j}irhmoitd inspirit. maig+^n*****:., im^y^chmond r · j}irhmoitd inspirit. wednesday.january ll,...

J}irhmoitd Inspirit. WEDNESDAY.JANUARY ll, 1882. ISdtfors Dispaic* l Tbe question lt fre¬ quently asked " What ls Pink-Kyer "-the dUeate now quite prevalent among the homes and muka of the elly. Your pub¬ lished sUtcroent <>t what it U will not only be of interest to all in the city who own borers and mules, but, sa thc street-car* are not running to-day l*?cause of IL the com¬ munity generally will read lt with lnter,-t. [Somebody will please answer.] BUhop Htsana'a Rarmon al IR* (totten- era tl on of stat ll I* hop af North « a ro¬ nna. Right Rev. H. I'inkney Northrop, of Charleston, 8. C., was consecrated Bishop of North Carolina at thc Cathedral in Balti¬ more on Sunday. Right Rev. Bishop J. J. Keane, of Rich¬ mond, preached thc Hermon upon the occa¬ sion, taking hit text from the Uh chapter ot the Kpl'tlc of St. Paul to the Kphesians. After referring IO UM ippropri denes* of the text, tbe reverend sjieaker said that the sacred solcmnltlct of which the congrega¬ tion were witnesses were no new sjpeemetal in this venerable Cathedral, which has wit- nesecd many similar events. Notwith¬ standing this, thc event loses none of Its interest, and every consecration is sur¬ rounded with fresh interest. The event gilt us willi gladnc-s for thc Church and for thc diocese of the bishop-elect, as BOe" "ince HM Mott Rev. Archbishop was called to the Kpi.scoi.ial throne thc diocese had mourned for one like him, whose encrgie* and life might be devoted to the care of the ( burch. To-dav thc dio- ceac rejoices, ts a new pastor is given to her.one whom she honors and loves, and under whoso care she may well hope to flourish. The occasion is filled with Joy for the Catholics In the United States. For ten years there ha- l»een a vacancy in her hierarchr, and to-day they rejoice that a new bishop is laboring iii their behalf. They will know that the welfare of IRS Church cannot depend merely on her physical resources, but most de¬ pend on her laborers. The Church feels that she is a debtor to the millions who stand in need of what she alone can give thom; and therefore the (burch is gUd because another is added BB the njios- toli" beaty, on which she must ch icily de¬ pend for Hie discharge of that great "debt. A new prince has been given to the king¬ dom of Chri-t.a new watchman to guard it against thc danger- of this unbelieving age. A new bishop has been placed around the throne of St. Peter. All these circumstances arc combined in thc event which you have witnessed; yet not all of them together tell all iLs true meaning, which is shown in flu- Kpi.-tlc of S*. Paul. There wc learn that from His throne on high (Jod has bestowed a new gift ujK>n men. The sqieaker here discoursed at length on the relations of the Church and its minis¬ ters to the world, likening it to a vine, the veins ot which, BS represented by the cler¬ gy, convey the life-sap to each BtRRRnWe leaf nnd fibre represented by the faithful. He also dwelt ti-xiii thc relations of the bi-hops and priest-, denning their reopCO- tive dutie-, and touched ujxm the history of the Church in the early centuries anti thc apostolic sueeeoBion. Beferriog lo thc latter, ho commented upon UM neeaSBBy Of believing in the un¬ broken dc-ccnt of authority which to-day i- being banded down to the new bishop. Recurring to the event for which they were assembled, he said : "It is with fear and tn milling he (thc bishop- eic *t) accepts the high office to which he has been raised, for he Knows ne must one day stand before the Prince of reston for judgment, and he will he asked as to his care of those precious souls confided to hi* charge, and of which Christ BO zealously looks after. Thc new bi-hop goo- to work among one million four hundred thousand souls who are outside of the true fold, sim¬ ply because they do not know of it. Oh! we will pray that hi- ministration- then- may be abundantly successful. We will pray that the example of the Saviour may¬ be ever before him, and may the poverty and hard work thai must make op bis HJe have in it the consolation of souls saved to fill heaven with Joy. May Jesus usc him for boundless good.for the welfare of souls and the glory of Alinighiy (Jud. May the Divine Master, who to-day places Uta mitre on his. brow, Welcome him in the kingdom of heaven, and change hi- mitre Into a crews "f (\erlasting life." Oaear Wild., the tit lu te. int- THEORIES, WRITINGS, ANT) PERSONAL APPEARANCE. As already announced. Oscar Wilde, the poet, apostle, and high-priest of eetheti- cism, has arrived in New York from lang¬ land, and UM world of fashion and letters, which indulges in thc strange s|x>rt of lion- hunting, has since had ample Opportunity to gratify it- weakness. Tho-, who had only known Mr. Wilde through Dr. Man¬ ner's caricature of Maudie, or Gilbert's character of Bunthorne, were no doubt disappointed at not seeing him walk down Broadway pressing g lily to hts breast- but this was compensated for by meeting a young man with B*Te0IBt1cBR and peculiar!- tit-, and yet at thc same time with fresh and Vivid ideas un art, keen iMTceptious. and brilliant social qualities Mr. Wilde was born in Dublin, and ls twenty-six years old. His father was Sir William Wiide, a celebrated phyttcbrn,and his mother a woman of much poetical talent. After securing high honors at Trinity Col¬ lege, Dublin, young Wilde went to Mag¬ dalen College, Oxford, anti graduated there¬ from in 187s;. The acquaintance which In¬ formed then- with John Ruskin undoubt¬ edly gave color to Ids after life and thought, and a subsequent visit to Italy and Greece served to deepen his impres¬ sions on art and beauty. since that linn¬ he ha* published a number of sonnets and translations from Greek ¦TOgedieO. The idea nuning through ail ins poems seems tn bc that beauty is above namiiiallsiii that dowers an- better then factories, and hat the hum of the bec and the murmur of the brook nrc swelter than the clang of the hammer and the whirl of tho spindle, lt was a bold thought to try and IntUM suth an Idea into thc brain of tbi- practical age. and when Hie young enthusiast's devotees In attempting to follow him never rose above the lei el of a craze for blip- china and cracked teacups of UM reign of tineen Anne, ur a rhapsody over a lily or BSUR- losror, then- wa- little wonder thal al grotesque side of the subject was at once eefand upon, and that he and his theories were everywhere burlesqued, Mr. Wilde himself "admits that he and; his companions al Brat went to Hr Wildest extremes ii. dnss and cxpre.ions. He SHIRR that thc groundwork of c-theti- ORRS ii that a knowledge of the beautiful cannot he taught, hut must be personal,j and can univ bc acquired by one's own eyes and ears. The real Strength «'f HM I Sthetk ', movement, he thinks, [les in UM great strength of beautiful design- ain-nig bandi- j. craftsmen of the various eMfea, and he is of; opinion that among women csjH-.-iallv tlnr is a di-tinct tendencv towards the Riost radical change, both "in the form of tho dress and In thc introduition of novel and beautiful colors. He con¬ siders tliat at present velvet ls the most beautiful drees for a man, and as a rule wears gray or brown velvet himself. He ls over six feet in height, with a full white neck, ina..ive face, prominent chin, rather tun*lions lip*, mid blue eyes, the beardie*, coiintemiriic being framtd in longbrowo hair, part" d in the middle and loosed back¬ ward (>v>r his shoulders. . li-dtiiaore Sun. RIB riBST I.KCTT'KK ft; ARRRBGAs Oscar Wilde lectured Monday night {og Large and fa-hiui)able audience af ( bicker- Baa Hall, lb* Was drewsed in a black dress coat, while Psst, an CXtriHIell loW-CUt shirt, with flowing white silk cravat, black kneobn (ches, brown stockings and -lip- Kia, H<> chose aa his subject "The igiiah Rennalstance," which, he said, w.y» til' ;¦--'me of art, and all teachings would amount to nothing if thc workmen were not -1wounded by beautiful things, I lor ll tlicj did not see them they could not make thorn. Art should not lie, as lu the past, onlf a contrast with snrrounrlinK iniieiy. In eoiuhuion, BC »ald: "iou have all heard of those two flowers dear to the i*tbrie's heart, the roar and the lily. But wo do not love Mien for thc reason elven bv Mr. Oilliert, nor for any voiretn- hle pretorenro, but U-cati^c they ure the most perfect specimens of denten.the rose with lt* leonine beauty, and the lily the emblem of rhastitv and parity. Then, why look further for the secret of life, when thcieeret of life ts art r" HoTfuroRrVH Arin Pihwiutk tn Derm.rrr, ktc..I have found Horsford'* Add Plios- phstr particularly serviceable in treatment of women and children in debility and kaw of appetite.- W. II. Holcombe, M. D.New Orleans, La._ Near!* MllleB Sta Mw»*theart s father Aveiy serious and wellnieh fatal affair oeeiiiTed uiar thin place on New-YearV eve nleht. It Meenis that a colored man mimed Henry Corbin, who, with hi* fam¬ ily, occupies' n cabin on the fnrm of Mr. Isaac 8. .Icffrloa, had ordered om- Henry I,new, wliow attentions to hi* dnuehter Nvere dist i"toful to the father, to discon¬ tinue hi" *1«it* to hi* hon-c. On rVihirdav nleht, however, Nvliil-t tin father wan attendine a "watch-meet¬ ing;" nt hi- church, Luca* took ad¬ vantage of hi* almenee from home lo Baj a visit to the dnuehter, which Sm pro¬ longed to such Bl extent that the irate father retnred to his home just In time to -ce liiiii cnn rei"^' from Iii- ilonr. An alter¬ cation immediately took place, and tin- two walked back "to the irate, -onie one hundred yards distance fruin the house, where I,nra* s, i/ed a larg! chin and felled Corbin to the eronnd. Several blows Nvere inflicted, and forbin with creal diflicnlty crawled back to Ma house, where he lay in an insensible condition until about 10 o'clock the next day. Dr. .b'flrie*, who lives near hy, was iiniiioilintely summoned, and Dr. Saunder* Waa called in the next atoning, WBO pro¬ nounced the unfortunate man in a critical condition. A warrant was obtained for theum-nt of Lucas, but as ye! he has not been apprehended. Corbin isa very inof- fen-ive man, and Hie act of Lilias BBB Besses' Hinch indignation among all classes. Lucas i* a young blacksmith, and a man of poNrerftil frame, and by no meanH irre¬ proachable character..Northern Neck S'nrs. Hr, Edwin Booth baa fane youth on a theatrical tour, and will open in Memphis, Tenn., .January PH li. Madame Patti sings in St. Louis this wet k. Manager Abby expects to clear 810,000 each nield. The use of one bottle ol st. Jacob- Oil cured Bay sun. n\!io wa- very sick with rlieiimalisin. This has arran the medicine a gnat name in my neighborhood. S. i'. BOWf Franklin, Pa. SI41URJB INTt.LMIJF.Nl F.. MINI NTIIRE NI viw; w-Jam why 11.1888. Situ ri~--s. 7:l'.i| lln.n Tide. Sim .«-ts . 4:57 Morning. 9:03 Moon rises.11:54 Steal Bf,. 9M PORT Off RICHMOND, Jam why lo, 1882. A1M11N ll'. Bttaaatf svaaawaa, Gftanwood, Baatoa, BaBt, Cbteaptakeand ohio Railway 'ompany. stem,.-r Ariel, Gifford, Norfolk, merchandise aad paateaaera and United State* nulla, I.. r> Tatum, aireni. Bari Brastlara (Ger.), klefnhardt, Kew fork, to load Hon- for Krazil. l!a.\a!l-(';c:i-1 :ih c..ni¬ pan y. (schooner Thomas Clyde, fisher, Bronsaick, Sa., lumber, A. L. Sheppard. SAILED. stctmrr OM Ikttsleaiss. Watktr, Sew Totfc, merchandise and paatanaers,G. \N'. Alien | ( ,,.. agents. steamer Ashland, Carr. Pl.ll.idelphi-i, merchau- dtse and paasenters. J, nv. McCarrlck, aiteat Schooner Hunt, r, Nash, H..stun, coal aad stare*. Chesapeake and ohio Hallway t ompany; taste*, Cartu .4 Talker. Schooner C. G. Crammer, Newberry. New v..rk. lamber aad coal, Chetapeake and Ohio Raliway ('ni:.|iin\ tassel, ('Hills J Parker. iw^ WAST.*. WA NTEdT X FlnsT-KATi; M A K- RRT-GARDRRRR. Alto, a MAR wno has had etrertrace with cattle and can milk, inply IoJAMEh H. GRANT, Sox 120, four miles north of city. Ja 11-21* w hu,'Iii ANTED. BY A YOUNG MAN I willi six yean1 experience In tbe mercantile sines*, a SITUATION with tome Richmond Betas, ll ts .jnltc a large country acquaintance and caa (.'Ive good reference. T. H. NV.. J t 11 -_t* car, this office. WANTED, TEN WOMEN A< COOKS. NVNKHKRs. and IRONERS to live in prl- \ tte rtmlltaa in New fork, Ntw Jertty, sad < on* ncctlc,il. Apply tn J. P. JUSTIS, emploraaeal Agent, la 11-lt* 'I 1 ili.i nth street WANTED, THIRTY BAILROAD MPS (COLORED) lo ro toCharlttton, W. Va. Batt be ready to START TO-NIGHT. Ap¬ ply lo J. P. JUSTIS, Employment Ageni. Ja n-lt* ii Fifteenth itreet. AV I WOULD 1.1 K i: TO M A K i: ai: RANGEMENT3 NN I I'll SOME WHOLES Nil Hit! M-. IN KU lIMu M) to represent thc.n the mad In SimJti ('andina. 1 ama n dive .1 that State and len,- ii ex tensive ac-|iiaiiitancc. and can gl\e thc i-est reference. Address P. >.. CROUCH, Johnston ¦ Depot.-, c. Ji Ic»-;*i» ANTED, TO BUY A HOUSE AND T DR NV..ir DHAN bj Itself. Apply at Ja lo.-jt* Nu. 10 ELEVENTH PTREET. jpOBN WANTED. \j - We wita to btw CORN, deHrered al geed bud* las i'n -i t\ cali!.- ri mt- rn- at ttat I ons on railroads. Partltt Bat I bb corn for mle wUI do well lo com ninnie ,*<¦ with n- before selling. ja li)--.'w thomas! br nm ii a co. WANTED, A COMPETENT liol SE- SERVANT (ii a small family. If wall re* coiiiineiided go,.,! wage- will Ik- paid. Apple at No. 2(1-1 west Main street. Ja li'-4t* W ANTKD, OORffSDBBATI B0BD6. 1 Batt an unfilled Braal tor OOSBEOBBATB OOUTOR bond-. and will pay 4:1 per thousand fur them. This will ptBBBMj BS BBS last oiiportunlty offerctl for dis¬ posing of the-e worthless -ccuritit-s, except as BBBttttBta. & r'- JOHNis'toN. Ja 8-31* 918 Main-inst. WANTED. A I OMPETENT FEMALE IHH'sK-s.KN \ ST. who t tn come well rt- e.inunciidcd. Apply at Mil west Iruiklin street. Ji K-41 TITANTED, CORN IN ANY QUANTI* T T TIBS (large luis preferred), delivered al tin- depot or lauding of any railroad or na-, lj.