johrei center newark newsletter

Johrei Center Newark Number 14 – April/2013 Kyoshu‐sama’s message Beginning of Spring Service Atami Sacred Grounds February 4, 2013 Congratulations everyone on the Beginning of Spring Service. In deep awe and fear of God, I admit that God’s eternal life exists within each one of us and that our life is this eternal life of God. In heaven, in the world from where everything originates, God blew in His breath of life within us and within all of His creations. God blew in His breath, along with His life, consciousness and soul, within us before we were born on earth. We are still receiving this same breath of God at this very moment and will continue to receive this holy breath everlastingly. If you truthfully wish to receive this breath of God, you must return to heaven, the only place from where the breath of God is being imparted, and serve God, the lord of all breathing, in heaven. We must never forget that God has forgiven and is forgiving us who refused and refuse to accept that our consciousness – this feeling of “I” – is in itself a precious creation of God and belongs to God. We must never forget. In order for God to achieve forgiveness and forgive us humans, God Himself went through enormous hardship and finally accomplished the “transition from Night to Day.” That is why our breathing now is a completely new breathing of the World of Day – a breathing that is filled with the life, power and forgiveness of God. “Increasing acts of Love for Others, and a Grateful Heart” Continue on page 2 English

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Page 1: Johrei Center Newark Newsletter

Johrei Center Newark

Number 14 – April/2013

Kyoshu‐sama’s message Beginning of Spring Service Atami Sacred Grounds February 4, 2013

Congratulations everyone on the Beginning of Spring Service.

In deep awe and fear of God, I admit that God’s eternal life exists within each one of us and that our life is this eternal life of God.

In heaven, in the world from where everything originates, God blew in His breath of life within us and within all of His creations. God blew in His breath, along with His life, consciousness and soul, within us before we were born on earth. We are still receiving this same breath of God at this very moment and will continue to receive this holy breath everlastingly. If you truthfully wish to receive this breath of God, you must return to heaven, the only

place from where the breath of God is being imparted, and serve God, the lord of all breathing, in heaven.

We must never forget that God has forgiven and is forgiving us who refused and

refuse to accept that our consciousness – this feeling of “I” – is in itself a precious creation of God and belongs to God. We must never forget. In order for God to achieve forgiveness and forgive us humans, God Himself went through enormous hardship and finally accomplished the “transition from Night to Day.” That is why our breathing now is a completely new breathing of the World of Day – a breathing that is filled with the life, power and forgiveness of God.

“Increasing acts of Love for Others, and a Grateful Heart”

Continue on page 2


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“Increasing acts of Love for Others, and a Grateful Heart”

Izunome Association USA - Johrei Center Newark, 124 Jackson St, Newark, NJ 07105 - (973) 465-0044 2

As ones who are connected to Meishu‐sama, our breathing is also one with the

breathing of Messiah Meishu‐sama who was newly born as a true child of God. And God, wishing to have us newly born too, like Meishu‐sama, is nurturing us with His breath

through Messiah Meishu‐sama.

On this day of the Beginning of Spring Service, I express my deepest gratitude to God that I, with all of you members, all humanity, all ancestors and all creation, am allowed to breathe and that God is nurturing all of us to be born anew through the blessing of His breath.

Now, I hear that you members of Izunome Kyodan continue to work hard in

“performing altruistic love for others,” in “cultivating a grateful heart” and in practicing, with an unwavering commitment, the “three pillars of salvation.” I also hear that you aim to become “a pleasant person and a pioneer of salvation” as a way to influence those who are close to you and to be a good missionary of Meishu‐sama. I appreciate your sincere


When we practice something, we tend to feel: “I myself am used by God to

accomplish this work,” whatever that work may be. Though feeling responsible for your own work or having pride in your own accomplishments are important, you should never forget that Meishu‐sama is using, often secretly and unnoticed, many other people so that your work can be accomplished. A person that Meishu‐sama secretly uses might not be

someone who is lively, active and outgoing but might look shy, unconfident and quiet.

They may be someone who always causes trouble, complains about everything and is disliked by everyone. But I must admit that they, too, are used by Meishu‐sama

because Meishu‐sama is one with God, the commander of all occurrences.

