jf,^ 7''housing development finance corporation ltd, · 2020-02-07 · housing...

INDIAN . d Office r Forque r l*i ,i ntBr est edbuyHa mi yCont>ctMr .Ve) bhavSl na h'^ni ai ai72-e7G1040orMob. No.8TB05163fM> UunFo, HOUnSD^ ^ , o " toge ther with furt her i nt er es t ® 18% p. a . as apptt ea l To t ee best of knowledge e nd information of t e e Authori zed Otfl ce Se cur ed Assets e xce pt for prope r ty me ntionede tS. No.1 &5 dbovr builde r i. a EMAAR MGF La nd Li mi t e d (towa rds onl y ba s i c cost) a nd the pr ese nt Tender Sa l e Not ice . Any othe r dues/cha rges i ncludi ng __. ._. . . _. _ ^,- - - he r ei n. For prope rty/ se cure d assa t me nti oned a t Sr No. 5 above t he bonowe rs have fi l e d a Securiti zetion Appl icati on aga i nst HDi Tr tbuna l - 1, Cha ndi garh (Mi na kshi Khi pal SOthers vB HDFC Bank Ltd. DRT-1.SA No. 472 of 2017) The Sa le he re in sha ll be subject to fi na l outcome a nd/or orders/ di r ecti ons etc as may be passed by the Hor fbte DRT- 1, Chandigarh. AS on dat e ther e la no orde r r est rninlitg HDFC Ltd or its Authorize d Offi cer from se lli ng/a li e nati ng t e e per ti nent prope r ty f See l ed T.ndws Is 03. 03.2020 be fore 05:15 PM. he dale of pa yment and / or re a li sat i on the r eof. i n re spect of t ee above i mmova bl e pr oper t ie s li n lor property/ se cur e d a s se t me ntioned at Sr No.1 ca rt e ^ a mount is payabl e to t l e shall be pa id to t he Builde r by HDFC Ltd out of t he s a l e cons iderati on r e cei ved und ! Tra nsfe r/Regis t rat i on Cha rges will have t o be bome/pa id by Ihe p, ' - I e xpenses , costs, tt earges etc . I n B Squa r e Ya rds ( a long wi th c r emPradha n Ma rket ( Bama l a I mpr ove rnl Trust) , Te hs il e nd Di str ict Ba mal a r e gist e r * of Smt . Mt ea ks hi Khl pa l Wt o Sh. Ashok Khi pat vi de sa t e deed date d 02. 08. 2012 bea rii Sml. Mi na ks hi Khipa l W/o Sh. Ashok ( Borr owe r ) a nd Sh. As hok Khi pa l S/o Sh, Ra i Cha nd Khi pa i ( Co- bor r owa r) R/o Hous e BX1/3Q22A. Nea r Bus Sta nd, Ba ma ta , Punja b - 146101 LAC NO.61297B071 BARNALA REGI ON JKhewat 3-4 Kha tonl 3, Khaa ra Noa . 2347/991(0- 17) , 2345/991 ( 0-17) . Ki mea sur ing 0- 5Mar tas which i s 5/ 34 sha r e out of tota l land a dme a suring 1 Kana i 14 Ma ria s , Hadbast No. 331, s i tua t ed m Vi ll age Daul atpur. Te hs i ! Pa lha nkot r egi ste red in t ee na me of Sh. J a gdi s h Raj S/o Sh. Faqi r Cha nd vide sa le deed da ted 02. OB. 2010 bea ring vasi ka no. 2781. The property ca n al s o I I de nt if i ed a s House No. 269, Na rot Colony. Vil lage Da ulatpor, Model Town, Near Mand^ situated Pa tha nkot Physi ca l l Rs . 10, 15,MT i t a l ong w Sh. Jagdish Ra j S/o Sh. Faqre Cha nd ( Borrowe r] a nd Sh. Vipa n ktana r S/o Sh. J a gdis h " (Co- borrowe r) Las t known to be re s i ding a t Hi. No 437/239, Narot Colony, Paf li a nkot-145001, Punj a b, Sh. Ra j Kuma r ( Gua ra ntor) R/o House No 162. Ward No. 23, Narol Col ony, Pat ha nkot- 145001, Punj a b a nd Ra m Sa mp (Guar a ntor) c/ o No. 4/251, Four th I RB, Ja la ndha r Cantt . (Pb.) No. 612820075 li on there^n, | l osi ng out of ^ PATHANKOT REGI ON ! 