •er, as e- sues of secondary education in the Nev1ans; Mary Hull, pr<> ldent..e cl ar w•itlll style "'hlch ought to 1 termlned by a drm done n the man- United States. "In order that graduatl's for next term; Edna Anderson, and well oualx.y him for thiS oppolnt-1 ual ot arms, and the Saber and Tho principals prescnt were: 1 might be better acqu'linted Haddock, albearers. ment next eme ter. Ch vron club medal fo1· con lstent Ralph w. Detter, Polytechnic, spc- 'th u.s.c.. a Hi gh Sch ool Delegates Sl"rved W'Jll has edited the spor ts page 1 eatncss throughout the tenn. clal day and evening; T. H. Hughes. I Da · I to be held on Jan u:uy Upon entenng th library they se,·eral tlme this semester in place washington high; Ralph D. Wade,.. I !G," announced a co llege repre- were rvcd choco1ate, sandwiches, ot Bud Ro· , present editor, and FOL' R-YE AR HI GH worth. Beverly Hills; E. w. Clark, stnta ti ve at the Ja nuary 16 1 and cup cak s by Valerie Lanni ar•. his exp('rl nee, togetiH'r wtt.h nls Venice high; H. o . Dyck, Metropol.- t Se nior •' ·e meeting. Jean Steven'. Shirley Simms, at ri many port! actlvltles, would no "Hamilton will be a four- tan high; W. E. White, Hartt : cil"ntlfic expe-ri ment , one Virginia Clapper. J oanne then In- doubt hnve mad· 111m al o u good year high sc hl) ol b · ne ·t fall, Juuior high; nnd Thomas Hughes of which is a lie detect'lr, mo- I traduced the pl'ogral"1, which beg •l rna ' foz t! e job. if Ute present 11lan fomtu- Elson. Hamilton. tion w!th th singing of the CSF man.h. Th nd d P rtml'nt next semes- late," was t he an. Mr Arthur Gould. safety super- I ot laboratory apparatu., a followec 1 by a forma; welcome ' · tH wul be 1 charge or Mi5s Mary nounreru cnt madl" bv the Ha m. intendent or Los Angele city luncheon, 11 ro gra m, und dance Mrs. Janet M. Moorman. \ l Dick n. commercial teacher llton powe r th at bt;. schoolJ, has asked this group and from fo ur to six will be lea- principal. nnc'l her d L ·av;, wtth Allen Swln- Tt:-c t enta th·e phn 1 to drop otht>l' similar groups, to study the turrs or the da ·. "Boot and Ad ," a reading gih n h rt af,rln • nm"" a.s ud manager. th e B8 this February 3, and ten issues of Secondary Education, All graduates are cordially by Virginia C!apper, and "Fm:fl. Fw·th< pi n of this department the AS next I all. and to report to the • Tatlonal com Invited. t'Ung by Dorothy D Motte, added o \\ I • be n.nno nred I ter. m. tct:' , in wh. h tu dy ru·o . the pro r m.

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c f the Bee's Meet

t he Red of

Ayes--? •.• •



Bett, Joosy

and AI.

\Vednesday, January 23, 1935

Joos, Haddock and Edgar, Ephebians Plans For Home Study Programme ~ To Be Instituted Committee I Headed by 1\IL Minnie Mae L€wis,

Ora l English Teacher


So the Senior Bee sweater · weren't yellow, as ye aU up­posed and hoped, but that new Hollywood blue! or course, we


I ad all gues ed that they'd J.t-H-llf'lty Jhuldot•k, be that novel twin sweater nntl, r l~;"ht--Jonn nt· . t ·le, but we weren't looking JooH, .. ,Jau '"'rf' .,,o for the action back, leather or tht> Jlnnl n lnut-r button , . pecial buckle , and or til" Ephl'ltlnn

. f

1 Ephebi~n Honors . I Awarded Three


W '35 Graduates ~heU knit. We hear t he . enlor J>onor Winning the close race for Ephe• Bee "·eater committee pecial- blanshlp, Joanne Joos, Betty Had-ly designed all that, dock and Al Edgar were deemed

We were hoping they'd be the most worthy for that honor. )·ellow 'cause then we could 1· 1 th m to '"e the ltighest For thc purpose or conforming to Be tcv ng e " call you lowlieli, buttercups. · h 1 ti sen•ice and the exem-thc Home-Study program sent out m sc o as c ~ · That would be so mut'h newer ! bl harac•~r and suner-b" Supermtendent r.>-ank A. Bouelln, ' WE '11 b · di t tl · ' t b t plars O no e c ""' .. a~ committee has b~;l~formed at th~P. tllan the name- we'll have to ' WI never nng sgrace o liS our Cl y, Y any ac ior leadership, the faculty o! Alex-

Alexander Hamilton high school to call you now-Pansy-atlthough of rlishonc:;ty or cowardice, nor ever desert our suf- ander Hamilton cast their flnat work out ways and means or ad- either or tbem ' ' fit to a Bee!" fering comrade · in the ranks; we will fight for the ideal· and Yotes in faculty meeting January ministering the new program. sacred thing:> of the city, both alone and with many; we '"ill 22.

Wtth these instructions from the Helen Olsen Chosen revere and obey the city's laws and do our be ·t to incite a like Fulfilling the quota of one Ephe-superlntendent's office in mind, the I blan for every forty senior Ayes. committee ll-ill work out a plan, to Serve R.O. T .C as 'respect in tho~e abo,·e. us, \~ho are P!Onc to an~ul or set tho graduating class w1th one hun-which if approved by T. H. Elson, • • them at naught; ,.,.e vnll strn·e unceasmgly to QU1Cken the dred twenty-sl. · were permitted principal, and adopted by the facul- Honorary Major public sense of ci\'ic dut)'. Thus, in all the:e ways, we will three. tr. wlll reduce home study for the transmit this city not only not less, but far greater and mor~ Joanne lha.s had many outstand-student to a mini um, and Ien\'e In an elect'on he!d last Friday. beautiful than it wa: transmitted to us." ing public speaking acti\·itles, ih him more time to. participate in I Helen Olsen, Senior Bee, was choS- presiden t of District 11 CSF, and h d llf Is a tcalbearer.

orne an commumty e. en to serve the Alexander Hamilton K h H ld F• BeLt'-· Haddock, present associate Two years ago, T. H. Elson sub-~ , . . nig ts 0 lrSt ~ · 1

mitted to tlle faculty the following Reserve Officers Trammg Corps as F .1

L •b editor of The Federalist 1s a so a. plan for home study: MONDAY, I J:onorary cadet major !or the ensu- ri z ei er Social Banquet at se~~e~~eg~r has served as major or Science Social Studies, and Lar.- mg term. Roosevelt Hotel Th t t 1 the R.O.T.C. this term. guage; TUESDAY, .1\·Iathematlc.~. o cus om o hav ng an honor- I • ed The Ephcbian society is a union English. and Commerce; WED-I ary officer at Hamilton was estab- nterv1ew i NESDA Y s i d s 1 1 Hamilton Knights wlll stage their or students who have g ve~ un-

' c ence an oc a llshcd Ill September, 1933, and since first banquet at the HollV\\'ood st nted sen·lce in school life, who Studle • THURSDAY, Mathemat- 1 1n . • • •

1 arc considered capable of contlnu-

i ' Eng>ish, Language, Commcrc~. ts augural, the umt has had Roosevelt ho,el, Friday, Januarl' l in the community and Mu !c. three honorary officers. The firs\, By JOA."'iNE JOO 25. This is o be an annual affair. I ing that. serv ce . 11 •

l Thomas H Elson principal· o r- I ancl who arc equipped menta Y. Cha rman Qu tc- Nellie Hargraves, held the office of "Once upon a time there was a · · • • 11 . d pJ1v 5tcallu to shoulder

"ThL; 1 h b r n d re1 L. Graham, boys' vice-principal, mora ~. an ~ J,.· "'S on~,!-P an as een o owe honorary cadet captam, ns the man named William Shakespeare, ancl Ro'-'kl L. Lowe shop ln.>tructo:· t!v heavy burden of Cl.JC .... P with considerable success by some 't i ted f 1 who wrote plays TO BE ACTED, • · • bU.ty. Their record of .scholasllc m mben: of the faculty and it is be- um hCOllS s 0 on Y one company not read. criticized or analyzed. \\111 be honored guests. . ,, i thi. hool and in others, Jle\'ed that with the necessar co. at l nt time. s 1 t d b thi b t :\!embers Increased SCI\ .ce n s sc ih

v I However the next ter- th t• omew 13. •tunne y s a rup At a recant m""ting it u•as de- shOW·' .their quallflcallons for c operation between faculty, parents, • ' '" e un " sta~ment. your reporter mentally ' '"· n I b hi and students, a uniform plan or was enlarged to a battalion and b d h b 1 r cided to change the membership Ep lP

1311 p. .. 1·nform com e er voca u ary or an ap- from twelve to fifteen, with changes 1 Due to the fact that th.""""

