jesus our guide - · 5. when the that noah sent did not return, noah...

JESUS OUR GUIDE Chapter Review Packet Faith and Life Series 4

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Page 1: JESUS OUR GUIDE - · 5. When the that Noah sent did not return, Noah knew the waters were gone. 6. God made a , or agreement, with Noah that never again



Chapter Review Packet

Faith and Life Series


Page 2: JESUS OUR GUIDE - · 5. When the that Noah sent did not return, Noah knew the waters were gone. 6. God made a , or agreement, with Noah that never again
Page 3: JESUS OUR GUIDE - · 5. When the that Noah sent did not return, Noah knew the waters were gone. 6. God made a , or agreement, with Noah that never again


Quiz and Test Packet

Faith and Life Series


Ignatius Press, San Francisco

Page 4: JESUS OUR GUIDE - · 5. When the that Noah sent did not return, Noah knew the waters were gone. 6. God made a , or agreement, with Noah that never again


The Fall of Man

Chapter 1


Word Bank

Angels Heaven soul redeemer Hell

test grace Eve Devils

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. is eternal life and happiness with God.

2. is the eternal suffering of separation from God.

3. are pure spirits created to glorify God.

4. The is the spiritual and immortal part of man.

5. are angels who refused to serve God and do his


6. God promised he would send a to save us from sin.

7. was the person who first ate fruit from the

forbidden tree.

8. Adam and Eve lost after they ate the fruit.

9. God gave Adam and Eve a to see if they would obey

him. Faith and Life Series • Grade 4 1

Page 5: JESUS OUR GUIDE - · 5. When the that Noah sent did not return, Noah knew the waters were gone. 6. God made a , or agreement, with Noah that never again


The World’s First Murder

Chapter 2


Word Bank

Fifth sin Cain keeper

jealous lambs sacrifice punished

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. Murder is wrong in God’s eyes, and it is forbidden by the


2. was Adam and Eve’s first son. He murdered his brother, Abel.

3. Cain and Abel offered , which is giving God something

that is precious to us.

4. God was more pleased with Abel’s sacrifice of his finest than he was with Cain’s sacrifice of some crops from his field because Abel offered

his very best.

5. Cain was of Abel and hated him.

6. God warned Cain that he must overcome , but he refused and killed


7. God asked Cain if he knew where Abel was and Cain replied, “I do not know. Am I

my brother’s ?”

8. God Cain for killing Abel. Cain had to leave his family.

He was not able to be a successful farmer. He had to wander through the desert.

2 Faith and Life Series • Grade 4

Page 6: JESUS OUR GUIDE - · 5. When the that Noah sent did not return, Noah knew the waters were gone. 6. God made a , or agreement, with Noah that never again


Turning Away from God

Chapter 3


Word Bank

month dove evil ark

animals Canaan need covenant

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. Noah trusted in God and obeyed. He built an as God told him.

2. God sent rain for forty days to wash away from the earth.

3. On the boat were Noah and his three sons, their wives, and

of every kind.

4. The ark floated for more than a and at last settled on a mountain

called Ararat.

5. When the that Noah sent did not return, Noah knew the waters

were gone.

6. God made a , or agreement, with Noah that never again would a

flood destroy the earth.

7. The descendants of Ham’s son, Canaan, grew wicked so God gave the beautiful land

of to the descendants of Shem.

8. Because the people thought they did not God’s help, God confused

their language so they could not finish the Tower of Babel.

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Page 7: JESUS OUR GUIDE - · 5. When the that Noah sent did not return, Noah knew the waters were gone. 6. God made a , or agreement, with Noah that never again


God Prepares a People for the Savior

Ch 4


Word Bank

father mountain covenant destroyed loved

sacrifice land Isaac Canaan

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. God asked Abram, one of the descendants of Shem, to leave his country and come

away to a that God would show him.

2. Abram, Sarai (Abram’s wife), and Lot (Abram’s nephew) left their country. They

trusted God to show them the way and settled in the land of .

