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Trinity Update June 2016 HOLY TRINITY CHURCH ALDERSHOT ‘Church for Everyone’

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June 2016



Following Bible principles, Holy Trinity gives away a tithe, that’s 10% of the money it receives. How this is spent is largely determined by the Outward Giving Sub-Committee (OGSC) under guidance from the PCC.

Most of the money goes to 10 charities which are agreed by PCC, but OGSC considers all requests and appeals which come in during the year and can make appropriate gifts. In some cases, like the Nepal Earthquake, it can suggest that the church holds a special collection.

The six members of OGSC act as church links with the main 10 chosen charities, including Tearfund, the Bible Society, the Church Army, The Source, and Christian Solidarity. They each arrange the annual Mission Sunday display, an Update article, and anything else to do with their charity. The sub-committee meets 6 times a year – about 2 weeks before each PCC meeting.

One member has just stood down and we need a replacement. So if you are interested in publicising Christian work at home and overseas and would like to be involved in the church’s giving, please let us know. You can talk to myself or to one of the other members, Julie Edwards, Trisha Haley, Tim Welby and Alan Barber.

Oh, and no prior experience of giving away money is required – except of course your own!

Jos Johnston

Verse for the Year 2016:

‘So all of us . . . can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord, who is the Spirit, makes us more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image.’

2 Corinthians 3:18

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this issue, including to Rob Kirkup for most of the drawings and to Natalie Mitchell for proof-reading.

Please note that the July 2016 issue of Update will be in Church on Sunday 26

th June.

The LAST date for June articles will be Sunday 19th




On 14th April Rosemary Aggett continued showing her pictures of her trip to

Cuba, once again a most enjoyable afternoon.

The following week Jane Newton gave a talk with pictures of her Riding Trek in South Africa - a really interesting afternoon. It must have been quite an exhausting time for Jane, but when asked she said she would do it all over again. We finished the afternoon with a letter written by Peggy Wallis to the Queen, as Peggy was 90, the same age as the Queen. Peggy had been asked to write about this by people in the flats where she lives. Wendy then read some excerpts from our Queen book and we all toasted the Queen and sang the National Anthem.

On the 28th. Mark Harrison entertained us with stories and pictures of when he

started his career as a Bluecoat at Pontins. There were a few gremlins with the projector, but it was very interesting to see how Mark progressed to where he is today with his magic shows - an interesting afternoon for us all.

The next Thursday. Helen Black talked about UFO’s (unfinished objects), our trust in God and of how important it is to read our Bible. Helen is always fun to have as our speaker.

On May 12th everyone’s favourite, Mike Pusey, came and talked about laughter,

a time to weep and a time to laugh and read several passages from the Bible especially Psalm 126. It was lovely to have his wife Margaret with us. A great afternoon.

The following week we had a quiz and there was plenty of input from our ladies, as the questions were from the 40’s and 50’s, so lots of memories were recalled - a fun afternoon for all of us.

Nell is now happily settled in Ticehurst in the residential side. Our thanks go to Heather, Wendy and Jan for all their work in this situation. They have done so much for Nell, so huge thanks to them all.

Daphne and Jean V


As in 2015, we will be holding a Christmas Angels outreach at the end of this year, taking out into the town hundreds of knitted angels, each with a Bible verse or a message of encouragement attached.

If you are interested in joining the band of knitters, please ask Wendy Sear or Val Knight for a pattern. If you have any odds and ends of wool, they would be most welcome.

There will be more information in the July Update. 3


In May we met for our monthly lunch at Jenny’s café, which was lovely as always. In June the lunch will be on Sunday 5th June at Jenny's cafe after the 11:15 service (arriving at about 1:15pm).

The sign up sheet for the 20s30s weekend away is now at the back of church. If you haven't seen it, please put your name down asap if you would like to come. This will be held on Friday 15th July to Sunday 17th July at the Old Palace in Canterbury Cathedral. The cost is currently £30 per head, but we will be discussing the costs for bringing children this weekend and will let you know if the cost will be any different for children. This weekend will be primarily aimed at 20s30s and there won’t be any official children's events being put on, but the childcare can be shared between the parents over the weekend, if you would like to bring your children along. We have talks led by Glen and catering provided by Anita.

