joint staff j7 joint qualification report

Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report Fiscal Year 2016 4th Quarter 30 September 2016

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Joint Staff J7

Joint Qualification Report

Fiscal Year 2016 4th Quarter

30 September 2016

Page 2: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report

\IJSJ7 Foreword

From the Deputy Director for Joint Training, Joint Staff, J7

Subject: Joint StaffJ7 Joint Qualification Report for FYl6 4th Quarter

OCT 11 2016

The Department of Defense Joint Officer Management Joint Qualification System Implementation Plan dated 30 March 2007, outlines the multi-level joint qualification concept and identifies lead and supporting organizations. The current Joint Qualification System (JQS) (I October 2007) offers an additional "experience-based" track with a point system for qualifying joint service. The original track remains in place, while the experience track allows for awarding whole or partial credit for any joint experience an officer wishes to submit for consideration.

The current JQS recognizes the military skills required to respond to the range of national security threats, accounts for the intensity, environment, duration or frequency of a joint activity and awards credit to reserve and active component officers.

The Joint Staff J7 point of contact for joint course certification is Ms. Beth Lape, (757) 203-5507, DSN 668-5507, [email protected]. Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements to Ms. Theresa McDaniel, (757) 203-5509, DSN 668-5509, [email protected].

The Joint Staff J7 point of contact for joint exercises is LTC Mike Moloney, (703) 697-1133; DSN: 227-1133, michael.c.mgloney. mil@ma i I.mi I.

~?,;(~ STEPHEN M. JE~· Brigadier General, U.S. Marine Corps Deputy Director, Joint Training Joint Staff J7

Distribution: JS JI, Service Representatives. Also available at https:1/wss.a.swn.o~ls/JSOFUN/iom jgs/Si.lePageslHome.aspx


Page 3: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report

. JSJ7

Table 0( Contents Foreword ........ + . ......... . ... .. ... ... . ...... ............ ...... . .... ~· .......................................................... ................... n . . ....................... . . . . ...... . . . ... . . . ....... ~ -· ••• '

Johll Qualifacauon Sys1em ............................................................................... .................................. .................... ... ..... 4 Joint Qualifacation Sys1em Primer ................................................................................. ............................................... .4

Standard-Joint Duty Assignment (S-JDA) Traditiomal Path .................................................................................... 4 Experience-Joint Duty Assignment (E-JDA) - Experience Path .............................................................................. 4 Combi.nal:iofl ofS-JDAand E-JDA ...................................................................................................................... .... s Levels of Joint Qualification ........................................................................................................................ ............ S

Joint Matters - Slatutory Definition .................................................................................................................. ........... .. 6 Joint Training Co1trse Certification .............................................................................................. ................................. 6 Discretionary Points ....................................................................................................................................................... 7

TableA-1: Courses Listed by Certification Date ................................................................................................... 10 Table A-2: Courses Listed Alphabetically by Course Title ................................................................................... 16 Table A-3: Approved Joint Curriculum ................................................................................................................. 22 Table A-4: DL Courses word! JQS points ............................................................................................................. 22

Tab1c B-I : D~fied. Courses. ... ~+•+••·•·• ·~•+~•-• ·•· • •• ►,.. . .. ►4 .... , •• ►,t ••• • • • , ..... ►4+••·•·•·•·• ·•· • ........ , .. ..... .. ....... n+••·•·•·•· ....................................•• 23 Table B-2: Course Recenificntions ................. , ...................................................................................................... 23 Tab]e B-3: New Courses Submitted for Cenifications .......................................................................................... 23

APPENDIX C ....................................................... , ...................................................................................................... 24 Table C-1: List of i<feutifi.ed Joint Exercises for this Quarte.- ................. ............................................................... 2◄

Refereaces ....................................... ......................................................... ............................................................... 26

OPR ConlB.<:t Information ............... ........................................................................................................................ 27


Page 4: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report

Joint Qualification Svstem

The Joint Qualification System (JQS) operationalizes the Joint Officer Management (JOM) statutes in reference a, and policy in reference b, and is intended to further enhance the goals and objectives of the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986 as amended. The JQS is a multi-level system open to all officers of the active and reserve components, which recognizes joint experiences, regardless of where or how they accrue.

Joint Qualification System Primer

Joint qualifications can be obtained through three paths:

Standard-Joint Duty Assignment (S-JDA) Traditional Path Through which the majority of officers will continue to complete a joint duty assignment (JOA). S-JDAs refer to positions on the Joint Duty Assignment List (JDAL) for the standard tour length as defined by JO, U.S.C, 664.

• Active Component (AC) and Reserve Component (RC) officers must be assigned to a JDAL position to receive joint duty credit under the "traditional" IDA path.

• Assignment lo different JDAL positions with no break in time may be counted as one continuous tour of duty to meet minimum tour length requirements.

• Active Component and full-time RC officers must serve a minimum of three years to receive full joint duty credit, unless waived by the Military Personnel Policy (USD(MPP)), or meet the requirements for early release as outlined in enclosure h of reference (c). Officers who serve in a S-JDA less than the duration needed to qualify for full joint duty credit may receive accrued credit for time served in the S-JDA.

• Officers in the grade of 0-3 assigned to S-JDAs may receive joint duty credit; all joint duty provisions apply, including tour length and early release requirements. Officers in grades 0-1 and 0-2 may not be assigned to S-JDAs.

Experience-Joint Duty Assignment (E-JDA) - Experience Path Through which an officer accumulates an equivalent level of joint experience. Discretionary points, to include joint exercises,joint training, and other education that contributes on an officer's expertise in joint matters, may be · combined with E-JDA points to achieve the minimum points required for each qualification level.

• This is a non-JDAL assignment or experience that demonstrates an officer's mastery of knowledge, skills, and ability in joint matters.

• Officers nominate via the self-nomination web-based application found at <https//www.dmdc.osd.miVappj/jmis/>.

• Officers submit their self-nominated joint experience to their respective Military Service Personnel Center for processing within 1 year of completing their joint experience. Refer to reference (c) for additional information.

• Submissions are first screened and vetted by the Service Joint Officer Management and Personnel/Human Resource staffs before being forwarded to the Joint Staff for evaluation by a Joint Experience Review Panel.

• Officers in the grade of0-7 (or 0 -7 select) should contact their Service General or Flag Officer Matters office for details on how to self-nominate experiences

• The Joint Experience Review Panels will consider and adjudicate self-nominated experiences, unless addressed specifically in the Joint Staff, JI, JQS experience review guidance. The Joint Staff, J 1/JOM, schedules panel dates, request Service nominations for panel membership and sets self-nomination experience submission suspense dates prior to the panel review. The Joint Staff JI, will serve as the panel chair for 0-6 panels; conversely, an 0-6 from the Joint Staff Jl, will serve as the panel chair for 0-5 and below.

o The Panel may: (I) recommend disapproval of the experience as clearly not having met the standard; (2) validate the experience as meeting the standard and determine the intensity factor to be applied. Intensity factor is based on location of experience. If experience is gained in a hostile fire pay or imminent danger pay area (determined by OSD) then that experiences receives an intensity factor multiplier of 3. All others are intensity factor I. CJCS may award intensity factor 2 for rare experiences, such as Katrina disaster relief; or (3) take no action.


Page 5: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report

o The Panel forwards a recommendation that officers with validated joint experiences be awarded joint experience points by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; recommendations for disapproval are also forwarded. The Vice Director, Joint Staff, has been delegated approval authority on behalf of the Chairman.

Combination of S•JDA and E•JDA A combination ofS.JDA time served and E·JDAjoint experiences (to include experience and discretionary points as noted above) that are combined to meet the minimum 36 months/points requirement, although over 36 months/points may be required due to the 12·month recency requirements.