3. Lot chose the area of Sodom and Gomorrah, which was later because of the wickedness of the people. Lot was saved because he was a just man.

4. God told Abram that he would make a between himself and Abram and his descendants. He would give them the land of Canaan, and he

would be their God.

5. God told Abram that he would be called Abraham, which means “father of

many people.” As God promised, Abraham and Sarah had a son named in their old age.

6. When Isaac was a young boy, God told Abraham to offer his son in sacrifice.

Abraham obeyed and prepared to sacrifice his son on a of Moriah.

7. An angel called from heaven and told him not to touch the boy, for now God knew that Abraham and feared God because he was willing to give

up his son.

8. Abraham untied Isaac, and God sent a ram for him to offer in .

9. God made Abraham the of a holy people. We call him “our

father in faith.” 4 Faith and Life Series • Grade 4

Page 8: JESUS OUR GUIDE - · 5. When the that Noah sent did not return, Noah knew the waters were gone. 6. God made a , or agreement, with Noah that never again


The People of Israel

Chapter 5


Word Bank

Jacob Rebekah Joseph Leah Rachel

Isaac Laban Esau Judah Israel

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. was the wife of Isaac.

2. was the older son of Isaac and Rebekah. He sold

his birthright to his younger brother for a bowl

of stew.

3. received his father’s special blessing.

4. was tricked into giving his blessing to his

younger son, Jacob.

5. was the uncle that Jacob went to live with

because of Esau’s anger.

6. was the daughter of Laban that Jacob wanted to


7. was the daughter of Laban that Jacob was tricked

into marrying first.

8. was one of the sons of Jacob and Rachel.

9. was one of the sons of Jacob and Leah. It was

from him that Jesus would be descended.

10. was the name God gave to Jacob. His descendants

became known as the people of Israel. Faith and Life Series • Grade 4 7

Page 9: JESUS OUR GUIDE - · 5. When the that Noah sent did not return, Noah knew the waters were gone. 6. God made a , or agreement, with Noah that never again


Joseph Goes to Egypt

Chapter 6


Word Bank

governor famine prison kill good

Israel Joseph animal silver dreams

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. The name that God gave to Jacob was .

2. Israel had twelve sons. He had a special love for his son .

3. As Joseph’s brothers saw him coming through the fields wearing the beautiful long

robe his father had made for him, they plotted to Joseph.

4. When they saw a caravan of merchants on their way to Egypt, the brothers sold

Joseph as a slave for twenty pieces of .

5. The brothers went back home and told their father, Israel, that Joseph had been killed by a wild . Israel was filled with sorrow because

he loved Joseph.

6. When Joseph arrived in Egypt, he was sold to a rich man who put him in charge of his house. Later he was falsely accused of a crime and put in .

7. Pharaoh learned that Joseph could interpret . Pharaoh asked

Joseph to explain a dream in which seven thin cows ate seven fat cows and still

remained thin.

8. Joseph told Pharaoh that God was warning him that there would be seven years of

good crops and food in Egypt and then seven years of .

9. Pharaoh believed Joseph and made him of Egypt in order

to save food for the famine.

10. Through the sufferings of Joseph, God protected his people from famine. God can always bring out of evil.

8 Faith and Life Series • Grade 4

Page 10: JESUS OUR GUIDE - · 5. When the that Noah sent did not return, Noah knew the waters were gone. 6. God made a , or agreement, with Noah that never again


The People of Israel Go to Egypt

Ch 7


Word Bank

chosen famine Joseph Canaan vision

spies joy Benjamin land sorry

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. Israel and his family living in the land of were suffering from

the famine. He sent his sons to buy some food in Egypt but kept Benjamin with him.

2. Joseph recognized his brothers immediately and pretended to believe they were

. He put one of the brothers in prison and told the others to bring

their youngest brother back from Canaan to prove that they were not spies.