-al.lc stie.iin Iii Virginia. Hm- furnished without charge, w.mTlewrii co.. lint Cary street, Richmond, Va. m. 18-^odSm fri) TOBAITONISTS.-WANTKD BY 1 AN EXPERIENCED and THOROUGHLY COMPETENT MUM, mnv . poiltl in for Uk ensuing rear as SANAU EB lu tome U,hacco fac¬ tory. Win maaaaeany department. HatLsfactlou guarantee*!. Address MANAGER, Ja 8*31* care Letter-, arricr V... ll,city, WANTED, A PABTNEB-sileBt or IT ticti\t.with al...nt ?".uiin or *6,OH(i, lu n wci!-<M thli-ht-.i maaufactmlnghu-lneaspaying 1% percent. Business and books open for reference N.I In-.- IMUtl'l;l>K.care..f I.cItcM'arrh No. 'i- j»6-lw* I OS J SIKUIll. \ Ml MOI.I.N. I CST, A WU I Ti: AMia-sJ lj BROWS SPAMKL DOO, ahi.ut****^ ilk mouth* old. A HlKral reward paid it left al US i*st Krauklln street. Ja 11-11* FAKKN IT ON MY PBEMISES,QBwa ..ti the Mechanlcselllc turnpike, '«*W .1GHT-BRINDLE cow. with loag h*a*7aad| ta .n order. The owner will pltaat pay damages aid take her away. OEOltOK WATT. Ju. Ja 11*11 (LOTH I WU. )HS 1 .ATtX'CHB, lAtLI.ATOLCUt. iTILlTlT PAYS. 4 EINE TAU.ORINIi AT MODERATE PRU Ks. JOHN I.ATOl'CHi A SON. Ntl. Boara narra street, lust received a flue assortment of CHINCHILLA. BEAVER, AND MELTON OVERCOATINGS. Wo u.e lue lie-t tiliuiiiiiigs, emilio) Hie batt KatUfactlOil EUaraulM-d. No fancy I We Hud that small, uiiif.a-iu prmiU pay hy coii&Uiut Increase In amount ofluiidncii*. Au examination re iH-cttuil\ sollctUil. ,1. I ii-cd I) DEBTIBTM. liil. lt. STEEI/S DBBTAL PARi.oHs,1 NO. TiB M*is street, Richmond, Va. J.KllAKTBUN, D. D. t*. I ..,,..., CUAItLEK L. HTEEL. D. D. S., { AmlttaBtS. Ks/IAULIMUO) IS50, DIRROLimORR *t PARTREBRHIPR. /to-PARTNKRSHIP.-OUH MR. E. A. V> MOEN, for six years manager of our Rieh- mond houtc. ls (lits dty tdmlltcdjo an niterest »«> our concern. A. HO EN rn c o., Haltlmore. Md., sud Richmond. Na. JAsrART .-. 1SH-.. J* n"6t.. I HA VINO THIS DAY BOUGHT THK 1, INTEREST IN </CR EIRM OF WILLIAM H. COX. wi.minne the COMMISSION BCHI- heretofore om-lu.-ted l.y I OX A SMITH, at tho old stan-!. Bo. 1888 Main street. Thanking Ute patron- of Hie isle firm for their rontidcncr ami support, 1 hope tn rontlnne to merit thc BUM b) Integrity *nd strict attention !.> hu-lness. All persons Indebted to the lite Arro will please come forward al omi and settle Uieir account-, snd all person* ho.dlng claims please present Un in at once for payment lo W1LL!\M L. SMITH, who will .ettie up Um-affairs of the late arti'. ..._., WILLIAM L. SMITH. JAxrAnyft. 1882._J" ftri1 TN BETUUNG FROM THK CONCERN 1 OE COX A SMITH I return my sincere thank*!* thc pu',ll. for their generous patronage to Hu-lah firm, and cordially recommend to their attcnll<-ii land confidence my late partner. WILLIAM L, SMITH, who -nil coattBBC the business at the old stand. No. 152H Main street, and who ls alone sn- lliorited lo -ettie upUic sffalMuf the lafr firm. -St ___BA »L (OX. RiCHMOxn, Va.. January 7. 18S2. MR. EARNEST IL C1LAXKLET with¬ drew from our concern "ii thc 2d Instant. ki8-01 i". ILCHALKLEY ROO. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY ( OHCEBS Take notice, thal Um partnership beretofon existing between JOHN P. SAMPSON snd WIL¬ LIS A. SAMPSON under the Hrm-n.iine ,d'JOH N P. SAMPSON & BROTHER, Real Estate Al-ciiI- and Auctiuneers. with office in Bm city "f Man- COCttcr, Va., ls dissolved this d.-iy by mutual con- sent. All pej-aou having claims against the said Arm and all pertoni Indebted t-i thc aunc will tsttk svlth.lotiN 1*. sami'Son, who ls .-lli'iic aulli'-rl-.-l lo Cleat on! Hie untinli-lied bu-lui-ss of thc old Srm at Mindil-ter. Va._Ja 3-10t_ JOHN' I*. SAxtTOOB, A. L. ADAMSON. 1*01 of BSIBptaB j SBO late of England. WK, THK UNDERSIGNED, Tills DAY HAVE PORMEl) A CO-PARTNER- II' under thc tirin-nainc of BAMTSON A NEl.oil \ IINt. LOANts, ll EN Tl NO <> lim HI.-. snd SALE Ol LANI)-. All Ini-lni- [n our lui", svlii receive prompt pertontl aifenilon, .loll.N P. SAMPSON, JA 3-1 Ot_A. L. A DAMSON. Man' iikst i B, Va.. J.uiii.iry, )u<*2. 'PUK UNDERSIGNED, IN RETIRING 1 FROM HIE REAL ESTATE ANT) MC TTONEERS'HI >IN1 HS. r-tm ii- lu--I mere hank- to thc l.ul'llc for their lih( ral patruaagC tu the lal" Bra or John P. Sampaon ,v Brother, and recom¬ mend! to their attention and confidence tbe Bra ol sAMl'sON A ADAMSON. Real Estate Agtatl and Auctioneers, Manchester, Va. ttS-101 W. \. SAMT80R. ftl I BRR (VT station. Va.. January 1,1882. TO THK LUMBER TRADE oE THK VIRGINIA!*, AND lo \l.l. WUOM IT MAY t'ONCEBN: Take notice that tin- iiartner-hl| heretofore existing between A. E. WITH ROW am! E. IL NETTLETON",and known a-the llrm ol WITITROW A NETTLETON, Allegheny itatkra Vu., which leis proved l-otb satlsfaciory and profit- abM tu the trad-,i-thl-iliy iil.-"lsiH| l.y limit*. Hun. ah parti.- wno ara Indebted t.. or wat hasc chUmiantnst flic conn rn ss.ll plea- addi. - A. E. WITHROW. tl MPH...ru' depot. Va.,or E, M. NETTLETON, Ailcghany -tatton, as imth par- Uo* are authorized t-< Mttk-up'he Iiu-Iiicks. Tin lousiness -mill bc carried on in future bf E. M NETTLETON at their nhl darn. a. E. WITHROW L. M. RETTLETOR. I take this t-ppottualfy to laforai the Lanbti Tra.ii that I \siil continue thc LUMBER BUSI¬ NESS at Alleghtnj nation In tia- pUceofWlth- row a Nettleton, and solicit a eontlnnanceofyom kimi patronage. ii 7-Si.suAWlit E. M. NETTLE'loN. c O-PABTNEBSIHP J.J. WTt.si.N, late of W. W. < Wll-VOX. late witt U. Dandrtdgc A Co. ll. li. TaUaferro A Co J. II. W S-lllM. ION. Of Caioluie coiliify. Rn iimonii. Vi Ita.rt I, 1888. We. thc-ni's, i ii.i rs, has,- tnt* -las fuiBStd I co- parti.ci ship, under lac finn-n um ol' J. J. WTLSOR, BOB 8 ( o.. forth" porno .I. lido, (illira CEN ER \[, COM. MISSION IlLslNEHH nt No. 1804 I try*treet.be¬ tween 1 hilt, en th and I- ..iirtcciilh sin t-. au-I ho|* by rn.inid personal attention to business lo mci ii al'idrcreive Ute patronage of oar friend- and Hu pianti r- lu particular, for wboee Intettat wt proBt- I-, our in exertion*and prompt retarni. J. .). w ILSON, WILL! \M C. WT SON, J. H. w tSUIRUTON. lu reference to lbs above the sohterlbei tike tllll occasion to return lils bone*! thank-tn bl, many friends, ssh" l,as, vi liberally patronized him fm the latt thirls (30) yal-, and assures Ilium lu- again btgtni barine** ssiiii renewed encigy. Bad ha- ,,-,,. late i n. i»li him ts-.o dead) huslm men. All "f ti- promise our beti effort* I. r <.ur fri. nd-. Very respectfully. J.J. wilson. Ortln-btirs furnlsned upi rn usual tarma jt 1-eud'JW'AssTlil _ Till' FIRM OK IL T. ALVKY i <'<>., I d lng hu-liie-- at No. gog a t ( ari .Ired and Nu. lc,ot, ei-t Prsnklln itreet, cotnpo ed >>i L.T. ALVEV amt EDWARD ALVET, will be dlscon- tinned on the SIst INSTANT. A new am, com- I.I "f the undersigned, ssin thereafter coutinoe the GENERAL UH MN AND El. 1.1» Hl'.-INEs- st said places of botl nee*, tl No. .-si',". Cary street thc Arm-style will bt ALVEY BROTHI I:-; ii N .. 1008 Viankiin stree! ss iii bc a- heretofore. R. T. ALVEV A CO. ')rrh r-ai|.lres,.,l tu them, or left at i itlicr -torc, ss 111 have prompt attention. RI! Il sl:li I. \l.\ EV, I nw \ltli \I.VEY. .loilN I. ALVEY. Refer!ng tu Um shove, we render thank- to oar friend- :uiil the pul lb- for the liberal patronage be¬ stowed un ii-, and -nilen i continuance of ame for ness linn-. All panic indebted lo R. T. Array A Co. will please tetUeal tbtar earlie*! convent- ence. sud those holding claluil will present Hain fur pas incut. L'lcllARl) T. MATA. l.DH ARD ALVEY. IIB. >. T. HANCOCK win still have ehargc of ¦tore No. I Oin; Eranklin itreet. ii l-dStAoodSt M Bm BROan, v s.. Jaaaarf 8, B. WILLIAM P. SMIill, WHO 11 A- lvl fur twelve sen- pa t i.i^-n connected with tin- bouse bi book-keeper and eonSdential clerk,h tm-, day admitted to an Inh-rcst in the bunine**, lia as le uf the Mini will be TALIA] EUROA Co. We take Uti*occasion to thank unr friend foi lae Uberal rapport they have given a* la Ihepaat, ami promise vs nil renewed encnflai !-. attend promptly aud diligcntiv tc any bushiest that inty be entrusted tn thc mw Ora. Ja 1 ll. H. rALIAPERROA 0. ORO* FRIIAi. I.IQI ORN, tte. T)l(is' KKKT, NAN Y RKAN'S. MAPLE SYBUFi VIRl.lNTA ANTI ('M.IKORNIA W I NE- (in -reit sari" ts) oi'KEN BUVaS (l.y the measxre), FKOMAOE DKTIRIE, NEInflTIATAL. EDAM. and ITNEAIT'I.E ( HEEsEs. at Jail CHBISTTAM A WHITE'S. MINNESOTA PLO!IB ANDOKNTINE NEW ORLEANS MOI.A.--ES lor -ale hy JOSEPH M. BLAIR, (JROCER, J> ll 826 Mainstreet. CiL(»VER-SEED.-2o lings 1* K I al I: CLOVER-SE! n. BJ - \. V. STOKE'S A CO. TTEBBINQ8. -hot) hanela ff. C I I r ll HI RR1NUS; loo birreh N. c. (IROHb HEBRINOS \. v-i"Hsi-A 0 17INK FERRIS DAMS. ITne BEE-HIVE HAM-, El nc V1RU1NIA HAM-. UnellEEE-ToNdl l -. 1'jneSMOKED HUT. Elm ( IIIIT'ED Bl Nu. 1 MACKEREL,la Mat, ki:-, and barrels; lOgOBBBI ssith | lari:"- .tock i.f EANCV \Mi PAMTJL1 QROCERIE8, M MCCARTHY A HAYNT--. Ss 16_627 Broad iti TOHACUO. (K.tlis. dr. P WHITLOCK, It-IB Main SxRRRT. . m.-iii-ifactiirer ol' thc lollowlnir flue bruiids of ^.n, ni--: MODEL. LITTLE ELORA. 1. \ l-l ELLE, KILL IBUSTEBO, PIC-NIC, W Hil LOCK > KEV WEST, MOZART, (HICK, LILT llEI.I.E, and ORIENTAL. Also dealer In thc following brands of KINE TO- H wco al rnaanfacturer*' pi III \N(iK s. I.V.I*! uoR. \V\RD HR A ND, HOME AGAIN, PIONEER. Hoi'dll AND HEADV (8c. plugs), HALLA RAJ. ATI.ANTIC, tC. Send for price-list. my 27-eod % » IKNITI HI.. FURNTTritK. Fll'Mli Kl. NMI.LIWI DAPTRON. uianufacturer tm! dealer In CHAMBER. PARLOR, and DIMNli-ROOM PIIRNM . Tl RE WOOD-ami CANE-SEAT CHAIRS, and every art!':. In tlc Et UNIT! RE LINE; Red¬ ding, leatlierii. mid Milln.iii Doc* the iui-lmss.-,, carrie-tbe stock, and caunot be Bucka-taM. nillir and wareroonit., 1438Main street; Faclnrs, Dj, ls. JD. 22. -24 north Fifteenth itreet, Richmond. Va Order* by mal! promptly attended to. ec 12-Sm VISITORS AND OTHERS IN need of ECRNITI'RE would do well U> call at E. tiATUKli.lt I « SON'S. 16 t;.y. irnor street, ami examine their large and^ . wc|.-a*."rte,i kh.cti of WALNUT ami I'ol'I.AR ChAMHER snd DININ'li-itoo.M Ki RNTTl'RK embracing sll of the new utyle*. 1-Juy terms i paynicuL Don't forget thc place. _., . E. (JATHRHiHT A SON. 0Cil-8m lSOovcruoriUN-ct. % jLvcnojt MAig+^n*****:., rTOU8TEa?8 SAI?E OF ^-uj\l,J'E 1 TRUCK EARS IR IM^y^CHMOND OVER, NEAR THE CITY ">»!<>J, i\ r ANO Also HORSE, MI M.E. TWOj.«'wJ*. "N , KINK BILL. KARRI NH WVpf^uvvn ,\N" HOlSKIIiil.il ANll KIO IIENM ft -\l,f ., |V.,, By vin.,, of a tnii deed axteared h) ".«.' ?r on thc |.t day of March. 1877. ^SfE-^rJ" the clerk, office of the County J .rtr°£ "^" .Vu,' Decd-K-ok ». page OOO. 1 thall «»f* for,,"*,c pabtlc auction, on the premises, st ls Bj*»B WEDNESDAY. JaSCARY ll. IS8S, that VAUABLE TRICK EAiTM, containing 187S ACRES (md including the f^^rd). called "PLEASANT LEVEL." t»i .Jg£.*1F the otc lt. p. PoUaH. situate »¦**£?*'"?, ^ county road 1. adlng from Meehan Cvllletornalke M Old Church, and within six miles of thc city of TBIs farm ls situated In the ramon* trucking re¬ gion of llanover county, and lw '.".a l,,»rl'|l YT" proved; ind. ed. Infertility 1- cou- to any in the manly. Has ,,. it a food dwtllliig-ho,,.e:,,,dotti. r building*. I here I. now -ceded on lt ai«.ut twent) - two bushc!* of wheat, and three «inarteni of an at re -it in >.ii|..ns. . , , Terms ( axh enough to pay thc e-tpcnscs or salt ami ta tay off and discharge thc am..unt now due under the uaist deed-to wit: SLSStf.tJS's, with la- tere*t thereon from Ute 1st day of January. lMhJ. and fer *.i:n..*:r,. with like interest, on a credit till thc -t dat ot .fanuarv. If 83; and the residue on a credit of twelve months from the day of sale, the purchaser to rec. I\e a dud and give a tru.-t- iieidt.. -eetire the deferred paywtentj. Hy virtue ol' another tru.t-dccd.c scented tty thc same partv on thc Mime dat, 1 ebal Lat Ui« ww time and place, sell thc following PERSONAL PROPERTY.to wit: 1 MILE, 1 KINE TROTTINH-MARE, i I it it tit COW1-. 1 KINE ALDERNRT RILL, 1 liooD IlKBKsrilRE BROOD SOW, 5 HolisE-CAP'ls. A lot of FARMINO IMPLEMENTS, arni Som. Hui -iK.HoLDand KITCHEN H'R- STTI RE. AI<SOi HS IIoT-HED SASH, with glass lu lh« m. Tekmh: Cash. OEoRi.E P. HAW, Trustee. Ilia i.MKKit 8, ISSI. la 1 Bf J. Thompson Brown, Real BtBtM Agent and Auctioneer. 1113 Milli street. i 10M.MISSIONF.IIS~SALE ". i HOUSES AND LOT: OF TWO B ON NORTH LINK OK MARSHALL STREET BETWEEN COLLEGE STREET AND JAIL ALLEY. XMITII AXnALS.>(Wl.ry ,.,,., cltT of Rlt.h. H. II. liitow.v. \ '.' !' Hy vlrtneof d>. rccof Bicbmoad Chancery Court enter,,i December i". l*si, in a *uii ttyled »- abott, we, the tpeclal eommlasloaen therein ap- pointt-.i, win proceed tn s<n by pabttt auction, oat the premises, on KRIDAY. JAMWltY 0. I8SB, ai4:30.rciock p. M.. tba aboTt-meutloatd PRO¬ PERTY, being DWELLINU No. 1408 casi Mar- sball -tnset, between College street ami Jail alley, adjacent lo ami adjoining the Ham a-U-rlan -clio..I. fronting en tald itreet 22 \ feet, more ot leta. Alto, another HOUSE lu rear of tame properly. TBBMS: un. fourth cash; balami- In six. twelve, and eighteen months. Interest .-Hided, and lille retained until all tl.- purchase ainnty la pall sad deed ordered ly the Court. THOMAS S. PACE. S. B. P. I'.NTTKMtS. Special < ommlasioners. J. Taottpeos Bbowb, Aaettoaeer. POSTPONEMENT. Post|K,ned till NN'EDNESD VY.JAM-AIIY llTll. Bl BUBS lime and place. ll ll IIMON'D BAZAAlt. *TW Nos. 143S ami 111" Kiw.hi.is BTBJtBT. THIS HAY al lu tullock we will a ll a number Si BXC1 l-l.l R I ANIM \LS. well suited le USS locality, and trots wlildi Int* -.lei'tl.ii- u,av be ina.ie. 4 GOOD KARM-NICLEs. Nilli: which. our usual assortment of NENV ASH SKCOND-HASH VEIIK I.I 8 .tuns B. hnn UL Proprietor. E. H. COOK. Niictioiieer. la 1 l-ll BBAIi ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. I:oli BALE, THAT LABOE ANDaf* I IRST-I I ASS IRON-PROS I THREE-MS, STORY BRICK TENEMENT, Willi UNm- niesi. Al THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OE H.- iNKLIN \NH I 'H KUI \ ll -ll.' rs So. 82] OPPOSII t III EX! HAN.,I. llo- I..