jonathon safron’s extremely loud

I didn’t work on this put of the introduct---Jonathon Safron’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Novel nine-year-old Oskar Schell and his endeavors to cope to cope with his father’s death following the 9/11 attacks. The novels tells Oskar’s relentless adventure to solve the last mystery behind his father left behind Throughout the novel, Foer utilizes a unique set of non-literary devices to effectively convey important aspects of characters and explore the underlying meanings of the text (or reveal deeper meanings within the text. He uses photos, blank pages, repetitive phrases, pages with only a single sentence, and colored inserts to convey these deeper meanings and to illuminate the emotion state of the characters. In order to truly appreciate the impact of Foer’s the visual and structural components, one must examine these devices individually. One important device Foer uses are photographs, which he carefully places within the plot to represent the inner conflict of the characters. The doorknob photo was the one of the most significant recurring images, and as the novel progresses the reader sees the sentiment associated with the image evolve. In the chapter, “WHY I’M NOT WHERE YOU ARE 5/21/63,” Oskar’s grandfather explains his absence in Oskar’s life, the loss of his true love Anna, Oskar’s aunt, and why he left his grandmother. Foer places a picture of a doorknob in this section, and Thomas’ sense of loneliness evokes a gloomy feeling that foreshadows the novel’s tragic ending. These images of the doorknob suggest disappointment and function as a metaphor for those the unable to move on or forward in life. In contrast, the doorknob is later used symbolize healing, acceptance and peace, and the reader is left with the feeling of hope and the opportunity for new beginnings. I found the visual images and their placement throughout the story to be the most effective contributor to the overall reading experience. When the picture of the door knob is first introduced into the text, the reader is left feeling perplexed in attempt to make sense of the image’s purpose and decipher its meaning. These unanswered questions heighten the mystery surrounding Oskar’s journey and the reader is involuntarily drawn further into the story. The

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Jonathon Safron’s Extremely Loud


Page 1: Jonathon Safron’s Extremely Loud

I didn’t work on this put of the introduct---Jonathon Safron’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Novel nine-year-old Oskar Schell and his endeavors to cope to cope with his father’s death following the 9/11 attacks. The novels tells Oskar’s relentless adventure to solve the last mystery behind his father left behind

Throughout the novel, Foer utilizes a unique set of non-literary devices to effectively convey important aspects of characters and explore the underlying meanings of the text (or reveal deeper meanings within the text. He uses photos, blank pages, repetitive phrases, pages with only a single sentence, and colored inserts to convey these deeper meanings and to illuminate the emotion state of the characters. In order to truly appreciate the impact of Foer’s the visual and structural components, one must examine these devices individually.

One important device Foer uses are photographs, which he carefully places within the plot to represent the inner conflict of the characters. The doorknob photo was the one of the most significant recurring images, and as the novel progresses the reader sees the sentiment associated with the image evolve.

In the chapter, “WHY I’M NOT WHERE YOU ARE 5/21/63,” Oskar’s grandfather explains his absence in Oskar’s life, the loss of his true love Anna, Oskar’s aunt, and why he left his grandmother. Foer places a picture of a doorknob in this section, and Thomas’ sense of loneliness evokes a gloomy feeling that foreshadows the novel’s tragic ending. These images of the doorknob suggest disappointment and function as a metaphor for those the unable to move on or forward in life. In contrast, the doorknob is later used symbolize healing, acceptance and peace, and the reader is left with the feeling of hope and the opportunity for new beginnings.

I found the visual images and their placement throughout the story to be the most effective contributor to the overall reading experience. When the picture of the door knob is first introduced into the text, the reader is left feeling perplexed in attempt to make sense of the image’s purpose and decipher its meaning. These unanswered questions heighten the mystery surrounding Oskar’s journey and the reader is involuntarily drawn further into the story. The reader feels the need to contemplate what the message the image is trying to convey and evaluate its relationship to developing plot.

Because interpretation is left up to the reader, the novel engages and invites the reader to become an active participant in the reading process while exploring the deeper meanings behind the text. The overall reading experience is enriched, because the reader is able to have a more personal perception of the dialogue and the character’s experiences.

Didn’t work on this part--- ill help you if need me, I got good stuff

In the chapter WHY I’M NOT WHERE YOU ARE 9/11/03 is Oskar’s grandfathers letter to his son on the day he died. Foer chooses to apply only one sentence on a page to emphasis the legitmaticy of his

Page 2: Jonathon Safron’s Extremely Loud

devestastion. He spreads out only three sentences to three pages, reiterating “I’m sorry”. The isolation of these words brought emphasis and feeling and perhaps an epiphany.

I believe Foer incorporates different visual effects and structural aspects for each character in his story to demonstrate how grief is an experience unique to the individual. He uses the three different narratives

The novel explores each character’s attempt to cope with a life in which a major reason for their living it was ripped away from them.

Gives meaning beyond what wrriten language can convey,


Furthermore, Foer structures the story so it is told through three different narrators. The narrator

switches after each section, moving from Oskar, to his grandmother and his grandfather. the to further emphasize styles of each character are vastly different- yet when the sections are put together, they they a complete story. To provide a broader context beyond Oskar's point of vi

Each section deals with each character’s feelings specifically, and the narrative styles of each character are vastly different- yet when the sections are put together, they they a complete story.

his use of non-literary devices controls the haphazardness of the switching narrators. I found the visual images. ?