jeffersonianism and the era of good feelings chapter 8 1801-1824

Jeffersonianism and the Era of Good Feelings Chapter 8 1801-1824

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Page 1: Jeffersonianism and the Era of Good Feelings Chapter 8 1801-1824

Jeffersonianism and the Era of Good Feelings

Chapter 8


Page 2: Jeffersonianism and the Era of Good Feelings Chapter 8 1801-1824


• How did Jefferson’s philosophy of government affect his administration?

• Why did Jefferson’s Republican Party split into warring factions?

• Why did Jefferson’s successor, James Madison, ask Congress to declare war on Great Britain?

• How did war in Europe both endanger and benefit the United States?

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The Age of Thomas Jefferson 1801-1805

• Jefferson and Jeffersonianism– Thomas Jefferson- intellectual, scientist,

inventor, statesman– Author of the Declaration of Independence– “All men Are Created Equal”– Did not believe in mixing the races for equality– Sally Hemmings– Distrusted Federal power/Louisiana Purchase– Educated Farmer class should govern

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Jefferson’s Revolution

• Attempted to repeal Federalists measures/ Alien and Sedition Acts

• Reduced National Debt, Reduced Taxes,

• Cut Military Spending and Diplomacy Spending

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Jefferson and the Judiciary

• Wanted Judiciary Act of 1801 Repealed

• Wanted partisan Federalist judges removed

• Marbury vs. Madison- Judicial Review

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The Louisiana Purchase 1803

• Napoleon defeats Spain and gains control of Louisiana• Jefferson sends James Monroe and Robert Livingston to

France with a request to purchase new Orleans for $15 million.

• Napoleon agrees to sell all of the Louisiana Territory for $15 million.

• Constitution did not explicitly give the federal government power to buy land

• Jefferson was a strict constructionist

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The Election of 1804

• Jefferson nominated for a second term along with George Clinton/ not Aaron Burr

• Federalists nominate Charles Pinckney and Rufus King

• Louisiana Purchase, tax and debt reduction win Jefferson a second term

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The Lewis and Clark Expedition

• Jefferson request funding to explore the newly acquired territory

• Meriwether Lewis and William Clark are chosen to lead the expedition

• Expedition begins in 1804 and followed the Missouri, Snake and Columbia Rivers to reach the Pacific

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The Gathering Storm 1805-1812

• Napoleonic Wars

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Challenges on the Home Front

• Aaron Burr stirred up factions within the Democratic-Republican Party

• Aaron Burr arrested for treason for a conspiracy to separate the western states from the Union.

• Jefferson attacked by the Quids over Yazoo Land Scandal and “Republican Virtue”

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The Suppression of American Trade and Impressment

• British and French forbade American shipping from entering the other’s ports.

• Both seized American Shipping• HMS Leopard attacked USS Chesapeake and

impressed it’s crewman• Jefferson attempted to avoid war

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The Embargo Act of 1807

• Jefferson intended this act to be peaceful coercion

• Hoped that economic pressure would make France and Great Britain respect US trading rights

• Proved disastrous to the American Economy

• New England suffered most

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James Madison and the Failure of Peaceable Coercion

• Federalist Party is revived because they blamed Jefferson for Economic problems

• Madison (Rep) wins the election of 1808 against Charles Pinckney (Fed)

• Embargo Act is repealed and replaced by non-intercourse act- this and Macon’s Bill #2 were no more successful than Embargo Act

• War Hawks gained more support to go to war against either Great Britain or French

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Tecumseh and the Prophet

• War Hawks wanted Canada as well

• Tecumseh and his brother The Prophet (Shawnee) tried to unify Ohio and Indiana Indian tribes against white settlers

• William Henry Harrison defeats the prophet at the Battle of Tippecanoe

• Tecumseh joins forces with the British

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Congress votes for War

• June 1, 1812 Madison asks for a declaration of war

• Federalists vote no, Republicans vote yes– Incitement of the Indians– Restrictions on US Shipping– Recession in the South and West blamed on

the British– Belief that Britain was trying to eliminate

economic rival (US)

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The War of 1812

• On to Canada– America attempts to conquer Canada– British take Detroit– Oliver H. Perry successful on Lake Eire– William Henry Harrison wins Battle of Thames

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The British Offensive

• British take and burn Washington

• British fail to take Baltimore– National Anthem

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The Treaty of Ghent

• Restored pre-war status quo

• Battle of New Orleans fought two weeks later- R-E-S-P-E-C-T

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The Hartford Convention

• Election of 1812 Anti-War Republicans and Federalists support De Witt Clinton for President

• Group of Federalists meet in Hartford Conn. in March of 1814, Anti-War Protest

• Federalist are defeated by James Monroe in the Election of 1816 and 1820 and the Party all but disappears

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The Awakening of American Nationalism

• Madison’s Nationalism and the Era of Good Feelings 1817-1824– Political Consensus and Spirit of Nationalism– New National Bank– Protective Tariff– Slavery is the split

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John Marshall and the Supreme Court

• Power of the Federal Government is strengthened

• Dartmouth College vs. Woodward- no state interference in contracts

• McCulloch vs. Maryland- States cannot interfere with Federal law, power, bank

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The Missouri Compromise

• Missouri applies for statehood

• Sectional debate over slavery

• Balance 11 free, 11 slave

• 1820– Missouri slave– Maine- Free– 36-30 line for slavery issues

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Foreign Policy under Monroe

• John Quincy Adams- secretary of state– Rush- Bagot Agreement- demilitarized the

border between US and Canada– British-American Convention- Resolved

boundary issues between US and Canada, joint occupation of Oregon Territory

– Adams-Onis Treaty- US gets Florida

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The Monroe Doctrine

• December on 1823• US stays out of

European Affairs• Europe does not

interfere in the western Hemisphere

• Any interference would be looked upon as an act of war