68i / 3,Kha s ra No. 467/ 2, Pat e I Phys i c a l ! Si . Rs . war n Kaya s t h Se lh Cha ra niee v Col ony, ()49j0^^ ^Mr. | 4, 92, 0061- M 11. 01 m Bac k Side Milan Pala ce, ins ide MC f i mtts , Ka i tha l. 136027 whic h i s boundr Plot No. 20, West . Prope rty of Ra nn Si ngh, Nor th: Pl ot No. 80, 50,459, 3T.0e . i Qie* Sh. Shal e nder Kuma r S/o Sh. Raj a Ri ( Borrowe r) C/o M/s Sk Contractors EBIRoa d Kait ha l - 136027 LAC No.617029013 KAtTHAL REGI ON Bi SWe ( 10. 72Sq. Yds .) in t ee project cal led "GBM Apa r tme nt1 s itua t ed a t Vill a ge Disl t. -S. A.S Na gar . Moha li comprise d I Khos l a, S/o. Sh. Ha r i sh Khos l ( Borr ower)a nd Sml . Ma nj u Ra we r, W/oSh.Ni kh Khos l a ( Co^ borr ower) R/o Hous e No. 146. Fir- Fl ow, Ga ne s h Vi ha r, Dha kol i , Zi ra kpur -140603 LAC No. 602644946 _^^___ et Augus ta Gr ee ns. Moha l i Hi Smt Us ba Sa pra ( Borr ower) W/o Sh. Amol ak Raj Sa pr a R/o # C 801, Ambie nce Apa rtme nt, NH-8, Gurga on, Ha ryana-122001 LAC No. 566311358 AN~PUR REGI ON . ENDER SALE NOTI CE e for s af^ of Immova bl e As se t s unde r t he Se c uhi i s abon a nd Rec ons t ruct i on of Fi nanc i ^r As s e t s a nd Enforce ment of Se c ur i ty I nt e re^ t, t r e a d wi t e pr ovisot oRul e 8( 6)olt e e Se ai r i t y[ nta t e s t (Enfor c eme nt ) Ftui e s ,2002. he r e by gi ven to the publi c i n ge ne ra l a nd i n parti cul a r to t e e Borrowe r ^) I Mor t ga go^ s )' lega l he i rs , l ega l r e pr e se nta tives { whethe r known or i ) . e xe c ulor ( E),a dmi ni s t r ator( 3) . s uccess o^s ) a nd a ss i gn(s ) of t he respe cti ve Borrowe^s ) /Mor t ga go^ s H^ t e c e de cea s e d) , a s t he ca s e ma ybe , i ndicated i n Column ( A). tha t I he be low de s c ribe d immovabl e properl y( t i es ) des cr ibe d i n Cot umn ( C) mortgage d/ charge d to the Sec ur e d Cre di t or, the cons t ruc ti ve I phys ica l poss e ss i on of whi c h ha s be en take n a s de s cr ibed i n col umn (D) by t ee Aut hori se d Off i c e r of Hous ing De ve lopme nt Fi na nce , Corporat ion Li mi ted ( HDFC Lt d) Se cured Cr e ditor, will be s old on " As Is whe re is", " As I s what Is " , and " .. . . . . i Not i ce i s he re by given to Bonowe r ( s ) / Mor tga gor ( s) / lega l he i rs , le ga l r e present a ti ve s { whet her known or succa ss or{s ) a nda ss i gn( s)of t e e r e s pe cti ve Bonower (e j/ Mor tgagor^ Ks l ncedecea sed) , a s t ee cas e may be . i ded I n Hous i ng Deve lopme nt Fi nance Te nder Sa l e ^ ' Jf,^ 7'"' HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FI NANCE CORPORATION LTD, r I ( ^** * -BRANCH:SCO153- 155,SECTOR8- C, MADHYAMARG,CHAND!GARH-160QQ8 ^- *, " Tel: - 0172- 6761000 CI N L70100MH1977PLC019916 WEBSI TE: www.hdf c. c om Si ngh a li as "Ha ppy PhD' .fess e d to have s ol d seve n more "We are c ol l ecting i nforma - pist ols t o ot her cri mi nals in t i on on the c r imina l backgroundPunja b a t di f fe rent ti me pe r iods , ofAs hi s h Kuma r. So f ar, we havet he off ic e r sa i d. , yg As hi s h Kumar, who ha i l s f rom years. Aft er hi s a c oll e c t e d, we arre s t e d As hi s h Kuma r f rom Roorkee , whe re he va s s t ayi ng f or t he pas t three Kha ii sta n li be rati on Force(KLF) , fr om Roorke e dis t r ict in rakha nd. The acc used.

