johanboeke bros hats caps and straw kr -...

PERSONAL MENTION Mr Mont Feese is on the sick list Mr M L Mitchell is on the sick list Mrs HN Miller continues to im¬ prove Mr Fred Hancock was in Campbells ville Sunday L W Bennett has been on the sick list for a few days Mr Bert Epperson Montpelier was in Columbia Monday Mr A C Loy Crcelsboro was here on business Saturday Mr J W Blair Glensfork was in Columbia last Saturday Mr W R Lytn Campbellsville was in Columbia last Friday Mr J S Flowers of Russellville is visiting relatives in Adair County Mr W T Childers and wife who live near Watson are quite sick Mr Burr Gilpin traveliug salesman called to see Columbia merchants last Fridayla Mrs Sue Grissom her sister Mrs Lucy Follis Friday and SaturdayMr Russell Jr Louisville is spending a few days with relatives and friends here Mrs Woodson Lewis Greensburg has been in a lowstate of health for several weeks Rev S A McKay and wife of Campbellsville were visiting here the first of the week Eld W K Azbill has beenquite sick since returning from Lebanon threat ened with pneumonia Mr J D Lowe and Mr Henry Hud ¬ son returned from a trip to Pulaski and Rockcastle last week Mrs John A Murray of Glasgow visited her sister Miss Alice Garnett this place last week Mr M J Murrell who has been in feeble health for some time was able to be in town last Monday Mr Jo Hurt son of Mr and Mrs L B Hurt is confined to his room with pneumonia He is improving Mr Cameron Dunbar of Creelsboro came down to see his mother Mrs Mary B Dunbur last Saturday Mr L V Hall and his sister Miss Nona Powell who spent a week in Louisville have returned home Mrs Mary Price who has been dangerously ill is some better and hopesI are entertained of her recovery Mr M L Mitchell who served two weeks on the Federal grand jury Louis ville returned home last Saturday Dr R H Perryman has been called to Franklin Ind to see his daughter Mrs Swiggett who is dangerously ill Mrs J G Eubank and Mrs Geo Staples returned from a pleasant visit to relatives in Frankfort last TuesdayI Dr Harry Barg an optician of Cin¬ cinnati is spending a few days in Cc lumbia stopping at the Hancock Hotel Hon Geo Nell and wife have taken rooms at the residence of Mrs Jo Rosenfield who is a daughter of Mr NelL Mr W L Walker and one of his salesmen Mr L L Eubank are in Cincinnati and Louisville this week purchasing extensively for this market Miss Birdie Powell of the firm Pow ell Staples returned from Louisville Saturday night Their friends are in vited to call and examine their millinery Miss Effie Bradshaw who has been in the market several weeks returned home last Sunday and is now at her place of business ready to show the latest novelties Mr John A Webb merchant at Webbs Cross Roads and Mr Sherman Wade merchant at Decatur passed through Columbia last Friday on their return from market Mrs J W Butler this place who has had a growth upon her neck for several years left for Louisville last Sunday accompanied by her daughter Mrs W E Bradshaw The object of the visit is to consult Dr Reynolds If the tumor can be removed Mrs Butler will remain in Louisville severalweeks after the operation has been perform- ed It is very much hoped that she andactivity being in a feeble condition could not accompany herr LOCALJOTTINGS Born to the wife of E L Sinclair on the 26th a son Born to the wife of Walker Bryant on the 28th a daughter Massie Walker will sell here next Monday twenty firstclass mules to the highest bidders The Louisville Times published las Saturday splendid pictures of Misses Lina Rosenfield and Mabel Atkins this place A daughter of Mr Travis Miller died in Taylor county last Saturday The remains were interred at Cane Valley this county Mr Wm Grant whose home was on Green river died last Sunday He was about 70 years old and was a Federal soldier in the civil war Miss Fanne Garnett has charge of the Latin Department in the Lindsey Wilson She is a valuable acquisition to the institution c i + f pia The Casey circuit court wil commence next Monday Born to the wife of Joel Tupman tee 23d inst a daughter If you need a cooking stove call on L W Bennett and get prices before buy- ing Correspondents will please mail letters so that they will reach us Friday eve- ning The work on the bridge at Greens burg is progressing slowly on account of high water Advertise your horse in the News if he has merit and you will get patronage from other parts of the country We presume the teachers in the coun ty understand that the common school term from now on will be six months The Fiscal court of Adair county will be in session >next week Several very important measures will come before the court Columbia Chapter will meet in regu ¬ convocation next Fii ay evening All Companions are requested to be present The wife of Dr Alexander Shively Burdick Taylor county died last Sat- urday and was bnried Sunday She was a very estjmable Christian lady Next Monday will be county court A great many people are expected to attend and those who are indebted to this office are requested to call and make payment I have the full stock Barred Plymoth Rock eggs to sell at 50c per 15 They are the Iowa fine strain Mrs A E Cabell Joppa Ky Mr Armbell Canada who was a citizen of Russell county was drowned- at