1. t

procedure may be worked out Jewel Jordon wos chosen the ftrst propriate reply-but, alas, this I tion came just. ns the ..... --..era lS which will be followed by all," honorary major. Peggy John tone from perhaps the greatest of Amer- to be m~de when necessary. was going to pr , it was 1mposs1-statcs Ml l\linna Mae Lewis was then chosen to serve h lean interpreters of Shakespeare, The. t;lllle new members w!ll pay : ble to secure a photograph of Alfred

Recent supermtendent' bulletins third honorar officer as t e • i . Fritz Leiber, there were none. an Jmtlatlon fee ot fifty rents, ,to Edgar nnnow1ce that b"ginning February Y · 'Midst the splendrous scenery and I go toward. the ~anquet held at t.l~· _ ------ - - -1, 1935, thc following rules will go 1 furniture that. but a few minutes clooe ot the W 35 semester. I into effect: (a) Through the fir~t N C d H • y before was the chamber of "Portia;• . ~ ltst of names for nPw ~embers Katherine Carey Talk eight grades no home .study will b:: I on- oms an 1- lovely heroine in ''The Merchant of v.a . made but Will be held With the required. <b l I n the ninth grade re- to Present Two New Venice" we sat. whlle stage hands election . of officers until a lattr 1 to CSF Delegates qulred home tudy will l.>c limited and electricians rushed thither and da~e. M1. Elson, Mr. Gr~ham, and 1 D' t 11 M t to one hour for each of the fho;;t • R.O. T .C. Awards yon dismantleing the stage and M.. Lowe arc sponsozs of the· at IS • ee Com evenings or the week. Cc> In' preparing what they might for the Knights. the tenth, eleventh. and tw.•lfth I A cup to be pr.?sented by the HI- next evening's performance. The - ------- -- WIU' delegates from ninetrrn grn?P-S required home study will be y of HamUton, and a medal pre- excitement. the glamour. the very Winter '35 Treasury Los Angeles h1gh sc~ools as gue I.S, llm1ted to one and one-halt hours . n . . thrill of "backstage'' lent real at- • , 1 the Nevlans entertamcd at. a tea for the fir t four evenings or the 1 s~led by the on-commlSS!one~ mospherc to thit Intensely interest- Nearing Completion I and business meeting Wednc -we k. (dl In none of the upper

1 orru:t!rs, are new R.O.T.C. \'lS.r<b ing lit tie chat w!th ~uch a person- day, January 16.

grade~ \'•lll required home stud~· ~ to make their appearance this se- age . , The climax or he afternoon was permlt~d O\'er the week-end. I mester. The awards wlLI be pr<' - wftl~ a delightful twinkle In h!s .. ~e u~VJ~t~ ne!~ ~~~~{\~10c:; :~~ a very Interesting tnll~ by Ml 5

sented on Thursday, Janunry 2~. thoughtful eyes. he told me hi.; will as Yb 1 t ~ S' d t Katherine Carey, assistant super-Harry Ginsberg to B I with the other RO.T.C. awaros story accentuated at inten•als with . oon e on sa et~ e .u ~n intendent of schools, explaining the

e presented each ~term ~ kn~wlng emphatic nod or shn!·c Body store. A new . erne, new pic- difference between a pupil, n stu-Sports Editor· Ad I The Hi-Y cup is to be presented "t h ' ~ .I . ·hi t 1 • tures, and new surpnses await those dent and a scholar and teJUng tho:!

' to the non-commisslon•d officer o MI., Sitver \\ te, obtlS ed hea.d. who purcha.~e thts tssue of our l\lem- de1eg' ates that thev were students Mg A S • h t h .. h · .. Y sage career egan Wlth a or· Book The price will be the · r ., • Wln ar w o .,a.c; proven lmsclf to be the high school production of 'Crick~t 3 · who were on the upward path to-

1 most cfflcient ~hr.oughout the tern~., 01' the Hea.rth." he continued, •·ru~d s~me, fifty ~ents. ~ copy and twen- wards being real scholar . The H;U1'Y G.nsberg, announced la. t Tho non-commiSSIOned officers when about twenty years of a e I t}-flve cent-> extla for a C?ver- buslncs~ meetlnfS followed, presldcli

week as a istant sports editor. has' medal. will be presented to the cadet began touring wHh ''ariou ~~- even ~hough the cost of prmt~ng, over by Joanne Joo.' after whcih D. ju t bt: n promoted to the po ltlon of I ctflcel showing - the greate t pro-~ panics. a member or one of whlr:l e~gra\lng, and photography were I wcial hour was enjoyed. "Federuh.·t. pores edi'or for next !lclency In the .,aber m nual. a• tll . 11 k . R bet I I higher than previOus semesters. The most important bus!-

, H t ..,.,. '\I d 1 w • e \\e - no\\n ° 1 • ·an-I The "Treasur"" staff wlsl1es to emeste:. ~ n rc.,ult of the recent un n m · e a tell." ~ · 1ne; or the afternoon was the stud nt bOd) nomination ' revealing ~!so, the Electa McDowell medal ---- publi.cly. th~nk Mrs. Moorman, ?.~Iss I election of officers for the next \ \'illle Zomm , who was slated fl'r \~i•i be gn·en to thn cadet who has <Continued on " •a• Pouro 1 Mar) E. Dtcki on, and her ad\ er- term. The ballot returned M ~; editorship, n the future student - ' done the most for the unit. Frank ---- 'tlslng class, the pr.nt shop, the Frances Smith, Santa Monica high bodl' pr !dent It Is generally con- • Hunt, captam of "B" company, hns Principals Assembl I bus!ne. s o!flce, and all the others ' school as president; Jack Smith, C('ded th lt Wtlhe "nth this election 1 l>~fn designated by the unit to re- · e whc· helped to make the ''Tre3.:>-' Roost.~elt high school, vlce-prest-hic prc•.nt memb.:r~hlp in man~ ceive this award. to Discuss Problem 1 ury" a sucCX"ss. The photography den; Albert'S Levinson, Fairfax. S('C-clubs, and h•s outstanding spOJ ts Othet· award:; to be presented on I was done by the Churchill Gardl- retary; and Filbert Olderman, PolY,-acttvity, could not give sufficient th~t day a cup for the be._t With -eight high schools rrprc - ' llCl' }'ltudtos. The .l';letropohta~ Et;; terhnic , treasurer. time to hi page and the ext-a dnlled company presented by the en ted " Committee of High School gra\ mg company dtd the engt avmo, As the guc:;ts arrived they were work would pro\e a burden. • I F;.J.t_herr.: Coun~il. A cup for the Principals met in the office of 'I. 1 and the b~k '''a prlnte~ by the grcrted by Joannr J~s. dish·ict

