johnson & johnson buyer sourcing tool - cvm … & johnson buyer sourcing tool b uy er g id...

Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool Internal Buyer User Guide Copyright ©2004-2007 by CVM Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The material contained in this document is proprietary data and is the intellectual property of CVM Solutions, Inc. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part, or disclosed to any persons without the express written consent of CVM Solutions, Inc.

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Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool

Internal Buyer User Guide

Copyright ©2004-2007 by CVM Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The material contained in this document is proprietary data and is the intellectual property of CVM Solutions, Inc. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part, or disclosed to any persons without the express written consent of CVM Solutions, Inc.

Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool Buyer Guide _____________________________________________________________________________________

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Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3 What do I need?......................................................................................................................... 3 How do I get started?................................................................................................................ 4 Getting started........................................................................................................................... 5 Search Suppliers....................................................................................................................... 6

Export to Excel ............................................................................................................... 8 “Favorites” Search ......................................................................................................... 8 View Supplier Details ................................................................................................... 10 “Simple” Search ........................................................................................................... 12 “Advanced” Search...................................................................................................... 13 “Custom” Search.......................................................................................................... 15 Browse by J&J Commodity, NAICS, or SIC................................................................ 16

Log Out .................................................................................................................................... 17

Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool Buyer Guide _____________________________________________________________________________________

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Welcome to J&J’s new Buyer Sourcing Tool which will be used to track information about current and potential Suppliers. With this new tool, you will be able to identify Diverse Suppliers easily and efficiently. You will have the convenience of accessing the tool online from any computer and at any time. This document will walk you through the steps to identify Diverse Suppliers using this tool. The new System will allow users to search for Diverse Suppliers from two sources: 1) those that have registered on J&J’s web site and 2) Diverse Suppliers that are listed in the CVM-Diversity Quest database. Buyers can search for Suppliers using a variety of attributes, including:

1. Name 2. Keywords 3. Diversity Information 4. Geographical locations including City, State, and Metro Area 5. Commodity Information including J&J Internal Commodity, NAICS and SIC Codes

Users will be able to export supplier attributes into an Excel spreadsheet for later use. The Buyer Sourcing Tool will allow you to:

1. View Supplier profiles 2. View Supplier metrics/KPI including diversity data 3. Run Supplier Reports

What do I need? In order to identify Diverse Suppliers using J&J’s Buyer Sourcing Tool, you need the following:

• A computer and access to the internet. For best performance, it is recommended that you use Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.

• A User Name and Password. These will be provided to each buyer who is authorized to use the system by the J&J Buyer Sourcing System Administrator.

Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool Buyer Guide _____________________________________________________________________________________

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How do I get started? You can access the application at: Type this address in the Address window of your browser, and press ‘Enter.’ This will take you to the login page below:

If you have an existing User name and Password, use them to access J&J’s Buyer Sourcing Tool by entering them on this screen and clicking the ‘Login’ button. If you have forgotten your password, please enter your user name and click on the ‘Forgot Password?’ button to have a system generated password sent to your registered email address. If you do not have a User name or Password, you will need to send an email to the J&J Buyer Sourcing System Administrator at the following address: [email protected] to get access to the System.

Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool Buyer Guide _____________________________________________________________________________________

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Getting started

Upon logging into the portal, a default page will appear that is specific to the Buyer role.

Various supplier metrics will be displayed. The various supplier metrics available are:

• Count • Count by PDC (Primary Diversity Category) • Count by DC (Diversity Category) • Count by Ethnicity

You can access each of the supplier metrics by clicking on the links (in blue and underlined.) The following functions are available via the Main Navigation Menu:

1. Home (Read only mode to all users)

a. Supplier Metrics: This displays the Supplier Metrics

2. Suppliers: (Read/Write mode for J&J Administrator– Read Only for all others) a. Search for Suppliers b. Browse by Commodity

• J&J Internal Commodities • SIC Codes • NAICS Codes

3. Profile Maintenance

a. My Contact Info

4. Log Out

Main Navigation Menu

Links for various supplier metrics

Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool Buyer Guide _____________________________________________________________________________________

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Search Suppliers J&J Buyers and Administrators can search for Suppliers in the J&J database of registered Suppliers as well as in the CVM database of diverse Suppliers in a single step. The Search Results page indicates whether the Suppliers that were identified were pulled from the J&J database or CVM’s.

The Search function is accessed by clicking on Suppliers�Manage Suppliers in the Main Navigation Menu.