the mouth of Greasy Creek Cumber- land river last Sunday night He was rafting logs His body was recovered Russeell Murrell have said so much in their address to the trade through the News there is bnt little left for us to say Read carefully the inducements they offer then call and see them Mr Keene late sheriff of Cumber land county who was in the barn at Burksville which was wrecked by the storm last week and who was fatally hurt died a few days ago The meeting at the Methodist church continues Rev Davis is preaching good sermons and a great deal of inter est is being manifested There have been several professions The meeting willcontinue through this week The following gentleman have been made Entered Apprentice Masons Rev J P Scruggs Dr Jas Menzie Hon M Rey Yarberry Messrs Al Myers Jo CofFey Jr and G P Smythe To- night Mr Walker Bryant will be raised and Mr S N Hancock advanced The high wind Tuesday afternoon of last week caused the flooding of a barge loadedwith staves at Creelsboro and several thousand were washed down the river They were the property of Page Stults this place and Mr Geo Stults writes that their loss amounts to several hundred dollars We have received a copy of the first issue of the Casey County News a weekly paper started at Liberty Mr Henry Thomas is the editor The new publication has our best wishes The paper is Republican but its space will be devoted in the main to the building- up of Liberty and Casey county The good people living in the neigh- borhood ¬ of Garlan this county are making an effort to put up a church building They are anxious to raise sufficient funds to start the work as quickly as possible Persons who are willing to contribute should see Mrs L T Neat or Mrs Simeon Murrell On account of rains but little farm work has been done in this county Only a few acres have been broken for corn and a less number for oats Our farmers however are industrious and are making no complaint against Him who governs the elementsresting con- tented with a determination to make hay when the sun is permitted to shine There will be no morning nor evening services at the Baptist church next Sunday due to theseries of meetings- in f progress at the Methodist church In the afternoon from 4 to 5 oclock a song service will be held in the Baptist church to which all the singers in town are cordially invited to attend and par- ticipate ¬ If you do not sing come and encourage others thereby making it hour of spiritual benefit With but one or two exceptions every member of the Baptist church of this town who were seen last Saturday contributed without a murmur to the committee who has charge of improve- ments so badly needed on the church memt yet been seen It is encouraging to the committee helpful to the giver an indication of true religion The im- provements ¬ will be made It is said that the act of shooting Mr Joshua Murrell in Green county last weekwas a great outrage and that the guilty party when caught will b severely punished It is reliably re- ported here that the man who did the shooting was on the hunt of some one and when he met Mr Murrell he level- ed ¬ his but was repeatenly told not to shootas he was mistaken in th man Mr Murrell is not yet out of danger and the guilty has not to our knowledge been arrestedA WHO is sum Special Pension Commissioner Cut ¬ ler has been ordered to Columbia Ky to examine a claim filed by a young widow for a pension on account of her husband who died two years ago hav- ing ¬ fought in the regular army in the war against the Seminole Indians in FloridaIt rather a trite saying that pen- sioners ¬ never die remarked Mr Cut- ler ¬ at his office in the Federal building yesterday and even when they do die they are rather more apt than other men to leave widows and or ¬ phansNow this war ended in 1838 or 39 but the soldier in question died only two W three years ago leaving a young widow to the care of the Government Should she remain a widow and live as long as her husband did Uncle Sam will be providing for her along about the year 1950 Louisville Herald SERIOUS ACCIDENT Last Friday night as Miss Ola Wilson and Mrs Mary B Dunbar of Creels ¬ boro who is visiting here were on their way to church the latter met with a very painful and serious acci ¬ dent which will keep Mrs Dunbar con- fined to her room for severalweeks Just as the two ladies passed through Mr Wilsons front gate Mrs Dunbar slipped and fell breaking her left leg below the knee Drs J H Grady and W R Grissom were called andreduced the fracture and at this writing the patient is resting easy In another column will be seen a true picture of Red Lexington the fine com bined stallion of Coffey Bros of this town The people in this immediate section are well acquainted with the chief feature of this valuable horse they are not strangers to the fact that he is one of the most promising indi ¬ viduals of that great family of horses Lexington that has so thoroughly im- pressed ¬ the entire country with superb qualities and worth They appreciate Red Lexington for what he is and for his pure and unadulterated blooda perfect type and the purest Lexington now livinga true decendant of one of the greatest families of horses ever known in this State You must see the horse and see