jeffrey karczewski science project

The ABC's of an by Jeffrey Karczewski

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Post on 23-Mar-2016




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For Jeffrey's Science Project, he created an ABC book about Earthquakes.


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The ABC's of an

byJeffrey Karczewski

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A is for Aftershock. An aftershock is a smallearthquake after a main earthquake but not aspowerful.

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B is for Bedrock. This is relatively hard, solid

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rock that commonly underlies softer rock. Thisis safer in an earthquake.

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C is for Crust. Crust is the outer layer of theearth.

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D is for Damage. An earthquake causes a lot ofdamage.

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E is for Epicenter. An epicenter is the point ofthe earthquake

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San Andreas Fault

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San Andreas Fault 'lB,

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F is for Fault Line. A fault line is the surfacetrace of a fault.

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G is for Geolosv. Scientists use geology fortracking where an earthquake will be next.

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H is for Hazard. Seismichazard is where twoconstantly moving plates meet.

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Eqrthquoke lntensityrOnly instrumonts detect theeorlhq.roke.A'ow peope rclice lne 61crkng.Mo"ry p,eopb i^doors fee snokirg.I ong.r g cbjecls swi.rg.Feop16 outdocrs rroy fael groundshaking. Dishes. winoows. ondciocys raftloSleeoing people cre owo(enec.)oors swng: obiects ioll fromshelves.|)aopie hdv6 trouhle wclklng,lomoge is sitghi in poorty-tcuttbulldings.t*p'" have difficulty stonding.f,omoge E consrderobte rn popr1tbuil'l buildngs.)driers hove lrocble s:eering.)OOdy b,Llr Str.rctrjrss s!ffer s€Verecomoge, chlr.rneys rrov foll.

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I is for lntensity. This is how strong anearthquake is.

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J is for Jello. A wiggling Jello cube is a good

example of how buildings "wiggle" during anearthquake.

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lndo-Austalian Plate

K is for Kinematic. Kinematic is the generalmovement patterns and directions of the earthsrocks that produce rock formations.

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L is for Lava. Lava causes sea floor spreading.Sea floor spreading causes earthquakes.

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M is for Magnitude. Magnitude is the measureof the energy of an earthquake.

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N is for Noise. An earthquake produces ALOTof noise.

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b#O is for Oceans. A lot of earthquakes happenon the ocean floor.

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The Richterscale

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R is for Richter Scale. The Richter Scale wasdesigned by Charles Richter. He applied anumber to how powerful an earthquake was.

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S is for Seismosraph. This is a machine thatrecords the P-Waves produced by anearthquake.

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T is for Tsunami. A tsunami is a really big wavethat can go up to speeds of 800mph. Tsunamisare often caused by earthquakes in the oceanfloor.

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U is for Uplift. This happens when hrvo plates ofthe earth's core collide and one goes above theother.

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V is for Volcano. Earthquakes often occurwhere Volcanos are, due to the movement ofmagma in Volcanos.

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W is for Weqener. Alfred Wegener. He came upwith the theory of continental drift. His theoryhelped scientists learn about how the earthsplates shift and move.

Thc distribution of qlacial features can be bcst explainedif the conttnents we*re part of Par€aca.