We will never be able to fully grasp the enormity of the work of Meishu‐sama and that is why we should never distinguish or judge who is and who is not used by Meishu‐sama. We should also never create a level in terms of who is used by Meishu‐sama more based on one’s achievements in this world. Yes, it is true there are differences in ranks within our church and organization. Yes, it is true certain people are more successful in performing Johrei or guiding people to church. Yet when it comes to the work of Meishu‐sama, I tell you, everyone is used by Meishu‐sama equally, however he or she appears to our eyes. And this is the very reason why we must never forget to report and return our accomplishments to God without regard to the size of a task.

I would also like to comment on “love.” We say we should “share” God and Meishu‐sama’s love and perform altruistic love or philanthropic acts for “others,” as if certain people, that is, “others,” lack or do not have love and as if we need to “give” or provide love to them.

But before you “share” God and Meishu‐sama’s love with a belief that certain people lack it and you need to provide love to them, I would like you to realize, God’s true love is already shared and given to them; God’s love already exists within everyone and everything on the planet.

Though you might not have heard it with a clear voice, God has told you: “You can

be my child.” If this is not love, what is? And I tell you that everyone on the earth is already

blessed with this true love of God. Misbelieving that certain others lack love, we have not been admitting that God’s love

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“Increasing acts of Love for Others, and a Grateful Heart”

Izunome Association USA - Johrei Center Newark, 124 Jackson St, Newark, NJ 07105 - (973) 465-0044 3

already exists within everyone and, in turn, not been admitting that God does exist within every single person.

So when you think about someone during your prayer or when you feel that someone lacks God’s love and that you need to “share” it by performing altruistic love for others, remind yourself by stating to God and Meishu‐sama within you: “I have long

forgotten and ignored that God’s love is already within this person I am thinking of at this moment. I have now realized and admit, in the name of Messiah Meishu‐sama, that Your love does exist within this person and that they are filled with it.”

To some, this practice of admitting God’s love and saying these words may seem too easy a task or may appear, perhaps, childish as it is something so obvious. But I would like you to know that practicing this is a vital part of Meishu‐sama’s work.

Now, as spring has arrived, we should become a new and refreshed person just like

nature rejuvenates itself in this season.

Meishu‐sama, in an essay entitled “Always be like an apprentice,” wrote: “Every

person should never cease to try to learn and improve oneself. This is true especially for the faithful.” And he taught us that: “When it comes to Nature, it is achieving perpetual progress and growth, continuously renewing

itself without a moment of rest. … it is a truth that even human beings should follow this example of Nature.” Speaking of himself, he then wrote: “Even I myself strive hard to achieve improvement year by year, month by

month, refusing to give myself a break from growing and improving,” and he went on to

say: “After all, we must achieve the growth of a soul.”

What, then, is this “growth of a soul?”

The “growth of a soul” does not mean that you will gradually become a better person in this world, are loved and respected by many people. Nor does it mean that your spiritual level, whatever this term means, elevates in a spiritual world.

Rather, it means you have to truthfully love the Parent of your life, God, and praise

Him with all your heart. It means you have to recall the true brilliance of your soul within

and the joy of serving God with all your power. And it means God, not you, makes you grow, step by step, so that you can be newly born as a true child of God.

In our daily life, our focus tends to be on how we can be a better person or how we can influence others so that they can be better people. Or, we tend to focus on our position in this society and on our relationships within this society.

Yet I would like you to know that your real focus in your life should be toward God, toward serving God. And to serve God means you have a duty to surrender whoever is

connected to you into the hands of God.

Surrendering any person to God is not possible if you are outside your real home, that is, heaven, and you, as Meishu‐sama told us, have to climb up to heaven first for God to receive your offering. This aspect of “climbing up to heaven first” in whatever we do is why

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“Increasing acts of Love for Others, and a Grateful Heart”

Izunome Association USA - Johrei Center Newark, 124 Jackson St, Newark, NJ 07105 - (973) 465-0044 4

Meishu‐sama considered the religion he founded as a “heavenly religion” or a “ground‐breaking religion.”

Climb up to heaven means you must recall the time when you were with Meishu‐sama in heaven before you were born on earth. It means you must admit you still possess this heaven at the very central point of your consciousness, and it means you must return to this single point, heaven, within you.

It is by climbing up to heaven in the name of Messiah Meishu‐sama and together with all that are connected to you that you can surrender whatever you wish to surrender to God as heaven is where God lives.

That is why the act of “climbing up to heaven” is a prerequisite if you want to serve

God and be a part of the work of Meishu‐sama. And also it is the only way to serve in the work of constructing an earthly paradise as a projection of the heavenly paradise existing

within you.

