jess sheridan interview


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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Page 1: Jess Sheridan Interview

Fetty takes time out from making his third album to speak to us JKZ

about life inside and outside of the music world.

Hello Fetty, glad I’m finally getting to interview you, how are you and

what have you been doing this week?

Hi Jess, I am great thanks, hope all you lot are good at JKZ. This week has

been so busy man considering I am in the process of making my third album,

which is going to be seriously good, watch out, and listen out!

Glad to hear it, we are so excited to hear your new album. What is your

album going to be called?

I can’t actually tell you that right now, it is a secret (laughs). But trust me it will

be big as after the third album I am going to take some time out of writing

music and have some chill time.

You can tease us like that Fetty. So outside of work considering you are

going to be taking some time out. What kind of music do you listen to?

Do you listen to your own music?

(Sarcastic/laughing) Bit of classical actually. I joke, I joke. I love my music and

I do love listening to it but obviously I listen to it everyday so it can get a bit

repetitive. At the moment I am such a Bieber fan. Did you watch him at the

Brits? He was serious class. Oh and Rihanna and Drake with their song

“Work”, loved it! That type of music is more up my street!

Yeah we watched the Brits here at JKZ and you are right Bieber, Drake

and Rihanna was excellent. So what’s your life style out of work? What

are your hobbies?

I do love a good party with my mates usually at the weekend though as I’m

busy writing my music on the weekdays. I don’t really have any hobbies to be

honest, my life is all about music but I am always attending music festivals

and gigs especially in London. I went and saw ‘Rocky N.T.I’ at a gig a couple

of days ago actually.

What are your favourite festivals to go to then Fetty?

Oh I do love a festival! I go to loads, mainly in the summer – if I’m not playing

in them. I went to ‘We Are Fest’ last summer in July it was proper good,

definitely my fav fest. I am going to be playing at ‘V Fest’ this year, which I am

also proper, excited about.

Page 2: Jess Sheridan Interview

We are so excited to see you at V Fest here at JKZ. How old were you

when you knew you wanted to produce music?

I was 15 when I knew I wanted to be about music. My dad was into music and

would always play it around me. So that helped me get into music and know

about it more and know about the instruments. I started rapping at school with

a group of friends as a joke and then they all told me I was good and should

take it further.

What advice would you give to your fans if they wanted to become like


Be yourself and keep producing and never give up. The industry is really hard

to get into so you have to make your way up, because it’s all worth it when

you put all the hard work in and it gets easier.

Has it been a rough road for you then?

Yea it has been a rough road. My parent’s spilt up when I was 15. I mostly

lived with my dad when it happened because my mum was in and out of

hospital because she had depression, because of that I focused more on

music as it made me feel better about the situation.

Sorry to hear that Fetty, although its good to see your life back on track! Thank you for taking the time to speak to us about your life outside the

music industry hopefully you’ll come back and speak to us soon.