japanese linguistics in lucene and solr

Japanese linguistics in Apache Lucene™ and Apache Solr™ Christian Moen [email protected] May 9th, 2012

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Presented by Christian Moen, Founder and CEO Atilika Inc - See conference video - http://www.lucidimagination.com/devzone/events/conferences/lucene-revolution-2012 This talk gives an introduction to searching Japanese text and an overview of the new Japanese search features available out-of-the-box in Lucene and Solr. Atilika developed a new Japanese morphological analyzer (Kuromoji) in 2010 when they couldn't find any easy-to-use, high-quality morphological analyzer in Java that was good for both search and other Japanese NLP tasks. Kuromoji was built with the goal of donating it to the Apache Software Foundation in order to make Japanese work well for both Lucene and Solr, and is now a standard part of these software packages.


Page 1: Japanese Linguistics in Lucene and Solr

Japanese linguisticsin Apache Lucene™ and Apache Solr™

Christian [email protected]

May 9th, 2012

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About me• MSc. in computer science, University of Oslo, Norway• Worked with search at FAST (now Microsoft) for 10 years

• 5 years in R&D building FAST Enterprise Search Platform in Oslo, Norway• 5 years in Services doing solution delivery, sales, etc. in Tokyo, Japan

• Founded アティリカ株式会社 in 2009• We help companies innovate using search technologies and good ideas• We know information retrieval, natural language processing and big data• We are based in Tokyo, but we have clients everywhere

• Newbie Lucene & Solr Committer• Mostly been working on Japanese language support (Kuromoji) so far

• Please write me on [email protected] or [email protected]

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Today’s topics

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Today’s topics

• Japanese 101 - ordering beer and toasting

• Japanese language processing

• Japanese features in Lucene/Solr

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Today’s topics

• Japanese 101 - ordering beer and toasting

• Japanese language processing

• Japanese features in Lucene/Solr

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Today’s topics

• Japanese 101 - ordering beer and toasting

• Japanese language processing

• Japanese features in Lucene/Solr

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Japanese 101

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ビールくださいbi-ru kudasai

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ビールくださいbi-ru kudasai

A beer, please

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ありがとうございます!arigatō gozaimasu!

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Thank you very much!

arigatō gozaimasu!

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JR新宿駅の近くにビールを飲みに行こうか?JR Shinjuku eki no chikaku ni bi-ru ō nomi ni ikō ka?

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Shall we go for a beer near JR Shinjuku station?

JR Shinjuku eki no chikaku ni bi-ru ō nomi ni ikō ka?

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Romaji - ローマ字・Latin characters (26+)・Used for proper nouns, etc.


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Katakana - カタカナ・Phonetic script (~50)・Typically used for loan words


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Kanji - 漢字・Chinese characters (50,000+)・Used for stems & proper nouns


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Hiragana - ひらがな・Phonetic script (~50)・Used for inflections & particles


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Katakana - カタカナ・Phonetic script・Typically used for loan words


Kanji - 漢字・Chinese characters (50,000+)・Used for stems & proper nouns

Hiragana - ひらがな・Phonetic script (~50)・Used for inflections & particles

Romaji - ローマ字・Latin characters (26+)・Used for proper nouns, etc.

Katakana - カタカナ・Phonetic script (~50)・Typically used for loan words

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What are the words in this sentence??

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What are the words in this sentence?Words are implicit in Japanese - there is no white space that separates them


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How do we index this for search, then??

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How do we index this for search, then?We need to segment text into tokens first


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1. n-gramming2. morphological analysis

(statistical approach)

Two major approaches for segmentation!

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n-gramming (n=2)JR新宿駅の近くにビールを飲みに行こうか?

Shall we go for a beer near JR Shinjuku station?

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n-gramming (n=2)JR新宿駅の近くにビールを飲みに行こうか?




Shall we go for a beer near JR Shinjuku station?

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n-gramming (n=2)JR新宿駅の近くにビールを飲みに行こうか?





Shall we go for a beer near JR Shinjuku station?