him move to appre¬ ciate him but his pedigree bespeaks his worth Coffey Bros have never bought common stock they are advocates of the best blood coupled with superb in dividuality and their experience and knowledge is a safe guarantee when they say that Red Lexington is the greatest horse and the purest bloodI they ever owned It is useless for us to compliment these young men They are known to be competent reliable business men trustworthy in every particular They have carefully sought to find a great individual with the rich- est strains of blood for several years to place at the head of their stud and not until Red Lexington was secured have they been contented Read their advertisement and do your own figur- ing ¬ A young cyclone passed over Adair county about 5 oclock last Tuesday afternoon Fencing was scattered in every direction and many trees were blown down but no one in the county was hurt so far as we know In Taylor county a young man named Bridge- water was struck by lightning and in stantly killed The Spectator office in Columbia was the greatest sufferer here The wind blew out one ofthe back windows and the door leading down the front steps was closed and when the current got into the room there was but one escape through the skylight The glass was about one quarter of an inch thick and it was broken into hundreds of pdces letting- in the rain The money damage to the office was not great but the and trouble to the proprietor and force was not a little The next day the office was put in protection against rain and a new glass ordered To the citizens of Adair county The undersignedare in the tombstone busi ness at Campbellsville Ky Camp bellsville is your neighbor and as you have no manufacturer of this work in Columbia would it not be to your inter est to patronize us We guarantee satisfaction both in quality of work and prices We solicit work from Adair and adjoining countiesCOAKLEY Sins BROS The municipal board voted down th proposition to keep going four mor lights on Burksville street the Theb cost of keeping up the present lights before undertaking more expense Later if it is seen that the town well afford more lamps they will b- ordered anMrs Tim Bradshaw and daugh ¬ ter Miss Effie are now receiving their Spring millinery They in vite their friends to call and ex amine the latest designs in hats bonnets etc satisfied that the can be pleased yearbrighten the Public Schools Take the Normal course at the LindsayWilson School and fear not failure in the examination pleasbring e l weather This is not directed to any i agreee I have a threeyear old mule for sale Dr WT Grissom Bliss Ky SALEe Twentyone hogs from 50 to 150 ds Dock Frnklin1 Glensfork Ky > Ji w > Jt r 01 Bigger Stocks Better Values In Carpets Rugs Mattings and Linoleum Four Immense DisplayFloors Qualities and Prices Right When in Louisville be sure to call on us You are wel ¬ come whether you buy or no- tBrOs flubbiiGli 524526528 W Market St LOUISVILLE KY 91 JOHANBOEKE BROS Co l WHOLESALE HATS CAPS AND STRAW GOODS FALL CITY BRANDS Merchants are respectfully invited to oaii and see our stcok LOUISVILLE Kr Y MILLINERY OPENING We now havethe most beautiful and most complete line of Spring and Sum mer Millinery and notions ever brought- to Columbia which will be on display Thursday All the ladies of Adair and adjoining counties are invited to come and see our goods before buying else- where AjMiss Miss Myrt Staples Do not fail to attend Massie Walk ¬ ers public sale in this town next Mon day Twentyfive mules will be sold at public outcry For SaleA 9 year old cow and young I calf G G Morrison Gadberry j GRAD YY1LLE J R Shirley of Milltown was with us FridayJ one of our best farI mers is preparing to build a large barn Mr Charles Yates has recently put a- new appearance on his dwelling Mrs Strong Hill is in Louisville buy- ing new millinery Rev Jas Debord attended the funer- al ¬ of Jas Salmon at East Fork Satur ¬ dayMiss Sallie Diddle spent last Thurs- day ¬ in Columbia Mrs C Wilmore has been on the sick list for severs days Dr L C Nell was called to see Mrs Parson at Kemp Wednesday The Masonic hall has a new appear- ance ¬ We tender our thanks to the la- dies for their good taste and faithful workMr E Keltner and wife who went to j Indiana a few weeks ago have returned- to this place and are satisfied that Ken- tucky ¬ is the best place to live Miss Irene Yates one of the students- of Columbia spent Sunday at home Rev J P Scruggs failed to fill his c appointment Saturday and Sunday on account of sickness C Gowen of Basil was here a few s days ago Mr Thos Moss one of the best citi¬ niai bia was here last week seeing after his farmH A Walker of Columbia was here Thursday shaking hands with his many friends Mr Chas Maupin is confined to his room withmeasles Mrs Pat Davis of Russellville visi ¬ ted her mother and brothers here last weekWilmore Moss have bought 35000 pounds of tobacco from 1 to 6 cwt Miss Kate a daughter of Mr and Mrs J D Walker who has been in school at Lebanon Tenn for8 months wil return home in a few days Miss Walker is one of our accomplished young ladies and we are certainly glad she will be with us again Everybody must come and hear Rev A L Mell on the second Sunday in April as he will deliver