jengkolic acid

Jengkolic acid ETATUTWUNI 0911013101

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Post on 20-Feb-2015




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Jengkol acid or acid jengkolat (International: jengkolic acid) is an amino acid that has the atomic sulfur . This compound is composed of two amino acids cysteine group tied together by a single methyl on the sulfur atom. [1] The name IUPAC his is an acid (2R)-2-amino-3- (2R)-2-amino-3-hydroxy-3 oksopropilsulfanilmetilsulfanil ] propanoate. Jengkol acid contained in the seed jering (jengkol) commonly eaten raw or after boiling. Isolation of acids was first


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Jengkolic acid


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Jengkol acid or acid jengkolat (International: jengkolic acid) is an amino acid that has the atomic sulfur . This compound is composed of two amino acids cysteine group tied together by a single methyl on the sulfur atom. [1] The name IUPAC his is an acid (2R)-2-amino-3- (2R)-2-amino-3-hydroxy-3 -oksopropilsulfanilmetilsulfanil ] propanoate. Jengkol acid contained in the seed jering (jengkol) commonly eaten raw or after boiling.

Isolation of acids was first done by Van Veen and Hyman [2] from the urine of the population who experience toxicity jering. They succeeded in isolating crystals of this acid from the seeds jering using barium hydroxide (Ba (OH) 2) at 30 ° C and wait for some time. [3]

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Furthermore, the report shows there are about 20 grams of acid per 1 kg jengkolat jengkol fresh seeds (20 permil) with 12 to 35 permil variations depending on varieties . It is well known, other legume seeds also contain less of this acid: Leucaena esculenta (2.2 g / kg) and Pithecolobium ondulatum (2.8 g / kg). [4]

It is this acid that is responsible for impaired disposal of urine (urine) known as "kejengkolan" or jengkoleun in Sundanese . Kejengkolan jengkol occurs because acid will precipitate to form fine crystalline needles when met with the urine acidic . These crystals can damage the tissue wall of the kidney and urinary tract. Handling is by drinking water plants that react ash alkali / alkaline . Jengkol boiled or processed into chips , has been reduced jengkolatnya acid levels.

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jengkolic acid poisoning

Consumption jengkol that too much can lead to poisoning, which in Sundanese known as jengkoleun. Poisoning occurs because of inhibition of the urinary tract (urogenital tract) by jengkolat acid crystals precipitate.

The signs usually appear affected jengkoleun great soreness in the waist, pain continues to be churned. Difficult urination and pain when urinating it feels not to play even often mixed with blood.

Patients may experience seizures due withstand excruciating pain. But after a few hours, the symptoms will disappear by itself. This is possible because in the Latin name Pithecolobium jengkol jiringa contained compounds called acid jengkolat. If our blood pH neutral, acid jengkolat safe. But if you tend to be acidic (pH less than 7), jengkolat acid forming insoluble crystals.

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Jengkolat crystalline form of fine needles are not invisible, that both ends are very sharp stabbing the wall of the urinary tract. As a result, the pain arises whenever urinating. Due to insistent jab, urinary tract will shrink. It could even lead to bleeding, so that the urine becomes red with blood.

Jengkol will leave a substance called jengkolat acid (jencolid acid) in the digestive system that discharged into the kidney called jengkoleun or jengkolan. Jengkolan jengkolat occurs when acids that are difficult to dissolve in water eventually settles in the kidneys, forming solid crystals can result in difficult to dispose of urine. If our blood pH neutral, acid jengkolat safe, but if you tend to be acidic (pH less than 7), jengkolat acid forming insoluble crystals.

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kidney damage caused by acid jengkolatMolecules in the kidney jengkol acid can pass through the semipermeable membrane of glomerulus. Albumin alone can not pass through the membrane It therefore has a molecule that is too large. So serum albumin and acid complex dissociates so jengkol produce serum albumin and acid-free and jengkol jengkol the free acid across the membrane glomerular and contained in ultrafiltrat glomerulus. Still there is a possibility that in addition to filtration through glomerular jengkol acid secretion also occurs actively through renal tubuli, but this still needs more proof up.

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Jengkol acid which is now contained in ultrafiltrat easy to crystallize into crystals because no there is another protein that makes it more soluble as occurs in the blood. Especially on the next trip going back a number of water absorption by the declining dent of Henle. All of this causes acid jengkol reach the saturation point (oversaturated) and jengkol acid crystals form as needles are sharp.

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Benefits Jengkol First jengkol, after examination and laboratory

tested, turned out to contain high fiber, jengkolat acids, vitamins (though not yet clear kind) as well as minerals. The efficacy of jengkol according to health experts who I know from wikipedia site are as follows:

• Can facilitate the process of defecation / laxative, is because jengkol contain high fiber.

• Then jengkol also can prevent diabetes / diabetes, perhaps because the content of acids and minerals.

• And the third was jengkol can prevent coronary heart disease

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Outside the affairs of the smell and acid content jengkolat cause of poisoning, including real jengkol nutrient-rich food. The results show, jengkol rich in carbohydrate, protein, vitamins A, B, and C, phosphorus, calcium, alkaloids, volatile oil, steroids, glycosides, tannins, and saponins. In fact, protein content jengkol still higher than the tempe (18.3 grams per 100 grams of material) which has been touted as a source of high protein vegetable food.

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Nutrient composition in 100 grams of beans Jengkol Substance Nutrition Levels

Energy (kcal) 133 Protein (g) 23.3 Carbohydrates (g) 20.7 Vitamin A (SI) 240 Vitamin B (mg) 0.7 Vitamin C (mg) 80 Phosphorus (mg) 166.7 Calcium (mg) 140 Iron (mg) 4.7 Water (g) 49.5

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For the record, the rate of nutrient adequacy of vitamin C recommended daily allowance is 75 mg for adult women and 90 mg for adult men. This means, to meet the requirement of vitamin C per day, we consume enough jengkol about 100 grams.

Among the roles of vitamin C:

(1) oxidation of phenylalanine to tyrosine, (2) reduction of ferric to ferrous ions in the digestive tract, making it easier to absorb iron, (3) release of iron from transferrin in the plasma to be merged into ferritin (savings iron) network, (4) conversion of folic acid into active form, ie folinat acid, and (5) play a role in the formation of steroid hormones from cholesterol.

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Because jengkol rich in iron, do not be surprised if jengkol often recommended for people with anemia. Jengkol also very good for bone health because of the high calcium content, ie 140 mg/100 g. The role of calcium in general can be divided into two, namely to help build bones and teeth, and regulate biological processes in the body. Thus, under the effect of the smell, actually many benefits derived from eating jengkol.

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• Jengkol acid or acid 3,3 '- [metilenbis (tio)] bis (2-aminopropanoat). Jengkolat acid having a molecular structure that resembles the amino acid cysteine which contains sulfur element, thus participating in the formation of odor. Molecule is present in free form and difficult to dissolve into the water. Therefore a certain amount of jengkolat acid can form crystals.

• Jengkol acid having a melting point or melting point as high as 300-330 degrees centigrade. Forming colorless crystals, which form a needle or spindle (spindle). Jengkol acid is odorless. Jengkol distinctive odor is not caused by acid jengkol, but by the description jengkol acid.

• As amino acids, acid jengkol are amphoteric, that is soluble in acid or alkali. However, because has a chemical structure very similar to cystine, which is also a sulfur amino acid berunsur, then as well as acid cystine jengkol not or hardly soluble in water with a pH span of biologics.