-Ai the request ¦<( tbe nari (who reside al the North).we offer for ale thi. KlM.l.N DESIRABLE IBON-ERONI TENE¬ MENT, located as above. Tbe lower parti tiled respecUrely ii a druntoi" and confectionery. Vin- upper part ti very handsomely Inlabed. li now r.nt- to panctaal tenants al '. MO |x r annum. ni.< \. v reasonable and lenin accommodating. it early application i- made lt win be sold tor Sft.ooc. Apply to ii 10-81 _ NV. GOODIN I SON. FARM OF ONE UUNDBED ACRES, NN NH NEW BRICK HW LI LINC, ftc, lilli:! ON, IV HESTEREII LD HUNTY, U ll ANO A ll A I.I' Ml I. Kv- KIKlM MAS" III.-- I1 H. Kui: SALE OB I \. ll NS't.l K'.l: N DWELLING LS RICHMOND.-Wanted, to -. ;i. rent, oi exchange for a f.-.....i city residence, Hie KA RM on which Mr. nn Brander. Jr., rcsddt talnlngONl HCNDREDAi RES of cleared In id, with NEW BRU K HOUSE, Un roof, eight rooms lilv.ii'. large ball through the centre; also nttaer niil-buildlng-. The farm In. a iicvcr-tTtiling tr- oin ot water running through the eeatre, ba* tides teteral ¦prlnat. Tnt boase commands a beauUfnl tiew of the tiver and lower |o.rtl'.n of Ute city, two aad a balf miles from Intra. Appn to \N. i.oDDIS A Mts. Ja 7-81 FOR BENT. I EOT, THAT BEAU* ELaSa. ANO A ITR.NI I IVE RESIDENCE. wlthMJa large gar.ten att n'lieil. set In (lower- and -hriih- l.ei \. BBOWB ns the V .111 l.e« lioine-lcad.'" Tl int- rerj rcaaonal le. Applo to Jolts I. GOODIN, lb 'I 'tue Nie nt. ja 1 Hml. aud Eleventh ttn 11 'IMIItKl. DESIRABLE BOOMS l-'o|j|fw I BI M. Apply al Na 111 north MvthJLi tn ¦ t. Ja 10-31 ISOR RENT, FOR ONE OR MORE year*, thal LARGE WU DE81R vHLI -LO¬ CATED LO! upon which reeenUj ttood the Vul¬ can Iron-Works, at tl..- touthcost corner of 0 \ r.» and >i\ih itreett, Apply to ll. -I l.lniS T N l Holt. ji*-."t Rest Estate Agent and Vuclloneer. Fnil RUNT, FOR ONE OR MORE lh.,1 VALUABLE WHARE PRO¬ PERTY recently occupied bj lue Richmond, ¦mlthfleld ami Hanipton >t. uni...nt Company, fi-, titlng about Isoi feet ..n th.- north tide of Jami river, aud extending hack Ut Wharf street. AppH UJ IL BELDON TAN LOB, I: il l-l ni ifi ni and luctloneer, Ja 8-8t corner Eleventh and Haul, -tr, FINANCIAL. SE< OND-MOBTGAQE BONDHOLD¬ ERS PETERHBURG RAILROAD COMPANT will take notle,¦ thal the hooks ol' transfer, at the State Bank ol Vlralaia, will be ckaed al :i P. M. .INSI'NHV IIth, l88S,and «in remain closed until I o'ci.-t-w on tin- Iflthdayof Janaary. is*;. . ni and after the 171b tar of January, I8SS,Um tiers, a- boldin* earUlcausof Um state Hank of Virginia for coupon, ol' sahl nonda, regular or de¬ tached, to November 1, 1881. will present their cert! acatea and iteelre Cubm -H" hoads of Ute Petersbnrg R dlroad < 'ompaa) in icbsnte for the -aid .on. ons i'n.1 Interestlhereou. EraetTonalrei ttaeatas will be li ned for -um- lem than 11,000, r. .!.-. mi il. in t baa " B " bonds wl.cn presented in -urns ol' lljOOO. NV. H. PALMI R, Chairman . ommlttee Hecond-Mortg HoiulliolJcrtPctcr-hurg RailroadCotnpauv. 7-dUaie Ba ii.MiiNU ami West Point Tkujun ii. Railway am. Wabehousb Cobtasit, room 7. No. US Bhoadwat, NSW YOUS. Ore. mht rSO, Issi. qpiIE BU M'.U OP HIKE! TORS OF I THE RH lINInSD ASH WEST POINT TERMINAL BAILWAT ASH WAHEHOUrif COMPANY, li.ivicg determined to Inen '. ol i..inany lo 1*1 VE Mil.Lins Dollars, us authorized by IUcharter,offer lo the atockbotders, of re© rd Janaary 1", 1882, thi option of subscribing r> U>< kal par to toe itent ..f two-tnlrdi of their hotdlnf. The luheeripttoai win be payable at theoSceofthc company lu Raw N ..iv. as r..!io«.rta.: un >l'lts< HIRING, l" percent.; On KEHRCAUN L.tii. -ju r cent.; on AI'Rli. loni. 20 percent.; nu JUNE IO ni. Ji').. rceni.; on Ni t,i -i istii. Zo |hi cent.; On ot Tomer 15th, 10 per eenk.100 per cent.: with Intcre-t on tbe dc Icrred payments at the rate of tl |>cr rant pt r annum, tbs ru.ht bdng givt n to tuhscriben to anticipate Ute mme al suv time, and stop Interest, and receive a full-paid certificate therefor. Tin-hoots ,,f thc company will he closed by the I'lilini Trust Comp. iv. ot Si a York. trin-IVr agent, at » o'clock P. M.. on Ufa lo rn HAN OF JANUARY, and reopened al 9 o'clock A. M. on the 16th DAY Of JANUARY, 1882. Stock- holtlere wishing t.. tabaerlba wRI stun the regular form of Hui%criptlou and forward to the oflfct of Ht.- company. Room 7. Na 115 Broadwav. S.-w York, on or before Uie loth day nf January. ISSJ, acconipanylng aime with ren.lttancc of lu pat cent., or f»r Hie who!, -uiwi-iiiaion, a.s may i«- pre* ism* WILLIAM I!. IHlt,C. ja 1-t.laulfi dcnenil Agent. ONEY To LEWD ON CITY OK M . "INTRY REAL ESTATE ON LONG TIME. Moderate charge.-. Buslnemi ,-onfltlentlal. IL ll. CHAfffflN A CO., d. l-d.t.w2m __ Beal Estate Agents. M"M'.Y TO LO nV We kata mosiv TO lons ns i.-kal es¬ tate In the city of Richmond and vicinity In sums nf lanej mid upwards, charges modi rate. No delay. ER A Sh. I). HILL A m., itt-:Pl-e.Milllt I 108 Nt liii -tn.t. T«> THK PEOPLE <>F VIRGINIA N. Ug to otu \ .ii on-services for Ufa Pl I:- CIIAsE Xmi s.vf.1 OE ALL tl VSHE8 Ol HON Du ANO STOCKS In Hil- and other markets. Exception facilities for buying, selling, anti car- 'ying VIRGINIA liiiSIis. our oillcti U-Hit lu ibo Stoei-Exehanae building,all orders reith, lat- me<liateatieuilon. < orresBotdmee salleRad. RErrHKM.E.s: National SicbaaluRaal Writ '¦.''¦ National Hank, Hank of Cominerce, Howard Bauk. RAMS NV. * LAHACl.H A CO., Uaukemaud Brokers, Baltimore, Md. Al'sTIOW NAI.KN. Fulnra Day*). Hy J. TTiompsnu Brown. Real E*tatc Agent and Auctioneer, 1113 east Mainstreet. COMMISSIONERS'SA I.K OF A HOUSE Vj AND LOT ON HROVD STREET, CHURCH HILL. -Uv virtue, .fa dec ns- entered In Richmond Chancery Court on Deceniiier 8. ISSI-In thecato -if Hns-den rn. Mr Minn, administrator, Ac., we will s- il. mi thc premise-. BB THURSDAY. Javi-auy 5, 1882. at 4:30 P. M.. Hu- REAL ESTATE mentioned lu the itld decree, being Uie homestead of the late I). A. McMInn, fronting 40 feet on thc south-l-l-- of R road street Itel ween Twenty-seventh am! Twenty-eighth »trr. ts, and running lack '*'""" parallel line-ISO h.t. more or less. The HOI SE I. brick, ami has the ti-ual out-honses. TSBttS: Ca*b a- toona third, and the residue In . Ix and twelve months. Intcre-t added, and title retained UH all thc said purchase-money ls puta and a 'Iced ordered hy the court, II. O. CANNON. JOE LANE STERN, JAMES M. MATTHEWS, special Commissioners. j. thompson Banyan** AaaataBsar. I'OSTPONEMENT. l'li-ttsoiic'l on ac. ount af weather till TCRSDAYi J ANT AHY 10TII, at same time and place. POSTPONEMENT. Pastsoaoi m bi.aol of wantata1 un FRIDAY.Jivt \RY 13TII, at same time and place. _ .1* j ' Offlce of Richmond BBOBM, Bo. ISSI Mainstreet, i:. ii. c -"k, Aatttaassr. VKK FlRNIii ITk, TWO ELEGANT ..> I'LATED nIIOW -CASES, CLOCKS, FOUR CRATES (.1! ANTTEWAI.'E, *<'.. AT Al CTION. On THURSDAY, 12lh instant, at lo o'clock, wc will -di tn assortment of NICE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, embracing ¦_' WALNUT PARLOR BOTTS,of batl Stake and In perfect order; 8 WALNUT CHAMBER BUTTS, with marble ph.i BUREAUS, W \RDROHES. WASHSTANDS, .SIDEBOARDS, LOUNGES. i-OKAS), CHAIR--. HAIR arid Sill ( K M ITTRESSE8. ( kRI'ETS, MATTING. LOOKING-GLASSES, RUGS, 3 ELEGANT HE VTING-8TOVE8, 2 COOKING-STOVRS, in perfeel order, Ac. AT ll ""' UM k mai ISBLYi we will tell 2 SPLENDID SILVER-PLATED SHOW-CASES ni ,1 .nd Mansard fronts, nearly new; 6 very good new CLO! KS. AFTi:u wnp u. 4 crate- of IB*llfl*l1 GRANITE AND PORCR- LAINE WARE of N... 1 qnallty. Thc trade bl particularly Invited. j., ii K.Tt. COOK, Ancttonei r. HvC.rubhs A William-. Ba ll I -late A cent- am! Aiiiti"iu »-l -. Phill Oil street ..¦; ss ci n Main ami Hank. THK PRK ii BTOBE X". B SOUTH I TENTH STREET. BETWEEN MAIN ANIi CARY STREETS, ANT) LYING BETWEEN i ill. STORES OF MESSRS. PAUL LARI. VMIN AND (i. \. VINSLIK A SONS. VT AUCTION. Itv reutlest of nu devteeea of the late I. s. shriver, ss-.'- siall sell l.y anctl.iu. upon the prcinl-e. "ii SA I I'RDAY. PBBBVABT 1 1. at Iv! o'clock M..thc PROPERTY above referred p.. Tin- lot I- 22*4 hy about un feet, and Um BUILDING, which covers tbe whole ground and ui. erected stace tbe war, h) three rtortat, beatdei I lia-cinelit. The location ls within a few -t. ps of the ni" I d.-lral.le corner on Main -trcct. and pi "lin !"¦ sits Vtlnthlc for a -torc, -hop, or uiaiiiific- tnrlng i-tahllslimeiit. Ti km-: At-ale. GRUBBS A WILLIAMS, la [fl Auctioneers. Hs BeorgS 8 V hon I Sen. H. ¦! | tali- Afr nt-and AOCtMB No. 7 Tenth strut. TKF.-TKK's SALE~0P B0U8E AND LOT, No. SIS MAYO STREET.THE LOT FRONTS TWENTY-ONE AND \ lill Killi on THE EAST LINE OF MW"" STREET. RUNNING li \( ls BI W El N PAR M.I.EL LINTS uNI HUNDRED AND IWI.NI*|- EIGHT FEET lu \N ALLEY: IMPROVE- Ml NI- ( oN'sl-'l Or A I. \Rr,l. III:! STORY-AND-RASl Ml NI HRH ls DI. I A" ll ED KW ELLING. MK III N. - I \ H I. c IR- RIAGE-HOl -E. Ar., IN GOOD ORDER. Bj virtue of a deed of trust executed to the uuder- I, recorded In clerk's offlce of Blchmond Chancery Court. In D. B. ll si B.,nage 200, to se¬ cure n.e payment of the sum ormoaej therein mentioned, default having boen made la the pay¬ ment "fa part thereof, I win. being thereto re- ,' Ired s Ila- didi.dary. proCO If. Il al public auction, un thc pa iul-i -. on FRIDAY, JABUABT SO, 188 ,t i o'clock P. Mn the PROPERTY tbovtOt- Kribed, li BBS: Cash ti t" i de and ah"' t 11^08, with accrued mien si on ¦ pai 11 hi on III ai lo 81,180.48 tin 80th of December, 18S2 I.alan.-' as mas lr anaoiu.| af tale. JaS Gi "i'i'-t 3. \ \s|i"N. rrastce. Bf Appersoo 8 a-* Real INtalc Agent- tad ABeUtOCOt Nc 8 BSlta Eh si nth tu.t. pOMMlS-li>NEi:~sT~Ar< Tio\ SAKE 1 .1 \ r sum l-l- flier c. miniii:i,i> ami TWENTY-NINE: \" RES IN HI NKlCOCOl N- TY, NEAR WILLIS'S CHURCH. IBOUT SIX¬ TEEN MIL! 9 BELOW RH ll Mt iNTi.-l'.v virtue oft decree of tbe Circuit ('ourl of Henrii..nuns. .ni the Hill December, ls-i. in the lultof Gatewood vt, Gate*.I, \c ssc will sell, in fronl of thc "iii"'"'of tbe .-iii"ti"iiii rt. on ELIHU. sm suv li. 1888, at IS o'clock M.. Um Bhore-dceerlbed FARM,oe- I'uplcl bj (u orge W. Gatew skI.wIUi thc div. liing. containing THREE HUNDRED ANIi IV. EN I V-NTNi: \r Rf -. .di, i,,,,. Lil* ii Oatc- ss.I. Warriner. Warien, and others, and SDOUl r-qut-distanl (iaj rivi milt i) from Jame* river and the Chesapeake and Ohio railway extension tr Ni ss port Ness i h:m- Cath at to costa of tale ind deb! dat by '., d (say al ont 1*1,000), ind the bal met t iii', purchase-money at tssvise mouth* for uegotlt- blc note, interest added, with good endorser, ana tttlc retained nut!! I ime I paid and a co ance din cted s the nrt, JOHN A. MEREDITH. JAMES G. UL \CisW ELL, ( "lllll.i--: ai-i-i i:-un A Co., Auctioneers. de21 TRUSTEE'S SALK OF A YALI Alli.E 1 PARM IN Ul "IN n "l SEW KENT, ON HI HI -MT ARE \N|i olliil RAIL¬ ROAD, ABO! rWENTl MILES FROM RICH¬ MOND..By virtue of ade. I of trusl from G. b. tyrer and wi fe, dated on the 1st of J innary, 1880 and *f record In tin clerk** offlce of th County Court of Ni iv 1st nt. I shall ut -foi ile at public auction, on the premise*, tl l o'clock P. M.. d TUE8DA1 1- i.i.i:i suv 7. 1882, Hie ah'.si -d. -I-rit.i d FARM, culled -' OTTAOI GROVE," and late!] occupied by (,. s. tyrer, containing FOUR HUNDRED AND FIETY- Eoi'R ACRES,more or less.aboul 140 acre*of which are Braille and In cultivation. This farra i- sltuated Immediately on the line ofthe ( hesapeake and Ohio railroad, and within about one mik depot, watch in ik-- ii \,ry accessible to market, ami give- lt considerable value for the piirpot* - of trucking, to wblcb the soil I* well adapted. lin huin.veiiii nt- consist of a GOOD DWELLING- ]\i M'sE and ii-ual out-housee. Tbbms: Cath eaongb lo pas ezptateaof itta and the amount nosy,in,, auder the trust-deed. v1«m0800.with Interest from Jtnntn 1,1882; Bl lo TSuo, un a credit of ona two, tim ami four scar- from January 1,1882.witta interest fruin [hal il tte arldcd: and bi t" n-.i lae, ra ide known on day o! air. Dcc.l to purclia-cr. alni deed of trust t ikea c. *eeure Ot (erred pa] mani*. E«r further It-formation addre - the undersigned tl Richmond. J sMi- c. I. VMB, li 7.1 1.15,20.24,28,31AFebl,4Ag Trustee. Itv (.erg.- -. VatBOB 1 Sun. Real 1 -tate Agents and Auctl'in. r-. n ; i,atti *i" t. 'ri'l-TEE'- -ALE"Ol' LOT, WITH 1 GOOD FRAMED DWELLING rilEREoR, COMPARATIVELY NEW, LOCATED IN Hil ((UNIV OF lll'NRlto. FRONTING 1-'" EE ON HE SOUTH LIN): OP CARI STREET. NEAR TEMPLE STREET. VNI) RUNNING BACK BETWEEN PARALLEL INI ISO 1-6 FEET lo IN M.LEV. -MD PROPERTV BEING .11 si WEST OF III). CITY..Ht virtue of a deed of trust from w. \. Smith, trusb e, to Ti ul. - 'I. Vashon ru iru-u ¦. re- corded lu cl. rk'aofllcc of I (cn ri'" County Court, tn -ililli. Ile payment of a certain -nm 'nf money therein mentioned, defaull having been madi In tim payment Uiereof, 1 ssin. bring Hu n i n- piiri'd hv the beneflclary ol said deed. ] sell al BBnllC tneUoB, "li UM pr. in lill RSDAY, sNt .suv IS, 1888, it t cl.,, k p. M., Ute PROPER l *i mt! bed. CashttU< KBentccofttle iadSt88.76, ssltli inti i'd truiiiJItli tagTMt. I--1. till paid hal.tme a- may c aiili"iiiicr u at al. GEORGE -. VASHON, Admlnurtrator of Charles 1. Vashon, "le 31 ( Ol III OKI) I Its. H NMNOIIAM AND M.S. Vs. < I N- \J NINl.ll \M ll ll.-.: IN lill C1IANCER1 ol 111 OP THE CITY oe RICHMOND.-The 'oOowtng ii an extract fruin the decree entered In "ililli- 10th day of December. 1881 art doth adjudge, order, and dei hi. luise be referred lo one of thc commuisloners T tids cniirt. ssh., i- loatrneted lo itate and settle h" a.-i 'iiinUs if Jami- E. Cunningham aa a.lniln- straiir of George < naalagnaat, dar ot tad. Ami du- commiteioner tecnUng tm - decree i~ farther nstriictisi |o tike au teeoaat -f the debt* af leorge unnlnglinn, aaetaseSl. the .-iinoiinls, (<> thom coming, and the order and priority thereof; md IB account of the as-etsuf thec-Ute Of George unnliigham. bott reel and person*!.'