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Post on 27-Apr-2020




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. ••

d Officer


"together with further interest® 18% p.a. as appttealTo tee best of knowledge end information of tee Authorized OtflceSecured Assets except for property mentionedetS.No.1 &5 dbovrbuilder i. a EMAAR MGF Land Limited (towards only basic cost) and •the present Tender Sale Notice. Any other dues/charges including __.._.. . _._ —^,-- -herein. For property/ secured assat mentioned at Sr No.5 above the bonowers have fi led a Securitizetion Application against HDiTrtbunal-1, Chandigarh (Minakshi Khipal SOthersvB HDFC Bank Ltd. DRT-1.SA No. 472 of 2017) The Sale herein shall be subject to final outcome and/or orders/directions etc as may be passed by the Horfbte DRT-1, Chandigarh. AS on date there la no order restrninl itg HDFC Ltd or its Authorized Officer from

sel l ing/alienating tee pertinent propertyf Seeled T.ndws Is 03.03.2020 before 05:15 PM.

he dale of payment and / or realisation thereof.in respect of tee above immovable propert ies

l in lor property/ secured asset mentioned at Sr No.1 carte^ amount is payable to t le shal l be paid to the Builder by HDFC Ltd out of the sale consideration received und

! Transfer/Registrat ion Charges wi l l have to be bome/paid by Ihe p, ' -

I expenses, costs, ttearges etc. In

B Square Yards (along with cremPradhan Market (Bamala Improver™ nl Trust) , Tehsi l end Distr ict Bamala register *of Smt. MteakshiKhlpal Wto Sh. Ashok Khipat vide sate deed dated 02.08.2012 bearii

Sml. Minakshi Khipal W/o Sh. Ashok(Borrower) and Sh. Ashok Khipal S/o Sh, RaiChand Khipai (Co-borrowar) R/o HouseBX1/3Q22A. Near Bus Stand, Bamata, Punjab -146101LAC NO.61297B071


JKhewat 3-4 Khatonl 3, Khaara Noa. 2347/991(0-17), 2345/991 (0-17). Kimeasuring 0-5Martas which is 5/34 share out of total land admeasuring 1 Kanai 14 Marias, HadbastNo. 331, s ituated m Village Daulatpur. Tehsi ! Palhankot registered in tee name of Sh. Jagdish Raj S/oSh. Faqir Chand vide sale deed dated 02.OB.2010 bearing vasika no. 2781. The property can also IIdentif ied as House No. 269, Narot Colony. Vil lage Daulatpor, Model Town, Near Mand^ situatedPathankot

Physicall Rs.10,15,MT

it along wSh. Jagdish Raj S/o Sh. Faqre Chand (Borrower]and Sh. Vipan ktanar S/o Sh. Jagdish "(Co-borrower) Last known to be residing at Hi.No 437/239, Narot Colony, Pafliankot-145001,Punjab, Sh. Raj Kumar (Guarantor) R/o HouseNo 162. Ward No.23, Narol Colony, Pathankot-145001, Punjab and Ram Samp (Guarantor) c/oNo. 4/251, Fourth IRB, Jalandhar Cantt. (Pb.)


lion there^n, |losing out of ^


!68i/3,Khasra No.467/2, Pate I Physical! Si.Rs. warnKayasth Selh Charanieev Colony, ()49j0^ ^ ^Mr. | 4 ,92,0061- M 1 1 .01 mBack Side Milan Palace, inside MC f imtts, Kaithal. 136027 which is boundr

Plot No. 20, West. Property of Rann Singh, North: Plot No.