Do let us know if you have any further questions. Thanks, Lisa


At our meeting on May 7th we were lucky to have a visit from Siobhan, a local CPN (Community Psychiatric Nurse), who answered a lot of questions for us and left a lot of helpful literature about local services for sufferers and carers. Daphne and Jan produced lots of cakes and scones and George, Jonathan and Susan offered prayer for those who wanted it. Altogether it was a relaxed, friendly and, we hope, a helpful morning for all who attended.

Our next drop in will be in Crossover between 10.00 am and noon on Saturday June 25th.

Pat and Daphne


Thursdays 12.30-2pm, Crossover, Holy Trinity Church, Aldershot In confidence (consultations will take place in Parish Nurse Room in church) Available to discuss medical concerns, for information/advice, blood pressure / weight monitoring and prayer. Contact: Jan Nielsen, as above


The Aldershot Churches Together (ACT) prayer meetings are held monthly on a Monday (normally the fourth Monday of the month) at the Church of the Ascension, 1 Ayling Hill, at 7.45pm. This month’s ACT prayer is on:

Monday 27th

June 2016



Soul Sisters is Holy Trinity’s answer to good fun, fellowship and generally a great laugh for all “the ladies” – young (over 14 years) and more mature.

Yes ladies, our 'Fashion Show -With a twist!' will soon be here. We

hope you've all booked the date in your diaries - Saturday 18th June from 7.30pm to 9.30pm - as it's going to be a great evening.

There'll be opportunity to try on clothes from different cultures, formal wear, hats and more and why not have a memento of the evening by having a photo taken using our very own photo booth! To top it all, we'll be ending the evening with a fashion show, so for the budding models amongst us, or anyone who would like to have a go, you'll have the chance to try out our catwalk!

We'll be providing nibbles and drinks and there'll be a small charge of £3 for the evening.

We are looking for items for the evening and so if you do have any formal/evening wear, wedding outfits/dresses, country specific dress or hats that you would be happy for others to try on, then please let us know. Also we need mirrors and clothes rails, so if you have any spare that we could borrow, then please let us know.

You will find flyers for the evening in church, so please use these to invite friends, family, colleagues, and neighbours along, as we're sure they'll enjoy it. We'll also be putting a sign-up sheet at the back of the church, just so that we know numbers for catering.

Looking forward to seeing you all. Susan Wiggam

On behalf of Soul Sisters



The Tech Team will be on site to train, show people around or answer any questions about the Tech Desk and how it works.

Terry Gardiner says “I'm aiming to have the tech desk open for anyone who wishes to know anything. It's open from 10am on the 4th June until we feel no-one else is coming or 4pm, whichever is the sooner and people can just walk in and ask anything they like. We are also working on some practical exercises people can do.

At the end, hopefully someone will want to join as a sound engineer. 5


I have recently inherited a large stack of Christian books and with it the difficult task of deciding what to keep, what to recycle and what to bless others with. In my perusing I have stumbled on a number of gems, some of which you would not be able to buy now, even second-hand.

One of the books I came across, though not that old, is a selection of reflections by Sandy Millar – it contains gold! In case you are unaware, Sandy Millar is one of the most influential and respected Anglican vicars of his generation, former vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton.

What follows are some stories, anecdotes and illustrations that will encourage us in seeking to grow in our Christian faith.

Three Things

The Romanian Pastor Richard Wurmbrand was in prison for fourteen years just for being a Christian. Four of those years were spent underground in a box. When he was let out of prison his son, Mihai, who had been four when he went into prison, came to meet him at the prison gates.

On the way home conversation was rather stilted, so Mihai asked, ‘Dad, what have you learned during your fourteen years in prison?’

Wurmbrand’s reply was, ‘Well, I’ve almost forgotten my Bible in all that time, but I do know three things: That there is a God; that Jesus is his Son and that love is the best way.’

An Eternal Investment

Jim Elliot wrote this just before he died: ‘He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.’

We give as a response to God’s love. We give as an investment in the kingdom of God. Anything you want to find in heaven for you to enjoy in eternity, you have to send on ahead.

The Mandate

Somebody once asked the Duke of Wellington whether Christians should be evangelising or not. The Duke, who was wonderfully direct, said, ‘What are your orders?’