Well Qualified ll:cs. dniled p.attoon presented by H. ELon, Hamilton high school Fhtlllps Prmtlng compan) · presJdent of the CSF; '!Iss Carol J. Harry ho been a Ne\'tnn since the Cal!fornla Office\"' club an<! principal. last Monday, January 7, ..:>unlnp, sponsor of the Ne,•ian ;

entc11ng Hnmilton. l at present a I fth 1C1al•fbomiad 0

11f1flcer ldclub medcta. for the purpose of discussing the !. -1 V.S.C'. HI SCHOOL DAY Ramone Blair, president of t. he

Joumali m I tudent and has a 01' te est r cd so •er, as e- sues of secondary education in the Nev1ans; Mary Hull, pr<> ldent..e r~ cl ar w•itlll style "'hlch ought to 1 termlned by a drm done n the man- United States. "In order t hat graduatl's for next term; Edna Anderson, and well oualx.y him for thiS oppolnt-1 ual ot arms, and the Saber and Tho principals prescnt were: 1 might be better acqu'linted Bett~ Haddock, ~ albearers. ment next eme ter. Ch vron club medal fo1· con lstent Ralph w. Detter, Polytechnic, spc- 'th u.s.c.. a High School Delegates Sl"rved

W'Jll has edited the sports page 1 eatncss throughout the tenn. clal day and evening; T. H. Hughes. I Da · I to be held on Janu:uy Upon entenng th library they se,·eral tlme this semester in place washington high; Ralph D. Wade,.. I !G," announced a college repre- were rvcd choco1ate, sandwiches, ot Bud Ro· , present editor, and FOL'R-YEAR HI GH worth. Beverly Hills; E. w. Clark, stntative at the January 16


and cup cak s by Valerie Lanni ar•. his exp('rl nee, togetiH'r wtt.h nls Venice high; H. o . Dyck, Metropol.- t Senior •' ·e meeting. Jean Steven'. Shirley Simms, at ri

many port! actlvltles, would no "Hamilton will be a four- tan h igh; W. E. White, Brc~ Hartt : cil"ntlfic expe-riment , one Virginia Clapper. J oanne then In-doubt hnve mad· 111m al o u good year high sc hl)ol b · ne ·t fall, Juuior high; nnd Thomas Hughes of which is a lie detect'lr, mo- I traduced the pl'ogral"1, which beg •l

rna ' foz t! e job. if Ute present 11lan fomtu- Elson. Hamilton. tion pic ture~. demonstra tion~ w!th th singing of the CSF man.h. Th nd d P rtml'nt next semes- late," was t he re~ent a n. Mr Arthur Gould. safety super- I ot laboratory apparatu., a followec1 by a forma; welcome ' ·

tH wul be 1 charge or Mi5s Mary nounrerucnt madl" bv the Ha m. intendent or Los Angele city luncheon, 11rogram, und dance Mrs. Janet M. Moorman. \ l • r~ Dick n. commercial teacher llton power that bt;. schoolJ, has asked this group and from fo ur to six will be lea - principal. nnc'l her d L ·av;, wtth Allen Swln- Tt:-c tentath·e phn 1 to drop otht>l' similar groups, to study the t urrs or the da ·. "Boot and Ad ," a reading gih n h rt af,rln • nm"" a.s ud manager. the B8 this February 3, and ten issues of Secondary Education, All graduates are cordially by Virginia C!apper, and "Fm:fl. : · Fw·th< 1· pi n of this department t he AS next I all. and to report to the • Tatlonal com Invited. t'Ung by Dorothy D Motte, added o \\ I • be n.nno nred I ter. m. tct:', in wh. h h~> tudy ru·o . the pro r m.

o .. a~ol by ti-J": !'fudrnt Dod,. or Alr.,.aad•r H&ODlltoa Hla-h Sdooel 29!1!1 Rub .. rhma llh·cl., 1.011 Aacrl ... , (all fora Ia. J>ubtltoltt'<i \\'Mkly durldlf tbe Sebool l'rar b,. tile .Joornrtll m Clu" f'

:If• mhers of the litudent .Preaa Association ot South~rn Cnll£ornla SuiJ~<'rlptlon J>rJce 26 ~ents l'er Sf"mester

I•:ntereol n" !It' onu-eJa11s matter. ?.larch 24, 193!!, nt the post office at l.o Angeles, t'nll!ornll, under the Act oC . .Mo£rch 3, 1 79, or Aug. 21,1912.

Editor of Publications .. _ .. ______ ... EDNA ANDERSON Associate Editors -··-----·- Betty Haddock, Elizabeth Schuetze lJbrarian ···--·-· .. ···----·····---·-·-·-----.. ·- Grace Burdge AMA&tant Librarian --·-·--·---........... -·-·-·-.. Selma Nesman News Writers .... Dorothy Pressey, Richard Frazier, Margery Newsom

Sports Editor ................ _ ...................................... -... .................... ..... . . Bud Rose Assistant .. ............. ........................ ....... ......... --·. - .... Willie Zomar Gfrla' Sports -·-·-···-··-··-·-·-···--·---·-··--· Margaret Haul

Literary Editor -· .................................. ·-··-··-····-····-·~···· ....... .. Joa.nne Joos Assistants . .. ...... ___ ........................ - .. Doris Leavens, Muriet Aitchison

bc:hange Editor_ .................. _ .. ·-·----··--.. ···-·-· Frank Aubel Staff Artist ····----·-.... --.. ---·-·-········-··--- Dale Tholen

Administration-Director of News Service Bureau -····--·-.. ···--··-- Lincoln Littrell "Mary. did you say that wash-S'ponsor .................... --··-·· .. ---···-·-·--·-·----... - Georgia Jones ington crossed the Dela\11.'8re, or Distribution and Advertising ·-···--··-·--- Miss Mary E. Olckison wa it the Colorado that time­Business Manager --·-·-.. ·--·-·-·--·---- Walter F. Swartz :remember? Well, ask Vlrglnia,

Student Manager ..... --·-·· .. ·-·---·- ..... Allen Swinhart maybe she knows."

Do You Do YOUR PART?.. Mrs ....................... :receives com-positions, lind lo and behold, th:! "H OME is a sanctuary \\'!'ought out of desire-built into paper is signed "Marjorie." Per­haps a more fitting title would

memory-where kindred bonds unite the family in have been. "A Collaboration by sharing labors, leisure, joy, and son-ow.'' .. - ... .." <Names or about six or

Thi. was recently given in one of our Social Arts classes seven contributors to the content of said paper. a:· a mo. t fitting definition of our beloved homes. When we t ·• (i\" "Tes tomorrow. 1·.t' •• ~ ... - ....... ,

stop to consider that real meaning, does it not prompt us to history teacher, speaksl.

the he x.:t

Mat-'y.? '7

-Dr11"a by Ualp 'l.._olrn

•eomp'-can you?" Wen. how do you think I'll do

-Mary gave me near1r all my an­swers-! can't remember a thing I learned-Kinda wish we'd done our own now. Maybe we mignt know it better tben-oh, dear: Well I guess nothing can be done about it. So long, Marge."

Next day <at end or history per­iod>.

Mrs. .. . .• speaks. "Well, I'm sorry to announce that Mar­jorie, Mary, and Virginia failed the test .. I can't understand how they could turn In such excellent papers for daily work <which are often quite sfmllar, too) and then fail the test!"

The End.

wonder if we are playing ottr parts as well as we might on '·Hello, Virginia." <9 o'clock that the . maller stage of "home"? Perhaps some of us need to night,. o,·er telephoneJ •·what ~e have our minds refreshed as to what the "ideal home" reall" we gomg to do about that test •0 -• • • • • • • .J rnorrow-I can't remember any of 1~. In th1~ :arne cia. s there were discussed many different at-J those things we wrote on our lnst

tribute of this ideal home. The following were decided upon: -;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~~==========-:-It must be economically sound as well a~ mechanically r - · I - '

convenient, it must be a healthful place in which to live and c ® nrtistically satisfying. It is e.-;pecially important that it be.· amp US f ~ ~

• morally wholesome and mentally stimulating, and of course CJ W 1 + I we want a home that is socially responsible. La~t. and most ,. 1 \ ·

1 1

r~ ~-O a.v.. §):\ important. it must be Spi•rituaJly inspiring and founded UpOU ape r s :"'f ~ f1 I

mutual admiration and respect.