• ParHime officers obtain full joint duty credit in a parMime JDAL position upon completion of one of the three different paths. To earn full tour credit in part.time JDAL position, an officer must complete all participation requirements in a part•time S·JDA positon and the required number ofE.JDA points. See table below.

!Years ins. f+ Experience !Minimum Annual ~DA 0 oints loarticipation in

S•JDA (days a year)

0·6 and Below

6. Year S·JDA Credit 6 0 66

3·Year s.JDAJE.JDA 13 10 ~6

2•Year s.JDAfE.JDA 12 18 ~6

O· 7 and Above

IF ull G/FO S•JDA Credit 4 0 ki6

IGIFO s.JDAfE.JDA ~ 7 36

Levels of Joint Qualification

An Officer's eligibility for consideration to be awarded joint qualifications level II• IV will be based on the completion of the requisite education, joint experience points and discretionary points. See table below.



I Ill


a. Awarded upon completion of JPME Phase I and accrual of 18 points and certification by the CJCS or his or her designee.

b. A minimum of 12 points must come from joint experience.

c. A maximum of 6 discretionary points may be derived from joint training, joint exercises, and other education.

NOTE: Officers who have full joint tour credit and have completed JPME Phase I may be nominated by their Service, in accordance with procedures established by the CJCS, to be designated as Level II.

a. Awarded upon completion of JPME Phase II or AJPME (RC officers not on the ADL) and accrual ofa minimum of36 total points (based on Level II point requirements, normally 18 more points since Level II) or full joint duty credit, and certification by the Secretary of Defense or his or her designee.

b. A minimum of24 points must come fromjoint experience.

c. A maximum of 12 discretionary points may be derived from joint raining, joint exercise, and other education.

. --------5

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~----d. Recency requirement: a minimum of 12 points must come from joint experience earned in the grade of 0-4 or higher.

e. Fonnal designation: JQO.

f. JQO is required for appointment as an 0-7 (AOL Officers Only).

IV G/FO Only

a. Awarded upon completion of Capstone and accrual of 24 joint experience points or full joint GI~ credit from an assignment after completing at least 14 months in a G/FO joint billet in OSD, the Joint Staff, CCMD headquarters (HQ) joint task force (JTF) HQs, or Defense Agencies and DoD Field Activities, hold designation as a JQO, and certification by the Secretary of Defense or his or her designee.

b. Officers must be a GIFO (for pay purposes) for at least 1 day while filling the G/FO S-JDA or during the period for which joint experience points are earned.

Joint Matters - Statutory Definition

Whether validating a position for placement on the JDAL or validating individual experiences, the criteria that must be met in the statutory definition of"joint matters" - both "what you do" and "who you do it with" aspects:

• WHAT: Matters related to the achievement of unified action by integrated military forces in operations conducted across domains such as land, sea or air, in space, or in the infonnation environment, including matters relating to:

• National military strategy; • Strategic planning and contingency planning; • Command and control of operations under unified command; • National security planning with other departments and agencies of the United States; • Combined operations with military forces of allied nations; or • Acquisition matters addressed by military personnel and covered under chapter 87 of Title I 0


• WHO: In the context of joint matters, the tenn "integrated military forces" refers to military forces that are involved in the planning or execution (or both) of operations involving participants from

• more than one military department; or • military department and one or more of the following:

• Other departments and agencies of the United States; • The military forces or agencies of other countries; or • Non-governmental persons or entities.

Joint Training Course Certification The infonnation below details the guidelines, preparation and conduct of the individual joint training certification process (this process shall not be construed to include the legislatively mandated Process for Accreditation of the Joint Education (P AJE) directed in CJCS policy through the OPMEP).

Providing warfighters with effective and accurate individual joint training and education is essential to the successful employment of the U.S. joint forces. Individual joint training and education must be based upon approved joint doctrine, validated and approved joint concepts, or vetted best practices where doctrinal voids exist. The individual joint training certification process includes five stages, initiation, validation, course review, database entry and certification or recertification package completion. Additional infonnation can be found in reference d.


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Organizations will submit documentation supporting the eight certification criteria listed below, for new or existing training content through a Request for Certification (RFC) directly to the Joint Staff J7 certification team. The eight joint course certification criteria are:

• Content must meet a joint training requirement that supports a joint operational need as identified in a Combatant Commander's joint training plan, or any other strategic authoritative joint document.

• Content must be in accordance current joint doctrine, which can be found on the Joint Electronic Library Plus (JEL+).

• Leaming objectives must link to current Universal Joint Tasks (UJTs) that can be searched via the Universal Joint Task List (UJTL) on the JEL+.

• Course must have an assessment that tests and documents a learner's achievement of the training objectives. The course must have an evaluation standard, such as pass/fail or minimum score.

• Course must have a lifecycle maintenance plan. Courses that have been certified as joint must be reviewed, updated, and recertified regularly to reflect revisions in joint doctrine, time-sensitive information, and/or content modifications to ensure content currency and accuracy.

• Course should support the interest of two or more Military Departments and be accessible to all Service personnel who meet course requirements. Ideally, the intent is for all Services to be able to accept the program of instruction as meeting appropriate course content.

• Course should not duplicate existing material. • Joint course instructors must possess relevant experience and knowledge of joint operations and/or

activities related to the course. This criteria is not applicable to web-based instruction.

Course certification will expire three years from the date certified. Extensions will be granted on a case by case basis, NOT to exceed 6 months. The Office of Primary Responsibility (QPR) can pull certification at any time.

Joint certified courses can be found in Appendix A, and joint certified exercises can be found in Appendix C. JQO points may be accrued by completing joint certified individual training courses.

Discretionary Points

JQS acknowledges officers may gain expertise in joint matters based on their participation in joint exercises, other forms of joint training (does not apply when attending as a student), and education other than JPME and that these types of opportunities may also gamer discretionary points. However, discretionary points alone will not enable an officer to earn joint qualification. Officers may not be awarded discretionary points for ' 'joint exercises" while serving in an S-JDA tour or during any period for which the officer is awarded E-JDA points.

Discretionary points may be earned from joint exercises and joint training/education ( to include resident and distance learning joint courses) that contribute to an officer's expertise in joint matter. Discretionary points are designated by the Joint Staff, J-7, and must have direct relevance to the definition of joint matters:

• Exercise points will be determined by the individual's participation related to joint matters as follows: o Leader: three (3) points. Exercises formal authority and direction over significant organizational

elements or major tasks. o Planner: two (2) points. Serves as the focal point for an activity or organization and is empowered

to speak on behalf of their organization and make commitments for specified support. o Participant: one ( 1) point. A person actively involved in an event capable of making positive

contributions to the mission.

• Joint training/education will be assigned joint qualification points based on course content and duration.


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Point Accrual Fonnula

Hours Training <16 hours 16 - 39 hours 40 - 59 hours 60- 99 hours ~ 100 hours

Number JOO Points 0 points 0.5 point 1 point 1.5 points 2 points

Approved joint experience points are derived from the duration and intensity of a joint experience, and equal the number of approved joint experience days divided by 30.4, with the result multiplied by an approved intensity factor. For the Reserve Component, the calculation of approved joint experience days performed as Inactive Duty Training is divided by half. The intensity is determined by the location and environment (combat, non-combat, and steady­state) in which the joint experience is gained.

• Combat: intensity factor of three. The intensity factor is correlated to the receipt of hostile fire/imminent danger pay as specified in Volume 7 of the DoD Financial Management Regulation 7000, Chapter IO, Figure 10-1.