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n-gramming (n=2)JR新宿駅の近くにビールを飲みに行こうか?






Shall we go for a beer near JR Shinjuku station?

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n-gramming (n=2)JR新宿駅の近くにビールを飲みに行こうか?







Shall we go for a beer near JR Shinjuku station?

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n-gramming (n=2)JR新宿駅の近くにビールを飲みに行こうか?








Shall we go for a beer near JR Shinjuku station?

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n-gramming (n=2)JR新宿駅の近くにビールを飲みに行こうか?









Shall we go for a beer near JR Shinjuku station?

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n-gramming (n=2)JR新宿駅の近くにビールを飲みに行こうか?










Shall we go for a beer near JR Shinjuku station?

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Problems with n-gramming

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Problems with n-grammingJRR新新宿宿駅駅のの近近く ...

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Problems with n-grammingJRR新新宿宿駅駅のの近近く ...●

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Problems with n-grammingJRR新新宿宿駅駅のの近近く ...


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Problems with n-grammingJRR新新宿宿駅駅のの近近く ...

×● ●

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Problems with n-grammingJRR新新宿宿駅駅のの近近く ...

× ×● ●change ofsemantics!

means ‘post town’, ‘relay station’ or ‘stage’

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Problems with n-grammingJRR新新宿宿駅駅のの近近く ...

× × ×● ●change ofsemantics!

means ‘post town’, ‘relay station’ or ‘stage’

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Problems with n-grammingJRR新新宿宿駅駅のの近近く ...

× × × ×● ●change ofsemantics!

means ‘post town’, ‘relay station’ or ‘stage’

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Problems with n-grammingJRR新新宿宿駅駅のの近近く ...

× × × ×● ● ●change ofsemantics!

means ‘post town’, ‘relay station’ or ‘stage’

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Problems with n-grammingJRR新新宿宿駅駅のの近近く ...

× × × ×● ● ●change ofsemantics!

means ‘post town’, ‘relay station’ or ‘stage’

• Does not preserve meaning well and often changes semantics• Impacts on ranking - search precision (many false positives)

Generates many terms per document or queryImpacts on index size and search performance

Sometimes appropriate for certain search applicationsCompliance, e-commerce with non product names, ...

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Problems with n-grammingJRR新新宿宿駅駅のの近近く ...

× × × ×● ● ●change ofsemantics!

means ‘post town’, ‘relay station’ or ‘stage’

• Does not preserve meaning well and often changes semantics• Impacts on ranking - search precision (many false positives)

• Also generates many terms per document or query• Impacts on index size and performance

Sometimes appropriate for certain search applicationsCompliance, e-commerce with non product names, ...

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Problems with n-grammingJRR新新宿宿駅駅のの近近く ...

× × × ×● ● ●change ofsemantics!

means ‘post town’, ‘relay station’ or ‘stage’

• Does not preserve meaning well and often changes semantics• Impacts on ranking - search precision (many false positives)

• Also generates many terms per document or query• Impacts on index size and performance

• Still sometimes appropriate for certain search applications• Compliance, e-commerce with special product names, ...

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Morphological analysisJR新宿駅の近くにビールを飲みに行こうか?

Shall we go for a beer near JR Shinjuku station?

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Morphological analysisJR新宿駅の近くにビールを飲みに行こうか?

Shall we go for a beer near JR Shinjuku station?


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Morphological analysisJR新宿駅の近くにビールを飲みに行こうか?

Shall we go for a beer near JR Shinjuku station?

●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●JR新宿駅の近くにビールを飲みに行こうか?

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Morphological analysisJR新宿駅の近くにビールを飲みに行こうか?


Shall we go for a beer near JR Shinjuku station?

• Tokens reflect what a Japanese speaker consider as words• Machine-learned statistical approach

• CRFs decoded using Viterbi• Also does part-of-speech tagging, readings for kanji, etc.

• Several statistical models available with high accuracy (F > 0.97)• Models/dictionaries are available as IPADIC, UniDic, ...