And one of the keen Christians said, ‘Well, we are told to go out and make disciples of all nations.’

‘Very well,’ said the Duke, ‘Obey your orders.’


Preaching With Faith

There was a young man who once said to the nineteenth century Baptist minister, Charles Spurgeon,

‘Why is it that whenever I preach, nobody’s converted?’

Spurgeon replied, ‘surely you don’t expect someone to be converted each time you preach?’

‘No, I don’t...’

‘Well,’ he said, ‘that’s why.’

A Prayer Revival

The evangelisation of the world depends upon a revival of prayer. Prayer is the life blood of the people of God. The New Testament lays a greater stress on prayer than it does on the evangelisation of people.

There is a deeper need to pray than there is even for people to be converted, and I don’t say that lightly, because there is a fierce need for conversions. But conversions won’t happen unless we are praying and the Bible says that from beginning to end.

It is not because there is magic in prayer. The reason is the relationship with God, of which prayer is an expression. Of course prayer doesn’t achieve anything in itself – it is God who achieves it, but through the relationship we have with Him in prayer.

Blessings Jonathan

THE REFERENDUM ON EUROPE – how can we decide?

George recommends the following resources to help people to make an informed choice from a Christian perspective when voting in the Referendum, suggesting that people read the easily viewable or downloadable booklets from:

o the Jubilee Centre (www.jubilee-centre.org), ‘Brexit unless . . .Three Fundamental Conditions’

o Theos (www.theosthinktank.co.uk) ‘A Soul for the Union’; this can be downloaded as a PDF or bought as a booklet.

George says, “A really important decision lies ahead for the nation and we do need to be informed!”



Dear Friends,

It is a good discipline to look back and see how God has been working. Over the last month or so there have been some lovely opportunities to do just that. In our AGM we looked back and could give thanks to God for so many different things, as well as celebrating what so many people do in His service at Holy Trinity. It is always good to affirm people in the ways that they give their time and skills.

The other opportunity we had was to celebrate the eighth birthday of the Town Centre Pastoral Team on 1st May. After we had had a nice meal together, many of the team shared about the different times they had very clearly seen God at work on the streets over the years. We were also able to thank Gwen, as she was stepping down as Administrator after serving for more than eight years. (We are currently looking for another Administrator if you are interested.)

Do spend some time yourself looking back and seeing how God has been at work in your life. Do give Him thanks, as well as seeking Him for how he continues to work in and through you. But also, look to other people and affirm them in their ministry and point out to them how He is at work in them. That is always a very positive experience for the person and, if we can be doing that for everyone and to one another, we will see the church being built up in faith and confidence.

Another privilege recently was our 10 days of prayer, during which we had all

sorts of different types of gatherings to pray in different ways at different times of the day and evening. Huge thanks to Jonathan for organising it so well and for all of you who came along to partake in this most important of corporate activities. [See page 13 for some personal accounts]

If you would like to go deeper in your faith and walk with God, there is the diocesan Summer School coming up in July between 4

th and 16th. You can go

online (http://www.cofeguildford.org.uk/life/summer-school) to see all the details, but there are also some brochures and posters at the back of church. They are often one session meetings of various subjects, some in the morning, some in the afternoon and some in the evening and at various locations around the diocese. Do book in, or maybe you might decide as a complete small group to go together to one such gathering. The theme for the two weeks is Abundant Life.

I started this brief letter suggesting that we look back and give thanks. But now we have gone through our really important time to Pray Big for 10 days, we can also look ahead with anticipation and faith to seeing God at work more and more in and through us, in our town and nation and throughout the world. But don't let it stop there; praying is a real adventure and the deeper we go the more we will see, as well as the nearer we will draw to God.


One very small request – would anyone like to take on the oversight and running of our church library? It is always good to be reading Christian books and we have a good number of them, but they do need sorting every now and again and sometimes we would like to source new and helpful ones, as well as reviewing them from the front of church. If you are interested, please see a member of staff.

Looking ahead, we have our 5 Congregation Service on Sunday 26th June at

11.15, joining our two congregations as well as worshipping with the Baptist Church and the Nepalese and African congregations that meet here at Holy Trinity. Jesus loves unity and prayed earnestly for it, so please do come along and be part of it.

