john whaley 10mythsaboutfindinga-softwareitjob

Ten Myths About Finding a Software/IT Job John Whaley CTO, MokaFive

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Ten Myths About Finding a Software/IT Job

John Whaley

CTO, MokaFive

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Who am I?

MokaFive Founder and CTO Founded in 2005, 45 employees

Worked at IBM Research in NY and Tokyo

MIT B.S. and M.Eng, Stanford Ph.D.

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Finding a job

Myth #1: Jobs are hard to find. Companies have hiring freezes.

Reality: Jobs are out there, even in a down economy!

Trick: Understand the process and make it easy for them to hire you.

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Understanding the hiring process

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Resumes submitted


Resumes from job


Resumes from job


Match keywords and basic


Reviewed by hiring manager

Passed phone screen

Passed on-site


Offer accepted!


Personal contact

1000 100 15 8 4 1Numberat eachstage:

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Tips in applying

Include the right keywords to pass the early filters.

Try to figure out the hiring manager and contact them directly (and personally).

Learn about the company and position. Customize your resume for each company to match what they are looking for.

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Resume tips

Use a standard, clean format.

Write your accomplishments.

Bulk up with internships and relevant extracurricular/volunteer projects.

Run a spell check. Have a native English speaker review it.

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Lying on your resume

Myth #2: It’s OK to lie or exaggerate on your resume, everyone does it and no one will find out.

Reality: Lying on your resume is not worth it. It will come back to bite you.

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Resume tips

Sell yourself, but don’t make outlandish claims.

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Job listings

Myth #3: Companies will reject your application outright if you don’t meet the listed requirements.

Reality: “Must” or “requires” in the job listing usually means “nice to have”.

Don’t hesitate to apply for a job you think you can do just because you don’t meet some of the requirements.

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Work experience

Myth #4: Staying at the same company for a long time builds experience and demonstrates loyalty.

Reality: Spending too long at the same company in the same position demonstrates mediocrity and lack of ambition.

Good average time per role: about 3 years

Red flag: less than 1 year

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Technical skill

Myth #5: Work in IT/software is 100% technical. Your technical skill is all that matters.

Reality: About half the job is communication. Good communication skills are a requirement.

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Job interview

Your interview is a chance for you to evaluate the company, as well as for the company to evaluate you.

They are thinking: “Do I want to work with this person?”

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Job interview tips

Do your homework.

Arrive early.

Bring copies of your resume.

Be careful about how you talk about your previous jobs.

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Choosing between offers

Myth #6: When I have multiple job offers, I should choose the one with the highest salary.

Reality: Experience is much more important at the beginning of your career. Consider the future prospects of the company, your role, and the opportunity for advancement.

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Negotiating salary and benefits

Myth #7: Your salary level is based on your contribution.

Reality: Your salary level is based on what the company has to pay you.

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Promotions and raises

Myth #8: Once you get promoted, it is harder to get fired.

Reality: The more responsibility you have and the higher you are paid, the easier it is for the company to fire you.

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Negotiating initial salary

Your future salary is based on your starting salary, so a small difference can add up over time.

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Getting a raise/promotion

Myth #9: The best way to move up and get raises is to work hard and show your devotion to the same company.

Reality: It is easier to do a big jump up when changing jobs.

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Big company versus small company

Myth #10: Bigger companies have more opportunities.

Reality: The bigger the company, the narrower your role.

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