jerusalem compassed 1062 transcript

 Jerusalem Compassed Pastor Arnold Murray  Transcript of Tape 1062  This particular setting is going to synchronization. That is to say, let us all set our watches for the attack. Because, you have to work together to get something done if you are serving to the Lord. And He has many people going in different directions but you must go by the one sign and that is God's sign. He tells you when. He tells you how. And probably, one of the things that pulls more people off is when you start listening to one verse revs or people that don't know what they are talking about. Trying to translate prophecy. And they will say, `watch the united nations. That's the beast.' `watch the big computer in Belgium. That's the beast.' where is there any foundation for nonsense?  There isn't. when some people would even publish something like `America is really Babylon'. yeah, if you would listen to someone like that, you would listen to anything.  You could be had, friend. Well, how do you prevent that? You stick to God's Word. ALL PROPHECY CONCERNING THE END TIMES CENTERS ON JERUSALEM! Don't ever forget it and you won't be lead astray. Jerusalem is the barometer of the end times. Its not Rome. Anyone who would listen to that has been had. The Bible, all the teachings

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 Jerusalem Compassed

Pastor Arnold Murray

 Transcript of Tape 1062

 This particular setting is going to synchronization. That is to say, let us all set


watches for the attack. Because, you have to work together to get something

done if you

are serving to the Lord. And He has many people going in different directions

but you

must go by the one sign and that is God's sign. He tells you when. He tells

you how. And

probably, one of the things that pulls more people off is when you start

listening to one

verse revs or people that don't know what they are talking about. Trying to


prophecy. And they will say, `watch the united nations. That's the beast.'

`watch the big

computer in Belgium. That's the beast.' where is there any foundation fornonsense?

 There isn't. when some people would even publish something like `America is


Babylon'. yeah, if you would listen to someone like that, you would listen to


 You could be had, friend. Well, how do you prevent that? You stick to God's

Word. ALL


ever forget it and you won't be lead astray. Jerusalem is the barometer of the

end times.

Its not Rome. Anyone who would listen to that has been had. The Bible, all

the teachings

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of Christ concerning prophecy points to Jerusalem. So get that set in your

mind and let

that sink in real good. That basically is what this particular lecture is about.


and how it applies.Jerusalem has been occupied up til the year of 1948 for a

1300 year

period by one particular people. That's a long time. But there was a change

and there

hasn't been a day the same since. The fig tree. Both the evil and the good

were, the plant,

the shoot was set out in Jerusalem. So don't get your eyes too far away from

it when it

comes to prophecy.

Open your Bibles to Luke. Let's ask a word of wisdom from our Father. Open


Bibles to Luke chapter 4. And this is going to be ever so simple but for

lectures that are

going to follow I want you all at least to be, I want you to have your watches

set. That is

to say, where we are all on the same page. So that we know what our Father

is relating to

us. Okay. Let's pick it up, if we may. Jesus has incidentally in this fourth

chapter, has just

been tempted by satan. And satan does that to you every day if you give him


opportunity. So that falls in place and especially as you begin to serve God

with a closer

walk, he is going to tempt you more so. You must work as a unit. You know,


are satan's little children. They like to destroy the work of God. And maybe

they do it, as

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 Jesus would warn you, in the name of God. So as satan has quoted scripture

to pull

people off, and in this case, even attempting to pull off course, the Lord Jesus


Himself. So, why do you think you would frighten him as thinking that you

were tough to

pull off course. So he is going to try you with ever seemingly wonderful great


words. Stick to the Word of God. Stay focused. But that is so simple. That's

because God

loves you. He wants it kept simple so that we can all be on the same page so

that we

conquer satan and have the victory.

Chapter 4 verse 17 and it reads. "and there was delivered unto Him" being

Christ "the

book of the prophet Esias" that is to say Isaiah "and when He had opened the

Book, He

found the place where it was written, 'the Spirit of the Lord was upon Me

because He had

anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor" that is to say, to the humble

"He hath sent

me to heal the broken hearted" that is to say those that know better, that

know something

is wrong and it breaks their heart to see people mislead. "to preach

deliverance to the

captives" those that satan might have wrapped up. The whole families in

some cases. To

teach you how to break free from that. To teach you how to be a servant of 

the living

God. "and recovering the sight to the blind" that is to say, the blind to the

truth and in

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many cases where they can see that light. See that truth "and recovering of 

sight to the

blind. To set at liberty them that are bruised" bruised for what? Bruised for

serving God.

 Just because you serve the Lord and because you plant seeds occasionally,

you are going

to get bruised for it. You are going to have some knucklehead come along

that will try to

draw you off course or have his own agenda. Not God's agenda. God didn't

send any

heroes or special people. We are one body. This is what is special. It is the

Word of God.

And a person that is not in it, just isn't with God. Period. But to wound those

that are

bruised or that suffer, what does that mean? it means, He is going to take

care of you.

 That was His first advent. And that is what we are talking about here.