• Non-combat: intensity factor of two. These experiences are significantly more intense than steady-state experiences. The CJCS must identify and certify which events and operations will qualify in this category. The Combatant Command may nominate operations for consideration. Examples include but are not limited to military actions other than war, such as humanitarian relief/disaster assistance and overseas drug interdiction operations (e.g. Hurricane Katrina and tsunami relief).

• Other assignments or steady-state: intensity factor of one. This includes any joint duty assignment that does not qualify under sections above. This may also include joint experiences gained while assigned to a Military Service position, excluding those qualifying for combat experiences.

Point Accrual Formula

Joint EXPERIENCE Points = Duration (Months) x Intensity Factor• •combat: 3, Non-Combat: 2, Steady-state: 1

DISCRETIONARY Points .., Education + Training+ Exercise

Education / Training "' degree or certification related to "Joint Matters" [Pts TBD] Exercise Points Role [Participant ( 1 pt), Key Participant/Planner (2pts), Leader (3pts)]


A JOM- JQS portal site has been created as a useful tool for obtaining information on the program, this site can be found at J1AQls,:lf>l-'£ jgsi,!SitePages/Home.ajp4 .


Page 9: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report



Course Method: Courses are identified as Distributed Leaming (DL), Institutional Leaming (IL), or Blended Leaming (BL).

Course Number: Courses identified as IL and BL are assigned independently by the school (or QPR); DL course numbers are assigned by JS J7 JKO Division.

Course Taxonomy: The DL course number taxonomy is defined as: Joint Functional Area, Levels of War, Origin of Course, and Course numbering-course module. For example: BOP-US 124.

Joint Functional Area Levels of War Jl: Joint Personnel TA: Tactical Level Infonnation J2: Joint Intelligence OP: Operational Level lnfonnation J3: Joint Operations SN: Strategic National Level lnfonnation 14: Joint Logistics ST: Strategic Theater Level Information J5: Joint Plans J6: Joint Communications 17: Joint Training JS: Joint Integration Level Infonnation J9: Joint Experimentation Origin of Course Course Numbering-Course Module US: US Course 001-02: Course Number-Module Number MN: Multinational Course

Course Legend: Used in Tables A I - A4

••• First-time certified courses ### Courses that are part of a curriculum.

Note: Users should enroll in the applicable curriculum vice enrolling in the individual courses if credit for completion of the entire curriculum is desired. (See Table A-3 for the joint certified curriculum list)

+++ DL courses not located on JKO Contact the OPR for information on accessing these courses. QPR information can be found in Aooendix E.


Page 10: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report

l)JSJ7 Table A-1: Courses Listed by Certification Date

NOTE: Courses certified during this quarter are posted above the dark gray line. Existing certified courses currently undergoing the joint recertification process are found in Appendix 8.

Mc1hod ~ Ci!um;: Jju!I!hcr r ...,ttl'Si' Till" Unul"S ~s C.~ed IL JSJ7 NIA Joint Staff Special Technical 28 0.5 14-Sep-2016

Operations (STO) Planners Course

IL JS JS NIA •••United States Anny 20 0.5 7-Sep-2016 Consequence Management Module

IL DTRA NIA •••Joint Countering Weapons of 35 0.5 18-Aug-2016 Mass Destruction Planners Course (JCPC)

DL JPRA PR 102 Fundamentals of Personnel 4 0 2-Aug-2016 Rccoverv

BL JCITA NIA Advanced Counterintelligence 440 2 I 8-Jul-20 I 6 Collections Course (ACICC)

BL JCITA NIA Advanced Foreign 858 2 I 8-Jul-2016 Counterintelligence Operations Course (AFCIOC)

IL JOTC J02101 JOPES Action Officer Course 40 I I 8-Jul-2016 (JAOC)

IL JS J39 NIA Joint Meteorology and 32 0.5 I 8-Jul-2016 Oceanography (METOC) Officer (JMO) Course (JMOC)

BL JDTC JD1102 JOPES Support Personnel 42 I I 8-Jul-2016 USPC) Course

BL JDTC GFI 102 Joint Capabilities Requirements 26 0.5 18-Jul-2016 Manager CJCRM) Course

IL DIO NIA Defense Readiness Reporting 24 0.5 I 8-Jul-2016 System (DRRS) Operational Emolovrnent Course (OE)

BL HT-JCOE NIA Defense Strategic Debriefing 200 2 I 8-Ju\-2016 Course (DSDC)

' • 4 '

BL HT-JCOE NIA Source Operations Course 528 2 2-Jun-2016 (SOC)

DL JS J7 J4OP-USI 144 ### Joint Force Commander 2 0 2-Jun-2016 (JFC) I 00 Module 4: Joint Force Sustainment

DL AFSPC/A3T IOS-COFC 001 +t+Cyber Operations 44 I 2-Jun-2016 Fundamentals Course ICOFC)

IL PRETC PR301 Personnel Recovery Planning 70 1.5 2-Jun-2016 and Operations

IL PRETC PR290 Joint Personnel Recovery for 19 0.5 2-Jun-2016 Commanders and Staff

BL U.S. Army 4A-F I 6/030-F20 Joint Engineer Operations 60.7 1.5 2-May-2016 Enl!ineer School Course (JEOC)

IL USCENTCOM CENTCOM _ 0 I 00 United States Central Command 16 0.5 25-Apr-2016 Staff Orientation Course

IL USSOUTHCOM NIA USSOUTHCOM Defense 23.5 0.5 11-Apr-2016 Readiness Reporting System Operational Employment (DRRS OE) Course

I DL JS J7 Curriculum Joint Force Commander (JFC) 13.5 0 3 l-Mar-20 I 6 Online Leamini: Package


Page 11: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report

* JSJ7 Method OPR Course Number Course Title Hours Points Certified BL USASOC NIA Advanced Special Operations 920 2 I 0-Mar-2016

Techniques Level Ill Course (ASOTC)

BL USAJCoE NIA Counterintelligence Special 680 2 26-Jan-2016 Agent Course (CISAC)

BL USAICoE NIA Counterintelligence Officers 680 2 26-Jon-2016 Course (CIOC)

DL DMRTI NIA Emergency Preparedness 8 0 14-Jan-2016 Response Course (EPRC) Operator

IL DMRTI NIA Joint Medical Operations Course 40 I 14-Jon-2016 OMOC)

DL DMRTI NIA Emergency Preparedness 8 0 I 4-Jon-2016 Response Course (EPRC) Clinician

IL Joint Military DIA-019581 Human Factors Analysis Course 40 I 12-Jan-2016 Intelligence Traininl! Center

IL DMRTI NIA Joint Senior Medical Leaders 37 0.5 23-Dec-2015 Course (JSMLC

IL DNWS DNWS-NW-110 Nuclear Weapons Orientation 36 0.5 23-Dec-2015 Course (NWOC)

IL DNWS DNWS NW-201M Joint DOD-DOE Nuclear 8 0 23-Dec-2015 Security Executive Course (JNSEC) Mobile Training Team (Mm

IL DNWS Varies Joint DOD-DOE Nuclear 16 0.5 23-Dec-2015 SL-curity Executive Course <JNSEC)

IL DNWS DNWS. NW 305 Theater Nuclear Operations 36 0.5 23-Dec-2015 Course (TNOC)

IL DNWS Varies Nuclear Policy Course (NucPol) 40 I 23-Dt.-c-2015

IL DNWS DNWS- NRI0I Nuclear Emergency Team 80 1.5 23-Dec-2015 Ooerations Course (NETOP)

IL DNWS DNWS- NW 11 OM Nuclear Weapons Orientation 24 0.5 23-Dec-2015 Course (NWOC) Mobile Traininl! Team <Mm