Admitting and directing your heart to this internal heaven may not be something you have been accustomed to do. But I tell you, these acts are how you can achieve a gradual and steady growth of your soul.

We practice Johrei daily.

When we perform it, the main issues tend to be whether there was an apparent sign

or not, whether the receiver felt something or not, whether the giver has a strong healing

power or not and whether the giver is confident enough to perform Johrei or not.

However, I should confess that I have been overlooking the most important issue we

should be considering regarding this healing practice. And that is the very fact that we are

allowed to perform Johrei, which is in fact the work of God and the work that Meishu‐sama

himself performed. I must admit that I have

taken this fact lightly and have been practicing Johrei with a lack of awareness, in a sense.

If we look at ourselves, we know how ignorant and sinful we are. Yet Meishu‐sama

does not see us as such an incompetent existence. Rather, he sees us as ones who are

already forgiven, who are serving God in heaven and who can channel, mediate or surrender everything into the hands of God. And that is why we are allowed to practice

Johrei and to surrender whoever you encounter through this practice to God.

So if you are going to practice Johrei, you must believe, just like Meishu‐sama did, that God is within you and that you will one day be like Meishu‐sama and be a person who can truthfully serve God in heaven. You cannot say, “I want to practice Johrei but cannot be like Meishu‐sama.”

This is because Johrei is a sacred work of God.

When Meishu‐sama was on earth, he served God with absolute trust. Now, at this

very moment, Meishu‐sama is still serving God.

We are the ones who regard this Meishu‐sama as our model and are trying to follow him.

This Meishu‐sama is one with you and is always shining at the center of each one of your consciousnesses. Let us not forget this and let us, with joy and happiness, aim to

achieve a gradual growth of our soul throughout this year.

To close, I, on behalf of all of us who are connected to Meishu‐sama, would like to

praise and exalt God for His almighty power and His limitless forgiveness and salvation.

Thank you very much.

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“Increasing acts of Love for Others, and a Grateful Heart”

Izunome Association USA - Johrei Center Newark, 124 Jackson St, Newark, NJ 07105 - (973) 465-0044 5


Monthly Apreciaiton Service April 1st, 2012 Guarapiranga Sacred Grounds Lidia Mello Nogueira

Good morning everyone!

My name is Lidia Mello Nogueira, from the Braz Leme Johrei Center, São Paulo Capital.

Today I want to tell all of you about the great miracle that occurred in my life and allowed me to serve the Divine Plan.

I am a carrier of a rare genetic disease called Wilson's degenerative neurological disease. I was diagnosed 21 years ago during the pregnancy of my daughter.

Despite that, I lived well until 2008, when I began to feel intense tremors, headaches and very strong convulsions. I looked for a doctor to perform an MRI, and was diagnosed with two brain cysts due to this illness.

At that moment, I had permission to learn about Johrei through a neighbor who took me to church. After four months, I improved a lot, but the carelessness with my faith, pushed me away from the Johrei Center and the friends I made there.

In February 2010, I again felt a very strong headache. In the days that followed, it became stronger and turned into convulsions.

I went back to the doctor and after several tests; he informed me that they would need to remove the cyst. I was warned that such an intervention could leave me with very serious consequences: It could cause a loss of the ability to walk, talk, and could also affect my memory. On the other hand, if my choice was not surgery I ran the risk of having a vegetative life, with the growth of the cyst.

The symptoms were getting worse. In December 2010, I was in a wheelchair, with immense difficulty speaking, severe shaking and convulsions. During this period, my neighbor came to my residence daily to give me Johrei.

His dedication and perseverance touched me. I began to feel warmth in my heart and hope began to revive within me.

Something awakened within me and I wanted to return to the Johrei Center, despite my limited mobility. In March 2011, after another call, I finally decided go to the Johrei Center. It really was a day of great emotion for me, because when I entered the church and came across a photo of Meishu-Sama, I knew that this was my cure.

I made a commitment to receive intensive Johrei at the Church, and for that, my neighbor picked me up daily and took me to the Johrei Center. There, he received support from all, because I still had many difficulties including being able to sit. I spent the entire day receiving Johrei at the Center,

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“Increasing acts of Love for Others, and a Grateful Heart”

Izunome Association USA - Johrei Center Newark, 124 Jackson St, Newark, NJ 07105 - (973) 465-0044 6

and everyone helped me even at lunchtime by feeding me as well as helping me to get around.