And then He says, verse 19 "to preach the acceptable year of the Lord"

comma. Now He stopped in the middle of the verse. And satan had just beenquoting a lot of verses and I know you that have studied with me, you know

what the rest of that verse is. And you know why He stopped right there.

Because that is setting your watch. That is letting you know where you are.

What He is talking about. Why? So that you are not deceived. He is talking

about the first advent.

Verse 20 "and He closed the book and he gave it again to the minister and He

sat down.

And the eyes of all of them that were in the synagogue were fastened on

Him. And He

began to say unto them "this day" set your watch friend in your mind "this

day is this

scripture fulfilled in your ears" that is the first part. Now we got part number

two and you

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Capaurnum, do also here in thy community." in other words, Christ had quite

a reputation

at this time for healing the sick and so on and so forth. For teaching the

Word. They

didn't believe it. And if there is another way that you want to put it, they are


Him. `show us a sign'. that's a cry of so many people when He has given you

the whole book. And you would ask for a sign. What you need to do is

familiarize yourself with what the signs are and read them for yourself. That's

why we are here.

Verse 24. "and He said `verily I say unto you, no prophet is accepted in his

own country'" so may of you, I know you have problems with some of yourown families. Do you think you are better than Christ? You think you can tell

it better than He did? Naturally, you are going to have some problems. That

in itself will ultimately works to the positive as it is written in Mark 13 for your

own family deliver you because they think the false Jesus is indeed Jesus.

Why? A bunch of yo-yo's told them. Don't listen to yo-yo's. listen to the Word

of God.

Verse 25. "but I tell you of a Truth," Christ speaking. "many widows were in

Israel in the

days of Elias" in the days of Elijah. When the heaven was shut up three years

and six

months." the same equivalent of time as the final days so to speak, to give

an example.

He is drawing and using the analogy. "when great famine was throughout the

land." and

you know what the great famine is today. It is for people hearing the real true

Word of 

God. Not bread. Amos chapter 8 verse 11 documents it.

Verse 26 "and to none of them was Elias" Elijah "sent save unto Sereptah a

city of sidon

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unto a woman who was a widow." what made this widow different then? Well

for one

thing, she only had enough for her and her son, one meal. and then they

were going to

die. She was willing to share that with a man of God. And of course, he

blessed her. God

blessed her through that one. Well, why did God pick her? Because the son

and her was a

sign unto you.

Verse 27. "and many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elisias" which is the

Greek for

Elisha, of the servant of Elijah the prophet. "but none of them was cleansed


Namon the Syrian." well, he wasn't even of the house of Israel. And old

Namon almost

missed it. You know why? As it is written in 2 Kings, the prophet told him to

go out

there and dip seven times in the water. And he said, I have come all of this

way and have

brought all of these goods and that is going to heal me? You see, it is

obedience and it is

the Word. So he went and he finally dipped himself seven times and he was

white as a

newborn child. That is to say of leporasy. He was cleansed of leporasy, the


substances were gone. Why? He obeyed God. Did God do that for everyone?

No. well

why did he do it for him? Because he finally mustered up the faith to go and

dip seven

times. Its much like some of you, you do what many so called hearers do in


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generation, the Word is very clear that you should annoint with the oil of our


 They spit on them and blow on them and kick them and shove them and

have men catch

them and roll them. You know, so help me God, I am not making fun of them

but it is

kind of funny, isn't it? Really. But you are supposed to annoint them and let

God do the

rest. That is His promise and He will do it. And so help me God. I like all our


brethren of the cloth and so forth, I think, and whatever but it is just not

Biblical. Do I

think they are healing anyone? Not really. Because no man heals unless he

practices the

art. God does the healing. Man just likes to take himself for something he is

not, if you

are not careful. We serve God.

So, there we have the Lord Jesus Christ immediately after being tempted by

satan giving

the time period of that time. Time is very important. And He wants us to set

our minds,

the clocks of our mind prophetically to that particular time. Now turn with me

to Luke

21. Now as I said, this is basically to synchronize our minds for what is about

to follow. I

know you have been over it but pay attention or by tonight or tomorrow

afternoon you

are going to wonder which way the herd went. Synchronize yourselves.

Chapter 21. And what has happened here. You are all familiar with it. This is


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God's elect are delivered up. They are not to premeditate what they will say


but what you are given at that time by the Holy Spirit, speak. And Jesus, in

Matthew 24,

Mark 13 and here gave seven signs which are the seven trumpets. You don't

have to

worry about it. They are here. They are written. I guess the question is, have

we read it

with understanding?

Verse 19. And very bit of wise information. Advice. "In your patience possess

ye your souls." be patient. Cover God's Word. God has patience. You musthave patience. It is very difficult to be patient when you see such exciting

prophecy transpiring around this world. But be patient. Our time is not yet.

Set your clock.

Verse 20. "and when ye shall se Jerusalem compassed with armies" now this

is a sign for

you "and when ye shall se Jerusalem compassed with armies, then you know

that the

desolation thereof is nigh" that means the desolator is on his way. Well, who

is he? Satan.