a sermon of 12 years study His subject will be on the Identification of the Resurrection The storm Tuesday unroofed a barn for W L Sharp and J H Smith and blew down quite a lot of timber and fencing We are very thankful that we did not receive any more damage Mr and Mrs G T Flowers enter ¬ tained last Friday night Mr J S Flow- ers ¬ of Russellville ExGov J R Whie t dee ¬ Cumberlande ande per well bought 4 heifers of C L Keltner for 35 heree your he had finished stripping tobacco and judges of the weed say his crop is the best that has been raised in that sec- tion ¬ for many years Messrs John Sneed and Alexander Bohanon will locate in Columbia and will assist in building the railroad wellknowy n a gosp wagon made We have not learned the color of the horse he will drive but suppose it will be a white one Mr Shelly Tarter who has been con- fined ¬ i to his bed for seven years and part of the time was unable to feed himself is getting better and his friends think he will be about soon The old saying that everythingwill come around all right every seven years is going to prove true OZARK The wheat crop is looking better Corn is selling at 250 per barrel and wheat at 100 per bushel Mr Walker Bryant expects to have fewdays s y a 1 of damage + r J r UNNVILLE Mr Wm Wilkinson came here last week after a coffin for Mrs R J Mor ¬ ris who died near Liberty- N H W Aaron madea business trip to Jamestown last week Eld Tobias Huffaker will lecture at the Christian church the first Sunday in Chester Collins who has been living with Mr Aaron this winter returned to Columbia last week- S J Bell sold 30 hogs to Lincoln county parties at 3J eta We had mail last week only two days on account of high water Jerry Cravens sold a fine saddle horse for 120 B Lee has just returned from Ten- nessee ¬ where he has been visiting his motherJ Jones has been quite sick with measles but is better The wife of Air T J Goode died last week of consumption Louisvillebuyinggoods Dr Hammond sold a cow and calf to Will Rubarts for 25 Louisville tobacco market was very active last week for Burley prices perhundred yis to work in the woods and at sawmill competenthands C S GRADYDENTIST 0 SPECIAL attention given to Gold Filling Crown and Bridge- work 00 F F I CE over Russell Murrells Store Columbia Ky YETINERY SURGEON I Fistulo Pollevil splints sptvnor any surgical work done at fair prices r am fixed to take care of stock Special attention to eyes S D ORENSHAW X mile from Columbia on Disappointment BELLS HOTEL Lebanon Kij Frank Bell Pronrletor 0 This hotel is located opposite the L N Depot and Is a splendid place at which to stop Good meals excellent attention and the rates very reasona ¬ ble Trade of Adair and adjoining ties solicited + C M WISEMAN SON + a 7 W RL BS and OPTICIANS Dealers In Diamonds and Precious Stones J eclal attention given to work and elall ordersot goods In our line 132 West Market between 1st and 2nd Opo UeMuilcH all LOUISVILLE Russsll Creek Poultry Farm BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK FOWLS EXCLUSIVELY EGGS FOR HATCHINGHaving care¬ fully mated our breeding yard for the season of 1904 we are prepared to fill orders for eggs from fine strain of B P Rock Eggs 100 per 15 fifteen Thanking my friends for put favors soliciting your patronage in the future JiM H JP4xxox Rollingburg Ky 2 mor- z LL L Eggs For Hatching I SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORNS r One Setting 15 Eggs 100 Settings 250 500 per Hundred Write for telling all about them Address BLUE SPRING POULTRY FARM DR J M JOHNSTON Prop Breensturg Kentuc- kyTroasllr6r JOHN L WHEflT Secretary and j UTICA LIME COMPA1HIKCO- RVORA y TJSD 421 West Main Street LOUISVILLE ° KENTUCKY WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Lime Fire Brick Louisville Cement The Famous Black Diamond or other brands Fire Clay Portland Cement PipePlaster Enquiries for prices invited Orders Promptly Filled V 7EQt rpris0 Hot I GflflS F GflNS BROI PROPRIETORS 234242 EAST MARKET ST BET BROOK flND FLOYD STS LOUISVILLE KY 0 Rates 100 per dayAbsolute Satis foction Guaranteed- SPECIAL RATES TO REGULAR BOARDERS W P BRANDENBURG Jeweler ass W Market LOUISVILLE KY o Full line of Watches Clocks Diamonds and Jewelry Spectacles Silverware Etc Fine Watch Repairing All Work W- arrantedPHBILD ftu BUGGIES SURREYS HARNESS BEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES Send for Catalogue Corner Brook and Market Burghard Building Louisville 00 0 Kentucky A M EMLER PRESIDENT THEO RECTANUS VPRES- C W COLE MANAGER New Farmers Home Hotel 400 422 EAST MARKET STREET Above Freston Louisville Ky o X 3Bc0t Squlpt 5100 per Sag Dotcl in the TUnttcD States STREETCAR FACILITIES TO ALL PARTS OF CITY WOODSON LEWIS JAS 0 LEWIS UoodSOI lewis 9 Bro ARE NOW RECEIVING Four carloads of Buggies Surreys T and other vehicles Four carloads of Wagons Two carloads of Plows Oliver Chilled Plows Hillside Plows Double Shovel and Pony Plows Two carloads Disc Harrows Corn Drills Two carloads of TwoHorse RidingY ¬ ers r FERTILIZER Ten car loads of Fertilizer We will sell you Fertil¬ izer at prices that will surprise you Write us for prices and information Mention Adair County Newsjwhen you write- s WOODSON LEWIS URO > > 4 Greensburg v Kentucky ra f sn- r +a T y zr