The previous Sunday, 19th June, is Father’s Day and I have a number of very

helpful booklets called Founding Fathers by CVM, which look to all aspects of fathering (and grandfathering!) I would be delighted to give one to you if you are a father/grandfather and want to become a more godly one.

Lastly, I know Christmas is a long way ahead, but we are planning to repeat our Christmas Angels outreach, so do get knitting again!! (see page 3 for more


So may you be encouraged to as you look back and know you look ahead with faith, as you step out into His future with Him.

May you all continue to be blessed and be a blessing to those on your front lines.


Sarah Rebecca Newton and

Gordon Edward James Taylor

would love you to join them for their wedding on 6th August 2016 at Holy Trinity Church at 1pm. There will be tea and cake provided after.



The Earthquake – one year on

We must all remember the earthquakes which devastated much of Nepal in April last year. As a church we joined with the Nepali church to collect money for the relief appeal by the International Nepal Fellowship (INF). One year on much has been done, but many problems still remain.

INF worked with the Pokhara Christian Community and was on the ground within days, delivering food packs to 3,556 households. Church volunteers were very active and the Pokhara churches’ support agency (ACN) was out trying to reach affected areas. They were told it was impossible to get a truck to Thumi, but set out anyway! The vehicle got stuck, the road was blocked with trees and there were mud and landslides, but after 6 days they made it, much to the astonishment and gratitude of the people there. In total over 7500 households in places like Thumi received food, shelter and other relief items.

INF also provided medical care for the injured, some in its rehabilitation hospital, but also through sending out medical teams and holding camps in the rural districts. It has helped re-build government health posts – better ones than those destroyed by the earthquake, which has encouraged the local health workers who had been left with very little. It has provided counselling for those traumatised.

Temporary classrooms have been built so that schools can restart. One head teacher in Gorkha commented that

“so much uncertainty has been really hard, especially on the children. Having something familiar like school to help them get back into a routine has been an important step in their recovery.”

Many of these stories with pictures are in INF’s “Nepal Earthquake one year on”. I have requested copies for the INF table on INF Sunday, 5

th June.



But the main part of our giving to INF goes to supporting Abraham Shrestha, whom many of you will have met, and who will be with us to speak at church on 5

th June.

Abraham lives in Northern Ireland with his family, but travels among the 37 Nepali fellowships, groups and churches in the UK, of which the Church here in Aldershot is one of the largest. His work involves:-


Supporting independent Nepali fellowships

Encouraging the establishment of new ones

Providing pastoral care and mentoring.

While fellowships like Swindon and Aldershot have seen new people coming to the Lord almost every month, growth elsewhere has been much slower and Abraham particularly tries to pray and discuss this with the leaders there. Different fellowships last year decided on different strategies – door-to-door evangelism, healing meetings, visiting programmes, informal gatherings for interested outsiders, and relationship building. Abraham has also been involved in leading camps for Nepali young people, and speaks at the quarterly combined services for all the different groups.

And Abraham’s work has been growing outside of Britain: in Finland, Portugal, Holland, Belgium, Ireland, and other European countries where Nepalis are settling. By last summer, the only full Nepali Fellowships were in Lisbon and in Helsinki and Tampere in Finland. Some of the continental Christians he has visited, and some he encourages regularly through Skype or phone calls. The demands from Europe are growing and time consuming, so Abraham would appreciate prayer as he sets his priorities.

We look forward to hearing more from him on INF Sunday, 5th June.

Jos Johnston


There is an introductory session for this great course on 14th July. The main course will start in September and will be held in Camberley. Let George know if you are interested.


Big Mac Bite

A bit of Monkey Business

There’s a “Rumble in the Jungle”, can you hear it? We’re well into the summer term and so time is nearing for our Summer Kids Club. The club will run from 9


th August for 4 – 11 year olds, and will include games, crafts, stories,

teaching, quizzes, challenges, bush-tucker trials and much more.

This year there will also be a very special event on the Saturday (13th August)

which will be open to all of the children coming to the club and their families, as well as the church family. More information will be provided in the future, however keep the date free as this will be an event that you will not want to miss.