- CriMMlSsIoNKIl's Okp'K 0,1 Hu ilMoN-n, Jantiiry B, 1SS2. j Tin partiesintereatedare bereliy uotirti-iith.it i iasc ilx.-ri mi THURSDAY tbe -Jd day of Pcb- -nary. 1882, at 12 o'clock M. aa the time, tad nu 'frlce. in the city of Richmond, as the pl.ic. for iking thc accounts uni makin/ tin- foregoing ln- l.iill.s. 'I HOM I- I. I \ ANS, C"iiiiiii.v.ioi.cr In Chancery. gea I "'1 BTBRT, p.'f. Ja 4-W4w PICHS1>1SANIN, F.Nt^lt A TING*, .v.- t^ N ORA V I N (i S AND PK ll ,;E- J FRAME-. lam now offering the fluent collection of PICTURES AND FRAMES vcr (ihl!.irld lu tills cltv, conaning io* COI.OR- :d ITIOTOGRAPHS, ENGRAVINGS, Ac.the Meat style* In frainlug. tl-'. BONY-lTNTsllED .ARLOR-E v-1.1.-. III; \( Isl .Ts. A,'. 8xlo FRAMES from In o-ni-upward*. VELVET mid GOLD ER A MEsin every variety. WINDOW-CORNICES made to order aud on land. ARTOTYPES of all l!:e iirliulpal engraving*. aol L.LEWIS. W12 Malu itreet. PIIV.KTI Bl. OF RTKAWt.RR. TTtOR IUI.TIMORET" POWHATAN LINE-DIRECT bTKJ CIIAN0E~OE WHARE. Until further notice, tbe stomer LUCILLE will sall .very MOND NY ii* 12 noon fr.m POWHA* TAN DOCK, at Twenty-fourth and Dock streets, direct for Baltimore. Thrmigh bill* of lading signed and goods for¬ warded with dispatch to points North and West. Kn Igltt received dally until 5 P. M. Kor farther Information, apply to W.O. KNIGHT, , D. J. Wr.lip; nt. Soliciting Agent. Se y I li (i I X 1 A STEA31HOAT^^ COMPANY'S JAMES RIVER LINE KnR NORKOLK, PORTSMOUTH, AND JAMES- RIVER LANDINGS, DIRECT, CONNECT¬ ING'AT PORTSMOUTH ron BALTIMORE AND THE NORTH. OLD POINT COMPORT, SMITHFIELD, AND HAMPTON VA. GREATLY HEDI CED RATES. KARE TO NORFOLK, 11.58. PARE ROUND TRIP. 12.30. TICKETS INLLMITED. THE BSA* HHS AnTTeLEOAST STEAMER NHILL. (tarrying United States mall.) /.. C. QlffffOSO. Commander. leaves Richmond ev cry Mi iS'D AV. NV Kl ISK-DAY. and KUIIiNY at Q:S0 a. M. rot abore nsmtd placi -.< onnectingat Portsaioutfe willi th. n,> Line ior Old Point, Baltimore, and Hu North. Rt turn¬ ing, tba steamer ARIKI, hue, Norfolk al ii A. M.. arriving at Richmond at about 4 P. M. Kare to Rainmore.lo 00 Kare to Philadelphia.. H 00 Kan lo Sew York.H> R0 Kare to BQStOfl.If *'0 Through tickets on sale on steamer ARIEL aad at Garber* Agency, limo Main street. Bag¬ gage checWed through. FREIGHT Krelglit received dally for Norfolk,Portsmouth. gmlUileldt and Hampton; Washington, n.e.: Newbern, Waahlngtoa, and Taila.m'. N. c., and all points in Eastern North Carolina; -il-.-. Ct Eastern shore of Virginia, oil Point, mid ali regu¬ lar landings on James rlTcr, at Lo NV INT RAT1 -. and through bilk UBtBftL L. H. TATT M. ur 26 Superintendent. I) Ii I I. A I) I LPH1 A. Ut U-^f jeffs NMSD AND NORFOLK ST E A NISH I I' COW Pl B Y. ¦artaf Urti Un*- win sail etan I CESDAY ¦md I HI HAN at 1 J M.. an .wis -I SUNN ttl A. NI. Kn¦iglit for Tue.-.lays' and Fridays' stean .. i\.-.l tin l l::ii« I. M.: for Sundays' Beamer Ul :. P. M.Saturday. Freight ruined .Lally till S p. NI. ran, an, -t- un. r. connect at Philadelphia for Kail river and Hiv East. Kor further Informal on. apply to J. \v. Mi CARRICK, General southern Ng, nt. NN. P. IN Ul. I CO., iio^o Central Managers. Ou'l,,,M'^Pih:AMsm''iifS POI NENV YORK. This company win dispatch one of theirsplendld -bamer- ol.l i Di iMlN los. WYANOKR. MAN- II \ I INS. ind RICH MONO.EVERY ll K-ONN and FRIDAY al 2 o'clock P. M., and SUNDAY at v N. N|. steamers have New York TUESDAYS. THURS¬ DAY*, and BAT! RDAYS al :i P. M. from Pier ._'t> (new number), foot of BaaeS street. North ri', r. i in v have tplendld taloona, itate-rooata, sad bath-i ihe tare, accommodations, and attenUom sro uiisiilpa -. d. After-cabin fare to New York,|10; round trip. |18; steerage. 86 and *7. Kreiglils fi r points beyond New York forwarded nrttli dispatch, and no charge made except actoal expenses in.'urn «l. Kreigi.t- ri e. ive.i until.', o'clock P. BL dally, Kor further Information, apply to UEOROE NN ALLEN A co.. Ag. nts, mv l offlee Company's wharves. Rorketts, FOB NEW VOIJK. Tli" Old^fjfct Dominion Steamship ('oni[winv'^«JEr*Mf»», -t.atner- «ill sall ai follows: Mean,er OLD DO¬ MINION, Captain Walbeb, EVERN ii i-I»nn at 2 o'clock P. M.; steamer \\'\ NNiiM CapUin cnn li, ni i:n FRIDAY al t o'cbn i. P. IL: -hann!' NI NNII NI IN S.I 'aptalu KKI.I ,Y.EVERY -I ShNN at 0 o'clock N. NI Freight received up to 1 o'clock P. ni. for the Tuesday's and Friday's ateamer. and to 8 o'clocS Saturday evening f r sunday's -hip. Through bills of lading ilgned and ¦..ls for¬ warded with dispatch lo all p..hits ion th. ...utli. d west; als.,, to r,.r, iga porte, Paaaengi r accommodation! nnsurpaasad. Alt. i-. ii..n fare to Sew Nor',. |10i round trip.*I-., steerage, IS and|7. lor freight or passage, apply t-> t.. NV. ALLEN A- Cu.. Ng. nt-. mv 6-t« Coinnanv's Wharf. BoCktttS. BOOB AMI COAL. J. Bu Hi..,.mi. NN. 8. Pu piLCHXB a. BIGOEfi. CUNI.-all kind-: nn OOO.Lt ng. Sawed, aad Kindling. Ali eiders promptly atti Ddt I < Knees .md yardi: 817 east Main i-tr, el and Pine and Broad rrret ts (Elba station), de-j*--. ...lim / lOAL AND WOOD..DOWH 8HE V GOES, ii;-i-ci n-- nsi iii: n.ite ,,t 16 per ton, 3,000 pounds: LUMP HPL1N1 pei lon, 2.000 pounds; PINE and OAK nn ooo. haig, sawed, and spilt: WEST VIROINIA 1 \ i.INI ucl t nii;i i:i. .ND COALS. Full and satisfaction guaranteed. 7 ar) -trts-r. i,|.-.,| CH. PA*. E. i;i il. OF ALL KINDS. AN'TIH: Nen r .i nn i >i vu:,.isl n SPLINT COAL, Lil NI lit N NS ll SI LANI COAL, FOREST-PINE WOOD, lt ngand mwed. s. i- \ niROP, Seri nb nth tret t. at Urn,-bridge, order by telephone ort Itu rwtse. no 94 k^ ll. HAWES, d. .der lu Bil kind-, l COAL. Wooli- Ion-, -awed, and -j.Itt. m. B*8SB Eight, .nth and ( ar'- -tn . t.. C iiRiiiN, si:ihom:v .««. ARBOLIO Mi.\P-. hot- TOILET, NURSERY, M-INKI i uni. andLAI'SHRV purposes, u-e Lunn Ks CASBOLBC siiAP-. ar An Lonni:-i ARROLICLAI shrn B0AF- the od-.r lt pltasBBl and the .|iiality of the soap ls As a ptaeautloB agahurf -mmi-i-hx nothing ts to simple or tffl.aclous Hie uw ol t \I!B. il.lt MMI's. pi 1{, || |. v|,|, ,v CO., de I- WtaBetaa, Depot. AGAINST 8MALL-POX, DIPI1THE- LIN, I YI'HiilH-KEVEi:. \ ni. nh:.> CHLOB ni. un SOL PBOPBT LAC¬ TIC ASli HI-1SI li NS destroy- the giru. u diseases Iii ac i-oidaiu-e with thc I ttl tellings of science. |t- ii-. 1- -luipi.., hat nih- . and BfBl, ..ole. ll 1- tm- DtOTta by .ic of om Bill ll i'li> -i. ian Pi'cpar. d BJ J. HI. AIR. r Broad and simb po... .'.ne. a Battle bb :i IND tit IA KI Its fOSEPH w. Lum:. . ans .J n hni-iiini. soi i: i \kK i:,1'"**1'1'** COBX BB Fl HST ash BBOAD tuan-, Rn hm..M.. V t. Wntill NSD NH | Ml lt HI HI VI.-, \si;s ROBES, 111 vRSE, ll N( hs. and al! tiling- r.,|ie-iii at LOWS'*1 ll v I I, legraphlr and countn orders solicited, uh t', 1 T. CHRISTIAN, Ii. Kl KNISHING I NliKRTAKER (late willi and successor lo J. A. Hi I VIV, N". ISIS ess. Ultu vi, vj gi , RICHMOND, V N., ¦ .. large a aortment of NN ooo .md Mk 1 NI 1 ii CASKS, CASKETS, SHROUDS, ll.nril ( N-- KK.'l s, \- .. al low prices. ( ..un,ry and tel. graph orders promptly allen tel today r night. detl-eod \V. ll. st TlltlllAMi, NV. D. SI TIIKRI. \M>. I I BirrHEHLA.MD, (late Hay a SuiherUnd, I uder- UUtera.) WILLIAM II. 8UTHERLA*DBt»JBnan. If * SONS, I'NDERTAKERM, s.,.*^taaaa-S 10 north Eighth street, R.chmoud, Va. We keep on band a full ttock of Wt xiii a SD Ml r vi I ic BURIAL-CASCS ind CASKETS. Orders pr him ti, attended bi In elly ..r country. Ilaviug our ..wu carriages iud beana, we arc i.rv|>arcd to attend Kl NEi; ALS at wry reasonable rates, tu. '-'5-1 .MiANVatn SI IM-HIKE A ll. GEINE-THKEAD. n _ ITASDABD Lb in hi: n no, di Nos. Also, til other brands. Including MARSHA I L's. Tin-.-THREADS aa. .uiiratitee Ul be made ..f pure BaS md genuine numbers, which av arc Mil¬ ing at bolt..m pi lett. sKINI | NSU NETS lu siock .iud iit'iiiufactured loonier. SEINE TWINES, LINK-. ASH , .iRKs. L. LICHTENSTEIN ff BOMB, corner sun,, nth and Erankllu .street*, - l.,|M.rter» of the LION BRAND SEINE- l ll KEV D. uv ll RAILROAD 1,1 V EM. R DUMONT) ANO A L L KO ll A N y RAILROAD. TRAINS TO AND FROM RICHMOND s \ , WH.LIAM.-oN Enright ao-i Freigle Mail. Pa*** nesr Pa ( X. -midas', i x. -.iodate i « - Leave Richmond Arrivt st Colniulda Lynchburg.., Lexington, W Tn w.t."-. Leave W':n*on>. Lex Horton.. Arrlveat Lynchburg.' Leave Lynchburg,! Columbia... | Arrive at Richmond Cl north 7 T. \. M 12:491*. If, »:.*.() P.M. 1:2H P M. t n c. m. S>!<) \. M. esM r. m. SOM p. \t C:00 A. M. 7.0.1 P 715 A.M. <>.-,7 CM. 2.10 P. M. 7:oh P. M. 7:48 P. M. -s io A. \f. H:4() A.M. lo- P. M. .1:10 P.M. . 7.<io 0:30 P. M.'- «:4i> P. M.; los.-, \ s- BtS coiuieetlon in ole ll ldc! lie.nd to all p Hi sud south rin Rlchmoiiri. Emlen . Dkcati i: \ \ i iii. trent ral Managi r. R K IIMOM) AND DANVILLE ll \ HOAD ('i)Mr \J»I CONDENSED St HIIMI.is. IN EEFEC1 -1 NDAY. DECEMBER Is.l- t Mall Tram Sta34. Daily. [.eas RI-hii-laL . Arrive al Barkevllle. Sllllnil'll'- Le ile. Dans il'... TAJ P. M. i.r'n-i' io' »:S0 P. M. Raleigh. salem. Salisbury., lill P. M. charl..I- 12:40 A. M. sparl'nlr g' 2:57 V. M. Greenville 4:16 A. M. Ailinn.. .11:00 a. M. I li rv ugh i' ral Pa N | T'l, V lilli). ll I'. M ll IO P. M. I-. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. I*. M. I' M. S. M \. M. P. M. (I ' 03 r 1)5 \. Lynchburg rrain. No. 44. D Leavi - Richmond at . Arrive*al BnrkevlUeal ... . **. ui:is-l!i\ ER LINE. ).- Li is.- Richmond.. Arris., at West l"nL J:4., P. M. - ll. 12:1ft *AII trains dally except Sunday- .. conni crin,.' al W -'-t !'. Inl linn and Satumayi with -trimer, lur IfatUo th.- North. Erttgni train having Richmond tt 8:10 ssll' li.isc pa.i ngi i- iui li alt." d. Train N". 41 connect* at Burkevllle * folk ami Wenctru railroad for cnunii-. burg, and all louihwosiero p- ini-. Train No. 34 (fast mail) ran* onlv betweei Da ville md Atlanta, slopping a! On cii.i i imri, t bartotte. siiartaiibanr, OreenvtlK ,ii. ind la ni -s Ile. oiniecUug al l.Uita for all poll I- South am! SoOthB Train No. 50 (through i's nts!1 Unas, on.Mg si sutneriin's with si -i.iii. rim Narrow-tilfoi M Sallslnirv with Western North Carolina r foran !¦. int- in w li North ( amita i: ali lotte svim the ( h irkitte. Crin ni lila ind raltroi d for all points In the South. Souttiea Florida; at A Tan ta for ill patatt --nih is est. Train No. 02 Ihrougb p. -- ngr it all -i (. on*. -I tia rlin - Nu row-ilai | Vt! ml fol ill point- South ;,n,| -, Augusta railra id foi olun nob,aud Florid r lui Trains from Hu- ...utIi arrive tl Rich 3:60 P. M.. 7:1" \. M.. and 18 00 P, M. WcstP \ ' M.lEielgl.t.l l'l Ll.man-cm: SERVICE On Train 80- Ri ss V..rk .imt Allin" i > Ington tod Dani iii'', un 11 on 03.Richmond indDanvllb s illc ami Angus!*. ah pm -i ii-'- r itali.- stop tl Bon Mr. ricket- sol tu all point- south, swill -. uihss-' iid N" latn "ii I"' ai Iii k. \. i-iili G( rn ral Pas*, ng' r ml I. ki T. Vf. I*. I ii.coTT.tii te ral Managi r. d- HI i »l M ON D AND l'l I i.i:-l BA1LRO Mi COMPANY. Cob -i nuvvn . 'o'.r-j7.1881,tralntonUil will ra a llowt: Ll -.\ BK IIMOXI - TH cu p. M.. f \- I M UL,daily. M .kc- tin Pullman -'ec; cr bet ww n w !. '. - un. 11 SO \. M.. I HROI i.ll M vii io's lug fi r gusta. \ik. ii. -,.!!.¦ h, Stol I ll « Pullman >.'-. mi i, v .s s, i and Sava I uah ihli tr 10:10 P. M.. M Ml. tah ¦ lU-.'li- ll foi 'l il i. ami.I , lt Dre* Hlutf. Centralia I" m ii w i-l,ingi. ii and .la- k.-oiivili.. "ii this train. «:00 P. M., I IT H.ll '-. « 0:10 A. M. Hill' (.:,.-, A. M., l-l M Ml., ital! - r. Pullm ni -u ¦;- tun I" Ne* s, orm- IL, I URO! -.Il vi \n Richill' n I. Potomac r.uir.. and Wi ilso making cum ss nh I ... -i--I- at Mam lc .. ( ntrail i. Eulin in s Ural N. Ik. 7 1" v M., vi ML, dali¬ el pl -a lay) wu Fred i road III. HIS- I. and '.* 9*80 \. M., FRI K.HT.dall cn r. m.. phi A direct i' inr-hi Slcbim mt nd 111:30 A. M. u n AH iral Ippol -I NI. \*| , \. |{S |)N I: MN- | ,se I A. M '. M. Lea l'( at y A. M. BBd D.KLIN -rinu nd. A. Poi >. \, ie. -J7 'I'lii: VOBB Blt IK LIM 1 to b m. imore inp u points n 11 ) -n vi - lill Hsdavs, vnii - ¦. WW - H.'oM RM IIMoNI. IND l'\N\ ii |.| VlRdlNl V -| |: \ 8j4fl P. M. Dring Till K-DAV. Deri r tafe and thoroughly nw \n v will leavi w. |- Richmond train 11 I -l> v v, - ill L-l ia V - SA 11 RDAYS, irrlvlug In ll A. M md nnci tn-g wu StrBlghtttrkeutoltaltl m Roi'lidlrip. M.-ils.. State-Room >( Ul I lt. For I i. ... 11 uk -. and il eaU -ii K. w (, IKBI i: A co.. the 1 .'. th. Ri,:, .nd .ui I Dan signed. v I N |>H ll M(»\ li. 1 I.I |.| .1. I. Ii AN li l-ii'lul] Vi RAII.RO ll -1 N ll V > N 0:00 A. M., leave* by rd-Mn ct.tu S:'H) A. M.. li '"!¦' - 1:50 P. M i P. M.. V.".i. Bro , , 11:28 A.? I- 0:58 1*. M.. ac 8:84 A M.. i omn i -tn-: i station d:uls en . pl * v I A ul. i. crail ki E.T. 1". Mi nt-. (,, m r il sn,., u tenden I I nih- vin. IKE \m> t.niti \ ' W W 1 MI.- 1 Mll.i IN Killi I NO BER 80, --I 7:46 \. M. M'H Ni I, I, .s.- cm u. ,,.! inls. i.n ttl .Vi '. Ill" \. M. s, -."Hop. M.; Willi uiiMiii ,, CMS p. M. Who- pluir. f-.lo I' Ml! !, ii. |- \| i<ii,4:n7 A.M.; llunUngtnn,0:40.1 vi vu - Ung, 1-J i' "ii. and L- litigton. in. 1 to I", il 7 P. M. Ex pren* So. 3, lea v. - K irrive* ( iriottevvllle 1 ll', p. m 1-J0 A. M.; William-, i.'.. 4 10 V. M. W nhar,0:13 \. M.; li ii \ ld rSO P. M.; HnnUiigi |- - lexcen! -uuilav. i,T" p. M. 3:3u p. M.. Frrighi r in nd dnlh (i \ - nd .s ns V.'o P. v|. i.i.rdui.-sl'. -liri! / lle.vllle 10:00 P. M..-lopping il Mail No. 2 arrive* at Expr, s. No. 4 arris. ;i v. M Schedule of Lexington di si-iou t| s k.l s»iii > ikeeOael Dec ut ncr 1 i. For farther laformalli n ap: i ll< kc'.-oin.-e. Nlmh and Malu sire | ml Ohm nilssay ,i,-i,t, Rea. <>r lows M on -'f ll W. Fl LLERJ :. c. \V. smi i ii, (,,.. rn! Managi r. UK II MON D, ll.EI'l RD KMM IND Pu|..M \i |. mi Kolli ITIRO! GU MT. BAH I v-l Pill 1- Tt) INH HliiM lt v.1 t im.-ll! Pilli M'l PHI A. NEW VoRlv. VNU EWIEK1 AND WEmTERN ( ITKS. )NLY TWELVE Hoi ll- BETWEEN li MONO AND lill 1 IMORE IN s. kl Dll;i Ion Correspondingly .pu, » ume to othei I'Uri'ugiihiiUorUdiux i-.iicdat h>w rate*. C. t. TAYI.i Vt !-»» t.eaeral FreutUl Ai