DL JS J7 J3OP-USI 145 ### Joint Force Commander 2 0 14-Dec-2015 (JFC) I 00 Module 5: Joint Operations Planning

DL JS J7 J3OP-USI 143 ### Joint Force Commander 2 0 14-Dec-2015 (JFC) IO0 Module 3: Joint Ooerations

BL JFSC NIA Joint Information Operations 171 2 14-Dec-2015 (10) Planners' Course (JIOPC)

BL JFSC NIA Defense Operations Security 49 I 7-Dec-2015 (OPSEC) Planners' Course <DOPC)

IL AFSPC A2/3/6T CYBERIFTU Cyber Intelligence Formal 80 1.5 1O-Nov-2015 (ETCA) Training Unit (CIFTU)

DL JS J7 J3OP-USI 146 ### Joint Force Commander I 0 21-0ct-2015 (JFC) I 00 Module 6: Joint Command, Control and Communications Course

IL OSD(l) Initiatives NIA Information Environment 80 1.5 2I-Oct-2015 Group Advanced Analysis (IEAA)


Page 12: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report


Method OPR Course Number Course Title Hours Points Certified IL MDA GCC609 Ground-based M idcourse 40 I 13-0ct-2015

Defense (GMO) Configuration Course

BL JDTC SA2103 Global Command and Control 34 0.5 J 3-Oct-20 I 5 System-Joint (GCCS-J) Integrated Imagery and Intelligence (13) Operator Course

BL JDTC SAII02 Global Command and Control 40 I I 3-Oct-20 I 5 System-Joint (GCCS-J) Common Operational Picture (COP) Basic Operator Course

IL JFCC IMDJ7 MD330 Missile Defense Crisis Action 25 0.5 I 7-Scp-2015 Planning and Employment Course (Previously called: Missile Defense Operator Course)

BL JFCC IMDJ7 MD250 Missile Defense Deliberate 25 0.5 I 7-Scp-2015 Planning Course (Previously called! Missile Defense Planner Course)

BL HT-JCOE NfA Joint HUMINT & Analysis 112 2 8-Sep-2015 Tar_getin_g Course (JHATC)

BL AFIT WCYBER200 Cyberspace 200 150 2 3 I-Aug-20 I 5

BL AFIT WCYBER300 Cyberspace 300 95 1.5 3I-Aug-2015

IL USAID NIA Joint Humanitarian Operations 16 0.5 25-Aug-2015 Course (JHOC)

IL DMRTI DMRTI-US004 Public Health Emergency 40 I 3-Aug-2015 Mana_gement Course (PHEMC)

IL AETC E3OBRl7D1 Undergraduate Cyberspace 560 2 3-Aug-2015 002A Training (phase 2)

IL JFCC IMDJ7 MD370 Missile Defense Asset 14 0 3-Aug-2015 Manal!ement User Course

IL AETC E3OQR17D1 Undergraduate Cyberspace 360 2 3-Aug-2015 00IA Training (phase I)

IL JFSC NIA Joint lnfonnation Operations 34.5 0.5 21-Jul-20 I 5 Orientation Course {JIOOC)

IL USNORTHCOM NIA Domestic JTF Commander 45 I 25-Jun-2015 Training Course (JCTC)

IL MDA CGG607 GMO Missile Defense Officer 145.5 2 24-Jun-2015 (MDO) Course

DL JS J7 J3OP-US1147 ### Joint Force Commander 1.5 0 8-Jun-2015 (JFC) I 00 Module 7: Joint Fires and Joint Tar_getin_g

IL JEWC NIA Joint Electronic Warfare Theater 52.5 I 8-Jun-2015 Operations Course (JEWTOC)

IL JFCC 1MDJ7 MD220 Missile Defense Staff Basic 18 0.5 3-Jun-2015 Course

BL MAGTF NIA United States Marine Corps 460 2 27-May-2015 CIIHUMIT Marine Air-Ground Task Force School (MAGTF) Counterintelligence

(Cl) Course Module BL Defense Cover NIA Advanced Technicians Course 144 2 27-May-2015

Office IL USCYBERCOM, A-531-0031; Joint Network Attack Course 160 2 27-May-2015

J72 X5AZIN451- (JNAC) OA4A


Page 13: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report

~ ISJ7

Method OPR Course Number Course Title Hours Points Certified DL JS J7 J3SN-USI 148 ### Joint Force Commander 1.5 0 27-May-2015

(JFC) 100 Module 8: lnterorganizational Coordination and Multinational Oocrations

IL DINFOS DINFOS-JSP AC Joint Senior Public Affairs 76 1.5 I 7-Apr-20 I 5 Course

IL DINFOS DINFOS-JIPAC Joint Intermediate Public Affairs 208 2 17-Apr-2015 Course

DL USTRANSCOM/ J4OP-USI 16 Joint Deployment Distribution 17 0.5 3I-Mar-2015 TCJI-C Ooerations Center (JDDOC)

IL USNORTHCOM NIA Joint Reception Staging Onward 24 0.5 24-Mar-20 I 5 Movement and Integration Training Course (JRSOITC)

IL USNORTHCOM NIA Joint Operations Center Training 32 0.5 I 0-Mar-2015 Course (JOCTC)

IL USAF-505th USAF PDS: 77L Joint Air Operations Command 71.35 1.5 10-Mar-2015 Training and Control Course (JAOC2C) Squadron

IL DIA Academy for DIA006011 Defense Intelligence Agency's 40 I 25-Feb-2015 Defense Intelligence Support to Intelligence Information Ooerations

DL JID J3OP-USJ09 Link 16 Joint Interoperability 34 0.5 25-Feb-2015 Course

BL Marine Corps NIA Marine Air Ground Task Force 2000 2 12-Dec-2014 Intelligence (MAGTF) Joint Interrogation Schools Module

IL JS J4 NIA Joint Operational Contract 68 1.5 12-Dec-2014 Support Planning and Execution Course CJOPEC)

DL JS J7 J3OP-USI 142 ### Joint Force Commander 1.5 0 12-Dec-2014 (JFC) I 00 Module 2: Joint lntclJigence

IL JFCC IMDJ7 MD 170 Missile Defense Asset 6 0 12-Dec-2014 Management Familiarization Course

IL JFSC S365 Joint Military Deception 68 1.5 3-0ct-2014 Training Course (JMTC) (Formerly called: Defense Military Deception Training Course (DMTC))

DL DMRTI J3OP-US262 Emergency Preparedness 3 0 3-0ct-2014 Response Course Executive/Commander

DL DMRTI J3OP-US261-HB Emergency Preparedness 1.5 0 29-Scp-2014 Response Course • Basic Awareness

IL DINFOS DINFOS-JCP AC Joint Contingency Public Affairs 76 1.5 2-Sep-2014 Course (Formerly called: Joint Expeditionary Public Affairs Course)

IL NSSI SOPSC V3 051 Space 300 118 2 25-Aug-2014

IL USAF-505th AOCIQTIAMD Air Operations Center (AOC) 34.4 0.5 13-Aug-2014 Training PDS0YF Initial Qualification Training Squadron (IQT) Integrated Air and Missile

Defense (IAMD) IL NSSI SOPSC V3 050 Space 200 159 2 13-Aug-2014


Page 14: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report

Method OPR Course Number Course Title Hours Points Certified BL JCITA NIA DOD Counterintelligence Agent 488 2 I 3-Aug-2014

Course <DCAC) DL JID JKO: J7S-JTI 00 Link 16 Basics 3.25 0 16-Jul-2014

IL U.S. Anny Fires 2E-SIL7/250- Joint Fires Observer 72 1.5 9-Jul-2014 Center of ASIL7(MC) Excellence