The week will conclude with an all in service on the Sunday (14th August), which

will be open to all and will include some of the things that we will have been doing throughout the week. Please pray for the preparations for the club, for the leaders and volunteers and of course the children who will be coming.

We will be in need of people to come and help out during the week with games, crafts, in the kitchen and of course group leaders. If you would like to be involved, or would like any more information, please come and see me.

Did you spot the deliberate mistake?

We are planning our next HT Kids Weekend Away for October this year, however the dates that were given in last month’s update were slightly wrong (oops, sorry), the actual dates will be 21

st October – 23

rd October (the first

weekend of the October half term) and will be for school years 3 and up. Please pray for us and for the preparations for the weekend. 12

10 Days of Prayer

“When children pray, things happen”

As part of the 10 days of prayer we had the privilege of having three family prayer sessions. These were open for people of all ages, but had a specific intention of helping children and families engage in prayer. We therefore had several prayer stations for each session, looking at praise and worship, prayer for each other, for friends and families, and for people and Christians throughout the world (if you would like to see some of the things that we were doing, then they are available to see on the walls of the church near the music group and the pigeon holes).

Each of the sessions was amazing and it was wonderful seeing children of different ages engaging in prayer with their Father God.



During the Ten Days of prayer leading up to Pentecost, many of us took part in at least one of the sessions and found them a blessing. Jonathan says "we had some really special gatherings with both adults and children taking part and taking a lead". At his suggestion, we are publishing the comments of some of those who took part.

The "10 day call to prayer" was blessed for the relatively few who took it up seriously, believing that God was watching and waiting to bless us, in Trinity, in Aldershot, in our country and in the world. It was so well organised and we loved it. We still need a Pentecost of POWER. Individuals were blessed. We are still full of hope, expectancy and vision, which we pray will be communicated to the church. We pray and wait.

Carol Edgoose It was great to get to a couple of the prayer meetings. We attended the Monday evening and I was encouraged by sharing a couple of words from God which I had for people! I also attended the Prayer meeting for persecuted Christians. This subject is close to my heart and I always have a mixed response of faith and a little fear! It was good to read and be thankful for the display of answers to prayer for our persecuted brothers and sisters. In the small group prayer time we prayed for a lady I know who had said she wanted to self-harm. I was pleased when I subsequently spoke to her that she hadn't! Praise God!

Mary Schrick I joined a group from the Graham and Gardiner families, having never previously prayed with them in a small group. We all felt that it was a time of real blessing, perhaps partly because of the different mix of people involved.

Christine Ward 13


Over the past couple of months I’ve been reading a book by Tim Keller on Prayer. The book is actually just called Prayer – but it’s the sub-title which is intriguing – ‘Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God’. I wonder how many of us would associate the words Awe and Intimacy with the word Prayer?

Tim Keller, for those of you who haven’t heard of him, is a well-known American pastor and teacher. He has written a number of books – accessible Bible Commentaries, as well as books on Apologetics; he started a church in New York in 1989, and it now has a weekly attendance of some 5,000. Newsweek have called him a C S Lewis for the 21

st century, because of the popularity of

his writing. Certainly if you google his name, you will have plenty of material to keep you going!

He wrote this book in 2014 – in the book he recounts how his own prayer life was challenged by what was happening in his life – and that of his family – in fact he would say that the circumstances of his life, meant that the way he had been praying up till then was not adequate; and so he went back to look at prayer again. And the book comes out of how his life has changed.

The book itself has 5 sections:

Desiring Prayer This section covers both the necessity and greatness of prayer

Understanding Prayer What is prayer? That’s the subject of this section – for Keller, prayer is both a conversation and an encounter with God. Again, not words that we would perhaps necessarily link with Prayer?

Learning Prayer How do we pray? Keller looks back to three of the greatest theologians in the history of the Church – Augustine, Luther and Calvin (Keller writes from a Protestant Presbyterian background), to see how they advised people to pray. He also looks at the Lord’s Prayer and develops a set of touchstones, to help us pray. There’s more on the Touchstones later.

Deepening Prayer This section goes deeper into the two aspects of Conversation and Encounter, focusing on the importance of meditating on God’s word as a means of feeding our prayers, so that in our praying we pray back God’s word to him

Doing Prayer This section explores how we experience Awe and Intimacy in our prayer life, as well as some of the struggles we have with prayer.