 The same satan that tempted Christ in the wilderness is coming back again. I

guess the

question is, are you locked and loaded for him?

Verse 21. `then" what am I to do? "then let them which are in Judea" where is


 Jerusalem. Look at it. Face it. Don't let some numb skull pull you off track. All


points to the barometer of prophecy Judea. Jerusalem. "flee to the mountains

and let them

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that are in the midst of it" where? Jerusalem "depart not and let not them

that are in the

countries enter there into." in other words, it is going to get rough. Why? The

desolator is


22. "for these be the days" well, what days are that? "these are the days of 

vengance. But

all things which are written may be fulfilled." do you know what they are?

Well that

makes it very important. Quite frankly, that's the rest of the Scripture Jesus

didn't read.

Why? It wasn't the day of vengeance. But, bless your hearts, listen. That day

is so close

upon us now that you better be on guard. You better be alert. God is not

going to put up

with this stuff forever. You understand? I said, your Father is not going to put

up with

this stuff that is going on in the world forever. He will not be mocked.

Well, let us read the 23rd verse. "but woe unto them that are with child, unto

them which

give suck in those days for there shall be great distress in the land and wrath

upon this

people." well, what's that wrath? And that sounds kind of frightening. It isn't

to a child of 

God. That wrath goes to the enemy. The wrath goes to satan. Is that who youare of?

Well, if you are, you are in the wrong place friend. God loves His children. His

wrath is

not appointed at them and it does come on the day of vengeance. That's

what it amounts

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to. But His touch to you is not wrath but a gentle glow that is called the Holy

Spirit. And

that touch anoints you whereby you can then understand the Word of God.

His direction.

So it is important that you take that sign. Well, I wish He would show me. He


has. Listen to me. When you see Jerusalem encompassed. I hope you are

watching. I

hope you are keeping up. I hope some nut hasn't pulled you off into some

boom boom

land somewhere and you have taken your eyes off the barometer. That would

mean that

you haven't been studying God's Word. You haven't remained focused on

where the sign

does take place. You would not recognize it when it transpires before your

very eyes.

And listen to me closely, God's elect have a very important role to play within

this. That's

why it is so important. But yet it is so simple. That's right. He wants to make

sure that

you understand because things that are really, really difficult we just have


understanding, don't we? But God teaches in simplicity and He is a realist and


people get too boom boomy and overlook what it happening before their

eyes. `o, if only

I could be sure' they say. Well, God has warned us. He gave us a sign. There

it is and wewill be talking about it a great deal more, about that statement, that verse

that we just

read before this weekend is over.But for the time being, what did Jesus leave

out of that

scripture we read? They handed Him the book of Isaiah and He was reading

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from Isaiah

61. Turn there with me, I'm sorry, we're going to make another stop in the

new testament.

I want to go to 2

 Thessalonians. 2 Thessalonians just for a quick rest stop. For knowledge. So

that we get,

this day of vengeance I want to nail it. I want you to see the signs of it. The


doctrine is no different than the gospels. That's what I want you to know.

Well, maybe

Paul taught something different. No, he didn't. So stay focused.

2 Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5. "which is a manifest token of the

righteous judgment

of God" this is to say, well, let us back it up to four so that we get the whole

thought. "so

that we ourselves glory in you the churches of God" we will be talking more

about the

churches of God. That simply means the assemblies that truly love God and

worship and

study with Him "for your patience and faith in your persecutions" you're going

to be

persecuted, so what? Satan can't kick up enough dust that I can't get his

name and kick

his dragon before he gets turned around twice. Because Christ has given us

that power.

People worry too much. He that created all things gives us powers…have you

used it? Or

do you just talk about it? I don't want to talk about it. I like action. "and

tribulations that

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you endure" well, what are those tribulations? What does it mean, when I

have to, when

somebody says 'you surely don't believe that. That couldn't be true' or

something like

that. It hurts your feelings in the spiritual sense. What does it actually mean


Verse 5. "which is a manifest token" it is plain evidence "of the righteous

 judgment of 

God that you may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God for which ye also


naturally, I mean, don't be blind. Satan has been given a little space in thisworld to fool a

few people if they will listen to him. He's kind of in charge here. Do you think

he is

going to let you come down here and mess up his playhouse without

squirming a little

bit? Of course he's not. Don't be a dreamer. But why would you worry about

it? You

don't. God gave you power over all of your enemies including him. You don'thave to

tolerate it. Why? Do you think that God doesn't know what is going on in your

life today?

If you are really working for Him. He knows. Why? Listen.

Six. "seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them


trouble you." o can He dish it out. Do you think He waits until the wrath spills

over? Not

if they touch you. They are going to get it. That's why you can almost pray for


enemies because they are going to get it.

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Seven. "and to you who are troubled, rest with us" relax. Ease your pack

down. I started

to say 'light them up if you've got them' but I guess that, we can't say that

anymore, that's

an old military…relax. "when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven

with His

mighty angels" it is going to happen, beloved. Listen to me. It is going to

happen to this

generation. Well, what day? Nobody knows the day. He's giving you the sign

so that you

can set your clock. So that you know the seasons. Have you read it?