BL JFSC NIA Joint Command, Control, 107 2 9-Jul-2014 Communications, Computers and lntclligcncc/Cybcr Staff and Oocrations Course (JC41CSOC)

IL U.S. Anny 8A-FS4/552• Joint Logistics Course 80 1.5 9-Jul-2014 Logistics F6(MC) University

DL USNORTHCOM JDOC.cVI +++Joint Domestic Operations 50 I 9-Jul-2014 Course (JDOC)

DL JPRA J3T A-US022 SERE I 00.1 Level A Code of 6 0 9-Jun-2014 Conduct Traininl! Course

IL JTS NfA Joint Targeting Staff 40 I 4-Jun-2014 Familiarization Course

IL JID JT IOI Introduction to Multi-Tactical 36.5 0.5 4-Jun-2014 Data Link (TDL) Network (MTN) Ooerations Course

BL U.S. Anny NIA Anny Joint Interrogation 2000 2 3-Jun-2014 Intelligence Training Module Center and School

IL JCITA NIA Counterintelligence Collection 120 2 27-May-2014 in a Cyber Environment Course (CICCEC)

IL NDU RCNSC Reserve Component National 100 2 23-Apr-20 I 4 Securitv Course (RCNSC)

IL MDA SBC604 Ground-based M idcourse 36.S 0.5 16-Apr-2014 Defense (GMD) Basic Course

IL USNORTHCOM NfA Joint Force Headquarters/Joint 24 0.5 I 6-Apr-2014 Task Force Stoff Training Course CJSTC)

IL MDA CMOCBC605 Ground-based Midcoursc 32 0.5 I 6-Apr-2014 Defense (GMD) NORADIUSNORTHCOM Command Center (N2C2) Busic Course

DL JSOU soc 1610 +++Joint Special Operation Task 19 0.5 2-Apr-2014 Force (JSOTF) Level I Course-Previously culled Joint Spcciol Operations University (JSOU), Joint Special Operation Task Force (JSOTF) Course

IL JFSC NA Homeland Security Planners 40 I 2-Apr-2014 Course (HLSPC)

IL HT-JCOE NA Defense Advanced Tradccrafi 744 2 2-Apr-2014 Course(DATC)

BL ARNORTH ATRRS-250 Defense Support of Civil 36 0.5 2-Apr-2014 Authorities (DSCA) Phase II Resident Course

IL NMITC NIA Marine Air-Ground Tusk Force 792 2 25-Mor-2014 CIIHUMINT Course

IL UFMCS 9E-SI/ASl7Gl920- Stop-Gap Red Teom Leaders 372 2 7-Mar-2014 ASl7G-ALT Course


Page 15: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report

Me1hod QPR Course Number Course Title Hours Points Certified IL UFMCS 9E-SIIASl7Gf920- Red Team Leaders Course 732 2 7-Mar-2014

ASl7G IL UFMCS 9E-S1/ ASl7 J/920- Red Team Member Course 220 2 7-Mar-2014

ASl7J IL JTS S357 CDP: 4904 Battle Damage Assessment 40 I 6-Mar-2014

(BDA) Course IL JTS S359 CDP: 4902 Joint Targeting Staff Course 85 1.5 6-Mar-2014

IL JTS S360 CDP: 4901 Joint Targeting Applications 40 I 20-Feb-2014 Course

IL JTS S366; CDP: 05YG Collateral Damage Estimation 40 I 7-Feb-2014 /COE)

DL ARNORTH J3ST-US0I0 Defense Support of Civil 8 0 2I-Jan-2014 Authorities (DSCA) Phase I Course

IL JID JT-201 Multi-Tactical Data Link (TDL) 80 1.5 7-Nov-2013 Planner Course

IL JID JT-310 Advanced Joint Interface 156 2 7-Nov-2013 Control Cell (JICC} Operator Course (AJOC)

IL JID JT-102 Multi-Tactical Data Link (TDL) 80 1.5 7-Nov-2013 Advanced Joint Interoperability Course (MAJIC)

IL JID JT-301 Joint Interface Control Officer 156 2 7-Nov-2013 (JICO) Course

IL JID JT-220 Link 16 Unit Manager Course 40 I 7-Nov-2013 /LUM)

BL JDTC SA2I02 Global Command and Control 40 I 24-Oct-2013 System - Joint (GCCS-J) Common Operational Picture (COP) Advanced Operator Course

DL JSJ7 BOP-US\141 ### Joint Force CommandL'T 2 0 14-Dec-2012 (JFC) I 00 Module I: Joint Fundamentals


Page 16: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report


Table A-2: Courses Listed Alphabetically by Course Title

Method OPR Course Number Course Title Hours Points Certified BL JCITA NIA Advanced Counterintelligence 440 2 l 8-Jul-2016

Collections Course (ACICC) BL JCITA NIA Advanced Foreign 858 2 I 8-Jul-2016

Counterintelligence Operations Course (AFCIOC)

IL JID JT-310 Advanced Joint Interface 156 2 7-Nov-2013 Control Cell (JICC) Operator Course I AJOC)

BL USASOC NIA Advanced Special Operations 920 2 I O-Mar-20 I 6 Techniques Level Ill Course (ASOTC)

BL Defense Cover NIA Advanced Technicians Course 144 2 27-May-2015 Office

IL USAF-505th AOCIQTIAMD Air Operations Center (AOC) 34.4 0.5 l 3-Aug-2014 Training PDS0YF Initial Qualification Training Squadron (JQn Integrated Air and Missile

Defense (IAMD) BL U.S. Army NIA Army Joint Interrogation 2000 2 3-Jun-2014

lntell igence Training Module Center and School

IL JTS S357 CDP: 4904 Battle Damage Assessment 40 I 6-Mar-2014 (BOA) Course

IL JTS S366; CDP; 05YG Collateral Damage Estimation 40 I 7-Feb-2014 (CDE)

IL JCITA NIA Counterintelligence Collection 120 2 27-May-2014 in a Cyb<.T Environment Course (CICCEC)

BL USAICoE NIA Counterintelligence Officers 680 2 26-Jan-2016 Course (CIOC)

BL USAICoE NfA Counterintelligence Special 680 2 26-Jan-2016 Al!ent Course (CISAC)

IL AFSPC A2/3/6T CYBERIFTU Cyber Intelligence Formal 80 1.5 I 0-Nov-2015 (ETCA) Trainin11: Unit (CIFTU)

DL AFSPC/A3T IOS-COFC 001 +++Cyber Operations 44 I 2-Jun-2016 Fundamentals Course (COFC)

BL AFIT WCYBER200 Cyberspace 200 150 2 3 l-Aug-20 I 5

BL AFIT WCYBER300 Cyberspace 300 95 1.5 31-Aug-2015

BL JCITA NIA DOD Counterintelligence Agent 488 2 l 3-Aug-2014 Course (DCAC)

IL HT-JCOE NA Defense Advanced Tradecrnft 744 2 2-Apr-2014 Course (DATC)

IL DIA Academy for DIA00601 l Defense Intelligence Agency's 40 I 25-Feb-2015 Defense Intelligence Support to lntelli~ence Information Oaerations

BL JFSC NIA Defense Operations Security 49 I 7-Dec-2015 (OPSEC) Planners' Course (DOPC)

IL DIO NIA Defense Readiness Reporting 24 0.5 l 8-Jul-2016 System (DRRS) Operational Emolovment Course (OE)

BL HT-JCOE NIA Defense Strategic Debriefing 200 2 l 8-Jul-2016 Course (DSDC)


Page 17: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report

Method OPR Course Number Course Title Hours Points Certified DL ARNORTH J3ST-US0I0 Defense Support of Civil 8 0 2 I -Jan-2014

