javacro 2014 spring security 3 speech

Securing web applications with Spring Security 3 Fernando Redondo Ramírez @pronoide_fer

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Slides of my talk at JavaCro 2014: Securing web applications with Spring Security 3


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Securing web applications with Spring Security 3

Fernando Redondo Ramírez


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• Who am I?

• A brief introduction to

Spring Security

• Hands on

• Furthermore

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Whoami• Entrepreneur and Business Manager at Pronoide

since 2003

• Java & Friends Trainer (JEE, Spring, Groovy, Maven, Jenkins, Sonar,

Weblogic, Jboss, Websphere, Disco Dancing and so )

• Doing things with Java from 1999 on

• Computer Engineer

• Happily married and proud father of two children

• I used to wanna be a physics scientist and I really do love

X-files series

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Brief Introduction to Spring Security

• Isn’t Security within JEE a standard feature?

Yes indeed, but:

• JEE Security ⇒ It’s constraint based

• JEE Security ⇒ It only defines a secured perimeter

• JEE Security ⇒ its features are depending on each

App Server (Realms, SSO, Cipher, etc)

• JEE Security ⇒ Secured JEE Applications can’t

easily move across different platforms or between

server versions

• JEE Security ⇒ Complex to adapt to Web 2.0 or

changing requirements

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Brief Introduction to Spring Security

• Why use Spring Security then?


• Spring Security ⇒ It’s granted based

• Spring Security ⇒ Both perimeter and


• Spring Security ⇒ Features independent of the

App Server

• Spring Security ⇒ Transportable Secured JEE


• Spring Security ⇒ Adaptable and versatile

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Brief Introduction to Spring Security

• Architecture and we are done!

Spring Security 3internals



Web Requests

Web/HTTP Security

Security filter chain









Business Methods

Business Object (Method) Security

Proxies/Security Interceptors

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Your next mission

I need to put security

within our FBI X-Files


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Hands on! (Later at home)

Before start, you have to…

1. Install git in your computer

2. Download Spring Tool Suite 3.5

3. Start Spring Tool Suite 3.5 (STS) and choose or

create a workspace (remember run it with a JDK)

4. Download and unzip it into workspace


5. Pace yourself! It’s all quite straightforward…

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FBI X Files webapp

Import webapp (File/Import/Git/Proyect from Git)

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FBI X Files webappRun webapp!

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Stage: Setup Spring Security in webapp

i. Setup a interceptor filter for all web requests

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Stage: Setup Spring Security in webapp

ii. Create a new spring bean configuration file with the least

config and load through web.xml context parameter

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Stage: Setup Spring Security in webapp

iii. Explicitly config login / logout procedures

iv. Fix issues with resources, images and CSS files

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FBI X Files webapp

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Stage: Setup Spring Security in webapp

v. Encrypt user’s paswords via Spring Security Crypto Module

• Encode passwords

• Configure algorithm and salt field. Then use passwords

within security config file

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Stage: Setup Spring Security in webapp

vi. Add Remember Me feature to users login process

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Stage: Setup Spring Security in webapp

vii. Secure transport channel (HTTPS)

• Setup constrains and ports

• Configure tomcat server (create SSL connector)

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Stage: Setup Spring Security in webapp

viii. Session expiration control

ix. Session concurrency control

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Stage: Setup Spring Security in webapp

x. JSP tag library usage (Spring Security Taglibs)

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Stage: Setup Spring Security in webapp

xi. SpEL usage to protect URLs (Spring Expression Language)

xii. SpEL usage with Spring security taglib

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what have you done!

Is there only security in

the web resources

access? Is that the very

best you can make it?

Try this URL and watch what is gonna happen:


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Stage: Setup Spring Security in business methods

xii. Secure business method invocations thru Spring Security


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Stage: Setup Spring Security in business methods

xiii. Secure business method invocations thru AspectJ pointcuts

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Stage: Setup Spring Security in business methods

xiv. Secure business method invocations thru SpEL (Pre Invocation)

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Much better! But…

What are you doing viewing files

that aren’t yours?

How come you are able to access to

your sister’s files?

And why are you accessing at this

time of the day?

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Stage: Setup Spring Security in an hierarchical way

xv. Secure business method invocations thru SpEL (Post Invocation)

xvi. Secure business method invocations thru SpEL (Result Filtering)

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Stage: Setup Spring Security in an hierarchical way

xvii. Customization of access voters

• Code a new voter

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Stage: Setup Spring Security in an hierarchical way

xviii.Customization of access voters (continuation)

• Dismiss Spring Security auto-config and reveal actual config

• Customize Access decision manager behavior

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Stage: Spring Security Extras

xix. Customization of security filter chain (Example A)

• Create custom filter

• Place it within the filter chain

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Stage: Spring Security Extras

xx. Customization of security filter chain (Example B)

• Create custom filter

• Place it within the filter chain

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The smoking man

All of these features about Spring

Security are pretty fine, but I can

always leverage a Java2 attack:


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Beyond this talk

• Not implicit but explicit configs

• ACL’s management

• Autentification with DataSources,

LDAP, X509, OPENID, JEE, etc

• Captcha

• Single Sign On

• Java Config

“… in most of my work, the laws of physics rarely seems to apply.”

Fox Mulder 1x01 "Pilot"

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[email protected]

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Apendix: Hands on (Later at home)! Navigate along the project code with git presenter

1. Install jruby or ruby

2. Install git presenter (gem install git_presenter)

3. When the code is ready use the "git-presenter init" command to initialize

4. Once it is initialized you can start the presentation with "git-presenter start"

5. Then use the following commands to navigate the presentation

• next/n: move to the next slide (commit)

• back/b: move to the back slide (commit)

• end/e: move to the end of presentation

• start/s: move to the start of presentation

• list/l : list slides in presentation

• help/h: display this message