Verse 8. "in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God and

that obey not

the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ" hey, you play, you pay friend. Don't you

think that

God doesn't keep good records. They are perfect. Not like something that we

might keep.

And those that will mock God, I feel sorry for them. But they made their own

bed and let

them sleep in it. All you are responsible for is to plant seeds. If they insist on

letting that

seed rot under a clod, let it. Or let them put it to use and produce fruit for

almighty God

and have a family that is blessed. That is our choice. That is each one of our

choices. Is to

chose if we want God's blessings and protection or whether we want to play


disregard the gospels.

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Verse 9. "who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the

presence of the

Lord and the from the glory of His power" listen, only God's elect are allowed

around the

throne. They are called the princes in the millennium and they lot is by the

Father. Some

people will pay for ever and ever. Well, I am going to repent at the last

minute. O you

poor mislead succor.

Verse 10. "when He shall come to be glorified in His saints and to be admired

in all them

that believe because our testimony among you was believed in that day." did

it say you

should believe John Doe or Jim Fodderbust or some thing…no, our word.

God's Word.

He didn't say you should believe Arnold Murray or somebody else, he said

believe our

word, which is God's Word.

Verse 11. "wherefore also we pray always for you that our God would call

your worthy of this calling and fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness

and the work of faith with power." I don't know. Do you have the power?

Beloved, that is a serious question. If you just read and sometimes say `that

is nice'. no, exercise it. Well, I wish I didn't feel so bad. Use the power! Don't

be an old dragon do nothing in your own life. Well, I pray for other people but

I don't pray for myself. Well, suffer. It is difficult for me to see, well, anyway.

Verse 12 "that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you."beloved, that

is a wonderful purpose. Can someone look at you and the Lord Jesus Christ is

glorified in

your life, the example you set. I know there is none of us perfect. Lord only

knows. We

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all fall short. "and ye in Him, according to the grace of God in the Lord Jesus


what a wonderful calling you do have and it is a calling. And there isn't one of 

you who

hasn't known basically since you've been a child that there was more to

God's Word and

that you were a part of it. And we are closing in on that time when that part

must be

played, must come to fulfillment. And it shall.

Now turn with me to Isaiah 61. Now, I just wanted to nail that day of 

vengeance. That's

kind of our topic, with the city being encompassed. Let's go back and see

what Jesus was

really talking about in Isaiah 61 so that we can better understand, so that we

can get a

grip of the sign of that particular day. And it is important that all Christians


that particular day. And let's go with 61 and pick it up with verse 1 and it

reads "the Spirit

of the Lord God is upon Me." these are the words that Jesus spoke in Luke

chapter 4.

"because the Lord hath anointed Me to preach good tidings unto the meek"

that is to say

the humble "He hath sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted" that's those that

it breaks

their heart to seek satan take advantage of their family "to proclaim liberty to

the captive"

to show them how to free themselves "and to the opening of the prison to

them that are

bound" bound in the traditions of this world. Sets you free unto the truth. No

fly away

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doctrine but to be an able working servant for the living God.

2. "to proclaim" what is proclaim? It means to make known. I mean no, just

think about

it, say it out loud "to proclaim the acceptable day of the Lord" there is where

He stopped.

Now what is the rest of that? Because that is the part that is important to you

today. "and

the day of vengeance of our God. To comfort them that mourn" in other

words, it was

very important to Him as Messiah to make both days known, to proclaim both

of them.

 The day of vengeance and that's why He would say in Luke chapter 21 "when

you see

 Jerusalem, Judea compassed" well, now you know, 1300 years, and there was


yeah all families have squabbles but there really wasn't any wars that really


endangered the city. It wasn't surrounded. And then bingo, all of the sudden,

in 1948,

how many days of peace have there been since that time? How many body

parts did they

pick up today? Peace, peace, peace. And what? There is no peace there.

Gotta watch. He

wants to proclaim that day. Hey, our Father is getting tired of it. You do not

mock God.

Well, let's see what else He says "to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion.

 To give unto

them beauty for ashes" well, that sounds good doesn't it? "the oil of joy for


 The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they might be called

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trees of 

righteousness, the planting of the Lord that they might be glorified." do you

take it from

that as the day of vengeance approaches that He intended for you to be a

sad sack? I don't

think so. It should be a joyous occasion for you. It means our Redeemer

draweth nigh. It

means that we have work to do. It means that you can put off that which

satan maybe

tried to put on you and your family and be joyous. We've got something to


 That's that our Father loves us and that He gives us the time. He gives us thesigns if we

pay attention to Him and watch the place he wants us to watch.