Authorities (DSCA) Phase I Course

BL ARNORTH ATRRS-250 Defense Support of Civil 36 0.5 2-Apr-2014 Authorities (OSCA) Phase II Resident Course

IL USNORTHCOM NIA Domestic JTF Commander 45 I 25-Jun-2015 Trainine Course (JCTC)

DL DMRTI J3OP-US262 Emergency Preparedness 3 0 3-0ct-2014 Response Course Executive/Commander

DL DMRTI NIA Emergency Preparedness 8 0 I 4-Jan-2016 Response Course (EPRC) Clinician

DL DMRTI NIA Emergency Preparedness 8 0 14-Jan-2016 Response Course (EPRC) Ooerator

DL DMRTI J3OP-US261-HB Emergency Preparedness 1.5 0 29-Scp-2014 Response Course - Basic Awareness

DL JPRA PR 102 Fundamentals of Personnel 4 0 2-Aug-2016 Recovery

IL MDA CGG607 GMO Missile Defense Officer 145.5 2 24-Jun-2015 (MOO) Course

BL JDTC SA2102 Global Command and Control 40 I 24-Oct-2013 System• Joint (GCCS-J) Common Operational Picture (COP) Advanced Operator Course

BL JDTC SAi 102 Global Command and Control 40 I 13-0ct-2015 System-Joint (GCCS-J) Common Operational Picture (COP) Basic Ooerator Course

BL JDTC SA2103 Global Command and Control 34 0.5 13-0ct-2015 System-Joint (GCCS-J) Integrated Imagery and Intelligence (13) Operator Course

IL MDA SBC604 Ground-based Midcourse 36.5 0.5 16-Apr-2014 Defense (GMO) Basic Course

IL MDA GCC609 Ground-based Midcourse 40 I 13-0ct-2015 Defense (GMO) Configuration Course

IL MDA CMOCBC605 Ground-based M idcourse 32 0.5 16-Apr-2014 Defense (GMO) NORAD/'USNORTHCOM Command Center (N2C2) Basic Course

IL JFSC NA Homeland Security Planners 40 I 2-Apr-2014 Course (HLSPC)

IL Joint Military DIA-019581 Human Factors Analysis Course 40 I 12-Jan-2016 Intelligence Trainine Center

IL OSO(1) Initiatives NIA lnfonnation Environment 80 1.5 21-0ct-2015 Group Advanced Analysis (IEAA)

IL JID JT 101 Introduction lo Multi-Tactical 36.5 0.5 4-Jun-2014 Data Link {TDL) Network (MTN) Operations Course


Page 18: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report

Method OPR Course Number Course Title Hours Points Cenified

IL JDTC JD2101 JOPES Action Officer Course 40 I \ 8-Jul-2016 (JAOC)

BL JDTC JD\ 102 JOPES Support Personnel 42 I \ 8-Jul-2016 (JSPC) Course

IL USAF-505th USAF PDS: 77L Joint Air Operations Command 71.35 1.5 10-Mar-2015 Training and Control Course (JAOC2C) Sauadron

BL JDTC GFI 102 Joint Capabilities Requirements 26 0.5 l 8-Jul-2016 ManaJter (JCRM) Course

BL JFSC NIA Joint Command, Control, 107 2 9-Jul-2014 Communications, Computers and lntelligencc/Cybcr Staff and Ooerations Course (JC4ICSOC)

IL DINFOS DINFOS-JCPAC Joint Contingency Public Affairs 76 1.5 2-Sep-2014 Course (Formerly called: Joint Expeditionary Public Affairs Course)

IL DTRA NIA ••• Joint Countering Weapons of 35 0.5 18-Aug-2016 Mass Destruction Planners Course (JCPC)

IL DNWS Varies Joint DOD-DOE Nuclear 16 0.5 23-Dec-20 I 5 Security Executive Course (JNSEC)

IL DNWS DNWS NW-201M Joint DOD-DOE Nuclear 8 0 23-Dcc-2015 Security Executive Course (JNSEC) Mobile Training Team (MTT)

DL USTRANSCOM/ J4OP-USI 16 Joint Deployment Distribution 17 0.5 31-Mar-2015 TCJI-C Operations Center (JDDOC)

DL USNORTHCOM JDOC.cVI +++ Joint Domestic Operations 50 I 9-Jul-2014 Course (JDOC)

IL JEWC NIA Joint Electronic Warfare Theater 52.5 I 8-Jun-2015 Operations Course (JEWTOC)

BL U.S. Anny 4A•F I 6/030-F20 Joint Engineer Operations 60.7 1.5 2-May-2016 Engineer School Course (JEOC)

IL U.S. Anny Fires 2E-SIL 7/250• Joint Fires Observer 72 1.5 9-Jul-2014 Center of ASIL7 (MC) Excellence

DL JSJ7 J3OP-USI 141 ### Joint Force Commander 2 0 14-Dec-2012 (JFC) 100 Module I: Joint Fundamentals

DL JS J7 J3OP-USI 142 ### Joint Force Commander 1.5 0 12-Dec-2014 (JFC) I 00 Module 2: Joint Intelligence

Top of JS J7 J3OP-USI 143 ### Joint Force Commander 2 0 14-Dec-2015 Form (JFC) 100 Module 3: Joint DL Operations Bottom ofForm DL JS 17 J4OP-USI 144 ### Joint Force Commander 2 0 2-Jun-2016

(JFC) I 00 Module 4; Joint Force Sustainment

DL JSJ7 J3OP-USI 145 ### Joint Force Commander 2 0 14-Dec-2015 (JFC) 100 Module 5: Join! Operations Plannin~


Page 19: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report

Method OPR Course Number Course Title Hours Points Certified DL JS J7 J3OP-US1146 ### Joint Force Commander 1 0 21-Oct-2015

(JFC) I 00 Module 6: Joint Command, Control and Communications Course

DL JS J7 J3OP-US1147 ### Joint Force Commander 1.5 0 8-Jun-201 S (JFC) 100 Module 7: Joint fires and Joint Tan.?eting

DL JS J7 J3SN-US1148 ### Joint Force Commander 1.5 0 27-May-2015 (JFC) 100 Module 8: lnterorganizational Coordination and Multinational Operations

DL JS J7 Curriculum Joint Force Commander (JFC) 13.5 0 3I-Mar-2016 Online Leaming Package

IL USNORTHCOM NIA Joint Force Headquarters/Joint 24 0.5 16-Apr-2014 Task Force Staff Training Course (JSTC)

BL HT-JCOE NIA Joint HUM INT & Analysis 112 2 8-Sep-201 S Targeting Course (JHATC)

IL USAID NIA Joint Humanitarian Operations 16 0.5 25-Aug-2015 Course (JHOC)

BL JFSC NIA Joint Information Operations 171 2 14-Dcc-2015 (10) Planners' Course (JIOPC)

IL JFSC NIA Joint Information Operations 34.5 0.5 21-Jul-20 I 5 Orientation Course (JIOOC)

IL JID JT-301 Joint Interface Control Officer 156 2 7-Nov-2013 (JICO) Course

IL DINFOS DINFOS-JIPAC Joint Intermediate Public Affairs 208 2 17-Apr-2015 Course

IL U.S. Army 8A-F54/552- Joint Logistics Course 80 1.5 9-Jul-2014 Logistics F6(MC) Universitv

IL DMRTI NIA Joint Medical Operations Course 40 1 14-Jan-2016 (JMOC)

IL JS J39 NIA Joint Meteorology and 32 0.5 18-Jul-2016 Oceanography (METOC) Officer CJMO) Course CJMOC)