●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Page 52: Japanese Linguistics in Lucene and Solr

Morphological analysisJR新宿駅の近くにビールを飲みに行こうか?


Shall we go for a beer near JR Shinjuku station?

• Tokens reflect what a Japanese speaker consider as words• Machine-learned statistical approach

• Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) decoded using Viterbi• Also does part-of-speech tagging, extract readings for kanji, etc.

• Several statistical models available with high accuracy (F > 0.97)• Models/dictionaries are available as IPADIC, UniDic, ...

●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Page 53: Japanese Linguistics in Lucene and Solr

Morphological analysisJR新宿駅の近くにビールを飲みに行こうか?


Shall we go for a beer near JR Shinjuku station?

• Tokens reflect what a Japanese speaker consider as words• Machine-learned statistical approach

• Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) decoded using Viterbi• Also does part-of-speech tagging, readings for kanji, etc.

• Several statistical models available with high accuracy (F > 0.97)• Models/dictionaries are available as IPADIC, UniDic, ...

●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

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How does this actually work?

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Japanese support in Lucene and Solr

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Japanese in Lucene/Solr

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New feature in Lucene/Solr 3.6!

Japanese in Lucene/Solr

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New feature in Lucene/Solr 3.6!

Available out-of-the-box!

Japanese in Lucene/Solr

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New feature in Lucene/Solr 3.6!

Available out-of-the-box!

Easy to use with reasonable defaults!

Japanese in Lucene/Solr

Page 61: Japanese Linguistics in Lucene and Solr

New feature in Lucene/Solr 3.6!

Available out-of-the-box!

Easy to use with reasonable defaults!

Provides sophisticated Japanese linguistics!

Japanese in Lucene/Solr

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New feature in Lucene/Solr 3.6!

Available out-of-the-box!


Easy to use with reasonable defaults!

Provides sophisticated Japanese linguistics!

Japanese in Lucene/Solr

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How do we use it?

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Use JapaneseAnalyzer!

How do we use it?

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Use JapaneseAnalyzer!

Use field type “text_ja” in example schema.xml


How do we use it?

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Feature summary / text_ja analyzer chain


Segments Japanese text into tokens with very high accuracy• Token attributes for part-of-speech, base form, readings, etc. • Compound segmentation with compound synonyms• Segmentation is customisable using user dictionaries

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Segments Japanese text into tokens with very high accuracy• Token attributes for part-of-speech, base form, readings, etc. • Compound segmentation with compound synonyms• Segmentation is customisable using user dictionaries

JapaneseBaseFormFilter Adjective and verb lemmatisation (by reduction)

Feature summary / text_ja analyzer chain

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Segments Japanese text into tokens with very high accuracy• Token attributes for part-of-speech, base form, readings, etc. • Compound segmentation with compound synonyms• Segmentation is customisable using user dictionaries

JapaneseBaseFormFilter Adjective and verb lemmatisation (by reduction)

JapanesePartOfSpeechStopFilterStop-words removal based on part-of-speech tagsSee example/solr/conf/lang/stoptags_ja.txt

Feature summary / text_ja analyzer chain

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Segments Japanese text into tokens with very high accuracy• Token attributes for part-of-speech, base form, readings, etc. • Compound segmentation with compound synonyms• Segmentation is customisable using user dictionaries

JapaneseBaseFormFilter Adjective and verb lemmatisation (by reduction)

JapanesePartOfSpeechStopFilterStop-words removal based on part-of-speech tagsSee example/solr/conf/lang/stoptags_ja.txt

CJKWidthFilter Character width normalisation (fast Unicode NFKC subset)

Feature summary / text_ja analyzer chain

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Segments Japanese text into tokens with very high accuracy• Token attributes for part-of-speech, base form, readings, etc. • Compound segmentation with compound synonyms• Segmentation is customisable using user dictionaries

JapaneseBaseFormFilter Adjective and verb lemmatisation (by reduction)

JapanesePartOfSpeechStopFilterStop-words removal based on part-of-speech tagsSee example/solr/conf/lang/stoptags_ja.txt