This is a very practical book. Whenever he suggests doing something, he gives an example of how to do it. In going back to Augustine, Luther and Calvin, Keller reaches back to the experience of people who have wrestled with what it means to pray. He doesn’t minimize the fact that often people find prayer hard, and that God at times feels absent; but the focus is on the times of awe and intimacy. And he has a number of key messages:

Prayer is hard – it can be dry, but we have to stick with it

There is a close link between corporate public prayer, and our private prayer life. The two feed off and promote each other. If you find corporate prayer hard, how is your private prayer life?

The Bible should feed our prayers – in terms of meditation on the word prompting both worship, confession and our requests

While there are no rules about when we should pray, discipline in times of prayer is important – Keller recommend a time of prayer in the morning and the evening.

There is nothing wrong with using prayers that other people have written, but we need to make them our own, rather than repeating them rabbit fashion. Keller particularly recommends Cranmer’s prayers and collects!

Keller’s suggested pattern for a time of prayer is as follows:

1. Evocation – a short time to remember that we come into the presence of God

2. Meditation – taking a passage from the Bible and chewing over what it means, and how it applies to us – does it show us something to worship God for, something to confess, an area where we need to ask for help? This is when we can expect the Spirit to speak to us.

3. Word Prayer – prayers based on our meditation, praying this back to God – this is part of our conversation with God

4. Free Prayer – praying for those things that are on our heart. There’s nothing wrong with telling God what is important for and to us.

5. Contemplation – similar to the ‘evocation’, a short time at the end of our prayers to remind ourselves, as the Lord’s Prayer finishes, that the kingdom, the power and the glory are God’s.

I have found this both a challenging and an encouraging book to read. It has made me aware that there are things in the way I pray that I need work on – in one sense, this will always be true as long as we are this side of death and the Lord’s return. But the vision of prayer as being an encounter and conversation with a loving heavenly Father is a very attractive vision.

The book is published by Hodder & Stoughton, with ISBN 978-1-444-75015-7. It only appears to be in hardback, although there is an eBook version available, but no paperback. At the Triangle, it is £16.99, whereas it will obviously be cheaper on Amazon. If a number of people are interested, it may be possible to do a bulk deal with the Triangle.


I would highly recommend this book, especially if you are finding prayer a struggle at the moment. But I think that there are few people who would not benefit from reading this book.

The touchstones that Keller suggests for prayer are the summary of the various rules and principles of prayer suggested by Augustine, Luther and Calvin, based on their reading of the Bible and on their experience. One of the ironclad rules of prayer is that there is no magic formula, which if you say it right, unlocks the door. Rather, prayer is about our desire for God, and is a function of how much we desire God. But these are ways to test the purity and genuineness of our prayers, and they cover all of life – according to Calvin, prayer is the way we receive everything there is for us in Christ.

John Kellagher

A table summarising the key features of prayer has been held over for lack of space and will appear in the July Update.


There's a great opportunity to share your faith in Jesus as part of the team

manning the ACT (Aldershot Churches Together) stall at Victoria Day on

Saturday June 11th. Join us for one or two hours between 10am and 4pm in Aldershot Town Centre. To register or enquire please contact John Cook (330770 or [email protected]) or Gwen (209395). The team would also welcome home-made cakes, biscuits and jams to sell on the stall and help from anyone able to offer face painting.

On Sunday 12th June, Citizens Advice are holding an event called the Big

Lunch around the bandstand in Princes Gardens, Aldershot. The event runs

from 12noon to 4pm and is one of many taking place across the country. They say “The aim is to bring together the local community and it is a great way to meet other people and find out what’s going on locally. Come along, bring the family and a picnic lunch and relax and enjoy the day. We are being joined by various other organisations and charities from across the Aldershot area who will have a variety of stands. “

Activities to keep children and parents amused will include Face Painting, Balloon Modelling, Craft Tables and Races for children, Bands, Singers and Dancers, games such as Duck Fishing, a Treasure Hunt and a Quiz.

