jojo - response to feedback


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Post on 16-Mar-2018



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Responding to FeedbackZachary Buchanan

Page 2: JoJo - Response to feedback

Responding to feedback:

• From my feedback, in terms of the funding for the BBC it will be funded by the tax payers who listen to the BBC and watch content. In terms of copyright I will need to make sure that I get permission from the creators of the content and I will not use any copyrighted content with out there permission. I may need to pay a fee for the content that I create and this will affect my budget of my radio drama but it will still be under £20,000. I will need to make sure that I don’t misrepresent and also religions as I will make sure that the characters don’t stereotype any beliefs. I have looked at the codes and practices of OFCOM and I will be sticking to the guidelines and not being using extreme violence as it will all be for a set purpose within the narrative. I will take care with the story and I will make sure that I don’t offend anyone. I will also make sure that I don’t leave out any of the core audience but I will still take care with the whole narrative to make sure that it is in the guidelines of the BBC. In terms of the violence in my radio drama I will address the issues of the watershed as I plan to broadcast the show at 9:30pm, as this will be the time that my primarily audience will listen to the show and it will also have a larger audience during these types. The younger audience who are students are likely to listen to it through BBC iPlayer as they will be able to listen in to the show live and also listen to past episodes that will be available for them to download onto their smartphones and tablets.

• For my contingency planning I will also need to make sure that I have be responsible with the times that I allocate on location. In terms of my breakdown of planning for my radio production. During week 1, I will be writing the script for my radio drama after the in week I will be making sure that I have got all the equipment that I need and also recording sound effects on location. In week 3 I will be gathering all my actors and recording all the dialogue for scene 1 and 2. During week 4, I will be completing all the rest of the scene and in the last week I will be recording all the rest of the scenes and editing all the audio together in the editing software using Garage Band, Audacity and Adobe Audition.

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Break Down Plan (Week by week)

• Week 1 – Completing the script and sourcing the idea.

• Week 2 – Collecting equipment and sorting out sound effects that I require for my radio production.

• Week 3 – Creating all my sound effects on location.

• Week 4 – Souring all my actors for each scene.

• Week 5 – Recording the last scene and making any changes to the radio drama. Finishing and exporting all my audio for the project.

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• I will need to make sure that I back all my work up onto my flash drive and also online through OneDrive etc. This will help me to keep all my files secure on the system and this will help to keep my project all together. I will also make sure that I am responsible by making sure that I don’t use electrical equipment in bad weather such as a storm or in the rain and this will be as part of my health and safety.