job roles


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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Job Roles

Director: Rebecca and Rhiannon will take up the role of director. We felt that they would both be able to work together efficiently to ensure the film continues to role smoothly and goes to plan. This is because they both are good at taking up a leader role, but will ensure that any other ideas contributed are still discussed between everyone in the group.

Producer: We have decided that each of us in the group will take up the role of producer. This is because we all have worked together to create the ideas and everything we have done so far. We feel that all of us should help organise and provide for what we have all worked to create.

Camera: We have chosen Will and Josh to work together on camera. This is because they both are currently doing a photography course, this means they both know how to work cameras well and have more experience as well as enjoy using cameras.

Lighting & Sound: Will and Josh will also be in charge of the lighting and sound, this is again due to experience as josh has created some videos in the past and both of the together will know how to use and produce the lighting and sound effectively for our opening.