CJKWidthFilter Character width normalisation (fast Unicode NFKC subset)

StopFilterStop-words removal

See example/solr/conf/lang/stopwords_ja.txt

Feature summary / text_ja analyzer chain

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Segments Japanese text into tokens with very high accuracy• Token attributes for part-of-speech, base form, readings, etc. • Compound segmentation with compound synonyms• Segmentation is customisable using user dictionaries

JapaneseBaseFormFilter Adjective and verb lemmatisation (by reduction)

JapanesePartOfSpeechStopFilterStop-words removal based on part-of-speech tagsSee example/solr/conf/lang/stoptags_ja.txt

CJKWidthFilter Character width normalisation (fast Unicode NFKC subset)

StopFilterStop-words removal

See example/solr/conf/lang/stopwords_ja.txt

JapaneseKatakanaStemFilter Normalises common katakana spelling variations

Feature summary / text_ja analyzer chain

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Segments Japanese text into tokens with very high accuracy• Token attributes for part-of-speech, base form, readings, etc. • Compound segmentation with compound synonyms• Segmentation is customisable using user dictionaries

JapaneseBaseFormFilter Adjective and verb lemmatisation (by reduction)

JapanesePartOfSpeechStopFilterStop-words removal based on part-of-speech tagsSee example/solr/conf/lang/stoptags_ja.txt

CJKWidthFilter Character width normalisation (fast Unicode NFKC subset)

StopFilterStop-words removal

See example/solr/conf/lang/stopwords_ja.txt

JapaneseKatakanaStemFilter Normalises common katakana spelling variations

LowerCaseFilter Lowercases

Feature summary / text_ja analyzer chain

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Feature details

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Compound nounsHow do we deal with compound nouns??

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Compound nounsHow do we deal with compound nouns??

Japanese English関西国際空港 Kansai International Airport

シニアソフトウェアエンジニア Senior Software Engineer

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Compound nounsHow do we deal with compound nouns??

Japanese English関西国際空港 Kansai International Airport

シニアソフトウェアエンジニア Senior Software Engineer

These are one word in Japanese, so searching for 空港 (airport) doesn’t match


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Compound nounsHow do we deal with compound nouns?

We need to segment the compounds, too



Japanese English関西国際空港 Kansai International Airport

シニアソフトウェアエンジニア Senior Software Engineer

These are one word in Japanese, so searching for 空港 (airport) doesn’t match


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Compound segmentation

関西国際空港Kansai International Airport


Senior Software Engineer

We are using a heuristic to implement this!

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Compound segmentation

関西国際空港Kansai International Airport



Senior Software Engineerシニア


We are using a heuristic to implement this!

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Compound segmentation

関西国際空港Kansai International Airport




Senior Software Engineerシニア



We are using a heuristic to implement this!

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Compound segmentation

関西国際空港Kansai International Airport





Senior Software Engineerシニア




We are using a heuristic to implement this!

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Compound synonym tokensPosition 1 Position 2 Position 3関西 国際 空港


• Segment the compounds into its part• Good for recall - we can also search and match 空港 (airport)

• We keep the compound itself as a synonym• Good for precision with an exact hit because of IDF

• Approach benefits both precision and recall for overall good ranking• JapaneseTokenizer actually returns a graph of tokens

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Compound synonym tokensPosition 1 Position 2 Position 3関西 国際 空港


• Segment the compounds into its parts• Good for recall - we can also search and match 空港 (airport)

• We keep the compound itself as a synonym• Good for precision with an exact hit because of IDF

• Approach benefits both precision and recall for overall good ranking• JapaneseTokenizer actually returns a graph of tokens

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Compound synonym tokensPosition 1 Position 2 Position 3関西 国際 空港


• Segment the compounds into its parts• Good for recall - we can also search and match 空港 (airport)

• We keep the compound itself as a synonym• Good for precision with an exact hit because of IDF

• Approach benefits both precision and recall for overall good ranking• JapaneseTokenizer actually returns a graph of tokens

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Compound synonym tokensPosition 1 Position 2 Position 3関西 国際 空港


• Segment the compounds into its parts• Good for recall - we can also search and match 空港 (airport)

• We keep the compound itself as a synonym• Good for precision with an exact hit because of IDF

• Approach benefits both precision and recall for overall good ranking• JapaneseTokenizer actually returns a graph of tokens

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Character width normalisationHow do we deal with character widths??

