job interview information


Post on 18-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Job interview information


Page 2: Job interview information

At this session we hope At this session we hope to:to:

Give you a better understanding of the interview


Better develop your interview skills & techniques

Show you how to prepare for an interview

and, teach you how to follow up after an interview

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Topics we will Topics we will look at today:look at today:

1. Definition of an Interview

2. Look at different types of


1. How to prepare for an interview

2. How to improve your performance at an


3. How to follow up after an interview

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What is an interview?An interview is a conversation with a purpose. It is a two-way

marketing exercise. An Employer can find out more about you that they may not know from looking at a Resume or by talking to you on the phone.

An interview gives you a chance to demonstrate your suitability for the position, company and team. It also gives you the opportunity to learn about the company and the position.

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Telephone Interviews

Group Interviews

Panel Interviews

One-on-One Interviews

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Preparing for your InterviewFirst thing to do is research the Company

and the position so you have a better understanding of what kind of services or products the organisation provides.

Knowing more about the company will assist with tailoring your answers during the interview, show initiative and help develop some great questions to ask the Employer at the end of the interview.

Some ways to find out information on the Company are the Internet, Brochures, talk to someone or your employment consultant.

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Casual attire such as jeans, t-shirts,

thongs etc are not suitable interview attire

Business attire can consist of nice ironed blouse/shirt, pants/skirt, ties or jacket etc.

Grooming & AttireIt is important that you attend an interview well presented and well

groomed. You must ensure:

Your clothes are clean and ironed

You are showered and your hair is clean and well groomed

You do not wear overpowering cologne or perfume

You do not smell of cigarette, alcohol or strong smelling foods

If you have facial hair, that it is well groomed

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Before the InterviewMake sure that before the interview you know how to get there. Be sure of the address, check directions and check how long it will take you to get there. Always allow for delays in traffic/public transport).

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There are a few commonly asked interview questions and with information about the company you can prepare the answers to these questions in advance. This will help you feel more confident and impress the employer.

A few commonly asked questions are:

Tell me about yourself…

What do you think you have to offer this company?

Why did you leave your last job?

Why do you want to do this job / work for this


What do you believe are your key strengths?

What do you believe are your weaknesses?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Do you work well under pressure?

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Last but not least, if you are sick still attend the interview unless you are extremely sick. If you do not attend you may not get another interview, as the employer may be come doubtful about your reliability or enthusiasm.

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1st Stage – Building Rapport with the Employer and your first impression.

2nd Stage – Questions & Answers, and getting to know you.



CLOSING 3rd Stage – Summarising and where to from here.

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Initial Greeting:

Wait for the Interviewer to offer their hand before shaking it

Posture – sit up right when in the interview and

place hands in lap to avoid fidgeting

Ensure your appearance and presentation is professional

You only have once chance to make a good impression!

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Did you know that 90% of your message is in your non-verbal communication!

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• How many hours would I be required to work

• Is there a uniform/dress code? Who supplies the uniform?

• When and how will you be letting applicants know

whether they were successful/unsuccessful?

• When do you need people to start?

• Is there a possibility to increase hours?

• What award do you follow?

Possible questions to ask the interviewer…

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Things to avoid during an interview

• Arriving late• A weak handshake• Messy/dirty clothes• Wearing dark glasses• Poor eye contact• Smelling of garlic, alcohol,

strong perfume/cologne• Not turning your mobile

phone off• Bringing your friends with you

• Saying bad things about your old boss/workplace

• Being rude or angry• Smoking – even if you are

told that you can• Not prepared for the

questions• Asking too many questions

about wages• Not showing interest• Fidgeting (this will distract

the interviewer)

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Next Week… Mock Interview

• You will need to:– Dress appropriately– Bring a copy of your resume

(or get you EC to print off a new copy for you)

– Let your consultant know today what position you would like to interview for

– Treat it as if you are in a real interview