Verse 4. "and they shall build the old wastes and they shall raise up for


desolations and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many

generations" in

other words, after a long period of time "and strangers shall stand and feed

your flocks

and the sons of the aliens shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers" let

me ask you a

question, what are we going to be planting, and growing and sowing in the


 Truth. That means that all people, kings and queens of the ethnos, which are

election are

going to be planting, teaching and working the fields to save God's children

as many as

can be. Pull forth from those ashes.

Verse 6. "but ye shall be named the priests of the Lord. Men shall call you the


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of our God" not satan "ye shall eat the riches of the nations" may I properly

translate "and

in their glory shall you boast yourselves" it will be something to take joy in, to

be happy

about. Just to save, you see, many of you have planted seeds recently and

they were

snuffed out. But when they see you standing with the Lord, they are going to

say `woa! I

should have listened' that's important. You see a prophet must always

declare before the

event or he or she is no prophet or prophetest. Therefore, when you plant

seed, you are

not wasting time. Whether it is received or not. There is a day coming very

soon they are

going to know that you know what you are talking about. Why? You listen to

some man?

No. you listen to the Word of God.

Verse 7. "for your shame, you should have double" you think you could out

give God in

love and caring? No, He doubles up on you. It makes His day. It makes Him so


when you stand with Him "and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion.


in their land, they shall possess the double. Everlasting joy shall be unto

them" what a

beautiful thought. You know, is it worth it, friend? Is it worth it to go through

this age

putting up with people who will not receive the Truth to have double joy

forever? I think

so. My word, this is just a drop in the bucket, friend. You know, if you are


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getting tired and discouraged, you haven't seen anything yet. You have to

plug in to the

right socket, friend to recharge your battery, to get power. And that is our


Father. To understand how much He loves you. Now, let's just think on this

 just a

moment. What has He done here? He's giving you the time it will happen.

He's told you

what to look for. He's told you how to spot it, how to see it. And what is in it

for you,

double portion. That is always a first fruit offering.

Verse 8. "for I the Lord love judgment. I hate robbery of burnt offerings" I

hate people

that play church just to receive a few offerings. That's what He is saying. "and

I will

direct their work in truth and I will make an everlasting covenant with them"

no more

going out friend, but that covenant is for you today. Latch on to it. Hang on to

it. It is a

contract. It is a marriage contract between you and the Lamb.

Nine. "and their seed shall be known among the gentiles and their offspring"

translate it the nations everywhere "as an example" a good example "and

their offspring among the people, all that see them shall acknowledge them"

can't help it "that they are the seed which the Lord hath blessed" well why?

Because they are right by the Father. They are double blessed. Why couldn't

you spot one of them? And they all have compassion for those that are lost. They have compassion on their brothers and sisters that need help in

learning truth. You want to be real careful in this generation. You get some

brothers and sisters that, it seems like the only help they want from you is

what you've got in your pocket. And oftentimes, many times you become a

party to their evil deeds for being a provider or an enabler to help them in

their own shortcomings. O but they are so sweet. Be careful friend. Be very

careful. Tough love is hard but it is real love. It lasts.

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Verse 10. "I will greatly rejoice in the Lord. My soul shall be joyful in my God

for He

hath clothed me with the garment of salvation. He hath covered me with the

robe of 

righteousness as a bridegroom decketh herself with ornaments and as a bride


herself with her jewels." I mean the wedding is set. Are you going to be

there? Of course

you are. And it is not that bad. There is going to be problems. But hey, it is

 just good

exercise for a real soldier of God to have a little war with satan anytime. Youknow? It is

good exercise. It is good mind exercise to be able to overcome someone who

is of a

different camp or another way. It's just neat. Don't look at it as trouble. Look

at it as you

are blessing them. And another thing. You are showing God, I hate to use this

but I am

going to and I am going to make this too long if I am not careful, Job.Remember God

said to satan, o look at my boy Job. Don't you wish you could get him? Satan

said, you

take that wall around him and I will have him in five minutes. That is not

exactly what he

said but kind of means that okay? And God was so proud of him. God was so


with him. And He knew that satan couldn't buy him. Well, what do you thinkHe thinks

about you? You think you don't make a difference? Of course, you do. When

you stand,

and when you take names and when you kick dragon, our Father is up there


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you. It makes Him so happy. And I am sure that He says to satan, there's one

for us. Hey,

be a good one.

Verse 11. "for as the earth bringeth forth her bud and as the garden causes

the things that

are sown in it to spring forth, so the Lord God will cause rightousness and

praise to

spring forth before all the nations" and you have a part in it beloved. Think

about that.

Don't throw it away. You have a part in it for you are the planting of God.

Well, what

does that mean, the planting of God? Well, He planted a seed in your big old

mind and it

grew and look where you are in knowing, serving and loving Him.

Let's go back to chapter 34. Verse 1. O we are doing fine on time here.