3. The brothers believed this trial was sent to punish them for what they had done to

Joseph, and they were .

4. The brothers returned to Egypt with little . Joseph was so

happy to see him that he had a feast prepared.

5. Later Joseph told the brothers who he was. He said that God had sent him before

them as part of his plan to save his people from starvation.

6. Joseph asked them to go home and bring his father back to live in Egypt. He gave

his family a of their own.

7. Israel wasn’t sure if he should leave the Promised Land, but God told him in a

to go to Egypt.

8. After the long journey, the father and sons were reunited. Israel told Joseph that he

could now die with .

9. The people of Israel came to live in Egypt because of the authority of .

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Page 11: JESUS OUR GUIDE - · 5. When the that Noah sent did not return, Noah knew the waters were gone. 6. God made a , or agreement, with Noah that never again


God’s People Suffer in Egypt Chapter 8


Word Bank

killed tribes save mountain

Yahweh Moses slaves

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. The twelve sons of Israel eventually died in Egypt and left behind many children.

These descendants came to be known as the twelve of Israel.

2. Pharaoh decided to make out of the people of Israel. They were

forced to build pyramids and entire cities. Pharaoh also decided that every Hebrew

baby boy was to be drowned.

3. was saved from death because his mother put him in a basket in

the Nile River and Pharaoh’s daughter found him.

4. One day Moses an Egyptian for beating a Hebrew slave.

When Pharaoh heard of it, he sought to kill Moses.

5. Moses escaped. He came to Horeb, the of God, and saw a

bush burning with fire. God spoke to him through the burning bush and told him to

go tell Pharaoh to let his people go.

6. Moses asked God who he should say sent him, and God replied, “Say this to the

people of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ” The Hebrew word for I AM is .

7. God sent Moses’ brother Aaron to speak for Moses. God said he would teach them

what to say and do. They went to Egypt and told the people that God was going to them.

10 Faith and Life Series • Grade 4

Page 12: JESUS OUR GUIDE - · 5. When the that Noah sent did not return, Noah knew the waters were gone. 6. God made a , or agreement, with Noah that never again


God Saves His People

Chapter 9


Word Bank

path army work plagues

Israel unleavened lamb Passover

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and told him that Yahweh, the God of Israel,

said “Let my people go.” Pharaoh decided that the people needed more .

2. God sent ten , each one worse than the last. Some of the

plagues were frogs, flies, boils, hail, and locusts.

3. The tenth plague was the plague in which God passed over the people of and struck down the firstborn of the Egyptians.

4. In preparation for the Passover meal, the Israelites were told to kill a perfect

from their flocks and sprinkle some of its blood on their

doorposts. God passed over the houses with blood on their doorposts.

5. They were then to roast the lamb and eat it with bread and

bitter herbs. They were to be dressed and ready to leave Egypt.

6. God said, “I will call this night my , and from now on you

shall eat this special meal every year to show that you remember that I rescued you

from Egypt.”

7. Pharaoh changed his mind after telling Moses that the Israelites could go. He sent

his after them. The people were scared but Moses told them not

to be afraid.

8. As the Hebrews were nearing the Red Sea, the waters were divided and there was a dry for them to cross safely.

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On the Way to the Promised Land Chapter 10 Review

Word Bank

children manna Ten Commandments

chest tabernacle trust

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. On the way to the Promised Land, the Hebrew people wandered for a long time in

the desert and had difficulties. God always provided for them, but they did not him.

2. God provided , a white, flaky bread that tasted of honey.

3. Moses, a great prophet, received the on Mount Sinai. God renewed the covenant he had made with the descendants of


4.The Ark of the Covenant was the golden containing the Ten

Commandments. The Hebrews carried the Ark during their desert journey to the

Promised Land.

5.The was where the priests prayed to God for the people. The

presence of God dwelt there.

6.The people grumbled when they saw the Promised Land, so they were never able to

enter it. They wandered for forty years in the desert and the land was given to their .