IL JFSC S365 Joint Military Deception 68 1.5 3-0ct-2014 Training Course (JMTC) (Formerly called: Defense Military Deception Training Course CDMTC))

IL USCYBERCOM, A-531-0031; Joint Network Attack Course 160 2 27-May-2015 J72 X5AZIN451- (JNAC)

OA4A IL JS J4 NIA Joint Operational Contract 68 1.5 12-Dec-2014

Support Planning and Execution Course CJOPEC)

IL USNORTHCOM NIA Joint Operations Center Training 32 0.5 IO-Mar-2015 Course (JOCTC)

IL PRETC PR290 Joint Personnel Recovery for 19 0.5 2-Jun-2016 Commanders and Staff

IL USNORTHCOM NIA Joint Reception Staging Onward 24 0.5 24-Mar-20 I 5 Movement and Integration Traininit Course (JRSOITC)

IL DMRTI NIA Joint Senior Medical Leaders 37 0.5 23-Dcc-201 S Course (JSMLC

IL DINFOS DINFOS-JSP AC Joint Senior Public Affairs 76 1.5 17-Apr-2015 Course


Page 20: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report

Method OPR Course Number Course Title Hours Points Certified DL JSOU soc 1610 +++Joint Special Operation Task 19 0.5 2-Apr-2014

Force (JSOTF) Level I Course-Previously called Joint Special Operations University (JSOU), Joint Special Operation Task Force (JSOTF) Course

IL JS J7 NIA Joint Staff Special Technical 28 0.5 14-Sep-2016 Operations (STO) Planners Course

IL JTS S360 CDP: 4901 Joint Targeting Applications 40 I 20-Feb-2014 Course

IL JTS S359 CDP: 4902 Joint Targeting Staff Course 85 1.5 6-Mar-2014

IL JTS NIA Joint Targeting Staff 40 I 4-Jun-2014 Familiarization Course

DL JID JKO: J7S-JTI00 Link 16 Basics 3.25 0 16-Jul-2014

DL JID J3OP-USI09 Link 16 Joint Interoperability 34 0.5 25-Feb-2015 Course

IL JID JT-220 Link 16 Unit Manager Course 40 I 7-Nov-2013 (LUM)

BL Marine Corps NIA Marine Air Ground Task Force 2000 2 12-Dec-2014 Intelligence (MAGTF) Joint Interrogation Schools Module

IL NMITC NIA Marine Air-Ground Task Force 792 2 25-Mar-2014 Cl/HUM INT Course

IL JFCC IMD J7 MD 170 Missile Defense Asset 6 0 12-Dec-2014 Management Familiarization Course

IL JFCC IMO J7 MD370 Missile Defense Asset 14 0 3-Aug-2015 Management User Course

IL JFCC IMO J7 MD330 Missile Defense Crisis Action 25 0.5 17-Sep-2015 Planning and Employment Course (Previously called: Missile Defense Operator Course)

BL JFCC IMDJ7 MD250 Missile Defense Deliberate 25 0.5 17-Sep-2015 Planning Course (Previously called: Missile Defense Planner Course)

IL JFCC IMDJ7 MD220 Missile Defense Stoff Basic 18 0.5 3-Jun-2015 Course

IL JID JT-102 Multi-Tactical Dato Link (TDL) 80 1.5 7-Nov-2013 Advanced Joint Interoperability Course (MAJIC)

IL JID JT-201 Multi-Tactical Data Link (TDL) 80 1.5 7-Nov-2013 Planner Course

IL DNWS DNWS- NRI0I Nuclear Emergency Team 80 1.5 23-Dec-2015 Operations Course (NETOP)

IL DNWS Vories Nuclear Policy Course (NucPol) 40 I 23-Dec-2015

IL DNWS DNWS-NW-110 Nuclear Weapons Orientation 36 0.5 23-Dec-2015 Course (NWOC)

IL DNWS DNWS- NW 11 OM Nuclear Weapons Orientation 24 0.5 23-Dec-2015 Course (NWOC) Mobile Training Team (MTD

IL PRETC PR30I Personnel Recovery Planning 70 1.5 2-Jun-2016 and Ooerations


Page 21: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report

Method OPR Course Number Course Tille Hours Points Ccnified IL DMRTI DMRTI-US004 Public Health Emergency 40 I 3-Aug-2015

Manaeement Course (PHEMC) IL UFMCS 9E-SI/ASl7G/920- Red Team Leaders Course 732 2 7-Mar-2014

ASl7G IL UFMCS 9E-SI/ ASl7 Jf920- Red Team Member Course 220 2 7-Mar-2014

ASJ7J IL NDU RCNSC Reserve Component National 100 2 23-Apr-2014

Securitv Course (RCNSC) DL JPRA J3T A-US022 SERE 100.1 Level A Code of 6 0 9-Jun-2014

Conduct Traininl!: Course BL HT-JCOE NIA Source Operations Course 528 2 2-Jun-2016

(SOC) IL NSSI SOPSC V3 050 Space 200 159 2 13-Aug-20 I 4

IL NSSI SOPSC V3 051 Space 300 118 2 25-Aug-2014

IL UFMCS 9E-SI/ASl7Gf920- Stop-Gap Red Team Leaders 372 2 7-Mar-2014 ASl7G-ALT Course

IL DNWS DNWS-NW 305 Theater Nuclear Operations 36 0.5 23-Dec-2015 Course (TNOC)

IL USSOUTHCOM NIA USSOUTHCOM Defense 23.5 0.5 11-Apr-2016 Readiness Reponing Syslem Operational Employment (DRRS OE) Course

IL AETC E3OQR17D1 Undergraduate Cyberspace 360 2 3-Aug-2015 00IA Trainine (nhnsc I)

IL AETC E3OBRl7D1 Undergraduate Cyberspace 560 2 3-Aug-2015 002A Trainine (nhasc 2)

IL JS J8 NIA ***United States Anny 20 0.5 7-Sep-2016 Consequence Management Module

IL USCENTCOM CENTCOM _ 0 I 00 United States Central Command 16 0.5 25-Apr-2016 Staff Orientation Course

BL MAGTF NIA United States Marine Corps 460 2 27-May-2015 CI/HUMIT Marine Air-Ground Task Force School (MAGTF) Counterintelligence

(Cl) Course Module


Page 22: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report


Table A-3: Approved Joint Curriculum

Method OPR Course Number Course Title Hours Points Certified

DL JSJ7 NIA Joint Force Commander• JFC 13.5 0 31 Mar 2016 Online Leaming Package

Table A-4: DL Courses worth JQS points

OPR Course Number Course Title Hours Points Certified AFSPCIA3T NIA +++Cybcr Operations 44 I 2 Jun 2016 POC: Capt Dana Peterson Fundamentals Course (COFC) [email protected] (802) 485-1945 USTRANSCOM J4OP-USI 16 Joint Deployment Distribution 17 0.5 31 Mar2015

Operations Center (JDDOC) Course

NGB NA +++ Joint Domestic Operations 50 I 9 Jul 2014 POC: Mr. Thomas Newman Course (JDOC) n-nc.petcrson.n-ncj7.mbx.j723• OM [email protected] (719) 332-6159 JSOU soc 1610 -+++ Joint Special Operation 19 0.5 2 Apr20l4 POC: Julio Navarro Task Force (JSOTF) Level I J11Uro,nil!V'11TO.dt(@~ocom,mil Course (813) 826-5827 - Previously called -Joint

Special Operations University (JSOU), Joint Spcci11I Operation Task Force (JSOTF) Course

JID J3OP-US109 Link 16 Joint Interoperability 33 0.5 25 Feb 2015 Course


Page 23: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report



Table B-1: Decertified Courses

Method OPR Course Number Course Title Hours Points Certified Decertified IL JS JS NIA CBRN Captain's Course 17 0.5 19-Jun-2013 7 Sep 2016

Consequence Management Module

IL JCITA NfA Counterintelligence 252 2 23-Apr-2014 26 Sep 2016 Surveillance Course (CSC)

IL JS JS NIA Engineer Captain's Career 17.5 0.5 15-Jul-2013 7 Sep 2016 Course Consequence Manaszcment Module

IL JS JS NIA Military Police Captain's 17.5 0.5 15-Jul-2013 7 Sep 2016 Curecr Course Consequence Management Module

Table B-2: Course Recertifications OPRs have indicated their intentions to re-certify these courses. Course content must meet the eight-fold criteria as cited in reference (cl). All courses remain certified during the recertification process.