Chapter 34 verse

1. "come near, ye nations to hear and hearken ye people. Let the earth hearand all that is

therein, the world and all things that come forth of it" I want to show you, I'm

 just going

to give you a little running account here on how Father gives you the time

and the signs

and where to look. Don't let some nut cake draw you off. That's important to

stay focused

and especially in this generation. You can lose everything you've got if youare not


Verse 2. "for the indignation of the Lord is upon all nations and His fury upon

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all their

armies. He hath utterly destroyed them. He hath delivered them to the

slaughter" you

know when that takes place. It's God's wrath. It hasn't happened yet, but it is

going to.

And you have a part in it. "their slain also shall be cast out and their stink

shall come up

out of their carcasses and the mountains shall be melted with their blood."

this happens at

the seventh trump and it is time for a change of bodies anyway. Don't get

excited about it.

Four. "and all the host of heaven shall be desolved. And the heavens shall berolled

together as a scroll" hey, He is going to shake things up, friend. "and all their

hosts shall

fall down as a leaf falleth from the vine and as a falling fig from a fig tree." in


words, a big old over ripe fig when it falls plump. It splatters, it busts and

that's it.

Amounted to nothing sweet as it was. God is going to do some shaking. If youare on the

Rock, you don't have to worry about it. You can stand because it is

immovable. You are

in good shape but you've got to know where you are. You have to be on that

rock and that

rock is Christ of course. He is the living Word. You must be well searched

within it

whereby you know your place, your position and your duties.

Verse 5. "for My sword shall be bathed in heaven. Behold, it shall come down


Idumea" this of course is Edom which is Rush of today "and upon the people

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of my

curse" who are the people that are cursed? Amos chapter 8 verse 14. The

kenite. " to

 judgment" it's time. I've waited long enough. This is it. "to judgment" whose


God's judgment. "the sword of the Lord is full with blood and it is made fat

with fatness

and with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of ram of 

the land of 

Bozrah" in other words, our Father is ready.

Skip to verse 8. He speaks of His power. "for it is the day of the Lord's

vengeance" it's

what is going to happen. "and the year of recompense for the controversy of 

Zion." that

controversy has gone on for years and years. We are going to go into that a

little later into

tomorrow afternoon to be more specific in part. And what it means to you.

But that day

of vengeance is coming. Even as it is written in the great song of Moses that

those that

know and understand the mark of the beast. That you are not going to

receive his lies.

 You are not going to be deceived. Why? You are loaded and locked in God's

Word. You

are familiar with it. No one can lie to you and get away with it. Somebody

come up to

you and tell you this is what God is going to do this or that. You know what

He is going

to do. You've read the Word. God hates robbery. You should too. Robbery for


Sacrifices and offerings which means playing church. Playing house of God. If 

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word is not taught in a house, it is not a house of God. It is probably one of 

those things

He calls a house of harlotry. Because if you mess around with satan`s

traditions, that's

what you are doing. You are practicing idolatry which is a type of harlotry.


yourself for false teachings. Don't fall into that trap. We are too close to the

end, my

friend. Stay on solid ground. You know, in helping people, never be afraid to

wade in but

know before you wade in you are not going in over your ankles. I mean, youplay a

packed hand, that's probably an old terminology that I shouldn't have used.

Well, it's nice

to have a packed hand, it is. Anyway, we have one actually. That means a

winning hand,

I will put it that way for the young people. I mean you really have a winning

hand and

you can count on it. Hey, double everything. Double everything is pretty goodblessings

and our Father certainly grants that.

Let's see. We were in 34. Let's go to 35. Let's read a little further. Chapter 35.

Verse 1.

"the wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them and the desert

shall rejoice

and blossom as a rose" boy that hasn't happened yet. But it is going to.

When? Right at

the day of vengeance. "It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice even with joy

and singing.

 The glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it the excellence of Carmel and

Sharon" those

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are gardens, okay? It means just really plush "they shall see the glory of the

Lord and the

excellency of our God" everything about Him is excellent. Everything about

Him is fair.

Well, He was so hard on those people. Hey, they had it coming. That's fair.

When you

play, you pay. Period. That's it, alright? But He is excellent. Totally fair in

 judgment. He

makes sure that a person gets everything that they've got coming to him, all

in one day. I

don't know. What's in the book for you? Its something to think about, friend. I

say that

not to frighten you, but I want you to be on the side that has double


"strengthen ye the weak hands and confirm the feeble knees" comfort with

the good

news. That's what He is saying here. Comfort your family. Comfort those that

will listen.

Don't become a religious fanatic or make a fool out of yourself but comfort

"say to them

that are of a fearful heart, be strong. Fear not because your God will come


vengeance. Even God with a recompense. He will come and save you" now

should that

cause you any worry? Is it something that you should worry about? He is

coming alright.

With vengeance and with wrath. But what was His purpose concerning you?

 To saveyou. To kick them off of your back. And you know, its kind of like when you

are down

and out and have gone all the way to the devil, maybe they will listen

through the

millennium. You know we are sure going to try and we are going to see what

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there. But it still always comes back to one point. It is between each entity

and our Father

Himself. They make their own bed. Guess what? They sleep in it. That's the

way it goes.