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Life in the Promised Land

Chapter 11


Word Bank

Ruth Boaz Philistines Naomi

Canaan Joshua Samson Jordan

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. took Moses’ place as leader. He led the Israelites into the

Promised Land.

2. was divided into twelve parts after the Hebrews

conquered the land.

3. were powerful people who were always attacking the

people of Israel.

4. was the man whom God used to rescue his people from

the Philistines.

5. is the main river of Israel. The people of Israel crossed it

into the Promised Land.

6. was the mother-in-law of Ruth.

7. was the pagan widow who freely chose to worship the

one true God. She told Naomi, her mother-in-law, that

she did not want to leave her.

8. married Ruth. Their grandson was Jesse, the father of

David. Jesus came from the line of David.

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A King for God’s People

Chapter 12


Word Bank

fasted Hannah Samuel


Ark speak Saul disobeyed

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. begged God for a son for many years. She and her

husband would go every year and offer sacrifices at Shiloh, where the Ark of the

Covenant was kept.

2. Hannah became the mother of . When he was old enough,

she brought him to Shiloh to help Eli, the priest who was in charge of the tabernacle.

3. One time Eli realized that God was calling to Samuel. Eli told him that when the

voice called to him again he should say, “Speak, Lord, your is


4. God did to Samuel and the people knew that Samuel was a prophet.

5. The Philistines stole the of the Covenant after the Hebrews had taken it into

battle. The Philistines gave it back after there was death in each city where the

people took it.

6. Samuel explained to the Hebrews that God would help them only if they returned to

him with all their hearts. The people and said, “We have sinned against the Lord.”

7. When Samuel was old, the people asked for a king. Samuel anointed

the first king of Israel.

8. Saul started out as a good king, but later he God.

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King David

Chapter 13


Word Bank

David Jerusalem City sorry

Bathsheba Goliath Psalms Jesse

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. God rejected Saul from being king and sent Samuel to in


2. It was Jesse’s son,

3. David killed the nine-foot-tall Philistine,

from his slingshot.

, whom God chose to be king of Israel.

, with a stone

4. When David became king, he and his men attacked the city of .

He brought the Ark of the Covenant into this city.

5. David named Jerusalem the of David because he had conquered it

and lived there.

6. David wrote , which are prayer-poems and hymns inspired by


7. was the wife of Uriah. David arranged to have Uriah

killed in battle so he could marry her. These were terrible sins.

8. David was for his sins. He suffered for them, but God

forgave him.

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King Solomon

Chaptr 14


Word Bank

Savior gentile Bible temple

Israel prophet Anointed gods

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. David died and his son Solomon became the new king of . He asked

God for wisdom so he could rule the people of God. God gave him much wisdom.

2. Solomon ordered the building of a magnificent in Jerusalem, where the Ark of the Covenant would be kept and where God would

be worshipped.

3. Solomon married many women, including daughters of several gentile kings. A is someone who is not a Jew.

4. Solomon let his wives lead him into the worship of false .

5. Isaiah was chosen to be God’s great to deliver his word to

the people of Israel. He told the people to repent of their sins and turn back to God.

6. Isaiah said that God would send a who would be a descendant of

Jesse and King David.

7. Isaiah told of the sufferings of God’s servant, the Messiah or Christ, which means the

“ One.” He would be despised, rejected, slapped, and spit upon.

8. Christ would suffer for the sins of the people and by his sufferings he would heal

them. He would offer his life for his people. These prophecies were written down in the book of the called Isaiah.

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The Final King

Chapter 15


Word Bank

temple Judah prophet Holy Spirit

Herod Savior cousin King

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. After the death of Solomon, the ten tribes of Israel were divided. The ten tribes in the

north had their own king and they were called Israel. The other two tribes in the south were called .

2. The towns of Jerusalem and Bethlehem were in the kingdom of Judah. Later the

king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the .