1. Favorites: Favorit

Searches for J&J suppliers are performed in 4ways:

1. Favorites: enables a user to search for suppliers based on pre-defined/saved queries. 2. Simple Search: Simple search enables a user to search by using a single supplier attribute,

such as “Supplier Name.” 3. Advanced Search: Advanced search enables a user to search by a set of multiple pre-

defined supplier attributes. The search returns all suppliers that match all the criteria specified in Advanced Search.

4. Custom Search: Custom search enables a user to search by a set of multiple supplier attributes. It allows the user to specify ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ conditions in the search. It enables a user to save, edit and run queries. Saved queries have the option of being made available to all internal users or only to the User who created the query, via the Favorites Tab.

Lookup, Operators and Values are an integral part of Simple and Custom Searches. For Advanced Searches, only Lookup and Values are used. Lookup A lookup is a single supplier attribute or criterion that is used for a search. This lookup can be selected from the drop-down list, e.g. Supplier Name. In Simple Search, only one supplier attribute/criterion can be utilized. In Custom and Advanced Search, multiple lookup values can be used in a single search. Value

Advanced Search

Simple Search


Custom Search

Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool Buyer Guide _____________________________________________________________________________________

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Value specifies what the look-up is being matched to, e.g.: Lookup = “J&J Supplier Name” and Value = ‘CVM’

Operators An operator is used to define the logical relationship between the Lookup and the Value that is used while performing the search. e.g.: J&J Supplier Name LIKE ‘CVM’. In this example ‘”LIKE” is the Operator linking the Lookup “J&J Supplier Name” and the Value, “CVM’”. The table below provides details about the operators utilized in the System:

Operator Description Typical Usage

= Equal to Used with numerical and text expressions. For example, Ownership Type = LLC This search returns all businesses that are classified as LLCs.

> Greater than Used with numerical and text expressions. For example, Zip > 30000 returns all businesses with a zip code greater than 30000. Similarly, Supplier Name > d returns all supplier names that begin with the letter E through the letter Z.

< Less than Used with numerical and text expressions. >= Greater than or equal to Used with numerical and text expressions. <= Less than or equal to Used with numerical and text expressions. < > Is not equal to Used with numerical and text expressions. For

a text expression, Legal Structure <> Individual would return all types that were not classified as individual (sole proprietorship) businesses.

!> Is not greater than Used with numerical and text expressions. !< Is not less than Used with numerical and text expressions. LIKE Any alphanumeric

character that matches the search condition will be returned.

Used with the wild card character. Contact Name Like S for instance, returns all contact names (first and last) that begin with the letter S.

IN Returns a range of conditions, any one of which can be matched.

Used with numerical and text expressions. Commas should separate the list of values you type.

IS Equal to Can only be used with the NULL operator. Used to find instances where a specific value is NULL i.e. there is no value in the field for that supplier attribute

Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool Buyer Guide _____________________________________________________________________________________

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Export to Excel Supplier information returned by any of the queries can be exported to Excel by utilizing the “Export to Excel” links (this link will be identified in some of the screen shots that follow.) There are 2 formats of Export to Excel that differ only in the amount of data on each supplier that is downloaded to Excel:

a. Short form b. Long form

“Favorites” Search The ‘Favorites’ search option is available on the “Manage Suppliers” option on the menu:

The “Favorites” tab provides the user with the ability to search suppliers from a list of predefined saved queries. These queries are created by the J&J Supplier Diversity Administrator or by other system Users. Choose the saved query from the drop down box and click on the “Search” button to run the query.

Drop down list of saved queries

Search Button

Export to Excel

Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool Buyer Guide _____________________________________________________________________________________

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The Supplier search results from any of the searches will be displayed in the following format:

The results for the search are returned as Supplier Id, Supplier Name, City, State, Supplier Status, and Contact Status. The results also indicate whether or not a Supplier is diverse.

• The Supplier Status column indicates whether a Supplier is doing business with J&J or not: o Potential – 1) Supplier is registered in the J&J System but is not currently doing business

with J&J or 2) was identified in the CVM database (and is not currently doing business with J&J)

o Incumbent – Supplier is currently doing business with J&J or has in the past o

• The Contact Status column can display one (1) of three (3) values: o Registered – the Supplier has registered in the J&J Buyer Sourcing System. (The

Supplier may or may not be doing business with J&J.) o A/P – the Supplier is doing business with J&J (The data was obtained from the Accounts

Payable system.) o Blank – 1) the Supplier information was pulled from the CVM database or 2) the Supplier

started registering on the J&J Registration System but did not complete the process. (These Suppliers are not doing business with J&J.)