CAMPUS SIGHT-SEEING [_ __ By--Jo-AN-sE \ .. JY-;) ~ "o_-'\ _ __,

G\211\G out over the stirring campus, we see people, surg- ··wELL. AFTER ALL, I'M ONLY

By SELMA NESMAN It Happened One Night-Senior

Prom. Blond Bomb hell-Joanne Joos. Chained-Clinton Brostedt. The Thin Man-Harold Reed. Spitfire-Elizabeth Schue>tze. I'm No Angel-calvin Cook. GlfL of Gab-DeMar Davis. It's r;. Gift-Myrle !Marks. The President vanishes-Ernie

Hudson. Sweet Adeline-Vleo NO}'es. Broadway Bill-Bill Herd. Babes In Toyland-George LUlie

and Bob Petrangelo. One In a Million-Peggy John·

stone. . . Her Master's Voice-Eva Lillie. The Mighty Barnum- Fred.dy

Green. Behind the Headlines-Edna A!l·

derson. Kid Millions-Hamilton High. Devil's Brother-Nevin Browne. White Parade-Girls' Glee Club. Flirtation Walt-Hamilton ar-

cade. Last Gentleman-Paul Osterberg. lJttle Minister-Richard Frazier. Lilac Ttme-Agncultural class. The Unholy Three-

Webster Smith, Ted Beach, Leon Dilley.

Too Quiet on the Western Front -R.O.T.C.

Great Expectation - Class of W '35.

6-Day Bike Rider-Betty Had. dock.

Border Town-Culver City. He was Her Man-Spencer

Wright and Wahnetah Cirlos. lJttle Woman-Ellen Berger. Red-Headed oman - Mlldrej

Guess. Tho Big Parade-Graduation. One How- Late-Shirley Brooks. Desirable-Ephebtan. change of Heal't-Sa11y Burgraff. Kiss and Make :Up-Lillian Roach. Lady Killer-Rarold Jacobs. Circus CIO\\'n-Harry Arthur.

Just a Few of the Kicks-

Getting out thi newspapep; is no picnic.

It we print jokes, people say we­are silly.

If we don't, they say we are too serious.

ing to and fro, forming and dissolving groups, in motion THE STUDENT BODY PRESr­~verywhet·e, like the mighty waves ceding and receding ;on a DENT!" Ye.s. he's sliil around witn tt·ouhled seu. his pet £-xpression ..• and have you

But, thet·e i~ some one who seem . strangely out of place. heard that he has recently been de.cribed (Lettermen's BanquetJ as

and clashes with the ·ublime picture. One girl goes tottering "DOCILE. SWEET, ANGELIC. AND

If we clip things from another papet', we. are too lazy to w:-IL

P.. band!~ Jumped on the rwmlng them ourselvf's. board of my mB.<'hine last night and 11 we don't, we are stuck on our

Normal people can't bear tM sight or suffering. They turn their backs while walking on yow- feet to reach an inside scat.

by on tall, . lendt't' heel;, another is wearing a silk dress INNOCENT." ... since when? · which was originally intended for afternoon wear. Why do they seem incongruou.-? The obvious t·ea~on is that, al­though they may be dressed becomingly, theit· clothes are

demanded five dollar ! own stuff. Why didn't you have him arre t- It we don'L print contributions we

not appropriate for 1-lchool. High heel:. fur jackets, silk and satin afternoon dresses,

!luperfluous jewelry, and such articles of dress. appea·r ridic­ulous on the school campus, in the halls, and in the clas ·­rooms. There are so many becoming styles of school dres~es, skirt , ~ weaters, and blom~es, that there is no excuse for be­ing overdressed.

The supposedly "sophisticated," blal':e manner that some girl. adopt and display, should be clas!'ed along with fancy

lothe , as inappropriate for school life. On the ;C'reen, and in "modern" stories. it fits in witl1 the nnre:d. theatrical atmos­phere, but in real life, so-called sophistication is only ridicu­Iou~.


ed for impersonating an officer? don't appreciate t111e genius: and roop!- if we print them, the paper 1s Iilled Let it ~ hereby known that .Mr .. Sweet Ros!e O'Grady had beaux. w!th junk.

Charles Pirkett, . E q., htoreby re- ; They rose before Ro"ie in renux, If we stick to the job n!l nount"es all claam to the name Sh:~ ne\·er was idle- day, we ought to be out hunting Charles Piek_ett, and take the She never wns bridal- news. name, ''Sweetie Pie." d t •- tout and hus or none or them seemed to 1! we o ry "" ge -

(Signed) propeau». I tie. we ought to be- on the job at · SWEETIE PIE, the office.

Alias Charlr Pkkrlt Do not squnnd£-r time, for that is Now like as n?t, some guy •·Ill the stuf1 life Is made of. say we swiped thiS from some oth·

Oh, He Went Hunting?- I e; paper-One fine day and came home Do Englishmen understand Am- WE DID!

with-an empty sack. Oh. yes, we • erlcan slang? ---------mean Leon Gill, handsome young Some Of them. Why do you ask? 'I'Ve' pulled petals off the daisies: B9er. Mj daughter Is to be married to That's botany, you see.

an Earl, and he has just cabled me The FacPs Speoak- to come across! Drawn figures, round and square

wo·s just been told by that e,=er and such, silent, elush·e. alluring. dashing, And then here was the boy who f daring chappy, MR. GRAY. that called his girl friend "grapefruit" 'Cause that's geometry. the Revolutionary War was run on because she always hlt llim In th.: STUDY halls are ~::cenes of many and varied activities. a crooked manner ... even the Bat- eye when he started spooning.

Jean sits manicuring her fingernails, powdering he't nose, tie of Bunker Hill wasn't fought on But after all this work was done,

Beca.use I ate a chee.senip, or combing her hair--of course when the teacher isn't look- the level. 1 It seems necessary that I should The teachPr handed me a bright While we hear that MR. PAINTER sec your father. said the teacher, ing. Vaguely she knows that she should be studying. She strings you aline with this: A ba- as she looked over Willie's very kw realizes that she i bothering others, but really thinkg he loonist drifted O\'er a field and sp,·- marks. 1 got a failure slip. is good entertainment. ing a farmer, called down: "Whe~e You'd better not. said Willie. the

red ''F"

Jack amuses him. elf by making airplane:', :-:ailboat., and am I?" To which the farmer re- son or a dentist: My dad charg"~ :hat out of "boJTowed" school paper. When he fini he~ one, i pli£-d: "Heh. heh. l'a catn't fool ":~ three dollars a \'lsit. he demonstrate$ it to eve-ryone, whether he i~ intere. ted or 1· · · .rer up 111 that dern fool basket. .R. Hansen: Is tt corrt>et to say Bv DORI LEAVENS lJOt. "l'ot• go to bed at twelve or one "water the horse·• when he's thirs- WiU1 n1any pains and great. per-

A boy and gil'! amuse themselves by glancing through a And thus destroy your health, my ty? . everance, this department has ob-d . t• d k' b' h d b 11 1 I' tl " Lloyd: Why sure! tained and compiled the followh1g 1c wnarv an rna mg a 1g urn an uzz over a t 1e 1t e son. ltst of ''Things that we can Do colored fiag:'l on one of the pages. "No, Sir.': the boy said drowsily, R. Hansen: Well. I'm going to Wt.thout." No doubt the reader will

l\K • • t h te. 'th f.· d h "It's gtottmr up that's klllinr mr." milk the cat! 1

• f •1al gat e. exc anges. no s WJ · a 11en whom s e Them's ow- sentiments! 00 able to add others to comp c.e hasn t een smce la~t period. The notes have to pass through Jo. visitor asked little Allee how the list: th the hands of other persons who might be trying to work out Fut Work- old she wa!;. what grade she was ... would-be wise C1~" abo~tt e difficult mathematical problems or memorize verb conjug-' Betty Nt''lllby already Invited to in at school. 1lnd so on. Finally damp of the wea ler, e c .. on ationf: but thnt doe~n·t botl f!r Margaret · the Alph!!. Gamma Sigma Mid\\in- Alice .felt that shr should ~ho\\· rainy dass. . bl • • ' •

1 • • te? Prom wherever It might some mtere. t In his affairs. so she I ... People who lnvana Y grel'.