3. From the prophet Isaiah and others, the people knew that God was going to send

them the Messiah, the , the final King who would be a descendant of David.

4. Caesar, the emperor of Rome, conquered the kingdom of Judah. He appointed , who was not a descendant of David, to be ruler of the Jews.

5. John the Baptist, the greatest , began teaching the people to

be sorry for their sins and do penance in order to be ready for the new King who was

about to come.

6. Many people came to John to be baptized in the Jordan River. John said that he was not the promised , but that one coming after him would be greater

than he.

7. John said, “I baptize only with water but he will baptize you with the

and with fire!”

8. One day, John’s , Jesus, came to be baptized. John said, “It is I

who should be baptized by you.” Jesus insisted, however, and so John baptized him.

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An Invitation to Heaven

Chapter 16


Word Bank

neighbor God Ten Commandments Free will

strength forever heaven

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. At this very minute, Jesus is inviting you to love him and others on your road to . God never forces us. We are free to say yes.

2. The human person is both body and soul. The body will die, but the soul will live


3. The soul is the spiritual part of man, by which he lives, understands, and is free. The

soul allows us to know, love, and serve .

4. is the power we have from God to make up our minds to

do or not to do something; to make a choice.

5. We say yes to Jesus’ invitation to go to heaven by following the .

These commandments were so important that the Ark of the Covenant was built for


6. Christ said that what our Heavenly Father wants most of all is for us to love him

with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our


7. The first three Commandments tell us how to love God. The other seven Commandments tell us how to love our .

22 Faith and Life Series • Grade 4

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Road Signs along the Way

Chapter 17


Word Bank

Holy Blasphemy pray First

Mass respect talking

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. The Commandment is “I am the Lord your God: you shall not have

other gods besides me.” This Commandment tells us that we are to worship God alone.

2. To follow the First Commandment, we to God every day.

3. Prayer means to God. He waits for us to pray to him. In prayer,

we come to know him, love him, and thank him for what he has given us.

4. The Second Commandment is “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God

in vain.” In this Commandment, God tells us to use his name with the greatest


5. Often people use God’s name wrongly when they are angry or excited. Saying, “Oh

God!” is using God’s holy name without honor. is talking about God disrespectfully,

even hatefully.

6. The Third Commandment is “Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.” The Third

Commandment teaches us to keep Sunday holy by assisting at and dedicating the day to God with prayer and resting from unnecessary work.

7. We are to attend Mass on all the Days of Obligation.

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Loving Others

Chapter 18


Word Bank

forgive respect obey wish

truth life harm

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. The Fourth Commandment is “Honor your father and your mother.” Honor means to

love, respect, and obey. We are to respect and our teachers as well.

2.To show your love for your parents, pray for them and help them. It is important that

you never intend to hurt or disappoint your parents. You must always tell them the .

3.The Fifth Commandment is “You shall not kill.” The Fifth Commandment teaches

us to our bodies and souls, and those of our neighbors.

4.We must do all we can to protect from its very beginning in the womb

of the mother until natural death.

5.The Fifth Commandment forbids us to the lives of our neighbors or

ourselves. It forbids murder and fighting in anger.

6. Not only must we be careful not to hurt others, but we must not even

that they be hurt.

7. Jesus wants us to make a special effort to those who have hurt us.

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Growing in Love




Word Bank

lying marriage stealing something

property impure Holy Spirit truth


Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. The Sixth and Ninth Commandments are laws that protect marriages and families.

These laws forbid unfaithfulness in .

2. Your body is called to be a temple of the so

keep your thoughts and actions pure and pleasing to God.

3. The Sixth and Ninth Commandments forbid acts, words,

books, pictures, movies, and shows.

4. The Seventh Commandment tells us to respect other people’s

and to repair damages that we cause.

5. The Seventh Commandment forbids .

6. The Tenth Commandment forbids what belongs to others.

7. To covet is to want more than we should.

8. The Eighth Commandment teaches us to love the .

9. The Eighth Commandments forbids and damaging another’s

reputation. This includes judging other people unfairly.