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Page 1: JOHANBOEKE BROS HATS CAPS AND STRAW Kr - … Powell who spent a week in Louisville have returned home Mrs Mary Price


Mr Mont Feese is on the sick list

Mr M L Mitchell is on the sick listMrs HN Miller continues to im ¬


Mr Fred Hancock was in Campbellsville Sunday

L W Bennett has been on the sicklist for a few days

Mr Bert Epperson Montpelier wasin Columbia Monday

Mr A C Loy Crcelsboro was hereon business Saturday

Mr J W Blair Glensfork was inColumbia last Saturday

Mr W R Lytn Campbellsville wasin Columbia last Friday

Mr J S Flowers of Russellville isvisiting relatives in Adair County

Mr W T Childers and wife wholive near Watson are quite sick

Mr Burr Gilpin traveliug salesmancalled to see Columbia merchants lastFridaylaMrs Sue Grissomher sister Mrs Lucy Follis Friday and

SaturdayMrRussell Jr Louisville is

spending a few days with relatives andfriends here

Mrs Woodson Lewis Greensburghas been in a lowstate of health forseveral weeks

Rev S A McKay and wife ofCampbellsville were visiting here thefirst of the week

Eld W K Azbill has beenquite sicksince returning from Lebanon threatened with pneumonia

Mr J D Lowe and Mr Henry Hud ¬

son returned from a trip to Pulaski andRockcastle last week

Mrs John A Murray of Glasgowvisited her sister Miss Alice Garnettthis place last week

Mr M J Murrell who has been infeeble health for some time was ableto be in town last Monday

Mr Jo Hurt son of Mr and Mrs LB Hurt is confined to his room withpneumonia He is improving

Mr Cameron Dunbar of Creelsborocame down to see his mother MrsMary B Dunbur last Saturday

Mr L V Hall and his sister MissNona Powell who spent a week inLouisville have returned home

Mrs Mary Price who has beendangerously ill is some better and hopesIare entertained of her recovery

Mr M L Mitchell who served twoweeks on the Federal grand jury Louisville returned home last Saturday

Dr R H Perryman has been calledto Franklin Ind to see his daughterMrs Swiggett who is dangerously ill

Mrs J G Eubank and Mrs GeoStaples returned from a pleasant visitto relatives in Frankfort last TuesdayI

Dr Harry Barg an optician of Cin¬

cinnati is spending a few days in Cclumbia stopping at the Hancock Hotel

Hon Geo Nell and wife have takenrooms at the residence of Mrs JoRosenfield who is a daughter of MrNelL

Mr W L Walker and one of hissalesmen Mr L L Eubank are inCincinnati and Louisville this weekpurchasing extensively for this market

Miss Birdie Powell of the firm Powell Staples returned from LouisvilleSaturday night Their friends are invited to call and examine their millinery

Miss Effie Bradshaw who has beenin the market several weeks returnedhome last Sunday and is now at herplace of business ready to show thelatest novelties

Mr John A Webb merchant atWebbs Cross Roads and Mr ShermanWade merchant at Decatur passedthrough Columbia last Friday on theirreturn from market

Mrs J W Butler this place whohas had a growth upon her neck forseveral years left for Louisville lastSunday accompanied by her daughterMrs W E Bradshaw The object ofthe visit is to consult Dr Reynolds Ifthe tumor can be removed Mrs Butlerwill remain in Louisville severalweeksafter the operation has been perform-ed It is very much hoped that she

andactivitybeing in a feeble condition could notaccompany herr


Born to the wife of E L Sinclairon the 26th a son

Born to the wife of Walker Bryanton the 28th a daughter

Massie Walker will sell here nextMonday twenty firstclass mules to thehighest bidders

The Louisville Times published lasSaturday splendid pictures of MissesLina Rosenfield and Mabel Atkins thisplace

A daughter of Mr Travis Miller diedin Taylor county last Saturday Theremains were interred at Cane Valleythis county

Mr Wm Grant whose home was onGreen river died last Sunday He wasabout 70 years old and was a Federalsoldier in the civil war

Miss Fanne Garnett has charge ofthe Latin Department in the LindseyWilson She is a valuable acquisitionto the institution

c i

+ fpia

The Casey circuit court wil commencenext Monday

Born to the wife of Joel Tupmantee 23d inst a daughter

If you need a cooking stove call on LW Bennett and get prices before buy-


Correspondents will please mail lettersso that they will reach us Friday eve-


The work on the bridge at Greensburg is progressing slowly on accountof high water

Advertise your horse in the News ifhe has merit and you will get patronagefrom other parts of the country