 You make your bed. You sleep in it. That day of vengeance is coming. Well,

how are we

supposed to know? He told us. He gave us the geographical location to

observe and He

said to be patient. What does that mean? it means that you don't have to

worry about a

thing. When you are supposed to know, He will tell you but you have got towatch and

you can't be made a fool of. You can't play the fool. Do you know what

happens when

you listen to a fool? You become a bigger fool than he is. Well, how do I

prevent that?

Stay in God's Word. Stay focused. Its going down exactly the way it is written.

Five. "for the eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf shall


unstopped." who is going to do that? The Lord Jesus Christ. There's going to

be a change

of bodies. There isn't going to be any, well,

verse 6. "then shall the lame man leap as a hart." like a deer. A man that had

no legs at all

in the flesh body is going to run and jump fences like a deer. Well, I don't

know about

 jumping fences but maybe there won't be any fences there hopefully but "

and the tongue

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of the dumb sing for in the wilderness shall waters break out and streams in

the desert"

Christ is going to do that whenever He touches that moment at the seventh

trump and we

are all changed into those spiritual bodies. No aches. No pains. Everything on

the up.

And guess what? Some of you get double. Boy, that is something to think

about "and the

parched ground shall become a pool" there is going to be water, life "and the

thirsty land

springs of water, in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, shall be grass

with reeds

and rushes" the dragon is our enemy, of course. Where he was there is going

to be

nothing but peace " and an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be

called the

way of holiness, the unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for those,


wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein" in other words, why will

fools not err

therein? There isnot going to be any. They are gone. They are not allowed on

that road.

 That's why it is so important that we plant seeds as we do to save all that

can. "no lion

shall be there, or any ravenous beast shall go up thereon. It shall not be

found there. But

the redeemed shall walk there" why? In the spiritual body, the lion, a child

can play withone. They are a pet. God loves animals. Well, document that. Go back to

Isaiah chapter

11 and read it for yourself. Different time. Different subject.

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 Ten. "and the ransomed" well, who is that? The elect "shall return and come

to Zion with

songs and everlasting joy upon their heads, and shall obtain joy and

gladness, and sorrow

and sighing shall flee away" there is just not going to be any tears. Not going

to be any

sorrow because at the end of the millennium when this total restoration takes

place, there

is going to be another way besides this one. Do you know what that way is? It

is a

swimming pool and it is hot. It is one of those hot tubs that I mean that

sucker is really

hot. It is called the lake of fire and they are going to walk that walk. And hey,


everyone that walks it will have been fairly judged, will have had every

opportunity to be

as you. To change as you or they would have from day one. Let's put it that

way. It is a

little late for one of those to have the same opportunity for those that have

been chosen

from the foundations of the world but, God still loves His children.Okay, I

want to go to

one more place. And I want you to remember something very carefully. Go to

the last

book in the old testament. I want to read you something special and we are

going to be

touching on this again on Sunday afternoon so remember this prophecy.

Malachi and doyou know what Malachi means? It means messenger. God's living Word is a

message to


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Chapter 4 verse 1 of Malachi, the last book of the old testament. Listen to it


carefully, this first verse "for behold the day cometh" it is going to "that will

burn as an

oven, and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble, and

the day that

cometh shall burn them up saith the Lord of hosts that it shall leave them

neither root nor

branch" do you know that that has never happened before? That didn't

happen at the close

of the first earth age. There is a special ingredient involved within that

statement and I

will bring that right to the surface for you. I just want you to make a mental

note of it. I

will be calling on in again for you mentally.

Verse 2. "but unto you that fear My Name, shall the Sun of righteousness

arise with

healing in His wings, and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall"


means you are not going to be penned anymore in stalls. You are going to be

free. Free to

go wherever so you choose. This is a terrible day He is talking about here for

the wicked.

 You understand? It is the day of vengeance. "and ye shall tread down the

wicked" now

wait a minute. God's elect are going to do what? What I want you to know is

there is a

part that some have thought that they have escaped, that you have a part in.

let's read it

again. "and ye shall tread down the wicked, and they shall be ashes under

the soles of 

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your" I repeat your "feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of 

hosts." o man.

Well, I thought that all I had to do was plant seed. That is. But the day of 

vengeance is

coming and you are a part of it. God didn't say that I was the one who was

going to do

this. Not all of it. So, just make a mental note of that. In passing. We are

going to come

back to that. Not to the verse but you will understand Sunday afternoon.

Verse 4. "Remember ye the law of Moses, my servant which I commanded

unto him at

Horeb for all Israel" for how much? All. "with the statutes and judgments" it is

still there.

It still applies "behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of 

the great

and dreadful day of the Lord. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the


and the heart of the children to their fathers. Lest I come and smite the earth

with a

curse."Do you know? Elijah never died. So he will not be born of a woman as

we all have

been. God took him off in a fancy vehicle. Boy I would love to fly that sucker.

It would

be fun. Wouldn't it? Zip. Zap. There's things that I don't think you can ride in

in a flesh

body but I will say that much, transfigured, fine. But anyway, be prepared.