DL JSJ7 Course Number J3OP-USI 141

Course Title #II# Joint Force Commander (JFC) I 00 Module I : Joint Fundamentals

Table B-3: New Courses Submitted for Certifications

Certified 2 0 14-Dec-2012

The courses listed below arc new courses submitted for joint course certification during this quarter. Course content must meet the eight-fold criteria as cited in reference ( d).

Course Number Course Title Hours IL JS J33 NIA Level IV Antit1.-rrorism Executive Training 18


Page 24: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report



Table C-1: List of identified Joint Exercises for this Quarter A complete list of Approved Joint Exercises can be found at huns:1/wss.apan,orgfs/JSOFIJN/ jom igs/,S_itePages/Home.amx

Sponsoring Employment Employment 0 . rnamzatton tart ate n S D E dD ate USEUCOM SEA BREEZE 16-2016 S-0ct-15 19-Scp-16

USEUCOM SABER JUNCTION 16-2016 31-Mar-16 16-Scp-16



USEUCOM NOBLE SHIRLEY 16 12-Jul-16 22-Jul-16

HQACC GREEN FLAG EAST 16-08 14-Jul-16 28-Jul-16



HQACC BLUE FLAG (BF) 16-2 17-Jul-16 28-Jul-\6

USNORTHCOM AMALGAM EAGLE (N-NC) 16 18-Jul-16 22-Jul-16

US SOUTH COM PANAMAX 16 24-Jul-16 31-Aug-16


USPACOM GEMA BHAKTI 16 25-Jul-l6 2-Aug-16

USEUCOM SABER GUARDIAN 16-2016 27-Jul-16 7-Aug-16

HQACC GREEN FLAG WEST 16-08 29-Jul-16 I2-Aug-16

HQACC RED FLAG-NELLIS 16-03 29-Jul-16 12-Aug-16


USEUCOM JACKAL STONE 16 8-Aug-16 24-Aug-16


USNORAD VIGILANT SHIELD (NORAD) 16-1 13-Aug-l6 22-Aug-16


HQACC RED FLAG-NELLIS 16-04 l5-Aug-16 26-Aug-16



USPACOM COMMANDO SLING 16-3 22-Aug-16 9-Scp-16

HQACC GREEN FLAG WEST 16-09 26-Aug-16 9-Scp-16

USPACOM ASEAN EXERCISE 16-3 30-Aug-16 13-Scp-16

USEUCOM COOPERATIVE RESOLVE 16-2016 31-Aug-16 8-Scp-16

USEUCOM AGILE SPIRIT 16-2016 I-Scp-16 13-Scp-16

USAFRICOM LION FOCUS 16 8-Scp-16 23-Scp-16


USEUCOM IMMEDIATE RESPONSE 16-2016 9-Scp-16 23-Scp-16

USEUCOM NORTHERN CHALLENGE 16-2016 12-Scp-l6 22-Scp-l6

USPACOM VALIANT SHIELD 16 12-Scp-l6 23-Scp-l6


Page 25: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report

Sponsoring Employment Employment Prnanization ~ran~D_ate Fnd_Ua_te 34 CTS (HQ AMC) GREEN FLAG LITTLE ROCK 16-09 14-Scp-16 26-Scp-l6


USPACOM PACIFIC SENTRY 16-3 16-Scp- 16 2I-Scp-16



HQACC GREEN FLAG EAST 16-09 l 8-Scp-16 30-Scp- 16



Page 26: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report



a. Sections 152, 154,155,164, 619a, 661-668, 2151-2155, 3033, 5033, 5043, 8033 and 10216 of title IO United States Code,

b. DoDI 1300.19, "DoD Joint Officer Management Program," 4 March 2014 ( f!' 1300 l 9p,l}d0

c. CJCSI 1330.05A, "Joint Officer Management Program Procedures," 15 December 2015, (http://www,dtic,millc jc,ulirectivestcda.Wwllimit/1330 0Sa,gdO

d. CJCSM 3500.03£, "Joint Training Manual for the Anned Forces of the United States," 20 April 2015 http:lonvw.dtic.millcjcs directiveslcdata!unUmii/nuSOOOJ.pdf)


Page 27: Joint Staff J7 Joint Qualification Report



OPR Contact Infonnation

QPR Air Education and Training Command (AETC) Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) Defense Cover Office (DCO) Defense Intelligence Agency, Academy for Defense Intelligence Defense Information School (DCNFOS) Defense Medical Readiness Training Institute (DMRTI) Defense Nuclear Weapons School (DNWS) Defense Threat Reduction Agency DRRS Implementation Office (DIO) HUMINT Training Joint Center of Excellence (HT-JCOE) Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy (JCIT A) Joint Deployment Training Center (JDTC) Joint Electronic Warfare Center (JEWC) Joint Force Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense

(JFCC-IMD) Joint Forces Staff College (JFSC) Joint Interoperability Division (JID) Joint Military Intelligence Training Center Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) Joint Staff J39 (JS J39) Joint Staff J4 (JS J4) Joint Staff J7 (JS J7) Joint Staff JS (JS JS) Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) Joint Targeting School (JTS) Marine Air-Ground Task Force Counterintelligence/Human

Intelligence Training School Marine Corps Intelligence Schools Missile Defense Agency (MDA) National Defense University (NDU) National Security Space Institute (NSSI) Navy/Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (NMITC) Office of Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (OSD (I)) Personnel Recovery Education and Training Center (PRETC) University ofForeign Military and Cultural Studies (UFMCS) United States Agency for International Development (USAID) United States Air Force 505th Training Squadron United States Anny North (ARNORTH) United States Anny Engineer School United States Anny Fires Center of Excellence United States Anny Intelligence Center and School United States Anny Intelligence Center of Excellence (USAICOE) United States Anny Logistics University United States Anny Special Operations Command (USASOC) United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM)

Phone Number DSN 597-4344 (937) 255-3636 (850) 884-5771 (520) 533-7594 (202) 231-1274 (301) 677-5024 (210) 221-2652 (505) 846-5666 (703) 767-4982 (719) 246-2274 (520) 533-5612 (571) 305-7932 (757) 878-4944 (210) 977-6239

DSN 721-2433 (757) 443-6255 (910) 394-1221 DSN 428-3279 (703) 664-5220 (703) 697-1237 (571) 256-1007 (757) 203-5509 (573) 563-6090 (813) 826-3603 (757) 492-0272

(757) 492-0465 {520) 533-7596 (719) 721-2409 (202) 685-1643 (719) 593-8794 (520) 533-7594 (757) 836-7427 (703) 664-5205 (913) 684-4321 (202) 712-0053 579-1814 DSN (210) 295-0774 (575) 563-5088 (580) 442-3394 (520) 533-7596 (520)-533-7594 (804) 765-4503 DSN 337-0691 (813) 827-3937 (850) 452-6626 (719) 474-8316 (618) 220-6781