We presume the teachers in the county understand that the common schoolterm from now on will be six months

The Fiscal court of Adair county willbe in session >next week Several veryimportant measures will come beforethe court

Columbia Chapter will meet in regu¬

convocation next Fii ay eveningAll Companions are requested to bepresent

The wife of Dr Alexander ShivelyBurdick Taylor county died last Sat-urday and was bnried Sunday Shewas a very estjmable Christian lady

Next Monday will be county courtA great many people are expected toattend and those who are indebted tothis office are requested to call andmake payment

I have the full stock Barred PlymothRock eggs to sell at 50c per 15 Theyare the Iowa fine strain

Mrs A E CabellJoppa Ky

Mr Armbell Canada who was acitizen of Russell county was drowned-at the mouth of Greasy Creek Cumber-land river last Sunday night He wasrafting logs His body was recovered

Russeell Murrell have said so muchin their address to the trade throughthe News there is bnt little left for usto say Read carefully the inducementsthey offer then call and see them

Mr Keene late sheriff of Cumberland county who was in the barn atBurksville which was wrecked by thestorm last week and who was fatallyhurt died a few days ago

The meeting at the Methodist churchcontinues Rev Davis is preachinggood sermons and a great deal of interest is being manifested There havebeen several professions The meetingwillcontinue through this week

The following gentleman have beenmade Entered Apprentice Masons RevJ P Scruggs Dr Jas Menzie HonM Rey Yarberry Messrs Al MyersJo CofFey Jr and G P Smythe To-night Mr Walker Bryant will be raisedand Mr S N Hancock advanced

The high wind Tuesday afternoon oflast week caused the flooding of a bargeloadedwith staves at Creelsboro andseveral thousand were washed down theriver They were the property of Page

Stults this place and Mr GeoStults writes that their loss amounts toseveral hundred dollars

We have received a copy of the firstissue of the Casey County News aweekly paper started at Liberty MrHenry Thomas is the editor The newpublication has our best wishes Thepaper is Republican but its space willbe devoted in the main to the building-up of Liberty and Casey county

The good people living in the neigh-borhood


of Garlan this county aremaking an effort to put up a churchbuilding They are anxious to raisesufficient funds to start the work asquickly as possible Persons who arewilling to contribute should see Mrs LT Neat or Mrs Simeon Murrell

On account of rains but little farmwork has been done in this countyOnly a few acres have been broken forcorn and a less number for oats Ourfarmers however are industrious andare making no complaint against Himwho governs the elementsresting con-tented with a determination to makehay when the sun is permitted to shine

There will be no morning nor eveningservices at the Baptist church nextSunday due to theseries of meetings-in fprogress at the Methodist churchIn the afternoon from 4 to 5 oclock asong service will be held in the Baptistchurch to which all the singers in townare cordially invited to attend and par-ticipate


If you do not sing come andencourage others thereby making ithour of spiritual benefit

With but one or two exceptions everymember of the Baptist church of thistown who were seen last Saturdaycontributed without a murmur to thecommittee who has charge of improve-ments so badly needed on the churchmemtyet been seen It is encouraging tothe committee helpful to the giveran indication of true religion The im-


will be made

It is said that the act of shooting MrJoshua Murrell in Green county lastweekwas a great outrage and thatthe guilty party when caught will bseverely punished It is reliably re-ported here that the man who did theshooting was on the hunt of some oneand when he met Mr Murrell he level-ed


his but was repeatenly told notto shootas he was mistaken in thman Mr Murrell is not yet out ofdanger and the guilty has not to ourknowledge been arrestedA

WHO is sumSpecial Pension Commissioner Cut ¬

ler has been ordered to Columbia Kyto examine a claim filed by a youngwidow for a pension on account of herhusband who died two years ago hav-


fought in the regular army in thewar against the Seminole Indians in

FloridaItrather a trite saying that pen-


never die remarked Mr Cut-


at his office in the Federal buildingyesterday and even when they dodie they are rather more apt thanother men to leave widows and or ¬

phansNowthis war ended in 1838 or 39

but the soldier in question died only twoW three years ago leaving a youngwidow to the care of the GovernmentShould she remain a widow and live aslong as her husband did Uncle Samwill be providing for her along aboutthe year 1950 Louisville Herald


Last Friday night as Miss Ola Wilsonand Mrs Mary B Dunbar of Creels ¬

boro who is visiting here were ontheir way to church the latter metwith a very painful and serious acci ¬

dent which will keep Mrs Dunbar con-fined to her room for severalweeksJust as the two ladies passed throughMr Wilsons front gate Mrs Dunbarslipped and fell breaking her left legbelow the knee Drs J H Grady andW R Grissom were called andreducedthe fracture and at this writing thepatient is resting easy

