john tyler orion mcullough island of hawai’i intro to ... · john tyler orion mcullough intro to...

The Island of Hawaii, the largest of the island chain collec- vely known as the Hawaiian Islands is 4,028 square miles and holds a populaon of 185,079. Having grown up on the island, like many residents, I’m familiar with the devastang effects wildfire can have. According to the Hawaii Wildfire Manage- ment Organizaon, “Each year, about 0.5% of Hawaii's total land area burns, equal to or greater than the proporon burned of any other US state…. [wildfires] affect everything from human safety, infrastructure, drinking water, agricultural producon, cultural resources, nave forests, watersheds, and coral reefs.” Using remotely sensed techniques, I wanted to build a link between urban expansion on the island and the outbreak of these fires. Thus my hypothesis was as follows: Urban develop- ment on the Island of Hawai'i has lead to increased wildfires es- pecially in close proximity to said development. This project sought to classify three areas of urban development, the towns of Kohala, Waimea and Waikoloa in two images, one from 1990, the other from 2014. 24 years of urban expansion and 15 years of wildfire data were used in this analysis. Figure 6 encompass the data with 95.44% accuracy. However, the parameters were too broad leading to over classificaon of the image or classi- ficaon of areas that were non- urban as urban (figure 2). Next the max standard deviaon was re- duced to 1.2 yielding greater suc- cess (figure 3). 5. High Pass Filter ENVI’s standard High Pass Filter was applied to the 2015 image to aempt to further emphasize urban details. Then the re- sulng image was reclassified with the parallelepiped meth- od. Unfortunately despite even further narrowing the max standard deviaon, this resulted in over classificaon of the image once again. Yet, absent of the classificaon, the high pass filter was generally very effecve in visually enhancing urban areas (figures 4 and 5). 6. Extreme Urban Emphasis To go for extreme emphasis, the 2 indexes, NDBI and UI, and the high pass filter of band 7 were layer stacked. The resulng RGB image perfectly demonstrates the difficulty in classifying urban areas on the island. Pixels within urban areas are very mixed in their spectral signature and span the enre range of the image. More explicitly pixels that can be found in wild vegetaon in forests, crops, barren land in deserts, harbors, roads, etc. can all be found in the “urban” areas of the island making classificaon of these areas near impossible. Noce the wide variety of pixel types within these urban areas in the two zoomed in images at right below. Also noce that the pix- el types (spectral signature) of these urban areas are very similar (demonstrated by matching color) to the map in gen- eral (leſt) showing mostly non-urban areas. Urban Development and Wildfire on the Island of Hawai’i John Tyler Orion McCullough Intro to Remote Sensing, Alexander Liss Background Methods 1. Spaal Subset I overlaid county vector files on both images to make a spaal subset of the northernmost part of the island, Kohala County, encompassing the three urban areas targeted in this study: Kohala, Waimea and Waikoloa. 2. Atmospheric Correcon Since the recent image was a USGS Landsat CDR image from 2014, correcons were not necessary as these imag- es are preprocessed by USGS. Unfortunately, atmospheric correcon data is not available prior to the year 2000 and thus I resorted to using ENVI’s QUick atmospheric correc- on on the image from 1990 to normalize it. 3. Indexes and Raoning Two indexes were applied in aempts to beer highlight urbanized areas: the Normalized Difference Built-Up Index (NDBI) and Urban Index (UI). Difficulty was encountered here due to sensor differences between the Landsat 4 and Landsat 8 satellites used to acquire the two images. The band definions, or wavelength range encompassed by the bands of the respecve sensors, were different thus in band math calculaons it was necessary to use the closest substute by wavelength. I found Landsat 5 NIR (Band 4) .77 to .90mm to align up with Landsat 8’s Band 5 NIR range, .85 to .88mm. Similarly Landsat 5 SWIR (Band 5) 1.55 to 1.75mm corresponds with Landsat 8’s Band 6 NIR of 1.57 to 1.65mm. 4.Spectral Classificaon Based Change Detecon Next, change detecon was aempted using methods based on spectral categorizaon of the input data. This involved se- lecng an ROI as a class and then performing the supervised classifi- caon method known as Parallele- piped classificaon. This method was chosen due to its relavely simple decision rule. All that is re- quired is for the user to enter a maximum standard deviaon for the classificaon to proceed. Originally a maximum stand- ard deviaon of two was used as this would theorecally Results 1. The ROI tool was used to create a new class based on the purple pixels in the urban areas shown (figure 6) and spectral categorizaon was aempted based on 100 points. This same process of layer stacking the two indexes and band 7 and classifying urban pixels was done for both the 1990 and 2014 images. Though there was much misclassificaon, some areas within the census area vector files can be seen to be correctly classified especially when compared to the equivalent true color images (figure 7). The Waikoloa urban area figures 8 and 9, and Waimea, figure 10 and 11. 2. I applied the same two vector files, census areas and wild- fire sites, to the image created using spectral categorizaon of the input data. This resulted in the most revealing image. Urban areas are shown by blue dots, town limits in green and wildfires by red points. Wildfire outbreaks can be seen to be most prevalent along roadways between urbanized ar- eas. Between Waimea, in the islands center and Waikoloa, boom leſt, are the most outbreaks. The blue dots (urban areas) connecng Waimea and the coast (from urban area at center moving leſt) also show out- breaks along these urban areas/ roadways. The goal of this analysis was to determine whether there was correlation between urban expansion on the Island of Hawai'i and wildfire outbreaks in the region. Despite experimentation with various change detection and supervised/unsupervised classification methods, distinguishing between urban and non- urban areas was extremely difficult. This was due to several fac- tors, 1) the small scale of urban areas (populaon and geograph- ically), 2) seled areas being mixed in their land cover thus they could actually be considered rural and 3) these settled areas en- compassing many of the land cover types (e.g. volcanic rock, veg- etation classes, etc.) that the non-settled areas do. In some cases non-urban materials such as volcanic rock are even used in con- struction of these urban areas. The analysis did have other shortcomings as well mostly due to sensor differences: atmos- pheric correction inconsistencies and non-matching band wave- lengths. Ultimately, despite difficulties and shortcomings, a final image was created via the parallelepiped supervised classifica- tion of the 2014 image combining the UI, NDBI indexes and a high pass filter of Band 7 (figure 12). This image, with the addi- tion of census area vectors, showed visual correlation between urban areas (particularly roads) and the outbreak of wildfires within Kohala County on the Island of Hawai’i. Conclusion Data Sources TuſtsGeo Data Census Area Data USDA Forest Service Wildfire Data USGS: Landsat 8 and Landsat 4 Images Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 7 Figure 12 Figure 1 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11