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Jesus Our Guide

Chapter 20


Word Bank

Commandments life power Holy Communion

Talk human God Person

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. Jesus Christ is both true and true man.

2. Jesus Christ has two natures: a divine nature and a nature.

3. Jesus is one Divine , truly God and truly man. This is

a mystery revealed by God.

4. Jesus Christ showed that he is true God by performing miracles, such as giving sight

to the blind, hearing to the deaf, health to the sick, and to the dead.

5. Jesus is God, full of majesty and . He loves you. You can speak

to him even more freely and trustfully than you can to your best friend.

6. Some of the things that you can do to grow closer to your friend Jesus are:

a. Receive him often in so he can live in you.

b. to him every day.

c. Follow him by keeping the and helping others.

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For This I Have Come into the World Chaptr 21


Word Bank

Eucharist heaven slavery Holy Spirit


dead redeemed sin Son forty

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. Sin and evil are against the will of God. Sin is the most horrible thing we can do. To

save us from sin, God sent us a Redeemer, his only .

2. God created us out of love and us out of love.

3. To redeem means to free someone from by buying

freedom for him.

4. Jesus is the Lamb of God whose blood shed on the Cross frees us from the slavery

of .

5. You must not think that it was easy for Jesus to and die for us.

Jesus as man suffered extreme agony. He sweated blood on the night before his

death. He suffered from painful scourging and died by crucifixion, with his hands

and feet nailed to a cross.

6. Once Jesus had risen from the , the disciples began to understand

that Jesus came to save the children of Israel and all of God’s children by giving

them eternal life.

7. After his Resurrection, Jesus Christ remained on earth for days.

8. Jesus ascended to , where he sits at the right hand of God

the Father almighty.

9. Jesus told his apostles that he would be with them always. He sent them the .

10. Jesus also remains with us in the .

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The Perfect Sacrifice

Chapter 22


Word Bank

blood priest Gospel homily

sinless present sacrifice Mass

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. Jesus Christ’s sacrifice was perfect in every way. Every sacrifice to make up for sins involved the shedding of blood. Christ’s was shed for us on the


2. In every sacrifice, the lamb or other animal victim had to be the best of the flock. Jesus, the victim, is called the “spotless lamb”, as he is and


3. Jesus Christ was not only the sacrifice. He was the who offered

the greatest sacrifice ever.

4. That same sacrifice is still going on. Each time Holy Mass is celebrated, Jesus

becomes really and truly on the altar and offers himself up

for our sins as a renewal of the sacrifice on Calvary.

5. In the first part of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Word, we hear readings from the Old

and New Testaments of the Bible. The reading is from one of

four accounts of the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus in the Bible.

6. The priest explains the Word of God in the at Mass.

7. The Liturgy of the Eucharist is the second part of the Mass, in which the actual

takes place. Jesus also comes to us in Holy Communion.

8. We are obligated to participate at each Sunday and Holy Day

of Obligation.

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Bread from Heaven


23 Review

Word Bank

wine bread Eucharist adore tabernacle

grace hour Jesus Host

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. The is the sacrament of the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of

our Lord Jesus Christ, under the appearances of bread and wine.

2. Before the Consecration, the large white host is bread. After the Consecration, the

bread is no longer present; it is the true Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord under the appearance of .

3. Before the Consecration, the chalice contains wine with a small amount of water.

After the Consecration, the wine is no longer present; it is the true Body, Blood,

Soul, and Divinity of our Lord, under the appearance of .

4. The Host that the priest holds up for us to see and is Jesus, whole and

entire. That which is inside the chalice the priest raises is Jesus, whole and entire.

5. The priest breaks the large soon after the Our Father is prayed

at Mass. Jesus is in the tiniest piece of Host and in each drop in the cup.

6. Each consecrated Host is Jesus whole and entire. Consecrated Hosts are kept

in a .