So I went to church with full force! In just two weeks the seizures disappeared and the headaches too. Every day felt a little improvement, both with my movements and speech.

After three months of getting Johrei, along with medical monitoring and having periodic examinations, I had a great surprise. After an MRI, I found that the cyst was reduced by approximately 60%!

I was so happy that an urge awakened in me to also be useful to God, to convey the same happiness to others that I now felt and to save our ancestors.

I began to learn the principles and lessons of becoming a member. I had permission to join the faith on September 29, 2011.

Now that I had received permission to channel this wonderful Light, I spent a lot time giving Johrei. I arrived at the Johrei Center in the morning and left at night.

A month after my permission, I did another MRI. The doctor informed me that the tumor was reduced by 90%.

Again I felt the love of Meishu-Sama showing me that I was receiving this miracle and was able to use my life to serve through Johrei. This confirmed that I had to commit even more with my dedications.

So being very grateful for all the Light that I was receiving which enabled me to transform my life, I attended the Annual Ancestor Service of 2011. On this day I offered a donation with the feeling of gratitude for all the ancestors that were being saved through this purification.

Two weeks later, in further consultation with the physician, I received the greatest news of my life: the cyst had completely disappeared! The doctor himself could not believe what he saw and I could not believe it either. I had no words to show my happiness and gratitude to have received this great miracle!

To make things complete, my daughter who had moved to her father's house when I was sick, seeing the miracle that had happened in my life, returned home, becoming more my companion and friend. This March, she also became a Johrei member which made me even happier.

Today, being at this altar telling all of you of all the blessings that I have received makes me feel great gratitude for the new life I received from God and Meishu-Sama.

At this moment, I also want to express my eternal gratitude for my neighbor who was responsible for introducing me to sacred Johrei, never giving up on me, and following me; becoming the number one person in my happiness.

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“Increasing acts of Love for Others, and a Grateful Heart”

Izunome Association USA - Johrei Center Newark, 124 Jackson St, Newark, NJ 07105 - (973) 465-0044 7

I intend on going forward, with maximum effort, by guiding at least 100 new messianic members and leading the light of

the Messiah Meishu-Sama to as many people as I can.

Thank you.

Ikebana Exhibition Last month was held the activity of Ikebana Exhibition attended by teachers and students in making the arrangements. We were attended by approximately 200 people, which might delight and uplift

your spirits through the flower Meishu-Sama.

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“Increasing acts of Love for Others, and a Grateful Heart”

Izunome Association USA - Johrei Center Newark, 124 Jackson St, Newark, NJ 07105 - (973) 465-0044 8


Monthly Appreciation Service April 7th, 2013 Guarapiranga Sacred Gounds Yassuko Yamaguti Guarino

Good morning everyone!

My name is Yassuko Yamaguti Guarino. I have been a Johrei member for two and a half years and I am from the Campo Belo Johrei Center, São Paulo Capital Region.

I will describe how I came to understand the importance of pleasantness that arises from within us and allows us to attract people, thus becoming pioneers of salvation.

For some time, we were oriented to become pioneers of salvation and for months I had been working hard on this task. During my dedications, I got to greet people coming for the first time. I accompanied them and gave guidance on Meishu-sama's principles. When they decided to become members, they did not follow through. I saw other members guiding people, being pioneers, and did not understand why I could not. I

always acted pleasantly when I greeted newcomers in the church.

I became an assistant and in November 2012, I spoke with the minister's advisor asking for guidance on how to be useful by guiding others to church. We went to the altar, prayed and communicated my desire to serve Meishu-Sama. She directed me to make a firm decision of wanting to guide and accompany people who came across my path.

Then, in December, my Johrei Center promoted an activity to take members and friends to spend a day of paradise in the Sacred Grounds of Guarapiranga.

I confess that at first I did not know the importance of such an event. However, thinking about the goal, I sought to become a pioneer of salvation. I decided to challenge myself and do something that I have never tried: Greeting people outside the church with the same pleasantness that I had when I greeted people inside the Johrei Center.

I began to better observe people I encountered in everyday life and started to invite them to go to the Sacred Ground. For five years I went to the same laundromat and did not pay much attention to the attendants. One week that I was there, I noticed that one of them had a very sad face. So right away, with a strong desire to help her, I decided to invite her to visit the Sacred Grounds. A colleague who was at her side, and knew about Johrei and the Sacred Grounds, also encouraged her to visit. I felt the guidance of Meishu-Sama. At the same time, she accepted and paid the fare for the trip.