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Page 1: J}irhmoitd Inspirit. MAig+^n*****:., IM^y^CHMOND R · J}irhmoitd Inspirit. WEDNESDAY.JANUARY ll, 1882. ISdtfors Dispaic*l Tbe question lt fre¬ quently asked "Whatls Pink-Kyer"-the

J}irhmoitd Inspirit.WEDNESDAY.JANUARY ll, 1882.

ISdtfors Dispaic* l Tbe question lt fre¬

quently asked " What ls Pink-Kyer "-thedUeate now quite prevalent among the

homes and muka of the elly. Your pub¬lished sUtcroent <>t what it U will not onlybe of interest to all in the city who own

borers and mules, but, sa thc street-car* are

not running to-day l*?cause of IL the com¬

munity generally will read lt with lnter,-t.

[Somebody will please answer.]

BUhop Htsana'a Rarmon al IR* (totten-era tlon of stat llI*hop af North «a ro¬

nna.Right Rev. H. I'inkney Northrop, of

Charleston, 8. C., was consecrated Bishopof North Carolina at thc Cathedral in Balti¬more on Sunday.

Right Rev. Bishop J. J. Keane, of Rich¬mond, preached thc Hermon upon the occa¬

sion, taking hit text from the Uh chapterot the Kpl'tlc of St. Paul to the Kphesians.After referring IO UM ippropri denes* ofthe text, tbe reverend sjieaker said that thesacred solcmnltlct of which the congrega¬tion were witnesses were no new sjpeemetalin this venerable Cathedral, which has wit-nesecd many similar events. Notwith¬standing this, thc event loses none of Itsinterest, and every consecration is sur¬rounded with fresh interest. The eventgilt us willi gladnc-s for thc Churchand for thc diocese of the bishop-elect, as

BOe" "ince HM Mott Rev. Archbishopwas called to the Kpi.scoi.ial throne thcdiocese had mourned for one like him,whose encrgie* and life might be devotedto the care of the ( burch. To-dav thc dio-ceac rejoices, ts a new pastor is given toher.one whom she honors and loves, andunder whoso care she may well hope toflourish. The occasion is filled with Joyfor the Catholics In the United States. Forten years there ha- l»een a vacancy in herhierarchr, and to-day they rejoice thata new bishop is laboring iii their behalf.They will know that the welfare ofIRS Church cannot depend merely onher physical resources, but most de¬pend on her laborers. The Church feelsthat she is a debtor to the millionswho stand in need of what she alone can

give thom; and therefore the (burch isgUd because another is added BB the njios-toli" beaty, on which she must ch icily de¬pend for Hie discharge of that great "debt.A new prince has been given to the king¬dom of Chri-t.a new watchman to guardit against thc danger- of this unbelievingage. A new bishop has been placedaround the throne of St. Peter. All thesecircumstances arc combined in thc eventwhich you have witnessed; yet not all ofthem together tell all iLs true meaning,which is shown in flu- Kpi.-tlc of S*. Paul.There wc learn that from His throne on

high (Jod has bestowed a new gift ujK>nmen.The sqieaker here discoursed at length on

the relations of the Church and its minis¬ters to the world, likening it to a vine, theveins ot which, BS represented by the cler¬gy, convey the life-sap to each BtRRRnWeleaf nnd fibre represented by the faithful.He also dwelt ti-xiii thc relations of thebi-hops and priest-, denning their reopCO-tive dutie-, and touched ujxm the historyof the Church in the early centuries antithc apostolic sueeeoBion. Beferriog lothc latter, ho commented upon UMneeaSBBy Of believing in the un¬broken dc-ccnt of authority whichto-day i- being banded down to thenew bishop. Recurring to the event forwhich they were assembled, he said : "Itis with fear and tn milling he (thc bishop-eic *t) accepts the high office to which hehas been raised, for he Knows ne must one

day stand before the Prince of reston forjudgment, and he will he asked as to hiscare of those precious souls confided to hi*charge, and of which Christ BO zealouslylooks after. Thc new bi-hop goo- to workamong one million four hundred thousandsouls who are outside of the true fold, sim¬ply because they do not know of it. Oh!we will pray that hi- ministration- then-may be abundantly successful. We willpray that the example of the Saviour may¬be ever before him, and may the povertyand hard work thai must make op bis HJehave in it the consolation of souls saved tofill heaven with Joy. May Jesus usc himfor boundless good.for the welfare ofsouls and the glory of Alinighiy (Jud. Maythe Divine Master, who to-day places Utamitre on his. brow, Welcome him in thekingdom of heaven, and change hi- mitreInto a crews "f (\erlasting life."

Oaear Wild., the tit lu te.


As already announced. Oscar Wilde, thepoet, apostle, and high-priest of eetheti-cism, has arrived in New York from lang¬land, and UM world of fashion and letters,which indulges in thc strange s|x>rt of lion-hunting, has since had ample Opportunityto gratify it- weakness. Tho-, who hadonly known Mr. Wilde through Dr. Man¬ner's caricature of Maudie, or Gilbert'scharacter of Bunthorne, were no doubtdisappointed at not seeing him walk downBroadway pressing g lily to hts breast- butthis was compensated for by meeting a

young man with B*Te0IBt1cBR and peculiar!-tit-, and yet at thc same time with freshand Vivid ideas un art, keen iMTceptious.and brilliant social qualitiesMr. Wilde was born in Dublin, and ls

twenty-six years old. His father was SirWilliam Wiide, a celebrated phyttcbrn,andhis mother a woman of much poetical talent.After securing high honors at Trinity Col¬lege, Dublin, young Wilde went to Mag¬dalen College, Oxford, anti graduated there¬from in 187s;. The acquaintance which In¬formed then- with John Ruskin undoubt¬edly gave color to Ids after life andthought, and a subsequent visit to Italyand Greece served to deepen his impres¬sions on art and beauty. since that linn¬he ha* published a number of sonnets andtranslations from Greek ¦TOgedieO. Theidea nuning through ail ins poems seems tnbc that beauty is above namiiiallsiii thatdowers an- better then factories, and hatthe hum of the bec and the murmur of thebrook nrc swelter than the clang of thehammer and the whirl of tho spindle, ltwas a bold thought to try and IntUM suthan Idea into thc brain of tbi- practical age.and when Hie young enthusiast's devoteesIn attempting to follow him never roseabove the lei el of a craze for blip- chinaand cracked teacups of UM reign of tineenAnne, ur a rhapsody over a lily or BSUR-losror, then- wa- little wonder thal algrotesque side of the subject was at onceeefand upon, and that he and histheories were everywhere burlesqued,Mr. Wilde himself "admits that he and;his companions al Brat went to HrWildest extremes ii. dnss and cxpre.ions.He SHIRR that thc groundwork of c-theti-ORRS ii that a knowledge of the beautifulcannot he taught, hut must be personal,jand can univ bc acquired by one'sown eyesand ears. The real Strength «'f HM I Sthetk ',movement, he thinks, [les in UM greatstrength of beautiful design- ain-nig bandi- j.craftsmen of the various eMfea, and he is of;opinion that among women csjH-.-iallvtlnr is a di-tinct tendencv towards theRiost radical change, both "in the form oftho dress and In thc introduition ofnovel and beautiful colors. He con¬siders tliat at present velvet ls the mostbeautiful drees for a man, and as a rulewears gray or brown velvet himself. Hels over six feet in height, with a full whiteneck, ina..ive face, prominent chin, rathertun*lions lip*, mid blue eyes, the beardie*,coiintemiriic being framtd in longbrowohair, part" d in the middle and loosed back¬ward (>v>r his shoulders.. li-dtiiaore Sun.

RIB riBST I.KCTT'KK ft; ARRRBGAsOscar Wilde lectured Monday night {og

Large and fa-hiui)able audience af ( bicker-Baa Hall, lb* Was drewsed in a black dresscoat, while Psst, an CXtriHIell loW-CUtshirt, with flowing white silk cravat, blackkneobn (ches, brown stockings and -lip-

Kia, H<> chose aa his subject "Theigiiah Rennalstance," which, he said,

w.y» til' ;¦--'me of art, and all teachingswould amount to nothing if thc workmenwere not -1wounded by beautiful things, I

lor ll tlicj did not see them they could notmake thorn. Art should not lie, as lu the

past, onlf a contrast with snrrounrlinKiniieiy. In eoiuhuion, BC »ald: "iouhave all heard of those two flowers dear to

the i*tbrie's heart, the roar and the lily.But wo do not love Mien for thc reasonelven bv Mr. Oilliert, nor for any voiretn-hle pretorenro, but U-cati^c they ure themost perfect specimens of denten.the rose

with lt* leonine beauty, and the lily theemblem of rhastitv and parity. Then,why look further for the secret of life,when thcieeret of life ts art r"

HoTfuroRrVH Arin Pihwiutk tn Derm.rrr,ktc..I have found Horsford'* Add Plios-phstr particularly serviceable in treatmentof women and children in debility and kawof appetite.- W. II. Holcombe, M. D.NewOrleans, La._Near!* MllleB Sta Mw»*theart s fatherAveiy serious and wellnieh fatal affair

oeeiiiTed uiar thin place on New-YearVeve nleht. It Meenis that a colored manmimed Henry Corbin, who, with hi* fam¬ily, occupies' n cabin on the fnrm of Mr.Isaac 8. .Icffrloa, had ordered om- HenryI,new, wliow attentions to hi* dnuehterNvere dist i"toful to the father, to discon¬tinue hi" *1«it* to hi* hon-c. OnrVihirdav nleht, however, Nvliil-t tinfather wan attendine a "watch-meet¬ing;" nt hi- church, Luca* took ad¬vantage of hi* almenee from home lo

Baj a visit to the dnuehter, which Sm pro¬longed to such Bl extent that the iratefather retnred to his home just In time to-ce liiiii cnn rei"^' from Iii- ilonr. An alter¬cation immediately took place, and tin-two walked back "to the irate, -onie one

hundred yards distance fruin the house,where I,nra* s, i/ed a larg! chin andfelled Corbin to the eronnd. Severalblows Nvere inflicted, and forbin withcreal diflicnlty crawled back to Mahouse, where he lay in an insensiblecondition until about 10 o'clock the nextday. Dr. .b'flrie*, who lives near hy, was

iiniiioilintely summoned, and Dr. Saunder*Waa called in the next atoning, WBO pro¬nounced the unfortunate man in a criticalcondition. A warrant was obtained fortheum-nt of Lucas, but as ye! he has notbeen apprehended. Corbin isa very inof-fen-ive man, and Hie act of Lilias BBBBesses' Hinch indignation among all classes.Lucas i* a young blacksmith, and a man ofpoNrerftil frame, and by no meanH irre¬proachable character..Northern NeckS'nrs.

Hr, Edwin Booth baa fane youth on atheatrical tour, and will open in Memphis,Tenn., .January PH li.Madame Patti sings in St. Louis this

wet k. Manager Abby expects to clear810,000 each nield.The use of one bottle ol st. Jacob- Oil

cured Bay sun. n\!io wa- very sick withrlieiimalisin. This has arran the medicinea gnat name in my neighborhood.

S. i'. BOWf Franklin, Pa.

SI41URJB INTt.LMIJF.Nl F..MINI NTIIRE NI viw; w-Jamwhy 11.1888.

Situ ri~--s. 7:l'.i| lln.n Tide.Sim .«-ts. 4:57 Morning. 9:03Moon rises.11:54 StealBf,. 9MPORT Off RICHMOND, Jamwhy lo, 1882.

A1M11N ll'.

Bttaaatf svaaawaa, Gftanwood, Baatoa, BaBt,Cbteaptakeand ohio Railway 'ompany.stem,.-r Ariel, Gifford, Norfolk, merchandise

aad paateaaera and United State* nulla, I.. r>Tatum, aireni.Bari Brastlara (Ger.), klefnhardt, Kew fork,

to load Hon- for Krazil. l!a.\a!l-(';c:i-1 :ih c..ni¬pan y.(schooner Thomas Clyde, fisher, Bronsaick, Sa.,lumber, A. L. Sheppard.

SAILED.stctmrr OM Ikttsleaiss. Watktr, Sew Totfc,

merchandise and paatanaers,G. \N'. Alien | ( ,,..

agents.steamer Ashland, Carr. Pl.ll.idelphi-i, merchau-

dtse and paasenters. J, nv. McCarrlck, aiteatSchooner Hunt, r, Nash, H..stun, coal aad stare*.

Chesapeake and ohio Hallway t ompany; taste*,Cartu .4 Talker.Schooner C. G. Crammer, Newberry. New v..rk.

lamber aad coal, Chetapeake and Ohio Raliway('ni:.|iin\ tassel, ('Hills J Parker.


WA NTEdT X FlnsT-KATi; M A K-RRT-GARDRRRR. Alto, a MAR wno has

had etrertrace with cattle and can milk, inplyIoJAMEh H. GRANT, Sox 120, four miles north

of city. Ja 11-21*


ANTED. BY A YOUNG MANI willi six yean1 experience In tbe mercantilesines*, a SITUATION with tome Richmond

Betas, ll ts .jnltc a large country acquaintanceand caa (.'Ive good reference. T. H. NV..

J t 11-_t* car, this office.


\ tte rtmlltaa in New fork, Ntw Jertty, sad < on*ncctlc,il. Apply tn

J. P. JUSTIS, emploraaeal Agent,la 11-lt* 'I 1 ili.i nth street


Va. Batt be ready to START TO-NIGHT. Ap¬ply lo J. P. JUSTIS, Employment Ageni.

Ja n-lt* ii Fifteenth itreet.



Hit! M-. IN KU lIMu M) to represent thc.n themad In SimJti ('andina. 1 ama n dive .1 that Stateand len,- ii ex tensive ac-|iiaiiitancc. and can gl\ethc i-est reference. Address

P. >.. CROUCH, Johnston ¦ Depot.-, c.Ji Ic»-;*i»

ANTED, TO BUY A HOUSE ANDT DR NV..ir DHAN bj Itself. Apply at

Ja lo.-jt* Nu. 10 ELEVENTH PTREET.


We wita to btw CORN, deHrered al geed bud*las i'n -i t\ cali!.- ri mt- rn- at ttat Ionson railroads.Partltt Bat Ibb corn for mle wUI do well lo comninnie ,*<¦ with n- before selling.ja li)--.'w thomas! br nm ii a co.

WANTED, A COMPETENT liol SE-SERVANT (ii a small family. If wall re*

coiiiineiided go,.,! wage- will Ik- paid. Apple at No.2(1-1 west Main street. Ja li'-4t*


1 Batt an unfilled Braal tor

OOSBEOBBATB OOUTOR bond-.and will pay 4:1 per thousand fur them. This will

ptBBBMj BS BBS last oiiportunlty offerctl for dis¬posing of the-e worthless -ccuritit-s, except as

BBBttttBta. & r'- JOHNis'toN.

Ja8-31* 918 Main-inst.