7. In order to receive Jesus worthily:

a. Our souls must have God’s life of in them, which means

that we must be free of mortal sin.

b. We must believe that it is whom we are going to receive.

c. We must not eat or drink anything (except medicine or water) for one

before receiving Holy Communion.

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Mistakes along the Way

Chapter 24


Word Bank

suffering law venial sin sin

original sin mortal sin actions omissions

thoughts words grace

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. When we choose to do something we know is wrong we .

2. Sin is an offense done to God by disobeying his .

3. Adam’s sin was a grave sin of pride and disobedience. It was the first sin committed,

so it is called .

4. Adam’s sin affected him and all men. Adam lost and now

everyone is born without God’s life of grace in his soul.

5. By Christ’s and death, he won back for us God’s grace. He

gave us the Sacrament of Baptism, through which we receive this gift of grace.

6. A is breaking God’s law in a serious way and kills

God’s life of grace in the soul. It is done on purpose and freely.

7. A is a smaller sin. This kind of sin weakens our

friendship with God. It is important to love God as much as possible by staying

away from even these smaller sins.

8. There are four different ways by which we sin:

a. in our (for example, thinking something unkind about another

with consent).

b. in our (for example, saying things that hurt others, lying, using

God’s name wrongly).

c. in our (for example, stealing, cheating, being disobedient).

d. in our (for example, not doing what our parents asked).

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Turning Back to God

Chapter 25


Word Bank

Reconciliation forgive forgiven good work

priest danger sin sorrow

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. There is no sin too big for Jesus to .

2. Jesus gave us a gift, the Sacrament of Penance, which is also called the Sacrament

of . In this sacrament, our sins are forgiven and we are

given grace to help avoid sin in the future.

3. Five things are required to receive the Sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation:

a. Examination of conscience

b. for our sins

c. Intention to avoid

d. Confession of our sins

e. Performance of the penance given by the priest.

4. The penance is a or a prayer that will take away

some of the punishment due to sin. The priest will also ask you to say an Act of


5. An occasion of sin is a person, place, or thing that puts us in

of sinning.

6. The priest gives you absolution. All priests were given the power to forgive sins by Christ. It is really Christ who is forgiving you through the .

7. When the priest says the words of absolution, “I absolve you from your sins in the

name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” your sins are .

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The Holy Spirit

Ch 26


Word Bank

Holy Trinity power joy nine same

temple one Person love baptized

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. Abraham and all his descendants were different than their neighbors because they

worshipped only God. Their neighbors worshipped many gods.

2. We worship the God that Abraham and the Jews worshipped.

3. God the Father and God the Son have loved each other from all eternity. This love is

so perfect and so complete that it is another , God the Holy Spirit.

4. The Holy Spirit is the between God the Father and God the Son.

5. The first time the Holy Spirit comes into our soul is at Baptism. Our body becomes his

because he begins to live in it. He continues to live within us; therefore, we must

respect our bodies and the bodies of other people.

6. The Holy Spirit spoke through the writers and prophets of the Old Testament. It was

through the of the Holy Spirit that Mary became the mother of Jesus.

7. When Jesus was by his cousin, John, the Holy Spirit came

down in the form of a dove.

8. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he promised that he would send the Holy Spirit

to the apostles to guide them and fill their hearts with .

9. After days of prayer, a mighty wind filled the house where the

apostles were staying. Tongues of fire appeared over each person in the house, and

everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit. This was the feast of Pentecost.

10. The three persons of the are called the Father,

the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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The Church of Christ


27 Review

Word Bank

Holy Spirit teach God Peter error

Church Catholic holy body

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. The covenant God made with the people of Israel was a preparation for the New

Covenant of Jesus. We are the new People of . Another name for the new People

of God is the Church.