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“Increasing acts of Love for Others, and a Grateful Heart”

Izunome Association USA - Johrei Center Newark, 124 Jackson St, Newark, NJ 07105 - (973) 465-0044 9

I was allowed to accompany six people, and among them was the girl from the laundry. She was enchanted by the beauty of the land. When we returned to the bus she began to tell me about her health problems. She was suffering from chest pains due to her work activity. Thanks to the collective Johrei she had received, the pain had subsided. She was surprised.

Three days later, during the circle of light in our Center, the assistant introduced me to the coordinator of the area. I informed him about my huge desire to achieve salvation in people's lives.

At that moment, he looked at me, took my hands and said: "You have to become a person that when someone looks at you they think: 'I want to be like her'."

I wondered what he meant. I began to reflect on the points that I needed to improve. So, I decided to accompany the girl from the laundromat in doing the Sonen to help her become a happy person. In early January of this year, I called and invited her to go to the Johrei Center.

She told me that the chest pains were completely gone. Upon receipt of this grace, she expressed a wish to become a member so that she could give Johrei to others. She became a member at the end of the same month.

I was very happy because this was the first person whom I was able guide toward salvation. I became a pioneer of salvation. I understood that the pleasantness that arises from within must be accompanied by the true feeling of being saved.

From there, I was able to come out of my shell, which allowed me to savor the joy of guiding others. This allowed me to be a motivated instrument in the Divine Plan to make more people happy.

I took this sentiment to the Altar, where I communicated the joy I was feeling with God and Meishu-Sama. Until now I had the permission to guide four people to receiving an Ohikari and Shoko.

My desire is to keep striving to be a pioneer of saving many lives.

Today, my thrill of making people happy is indescribable.

I learned that the most important thing is not to be attached to the negativity, but rather to observe people, remove their anxiety and act with love and sincerity.

I promise to follow all the people that are put in my path, taking care of them with love and joy, and by sharing what I already learned so that they too can bring joy to others.

I give my thanks to God, Meishu Sama, my ancestors and all the people who helped me and cheered for me to stand here today. I am happy to share my great joy and gratitude, for being able to finally become a pioneer of salvation.

Thank you.

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“Increasing acts of Love for Others, and a Grateful Heart”

Izunome Association USA - Johrei Center Newark, 124 Jackson St, Newark, NJ 07105 - (973) 465-0044 10


Izunome Association of Mozambique Ira Vladmirovna Fomina

I first met the people of the Izunome Association of Mozambique in 2003. First, my husband began to attend and noticed changes in his life, so I decided to try.

At that time I was fainting, had constant financial difficulties, depression and marital conflict, culminating in the desire to commit suicide. I prepared everything for this, and It was a very difficult time in my life until I gained permission to find the Messiah Meishu-Sama.

At first, I did not understand and could not believe, because I thought that the Minister responsible for the church in Mozambique, was paying people to enter and ask for salvation. I was wrong.

Upon compliance with the guidelines, all my suffering ended. I started serving Meishu-Sama and practiced tithing. This changed my life because I received permission to start working in the house of a man of Russian nationality.

I told him I was 15 years old, and I did not talk to my family because they were all in Russsia. He traveled to Russia, taking the name of my mother and sister. Please know

that I did not know whether they were alive or dead.

This man sought my family through government agencies, and brought me the phone number and address of my family. I was very excited and did prayers thanking the Messiah Meishu-Sama to have found my family after 15 years.

Then I called my family. Someone answered and asked who was speaking. I replied that it was Ira. She asked: "What Ira?" I replied: "It is Marina's twin sister, Ira!" Across the line, Marina began to scream and cry a lot. We both started crying nonstop since my family also thought that I had died.

With the support of my late husband, I went to Russia the same year. Before traveling, I practiced the Sonen, a prayer with the minister and made a special gift of gratitude, asking the Supreme God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama to be used as an instrument in the salvation of Russia.

Arriving there, I found my twin sister suffering from high blood pressure with severe headaches. I gave her Johrei and she fell asleep in five minutes. She woke up later wondering what had happened, because she said that the pain had disappeared.

Seeing this miracle, she asked: "What did you do to me, and can I do this for my friends?" She invited a friend who suffered from asthma and had spots on his chest. I performed Johrei on him for two weeks and his asthma, as well as the spots on his chest, completely disappeared.