WANTED. A I OMPETENT FEMALEIHH'sK-s.KN \ ST. who t tn come well rt-

e.inunciidcd. Apply at Mil west Iruiklin street.Ji K-41

TITANTED, CORN IN ANY QUANTI*T T TIBS (large luis preferred), delivered al tin-

depot or lauding of any railroad or na-, lj.-al.lcstie.iin Iii Virginia.Hm- furnished without charge,w.mTlewrii co..

lint Cary street, Richmond, Va.m. 18-^odSm

fri) TOBAITONISTS.-WANTKD BY1 AN EXPERIENCED and THOROUGHLYCOMPETENT MUM, mnv . poiltl in for Ukensuing rear as SANAUEB lu tome U,hacco fac¬tory. Win maaaaeany department. HatLsfactlouguarantee*!. Address MANAGER,

Ja 8*31* care Letter-, arricr V... ll,city,WANTED, A PABTNEB-sileBt orIT ticti\t.with al...nt ?".uiin or *6,OH(i, lu n

wci!-<M thli-ht-.i maaufactmlnghu-lneaspaying 1%percent. Business and books open for referenceN.I In-.- IMUtl'l;l>K.care..f I.cItcM'arrh No.

'i- j»6-lw*


I CST, A WU I Ti: AMia-sJlj BROWS SPAMKL DOO, ahi.ut****^ilk mouth* old. A HlKral reward paid it left alUS i*st Krauklln street. Ja 11-11*

FAKKN IT ON MY PBEMISES,QBwa..ti the Mechanlcselllc turnpike, '«*W

.1GHT-BRINDLE cow. with loag h*a*7aad|ta .n order. The owner will pltaat pay damagesaid take her away. OEOltOK WATT. Ju.Ja 11*11



JOHN I.ATOl'CHi A SON.Ntl. e» Boara narra street,

lust received a flue assortment ofCHINCHILLA. BEAVER, AND MELTON

OVERCOATINGS.Wo u.e lue lie-t tiliuiiiiiigs, emilio) Hie batt

KatUfactlOil EUaraulM-d. No fancyI We Hud that small, uiiif.a-iu prmiU pay hycoii&Uiut Increase In amount ofluiidncii*.Au examination re iH-cttuil\ sollctUil. ,1. I ii-cd


liil. lt. STEEI/SDBBTAL PARi.oHs,1

NO. TiB M*is street, Richmond, Va.J.KllAKTBUN, D. D. t*. I ..,,...,CUAItLEK L. HTEEL. D. D. S., { AmlttaBtS.


DIRROLimORR *t PARTREBRHIPR./to-PARTNKRSHIP.-OUH MR. E. A.V> MOEN, for six years manager of our Rieh-mond houtc. ls (lits dty tdmlltcdjo an niterest »«>our concern. A. HOEN rn co.,

Haltlmore. Md., sud Richmond. Na.JAsrART .-. 1SH-.. J* n"6t..I HA VINO THIS DAY BOUGHT THK1, INTEREST IN </CR EIRM OF WILLIAMH. COX. wi.minne the COMMISSION BCHI-

heretofore om-lu.-ted l.y I OX A SMITH,at tho old stan-!. Bo. 1888 Main street. ThankingUte patron- of Hie isle firm for their rontidcncrami support, 1 hope tn rontlnne to merit thc BUMb) Integrity *nd strict attention !.> hu-lness. Allpersons Indebted to the lite Arro will please comeforward al omi and settle Uieir account-, snd allperson* ho.dlng claims please present Un in at oncefor payment lo W1LL!\M L. SMITH, who will.ettie up Um-affairs of the late arti'.

..._.,WILLIAM L. SMITH.JAxrAnyft.1882._J" ftri1

TN BETUUNG FROM THK CONCERN1 OE COX A SMITH I return my sincere thank*!*thc pu',ll. for their generous patronage to Hu-lahfirm, and cordially recommend to their attcnll<-ii

land confidence my late partner. WILLIAM L,SMITH, who -nil coattBBC the business at the oldstand. No. 152H Main street, and who ls alone sn-lliorited lo -ettie upUic sffalMuf the lafr firm.

-St ___BA »L (OX.

RiCHMOxn, Va.. January 7. 18S2.

MR. EARNEST IL C1LAXKLET with¬drew from our concern "ii thc 2d Instant.

ki8-01 i". ILCHALKLEY ROO.

TO ALL WHOM IT MAY ( OHCEBSTake notice, thal Um partnership beretofon

existing between JOHN P. SAMPSON snd WIL¬LIS A. SAMPSON under the Hrm-n.iine ,d'JOH NP. SAMPSON & BROTHER, Real Estate Al-ciiI-and Auctiuneers. with office in Bm city "f Man-COCttcr, Va., ls dissolved this d.-iy by mutual con-sent.

All pej-aou having claims against the said Armand all pertoni Indebted t-i thc aunc will tsttksvlth.lotiN 1*. sami'Son, who ls .-lli'iic aulli'-rl-.-llo Cleat on! Hie untinli-lied bu-lui-ss of thc old Srmat Mindil-ter.Va._Ja 3-10t_

JOHN' I*. SAxtTOOB, A. L. ADAMSON.1*01 of BSIBptaB j SBO late of England.


II' under thc tirin-nainc of BAMTSON A

NEl.oil \ IINt. LOANts, ll EN Tl NO <>

lim HI.-. snd SALE Ol LANI)-. All Ini-lni-[n our lui", svlii receive prompt pertontl aifenilon,

.loll.N P. SAMPSON,JA 3-1Ot_A. L. A DAMSON.

Man' iikst i B, Va.. J.uiii.iry, )u<*2.'PUK UNDERSIGNED, IN RETIRING1 FROM HIE REAL ESTATE ANT) MCTTONEERS'HI >IN1 HS. r-tm ii- lu--I mere hank-to thc l.ul'llc for their lih( ral patruaagC tu the lal"Bra or John P. Sampaon ,v Brother, and recom¬mend! to their attention and confidence tbe Bra olsAMl'sON A ADAMSON. Real Estate Agtatland Auctioneers, Manchester, Va.ttS-101 W. \. SAMT80R.

ftl IBRR(VT station. Va.. January 1,1882.


t'ONCEBN: Take notice that tin- iiartner-hl|heretofore existing between A. E. WITH ROW am!E. IL NETTLETON",and known a-the llrm olWITITROW A NETTLETON, Allegheny itatkraVu., which leis proved l-otb satlsfaciory and profit-abM tu the trad-,i-thl-iliy iil.-"lsiH| l.y limit*.Hun. ah parti.- wno ara Indebted t.. or wathasc chUmiantnst flic conn rn ss.ll plea- addi. -

A. E. WITHROW. tl MPH...ru' depot. Va.,or E,M. NETTLETON, Ailcghany -tatton, as imth par-Uo* are authorized t-< Mttk-up'he Iiu-Iiicks. Tin

lousiness -mill bc carried on in future bf E. MNETTLETON at their nhl darn.


I take this t-ppottualfy to laforai the LanbtiTra.ii that I \siil continue thc LUMBER BUSI¬NESS at Alleghtnj nation In tia- pUceofWlth-row a Nettleton, and solicit a eontlnnanceofyomkimi patronage.

ii 7-Si.suAWlit E. M. NETTLE'loN.

cO-PABTNEBSIHPJ.J. WTt.si.N, late of W. W. < Wll-VOX. late wittU. Dandrtdgc A Co. ll. li. TaUaferro A Co

J. II. W S-lllM. ION. Of Caioluie coiliify.Rn iimonii. Vi Ita.rt I, 1888.

We. thc-ni's, i ii.i rs, has,- tnt* -las fuiBStd I co-

parti.ci ship, under lac finn-n um ol'

J. J. WTLSOR, BOB 8 ( o..forth" porno .I. lido, (illira CEN ER \[, COM.MISSION IlLslNEHH nt No. 1804 I try*treet.be¬tween 1 hilt, en th and I- ..iirtcciilh sin t-. au-I ho|*by rn.inid personal attention to business lo mci iial'idrcreive Ute patronage of oar friend- and Hupianti r- lu particular, for wboee Intettat wt proBt-I-, our in exertion*and prompt retarni.


lu reference to lbs above the sohterlbeitike tllll occasion to return lils bone*! thank-tnbl, many friends, ssh" l,as, vi liberally patronizedhim fm the latt thirls (30) yal-, and assures Iliumlu- again btgtni barine** ssiiii renewed encigy. Badha- ,,-,,. late i n. i»li him ts-.o dead) huslmmen. All "f ti- promise our beti effort* I. r <.urfri. nd-.

Very respectfully. J.J. wilson.Ortln-btirs furnlsned upi rn usual tarmajt 1-eud'JW'AssTlil


Till' FIRM OK IL T. ALVKY i <'<>.,I d lng hu-liie-- at No. gog a t ( ari .Ired andNu. lc,ot, ei-t Prsnklln itreet, cotnpo ed >>i L.T.ALVEV amt EDWARD ALVET, will be dlscon-tinned on the SIst INSTANT. A new am, com-I.I "f the undersigned, ssin thereafter coutinoethe GENERAL UH MN AND El. 1.1» Hl'.-INEs-st said places of botlnee*, tl No. .-si',". Cary streetthc Arm-style will bt ALVEY BROTHI I:-; iiN .. 1008 Viankiin stree! ss iii bc a- heretofore.R. T. ALVEV A CO. ')rrh r-ai|.lres,.,l tu them, orleft at i itlicr -torc, ss 111 have prompt attention.

RI! Il sl:li I. \l.\ EV,I nw \ltli \I.VEY..loilN I. ALVEY.

Refer!ng tu Um shove,we render thank- to oarfriend- :uiil the pul lb- for the liberal patronage be¬stowed un ii-, and -nilen i continuance of amefor ness linn-. All panic indebted lo R. T. ArrayA Co. will please tetUeal tbtar earlie*! convent-ence. sud those holding claluil will present Hainfur pas incut. L'lcllARl) T. MATA.

l.DH ARD ALVEY.IIB. >. T. HANCOCK win still have ehargc of

¦tore No. I Oin; Eranklin itreet. ii l-dStAoodSt

MBm BROan, v s.. Jaaaarf 8,

B. WILLIAM P. SMIill, WHO 11 A-lvl fur twelve sen- pa t i.i^-n connected withtin- bouse bi book-keeper and eonSdential clerk,htm-, day admitted to an Inh-rcst in the bunine**,lia as le uf the Mini will be TALIA] EUROA Co.We take Uti*occasion to thank unr friend foi

lae Uberal rapport they have given a* la Ihepaat,ami promise vs nil renewed encnflai !-. attendpromptly aud diligcntiv tc any bushiest that intybe entrusted tn thc mw Ora.Ja 1 ll. H. rALIAPERROA 0.



W I NE- (in -reit sari" ts)


and ITNEAIT'I.E ( HEEsEs. at



JOSEPH M. BLAIR, (JROCER,J> ll 826 Mainstreet.

CiL(»VER-SEED.-2o lings 1* K I al I:CLOVER-SE! n.

BJ - \. V. STOKE'S A CO.

TTEBBINQ8. -hot) hanela ff. C I I rll HI RR1NUS; loo birreh N. c. (IROHbHEBRINOS \. v-i"Hsi-A 0


1'jneSMOKED HUT.Elm ( IIIIT'ED BlNu. 1 MACKEREL,la Mat, ki:-, and barrels;

lOgOBBBI ssith | lari:"- .tock i.fEANCV \Mi PAMTJL1 QROCERIE8, M

MCCARTHY A HAYNT--.Ss 16_627 Broad iti

TOHACUO. (K.tlis. dr.

P WHITLOCK, It-IB Main SxRRRT.. m.-iii-ifactiirer ol' thc lollowlnir flue bruiids of




Also dealer In thc following brands of KINE TO-H wco al rnaanfacturer*' piIII \N(iK s. I.V.I*! uoR.



Send for price-list. my 27-eod



uianufacturer tm! dealer In CHAMBER.PARLOR, and DIMNli-ROOM PIIRNM .

Tl RE WOOD-ami CANE-SEAT CHAIRS, andevery art!':. In tlc Et UNIT! RE LINE; Red¬ding, leatlierii. mid Milln.iii Doc* the iui-lmss.-,,carrie-tbe stock, and caunot be Bucka-taM. nillirand wareroonit., 1438Main street; Faclnrs, Dj, ls.JD. 22. -24 north Fifteenth itreet, Richmond. VaOrder* by mal! promptly attended to. ec 12-Sm


call at E. tiATUKli.lt I « SON'S. 16 t;.y.irnor street, ami examine their large and^ .wc|.-a*."rte,i kh.cti of WALNUT ami I'ol'I.ARChAMHER snd DININ'li-itoo.M Ki RNTTl'RKembracing sll of the new utyle*. 1-Juy terms ipaynicuL Don't forget thc place._., .

E. (JATHRHiHT A SON.0Cil-8m lSOovcruoriUN-ct.


jLvcnojt MAig+^n*****:.,rTOU8TEa?8 SAI?E OF ^-uj\l,J'E1 TRUCK EARS IRIM^y^CHMONDOVER, NEAR THE CITY ">»!<>J, i\ rANO Also HORSE, MI M.E. TWOj.«'wJ*. "N ,KINK BILL. KARRINH WVpf^uvvn ,\N"HOlSKIIiil.il ANll KIO IIENM ft-\l,f ., |V.,,By vin.,, of a tnii deed axteared h) ".«.' ?ron thc |.t day of March. 1877. ^SfE-^rJ"the clerk, office of the County J .rtr°£ "^" .Vu,'Decd-K-ok ». page OOO. 1 thall «»f* for,,"*,c .»

pabtlc auction, on the premises, st ls Bj*»BWEDNESDAY. JaSCARY ll. IS8S,

that VAUABLE TRICK EAiTM, containing187S ACRES (md including the f^^rd).called "PLEASANT LEVEL." t»i.Jg£.*1Fthe otc lt. p. PoUaH. situate »¦**£?*'"?, ^county road 1. adlng from MeehanCvllletornalkeM Old Church, and within six miles of thc city of

TBIs farm ls situated In the ramon* trucking re¬

gion of llanover county, and lw '.".a l,,»rl'|l YT"proved; ind. ed. Infertility 1- cou- to any in the

manly. Has ,,. it a food dwtllliig-ho,,.e:,,,dotti. r

building*. I here I. now -ceded on lt ai«.ut twent) -

two bushc!* of wheat, and three «inarteni of an at re

-it in >.ii|..ns. . , ,

Terms ( axh enough to pay thc e-tpcnscs or saltami ta tay off and discharge thc am..unt now dueunder the uaist deed-to wit: SLSStf.tJS's, with la-

tere*t thereon from Ute 1st day of January. lMhJ.and fer *.i:n..*:r,. with like interest, on a credittill thc -t dat ot .fanuarv. If83; and the residueon a credit of twelve months from the day of sale,the purchaser to rec. I\e a dud and give a tru.-t-iieidt.. -eetire the deferred paywtentj.Hy virtue ol' another tru.t-dccd.c scented tty thc

same partv on thc Mime dat, 1 ebalLat Ui« wwtime and place, sell thc following PERSONALPROPERTY.to wit:



HS IIoT-HED SASH, with glass lu lh« m.Tekmh: Cash. OEoRi.E P. HAW,

Trustee.Ilia i.MKKit 8, ISSI. la 1

Bf J. Thompson Brown,Real BtBtM Agent and Auctioneer.

1113 Milli street.






XMITII AXnALS.>(Wl.ry ,.,,., cltT of Rlt.h.H. II. liitow.v. \ '.' !'

Hy vlrtneof d>. rccof Bicbmoad Chancery Courtenter,,i December i". l*si, in a *uii ttyled »-

abott, we, the tpeclal eommlasloaen therein ap-pointt-.i, win proceed tn s<n by pabttt auction, oatthe premises, on

KRIDAY. JAMWltY 0. I8SB,ai4:30.rciock p. M.. tba aboTt-meutloatd PRO¬PERTY, being DWELLINU No. 1408 casi Mar-sball -tnset, between College street ami Jail alley,adjacent lo ami adjoining the Ham a-U-rlan -clio..I.fronting en tald itreet 22 \ feet, more ot leta. Alto,another HOUSE lu rear of tame properly.TBBMS: un. fourth cash; balami- In six. twelve,

and eighteen months. Interest .-Hided, and lilleretained until all tl.- purchase ainnty la pall saddeed ordered ly the Court.

THOMAS S. PACE.S. B. P. I'.NTTKMtS.Special < ommlasioners.

J. Taottpeos Bbowb, Aaettoaeer.POSTPONEMENT.

Post|K,ned tillNN'EDNESD VY.JAM-AIIY llTll.

Bl BUBS lime and place. llll IIMON'D BAZAAlt. *TWNos. 143S ami 111" Kiw.hi.is BTBJtBT.

THIS HAYal lu tullock we will a ll a number Si

BXC1 l-l.l R I ANIM \LS.well suited le USS locality, and trots wlildi Int*

-.lei'tl.ii- u,av be ina.ie.4 GOOD KARM-NICLEs.

Nilli: which.our usual assortment of

NENV ASH SKCOND-HASH VEIIK I.I 8.tuns B. hnn UL Proprietor.