. Scattered thr~>Ug~ot_It the study halls are boys ~nd g1rls have been·.·.· •. Virginia Clark seen I asked how many children he had. you \\1th "HI ya Toots!'; Wlth no~es .-tuck m f1Ct1on books or the latest mO\'te mnga- places with a Pomona J. He answered U1at he had fi\·e. "My." I ... Chronic advice-ghers. . 'n zine~. Dottit' Stamt'r wlnnlng a exclaimed Alief'. "how they do ac- ... People sitting beside }OU •

· · 1 t '" mo\'lng-plcture houses who rdat" . Among them are a few .students. busy studymg to get "MICKE": MOUSE'' at Venice Pter j cumu a e. thJ lot or ~he picture bl'lng show!l thc1r home~ork d?ne-studyn'!g pos~1bly for the rea:>on AND ha\'lng her money refunded. I WANT AD <or ~orne other picture> In Iou.l that they \VJsh a httle more leisure ttme after school and at ThP Contlntontal- Man wanted to work in bakery tone.:: to their companion. home. AS IT CAN BE DONE, by Betty who Is well 'bred. an ~arly riser, a ... People who bring up thr idrn

Jack and Mar~aret waste every moment of their time in Krueger. good mixer: if he will not loaf en or homework whe-n you ~re at n study hall and bother all who are attemptin~ to work; but the job he will get h£s dough every dance o1· party busy enjoymg your. fll 't . tl d tl . t h "1 t t II th k" hame!- Saturday night. {self.

f: I , I lS tey an 1en· ype w o e ou a e squaw· Virgini~ Seerle bringing 8 foot. . .. People over!~· fond of sho"·ing about too much homework. baH uit into class and says il'<~) It Is possible to cross tht> con 1- oft their various accompllshmen!. ·

-ExchangC'. Bnmo Vigo·s ... ??? nent in 30 1 !nutes--ncross Panama. And so on, "ad ln!inltum"-

Let's All Play



Sr. Bees Upset Higher Knights, Hi-Y Meet In Class in Close Contest First Basketball

Senior Bees upset the Interclass athletic cart by defeating the high­

Contest Thurs. Olympic Discus and Shot-Put Star

Grants Interview to Cub Reporter and-mighty Senior Ayes in a bas- Engaging in a much-anticipated ket ball game played Monday. basketball game, the Knights and George Lillie, Aye, and Willie Zo- Hi-Y clubs of Hamilton will "do B B k tb ])

or die" for the honor or their teams ee as e a ers ors v.•ith eight digits each. , e eat aJr ax an . mar, Bee, tied for high scoring hon- in a game t.o be pla•·ed on Elson II D f F • f d

Field. Thursday. Yes. Sir, my wor~1ng days ar~ Completely outplayed the flrst The friendlr rivalry or the two Sheiks In Practice

over \as far as the Sports page is quarter and trailing 'by five points club.'l will probably be well demon-By TO~I RANKIS at half tlme, the Bees made a

concerned!. and if you see a uu:e comeback In <the thu·d period to strated in the contest as both spon- Playing two practice games with "The Olympic Game.o; of 1932

were fellow walking around with a. wor- forge ahead with three field goals sors are con!ldent of a victory. Walt HollywOOd and Fairfax, to keep in ideal!" ried look on his face. it's Harry Swartz, Hi-Y sponsor, states that shape for the interlocking series, Ginsberg, your new sports slave. Oh, in rapid succession. Once getting a be is eagerly a\oaitlng the contest the Yankee Bee squad managed to ~~· L ... c. Houser, better knovm here's the ambitious young scribe lead, the Bees held on sLubbornly because it will afford excellent hold their own against Hollywood as Bud. made t~e above state-now! "Well, Harry, me boy, It's all and were ne\'er headed, nosing the "practicu" for his boys. I for five quarters and then the foi- l ment .during our ~~rview. yours now-and I'll be leaving t he upper-classmen out by a score of However, a different viewpoint l lowing day defeated the Fairfax 1 Begmning his brilliant track ca-page as suddenly as I came on!"

24 to

20· . is maintained by Royal I. Lowe. Bees, who are considered the • reer at Oxn~rd .high school. he

''Thanks for the introduction, The ~arne. scheduled to begin: at Knight sponsor. He Is trying to in- league champs, in three quarters, l participated ln the mile, hurdles. Bud. Well, feliO'IIIo' , all I can say tho beginning or the third penod, still the spirit or "ye olde knights" 27_25 shot-put, and discus. now is that I'll try to produce a was delayed to repair the court, get l into his team and tht:reby come At · th Holl ood th bo "From Oxnard I came directJy to sport page next aemester which will the teams clothed in contrastive I out on top ' ' h eth yw game,. ple . ys U.S.C.," Dr. Houser in!ormed me. It

J • t , d 1 · . s owed ey were even n aymg . h ! that h be be gOOd reading. Anyway, you can ersey.s, e c., e.c .. an as a resu t Due to the fact that the Ht-Y b'l ' . h th Red hi t f th 'iliac ere, o course, e ga.1 the hat sh rte d . . a 1 It}' wtt e s r s. or ey t d t ..... , .. ~ e.xpect the lateat sport flashes and game was somew o ne . · has been practlsmg longer it ha.l> , to d th tt& k f U c· , o o grea ...... aes.

plenty of spice 1n them, as we ha•e James Curtis Riney, \'arsity caS&ba I A slight edge over its oppon~nts. but · st.rfpe : t 8 ~ ~ 1

1e t ~~- Due to his study of dentistry. he a wide-awake .staff coming ln." coach. officiated. the Knights will have Ernie Hud- 1 ~ nget~' ~ couto n oc~ e

11 e we unable to give as much atten-

• -11' • Tho starting lineups were: son and Kenny Brage flrst-$h1ng ~p t~ ves d t score eta.~ r tion to track as perhaps he might AJLLearae Bee BasketbaU Varsity mellon-men . playing for · tlen the ESehcolnks a~amsdwtenhe_ ln ::~. have eared to. But dentistry or no

Senor Ayes Senior Bees them. • ac _on. e . e .... owe II' su- dentistrY, he sucqecded in becom-Squad Pit>ked- Rose .... -............. RF ......... Moselle penority With a 1lock of baskets. Jng nationally famous in the shot-

After dreary days and sleepless Brostedt ............ LF ...... ··- Marley [] The remainder of the ga:ne was put and dl.scus. nights think.lng (can you Imagine?) Bird -.-.............. C ·· - · ·-· · Zomar CQ fED e.ven With both sides sconng very I He was a member or the 19:!-1 your corre.spondent came to the LUlie - ........ _ ·-· no ............. Wlley • j little. Donovan was the . leadJng Olympic team representing the u.s. conclusion that he should pick an Davis - · ..... -- LG ............ ··· Saenz By MA.R.GABET BA scorer, with 8 points to hJS_ credtt, at Paris. Dr. Houser continued hi · All-League Bee Basketball squad. Another game may be arran~ed - I while Bleak, Rankin, Phems, and marvelous performances by takln.; Looking back gh our sports as a part of the Class Day achvl- The wind doth blow, and well ~~nsber! all managed to score nt. fi~ place in both shot and discus, files, we see tha n every game ties ~ut a.s the progr~m 15 rather shall have snow, <or rain at least) , 1 st on basket. settmg new records in both e~·en: . there has been least two out- Iull, It may not~ J)OSSlble to sched- and what will the G.A.A. girls do Team Shows Championship All the whlle . he was continuing standln~ players (one on our team ule additional e\ents and the Senior I then, poor trun:;s?. WiUl their Form h1s dental stud1es. and one on t heft ) who won the Aye~ Will have to be content with scanty pantle.o; and short-sleeved I D.·. Houser always refused to le+. game by hi ability to handle and i the consolation that, in their opin- blouses they stand around and The Fairfax game proved that the his athletic.<; interfere with his prn-aboot the ball following tenj ion, another meeting would result freeze ~r try their best to kce;> Bees have the ability to be le:1gue fesslonal studies stating that sports players are In .my- Inion the mo~t In a triumph for the high-and- ! wann playing basketball I ju•t j champions. ~ut the lack of floor to should. be play;d in the spirit o!