I gained strength and offered Johrei to my niece who had a very strong case of allergies in the ear and head. The causes

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“Increasing acts of Love for Others, and a Grateful Heart”

Izunome Association USA - Johrei Center Newark, 124 Jackson St, Newark, NJ 07105 - (973) 465-0044 11

were unknown by doctors who said there was no cure for this disease. Her suffering had lasted eight years. I gave her Johrei for ten minutes, and at the same time, she had a high fever. Seeing this, my sister thought her daughter was going to die. Instead, she was given permission from the Messiah Meishu-Sama to be cured. She also could not imagine that one day she would have hair, but today, thanks to God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama, she does.

Following with my gear, I offered Johrei to my mother who suffered from severe stomach pain and had "parrot beak knee". This caused her great pain, and prevented her from walking or eating. Upon receiving Johrei, she was healed.

I offered Johrei to the mother of my sister-in-law who was suffering from a very large tumor on her leg which made it difficult for her to walk. After Johrei the tumor disappeared and she was completely healed. Thanks to the power and miracles of Johrei, people asked me to come back and open a

Center for Johrei . My whole family had now made the decision to receive the Divine Light.

After returning to Mozambique, I talked to the minister, who asked the Reverend Francis and the Minister Claudio for guidance. They decided to set up a Johrei Center to spread the Divine Light in Russia.

We currently have 18 members and 10 attendees at the Center for Johrei. Thanks to God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama for leading me to the Johrei Headquarters in Africa for the first time. Along with my ancestors I want to thank the Meishu Messiah-Sama and personally express my gratitude to our president (minister Claudio), for the achievement of expansion this year in Russia. I hope that the will of the Messiah Meishu-Sama will continue to materialize in Africa, Russia and all around the world.

Thank you.


To put into effect nature gardening: Nature Farming is not something to be left to the hands of farmers alone. All of us connected to Meihsu-sama have a duty to practice it. Even if we start with just a single planter, by raising crops with much care we will be

able to learn what nature’s providence is. It is the best way to feel the will and love of God expressed through nature. It is also a way to allow our friends to experience

nature’s wonderfulness. This can be also a breakthrough for expansion. In our Johrei Center we already have planted vegetables this year, so come to dedicate watering the

garden and clearing the land. Remember: "The basic principle of Nature Farming consists in making manifest the strength of the soil."

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“Increasing acts of Love for Others, and a Grateful Heart”

Izunome Association USA - Johrei Center Newark, 124 Jackson St, Newark, NJ 07105 - (973) 465-0044 12

Day Activitie Hour

13 Saturaday

Service preparation 10am

to 6pm

14 Sunday

Monthly Appreciation Service (Português) 11am

21 Sunday

Pilgrimage to Boston, Massachusets

26 Friday

Ancestors Service preparation 10am

to 8pm

27 Saturday

Ancestors Serivce (Engl & Port) 7pm

28 Sunday

Home Services in Fair Lawn, Philadelphia, Bushkill, Midland Park

Maio 5 Sunday

National Headquarters Service (English) 11am

11 Saturday

Monthly Appreciation Service preparation 10am

to 6pm

12 Sunday

Monthly Appreciaiton Service (Português) 11am

Home Gatherings in New Jesey, New York and Pensylvania para Abril Day Weekday House and Address Hour

1, 8,15, 22, 29

Mondays Thau Family: 901 Bush Place, Fair Lawn, NJ 6pm to 8pm

1, 8,15, 22, 29

Mondays Pinto Family: 4715 St Denis Dr, apt 2, Philadelphia, PA 5pm to 8pm

4 Thursday Alison/Mimi: 56 Eton Ct, Ramsey, NJ 6pm to 8pm

11 Thursday Murry Greenburg :411 Montainville Rd, Englewood, NJ 6pm to 8pm

18 Thursday Michael Charney: 224 Greenwood Ave, Midland Park, NJ

6pm to 8pm

25 Thursday Cookie: 41 East Forest Ave, apt 3D, Englewood, NJ 6pm to 8pm

Programação de Abril e Maio

Johrei Center hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:30am to 8pm Thursday: closed Saturday from 9:30am to 6pm. Sunday: Only open for the Services

Cultos diários Culto Matinal: 10am Culto Vesperal: 6pm Culto de Encerramento: 8pm

Daily Services Morning Service: 10am Evening Service: 6pm Closing Service: 8pm

Schedule for April and May