God has that

messenger. John the Baptist only came in the spirit of Elijah. Elijah did not

come. John

the Baptist was born of Elizabeth. He was a flesh man. So was Elijah quite

frankly but

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originally he was born of a woman. I have to be careful here. I'm saying

reborn. That

doesn't happen. Alright? So many might say. Well, I think I am Elijah. I'm

sorry, we have

already got one. He is with the Father. And the Father promises that he is

coming back.

So don't listen to goof balls and nut heads. Alright? That try to make


something, God only knows, I guess they need something in their life maybe,

I don't

know but anyway. We have him. But you are kind of in the ministry that does

change the

hearts of the children to the fathers plural. You are going to drive them to the

devil or to

God. One or the other. You always make sure that you leave the choice up to

them. Let

them pick their own course. It isn't nice to tell somebody to go to hell, very

often. You

might suggest that if they are not careful that they might be getting a ticket.

Or something

of that nature.

In closing. Back up to chapter 3. This is beautiful because Malachi meaning


there is a special message for you. Verse 1 chapter 3 Malachi "behold, I will

send my

messenger and he shall prepare the way before me and the Lord whom ye

seek, shall

suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant whom ye

delight in,

behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts" not maybe. Not perhaps. And

you would

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be afraid? God has sent you a message. He has given you the Word. He has

given you

power of all of your enemies, now what in the world else would you want?

Other than

that loving touching hand of God. I guess the question is, do you exercise it?


your power and authority over evil. Something evil comes on around your

home, don't

pet it. I mean, kick it out. Do not put up with it. Anoint your home and tell

satan where to

go. Its alright to tell him to go to hell because he has already got a ticket.

Verse 2. ""but who can abide in the day of his coming?" you can. It is not

going to burn

you at all. But it is going to touch you and it is going to be wonderful. "and

who shall

stand when he appeared? For he is like a refiners fire, and like fullers soap" I

want you to

make a mental note of that. Fire is a very cleansing thing and everything you

have ever

done is going to be tested by fire that you have not repented of if it be evil. If 

it is good,

even your righteous acts are going to be tested by this fire, like if your

righteous acts are

as silver or gold, fire can't hurt it. You are in good standing. So it is going to

happen. But

boy is it bad if you are wicked. If you are one of these that say 'God doesn't

notice me'.

He is your Father. You are the only one like you that He's got. The only one

that has your

particular DNA or your fingerprints. You are special to Him. Act like it.

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Verse 3. "He shall sit as the refiner and purifier of silver, and he shall purify

the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto

the Lord an offering in righteousness. Then shall the offering of Judah and

 Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord, as in the days of old and in the former

years." do you know what is going to happen to some? Listen carefully.

Verse 5 to conclude "and I will come near to you to judgment" and that is

good, beloved,

because do you know what judgment is for you with righteous acts? Its

reward, payday.

And to those that have a load of dirty laundry, payday also. You get

everything that you

have coming to you in one day. Bang. "and I will be a swift witness againstthe sorcerers,

and against the adulterers, and against false swearers" those that would say

that they are

teaching my Word and are not "and against those that oppress" or defraud

"the hireling in

his wages, the widow and the fatherless and that turn aside the stranger from

his right,

and fear not me" that is to say loves not me "saith the Lord of hosts" OurFather even

though He is the Creator of all things and is the Father of every soul that has

ever lived,

He is really pretty easy to please. All you really have to do is try and seek His


He will give it. He will lead you and guide you. Now what was my point in this


lecture? I want you to watch Jerusalem. All prophecy concerning the end, the

day of 

vengeance hinges on Jerusalem. Don't let some idiot pull you off track and

have you

gazing off somewhere else. I might say Jesus would say it better than in Mark

13 'hey if 

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they tell you he is in the desert, if they tell you he is back there behind those

boonies over

there or something like that, don't you believe it' Why? Because He already

told you that

it is going to be in Judea. So it is important that you let that settle in your

mind especially

now. And that was the point. That the day of vengeance is fast approaching

and there are

so many teachings that I felt it necessary to teach a message strictly on focus

on prophecy

on watch. If Jesus said it was Judea, if Jesus said it was Jerusalem, why would

you look

somewhere else? I mean they are writing books, idiot sheets, this is going to

happen and

that is going to happen but it has nothing, no resemblance to God's Word. I

don't like to

see people deceived. Simply observe God's Word, where He says it is going

to happen

and friend you can count on it. And I am going to tell you something. When

you don't

focus, do you know what happens when you look away? When you get side


 There is a whole lot that is going to go on that you are not going to know

about. And

there could be a day coming that where that could be real harmful to you, to

miss a sign.

 To not be prepared spiritually and mentally to what is going to be going down

at thattime. Because is you are not familiar with Father's Word, you don't know

what to look

for. Or what is your duty in this? We have touched on that. Let me assure

you. You do

have a duty. We will be talking more about that tonight.

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Don't miss the two churches.