' · mlghtles · ~ practtce on IS a hard blow to any "h . f .. outstanding l.n th estern League: · wish I could give you a picture or championsh ip hopes avmg un. I ihem piled two and three deep o•1 l . · Four years Inter, at Amste1·dam,

First 'l'eam • J I the benches bundled tn everybody'., Playmg smooth, easy ball, the Bud Houser again set a record Ia Brtght Out ook Seen I coat:; and jackets, trying to ke!'p I Yanks gradually crept away from I he discus for the American Olym-

Elllot <Hollywood L .. L.F.R. f F B b II S d warm. while the girls playing, run I the Colonials and estabhshe~ a Pic team. Hough <Fairfax) .... R.F .L. or ase a qua I around with no wraps on! small lead In the first period. Today we find the Doctor busiiy Llvtne I Hollywood . ·- c. I . . B 1 Throughout the second quarter, the occupied with his dental office 01 ~nkin <Hamilton) R.O.L. With five returnmg ~ettermen, . ra n-sto.rm I Lites put on a scoring splurge to Pioo boulevard • He has a mo«:.

ark (Fairfax ·---.. L.G.R. ~~~~~ ~~;~~o: ~~~e!~~ ~~~~g b~t~ I w;:'!:ea o~~~~:ro:m~~r~;anli:S:o ar;:~ fii~~-th~: a~:i~te:?:Crgi~:; t;:~~: ~~~;":~d.h~m:on a~fd t~~om~:· th~:~ eeen Team ~ Marley, pitcher; Castello. n;st base; believe me, I thought it was all with neither team scoring. years. is a healthy robust chip ore

1 Hayes, second base; Cnpe, l.f.: right! She sug. Time after time, the Yanks took the old block. He seeli)S to have ac-Caulklns <Hollywood) L.F.R. I Cowan. c.!., are . the Yankee base- gested that :l the ball oft the backboard ancl qulred , even at his young age, se\·-Lytle <Los ~ngelesl . R.F.L. I ball men that Will be With us next team ot girls worked it dov."'l the floor for easy era! or hts father's athletic ablli-Joccard (Be~erly Htlls) C. season. similar to the baskets. Phenis. on short shots. put ties. Pinger <VemC<'l - - R G.L. 1 The ab encc or N£>11 II.-Iontank boYs' "A II- in a total or ten tliglls, w11ile Bleak. "He's alway~ picking up th!n~:s Marer <Falrfaxl · · L.G.R 1 ann David Grace, la~t year's stat· Leagu ." or th~ also on short shots from side aud anct throwing them around," prouc!-

Conslderlng the fon\·ards first. wn batter.)' , will be greatly noticed, fo t· , 'All - A mer!. from . had 9 digits chalked up tol'j~ 1.} sale! Dr. Houser. see that both Elliot and Hough are the~ _two Yankees were great ball- cans," be chQS(:n credit. Donovan, Ginsberg, ami The Doctor himself Is what 01 •· deadsho 8 from the side and arc pln.}eu. Nell ha.~ be n signed ~Y from the sentcr Rankin . all scored baa!tets to run would term a typical Olympi•; near perfect on foul tosses. Both the Portland Beavers of the Paclt1c 1 girls of the G 1 up the Yankee champion. Although he told m"' were Important factors In the win- Coas:. Confer~nee for n tryout: md A.A. team c~ulrt Play Best Ball Evtr that ttis right side was so mur.'• nlng ot their respective .teams. At he \'I Ill rep~n t up north fo1 the be chosen fl 0 " 1 larget than his left because or h!.:; center position , we find L~vlne, sprint; practtce. t the U:nth and The squad played the b~st ball prolonged period of heavy usage ln who was instrumental in the down- 1 New Players eleventh grade i ever seen around Hamilton for :1 heaving .the shot and hurling the fall o! the Hamllton squad in the . . I to play them. · long ttme. They have just reached discus. it was not at all apparent tc Hamilton-HollywOod game and who Among the new faces Ill .the . bas~- 1\largaret Baal <of course the r the peak of their ability and shou:d me. He is about six f£>et tall aml played consistent good ball thru- ball fi~ld, we find Jimmy 0 Sul.l- lOth nd 11th grade teams would easily take the two interlocking about two-hundred pounds iu out the rest of the sea.son. As l'an. Jim will probably hold down not be classed as "All-Americans,' gam~. Since all the first-string we1ght guards, you can't e. better the position of catcher and he wi.l , ot· what ever other name we dccicte boy:; are returning next semester we At the time of the tnten·iew. h ! pair Ulan Mark and Rankin. Mark be backed up by Jo~nny McNemar. upon, but they would give us some can be sure of a team worthy to was suffering from a slight cold trl was a fair floor guar~. but his rna- Jame.o; Hollywood Will attempt to competition.> wear the brown and green of Ham- his head, which he received on u Jor asset was his abillty to put the The senior's first team played and I ilton. deer hunt from which he had jns t ball through the hoop from all wor over the tenth first , Monday, StartJng lineups for the Fairfax I returned. angles. In Rankin \'1-:? ha\•e the best but lost to the Bll's In a vicious· game were: "I often go on deer hunts up In all-'rotmd player o! them all. A game. Thursday night the sen.ims . Utah" he said. "it Is my favor! &'! perfect floor guard, an a.ccurate I beat the All's; it seems they can Ha.mi_Iton 1271 Faarfax ' 25> I sport." Evidently his wife is no and swift passer, and above all, an conquer all except those Bll's. Blea~: ,_ .. - ·-- L.~.R. · - Badlor_a j mean hunter herself, as she havl excellent shot. 1if r The girls on the senior first team Ph em~ ........ · R.I ; 1' · .... . EllL'I ' bagged one, too.

" • • I (i0t are : Grace Burdge. Eugenia Culver, I 0 ?novan ..... . ... . G. · Hough r The doctor has a most pleaslr:; Varsity Losses Roarh I Mildred Guess, Bet..ty Haddock. Mar-, Omsberg ··· · L G.R. · Mare.r personality, Making me feel pP.l' · Fray to St. Ames- r I garet Haul, Helen Holmes. Jean Ranltln ......... .. R.C .L. . .. MaliC iectly at ease, he not only answerf'i

You &hould have seen the foot- 1 Hynd. Peggy Smith_, and Berty Substitutions !o1· Hamilton: ven- 1 my questions completely, but 'It" ball, pardon me, basketball, game


. Wells. On the: All frrst team IS deland, guard: Bassford, forward . I also told me mnny things or grca~ bet~en our Varsity and the 3t. I Mary Carpenter. Sue Cherry. Ruth • • Interest. Agnes squad! The re!eree must : Crispin, Marjorie Ken t, Virginia I 1 asked hlm what he would (l


have read the ice hockey rules and 1 Lloyd, Lewanna ~-rcAfee. Vlrgmla Yanks to Meet Old I tt he had it all to do again. then expected them to play on a Phelps, Margaret Stan ton, and