In another column will be seen a truepicture of Red Lexington the fine combined stallion of Coffey Bros of thistown The people in this immediatesection are well acquainted with thechief feature of this valuable horsethey are not strangers to the fact thathe is one of the most promising indi ¬

viduals of that great family of horsesLexington that has so thoroughly im-


the entire country with superbqualities and worth They appreciateRed Lexington for what he is and forhis pure and unadulterated bloodaperfect type and the purest Lexingtonnow livinga true decendant of one ofthe greatest families of horses everknown in this State You must seethe horse and see him move to appre¬

ciate him but his pedigree bespeaks hisworth Coffey Bros have never boughtcommon stock they are advocates ofthe best blood coupled with superb individuality and their experience andknowledge is a safe guarantee whenthey say that Red Lexington is thegreatest horse and the purest bloodIthey ever owned It is useless for usto compliment these young men Theyare known to be competent reliablebusiness men trustworthy in everyparticular They have carefully soughtto find a great individual with the rich-est strains of blood for several yearsto place at the head of their stud andnot until Red Lexington was securedhave they been contented Read theiradvertisement and do your own figur-


A young cyclone passed over Adaircounty about 5 oclock last Tuesdayafternoon Fencing was scattered inevery direction and many trees wereblown down but no one in the countywas hurt so far as we know In Taylorcounty a young man named Bridge-water was struck by lightning and instantly killed The Spectator office inColumbia was the greatest suffererhere The wind blew out one oftheback windows and the door leadingdown the front steps was closed andwhen the current got into the roomthere was but one escape through theskylight The glass was about onequarter of an inch thick and it wasbroken into hundreds of pdces letting-in the rain The money damage to theoffice was not great but the andtrouble to the proprietor and force wasnot a little The next day the officewas put in protection against rain anda new glass ordered

To the citizens of Adair county Theundersignedare in the tombstone business at Campbellsville Ky Campbellsville is your neighbor and as youhave no manufacturer of this work inColumbia would it not be to your interest to patronize us We guaranteesatisfaction both in quality of workand prices We solicit work from Adairand adjoining



The municipal board voted down thproposition to keep going four morlights on Burksville street theThebcost of keeping up the present lightsbefore undertaking more expenseLater if it is seen that the townwell afford more lamps they will b-


anMrs Tim Bradshaw and daugh ¬

ter Miss Effie are now receivingtheir Spring millinery They invite their friends to call and examine the latest designs in hatsbonnets etc satisfied that thecan be pleased

yearbrightenthe Public Schools Take the Normalcourse at the LindsayWilson School andfear not failure in the examination


weather This is not directed to anyiagreee

I have a threeyear old mule for saleDr W T Grissom

Bliss Ky

SALEeTwentyone hogs from 50 to 150 dsDock Frnklin1

Glensfork Ky >


w >

Jt r 01

Bigger Stocks Better ValuesIn Carpets Rugs Mattings and Linoleum

Four Immense DisplayFloors Qualities and Prices RightWhen in Louisville be sure to call on us You are wel¬

come whether you buy or no-

tBrOsflubbiiGli524526528 W Market St LOUISVILLE KY



FALL CITY BRANDSMerchants are respectfully invitedto oaii and see our stcok


We now havethe most beautiful andmost complete line of Spring and Summer Millinery and notions ever brought-to Columbia which will be on displayThursday All the ladies of Adair andadjoining counties are invited to comeand see our goods before buying else-

where AjMissMiss Myrt Staples

Do not fail to attend Massie Walk ¬

ers public sale in this town next Monday Twentyfive mules will be sold atpublic outcry

For SaleA 9 year old cow and young I

calf G G Morrison Gadberry j


J R Shirley of Milltown was withus FridayJ

one of our best farImers is preparing to build a large barn

Mr Charles Yates has recently put a-

new appearance on his dwellingMrs Strong Hill is in Louisville buy-

ing new millineryRev Jas Debord attended the funer-


of Jas Salmon at East Fork Satur ¬

dayMissSallie Diddle spent last Thurs-


in ColumbiaMrs C Wilmore has been on the

sick list for severs daysDr L C Nell was called to see Mrs

Parson at Kemp WednesdayThe Masonic hall has a new appear-


We tender our thanks to the la-

dies for their good taste and faithful

workMrE Keltner and wife who went to j

Indiana a few weeks ago have returned-to this place and are satisfied that Ken-


is the best place to liveMiss Irene Yates one of the students-

of Columbia spent Sunday at homeRev J P Scruggs failed to fill his c

appointment Saturday and Sunday onaccount of sickness

C Gowen of Basil was here a few s

days agoMr Thos Moss one of the best citi¬niaibia was here last week seeing after his

farmHA Walker of Columbia was here

Thursday shaking hands with his manyfriends

Mr Chas Maupin is confined to hisroom withmeasles

Mrs Pat Davis of Russellville visi ¬

ted her mother and brothers here last

weekWilmoreMoss have bought 35000

pounds of tobacco from 1 to 6 cwtMiss Kate a daughter of Mr and

Mrs J D Walker who has been inschool at Lebanon Tenn for8 monthswil return home in a few days MissWalker is one of our accomplishedyoung ladies and we are certainly gladshe will be with us again