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Page 1: John Tyler Orion Mcullough Island of Hawai’i Intro to ... · John Tyler Orion Mcullough Intro to Remote Sensing, Alexander Liss ... tion of the 2014 image combining the UI, NDBI

The Island of Hawaii, the largest of the island chain collec-tively known as the Hawaiian Islands is 4,028 square miles and holds a population of 185,079. Having grown up on the island, like many residents, I’m familiar with the devastating effects wildfire can have. According to the Hawaii Wildfire Manage-ment Organization, “Each year, about 0.5% of Hawaii's total land area burns, equal to or greater than the proportion burned of any other US state…. [wildfires] affect everything from human safety, infrastructure, drinking water, agricultural production, cultural resources, native forests, watersheds, and coral reefs.”

Using remotely sensed techniques, I wanted to build a link between urban expansion on the island and the outbreak of these fires. Thus my hypothesis was as follows: Urban develop-ment on the Island of Hawai'i has lead to increased wildfires es-pecially in close proximity to said development. This project sought to classify three areas of urban development, the towns of Kohala, Waimea and Waikoloa in two images, one from 1990, the other from 2014. 24 years of urban expansion and 15 years of wildfire data were used in this analysis.

Figure 6

encompass the data with 95.44% accuracy. However, the parameters were too broad leading to over classification of the image or classi-fication of areas that were non-urban as urban (figure 2). Next the max standard deviation was re-duced to 1.2 yielding greater suc-cess (figure 3). 5. High Pass Filter ENVI’s standard High Pass Filter was applied to the 2015 image to attempt to further emphasize urban details. Then the re-sulting image was reclassified with the parallelepiped meth-od. Unfortunately despite even further narrowing the max standard deviation, this resulted in over classification of the image once again. Yet, absent of the classification, the high pass filter was generally very effective in visually enhancing urban areas (figures 4 and 5).

6. Extreme Urban Emphasis To go for extreme emphasis, the 2 indexes, NDBI and UI, and the high pass filter of band 7 were layer stacked. The resulting RGB image perfectly demonstrates the difficulty in classifying urban areas on the island. Pixels within urban areas are very mixed in their spectral signature and span the entire range of the image. More explicitly pixels that can be found in wild vegetation in forests, crops, barren land in deserts, harbors, roads, etc. can all be found in the “urban” areas of the island making classification of these areas near impossible. Notice the wide variety of pixel types within these urban areas in the two zoomed in images at right below. Also notice that the pix-el types (spectral signature) of these urban areas are very similar (demonstrated by matching color) to the map in gen-eral (left) showing mostly non-urban areas.