E. H. COOK. Niictioiieer. la 1 l-ll




I..-Ai the request ¦<( tbe nari(who reside al the North).we offer for ale thi.KlM.l.N DESIRABLE IBON-ERONI TENE¬MENT, located as above. Tbe lower partitiled respecUrely ii a druntoi" and confectionery.Vin- upper part ti very handsomely Inlabed. linow r.nt- to panctaal tenants al '. MO |x r annum.ni.< \. v reasonable and lenin accommodating.it early application i- made lt win be sold torSft.ooc. Apply to

ii 10-81_



lilli:! ON, IV HESTEREII LD HUNTY,U ll ANO A ll A I.I' Ml I. Kv- KIKlM MAS" III.--

I 1 H. Kui: SALE OB I \. ll NS't.l K'.l: NDWELLING LS RICHMOND.-Wanted, to -. ;i.rent, oi exchange for a f.-.....i city residence, HieKA RM on which Mr. nn Brander. Jr., rcsddttalnlngONl HCNDREDAi RES of cleared In id,with NEW BRU K HOUSE, Un roof, eight roomslilv.ii'. large ball through the centre; also nttaerniil-buildlng-. The farm In. a iicvcr-tTtilingtr- oin ot water running through the eeatre, ba*tides teteral ¦prlnat. Tnt boase commands abeauUfnl tiew of the tiver and lower |o.rtl'.n ofUte city, two aad a balf miles from Intra. Appn

to \N. i.oDDIS A Mts.Ja 7-81



large gar.ten att n'lieil. set In (lower- and -hriih-l.ei \. BBOWB ns the V .111 l.e« lioine-lcad.'" Tl int-

rerj rcaaonal le. Applo toJolts I. GOODIN,

lb 'I 'tue Nie nt.ja 1 Hml. aud Eleventh ttn 11

'IMIItKl. DESIRABLE BOOMS l-'o|j|fwI BI M. Apply al Na 111 north MvthJLitn ¦ t. Ja 10-31


CATED LO! upon which reeenUj ttood the Vul¬can Iron-Works, at tl..- touthcost corner of 0 \ r.»and >i\ih itreett, Apply to

ll. -I l.lniS T N l Holt.ji*-."t Rest Estate Agent and Vuclloneer.


PERTY recently occupied bj lue Richmond,¦mlthfleld ami Hanipton >t. uni...nt Company,

fi-, titlng about Isoi feet ..n th.- north tide of Jamiriver, aud extending hack Ut Wharf street.AppH UJ IL BELDON TAN LOB,

I: il l-l ni ifi ni and luctloneer,Ja 8-8t corner Eleventh and Haul, -tr,



will take notle,¦ thal the hooks ol' transfer, at theState Bank ol Vlralaia, will be ckaed al :i P. M..INSI'NHV IIth, l88S,and «in remain closeduntil I o'ci.-t-w on tin- Iflthdayof Janaary. is*;.. ni and after the 171b tar of January, I8SS,Umtiers, a- boldin* earUlcausof Um state Hank ofVirginia for coupon, ol' sahl nonda, regular or de¬tached, to November 1, 1881. will present theircert!acatea and iteelre Cubm -H" hoads of UtePetersbnrg R dlroad < 'ompaa) in icbsnte for the-aid .on. ons i'n.1 Interestlhereou. EraetTonalreittaeatas will be li ned for -um- lem than 11,000,r. .!.-. mi il. in t baa " B " bonds wl.cn presented in-urns ol' lljOOO. NV. H. PALMI R,

Chairman . ommlttee Hecond-MortgHoiulliolJcrtPctcr-hurg RailroadCotnpauv.7-dUaieBa ii.MiiNU ami West Point Tkujun ii.

Railway am. Wabehousb Cobtasit,room 7. No. US Bhoadwat,NSW YOUS. Ore. mht rSO, Issi.


'. ol i..inany lo 1*1VE Mil.LinsDollars, us authorized by IUcharter,offer lothe atockbotders, of re© rd Janaary 1", 1882, thioption of subscribing r> U>< kal par totoe itent ..f two-tnlrdi of their hotdlnf. Theluheeripttoai win be payable at theoSceofthccompany lu Raw N ..iv. as r..!io«.rta.:

un >l'lts< HIRING, l" percent.;On KEHRCAUN L.tii. -ju \« r cent.;on AI'Rli. loni. 20 percent.;nu JUNE IO ni. Ji').. rceni.;on Ni t,i -i istii. Zo |hi cent.;On ot Tomer 15th, 10 per eenk.100 per

cent.:with Intcre-t on tbe dc Icrred payments at the rateof tl |>cr rant pt r annum, tbs ru.ht bdng givt n totuhscriben to anticipate Ute mme al suv time, andstop Interest, and receive a full-paid certificatetherefor.Tin-hoots ,,f thc company will he closed by the

I'lilini Trust Comp. iv. ot Si a York. trin-IVragent, at » o'clock P. M.. on Ufa lo rn HAN OFJANUARY, and reopened al 9 o'clock A. M. onthe 16th DAY Of JANUARY, 1882. Stock-holtlere wishing t.. tabaerlba wRI stun the regularform of Hui%criptlou and forward to the oflfct ofHt.- company. Room 7. Na 115 Broadwav. S.-wYork, on or before Uie loth day nf January. ISSJ,acconipanylng aime with ren.lttancc of lu patcent., or f»r Hie who!, -uiwi-iiiaion, a.s may i«- pre*ism* WILLIAM I!. IHlt,C.ja 1-t.laulfi dcnenil Agent.


ON LONG TIME.Moderate charge.-. Buslnemi ,-onfltlentlal.

IL ll. CHAfffflN A CO.,d. l-d.t.w2m


Beal Estate Agents.M"M'.Y TO LO nV

We kata mosiv TO lons ns i.-kal es¬tate In the city of Richmond and vicinity Insums nf lanej mid upwards, charges modi rate.No delay. ER A Sh. I). HILL A m.,

itt-:Pl-e.Milllt I 108 Nt liii -tn.t.

T«> THK PEOPLE <>F VIRGINIAN. Ug to otu \ .ii on-services for Ufa Pl I:-

CIIAsE Xmi s.vf.1 OE ALL tl VSHE8 OlHON Du ANO STOCKS In Hil- and other markets.Exception facilities for buying, selling, anti car-'ying VIRGINIA liiiSIis. our oillcti U-Hit lu iboStoei-Exehanae building,all orders reith, lat-me<liateatieuilon. < orresBotdmee salleRad.RErrHKM.E.s: National SicbaaluRaal Writ

'¦.''¦ National Hank, Hank of Cominerce, HowardBauk. RAMS NV. * LAHACl.H A CO.,

Uaukemaud Brokers, Baltimore, Md.

Al'sTIOW NAI.KN.Fulnra Day*).Hy J. TTiompsnu Brown.

Real E*tatc Agent and Auctioneer,1113 east Mainstreet.

COMMISSIONERS'SA I.K OF A HOUSEVj AND LOT ON HROVD STREET, CHURCHHILL. -Uv virtue, .fa dec ns- entered In RichmondChancery Court on Deceniiier 8. ISSI-In thecato-if Hns-den rn. Mr Minn, administrator, Ac., we

will s- il. mi thc premise-. BBTHURSDAY. Javi-auy 5, 1882.

at 4:30 P. M.. Hu- REAL ESTATE mentioned luthe itld decree, being Uie homestead of the lateI). A. McMInn, fronting 40 feet on thc south-l-l--of Rroad street Itel ween Twenty-seventh am!Twenty-eighth »trr. ts, and running lack '*'"""parallel line-ISO h.t. more or less. The HOI SEI. brick, ami has the ti-ual out-honses.TSBttS: Ca*b a- toona third, and the residue In

. Ix and twelve months. Intcre-t added, and titleretained UH all thc said purchase-money ls putaand a 'Iced ordered hy the court,


special Commissioners.j. thompson Banyan** AaaataBsar.

I'OSTPONEMENT.l'li-ttsoiic'l on ac. ount af weather till

TCRSDAYi J ANT AHY 10TII,at same time and place.

POSTPONEMENT.Pastsoaoi m bi.aol of wantata1 un

FRIDAY.Jivt \RY 13TII,at same time and place.


.1* j '

Offlce of Richmond BBOBM,Bo. ISSI Mainstreet,

i:. ii. c -"k, Aatttaassr.VKK FlRNIii ITk, TWO ELEGANT..> I'LATED nIIOW -CASES, CLOCKS, FOURCRATES (.1! ANTTEWAI.'E, *<'.. AT Al CTION.On THURSDAY, 12lh instant, at lo o'clock, wc

will -di tn assortment of NICE HOUSEHOLDFURNITURE, embracing¦_' WALNUT PARLOR BOTTS,of batl Stake and

In perfect order;8 WALNUT CHAMBER BUTTS, with marble



ni ,1 .nd Mansard fronts, nearly new;6 very good new CLO! KS.

AFTi:u wnp u.

4 crate- of IB*llfl*l1 GRANITE AND PORCR-LAINE WARE of N... 1 qnallty.

Thc trade bl particularly Invited.j., ii K.Tt. COOK, Ancttonei r.

HvC.rubhs A William-.Ba ll I -late A cent- am! Aiiiti"iu »-l -.

Phill Oil street ..¦; ss ci n Main ami Hank.

THK PRK ii BTOBE X". B SOUTHI TENTH STREET. BETWEEN MAIN ANIiCARY STREETS, ANT) LYING BETWEENi ill. STORES OF MESSRS. PAUL LARI. VMINAND (i. \. VINSLIK A SONS. VT AUCTION.Itv reutlest of nu devteeea of the late I. s. shriver,ss-.'- siall sell l.y anctl.iu. upon the prcinl-e. "ii

SA I I'RDAY. PBBBVABT 1 1.at Iv! o'clock M..thc PROPERTY above referredp.. Tin- lot I- 22*4 hy about un feet, and UmBUILDING, which covers tbe whole ground andui. erected stace tbe war, h) three rtortat, beatdeiI lia-cinelit.The location ls within a few -t. ps of the ni" I

d.-lral.le corner on Main -trcct. and pi "lin!"¦ sits Vtlnthlc for a -torc, -hop, or uiaiiiific-tnrlng i-tahllslimeiit.Ti km-: At-ale. GRUBBS A WILLIAMS,

la [fl Auctioneers.Hs BeorgS 8 V hon I Sen.

H. ¦! | tali- Afr nt-and AOCtMBNo. 7 Tenth strut.


FRONTS TWENTY-ONE AND \ lill Killion THE EAST LINE OF MW"" STREET.RUNNING li \( ls BI W El N PAR M.I.ELLINTS uNI HUNDRED AND IWI.NI*|-EIGHT FEET lu \N ALLEY: IMPROVE-Ml NI- ( oN'sl-'l Or A I. \Rr,l. III:!STORY-AND-RASl Ml NI HRH ls DI. I A" ll EDKW ELLING. MK III N. - I \ H I. I¦ c IR-RIAGE-HOl -E. Ar., IN GOOD ORDER. Bjvirtue of a deed of trust executed to the uuder-

I, recorded In clerk's offlce of BlchmondChancery Court. In D. B. ll si B.,nage 200, to se¬cure n.e payment of the sum ormoaej thereinmentioned, default having boen made la the pay¬ment "fa part thereof, I win. being thereto re-,' Ired s Ila- didi.dary. proCO If. Il al publicauction, un thc pa iul-i -. on

FRIDAY, JABUABT SO, 188,t i o'clock P. Mn the PROPERTY tbovtOt-Kribed,

li BBS: Cash ti t" i de and ah"' t11^08, with accrued mien si on ¦ pai 11 hi on

III ai lo 81,180.48 tin 80th of December,18S2 I.alan.-' as mas lr anaoiu.| af tale.JaS Gi "i'i'-t 3. \ \s|i"N. rrastce.

Bf Appersoo 8 a-*Real INtalc Agent- tad ABeUtOCOt

Nc 8 BSlta Eh si nth tu.t.

pOMMlS-li>NEi:~sT~Ar< Tio\ SAKE1 .1 \ r sum l-l- flier c. miniii:i,i> amiTWENTY-NINE: \" RES IN HI NKlCOCOl N-TY, NEAR WILLIS'S CHURCH. IBOUT SIX¬TEEN MIL! 9 BELOW RH ll Mt iNTi.-l'.v virtueoft decree of tbe Circuit ('ourl of Henrii..nuns.

.ni the Hill December, ls-i. in the lultofGatewood vt, Gate*.I, \c ssc will sell, in fronlof thc "iii"'"'of tbe .-iii"ti"iiii rt. on

ELIHU. sm suv li. 1888,at IS o'clock M.. Um Bhore-dceerlbed FARM,oe-I'uplcl bj (u orge W. Gatew skI.wIUi thc div. liing.

containing THREE HUNDRED ANIiIV. EN I V-NTNi: \r Rf -. .di, i,,,,. Lil* ii Oatc-ss.I. Warriner. Warien, and others, and SDOUlr-qut-distanl (iaj rivi milt i) from Jame* river andthe Chesapeake and Ohio railway extension trNi ss port Ness

i h:m- Cath at to costa of tale ind deb! dat by'., d (say al ont 1*1,000), ind the bal met t

iii', purchase-money at tssvise mouth* for uegotlt-blc note, interest added, with good endorser, anatttlc retained nut!! I ime I paid and a coance din cted s the nrt,


( "lllll.i--:ai-i-i i:-un A Co., Auctioneers. de21

TRUSTEE'S SALK OF A YALI Alli.E1 PARM IN Ul "IN n "l SEW KENT,ON HI HI -MT ARE \N|i olliil RAIL¬ROAD, ABO! rWENTl MILES FROM RICH¬MOND..By virtue of ade. I of trusl from G. b.tyrer and wi fe, dated on the 1st of J innary, 1880and *f record In tin clerk** offlce of th CountyCourt of Ni iv 1st nt. I shall ut -foi ile at publicauction, on the premise*, tl l o'clock P. M.. d

TUE8DA1 1- i.i.i:i suv 7. 1882,Hie ah'.si -d. -I-rit.i d FARM, culled -' OTTAOIGROVE," and late!] occupied by (,. s. tyrer,containing FOUR HUNDRED AND FIETY-Eoi'R ACRES,more or less.aboul 140 acre*ofwhich are Braille and In cultivation. This farra i-sltuated Immediately on the line ofthe ( hesapeakeand Ohio railroad, and within about one mikdepot, watch in ik-- ii \,ry accessible to market,ami give- lt considerable value for the piirpot* - oftrucking, to wblcb the soil I* well adapted. linhuin.veiiii nt- consist of a GOOD DWELLING-]\i M'sE and ii-ual out-housee.Tbbms: Cath eaongb lo pas ezptateaof itta

and the amount nosy,in,, auder the trust-deed.v1«m0800.with Interest from Jtnntn 1,1882;Bl lo TSuo, un a credit of ona two, tim ami fourscar- from January 1,1882.witta interest fruin[hal il tte arldcd: and bi t" n-.i lae, ra ide known onday o! air. Dcc.l to purclia-cr. alni deed of trustt ikea c. *eeure Ot (erred pa] mani*.E«r further It-formation addre - the undersigned

tl Richmond. J sMi- c. I. VMB,li 7.1 1.15,20.24,28,31AFebl,4Ag Trustee.

Itv (.erg.- -. VatBOB 1 Sun.Real 1 -tate Agents and Auctl'in. r-.

n ; i,atti *i" t.



PROPERTV BEING .11 si WEST OF III).CITY..Ht virtue of a deed of trust from w. \.Smith, trusb e, to Ti ul. - 'I. Vashon ru iru-u ¦. re-corded lu cl. rk'aofllcc of I (cn ri'" County Court, tn-ililli. Ile payment of a certain -nm 'nf moneytherein mentioned, defaull having been madi Intim payment Uiereof, 1 ssin. bring Hu n i n-piiri'd hv the beneflclary ol said deed. ]sell al BBnllC tneUoB, "li UM pr. in

lill RSDAY, sNt .suv IS, 1888,it t cl.,, k p. M., Ute PROPER l *imt!bed.

CashttU< KBentccofttle iadSt88.76,ssltli inti i'd truiiiJItli tagTMt. I--1. till paidhal.tme a- may c aiili"iiiicr u at al.GEORGE -. VASHON,Admlnurtrator of Charles 1. Vashon,

"le 31

( Ol III OKI) I Its.

H NMNOIIAM AND M.S. Vs. < I N-\J NINl.ll \M ll ll.-.: IN lill C1IANCER1ol 111 OP THE CITY oe RICHMOND.-The

'oOowtng ii an extract fruin the decree entered In"ililli- 10th day of December. 1881art doth adjudge, order, and dei

hi. luise be referred lo one of thc commuislonersT tids cniirt. ssh., i- loatrneted lo itate and settleh" a.-i 'iiinUs if Jami- E. Cunningham aa a.lniln-straiir of George < naalagnaat, darottad. Amidu- commiteioner tecnUng tm - decree i~ farthernstriictisi |o tike au teeoaat -f the debt* afleorge unnlnglinn, aaetaseSl. the .-iinoiinls, (<>thom coming, and the order and priority thereof;md IB account of the as-etsuf thec-Ute Of Georgeunnliigham. bott reel and person*!.'-

CriMMlSsIoNKIl's Okp'K 0,1Hu ilMoN-n, Jantiiry B, 1SS2. j

Tin partiesintereatedare bereliy uotirti-iith.it iiasc ilx.-ri mi THURSDAY tbe -Jd day of Pcb--nary. 1882, at 12 o'clock M. aa the time, tad nu'frlce. in the city of Richmond, as the pl.ic. foriking thc accounts uni makin/ tin- foregoing ln-l.iill.s. 'I HOM I- I. I \ ANS,

C"iiiiiii.v.ioi.cr In Chancery.gea I "'1 BTBRT, p.'f. Ja 4-W4w

PICHS1>1SANIN, F.Nt^lt A TING*, .v.-

t^ N ORA V I N (i S AND PK ll ,;E-J FRAME-.

lam now offering the fluent collection ofPICTURES AND FRAMES

vcr (ihl!.irld lu tills cltv, conaning io* COI.OR-:d ITIOTOGRAPHS, ENGRAVINGS, Ac.theMeat style* In frainlug. tl-'. BONY-lTNTsllED.ARLOR-E v-1.1.-. III; \( Isl .Ts. A,'.8xlo FRAMES from In o-ni-upward*.VELVET mid GOLD ER A MEsin every variety.WINDOW-CORNICES made to order aud on

land.ARTOTYPES of all l!:e iirliulpal engraving*.

aolL.LEWIS. W12 Malu itreet.