"IC I had it all to do again" h basketball floor. lrhe game I if you 1 I Florence ~r.:.'dgett. . Rivals In Playoff reminisced. "I'd do it all ~~ tho want ttl call it that1 was 1.n one 1 The Bll s _flr.H team 1s : Dorothy 1 spirit of run. I gues.o; I took thln:;s srand uproar !rom start to finish. co\•er third base. while "Peanuts" I Barner .• vt;gmta Clark, Bette Di~t- Closing the casaba season. the rather serlou ly before.'' Th:e St. Agnes squad fought Its ~Y I Lo~·ry will play short. The other man. Be.t~ Gaalkan, Jackie Knoul- varsity and Bee squads meet Wash- HI:: behavior was that of one wh to a 29-15 victory over our bO:iS. position, flrse base, will be handled ~· ton. Pegg~ :McCabe. Arleta Phillips. 1 d M 1 11 h. h · t ·· j' i::: really great Modest quirt ur.. The game ended ~arty because .. .. 1 Cecllle Taoak. and Dona Wells. The ngton an ars Ia 1g m w_o · • · Rhiney wanted his squad by Oouc~o BerrJnghele. Ern;e girls ')n the l{)th first are: Betty Interlocking Ults. Tuesday and Fn- assumln(o,', and friendly to the ntH in one piece for the interlocking l C:ostello Will be moved to the ou •. Bennett, Ruth Eaton, Margaret day, respectively. First game is to degree. . • tilts. field. 1 Dempsey, Shirley Cheatham. Helen be played on Manual Arts court, i When I had fomshed my In ter

Plan Younger Ball Team , Eich!lberger, Ester Herzog. Betoty I and the second at Bever!}' Hills. view. exchanged a hearty hand-• • This year. Coach Bell plans to I Ke~ns. Gladys Lemmaz, and Edna Although they lost all their · sh_ake, ancl expressed my appr r i-

HJ-Y Qu1ntet Loses have a ninth and tenth- ade ba!><! · l Todd. umes. the Varsity has an even attor of his klndnf!l ~ In grantm~ gr chance to defeat both teams a~ me h i ~ time. I suddenly realizP1 Fast Tilt to v. D. M. ball quad. whlc~ the school ha de- thev faced stronger opposition tlt:l!l l that I had spen~ one or the mn: t.

sired for chsome t.imde. Last dyear when Dees Defeat p M A 29-17 1' either wa hington or Marshal. enjoyab!c .evenings or my whole II'. our coa es en eavore to put • • • , Holding th lead until the last through a similar plan the schoo•s • The Bees along with the Was"-

quarter, the HI-Y 11\•c fell before j of the · old Western League votctlj In p. knock-clown, drag-out affair, ington Babes. flnU;hed third. and 1 Holly cats-(exclamatlon of sur-he last-minute spurt o{ an lnfuti- thU: idea down, but now with 1/ls j the Hamilton D"e mellon-tosse~; Mar~hal! placed m ftfth , In their prlsel. .

ated Vista Del iar team. The 11- Angeles, Hollywood. and Fairfax wor from the P..:\i.A . .Equad, 20-1 •. , respective leagues. Snazzy-lchack\, nal whlst.le found the HI-Y only high schools it seems to be a sure ! A! Addman, Yankee forward, was Judging from the close scor~s Ham-<amateur actor\ . three polnta behind their opponents, thing that this plan will be carried high-point man. with 12 digits to the Hamilton Bee.o; have turned m F.wellf'gent-<very nice•. 28-25, but those three points were out. 1 hls credit. Henry Cushman. pint- · agalns~ superior opposition, they Dames, sklrts-<womenl. the margin or victory. Bro tedt, Praetice Starts Soon sized Hamilton guard. received a


are given a 6light edge over Mar. Daf!y-Cextremely foolish!, forward, wa the outstanding ploy- bloody nose when a cadet hit him ~hall. and an even chance against Cop, dlck-<polieeman l. er on the floor and also was high- , 1-. cal! for all baseball players w!ll with his elbow.

1 Washington. Gol>-<sailorl.

point man with 15 points. Jimm!e be sent about March 1, 1935. but Adleman, Cushman, and Crowe, , These two games should prove to Droopy-o(fatiguedl. Gorwttz, V D .M. center. starred for the coach \\ill ha\'e some or the pla~d wei! for the winners. 111e b-. specially interesting, as both Fral"-Cacqualntanoe . his squad, putting In 11 digits. Th:l boys out by the middle of Febru- j Yankee lineups were: Adelman aml WashingtoP and Marshall were In Shoot-<go ahead, ·ay It). !ray took place on the V.D.M. J ary to Umber up and regain th:>t Well • forwards: Hill , center; Cush· ~the same league •Jth Ham !ton ba- J Aw rats-<sorry>. court. old ba tlng eye. man and Crowe fe1 hi" Chr

Page 4 THE FEDERALIST ----------------------------------------------~----~~~ ·------------------~-re_d_n_es_d_a~y~· ~J~a=n=ua~r~y-2=3~,_1~9::35 Actor Interview !' Third of Student Body I ---------.


p R 11 arent Education

(Contln-"""" ..... OMl I Have Perfect Records : Have you seen my pir turc in evei· Cl AfLel n short ttme spent in mo-l I t h paper'.' ~ow tha t' some e asses on Fridays

tJOn nicturcs In Ute Wet. Mr. Let- Pupils that have received no tardy Senior bran·in, gain, fora pte- 1 ber returned to hi!; natiw Chicng::>, slips up to date will rec 1ve public t11re o f t he f'ntlre enior A i Par nt Education ci!ISSCS, under where he organized llis ov:n Shake~- recogntt1on through the ne spa.per.l clas wa tnken I t l\londay By ltOl'AL LOWE • Mrs. Alma Berg, are held every Frl-pearean Repertory company, in An alph betical list has been com- 1 by the Ke) tone PhotogTaphers. Last Tltursdo.y the unit had Ute day morning !rom 9:30 to 11·oo. which he toured from 1920 to 1929. I piled and each week the name." or . It will appf'ar In t he Lo · ,\ n. p!rnsuro ot cnt.erLalning a select and nr open to cveryoue, especi l-

In 1929 he joined the newly the punctua l one- will be published, geles Uerald.K press In the group of charming young ladles. ly parent" of Hamllton student<>. launched Chicago Civic Shake

3- a few letters will be given at a near future. Our srnior are One of these Will be chosen by the DISCU Ions covering such topic.

penre Society a" head of the cast. time. A. :\f. Silver. who l~ ln charge I gettins; on the map, or their Wllt to serve as honorary cadet n : Phy~lcnl and Mental As~cts oC With growing interest in th!s or Ute ta.rdine.», states, ''I am pleas- mapr. a re getting on. Let's look maj~r !or the th Adole.ccnt Child; How to Help

parkllng personage. your reporter antl_Y surp~>d to find that ap- t o~· t he 11ir lure! ensumg tet·m.At I Your Ch!ld Choose a. vocation· mqu red into Mr. Leiber's personal prox1mat~ly one-third. of the student I this writing, the How Do You Gain c ontrol of You~ opinions pertaining to the Bard body 1s Included in this list." H ve Sk'tt To Be d I honorary officer 1. Child?; On Wl1at is Freedom in a11<l 'ttl• work. you heard the saymg, "Better late Presente has not ~.>een Adole Based?; How to Stud\"