2. The Church is holy. Through the sacraments of the Church, we can become


3. Jesus Christ founded the Church.

4. Everyone who is baptized and has the life of grace in his soul is a member of the Mystical Body of Christ. The Mystical Body is a spiritual rather than

a physical body.

5. To be part of this body means to be connected in a spiritual and very real way with

Jesus and the members of the .

6. Jesus called us his sheep. He made the apostles the shepherds of his people and the Pope and Chief Shepherd. The apostles passed the power

on to the bishops.

7. The duty of the Pope and bishops is to all that Christ has

revealed and all that the apostles have taught. They are to guard Christ’s teaching and

pass it on to others.

8. Jesus sent the to protect the Church from error.

9. Infallibility is the Pope’s freedom from in teaching the whole

Church in matters of faith and morals.

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Channels of Grace

Chapter 28


Word Bank

Anointing of the Sick Holy Spirit life

follower avoid holy

Marriage Jesus man

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1.Grace is a share in God’s own . It helps us get to heaven.

2.The sacraments are signs of grace instituted by Jesus Christ to make us .

They are the way Jesus has chosen to give us grace, which he has gained for us.

3.In the Sacrament of Baptism, water is poured on the head and original sin is washed

away. The baptized person becomes a temple of the .

4.The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist is the central sacrament because, through it, we

receive himself.

5.In the Sacrament of Penance, Jesus forgives our sins. He gives us the grace to

sin in the future.

6.In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Holy Spirit gives us the grace to be an even

stronger of Jesus by our words and our actions.

7.In the Sacrament of Holy Orders, a receives the gift of the Holy Spirit

and is made a bishop, priest, or deacon.

8.Jesus gives married people a sacrament of their own—the Sacrament of

. Through this sacrament, Jesus helps married

people to be good husbands and wives, and mothers and fathers.

9.The Sacrament of the is for

people who are very sick or old, and especially to those in danger of death.

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Our Mother, Mary


29 Review

Word Bank

John pray holy sin gift

tells water yes Assumption

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. Because Mary was asked by God to play such an important part in his work of

saving us, God gave her a very special . God kept Mary free from

original sin from the first moment of her life. He filled her soul with grace.

2. We call Mary Immaculate because her soul is spotless. Mary never committed a

single sin. Through her whole life she always said to God and did his will.

3. We call Mary the Immaculate Conception because she was conceived with no trace

of .

4. When Mary’s time on this earth came to an end, Jesus took her—body and soul—to

heaven to be with him forever. We call this the of Mary.

5. From the Cross, Jesus gave Mary to us as our mother when he said, “This is your mother,” to his disciple . Therefore, she is called the Mother of

the Church.

6. When we to her, she asks Jesus, who is always ready to grant her

wishes, to help us.

7. If we love Mary, she will always lead us to Jesus. At the wedding feast at Cana,

Mary told Jesus that there was no wine. Jesus turned into wine.

8. We must follow the words that Mary told the waiter, “Do whatever my Son you.”

9. Pope John Paul II told young people to love our Lady and to pray to her every day.

He prayed that the Blessed Virgin would help them to remain good and happy in a way.

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We Reach Our Goal

Chapter 30


Word Bank


Jesus Judgment

heaven sin body

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the Word Bank.

1. At the end of the world, Jesus will judge the living and the dead. This is called the

General .

2. The King told us what we must do to inherit the Kingdom prepared for us: give food

to the and drink to the thirsty; welcome the stranger;

clothe the naked; and visit the sick and those in prison.

3. When each person dies, he meets who judges him on the good

and evil that he has done in life, including the things he has failed to do. This is

called the Particular Judgment.

4. If a person is without sin and without a debt of punishment for sin, his soul goes to


5. If a person has some venial sin or temporal punishment due for , his

soul goes to purgatory to be purified. Only people who have chosen to shut God out

of their lives by mortal sins they are not sorry for will go to hell.

6. Jesus will raise up our body and unite it with our soul. We call this the resurrection

of the .

44 Faith and Life Series • Grade 4