Churches Together in Fleet and Crookham

Training Day for Local Houses of Prayer

(a connected ministry of Ffald y Brenin)

Saturday 18th

June, 10.00am to 3.30pm

Fleet Baptist Church, 115 Clarence Road, Fleet GU51 3RS

See poster at the back of church



This year’s Diocesan summer school, entitled Abundant Life, takes place from

4th to 16

th July at various venues across the diocese and with a wide range of

speakers and topics. For details of all the sessions see: http://www.cofeguildford.org.uk/life/summer-school

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Hants-Surrey Border Methodist Circuit is looking to appoint a part-time lay worker, to be attached to the Methodist Churches in Fleet and Farnham. The post is for 21 hours per week. The closing date for applications is 11

th June.

For more information see the notice board at the back of church or contact Charlotte Hodson, Circuit Administrator at

[email protected] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Aerobility is a British flying charity based at Blackbushe airport in Camberley. Aerobility supports all disabled people to turn the dream of flying into an exhilarating and fulfilling reality. Anyone with any disability (for example dementia, physical disability, mental disability, learning disability, sensory disability or injured military personnel) can learn to fly with Aerobility. To get started you can either book a trial flight for £63 or you can book an Aviation experience for a group.

For an introduction to Aerobility please visit https://vimeo.com/158819509 and for more information please visit http://www.aerobility.com or Tel 0303 303 1230.

Ellie Jones - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Deirdre Baker, a member of HT, offers a cleaning and/or ironing service, which

can be for a short one-off blitz. If interested, contact Deirdre on 317833.


Your ironing done in my smoke & pet free home. Very reasonable rates. Please ring Cathy Hawkins on 07792 913553 for details.


Please let me know if you would like your dog walked. I can provide references re: my trustworthiness etc. Also, if you know of anyone elderly or incapacitated who needs helps with light chores, please contact me too.



Diocesan Summer School July 4th to 16

th (see page 8)

July 15-17th 20s30s weekend away to the Old Palace at Canterbury (page 4) July 16

th, 8.30am Ladies prayer breakfast in Crossover

18th & 25

th Aug & 1

st Sept - Holiday at Home (more info next time)


th September Soul Sisters weekend at Axminster (page 5)



October HT Kids Weekend Away (page 12).

There is a hearing loop in the main church building and also in Crossover. To tune into the loop use the “T” mode setting on your hearing aid.


A small number of copies of Update and the Prayer Diary in larger print are available at the back of church. Please tell

Arthur or Christine Ward (01252 320210) if more copies are needed.

Large print hymn books are also available at the back of church – if you need one, please ask a sidesperson.

Whom do I tell…

…when something needs to be done in the HT building or site?

When something is broken or needs replacing, tell Don Payne (01252 653182).

For toilet rolls and paper towels – tell Jean Embelton. (01252 320926).

Pastoral Assistants: Pat Clare [email protected] Tel: 336683 Carol Cole [email protected] Tel: 511541 Joan Davies, [email protected] Tel: 328984 Jacquie Kellagher [email protected] Tel: 337841 Joyce Newton [email protected] Tel: 07794 402788 Aehee Payne [email protected] Tel: 653182 Julia Todd [email protected] Tel: 656950


HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, ALDERSHOT Victoria Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 1SJ Church Office (when manned) Tel: 333499

Vicar: Rev’d George Newton: (Tuesdays off duty) Tel: 320618

2, Cranmore Lane, Aldershot GU11 3AS [email protected] Mobile: 07920 867014

Associate Minister: Jonathan Wiggam (Church Army) (Tuesdays off duty)

Tel: 314418 Mobile: 07 860 875157 311 Woodland Walk, North Lane, GU12 4FE [email protected]

Associate Minister: Rev’d John Kellagher (Tuesdays off duty) Tel: 337841 32 Ayling Lane, Aldershot GU11 3LZ [email protected]

Children’s Minister: Simon McEvansoneya Tel: 07562 307109

7 Birchett House, 48 Birchett Road, Aldershot, GU11 1LG (home tel no: 209522) [email protected]

Licensed Lay Ministers: Jean Embelton Tel: 320926 Ursula Johnston Tel: 702591

Wardens: Ben Smith Tel: 07803 805563

68 Holly Road, Aldershot GU12 4RJ [email protected]

Alan Barber [email protected] Flat 5, 59 Lynchford Road, Farnborough GU14 6EJ 07787 534611