Urban Development and Wildfire on the

Island of Hawai’i

John Tyler Orion McCullough

Intro to Remote Sensing, Alexander Liss


Methods 1. Spatial Subset

I overlaid county vector files on both images to make a spatial subset of the northernmost part of the island, Kohala County, encompassing the three urban areas targeted in this study: Kohala, Waimea and Waikoloa.

2. Atmospheric Correction Since the recent image was a USGS Landsat CDR image from 2014, corrections were not necessary as these imag-es are preprocessed by USGS. Unfortunately, atmospheric correction data is not available prior to the year 2000 and thus I resorted to using ENVI’s QUick atmospheric correc-tion on the image from 1990 to normalize it.

3. Indexes and Rationing Two indexes were applied in attempts to better highlight urbanized areas: the Normalized Difference Built-Up Index (NDBI) and Urban Index (UI). Difficulty was encountered here due to sensor differences between the Landsat 4 and Landsat 8 satellites used to acquire the two images. The band definitions, or wavelength range encompassed by the bands of the respective sensors, were different thus in band math calculations it was necessary to use the closest substitute by wavelength. I found Landsat 5 NIR (Band 4) .77 to .90mm to align up with Landsat 8’s Band 5 NIR range, .85 to .88mm. Similarly Landsat 5 SWIR (Band 5) 1.55 to 1.75mm corresponds with Landsat 8’s Band 6 NIR of 1.57 to 1.65mm. 4.Spectral Classification Based Change Detection Next, change detection was attempted using methods based on spectral categorization of the input data. This involved se-lecting an ROI as a class and then performing the supervised classifi-cation method known as Parallele-piped classification. This method was chosen due to its relatively simple decision rule. All that is re-quired is for the user to enter a maximum standard deviation for the classification to proceed. Originally a maximum stand-ard deviation of two was used as this would theoretically

Results 1. The ROI tool was used to

create a new class based on the purple pixels in the urban areas shown (figure 6) and spectral categorization was attempted based on 100 points. This same process of layer stacking the two indexes and band 7 and classifying urban pixels was done for both the 1990 and 2014 images. Though there was much misclassification, some areas within the census area vector files can be seen to be correctly classified especially when compared to the equivalent true color images (figure 7). The Waikoloa urban area figures 8 and 9, and Waimea, figure 10 and 11.

2. I applied the same two vector files, census areas and wild-fire sites, to the image created using spectral categorization of the input data. This resulted in the most revealing image. Urban areas are shown by blue dots, town limits in green and wildfires by red points. Wildfire outbreaks can be seen to be most prevalent along roadways between urbanized ar-eas. Between Waimea, in the islands center and Waikoloa, bottom left, are the most outbreaks. The blue dots (urban areas) connecting Waimea and the coast (from urban area at center moving left) also show out-breaks along these urban areas/roadways.

The goal of this analysis was to determine whether there was correlation between urban expansion on the Island of Hawai'i and wildfire outbreaks in the region. Despite experimentation with various change detection and supervised/unsupervised classification methods, distinguishing between urban and non-urban areas was extremely difficult. This was due to several fac-tors, 1) the small scale of urban areas (population and geograph-ically), 2) settled areas being mixed in their land cover thus they could actually be considered rural and 3) these settled areas en-compassing many of the land cover types (e.g. volcanic rock, veg-etation classes, etc.) that the non-settled areas do. In some cases non-urban materials such as volcanic rock are even used in con-struction of these urban areas. The analysis did have other shortcomings as well mostly due to sensor differences: atmos-pheric correction inconsistencies and non-matching band wave-lengths. Ultimately, despite difficulties and shortcomings, a final image was created via the parallelepiped supervised classifica-tion of the 2014 image combining the UI, NDBI indexes and a high pass filter of Band 7 (figure 12). This image, with the addi-tion of census area vectors, showed visual correlation between urban areas (particularly roads) and the outbreak of wildfires within Kohala County on the Island of Hawai’i.


Data Sources

TuftsGeo Data Census Area Data

USDA Forest Service Wildfire Data

USGS: Landsat 8 and Landsat 4 Images

Figure 2 Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 7

Figure 12

Figure 1

Figure 4 Figure 5

Figure 8 Figure 9

Figure 10 Figure 11