Sh. Shalender Kumar S/o Sh. Raja Ri(Borrower) C/o M/s Sk Contractors EBIRoadKaithal-136027LAC No.617029013


BiSWe(10.72Sq. Yds.) in tee project called "GBM Apartment1 situated at Vi l lageDislt.-S.A.S Nagar. Mohali comprised

I Khosla, S/o. Sh. Harish Khosl(Borrower)and Sml.Manju Rawer, W/oSh.NikhKhosla (Co^borrower) R/o House No. 146. Fir-Flow, Ganesh Vihar, Dhakoli , Zirakpur -140603LAC No. 602644946 _^^___

et Augusta Greens. Mohali Hi

Smt Usba Sapra (Borrower) W/o Sh. Amolak RajSapra R/o # C 801, Ambience Apartment, NH-8,Gurgaon, Haryana-122001LAC No.566311358


. ENDER SALE NOTICEe for saf^ of Immovable Assets under the Secuhiisabon and Reconstruction of Financi r Assets and Enforcement of Security Intere^t,

tread witeprovisotoRule8(6)olteeSeairi ty[ntatest(Enforcement)Ftuies,2002.hereby given to the publ ic in general and in particular to tee Borrower^) I Mortgago^s)' legal heirs, legal representatives {whether known or

i).execulor(E),administrator(3). successo^s) and assign(s)of the respective Borrowe^s)/Mortgago^s H^tece deceased), as the case maybe,indicated in Column (A).that Ihe below described immovable properly(t ies) described in Cotumn (C) mortgaged/charged to the Secured Creditor, theconstructive I physical possession of which has been taken as described in column (D) by tee Authorised Officer of Housing Development Finance ,Corporation Limited (HDFC Ltd) Secured Creditor, wi ll be sold on "As Is where is", "As Is what Is", and "...... i

Notice is hereby given to Bonower(s) / Mortgagor(s) / legal heirs, legal representatives {whether known orsuccassor{s)andassign(s)of tee respective Bonower(ej/Mortgagor^ Kslncedeceased), as tee case may be. i

ded In Housing Development Finance

Tender Sale ^


^-*," Tel:-0172-6761000 CIN L70100MH1977PLC019916 WEBSITE: www.hdfc.com

Singh alias "Happy PhD'.fessed to have sold seven more"We are collecting informa-pistols to other criminals in

tion on the criminal backgroundPunjab at different time periods,of Ashish Kumar. So far, we havethe officer said.

,ygAshish Kumar, who hails from years. After his a

collected, we arrested AshishKumar from Roorkee, where he

vas staying for the past three

Khaiistan liberation Force(KLF),from Roorkee district in

rakhand. The accused.


^ OZI4N^•?•j

406 ^la %fa s^ us 31

. et w fa^ trfas ir^ftra

„ .- .- =, -,-.. ^ - art rtt^ I^H I^Sft SCI tfarg fRU faW S US fW y ^^r^- '• fafey sfai ^r asigs ufe^s^?rof^a^iH ^a^r efanins y^w fa^fap ^ gst

^r up. y eg us^ y ufaiin s, gird'd agyys rrft^r ^^^ ^f a

j^g gfasss^ ^^fai^ 8^1^- fa 3 ss fa hshs hk|-

^ 10 fa wf afai i

siwgfaa Hfesf ^p grs^p f^^ ^f^^f fan fa^ ^^t fa^g fw fain ^ us fey y

d fold I fa ^fa ^^^ fa ^^s ?^ 794 af^gr lira- fa >u^uaawl^^^HwH

ufa asf fain^ s^ fesn31000 ass hue

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fay fa w si-wgfaa Hfesf^^f fa fa

ssfwglfafagwlswfesfey a^ ^t ay fa^s Oatrag^ fa^^ ^fa t^t ^r^fat^^^ (y


ssffifafaiwifPWBfa awl- aw fa UfHdiitil foftfaw BHt S^^ ^^feW fe^ fa ^^u ^fa^ts (^^s sr'^^-7?r^t ate^ an^ (?^ \jiw ^ ?? ^ ay ^^^ a^fatfa^^fafiMfali



1.The particulars in respect of the Immovable Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s) specified hereinabove have beenstated to the best of the information and knowledge of the Authorised Officer/ HDFC Ltd.

2.However, the Authorised Officer / HDFC Ltd shall not be responsible for any error, misstatement oromission in the said particulars. The Bidders are therefore requested in their own interest, to satisfythemselves with regard to the above and all other relevant details / material information pertaining to theabovementioned Immovable Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s), before submitting the bids.