Church Parking Warden: Garry Webb Tel: 331884

1 Sandford Road, Aldershot GU11 3AE [email protected]

Treasurer: Mike Ashworth [email protected] Tel 501522 Friends of Trinity (FOT) envelopes: Vacancy

Child Protection Officers: Ali Draper, [email protected] 640019 Julie Edwards [email protected] 321357

HT Site & Buildings Manager: Don Payne (653182 [email protected])

Hall Bookings: Jean Embelton Tel: 320926

Women’s Hour: Daphne Inglis Tel: 328205

Contact (Parents’ & Toddlers’ Group): Joan Davies & Carol Cole

(see opposite for phone & email)

Fellowship Groups: please see separate leaflet

Prayer Tree: email John Kellagher [email protected] or Jacquie Kellagher [email protected]

Weekly notice sheet: Mark Harrison [email protected]

Tech desk email address: [email protected]

Magazine editors: Christine & Arthur Ward Tel: 320210

21, Church Hill, Aldershot GU12 4JT [email protected]

Website: http://www.htca.org.uk Webmaster: [email protected]


1 11.15am Holy Communion with Praise, Prayer & Prophecy

2.30 & 8.00pm Fellowship Groups (Weds*) 7.30pm POD Groups (Weds*) 7.30pm Alpha (Weds*) 2 8.30am Prayer for Renewal (Thursdays) 2.30pm Women’s Hour in Crossover (Thursdays) 7.30pm POD Groups (Thursdays*) 3 7.45pm TCPT meeting in Crossover 4 from 10.00am Tech Desk Open Day (See page 5) 5 SUNDAY - International Nepal Fellowship (INF)

9.30am Morning Praise 11.15am Alternative Service from 1.15pm 20s30s lunch at Jenny's café (See page 4) 6.00pm Worship, Word and Prayer 6 7.30pm PRAISE, PRAYER AND PROPHECY 7 2.00 & 7.30pm Fellowship Groups (Tuesdays*) 8 11.15am Holy Communion followed by tea and biscuits (Weds) 9 10-11.30am Contact for parents and toddlers Thursdays in term * 10 9.30-11am Parent POD (Fridays in term*) 10.30am Fellowship Group at Kingsley Court (alternate Fridays) 6-7pm HT Kids Club for 5 to 11 year olds (Fridays in term*) 7.45pm Worship Team practice 11 Simon, Mark, Garry & Cathy abseil for The Vine (see May Update page 15) 12 SUNDAY 9.30am Morning Praise 11.15am Alternative Service 6.00pm Worship, Word and Prayer

18 7.30 - 9.30pm Soul Sisters Fashion Show (See page 5) 19 SUNDAY (Fathers’ Day) (See page 9) cc 9.30am Morning Praise 11.15am Alternative Service 6.00pm Worship, Word and Prayer


10.00am - noon

Mental Health Drop In (see page 4)

26 SUNDAY 11.15am Five Congregation Service (see page 9) 6.00pm Worship, Word and Prayer 27 7.45pm ACT Prayer at Church of the Ascension (see page 4)

* Check dates with group leaders. Summer half-term holiday in Hampshire schools is Saturday 28 May to Sunday 5 June 2016. Summer Term ends Wednesday 20 July 2016.


“What prayer is” summary of the … held over from John’s article in the June Update

What Prayer Is

Work Prayer is a duty and a discipline

Word Prayer is conversing with God

Balance Prayer is adoration, confession, thanks and supplication

What Prayer Requires

Grace Prayer is “in Jesus’ name”, based on the gospel

Fear Prayer is the heart engaged in loving awe

Helplessness Prayer is accepting one’s weakness and dependence

What Prayer Gives

Perspective Prayer reorients your view toward God

Strength Prayer is spiritual union with God

Spiritual Reality Prayer seeks a heart sense of the presence of God

Where Prayer Takes Us

Self-knowledge Prayer requires and creates honesty and self-knowledge.

Trust Prayer requires and creates both restful trust and confident hope

Surrender Prayer requires and creates surrender of the whole life in love to God

John Kellagher