"The audiences for Shakespcnr~ tlla~ never, but never late is better." I 1etennlned and Fatigue nnd Mental Healtll. MallY are mounting steadily, howeH•r, ;.oo~ to ~ ! your n:tme I• among At the next meeting of the Chern- we kinda' won- other lntere. tmg topics ha\·e bec:l Shake. pcnre Is the one dramattr,t h05e published. I try club, a short skit wlll be given dr1· if the un!t outu.n d, which should prove highly jn the world who has ne\·cr bern B1ll Adamson, Jean Alberts, W.l- featuring Ruth Crispin. Daphne will continue at- profitable to o. high school ,parent reV1v••d, for he has never been ah- !lam Alberts. PhyllLS Alexander, Smart. Joanne Waltktl, and Vlt'- ternatlng from These cia .es are conducted un~ scm from the stage:· This led me Waltrr AL<.ehuler, Opal Amidon, gm1a Pratt. blonde to bru- der the aussplces or the Hamil~oa to ask him what lle considered the Ruth Amster, Dorothy Anderson, Charlene Graham w11l give a nette, or if they P.-T. A. po •

1bilitles wrre or ever "filming" Edna. Ander.son, How rd Anderson, demonstration before the skit, In will violate their ------ --- -

Shakepe:ue to which he repll•d Ph Ills Anderson. Ruby Anderso11.


order to make plan to new club code and choose New Ed•t F • D c!dedly,' yes, I think thrre v.:lli Raymond Appell, AI Arnold, w.atter memt>:ers the clements Bromine, two blondes in I Or Or be


gna• field In putting Shakes- Arnold, ~a Ashbum. Ma~'belle Chlonne, Fluorine, and Iodine. R oyal Lowe succession. Commercial Paper • Aubel, Regma Aubum, Lucy Aulgur. I Be that as It mn.y, we wish lo cx-

~~1:cre:~~~s before. the world on ~=~~~.A~~~· ~~e}~Y~oy~~a~~: I Demonstration Seen preS.'J our gratitude at havtng such For the second and last editlo·1 HoP>nS '" wonldn t '"'' wo , • .,,

1 Rkha'd Bail'Y· B'onn B'ld win. ;, "':,~~~~·,:.;:,n~~~'Y "?

01" " P<g • or lho Cmnme'Oial paw th r ,,' • .&et~mg too personal, we asked him Maurice Bard~u. v 1rginla Barsch, I Demonstrating a small electric th s term. We know 1 mester, Goldie Weinrich commcr­

whlch of all the B:~.rd's works he • H rold Ba.:>s!ord, Wilfred Bassford combination po..,ting, statement. sa;:n wet~~a~ tor _Lhr whole unft lu clal student, was cho. en' as ed tc.r. pref rred from the stand!>oint 1Jf I Jimmie Bayless, Don Bayley, Lu- and adding machine, F. Christian- th g a egg) has been one of: A~ Goldie w111 graduate in Fe'l­production and were ju t a bit sur- Cllle Bazaria.n. Mary Bnzo.rtan, Mar- son, of Underwood. Elliott & Fish- · e mhost del ghtful honorary mn- ruary another editor \\111 be se · d t d j . JOrE t at we could e\·er ha . T1 1 '-d· -pnse o iscover that •·Hamlet" or1e Beech, Doris Bea\·er, Margaret er, visited Mrs. Lucille K. Johnson's umt ceitalnl. t \e. te ec...: · Any comm<'rctnl student w~o wM hlgh In his favor.

1 Bea\·cr, Gror e Beck, Bill B ekman. period two Busmess Pro.ctlcc class, term of ;egl e

5 to see her Is lnterest~d In J ournalism, or ha

:·Par<lon me, wlll you please?'' h: Harold Bell, Katherine Benson. Mr. Cln·istinnson showed the pu- e exptre. ' nny talent. may givP his application sa•d 'Tve enjoyed meeting you.: Ellen B('rger. Sylvia Berger, M r- plln just how the machine is run New f:t.llstment -: Limlttd ' to Miss Mary E. Dickison or -!r~. buL I .ee my manar;er beckoning to cella Berman. Alfred Ber.sbach, and told of some of the special jo~> LleuteJlant Eaton has stated that I El nnore Bocrstler. me to come on .•. you sec 1 have Ros<mary Bethencourt, Margaret it v.ill do more quickly and ccur- he Is to receive six new uniforms ' The next issue or the paper wi~I rathel an Important social engage- Bett, Clarence. '!3e\'lngton. Loul::e stely than other machines. next term This, with the gradua- · be on January 30. ment .. thnnk you •.. and good- Bibee, Ridley B1lhck. W~lter Bl:1ck- tion ~r some of the mem~rs, l\"ill -~----------night!'' ard, Hubert Blackman, Ramonn Carder, Harry Carlson. !darcel car- perm1t the enrollment of about fir- quiet n d~turbanc near llls post.


Blair, CI wson Bltak, Estello. Blocs· magnac, Mary Carpenter, Virginia teen ne\\' members. The recruit~ i and wa~ badly beaten up by a su-S . h Cl b p .


er, Dorothy Bioom Betty Blumberg Cary, Bmno Carranza. L. J. Carrico, must .be at least A9 or above. penor number or attackers. Lee will paniS u arty Ru.'>Sell Bobier. Valerie Bon part: Billy Cru tle, Virgima Chadwick. l nC!dental;y, on January 24, th~ not be able to attend school for .tt

to Be January 24 Leonard Bonner, B•ll Bormann, Enc Donald Chopin. Kathleen Charles- day of the a\\ards and competitions, least stx weeks. Boucher, Rene Boulware, Kenneth ton, Virginia Ann Clapper, Betty the s b , !Brag e. Charles Brandes, .1 ry Bras- I Clark. M deline Clark, Richard a ~e and Chrnon club v.·:u And so Louis 'W\mpy" Slrlmpl<•,

. Tho club \\'Ul hold its well. Betty Brenner, Tom Breunig, Clark, V1rgin!a M. Clark, Alice hold their nnnual luncheon in the man.nbout-town, <I lo\·e bis . mu:;-fn ~L party on January 24, during 1 Art Brice. Mary Bristol. Shirley Clarry, .Esther Clements, Esther faculty cafe. . tache' was nominated for Jumor club period .in the studrnt cafe. Bristol, Beverly Broadhead, Lee Clewette. Frances Coan, Bob Coffin, Tlu~ an' Tha t ~ lg.h rcpresent:tti\'C ! Too bad Louis

Th Spamsh play, ''El Vinje por Broadhead. Alita Brooks, B i 11 v Freda Cohen, Hemy Cohen, Mary We wish to extend our sympatl 1511

t in the JUlllor high, he might la Argentina." will be given by some Brown, Toby Brown. June Bryson, Cohen. Mildred Cohen. Rose COhen. to Lee Andros, cadet corporal n~~ ha,·c be('n elect · or the members. Follo\vlng the piny larie Buchanan. Richard Burg, Doris Co~man. Joe Collins. Royer member ot 160th Infantrl' Natio•t- j Then we ~ave h eard thnt Hnrold and other entertainment, there .viii Robert Burg, Pearl Burger, Burton CollinS, Ted Connors, Carmon Cook, 1 al Guo.rd. Lee was serio~sl . ht;rt Jacobs, <no mtrbductlon nece. aryl be Initiation or new members, a~vl Burgess. Llllian Burges.>, Bernard I Robert Cooper, Elmer Copenhaver, while on duty nt the auto :Y r , refu cd to waste .a vote on nny of :r fre hmPnt.s will be ser\'ed Burgroff. Pauline Burge. . Lucy !La Verne Oourtlnl, Pat Coyle. Betty held recently at Mines Fl ldac. s the candidates !or the 1\IcDowc!l

Mrs. Cleo Montal\•a will sponr.or Burra, zora Bur30n. Ruth Bum- Craddock, Frank Cres\\·ell, Donald. seems that Andros tt c · It medal. Tskl T:k! th1s party and all Spanish club tein, Frances Caldwell, Colin . a empted to -------- . __ _

members nrc urged to attend~r· : ·;:· ;ohlrlreyC a apcr, Lenore I Wt;~,ore will be pubhshed nextl . LESL}~w¥LE~RA y J.J UJ.,I..L .[. f• l'f')' ;lfnlo.t• \ uur \ \'n tt•h li:f'f'

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