Until further notice, tbe stomer LUCILLE willsall .very MOND NY ii* 12 noon fr.m POWHA*TAN DOCK, at Twenty-fourth and Dock streets,direct for Baltimore.Thrmigh bill* of lading signed and goods for¬

warded with dispatch to points North and West.Kn Igltt received dally until 5 P. M.Kor farther Information, apply to


D. J. Wr.lip; nt. Soliciting Agent. Se













(tarrying United States mall.)/.. C. QlffffOSO. Commander.

leaves Richmond ev cry Mi iS'D AV. NV Kl ISK-DAY.and KUIIiNY at Q:S0 a. M. rot abore nsmtdplaci -.< onnectingat Portsaioutfe willi th. n,> Lineior Old Point, Baltimore, and Hu North. Rt turn¬

ing, tba steamer ARIKI, hue, Norfolk al ii A. M..arriving at Richmond at about 4 P. M.Kare to Rainmore.lo 00Kare to Philadelphia.. H 00Kan lo Sew York.H> R0Kare to BQStOfl.If *'0Through tickets on sale on steamer ARIEL

aad at Garber* Agency, limo Main street. Bag¬gage checWed through.

FREIGHTKrelglit received dally for Norfolk,Portsmouth.

gmlUileldt and Hampton; Washington, n.e.:Newbern, Waahlngtoa, and Taila.m'. N. c., andall points in Eastern North Carolina; -il-.-. CtEastern shore of Virginia, oil Point, mid ali regu¬

lar landings on James rlTcr, at Lo NV INT RAT1 -.

and through bilk UBtBftL L. H. TATT M.ur 26 Superintendent.

I) Ii I I. A I) I LPH1 A. Ut U-^f jeffsNMSD AND NORFOLK


¦artaf Urti Un*- win sail etan I CESDAY¦md I HI HAN at 1 J M.. an .wis -I SUNN ttlA. NI.Kn¦iglit for Tue.-.lays' and Fridays' stean

.. i\.-.l tin l l::ii« I. M.: for Sundays' Beamer Ul:. P. M.Saturday. Freight ruined .Lally till Sp. NI.ran,an,-t- un. r. connect at Philadelphia for Kail river

and Hiv East.Kor further Informal on. apply to

J. \v. Mi CARRICK,General southern Ng, nt.NN. P. IN Ul. I CO.,

iio^o Central Managers.

Ou'l,,,M'^Pih:AMsm''iifSPOI NENV YORK.

This company win dispatch one of theirsplendld-bamer- ol.l i Di iMlN los. WYANOKR. MAN-II \ I INS. ind RICHMONO.EVERY ll K-ONNand FRIDAY al 2 o'clock P. M., and SUNDAYat v N. N|.steamers have New YorkTUESDAYS. THURS¬

DAY*, and BAT! RDAYS al :i P. M. from Pier._'t> (new number), foot of BaaeS street. Northri', r.

i in v have tplendld taloona, itate-rooata, sadbath-iihe tare, accommodations, and attenUom sro

uiisiilpa -. d.After-cabin fare to New York,|10; round trip.

|18; steerage. 86 and *7.Kreiglils fi r points beyond New York forwarded

nrttli dispatch, and no charge made except actoalexpenses in.'urn «l.

Kreigi.t- ri e. ive.i until.', o'clock P. BL dally,Kor further Information, apply to

UEOROE NN ALLEN A co.. Ag. nts,mv l offlee Company's wharves. Rorketts,

FOB NEW VOIJK. Tli" Old^fjfctDominion Steamship ('oni[winv'^«JEr*Mf»»,-t.atner- «ill sall ai follows: Mean,er OLD DO¬MINION, Captain Walbeb, EVERN ii i-I»nnat 2 o'clock P. M.; steamer \\'\ NNiiM CapUincnn li, ni i:n FRIDAY al t o'cbn i. P. IL:-hann!' NI NNII NI IN S.I 'aptalu KKI.I,Y.EVERY-I ShNN at 0 o'clock N. NIFreight received up to 1 o'clock P. ni. for the

Tuesday's and Friday's ateamer. and to 8 o'clocSSaturday evening f r sunday's -hip.Through bills of lading ilgned and ¦..ls for¬

warded with dispatch lo all p..hits ion th. ...utli.d west; als.,, to r,.r, iga porte,

Paaaengi r accommodation! nnsurpaasad.Alt. i-. ii..n fare to Sew Nor',. |10i round

trip.*I-., steerage, IS and|7.lor freight or passage, apply t->

t.. NV. ALLEN A- Cu.. Ng. nt-.mv 6-t« Coinnanv's Wharf. BoCktttS.

BOOB AMI COAL.J. Bu Hi..,.mi. NN. 8. Pu

piLCHXB a. BIGOEfi.CUNI.-all kind-:nn OOO.Lt ng. Sawed, aad Kindling.

Ali eiders promptly atti Ddt I< Knees .md yardi: 817 east Main i-tr, el and Pine

and Broad rrret ts (Elba station), de-j*--. ...lim

/ lOAL AND WOOD..DOWH 8HEV GOES, ii;-i-ci n-- nsi iii: n.ite ,,t16 perton, 3,000 pounds: LUMP HPL1N1pei lon, 2.000 pounds; PINE and OAK nn ooo.haig, sawed, and spilt: WEST VIROINIA 1 \i.INI ucl t nii;i i:i. .ND COALS. Fulland satisfaction guaranteed. 7ar) -trts-r. i,|.-.,| CH. PA*. E.

i;i il. OF ALL KINDS.AN'TIH: Nen r .i

nn i >i vu:,.isl n SPLINT COAL,Lil NI lit N NS ll SI LANI COAL,FOREST-PINE WOOD, lt ngand mwed.

s. i- \ niROP,Seri nb nth tret t. at Urn,-bridge,

order by telephone ort Itu rwtse. no 94

k^ ll. HAWES,d. .der lu Bil kind-, l

COAL.Wooli- Ion-, -awed, and -j.Itt.

m. B*8SB Eight, .nth and ( ar'- -tn . t..

CiiRiiiN, si:ihom:v .««.


hot- TOILET, NURSERY, M-INKI i uni.andLAI'SHRV purposes, u-e

Lunn Ks CASBOLBC siiAP-.

ar AnLonni:-i ARROLICLAI shrn B0AF-

the od-.r lt pltasBBl and the .|iiality of the soap lsAs a ptaeautloB agahurf -mmi-i-hx nothing ts

to simple or tffl.aclous Hie uw ol t \I!B. il.ltMMI's. pi 1{, || |. v|,|, ,v CO.,

de I- WtaBetaa, Depot.


ni. nh:.> CHLOB ni. un SOL PBOPBT LAC¬TIC ASli HI-1SI li NS

destroy- the giru. u diseases Iii aci-oidaiu-e with thc I ttl tellings of science. |t-ii-. 1- -luipi.., hat nih- . and BfBl, ..ole. ll 1- tm-DtOTta by .ic of om Bill ll i'li> -i. ian

Pi'cpar. dBJ J. HI. AIR.r Broad and simb

po... .'.ne. a Battle bb :i


fOSEPH w. Lum:.. ans

.J n hni-iiini. soi i: i \kK i:,1'"**1'1'**COBXBB FlHST ash BBOAD tuan-,

Rn hm..M.. V t.Wntill NSD NH | Ml lt HI HI VI.-, \si;s

ROBES, 111 vRSE, ll N( hs.and al! tiling- r.,|ie-iii at LOWS'*1 ll v I I,legraphlr and countn orders solicited, uh t',

1 T. CHRISTIAN,Ii. Kl KNISHING I NliKRTAKER(late willi and successor lo J. A. Hi I VIV,

N". ISIS ess. Ultu vi, vj gi ,

RICHMOND, V N.,¦ .. large a aortment of NN ooo .md Mk 1 NI 1 iiCASKS, CASKETS, SHROUDS, ll.nril ( N--KK.'l s, \- .. al low prices.

( ..un,ry and tel. graph orders promptly allen teltoday r night. detl-eod

\V. ll. st TlltlllAMi, NV. D. SI TIIKRI. \M>. I IBirrHEHLA.MD, (late Hay a SuiherUnd, I uder-UUtera.)WILLIAM II. 8UTHERLA*DBt»JBnan.If * SONS, I'NDERTAKERM, s.,.*^taaaa-S10 north Eighth street, R.chmoud, Va. We keepon band a full ttock of Wt xiii a SD Ml r vi I icBURIAL-CASCS ind CASKETS. Orders pr him ti,attended bi In elly ..r country. Ilaviug our ..wu

carriages iud beana, we arc i.rv|>arcd to attendKl NEi; ALS at wry reasonable rates,

tu. '-'5-1 .MiANVatn



ITASDABD Lb in hi: n no, di Nos.Also, til other brands. Including MARSHA I L's.Tin-.-THREADS aa. .uiiratitee Ul be made ..f

pure BaS md genuine numbers, which av arc Mil¬ing at bolt..m pi lett.

sKINI | NSU NETSlu siock .iud iit'iiiufactured loonier.


corner sun,, nth and Erankllu .street*,- l.,|M.rter» of the LION BRAND SEINE-

l ll KEV D. uv ll





Enright ao-i FreigleMail. Pa***nesr Pa

( X. -midas', i x. -.iodate i « -

LeaveRichmondArrivt st

ColniuldaLynchburg..,Lexington,W Tn w.t."-.Leave

W':n*on>.Lex Horton..Arrlveat

Lynchburg.'LeaveLynchburg,!Columbia... |Arrive atRichmondCl


7 T. \. M

12:491*. If,»:.*.() P.M.1:2H P M.t n c. m.

S>!<) \. M.esM r. m.

SOM p. \t

C:00 A. M.

7.0.1 P .¦

715 A.M.

<>.-,7 CM.2.10 P. M.7:oh P. M.7:48 P. M.

-s io A. \f.H:4() A.M.

lo- P. M.

.1:10 P.M. .


0:30 P. M.'- «:4i> P. M.; los.-, \ s-

BtS coiuieetlon in ole ll ldc! lie.nd to all pHi sud south rin Rlchmoiiri. Emlen .

Dkcati i: \ \ i iii. trentral Managi r.



t MallTramSta34.Daily.

[.easRI-hii-laL .

Arrive alBarkevllle.Sllllnil'll'- Le ile.Dans il'... TAJ P. M.i.r'n-i' io' »:S0 P. M.Raleigh.salem.Salisbury., lill P. M.charl..I- 12:40 A. M.sparl'nlr g' 2:57 V. M.Greenville 4:16 A. M.Ailinn.. .11:00 a. M.

I lirvugh i'ral Pa

N | T'l, Vlilli). ll

I'. M ll IOP. M.I-. M.P. M.P. M.

P. M.I*. M.I' M.S. M\. M.P. M.

(I '

03 r1)5 \.

Lynchburg rrain. No. 44. DLeavi - Richmond at .

Arrive*al BnrkevlUeal ... .

**. ui:is-l!i\ ER LINE.).-

Li is.- Richmond..Arris., at West l"nL

J:4., P. M. -

ll. 12:1ft*AII trains dally except Sunday- ..

conni crin,.' al W -'-t !'. Inl linnand Satumayi with -trimer, lur IfatUoth.- North.Erttgni train having Richmond tt 8:10

ssll' li.isc pa.i ngi i- iui li alt." d.Train N". 41 connect* at Burkevllle *

folk ami Wenctru railroad for cnunii-.burg, and all louihwosiero p- ini-.Train No. 34 (fast mail) ran* onlv betweei Da

ville md Atlanta, slopping a! On cii.i i

imri, t bartotte. siiartaiibanr, OreenvtlK,ii. ind la ni -s Ile. oiniecUug al

l.Uita for all poll I- South am! SoOthBTrain No. 50 (through i's nts!1

Unas, on.Mg si sutneriin's with si-i.iii. rim Narrow-tilfoi MSallslnirv with Western North Carolina rforan !¦. int- in w li North ( amita i: alilotte svim the ( h irkitte. Crinni lila indraltroi d for all points In the South. SouttieaFlorida; at A Tan ta for ill patatt --nihis est.Train No. 02 Ihrougb p. -- ngr

it all -i (. on*.-I tia rlin - Nu row-ilai |

Vt! ml fol ill point- South ;,n,| -,

Augusta railra id foi olunnob,aud Florid r luiTrains from Hu- ...utIi arrive tl Rich

3:60 P. M.. 7:1" \. M.. and 18 00 P, M.WcstP \ '

M.lEielgl.t.ll'l Ll.man-cm: SERVICE

On Train 80- Ri ss V..rk .imt Allin" i >

Ington tod Dani iii'',un 11 on 03.Richmond indDanvllb

s illc ami Angus!*.ah pm -i ii-'- r itali.- stop tl Bon Mr.ricket- sol tu all point- south, swill

-. uihss-' iidN" latn "ii I"' ai Iii k.

\. i-iiliG( rn ral Pas*, ng' r ml I. ki

T. Vf. I*. I ii.coTT.tii te ral Managi r. d-

HI i »l M ON D AND l'l I i.i:-lBA1LRO Mi COMPANY. Cob

-i nuvvn . 'o'.r-j7.1881,tralntonUilwill ra a llowt:

Ll -.\ BK IIMOXI - THcu p. M.. f \- I M UL,daily. M .kc- tin

Pullman -'ec; cr betww n w!. '. - un.

11 SO \. M.. I HROI i.ll M vii io'slug fi r

gusta. \ik. ii. -,.!!.¦ h,Stol I ll «

Pullman >.'-.mi i, v .s s, i and Sava I uahihli tr

10:10 P. M.. M Ml. tah ¦

lU-.'li- ll foi 'l il i.ami.I , lt Dre*Hlutf. Centralia I"m ii

w i-l,ingi. ii and .la- k.-oiivili.."ii this train.

«:00 P. M., I IT H.ll '-. «

0:10 A. M. Hill'

(.:,.-, A. M., l-l M Ml., ital!- r. Pullm ni -u ¦;-

tun I" Ne* s, orm-IL, I URO! -.Il vi \n

Richill' n I.Potomac r.uir..and Wi ilso making cumss nh I ...

-i--I- at Mam lc ..

( ntrail i. Eulin in sUralN. Ik.

7 1" v M., vi ML, dali¬el pl -a lay) wuFred i

roadIII. HIS- I.

and '.*9*80 \. M., FRI K.HT.dall cn

r. m.. phiA direct i' inr-hi

Slcbimmt nd 111:30 A. M. u nAH iral

Ippol-I NI. \*| , \. |{S |)N I: MN- | ,se IA. M '. M. Lea l'(

at y A. M. BBdD.KLIN-rinu nd.

A. Poi >. \,ie. -J7

'I'lii: VOBB Blt IK LIM1to b m. imore inp u points n

11 ) -n vi - lill Hsdavs, vnii - ¦.

WW -

H.'oM RM IIMoNI. IND l'\N\ ii |.|VlRdlNl V -| |:

\ 8j4fl P. M.

Dring Till K-DAV. Deri rtafe and thoroughlynw \n v will leavi w. |-Richmond train 11 I -l> v v, - ill L-l ia V -

SA 11 RDAYS, irrlvlug In llA. M md nnci tn-g wuStrBlghtttrkeutoltaltl mRoi'lidlrip.M.-ils..State-Room >( Ul I lt.

For I i. ... 11 uk -. and ileaU -ii K. w (, IKBI i: A co.. the 1.'. th. Ri,:, .nd .ui I Dansigned. v I


|>H ll M(»\ li. 1 I.I |.| .1. I.Ii AN li l-ii'lul] Vi RAII.RO ll

-1 N ll V > N0:00 A. M., leave*byrd-Mn ct.tu

S:'H) A. M.. li'"!¦' -

1:50 P. Mi P. M.. V.".i.

Bro , ,

11:28 A.?I-

0:58 1*. M.. ac

8:84 A M.. i omn i-tn-: i station d:uls en . pl *v I A ul. i. crail ki

E.T. 1". Mi nt-. (,, m r il sn,., utenden I

I nih- vin. IKE \m> t.niti\ ' W W 1 MI.- 1 Mll.i IN Killi I NOBER 80, --I7:46 \. M. M'H Ni I, I, .s.- cm u. ,,.!

inls. i.n ttl .Vi '. Ill" \. M. s,-."Hop. M.; Willi uiiMiii ,, CMS p. M. Who-pluir. f-.lo I' Ml! !, ii. |- \|i<ii,4:n7 A.M.; llunUngtnn,0:40.1 vi vu -

Ung, 1-J i' "ii. and L- litigton. in. 1 to I", il7 P. M. Ex pren* So. 3, lea v. - K

irrive* ( iriottevvllle 1 ll', p. m1-J0 A. M.; William-, i.'.. 4 10 V. M. Wnhar,0:13 \. M.; li ii \ ldrSO P. M.; HnnUiigi |- -

lexcen! -uuilav. i,T" p. M.3:3u p. M.. Frrighi r

in nd dnlh (i \ - nd .s nsV.'o P. v|. i.i.rdui.-sl'. -liri!/lle.vllle 10:00 P. M..-lopping ilMail No. 2 arrive* atExpr, s. No. 4 arris. ;i v. MSchedule of Lexington di si-iou t| s

k.l s»iii > ikeeOael Dec ut ncr 1 i.For farther laformalli n ap: i

ll< kc'.-oin.-e. Nlmh and Malu sire |ml Ohm nilssay ,i,-i,t, Rea. <>r lows M on -'fll W. Fl LLERJ

:.c. \V. smi i ii, (,,.. rn! Managi r.

UK II MON D, ll.EI'l RD KMMIND Pu|..M \i |. mi Kolli

ITIRO! GU MT. BAH I v-l Pill 1-Tt) INH HliiM lt v.1 t im.-ll! Pilli M'lPHI A. NEW VoRlv. VNU EWIEK1AND WEmTERN ( ITKS.


Dll;i Ion

Correspondingly .pu, » ume to otheiI'Uri'ugiihiiUorUdiux i-.iicdat h>w rate*.

C. t. TAYI.iVt !-»» t.eaeral FreutUl Ai