NOTE: - A supplier that was originally loaded from the A/P system but later registers on the Buyer Sourcing System will be identified as “Registered” in the Contact Status column

• The Diverse column has a green circle if the Supplier has been identified as a Diverse Supplier in either the J&J local database or the CVM supplier database

Click here to export results to Excel

Click here to View a supplier

Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool Buyer Guide _____________________________________________________________________________________

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• The Supplier Id column appears with a hyperlink, which takes the user to the ‘View Supplier’ screen where the complete details of the supplier can be viewed.

View Supplier Details All of the searches/browses will return a list of suppliers that are viewed from the “Search Suppliers” screen. To View information about a supplier, click the “Supplier ID” number, which is a hyperlink. You will be taken to the following screen:

Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool Buyer Guide _____________________________________________________________________________________

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Click here to print supplier profile

Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool Buyer Guide _____________________________________________________________________________________

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“Simple” Search The ‘Simple” search option is available on the “Search Suppliers” option on the main menu.

Helpful tips for the Simple Search include the following:

1. Use the default “Lookup Operator Search” of “Supplier Name” and click on “Search” to return a complete list of all J&J suppliers

2. Use the “Lookup” drop-down of supplier attributes and select any one of them as a search criterion to do another search

3. Use the “Operator” drop-down to narrow a search. A search that is based on a single supplier attribute, such as “Supplier Name”, using “ Like” and the Value of ‘C’ returns a list of all suppliers starting with ‘C’’.

The results are returned as Supplier Id, Supplier Name, City, State, Phone and Status. The column Supplier Id appears with a hyperlink, which takes the user to the ‘View Supplier’ screen where the complete details of the supplier can be viewed.

List of operators

Lookup Operator


Enter Value

Links to export to Excel - Long

Links to export to Excel - Short

Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool Buyer Guide _____________________________________________________________________________________

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Details of the supplier can be exported to Excel in two formats, by clicking on the hyperlinks for Export to Excel (long) and Export to Excel (Short).

“Advanced” Search

Advanced Search is one of the searches available from the “Manage Suppliers” option in the main menu. Advanced Search enables the user to search on a combination of predetermined criteria. You can either type or select values from the lookup lists. Advanced Search returns all suppliers that match all the criteria specified. If no criteria are entered, then a list of all suppliers is returned. The Advanced Search uses the ‘And’ operator when a combination of search criteria is specified. For search criteria which are ‘text’, a ‘Like’ operator is used. For example, if the following search criteria are specified:

• Company Name: A • State : IL

The Advanced Search returns all the suppliers that start with the letter, ‘A’ and are located in Illinois. The next page shows what the Advanced Search input screen looks like.

Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool Buyer Guide _____________________________________________________________________________________

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Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool Buyer Guide _____________________________________________________________________________________

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“Custom” Search Custom search provides the following options:

• Multiple supplier attributes can be utilized • Storing of new queries and custom searches • Editing of existing/previously saved queries • Searching in the same manner as a “Simple Search” • Sorting by various fields in ascending or descending order • Use the AND and/or OR operators to perform searches based on multiple supplier attributes • Queries can be saved as a “Public” or a “Private” search. A Private Query is visible only to the

user that created it.

Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool Buyer Guide _____________________________________________________________________________________

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Browse by J&J Commodity, NAICS, or SIC The J&J Buyer Sourcing System allows users to search for Suppliers by J&J Commodity, by NAICS, or by SIC by selecting the appropriate “Browse by …” button on the main menu. These search options:

• Display commodity hierarchies in a tree structure • Allow users to drill-down by clicking on the leaf node to expand to the level needed • Return results in the same manner as the “Supplier Search” screens • Allow Supplier details to be viewed in the same manner as “Supplier Search” screens

When users click on the “Browse by NAICS” button, they will be taken to the following screen:

Select the NAICS commodity classification from the drop down list. Then click on the button beside the drop down list to refresh/update the list of NAICS codes. Expand the NAICS code tree until you find the appropriate NAICS code. Click on the ‘Search’ link to return a list of suppliers.

Drop down list of commodity


Click here to return suppliers

Click here to refresh commodity list

Click to expand node for child commodities

Johnson & Johnson Buyer Sourcing Tool Buyer Guide _____________________________________________________________________________________

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Log Out To log out, click on the Log Out item in the Main Navigation Menu