Half-width・半角 Full-width・全角Lucene Luceneカタカナ カタカナ123 1 2 3

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Character width normalisation

Half-width・半角 Full-width・全角Lucene Luceneカタカナ カタカナ123 1 2 3

Input text Lucene カタカナ 1 2 3

CJKWidthFilter Lucene カタカナ 1 2 3

half-width full-width half-width

Use CJKWidthFilter to normalise them(Unicode NFKC subset)


How do we deal with character widths??

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Katakana end-vowel stemming

English Japanese spelling variations Japanese spelling variations Japanese spelling variationsmanager マネージャー マネージャ マネジャー

A common spelling variation in katakana is a end long-vowel sound


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Katakana end-vowel stemming

English Japanese spelling variations Japanese spelling variations Japanese spelling variationsmanager マネージャー マネージャ マネジャー

Input text コピー マネージャー マネージャ マネジャーJapaneseKatakanaStemFilter コピー マネージャ マネージャ マネジャ

copy manager manager “manager”

We JapaneseKatakanaStemFilter to normalise/stem end-vowel for long terms


A common spelling variation in katakana is a end long-vowel sound


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LemmatisationJapanese adjectives and verbs are highly inflected, how do we deal with that?


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LemmatisationJapanese adjectives and verbs are highly inflected, how do we deal with that?


kauto buy

買うDictionary form

Page 93: Japanese Linguistics in Lucene and Solr

LemmatisationJapanese adjectives and verbs are highly inflected, how do we deal with that?


kauto buy

買うDictionary form


買える 買おう買った買ったら買ったり買って買わせない買わせます買わせません買わせられない買わせられます買わせられません

Inflected forms (not exhaustive)買いませんでしたら買いませんでしたり買いませんなら買うだろう買うでしょう買うな買うまい買え買えない買えば買えます買えません


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LemmatisationJapanese adjectives and verbs are highly inflected, how do we deal with that?


kauto buy

買うDictionary form


買える 買おう買った買ったら買ったり買って買わせない買わせます買わせません買わせられない買わせられます買わせられません

Inflected forms (not exhaustive)買いませんでしたら買いませんでしたり買いませんなら買うだろう買うでしょう買うな買うまい買え買えない買えば買えます買えません


Use JapaneseBaseformFilter to normalise inflected adjectives and verbs to dictionary form(lemmatisation by reduction)


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User dictionaries• Own dictionaries can be used for ad hoc segmentation, i.e. to override default model

• File format is simple and there’s no need to assign weights, etc. before using them

• Example custom dictionary:# Custom segmentation and POS entry for long entries関西国際空港,関西 国際 空港,カンサイ コクサイ クウコウ,カスタム名詞

# Custom reading and POS former sumo wrestler Asashoryu朝青龍,朝青龍,アサショウリュウ,カスタム人名

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Japanese focus in 4.0• Improvements in JapaneseTokenizer

• Improved search mode for katakana compounds• Improved unknown word segmentation• Some performance improvements

• CharFilters for various character normalisations• Dates and numbers• Repetition marks (odoriji)

• Japanese spell-checker• Robert and Koji almost got this into 3.6, but it got

postponed because of API changes being necessary

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AcknowledgementsRobert MuirThanks for the heavy lifting integrating Kuromoji into Lucene and always reviewing my patches quickly and friendly helpMichael McCandlessThanks for streaming Viterbi and synonym compounds!Uwe SchindlerThanks for performance improvements + being the policemanSimon WillnauerThanks for doing the Kuromoji code donation process so wellGaute Lambertsen & Gerry HocksThanks for presentation feedback and being great colleagues

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Q & A

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Thank you very much!

arigatō gozaimashita!