3-Statutory dues like property taxes / cess and transfer charges, arrears of electricity dues, arrears of water

charges and other charges known and unknown in respect to the secured assets being sold, shall beascertained by the Bidder beforehand and the payment of the same shall be the responsibility of the buyerof Secured Assets.

4.Wherever applicable, it is the responsibility of buyer of Secured Assets to deduct tax at source (TDS) @ of 1%of the total sale consideration on behalf of the resident owner (seller) on the transfer of immovable propertyhaving consideration equal to Rs.5O Lakh and above and deposit the same with appropriate authority u/s194 I/A of Income Tax Act.

5.Sale is strictly subject to the Terms, Conditions and Disclaimers stipulated in the prescribed TendorDocument, Offer Acceptance Letter, Public Notice , terms and conditions mentioned hereinbelow and anyother related documents.

6.The Tender Document can be collected / obtained from the Authorized Officer of Housing DevelopmentFinance Corporation Limited (HDFC Ltd) having his office at SCO No. 143-144, Sector 8-C, Madhya Marg,Chandigarh on any working day during office hours.

7.The Tender Document will also be available at site on the respective date fixed for inspection of theImmovable Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s).

8.Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s) shall be available for inspection on 25.02.2020 between 11: 00 A.M and05:00 P.M.

9.For any assistance related to inspection of the property, or for obtaining the Tender Document and for anyother queries, please get in touch with Mr. Vaibhav Singh Tara at 0172-6761040 or 9780516300.

10.Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) amount as mentioned above shall be deposited by the Tenderer throughDemand Draft / Pay Order in Favour of "HDFC Limited" payable at par in sealed envelope along with theTender Document and shall be submitted at SCO No. 143-144, Sector 8-C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh.

11.The offer amount (to be mentioned in Tender Document) shall be above Reserve Price-

12.The last date of submission of Tender in prescribed Tender Document with all necessary documents andEMD in stipulated manner is 03.03.2020 before 05:15 PM.

13.Incomplete Tender Document or inadequate EMD amount or Tenders received after the date indicated atSr. No 12 hereinabove shall be treated as invalid.

S.C.0.153-155, Sctor-8C, Madhy^ Marg, Chandigarh 160 008.Tel.: 3989123,3011300. Fax: 0172-2724860.Corporate Identity Number: L70100MH1977PLC019916Regd. Office: Ramon House, H T Parekh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020.

Phone No



Phone No O172-676fO0O

S.C.0.153-155, Sector-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh 160 008.Tel.; 3989123,3011300. Fax: 0172-2724860.Corporate Identity Number: L70100MH1977PLCO19916Regd. Office: Ramon House, H T Parekh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020.


14.Conditional offers shall also be treated as invalid.

15.The Tenders will be opened on the date and time mentioned hereinabove in Column (G) in thepresence of the Authorised Officer at HDFC Ltd. SCO No. 143-144, Sector 8-C, Madhya Marg,Chandigarh.

16.The Immovable Property(les) / Secured Asset(s) shall not be sold below the Reserve Price.

17.On sale of the property, the purchaser shall not have any claim of whatsoever nature against HDFC Ltd or itsAuthorised Officer.

18.It shall be at the discretion of the Authorised officer to cancel the Tender proceedings for any reason andreturn the EMD submitted and HDFC Ltd will not entertain any claim or representation in that regard fromthe bidders.

19.The Authorized officer has the absolute right to accept or reject the highest and / or all Bid(s) or postponeor cancel the sale, as the case may be without assigning any reasons thereof and also to modify any of theterms and condition of this sale without prior notice.

20.The sale shall be conferred on the highest bidder subject to confirmation by Secured Creditor i.e. HDFC Ltd.

21.EMD of successful tenderer shall be adjusted and for all other unsuccessful tenderers, the same shall berefunded within 10 days from Tender opening date. The Earnest money deposit will not carry any interest.

22.Along with Tender Document the Bidder(s) should also attach his/her photo identity proof such as copy ofthe Aadhar Card (UID), passport, election commission card, ration card, driving license, copy of the PANcard issued by the Income Tax department etc. and the proof of residence countersigned by the bidderherself/himself.

23.The successful bidder shall be required to pay 25% of the offer amount (including the amount of EMD)immediately i.e. on the same day or not later than next working day, as the case may be (as per the

amended provisions of Rule 9(3) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002} on confirmation ofoffer acceptance by HDFC Ltd, failing which the EMD amount remitted will stand forfeited. The balance75% of offer amount shall be paid within 15 days of confirmation of sale by the Authorised officer. If thebalance amount is not remitted within stipulated time the amount of 25% will stand forfeited as per theamended provisions of Rule 9(4) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002.