Everybody must come and hear RevA L Mell on the second Sunday inApril as he will deliver a sermon of 12

years study His subject will be on theIdentification of the Resurrection

The storm Tuesday unroofed a barnfor W L Sharp and J H Smith andblew down quite a lot of timber andfencing We are very thankful thatwe did not receive any more damage

Mr and Mrs G T Flowers enter ¬

tained last Friday night Mr J S Flow-


of Russellville ExGov J RWhie tdee ¬

Cumberlandeandeperwell bought 4 heifers of C L Keltnerfor 35hereeyourhe had finished stripping tobacco andjudges of the weed say his crop is thebest that has been raised in that sec-tion


for many yearsMessrs John Sneed and Alexander

Bohanon will locate in Columbia andwill assist in building the railroadwellknowy n

a gospwagon made We have not learnedthe color of the horse he will drive butsuppose it will be a white one

Mr Shelly Tarter who has been con-fined

¬ i

to his bed for seven years andpart of the time was unable to feedhimself is getting better and his friendsthink he will be about soon The oldsaying that everythingwill come aroundall right every seven years is going toprove true


The wheat crop is looking betterCorn is selling at 250 per barrel and

wheat at 100 per bushelMr Walker Bryant expects to havefewdayss

y a 1

of damage

+ r Jr

UNNVILLEMr Wm Wilkinson came here last

week after a coffin for Mrs R J Mor ¬

ris who died near Liberty-N H W Aaron madea business trip

to Jamestown last weekEld Tobias Huffaker will lecture at

the Christian church the first Sunday in

Chester Collins who has been livingwith Mr Aaron this winter returned toColumbia last week-

S J Bell sold 30 hogs to Lincolncounty parties at 3J eta

We had mail last week only two dayson account of high water

Jerry Cravens sold a fine saddle horsefor 120

B Lee has just returned from Ten-nessee


where he has been visiting his

motherJJones has been quite sick with

measles but is betterThe wife of Air T J Goode died last

week of consumption

LouisvillebuyinggoodsDr Hammond sold a cow and calf to

Will Rubarts for 25

Louisville tobacco market was veryactive last week for Burley prices

perhundredyisto work in the woods and at sawmill



0SPECIAL attention given toGold Filling Crown and Bridge-work

00 F F I CE over RussellMurrells Store Columbia Ky


Fistulo Pollevil splints sptvnorany surgical work done at fair pricesr am fixed to take care of stock

Special attention to eyes

S D ORENSHAWX mile from Columbia on Disappointment


Frank Bell Pronrletor

0This hotel is located opposite the L

N Depot and Is a splendid place atwhich to stop Good meals excellent

attention and the rates very reasona¬

ble Trade of Adair and adjoiningties solicited



Dealers In Diamonds and Precious Stones

Jeclal attention given to work and

elall ordersot goods In our line 132 WestMarket between 1st and 2nd

Opo UeMuilcH all


Russsll Creek PoultryFarm



fully mated our breeding yard for theseason of 1904 we are prepared to fillorders for eggs from fine strain of BP Rock Eggs 100 per 15 fifteen

Thanking my friends for put favorssoliciting your patronage in the future

JiM H JP4xxoxRollingburg Ky 2mor-

z LL L

Eggs For Hatching I


One Setting 15 Eggs 100 Settings 250500 per Hundred Write for telling all about them Address


DR J M JOHNSTON Prop Breensturg Kentuc-

kyTroasllr6rJOHN L WHEflT Secretary and





WHOLESALE DEALERS INLime Fire Brick Louisville Cement The Famous BlackDiamond or other brands Fire Clay Portland CementPipePlaster

Enquiries for prices invited Orders Promptly FilledV

7EQt rpris0 Hot I



LOUISVILLE KY0Rates 100 per dayAbsolute Satisfoction Guaranteed-




Full line of Watches Clocks Diamonds and Jewelry

Spectacles Silverware Etc Fine Watch Repairing All Work W-arrantedPHBILD






Corner Brook and Market Burghard Building

Louisville 0 0 0 Kentucky



New Farmers Home Hotel400 422 EAST MARKET STREET

Above Freston Louisville Kyo X

3Bc0t Squlpt 5100 per Sag Dotcl in the TUnttcD States




Four carloads of Buggies SurreysT

and other vehicles Four carloads ofWagons Two carloads of Plows OliverChilled Plows Hillside Plows DoubleShovel and Pony Plows Two carloads

Disc Harrows Corn Drills Two carloads of TwoHorseRidingY¬


Ten car loads of Fertilizer We will sell you Fertil¬izer at prices that will surprise you Write us for pricesand information Mention Adair County Newsjwhen youwrite-


Greensburg v Kentucky

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