Phone No 0172-676I00O

S.C.0.153-155, Sector-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh 160 008.Tel.: 3989123,3011300. Fax: 0172-2724860.Corporate Identity Number: L70100MH1977PLRegd. Office: Ramon House, H T Parekh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai

The sale shall be subject to the final outcome of and/or orders, directions etc. as may be passed by the Hon'bleCourt/DRT from time to time in the above proceedings. The successful bidder / purchaser shall be required todischarge all the encumbrance to which the above immovable properties / secured assets are subject to includingthe above encumbrances and comply with the decree/orders/ directions of the Hon'ble Court/DRT.

HDFC Ltd. has not admitted the claim of the Applicants in the above case and the proposed sale in exercise ofpowers under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act,

2002, as envisaged hereunder shall be without prejudice to the rights of and remedies available to HDFC Ltd.

As on date there is no order restraining and/or injuncting HDFC Ltd / the Authorised Officer of HDFC Ltd from selling,alienating and/or disposing off the above immovable property / secured asset.

HDFC Ltd. does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in the documents that are

relied upon in the above proceedings (that is pending adjudication) or as to the existence of any other fact alleged orrepresentations made by Applicants whether in the pleadings or otherwise.

The prospective purchasers / bidders and interested parties may independently take inspection of the pleadingsfiled in the above proceedings / orders passed etc. including but not limited to the documents of title pertainingthereto available with HDFC Ltd. and satisfy themselves in all respect prior to submitting tenders or making offers.

HDFC Ltd. / the Authorised Officer of HDFC Ltd. does not accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever for lossthat may be incurred by the successful bidders / purchasers at a later date whether on account of non availability ofinformation or otherwise.

Minakshi Khipal & Others vs HDFC Bank Ltd.

Title of the Suit

Debt Recovery Tribunal -1,

Chandigarh - SA No. 472 of 2017

Court/Suit No.

S.No. 5 (Indian Express)

S.No. 4 (Rozana Spokesman)



To the best of knowledge and information of the Authorized Officer of HDFC Ltd, there are no other encumbrances /claims in respect of the above immovable property / Secured Asset save and except what is disclosed hereinbelow.

For property/loan account, mentioned at S.No. 1 {Indian Express and Rozana Spokesman), above, certain amount

is payable to the builder i.e EMAAR MGF Land Ltd (towards Basic cost only) and the same shall be paid to the Builderby HDFC Ltd out of the sale consideration received under the present Tender Sale Notice. Any other dues/chargesincluding but not limited to Transfer/Registration Charges will have to be borne/paid by the purchaser herein.

Successful bidders / purchasers shall not have any recourse against HDFC Ltd. on any ground whatsoever includingbut not limited to the above. Hence, it will be in the interest of the prospective purchasers / bidders to apprisethemselves of all material facts which may influence their decision before submitting tenders and/or making offers.

For the property mentioned at S.No. 5 (Indian Express) & S.No. 4 (Rozana Spokesman) above, the borrowershave initiated litigation against HDFC Ltd details of which are as under.



Phone No 0172-676T00O

S.C.0.153-155, Sector-SC, Madhya M^g, Chandigarh 160 008.Tel.: 3989123,3011300. Fax: 0172-2724860.Corporate Identity Number: L70100MH1977PLC019916Regd. Office: Ramon House, H T Parckh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation, Churchgatc, Mumbai 400 020.

Date: 02.02.Z020Place: Chandigarh

For Housing DeCorporation Ltd.

Successful bidders / purchasers shall not have any recourse against HDFC Ltd. on any ground whatsoever Includingbut not limited to the above. Hence, it will be in the interest of the prospective purchasers / bidders to apprisethemselves of all material facts which may influence their decision before submitting tenders and/or making offers.


Prospective Purchasers at large are hereby Informed that HDFC Ltd and its Authorized Officer does not deal incash transaction with respect to Immovable Properties mentioned in the Tender Sale Notice.

The name and contact details of the agency / broker, if any, authorized by HDFC Ltd to deal with sale ofImmovable property can be obtained only from the office of HDFC Ltd at the address mentioned above.